B-9-1, Draw Bode diagrams of the lead network and lag
network shown in Figures 9-61(a) and (b), respectively
‘Assume that R = 50kQand C = 10,F,
BLS, Referring to the closed-loop system shown in Figure
9-63, design a lead compensator G(s) such that the phase
‘margin is 45°, gain margin is not less than 8 dB, and the static
velocity error constant K, is 4.0 sec" Plot unit-step and unit-
ramp response curves of the compensated system with
Figure 9-61
(a) Lead network; (b) lag network.
een .+3)
sete PO cutter by
Gs) = 5(1 + 058)
B-9-3, Consider a PID controller given by
(s+ 065)
GAs) = 303215"
Draw a Bode diagram of the controller.
B-9-4, Figure 9-62 shows a block diagram of a space vehi-
le attitude control system. Determine the proportional gain
constant K,, and derivative time 7; such thatthe bandwidth
of the closed-loop system is 0 to 0.5 rad/sec, (Note that
the closed-loop bandwidth s close to the gain crossover fe
4queney.) The system must have an adequate phase margin,
Plot both the open-loop and closed-loop frequency response
curves on Bode diagrams
Figure 9-62,
‘Block diagram of space vehicle attitude control system.
‘Closed-toop system,
B-9-6, Consider the system shown in Figure 9-64. Design
a compensator such that the static velocity error constant K,
is 50 sec", phase margin is 50°, and gain margin not less
than 8 dB. Plot unitstep and unit-ramp response curves of
the compensated and uncompensated systems with
cad | hy
Figure 9-64
Control system.
B-9-7. Consider the system shown in Figure 9-65. Design
‘a compensator such that the static velocity error constaat is
4 sec, phase margin is 50°, and gain margin is 10 dB or
‘more, Plot unitstep and unit-ramp response curves of the
‘compensated system with MATLAB. Also, draw a Nyquist
plot of the compensated system with MATLAB.
G0) am
Figure 9-65
Control system.
679B-9-8, Consider the system shown in Figure 9-66. It is
sired to design a compensator such that the static velocity
error constant is4 sec", phase margin is 0°,and gain margin
{8 4B or more. Plot the unitstep and unit-ramp response
curves of the compensated system with MATLAB,
fo Lf eon
Ges) 7 Fe0ised
Hydralioseno Atri
Rate gyro
Figure 9-66
Control system,
. T
a9) aa DES
Figure 9-67
Control system.
{B-9-9, Consider the system shown in Figure 9-67. Design
‘ Tag-lead compensator such that the static velocity error
constant K, is 20 see“ phase margin is 60°, and gain margin
is not less than 8 dB. Plot the unitstep and unit-ramp
response curves ofthe compensated system with MATLAB.
Chapter 9 / Control Systems Design by Frequency Response