The document lists various chain block models from Vital Chain Block in Japan. It provides the stock code, capacity in tons, and standard lift in meters for each chain block model ranging from 1/2 ton to 5 tons lifting capacity. It also lists lever block models from Vital Lever with capacities from 0.3 to 4 tons. Key features highlighted are the reliability and quality control processes used by Vital for its lifting products.
The document lists various chain block models from Vital Chain Block in Japan. It provides the stock code, capacity in tons, and standard lift in meters for each chain block model ranging from 1/2 ton to 5 tons lifting capacity. It also lists lever block models from Vital Lever with capacities from 0.3 to 4 tons. Key features highlighted are the reliability and quality control processes used by Vital for its lifting products.
The document lists various chain block models from Vital Chain Block in Japan. It provides the stock code, capacity in tons, and standard lift in meters for each chain block model ranging from 1/2 ton to 5 tons lifting capacity. It also lists lever block models from Vital Lever with capacities from 0.3 to 4 tons. Key features highlighted are the reliability and quality control processes used by Vital for its lifting products.
The document lists various chain block models from Vital Chain Block in Japan. It provides the stock code, capacity in tons, and standard lift in meters for each chain block model ranging from 1/2 ton to 5 tons lifting capacity. It also lists lever block models from Vital Lever with capacities from 0.3 to 4 tons. Key features highlighted are the reliability and quality control processes used by Vital for its lifting products.
CVCB05 1/2 Ton 2.5 Meter CVCB0530 1/2 Ton 3.0 Meter CVCB0550 1/2 Ton 5.0 Meter CVCB05100 1/2 Ton 10.0 Meter CVCB10 1 Ton 2.5 Meter Uprooting Trees CVCB1030 1 Ton 3.0 Meter CVCB1050 2 Ton 5.0 Meter CVCB10100 3 Ton 10.0 Meter CVCB15 1-1/2 Ton 2.5 Meter CVCB1530 1-1/2 Ton 3.0 Meter CVCB1550 1-1/2 Ton 5.0 Meter CVCB20 2 Ton 3.0 Meter Laying Conduits & Pipeines CVCB2050 2 Ton 5.0 Meter CVCB30 3 Ton 3.0 Meter CVCB3050 3 Ton 5.0 Meter CVCB30100 3 Ton 10.0 Meter CVCB50 5 Ton 3.0 Meter CVCB5050 5 Ton 5.0 Meter Mo!ing Produ"ts FEATURES :- V#T$L %&&'() P(%*UCT) T+$T $(' *')#,-'* &%( L%-,T#M' U)' . P(%V#*#-, T+' L%/')T P%))#BL' P'(-U)' C%)T . #nstaing Under /ater Pu0p /#T+ )P'$C#$L $LL%1 L%$* C+$#- ' VITAL ' V LEVER ( LEVER BLOCK ) - JAPAN STK CODE CAPACITY STD LIFT LIFTING CVVL05 0.5 Ton 1.5 Meter CVVL02 0.3 Ton 1.5 Meter CVVL10 1.0 Ton 1.5 Meter CVVL15 1.4 Ton 1.5 Meter CVVL30 3.2 Ton 1.5 Meter CVVL40 4.0 Ton 1.5 Meter PULLING PRODUCT RELIABILITY ( The Vit! P"!i#$ ) $ Vita -i"e Le!er use opti0u0.5ig5 6uaity 0ateria 7or t5e "5ain. 5oo8. press and ot5er se"tions.and are 0anu7a"tured using t5e ates pro"essing te"5noogies . LO%ERING FASTERING /e "are7uy "5e"8 and e!ery and e!ery produ"ts 9e7ore s5ipping 3.2 ton