Maths Test Practise
Maths Test Practise
Maths Test Practise
Total Marks 50
Q1. Given b = 3i + 6j k and c = 2i 3j + 5k, find
( 2 + 2 + 3 + 3 +3 marks)
a) 3b 2c
b) The scalar product b.c
c) The angle between b and c
d) The vector component of b in the direction of c
e) b x c
Q2. An object initially has (x, y, z) coordinates (3, -1, 2), and moves to the point with
coordinates (5, 4, -7).
(2 + 4 marks)
a) Find the vector which describes the displacement of the object.
b) If a force of magnitude 6 N in the direction of 2i 6j + 3k acts on the object as
it is moved, what is the work done?
Q3. Convert the decimal number 629.43
to its binary, octal and hexadecimal
equivalent notation with at least three digits after the point.
(2 + 2 +2 marks)
Q4. Using binary arithmetic, calculate 1101.011
+ 1011.101
, clearly setting out
the operations performed (including any "carry" digits).
(2 marks)
Q5. Using binary arithmetic, calculate 101.01
X 110.11
, clearly setting out
the operations performed (including any "carry" digi ts).
(2 marks)
Q6. Solve for x, finding exact values or numerical values correct to four decimal
places: (2 + 2 +2 marks)
c) ( )
( )
Q7. Express the following set an interval: (2 marks)
a) * | | +
Q8. Solve the following inequalities: (3 + 3 +3 marks)
Q9. Given three variables A, B and C linked by the relation
(2 + 2 marks)
(a) Find the value of A (to at least 3 decimal places) if B = 4.173 and C = 8.912 .
(b) Transpose the formula to make B the subject.