The Goals of The Neurological Examination Are Several: Anwar Wardy
The Goals of The Neurological Examination Are Several: Anwar Wardy
The Goals of The Neurological Examination Are Several: Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
The Neurological
The goals of the neurological
examination are several
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Independent learning
Case discussion during weekly didactics
Student presentations on a topic
Consider some online material to
supplement didactics or case discussions
Group-study meeting
? PDA use to track experiences
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Major Diagnoses for clerkship
(Kuasai Sebelum Masuk RS)
Substance induced
In context of delirium
*Mood disorders
Bipolar disorder
*Substance abuse and
Head and spinal cord injury
Radiculopathy and
Brief survey of neuro-oncology
*Movement Disorders
Parkinsons ,Essential tremor,
Myasthenia & ALS
Multiple Sclerosis
Well child neurology examination
Static and progressive
Pediatric epilepsy
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Didactic Topics
(Umumnya di Indonesia)
Emergency psychiatry
Mood Disorders
Confusion or memory problems
(Dementia and delirium)
Child psychiatry
Personality development
Substance dependence (alcohol
and others)
Neuroscience review
Eating disorders
Personality disorders
Anxiety disorders
Systems of practice in psychiatry
Weakness Neuromuscular
Numbness sensory changes
Neurological exam and what it
Pediatric neurology exam
Loss of consciousness differential
(seizure, syncope, coma)
Epilepsy- Adult and pediatric
Sleep disorders
Pain and headache
Shaking-Movement disorders
Disorders of intracranial pressure
Head and spinal cord injury
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Integrated Longitudinal
Disease prevention and health promotion issues related to stroke
and prevention and health
Stroke prevention, endarterectomy, migraine headache treatment,
End of life care mgmt after stroke, ALS, Huntingtons, and neuro-
diagnoses diagonses for quality of life
Ethics cases on informed consent
Nutrition- childhood developmental disorders
Pain mgmt-Headache, back pain, neuropathy and neuropathic pain
Path and lab -?
Patient safety head injury, topics of suicide risk prevention,
involuntary commitments, informed consent, drug interactions,
driving and epilepsy
Professional communication working as a consultant and roles
Radiology neuroradiology, interventional neurology
System based practice-systems of care in psychiatry
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
For patients presenting with symptoms
suggestive of a neurological problem, the
examination should
Determine, on the basis of an organized and
thorough examination, whether in fact neurological
dysfunction exists.
Identify which component(s) of the neurological
system are affected (e.g. motor, sensory, cranial
nerves, or possibly several systems
If possible, determine the precise location of the
problem (e.g. peripheral v central nervous system;
region and side of the brain affected etc.).
On the basis of these findings, generate a list of
possible etiologies. Unlikely diagnoses can be
excluded and appropriate testing (e.g. brain and
spinal cord imaging) then applied in an orderly and
logical fashion.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Screening for the presence of discrete abnormalities in
patients at risk for the development of neurological
disorders. This is appropriate for individuals who
have no particular subjective symptoms
suggestive of a neurological problem, yet have
systemic illnesses that might put them at risk for
subtle dysfunction. Diabetic patients, for example
(particularly those with long standing poor
control), may develop peripheral nerve
dysfunction. This may only be detected through
careful sensory testing (see Sensory Testing),
which would have important clinical implications.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
1. Cursory screening/documentation of baseline
function for those who are otherwise healthy. In
patients with neither signs nor risk factors for
neurological disease, its unlikely that the detailed
exam would uncover occult problems. Simply
observing the patient during the course of the usual
H&P (i.e. watching them walk, get up and down from
the exam table, etc.) may well suffice. Many
examiners incorporate some aspects of the neuro
exam into their standard evaluations. Cranial Nerve
testing, for example, can be easily blended into the
Head and Neck evaluation. Deciding what other
aspects to routinely include is based on judgment
and experience.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
The major areas of the exam, covering the
most testable components of the
neurological system, include:
Mental status testing (covered in a separate
section of this web site)
Cranial Nerves
Muscle strength, tone and bulk
Cerebellar Function
Sensory Function
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Real and imagined problems with
the neurological examination
The neurological examination is one of
the least popular and (perhaps) most
poorly performed aspects of the
complete physical. I suspect that this
situation exists for several reasons:
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
This exam is perceived as being time and labor intensive.
Students and house staff never develop an adequate level of
confidence in their ability to perform the exam, nor in the accuracy
of their findings. This, in turn, probably translates into poor
performance later in their careers.
Exam findings are often quite subjective.Thus, particularly when the
examiner does not have confidence in their abilities (see above),
interpretation of the results can be problematic.
Understanding/Interpretation of some neurological findings requires
an in depth understanding of neuroanatomy and pathophysiology.
As many clinicians do not see a large number of patients with
neurological disorders, they likely maintain a limited working
understanding of this information.
There is an over reliance on the utility of neuro-imaging (e.g. CT,
MRI). These studies provide an evaluation of anatomy but not
function. Thus, while extremely helpful, they must be interpreted
within the context of exam findings. Careful examination may make
imaging unnecessary. Also, exam findings can make a strong case
for the presence of a pathologic process, even if it is not seen on a
particular radiological study (i.e. there are limits to what can be
seen on even the most high tech imaging).
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Cranial Nerve (CN) Testing
CN3, 4, 5
CN9, 10
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Cranial Nerve 1 (Olfactory):
Each nostril should be checked separately.
Push on the outside of the nares, occluding
the side that is not to be tested.
Have the patient close their eyes. Make sure
that the patient is able to inhale and exhale
through the open nostril.
Present a small test tube filled with
something that has a distinct, common odor
(e.g. ground coffee) to the open nostril. The
patient should be able to correctly identify
the smell.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Alcohol Pad Sniff Test
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Cranial Nerve 2 (Optic)
Each eye is tested separately. If the patient uses glasses to view
distant objects, they should be permitted to wear them (referred
to as best corrected vision).
A Snellen Chart is the standard, wall mounted device used for
this assessment. Patients are asked to read the letters or
numbers on successively lower lines (each with smaller images)
until you identify the last line which can be read with 100%
accuracy. Each line has a fraction written next to it. 20/20
indicates normal vision. 20/400 means that the patient's vision
20 feet from an object is equivalent to that of a normal person
viewing the same object from 400 feet. In other words, the larger
the denominator, the worse the vision.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Snellen chart for measuring
visual acuity
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Hand held visual
acuity card
There are hand held
cards that look
like Snellen
Charts but are
positioned 14
inches from the
patient. These are
used simply for
Testing and
interpretation are
as described for
the Snellen.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
If neither chart is available and the patient has
visual complaints, some attempt should be
made to objectively measure visual acuity. This
is a critically important reference point,
particularly when trying to communicate the
magnitude of a visual disturbance to a
consulting physician. Can the patient read news
print? The headline of a newspaper?
Distinguish fingers or hand movement in front
of their face? Detect light?Failure at each level
correlates with a more severe problem.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Visual fields can be crudely
assessed as follows
The examiner should be nose to nose with the patient,
separated by approximately 8 to 12 inches.
Each eye is checked separately. The examiner closes one eye
and the patient closes the one opposite. The open eyes
should then be staring directly at one another.
The examiner should move their hand out towards the
periphery of his/her visual field on the side where the eyes are
open. The finger should be equidistant from both persons.
The examiner should then move the wiggling finger in
towards them, along an imaginary line drawn between the two
persons.The patient and examiner should detect the finger at
more or less the same time.
The finger is then moved out to the diagonal corners of the
field and moved inwards from each of these directions.
Testing is then done starting at a point in front of the closed
eyes. The wiggling finger is moved towards the open eyes.
The other eye is then tested.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
The pupil has afferent (sensory) nerves
that travel with CN2. These nerves carry
the impulse generated by the light back
towards the brain. They function in
concert with efferent (motor) nerves that
travel with CN 3 and cause pupillary
constriction. Seen under CN 3 for
specifics of testing.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
CN 3 (Occulomotor):
This nerve is responsible for most of the eyeballs
mobility, referred to as extra-occular movement. CN
3 function is assessed in concert with CNs 4 and 6,
the other nerves responsible for controlling eyeball
movement. CN 4 controls the Superior Oblique
muscle, which allows each eye to look down and
medially. CN 6 controls the Lateral Rectus muscle,
which allows each eye to move laterally. CN 3
controls the muscles which allow motion in all other
directions. The pneumonic S O 4 L R 6 All The
Rest 3 may help remind you which CN does what
(Superior Oblique CN 4 LateralRectus CN 6 All
The Rest of the muscles innervated by CN 3).
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Inspeksi diskus optikus papiledema, atau atrofi Nn
3.Nn. Optikus dan Okulomotoris, reaksi pupil
terhadap cahaya, jika hasil AbN, Uji reaksi sampai
maksimal Kebutaan, paralisis Nn.III, Sindroma
4. Nn.III, IV, VI; gerakan ekstraokulerstrabismus
atau nistagmus akibat paralisis.
5.Nn.V(Trigeminal); raba, konraksi temporal dan
otot2 maseter, hilangnya sensorik atau motorik
karena lesi Nuvleus atau UMN refleks kornea
dan sentuhan ringan-nyeri pada wajah
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Bell's Palsy
Facial Nerve Paralysis
Infectious Disease
Herpes Ophthalmicus
Ramsey Hunt Syndrome
Assorted Pages in
Cranial Nerve
Progressive Bulbar
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
6. Nn.VII. (Fasialis); angkat kedua alis
mata, cemberut, menutup mata dengan
rapat, perlihatkan gigi, tersenyum.
7. Nn.VIII(Akustik); jika pendengaran
menurun, uji lateralisasi (Weber / Rinne).
8. Nn.Glossopharungeus & Vagus ( IX,
X); amati kesulitan menelan, dengar
suara serak atau hidung. Amati naiknya
langit2 lunak dengan Ah paralisis
Uji refleks gag pada kedua sisi hilang
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
9. Nn Asesori (XI); Otot trapezius, kekuatan
angkat bahu. Mm Sternokleidomastoideus;
uji berpaling kekiri / kekanan terhadap tahan
tangan pemeriksa.
10. Nn.XII (Hypoglosal); dengarkan artikulasi
pasien, inspeksi seluruh lidah dan bila
dijulurkan apakah ada deviasi ke kiri /
kekanan ada kelemahan atau disartri, atau
fasikulasi, serta atrofi lidah.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Posisi : Hemiplegi / Hemiparese!
Gerakan involenter; amati letak,
kualitas, frekwensi, irama, amplitudo
tremor, fasikulasi, tiks, chorea,
atetosis, diskinesis oro-fasial.
Bulk otot; inspeksi kontur ototatrofi.
Tonus otot; amati tahanan dari
kekuatan pasif lengan atau
tungkaispastis, kekakuan atau flasid.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Lanjutan; periksa rentang gerak
Fleksi pada pinggul dan lutut, fleksi dari tungkai yang
berlawanan mengisyaratkan deformitas pada pinggul
Rotasi pada pinggul, baik internal dan
eksternal,keterbatasan pada artritis.
Abduksi pada pinggul keterbatasan pada artritis.
Palpasi; sendi pinggul dan bursa ileopektinal, lateral
terhadap denyut femoralis,nyeri pada sinovitis.
Bursa trochanter mayor pada femurbursitis
Bursa iskial,nyeri pada bursitis.
Amati lutut dan kaki saat berdiri; pembengkakan popliteal
(kista Bakers,& kaki datar)
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Inspeksi dari ventral dan dorsal;perhatikan setiap
kurvatura abnormal (perhatikan asimetris; bahu, krista
iliaka atau bokong) Kifosis, Skoliosis, Lordosis, Gibbus.
Posisi berdiri amati bentuk asimetris bahu, krista iliaka
atau bokong; pelvik mendongak
Periksa rentang gerak pada; fleksi, gerakan kelateral,
ekstensi dan rotasi
Konkavitas lumbal yang menetap dan keterbatasan gerak
karena spasme otot, penyakit diskus, atau ankilosing
Palpasi terhadap nyeri tekan kelaianan diskus, spasme
otot, fraktur kompresi atau kondisi lain.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Posisi : Hemiplegi / Hemiparese!
Gerakan involenter; amati letak,
kualitas, frekwensi, irama, amplitudo
tremor, fasikulasi, tiks, chorea,
atetosis, diskinesis oro-fasial.
Bulk otot; inspeksi kontur ototatrofi.
Tonus otot; amati tahanan dari
kekuatan pasif lengan atau
tungkaispastis, kekakuan atau flasid.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Kelompok Otot Besar
Fleksi siku C5, C6
Ekstensi sikuC6, C7, C8.
Ekstensi pergelangan tanganC6, C7,C8 saraf radialis.
Genggaman tanganC7, C8, T1.
Abduksi jari-jariC8, T1, saraf ulnaris.
Posisi ibu jariC8, T1;saraf medianus.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Kepala & Leher: (Posisi Pasien Duduk)
Palpasi sendi temporomandibula ketika pasien
membuka dan menutup mulut;
Pembengkakan, Nyeri Tekan, Hambatan gerakan
pada artritis.
Inspeksi leher untuk mengetahui adanya
Tortikolis; immobilitas pada ankilosis spondilitis,
Palpasi Columna Vetebra Servikal dan ototnya dari
belakang pasien;
Nyeri tekan setempat.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Eye Neurologic Exam
Oculocephalic Reflex
Face Exam
Cranial Nerve Exam
Palpebral fissures equal
Facial symmetry
Tongue midline with no fasciculations
Jaw symmetric
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Cranial Nerve I
Cranial Nerve II
Cranial Nerve III
Cranial Nerve IV
Cranial Nerve V
Cranial Nerve VI
Cranial Nerve VII
Cranial Nerve VIII
Cranial Nerve IX
Cranial Nerve X
Cranial Nerve XI
Cranial Nerve XII
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Oropharynx Exam
Gag Reflex
Swallow reflex
Regurgitation (nasal or liquid)
Larynx and Language
Voice quality
Speech Exam
Dysarthria (explosive or nasal)
Aphasia (writing)
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Two Point Discrimination
Sharp and dull discrimination
Proprioception (finger up or down?)
Motor Exam
Motor Strength
Tone (flaccid, rigid, or cogwheel)
Muscle tenderness
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Agnosia; ketidaksanggupan
mengenali benda dan artinya
Diabetic Neuropathy Testing
Two Point Discrimination
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Movement Disorder
Reflex Exam
Acute Motor Weakness Causes
Left Hemiplegia
Right Hemiplegia
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Increased tone
Atrophy of disuse
Increased deep
tendon reflexes.
Extensor plantar
response (Babinski)
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Decreased tone (flaccidity)
Decreased to absent deep
tendon reflexes
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Deep Tendon Reflexes
Primitive Reflexes
Babinski Reflex
Grasp Reflex
Suck Reflex
Glabellar Reflex
Hoffman Reflex
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Instrusikan pasien membuat kepalan tangan pada
kedua tangan;
Perhatikan signifikansi fungsi dan arti diagnosis dari
keterbatasan gerakan.
-Meluruskan jari-jari;
-Fleksi dan ekstensi pergelangan tangan.
-Membalikkan tangan (dgn telapak tangan menghadap
kebawah) kearah lateral dan medial (penyimpangan lateral
dan medial)
-Inspeksi tangan dan pergelangan tangan;
Deformitas, pembengkakan atau atrofi muskular
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
- Sendi intrafalangeus distal dan
Pembengakakan pada sendi artritis
reumatoid; adanya nodulus distalis
akibat osteostrritis (nodus
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
- Sendi metakarpofalangeal;
Pembengkakan pada artritis reumatoid.
- Sendi pergelangan tangan;
Bengkak pada artritis rematoid dan pada infeksi
Gonococcus dari sendi atau selaput tendon ekstensor.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Pasien dianjurkan menekuk dan meluruskan
Membalikkan telapak tangan keatas dan
kebawah (supinasi dan pronasi) dari lengan
Inspeksi dan Palpasi Siku, temasuk;
-Prosessus olekranon; adanya bursitis olekranon.
-Lekukan pada sendi siku; nyeri tekan pada
-Epikondile medial dan lateral; nyeri tekan pada
-Permukaan ekstensor dari ulna; adanya nodulus
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
(Perhatikan adanya Hambatan Pergerakan)
Mengangkat kedua tangan kearah vertikal keatas / bebawah.
Letakkan kedua tangan dibelakang leher dengan siku ke arah
luar (abduksi dan rotasi eksternal)
Letakkan kedua tangan dibelakang punggung atas (rotasi
Inspeksi bahu dan pangkal bahu dari depan dan belakang;
adanya Atropi muskular.
Palpasi terhadap nyeri tekan dibeberapa daerah sendi bahu;
adanya tendinitis manset rotator adalah penyebab umum dari
nyeri tekan subakromial(B); lht- gambar/ Tendinitis bisipital (A)
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Inspeksi sendi pergelangan
kaki;Hallus valgus, corns, calluses.
Palpasi setiap sendinyeri pada
artritis; nyeri ligamen pada saat terkilir.
Raba sepanjang tendon
Achillesnodulus rematoid
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Pencet pada masing-masing kaki bagian
ventral, sehingga menekan sendi
metatarsofalangeus, kemudian palpasi setiap
sendi antara ibu jari dan telunjuknyeri tekan
pada artritis dan kondisi lain.
Evaluasi batas pergerakan sendi biasanya
nyeri (artritis), dan bertambah sakit bila
ligamen diregangkan
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Lanjutan; kaji batas gerak
Dorsofleksi dan plantarflexi kaki terhadap
pergelangan kaki (sendi tibiotalar)
Stabilkan pergelengan kaki dengan satu tangan
dan putar ke dalam dan keluar tumit (sendi
sendi sering sakit bila digerakkan segala arah;
terkilir sakit > hebat jika ligamen diregangkan.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Eversi dan Inversi; stabilkan tumit
dan putar kedalam maupun keluar
telapak kaki depan (sendi tarsal
Fleksikan jari2 kaki terhadap sendi
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Inspeksi dan Palpasi masing-masing
lutut, termasuk area kantung suprapatelar
dan dlm sendi lutut.
Rongga pada masing-masing sisi patella;
pembangkakan dan berisi cairan, atau
bursitis pada prepatelar.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Evaluasi gerakan patella terhadap
femur nyeri dan krepitasi pada kedua
manuver ini, sesuai dengan keluhan
patelo femolar.
Tekan kearah distal; dengan posisi
fleksi 90 derajat, palpasi
tibiofemolarnyeri krn cedera bantalan
lemak prepatelar/miniskus
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Lanjutan; periksa rentang gerak
Fleksi pada pinggul dan lutut, fleksi dari tungkai yang
berlawanan mengisyaratkan deformitas pada pinggul
Rotasi pada pinggul, baik internal dan
eksternal,keterbatasan pada artritis.
Abduksi pada pinggul keterbatasan pada artritis.
Palpasi; sendi pinggul dan bursa ileopektinal, lateral
terhadap denyut femoralis,nyeri pada sinovitis.
Bursa trochanter mayor pada femurbursitis
Bursa iskial,nyeri pada bursitis.
Amati lutut dan kaki saat berdiri; pembengkakan popliteal
(kista Bakers,& kaki datar)
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Inspeksi dari ventral dan dorsal;perhatikan setiap
kurvatura abnormal (perhatikan asimetris; bahu, krista
iliaka atau bokong) Kifosis, Skoliosis, Lordosis, Gibbus.
Posisi berdiri amati bentuk asimetris bahu, krista iliaka
atau bokong; pelvik mendongak
Periksa rentang gerak pada; fleksi, gerakan kelateral,
ekstensi dan rotasi
Konkavitas lumbal yang menetap dan keterbatasan gerak
karena spasme otot, penyakit diskus, atau ankilosing
Palpasi terhadap nyeri tekan kelaianan diskus, spasme
otot, fraktur kompresi atau kondisi lain.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Pemeriksaan Khusus
Angkat tungkai lurus, kemudian dorsofleksi kaki bila
nyeri ada kompresi radiks post. Dengan dorsofleksi
tambah nyeri.
uji PHalens untuk synd.Tunnel-Carpal;
tahan pergelangan tangan pasien dalam fleksi akut dari
kedua tangan bersamaan membentuk sudut, selama 60
detikbaal dan kesemutan pada Nn.medianus adanya
tanda positif.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
tanda tinels untuk Sindrom Tunnel
Carpal; Lakukan perkusi ringan diatas saraf
median pada pergelangan tanganrasa
semutan atau pada Nn Medianus adalah
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Tanda benjolan Cairan Sendi Lutut; gerakkan
lutut/patella untuk mendorong cairan keatas, takan
lateral patella dan perhatikan kembalinya cairan
positif adanya efusi ringan.
Tanda Balon; memegang kedua sisi patella dan
terasa cairan lat. efusi yang banyak.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Mengukur panjang tungkai; tungkai
lurus simetris, dengan meter/plester
dari spina iliaka sup/anterior ke
maleolus medialia melalui lutut
dibagian medial bila tdk sama adanya
Mengukur rentang gerak; tangan fleksi
dan ektensi; 0 45- 90 dan 160 derajat.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Berjalan hemiparesis spastik; lengan
tertahan rapat pada sisi tubuh dengan
persendian fleksi. Tungkai ekstensi dan kaki
fleksi plantar. Saat berjalan, jari-jari kaki
mencengkram dan tungkai circumduksi.
Berjalan seperti gunting (paresis
spastik bilateral);cara berjalan yang kaku,
paha menyilang ke depan satu sama lain
setiap kali melangkah. Langkahnya pendek.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Berjalan Timplang (Gangguan saraf
Perifer); karena foot drop, tampak
menyeret kaki atau mengangkatnya tinggi-
tinggi dan menghentakkan kebawah.
Ataksia sensoris; tidak tegap cara
berjalan dengan ancang yang melebar,
secara sepihak dapat diperbaiki dengan
memperhatikan lantai. Kaki diajunkan
kedepan dan keluar dan dijatuhkan pada
tumid dan kemudian jari-jari kaki. Dengan
test Romberg positif.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Berjalan Atasia Serebral; tidak mantap
saat berjalan dengan ancang lebar dan
mengalami kesulitan bila berbalik
arah.Saat test Romberg, tidak tegap
dengan mata terbuka atau terpejam. Tanda
lain serebral berkaitan.
Jalan Parkinsonisme; postur
membungkuk dengan siku dan
pergelengan tangan fleksi. Cara berjalan
lambat, melayang dengan langkah pendek
dan kaku saat berbalik.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Daerah Pinggul
Fleksi pinggul L2, L3, L4
Adduksi pinggulL2,L3,L4
Abduksi pinggulL2, L5, S1
Ekstensi pinggulS1.
Ekstensi lututL2,L3,L4
Fleksi lututL4,L5, S1,S2.
Dorsofleksi pergelangan kakiL4, L5.
Plantar pergelangan kakiS1.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
0; Tidak terdapat konraksi otot yang
1; Kontraksi dapat terlihat.
2.Gerakan aktif penghilangan gravitasi.
3.Gerakan aktif terhadap gravitasi.
4.Gerakan aktif dengan tahanan.
5.Gerakan aktif terhadap tahanan
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Cara berdiri: Uji Romberg, pasien berdiri mata terbuka kaki rapat,
kemudian pejamkan mata selama 20-30 detik.Sedikit terjadi
goyangan perhatikan pada saat tangan direntangkan dgn mata
tertutup selama 20-30 detik, terjadi penyimpangan pronasi dan fleksi
kearah bawah; hemiparese.
Cara berjalan:
1. Berjalan menjauh, berputar dan kembali.
2. Berjalan jinjit atau berjungkit (bergantian)
3. Melompat ditempat dengan ke.2 kaki
4. Lakukan gerakan dengan melipat 1 tungkai.
Bergantian berdiri dari kursi dan berjinjit, melompat dan jongkok sesuai
kebutuhan.Kelemahan motorik, ataksia serebral, parkinson dan
hilangnya keseimbangan posisi dapat mempengaruhi semua performa.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
inkoordinasi pada
buruknya indra-posisi
(propioseptif) dapat
terjadi bila pasien
diminta untuk menahan
tangannya keatas, dan
kita menepuk tangan
tersebut kearah bawah.
Bila kembali keposisi
semua secara perlahan;
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Types of Paralysis
Flaccid paralysis occurs with damage to ventral root
or anterior horn, resulting in no stimulation of
voluntary and involuntary movement.
Spastic paralysis from damage of upper motor
neurons of primary motor cortex, causes loss of
voluntary movements, but spinal reflex activity still
Paraplegia is a term used to indicate loss of lower
limb control due to damage to cord in thoracic region.
Quadraplegia refers to damage at cervical region,
which affects all limbs.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Sistem Sensorik
Bandingkan area simetris pada
kedua sisi tubuh amati defisit
Bandingkan area distal dan
proksimal dari lengan dan
tungkai terhadap nyeri,
temperatur, dan sensasi
sentuhan.parasthesi sarung
tangan/stocking karena
Bisa dilakukan dengan goresan
yang cukup.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Periksa jari tangan dan kaki kearah distal
terhadap vibrasi dan indra posisi
(propioseptif); jika respons abnormal periksa
kearah proksimalhilangnya rasa vibrasi
dan propioseptif terjadi pada kelainan tulang
belakangbuat mapping pada respons
abN.(pasien diperiksa dgn mata tertutup)
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Nyeri; gunakan ujung runcing peniti/jarum dan
ujung lainya tumpul sebagai
pembandinganalgesia, hipalgesia, hiperalgesia.
Temperatur;(jika ada indikasi) gunakan uji tabung
dgn air panas dan dingin dgn temp.yang sesuai(+/-
20 derajat tbh).
Sentuhan ringan dengan ujung kapas.
Vibrasi; garpu-tala 128 Hz 256 Hz letakkan pada
tonjolan tulang Vibrasi dan posisi keduanya
melalui cornu posterior C.Vertebra, sering
berhubungan satu dengan lainnya.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Posisi; gerakan ibu jari kaki kearah
lateral, atas / bawah; tahan bebera saat.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Sensasi diskriminasi
Stereognosis; minta pasien mengindentifikasi
benda-benda umum yang diletakkan diatas
Identifikasi angka; goreskan dengan ujung pensil
tumpul ketangan angka atau gambar lain dan pasien
Hilangnya / berkurang sensasi ini mungkin
kelainan pada pada columna postrior atau korteks
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Diskriminasi 2 titik dengan jarum; jarak <
15 mm.
Lokalisasi titik; dengan mata tertutup
sentuh dengan cepat kemudian pasien
mengidentifikasi letaknyalesi dikorteks
sensori kontralateral.
Ekstinksi; sentuh dua titik bergantian
berlawanan pada bagian tubuh yang sama;
kemuadian identifikasi kedua titik tsb.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Biceps (C5, C6)
Triceps (C6, C7)
Supinator( brachioradialis; C5, C6).
Abdominal; gores kearah umbilikus dengan
pensil tumpul.
Refleks hiperaktif, Abdominal Reflek (-),
Babinsky + adalah lesi UMN.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Anggota bawah:
Refleks Lutut (L 2, L3, L4); ketok
tendo patella inferior.
Pergelangan kaki (S1); ketok tendo
Plantar (L5, S1)-fleksor; gores dari
lateral kemedial Refleks Babinski
bila positif; Periksa klonus otot kaki.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Skala Peringkat Refleks:
+ 4 hiperaktif dengan klonusAbN.
+ 3 Lebih cepat dari biasanya; jangan
cepat mengambil kesimpulan AbN.
+ 2 rata-rata Normal.
+ 1 Penurunan normal rendah.
0 Tak ada respons.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Buku bacaan wajib:
1. Medical Neurology, Gylroy/Meyer 2005.
2. Handbook of Neurophysiology, Stalberg 2005.
3. Principles of Neurology, Edisi 8, Adam and
Victors, 2005.
4. Gambar; erossyah
(Buku diatas ada pada Penulis)
Tidak semua pointer (85) diberikan pada
Mahasiswa; diwajibkan kembangkan dari buku
teks dan online.
Anwar Wardy
a2w@..FK.UMJ 2007
Jakarta, 12 Desember 2007
Wassalamualaikum Wr, Wbr.