Neurologic Exam

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Dr Yacoub Bahou
Professor in neurology
at the University of Jordan
I) Introduction
II) Principles
III) Elements of the examination
1. Mental status
2. Cranial nerves
3. Motor examination
4. Reflexes
5. Sensory examination
I) Introduction
The care of the patients in all specialties has been enhanced by the use
of an increasingly sophisticated array of biomarkers, genetic tests, and
imaging modalities.

Yet even in the setting of these critical advancements, the physical

examination remains of utmost importance in Neurology.
We glean valuable information from listening to the manner in which
concerns are expressed, observing how patients walk into the clinic or
lie in a hospital bed, and performing maneuvers designed to
interrogate the functional integrity of nervous system components.

Ultimately, the examination is a tool we use to pinpoint the nature and

origin of abnormalities .

The resultant picture can narrow the list of possible diagnoses and
guide further investigation.
1. It is useful to conduct a complete examination at least once for
every Neurology patient.
The Neurological examination may be unique in its length, but it is
worthwhile to complete a thorough assessment at least once with each
Neurology patient for several reasons:

First , that examination provides a baseline assessment of neurologic

status- which can be particularly valuable in the hospital, where
examination can evolve in important and sometimes unforeseen ways.
Second, a full examination may uncover unexpected
abnormalities.One might be tempted to skip a full mental status
examination for a patient who can exchange pleasantries normally-
only to be surprised when the patients identifies the year as 1962.

Because neurologic problems can present with discrete deficits, formal

testing in each domain is sensible.
Third, abnormalities on basic tests can point out the need for more in-
depth , specialized evaluations.

For example, the emergence of diplopia on testing extraocular muscles

might prompt a search for fatigable eyelid weakness that can raise
concern for myasthenia gravis.

In this way, the neurologic examination becomes tailored for each

individual patient.
Fourth, the examination allows one to directly confirm or refute
hypotheses about contributory problems suggested by the history.

Foot drop is more likely to result from a lumbo-sacral radiculopathy if

accompanied by back pain; a positive straight leg raise test can help
corroborate this explanation.

Finally, the examination can show a pattern of abnormalities that

provides a clue as to where in the nervous system the problem lies.
2. The goal is to localize the problem

The nervous system is extensive.Broadly, we can characterize the

elements as central or peripheral.

The central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord.

The peripheral nervous system ( PNS) incorporates nerve roots, plexi,

peripheral nerves, neuromuscular junctions and muscles.

Dysfunction originating from each of these locations can translate into

distinctive examination findings ( table) ; recognizing characteristic
patterns is often the key to localizing a deficit.
Using this approach , the exam can help determine whether left hand
weakness stems from carpal tunnel syndrome, a brachial plexus injury,
cervical radiculopathy, or a middle cerebral artery stroke.

These distinctions are important because the diagnostic steps,

prognoses, and therapies differ for each of these conditions.
3. Findings should be interpreted in the context of the history

In performing a comprehensive neurologic examination, it is not

uncommon to detect incidental abnormalities.

Particularly at the start of one’s career, it can be difficult to discern

whether certain abnormalities are important.

One should assign greater weight to findings related to the presenting

symptoms or a patient’s medical history.
For instance,abnormal sensation in a football-shaped region over the
anterolateral thigh may be a key finding in an obese person who
developed burning sensation in this area after wearing tight-fitting
pants , but an unimportant ( or untrustworthy) discovery in an
individual who presents with an acute change in mental status.
Performed to identify cognitive deficits related to specific regions in the

The 1st step is to assess level of consciousness , which can range from awake
and alert to unarousable even with noxious stimulation.

Rather than using medical terms such as stuporous or obtunded in the latter
setting, it is more helpful to describe what external stimuli are required to
arouse a patient or to maintain wakefulness.

The level of consciousness frames further testing of cognitive function.

Tested by asking patients to recite spans of numbers, months,or words such
as “ world”, forward and backward.

A specific form of inattention is referred to as neglect.

Patients with dense neglect may fail to describe items on one side of a
picture or of their surroundings or fail to bisect a line properly .

Subtle neglect may manifest as extinction to double simultaneous

stimulation; in this scenario , a patient can sense a single visual or sensory
stimulation on either side of the body, but reports it on the non-neglected
side alone when bilateral stimuli are presented.
In some cases, it is not possible to perform formal tests of attention
because patients become focused on one detail or task and keep
repeating it ( “ perseveration”).

Deficits in attention are important to recognize because they can

compromise the ability to complete other tasks in the mental status

Orientation is tested by asking a patient to identify his or her name as

well as the day,date, month, year, and current situation.
Memory is assessed by asking patients to repeat several words
immediately and again after intervals ( e.g. 30 seconds and 3 minutes).
The examiner should make note of whether the patient is aware of
current events.

Language is assessed in several ways: by listening to the fluency and

prosody of spontaneous speech, identifying word substitutions ( i.e
paraphasic errors) , and assessing the ability to repeat phrases,
read,write, and name common and uncommon objects.
Furthermore, the examiner can ask the patient to name as many
words as possible starting with the letter “ F”,”A”, or “S” in 1 minute,
paying attention not only to the number of words generated but also
to the manner in which they are named.

For example, does the patient recognize whether she or he repeated

words? Were words volunteered in identifiable categories? In addition
to insight into language function ,these details provide insight into how
well patients can plan and organize information ( i.e. frontal lobe
executive function).
Calculation ability can be tested by asking patients to perform simple
arithmetic ( example the number of quarters in 1.5 JD).

One can check for apraxia by asking patients to pantomime a learned

motor task-optimally one that requires use of both hands, for example,
cutting a loaf of bread.

Visuospatial function and nonverbal learning can be tested in a variety

of ways.Patients can be asked to draw numbers in a circle to form a
clock ; alternatively,they can be asked to copy a complex figure drawn
by the examiner ( figure).
Other tests of frontal lobe function include learning and then
repeating a simple motor sequence of hand postures ( e.g . The Luria
manual sequencing task) .

Another test of appropriate inhibition , the go/no go test , comprises

tapping the table when only one letter ( e.g “ B”) is said aloud in a
string of letters.

Perseveration is also considered a frontal lobe deficit.

If cognitive impairment emerges as a concern,the examiner should
consider looking for the presence of primitive reflexes , which are signs
of “ frontal release” or disinhibition.

Examples include the palmo-mental, snout, and rooting reflexes.

The examiner should be careful not to overinterpret these reflexes,

because they can occur in normal subjects with age or may not be
relevant to the presenting problem.

One way to test cranial nerves is to start at eye level and move down
the face in approximate numerical order (table).

Olfaction ( I) is rarely tested .When patients report alterations in the

ability to smell, each nostril should be tested separately.A non-noxious
stimulus , such as coffee or vanilla can be used.
Optic nerve( II) function is assessed in several ways:
- visual acuity is investigated with a near card .

- visual fields are tested by having the patient cover one eye and focus on
the examiner’s nose; they are then asked to signal when they can appreciate
a small red object enter the field of view from each of 4 quadrants when the
object is held halfway between the patient’s eye and the examiner’s ( the
limits of the patient’s visual field should correspond to those of the

- Direct visualization of the optic nerve can be achieved by funduscopy.

- The afferent limb of the pupillary light reflex is mediated by the optic
nerve; the efferent limb is subtended by cranial nerve III.
Extraocular movements ( III, IV and VI) are tested in 3 main ways:
- by having the patient pursue a moving target ( e.g., an examiner’s
finger drawing of the letter “ H” in front of the face i.e pursuit) ;

- by directing the patient’s gaze to various stationary targets or

directions ( saccades);

- and by having the patient fixate on an object while the head is turned
passively ( vestibulo-ocular movements).

The presence of nystagmus should be noted.

Muscles of mastication ( V) are tested by assessing the strength of jaw
opening and palpating the contraction of the masseter when the jaw is

Facial sensation can be tested to all modalities over the forehead ( V1) ,
cheek ( V2) and jaw ( V3) regions.

The afferent limb of the corneal reflex is mediated by cranial nerve V;

the efferent limb is controlled by cranial nerve VII.
Muscles of facial expression ( VII) are tested by having patients raise
the eyebrows, squeeze the eyes shut, puff the cheeks, or show the

Though uncommonly tested, taste over the anterior 2/3 of the tongue
is mediated by this nerve and can be evaluated with sugar or other
non-noxious stimulus.
Hearing ( VIII) may be evaluated in each ear simply by whispering or
rubbing fingers; more detailed assessment of hearing loss may be
accomplished with the Weber and Rinne tuning fork ( 512 Hz) tests.

Vestibular function can be tested in many ways, including evaluation of

eye fixation while the patient’s head is turned rapidly or by observation
for a gradual rotation of gait direction while the patient is walking in
place with the eyes closed.
Palate elevation should be symmetric, and the voice should not be
hoarse or nasal ( IX and X) .

Failure of the right palate to elevate implies pathology of the right

glossopharyngeal nerve ( IX).

The gag reflex is also mediated by these nerves.

Sternocleidomastoid strength is tested by having the patient turn the
head against resistance;weakness on turning to the left implies a right
accessory nerve ( XI) problem.

The trapezius muscle is tested by having patients shrug the shoulders.

Tongue protrusion should be in the midline. If the tongue deviates

toward the right, the problem lies with the right hypoglossal nerve

First, bulk is assessed by observing and palpating the muscles and

comparing each side to the other and the patient’s overall muscle bulk
to that expected for age.

Tone is one of the most important parts of the motor exam.In the arms,
tone is checked by moving the patient’s arm, flexing and extending at
the elbow, moving the wrist in a circular fashion, and pronating and
supinating the forearm rapidly using a handshake grip.
Abnormalities of tone are spasticity and rigidity.

Tone in the legs can be tested well only with the patient supine.The
examiner lifts the leg up suddenly under the knee;in the presence of
increased tone, the heel comes off the bed.

Increased tone can be characterized further as rigid or spastic.

In rigid limbs, the examiner can sense increased resistance throughout

the passive movements, but spasticity is speed dependent, with
abnormalities emerging with quick movements ( e.g. , elbow
Strength is assessed by both observation and direct confrontation ( fig)

A pronator drift may be observed in an arm held supinated and

extended in front of the body.

The patient may be asked to rise from a chair without using the arms or
to walk on the heels and toes.

The power of individual muscles as assessed by direct confrontation is

most often graded according to the Medical Research Council ( MRC)
scale( table).
In some settings, such as the ICU, it is not possible to perform detailed
motor assessments.

In this case, the examiner can look to see if there is symmetry to

voluntary limb movements.

Another approach is to evaluate whether the patient can withdraw

meaningfully ( i.e. , pull the examined limb away from a mildly noxious
stimulus such as a pinch).
The presence of involuntary abnormal movements should be noted.

For instance, fasciculations appear as small twitches underneath the


Myoclonus and asterixis can cause a limb to jump or transiently lose

tone from a given posture.

Chorea has a writhing quality.

Tremor can appear as an alternating movement of the arm, leg, or

Muscle stretch ( or “ deep tendon”) reflexes can be useful aids in
localizing or diagnosing both central and PNS problems ( figure).

In the arms, the biceps, brachioradialis, and triceps reflexes are most
commonly tested.

A pectoral reflex can be assessed by tapping the pectoralis muscle and

looking for adduction of the proximal arm.

Thumb flexion stimulated by flicking the distal phalanx of the middle

finger is a positive Hoffmann sign, an indication of hyperreflexia.
In the legs,patellar ( knee jerk) and ankle reflexes are commonly tested.

The adductor reflex can also be tested by striking the medial thigh and
looking for thigh adduction.

The Babinski sign is sought by stroking the lateral sole of the foot while
observing for extension of the great toe.

Clonus, if present, can be elicited by forcibly dorsiflexing the ankle when it is


In some cases, an exaggerated jaw jerk can localize a problem above the
level of the cervical spine.
The sensory examination assesses small fiber ( pinprick, temperature)
and large fiber ( vibration, proprioception) function.

Pinprick and temperature information is carried in the spinothalamic


Vibration and proprioception require dorsal column tract integrity.

It is generally helpful to start distally and move proximally when testing

each modality because polyneuropathy , one of the most common
causes of sensory abnormality, generally shows up first in the toes.
Nevertheless, it makes sense to test sensory function more extensively
in any affected limb-even if more distal function is normal-to look for
other patterns of abnormality.

Pinprick: Using a sterile instrument ( e.g. , special pins designed for the
neurologic exam), the examiner starts to prick the toes and gradually
moves up the leg to assess if there is a gradient to sensation.

The process can be repeated starting in the fingers , and moving up the
If there is concern for a spinal cord lesion, it is important to perform
pinprick along the length of the torso to identify a “ level” where
sensation transitions from abnormal to normal .

If the patient reports facial symptoms, the pin should be used to assess
sensation in areas representing each branch of the trigeminal nerve.
Temperature: Using a similar approach, a cold tuning fork can be used
to assess temperature sensation.

Vibration: After striking the 128 Hz tuning fork, the stem is placed
against a joint, and the duration for which the stimulus is appreciated is
recorded.In general, the great toe is tested first, with the examiner
testing increasingly proximal joints if the distal findings are abnormal.
Proprioception: Proprioception, or joint position sense, is tested in an
order similar to that used for vibration assessment.
Usually, the examiner starts by holding the sides of the great toe and
asking the patient to report when it is moved upward and downward
by a few millimeters.

Light touch is often not useful to test in isolation because it relies on a

combination of pathways.By itself it is unlikely to provide clues to
localization or diagnosis.
Coordination of the limbs and the trunk should be assessed.

Finger-to-nose testing can identify dysmetria ( inaccuracy of targeting)

or types of tremor in the arms.

Heel-to-shin testing can elicit incoordination in the legs.

To test axial abnormalities, the patient can be asked to sit upright and
unsupported, with the eyes closed.
Rapid alternating movements , rhythmic finger tapping, and heel
tapping are particularly sensitive to coordination problems.

In some disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease , there can be a

hesitation, decremental slowing ( i.e. , damping) , or increasingly small
excursions with repetitive movements.

Patients may also have trouble with the timing, or cadence , of these

Dysdiadochokinesis is the term used to describe difficulty with rapid

alternating movements.
Ambulation is one of the most important elements of the neurologic

Normal gait requires the proper functioning of many different parts of

the nervous system,so it is one of the most sensitive ways to detect an

Furthermore, some patterns of gait abnormality herald the presence of

specific disorders( e.g. , Parkinsonism).

Routinely, posture, base,initiation, stride length, turning, arm swing,

and overall balance are considered.
Posture should be upright.

The patient with a normal base, or stance, maintains the feet at about
hip-width apart.

In general healthy individuals start walking without any hesitation.

Stride length should be full, with clearance of the feet from the floor.

Short-stepped and shuffling gaits are characterized by decreased stride

length and limited excursion of the feet from the ground.
The arms normally swing fully in the opposite direction from their
respective legs during ambulation.

Decreased arm swing is often a feature of extrapyramidal disorders.

A normal turn can be executed in 2 steps ; patients with Parkinson’s

disease may take multiple small steps to turn “ en bloc”.

Ataxia of gait results in an inability to walk in a straight line;patients

may stagger from one side to the other or list consistently to one side.

Ataxia is typically associated with a wide-base stance.

Ataxia can be brought out most obviously by having the patient
attempt to walk heel to toe ( tandem).

A Romberg sign is present when the patient maintains a steady stance

with feet together and eyes open but sways and falls with feet together
and eyes closed.

Its presence usually implies a deficit of joint position sense, not

cerebellar dysfunction.

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