Calculation of The PV Modules Angular Losses
Calculation of The PV Modules Angular Losses
Calculation of The PV Modules Angular Losses
. (2)
The angular factor thus calculates the optical losses relative to the normal incidence
The frequently ful"lled condition of negligible absorption within the air-to-cell path
is the obvious one leading to the last approximate equality in both (1) and (2)
equations. It is, however, to be noted that the approximation should hold, even if
absorption is not negligible, provided the absorptance ratio, AM()/AM(0), is not much
di!erent than the transmittance ratio (or the angular factor), a not unrealistic case.
3. Analytical model for the re6ectance of a PV module
3.1. The model expression
From the optical analysis of di!erent PV modules con"gurations, considering
crystalline (x-Si) and amorphous silicon (a-Si) technologies, with or without antire#ec-
tive coatings, and looking for a simple analytical expression, the following formula for
the re#ectance of a PV module has been obtained:
exp(!cos a/a
, (3)
where is the irradiance angle of incidence and a
the angular losses coezcient, an
empirical dimensionless parameter to "t in each case. The model has been applied to
the analysis of di!erent x- and a-Si modules. In all cases, the results are very
satisfactory. With it the expression of the angular losses becomes
1!exp(!cos a/a
. (4)
3.2. Model-xtting performance with analytical results
The results of applying the proposed model to di!erent x- and a-Si module
con"gurations are plotted in Fig. 1 and summarised in Table 1. The model describes
very accurately all the analysed con"gurations, as can be deduced from the "gure (see
also the high coe$cients of determination, r`, in Table 1).
It can be observed that there are modules that show low values of RM(0), like the ones
having the optimised triple coating or ZnS "lm, and other with quite high re#ectance
N. Martin, J.M. Ruiz / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 70 (2001) 25}38 27
Fig. 1. Re#ectance calculated values (dots) and modelled ones (lines) for each indicated con"guration of
crystalline and amorphous silicon modules.
Table 1
RM(0) and a
values for each di!erent con"guration, relative asymptotic standard errors () and coe$cients
of determination (r`) obtained in each regression analysis. The triple coating consists on an optimised
/ZnS) one. The a-Si : H thickness is 400nm, d1"92 nm and d2"62 nm
Con"guration RM(0) a
) r`
Air/glass 0.043 0.173 2.0E-03 1.000
Air/glass/Si 0.225 0.157 1.6E-02 0.998
/Si 0.260 0.155 5.4E-03 0.999
Air/glass/triple coat./Si 0.113 0.179 1.4E-02 0.999
Air/glass/ZnS/Si 0.085 0.168 3.1E-03 1.000
Air/glass/a-Si:H/Ag 0.358 0.136 1.8E-02 0.998
Air/glass/ITO(d1)/a-Si:H/Ag 0.267 0.138 1.4E-02 0.999
Air/glass/ITO(d2)/a-Si:H/Ag 0.203 0.163 1.4E-02 0.999
values at normal incidence, like the one with no antire#ective coating or with a layer
of SiO
. Nevertheless, angular losses depend on the shape of the spectral re#ectance
curve versus the angle of incidence. This e!ect is characterised by the parameter a
which increases for good relative angular responses. Considering our example cases,
although the &air/glass/triple coat/Si' con"guration presents low re#ectance at normal
incidence it has a not so good angular response. The opposite e!ect is observed with
a con"guration like &air/glass/SiO
With the a-Si con"gurations the obtained "tting results are also good. As it occurs
with x-Si modules, the interface &air/glass' is a "rst approach to describe the angular
in#uence of the re#ectance of an a-Si module. Nevertheless, the angular response
28 N. Martin, J.M. Ruiz / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 70 (2001) 25}38
Fig. 2. Experimental set-up for the measurement of the angular factor f
of equivalent technology solar
cells (ETC).
Table 2
Regression analysis "tting results with the experimental data
Technology Estimated value (a
) r`
m-Si 0.169 1.2E-02 0.999
p-Si 0.159 1.5E-02 0.999
a-Si 0.163 1.8E-02 0.998
improves in general when considering the rest of the module materials. Also, good
performance at normal incidence can imply worse relative angular responses, as it
may occur with the transparent conducting oxide of indium-tin oxide (ITO) layer.
3.3. Validation of the model with experimental results
3.3.1. Experimental method
In order to validate the proposed model with experimental data, a testing system
has been developed. With it the angular factor f
(Eq. (2)) of an equivalent technology
solar cell (ETC) of each PV module has been measured. As light source, a class A solar
simulator has been used and the samples have been mounted on a rotary structure on
which any angle of incidence of the radiation can be obtained. The whole "xture has
been located inside a big black box where multiple re#ections between ETC and walls
are avoided (see Fig. 2). The angle of incidence and the irradiance at normal incidence
have been measured for calculating the angular e!ect. Also ETC temperatures have
been registered for correcting the obtained currents to the same temperature and thus
avoiding temperature e!ects.
3.3.2. Regression analysis with the experimental data
The experimental values of the angular factor have been "tted to the proposed
model equation. The obtained angular losses coe$cients (a
) for a representative
module of each technology are included in Table 2, together with the calculated
N. Martin, J.M. Ruiz / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 70 (2001) 25}38 29
Fig. 3. Experimental f
data (dots) of three PV modules of di!erent technologies and "tted curves obtained
with the proposed model.
30 N. Martin, J.M. Ruiz / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 70 (2001) 25}38
coe$cients of determination. From these values and looking at Fig. 3 it can be
concluded that the model is in very good agreement with the experimental results and
describes correctly, for all possible angles of incidence, the angular variation of a PV
module re#ectance. Another signi"cant result is that the module technology has
a second-order in#uence in the angular response ("rst-order determined by the
&air/glass' interface), although better relative results are obtained in general with
polycrystalline (p-Si) and amorphous silicon PV modules. This fact does not mean
that with monocrystalline silicon (m-Si) technology the optical losses increase, in
absolute terms, which is mainly characterised by RM(0). In fact, most m-Si modules have
textured solar cells and antire#ective coatings and, as a consequence, low RM(0) values.
But this also may imply a not so good angular response, specially regarding textured
solar cells. This e!ect is characterised by the coe$cient a
, which increases with
angular losses.
3.4. The ewect of superxcial dust on the model parameters
As in real operating conditions the PVmodule contains a certain degree of dust, it is
interesting to check if the proposed model is also valid for these conditions. With this
aim, angular factor ( f
) measurements have been performed on PV modules having
di!erent dust degrees. Although the dust characteristics can vary depending on its
nature and external factors and this could a!ect the optical transmittance of the
module, an approximate but e!ective way to characterise the dust thickness is by
means of the relative transmittance at normal incidence in reference to the clean
surface condition value.
But dust also modi"es the angular performance of the PV module by increasing
its angular losses. This fact is characterised by an increase of the angular losses
coe$cient, a
. Typical values of 0.17 for a m-Si module become 0.20 if a moderate dust
quantity is on its surface (I
"0.98) or 0.27 for a high amount of dust
"0.92). The energetic consequences of these increments shall be
discussed afterwards in this paper.
4. Corrected expression of I
with angular losses
The expression of the short-circuit current of a PV module considering the angular
losses of each radiation component (direct, di!use and albedo) is
B cos [1!F
, (5)
where IM
is the short-circuit current at standard test conditions, GM the standard
1000 W/m` irradiance, B the direct irradiance, D the di!use irradiance on the
N. Martin, J.M. Ruiz / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 70 (2001) 25}38 31
Table 3
Results of "tting equations (6b) and (6c) to the &exact+ F
and F
values for typical a
values of silicon PV
) r`
0.16 4/(3) !0.074 !1.3E-02 0.999
0.17 4/(3) !0.069 !1.3E-02 0.999
0.18 4/(3) !0.064 !1.4E-02 0.999
horizontal plane, A the ground-re#ected irradiance on a horizontal plane facing the
ground, the module's tilt angle, the angle of incidence of solar radiation, F
angular losses factor of the solar radiation direct component, F
the angular losses
factor of the solar radiation di!use component and F
the angular losses factor of the
solar radiation ground-re#ected (albedo) component.
The angular losses factors F
, F
and F
are obtained by the formulae
exp(!cos a/a
, (6a)
sin #
sin #
sin #
sin #
While the factor F
is directly calculated from the model expression, both F
are calculated by solving two integrals that consider the contribution of each solid
angle unit incident on the PV module (assuming an isotropic distribution of di!use
and albedo radiation). Expressions (6b) and (6c) are two approximate analytical
solutions of these integrals, with c
"4/(3) and c
as a "tting parameter (see Table 3).
The coe$cient of determination of such approximation is always greater than 0.999
for the typical a
values, as it is shown in Table 3. Fig. 4 represents F
and F
the tilt angle of the PV module for two representative a
In good approximation it can be demonstrated [12] that relative power variations
are proportional to short-circuit current ones, being the proportionality factor slightly
bigger than unity, commonly in the range [1, 1.1]. This fact permits to calculate the
relative power (or energy) losses in PV generation due to current losses and, in most
cases, to consider that they are practically similar.
32 N. Martin, J.M. Ruiz / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 70 (2001) 25}38
Fig. 4. Angular losses factors of the di!use and albedo radiation components for typical a
values of a m-Si
module (0.17 for clean surface and 0.2 for a medium dust quantity).
5. Angular losses calculation at di4erent European sites
With the aim of applying the proposed model to some illustrative cases of interest,
the angular losses of a south-oriented standard monocrystalline PV module shall be
calculated at di!erent sites and considering several tilt angles. For that purpose, the
typical meteorological year of ten di!erent European sites [13}16] having diverse
climates and latitudes has been considered. Table 4 summarises the geographical and
climatic characteristics of each location.
5.1. Monthly average losses
PV modules angular losses are mainly determined by the angle of incidence of
direct radiation, and thus, the module tilt angle, local latitude and solar position
are the most in#uencing parameters. Considering Europe, in southern sites
PV modules su!er the highest monthly average losses in June}July for vertical
position, while in locations with higher latitudes the maximum angular losses are
obtained in December at horizontal position. On the other hand, minimum values
are obtained in all considered cases in December}January (at 803 tilt angle in
northern sites and 703 in the southern ones). Table 5 summarises the monthly
average values of the angular losses calculated on each considered site and
Fig. 5 represents the yearly evolution of the monthly losses for some selected
N. Martin, J.M. Ruiz / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 70 (2001) 25}38 33
Table 4
Geographic and climatic characteristics of the considered sites for the calculation of the PV angular losses
Site name Latitude (deg) Longitude (deg) Altitude (m) Clime KoK ppen [17]
Betdagan 32.0N 34.82E 30 BSw (semiarid)
Seville 37.4N 6.0W 10 BSh (warm steppe)
Murcia 37.79N 0.80W 3 BSh (warm steppe)
Athens 37.97N 22.72E 7 Csa (mediterranean)
Madrid 40.45N 3.71W 664 Csa (mediterranean)
Logron o 42.5N 2.5W 384 Csb (mediterranean, moderate summer)
Nice 43.65 7.2E 4 Csa (mediterranean)
Paris}Trappes 48.78N 2.0E 123 Cfb (mild winters fresh summers)
Ucle 50.8N 4.35E 100 Cfb (marine west coast)
De Bilt 52.1N 5.18E 3 Cfb (marine west coast)
Table 5
Monthly average angular losses calculated at each di!erent considered site. The table shows the minimum
and maximum values and the correspondent tilt angle.
Monthly angular losses
Minimum Maximum
Site name Value (%) Month Tilt angle
Value (%) Month Tilt angle
Betdagan (32.0N) 1.8 Dec 70 14.7 Jul 90
Sevilla (37.4N) 1.4 Dec 70 13.5 Jul 90
Murcia (37.8N) 1.4 Dec 70 13.3 Jun 90
Athens (38.0N) 1.5 Jan 70 14.8 Jun 90
Madrid (40.5N) 1.7 Jan 70 12.6 Jun 90
Logron o (42.5N) 1.6 Jan 70 11.0 Jun 90
Nice (43.7N) 1.3 Dec 70 11.1 Jul 90
Paris-Trappes (48.8N) 1.5 Dec 80 10.5 Dec 0
Ucle (50.8N) 2.0 Dec 80 9.4 Dec 0
De Bilt (52.1N) 1.9 Dec 80 10.8 Dec 0
5.2. Annual losses: The latitude and tilt angle inyuence
The angular losses for each considered place versus the module tilt angle are
represented in Fig. 6. Highest angular losses correspond in all cases to vertical
position (facades in buildings) and di!erent minimum values are obtained for each
location, depending mainly on the latitude: the lowest losses in a yearly basis are
achieved with tilt angles some degrees under the local latitude. This observed behav-
iour is more clearly observed in Fig. 7, which represents the annual angular losses
34 N. Martin, J.M. Ruiz / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 70 (2001) 25}38
Fig. 5. Monthly angular losses of a standard m-Si module at di!erent sites, plotted versus the number of the
month. Two extreme tilt angles are considered (03 and 903).
Fig. 6. Annual angular losses of a standard m-Si module at di!erent sites, plotted versus tilt angle.
versus the di!erence latitude-tilt angle. All the curves "t quite accurately quadratic
functions (coe$cients of determination '0.98) and moreover they can be grouped
into two more general equations, one for the Mediterranean sites (Betdagan, Seville,
Murcia, Athens, Madrid, Logron o, Nice) and the other one for central Europe ones
(Paris-Trappes, Ucle, De Bilt):
N. Martin, J.M. Ruiz / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 70 (2001) 25}38 35
Fig. 7. Annual angular losses of a standard m-Si module at di!erent sites, plotted versus latitude-tilt angle.
Mediterranean Europe:
Coefficient of determination"0.97; standard error"0.19;
Central Europe:
Coefficient of determination"0.96; standard error"0.13.
An approximate value for minimum annual angular losses at medium latitude sites is
3% and is obtained with a tilt angle some degrees under the local latitude. Also an
important consequence of the above-obtained results deals with the integration of PV
in buildings, where the angular losses can become especially signi"cant if PV modules
have to be installed at orientations and tilt angles quite di!erent from the ideal ones.
For medium latitude locations, especial attention should be paid to re#ection losses
when dealing with facades integration. A good alternative is to install the PV modules
into well-oriented roofs, or awnings.
5.3. The dust inyuence in the average angular losses
The existence of dust increases substantially the angular losses by a factor that can
vary typically between 1.3 and 1.5, depending on the dust thickness (from moderate to
very signi"cant). Fig. 8 shows for the particular case of Madrid the dust e!ect on the
annual angular losses, considering a typical moderate dust degree (I
0.98) and a very high one (I
36 N. Martin, J.M. Ruiz / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 70 (2001) 25}38
Fig. 8. Annual angular losses of a standard m-Si module at Madrid, plotted versus tilt angle, considering
three di!erent surface dust degrees.
6. Conclusions
With the proposed analytical model angular losses in PV modules working in real
conditions can be easily calculated. The model depends on a "tting parameter called
the angular losses coe$cient that characterises the relative angular response of the PV
module. The model has been applied to the calculation of monthly and yearly losses in
10 di!erent European sites, considering their typical meteorological years. While
module technology does not in#uence meaningfully the angular losses, dust does:
besides reducing the light transmittance at normal incidence, it also increases the
relative angular losses. These losses present an annual evolution, which is very
dependent on the latitude and the tilt angle, with an average value that is function of
the di!erence latitude-tilt angle. A minimum annual value of about 3% is found for all
the considered sites.
The authors express their gratitude to Luis Zarzalejo and EstefanmH a Caaman o for
providing the typical meteorological years radiation data.
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