Instantiation of The TADIL-A Waveform Into A Software Programmable Tactical Intelligence Terminal

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Instantiation of the TADIL-A Waveform

into a Software Programmable Tactical Intelligence Terminal

Ernie Franke
Raytheon Systems Company
St. Petersburg, FL 33733
TActical Digital Information Link-A (TADIL-A) is used
for situational awareness dissemination to the
warfighter at both HF and UHF. With the recent
addition of TADIL-A to the Joint Tactical Terminal
(JTT) Operational Requirements Document (ORD), it
served as a test for demonstrating the ability to
instantiate a legacy broadcast waveform into a software
re-programmable, digital tactical intelligence terminal.
Software resident in a field-proven TADIL-A Data
Terminal Set (DTS) was re-written in Higher Order
Language to provide operation for both HF and UHF.
I. The Joint Tactical Terminal (JTT)
Meeting the warfighters need for timely, secure, tactical
intelligence and targeting information, the Joint Tactical
Terminal (JTT) [1] provides a high-performance,
software-programmable radio, with modular functionality
that is both backward and forward compatible with the
migration of the Integrated Broadcast Service (IBS). The
JTT program provided the first truly scaleable, flexible,
open-architecture, software digital radio to bring
integrated tactical and intelligence broadcasts into the next
millennium. The JTT provides critical data links to battle
managers, intelligence centers, air defenders, fire support
elements, and aviation nodes across all services and
aboard airborne, sea-going, subsurface and ground mobile
mission platforms. The JTT allows each warfighting
Commanders-in-Chief (CINC), Army, Air Force, Navy,
Marine Corps, Special Operations Forces (SOF) and other
agency users to exploit the current IBS intelligence
networks: TRIXS, TIBS, TDDS, TADIXS-B and 5/25
kHz DAMA. In addition, the JTT supports the evolving
IBS broadcast architecture, including changes to message
formats and transmission protocols. With the recent
addition of TActical Digital Information Link-A (TADIL-
A)/Link-11 to the JTT Operational Requirements
Document (ORD) [2], it serves as a test for the
instantiation of a legacy intelligence broadcast. Link-11 is
the NATO designation (STANAG 5511) of TADIL-A.
This paper describes the program for implementing the
TADIL-A/Link-11, receive-only capability into the family
of JTT terminals. Transmit functionality will be added
Figure 1: The JTT can support up to 12 receive
channels, while simultaneously operating full-duplex on
4 transmit channels. .
The JTT places prime importance on flexibility, scaleability,
portability, interoperability, and adoption of widely-
accepted (commercial), open (published) standards. JTT is
flexible, in that it meets the variable demands of the
warfighter through the ability to exercise multi-mode, multi-
channel, multi-mission roles. It is responsive to the IBS
ORD because it can both interoperate with current
waveforms and accommodate a migration to a common
waveform, protocol, or data format, and can accept new
waveforms. It is responsive to change using plug and play
technology insertion. It is scaleable with a choice in the
number of transmit and receive channels or scaleable within
the family of terminals.
II. Open Systems Architecture (OSA)
Future tactical intelligence terminals will be comprised of a
family of radios that share common interchangeable
Hardware (HW) and Software (SW) components (modules)
to simplify management and support. An open-system
architecture focuses on modularity by function with the
development of a library of common HW and SW modules,
cutting across current radio equipment types to enable a
natural progression of module improvements with
technology advances (technology insertion). The functional
flow of processing in a radio terminal conforms to a general
standard, as shown in Figure 2.
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The tactical intelligence terminal is naturally divided into
three major segments: Radio, INFOrmation SECurity
(INFOSEC) and Message Processing. Each segment
performs a function that can easily be re-programmed to
alter the HW or SW functionality. The radio segment, for
instance, can be commanded to any frequency within the
operating band. It also performs an antenna matrix
selection to connect the proper antenna to the correct
channel. The radio segment also handles black-side, link
processing such as frequency hopping or spreading, block
and differential coding, interleaving and modulation. The
INFOSEC segment includes both the Communications
Security (COMSEC) and Transmission Security
(TRANSEC). COMSEC is the encryption of the message
data, while TRANSEC is the modulation overlay on the
transmitted signal. The INFOSEC segment bridges the
black and the red buses with INFOSEC cryptography. The
red-side (classified) message processing segment performs
message filtering and formatting, video compression,
correlation, while providing a user interface via a
Graphical User Interface (GUI), serial bus or Client-
Service application for a Man-Machine Interface (MMI).
Technological transparency is characterized by standardized
modular functions, independent of waveform (network) or
packaging. The modules use widely-accepted, non-
proprietary interfaces that interconnect core designs through
a tailored adapter that enables portability to alternate
embodiments, effectively creating a bus-independent
architecture. The software may then be placed into a library
of re-usable components. Modular-granularity is a trade-off
between the ability to perform Pre-Planned Product
Improvement (P3I) and to minimize Life-Cycle Cost (LCC).
Each module has comprehensive functional descriptions and
well-know/understood interfaces. This allows third-party
vendors to spin-on their specific areas of expertise.
JTT software is written in a High-Order Language (HOL),
allowing it to be transportable across a family of widely-
used commercial processors. By developing the TADIL-A
software in an HOL (C for the DSP), it can be easily re-
compiled to host it on a new processor. As processor speeds
steadily increase, the software is simply re-hosted on the
latest version in the backwards-compatible family of
Band Filtering
Frequency Translation
Frequency Hopping
Antenna Interface
Power Amplifier
II/O Buffering
TDP Interface
Black-Side Control/Data Bus
Red-Side Control/Data Bus
RF Segment INFOSEC Segment
RF Front-End
Network Processing
Digitized Maps
Built-In Test
Message Processing Segment
T/R Switching
Figure 2: Segmenting the terminal by function with well-defined interfaces ensures that technology
insertion may be isolated to the single module.
III. TADIL-A Network Operation
TADIL-A/Link-11 employs netted communication
techniques with a standard message format for exchanging
digital information among airborne, land-based and
maritime tactical data systems to any area of the world, as
shown in Figure 3. TADIL-A supports an extensive range of
missions including wide-area monitoring, tactical
Indications and Warning (I&W), Over-the-Horizon (OTH)
targeting, and intelligence. TADIL-A is used by a number of
intelligence platforms that conduct Signal Intelligence
(SIGINT) data collection including Communications
Intelligence (COMINT) and Electronic Intelligence
(ELINT). TADIL-A data communications operate both in
the High-Frequency (HF) and in the Ultra-High Frequency
(UHF) bands. When operating in the HF band (2 to 30
MHz) the ground wave can deliver ranges up to 300 nautical
miles (nm), with a sky wave range of 1,000 nm. UHF (225
to 400 MHz) operation provides gapless, omnidirectional
Line-of-Sight (LOS) coverage to approximately 20 to 30 nm
ship-to-ship or 150 nm ship-to-air, depending on aircraft
altitude. In addition, UHF Satellite Communications
(SATCOM) operation (292 to 390 MHz uplink / 243 to 270
MHz downlink) is available for Beyond Line-of-Sight
(BLOS) operation using FLTSAT and UFO UHF satellites.
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Figure 3: Multi-service TADIL-A networks initiate with the first capable Net Control Station (NCS) arriving in theatre.
In addition to the standard intelligence broadcasts such as
TIBS, TDDS and TADIXS-B, which are received over UHF
SATellite COMmunications (SATCOM), aircraft have a
desire to receive TADIL-A over HF or UHF SATCOM for
long-range planning and over UHF LOS for in-theatre
updates. Todays forces must be ready to respond to a crisis
at almost any point at any distance. The time from take-off
to time over-target or objective can be as much as 12 to 15
hours. The ability of the Air Mobility Command (AMC),
Figure 4, to accomplish their mission can be dramatically
impacted by changes in the objective area while forces are
enroute. The JTT provides the means to receive information
relevant to conditions in the objective area while enroute
and over the destination as symbology is overlaid onto
stored images and charts, indicating parameters and lethality
ranges in two and three dimensional representation. GPS is
used for centering data on their own platform or on an offset
reference point.
C-5 Galaxy KC-135 Stratotanker
Figure 4: The Air Mobility Command (AMC) requires situational awareness updates enroute to their destination.
TADIL-A is a secure digital data link that operates in a Roll
Call mode under control of a Net Control Station (NCS),
with the rest of the platforms designated as pickets. Since
the HF band was the first application of TADIL-A,
waveform selection depended heavily on compatibility with
existing signals. Thus a waveform having the same frame
length as radio teletype (75 baud) and using multi-tone
audio to replicate voice was chosen. After sending an
interrogation message, the NCS waits 15 frames (0.2 sec) for
a response from other platforms. If a response is not
received, then the NCS continues with the operation of the
Network. Since the TADIL-A net is typically operated
around a 300 nm radius HF and 30 nm for UHF LOS, ships
and aircraft have plenty of time to respond to the NCS
interrogation. When TADIL-A is operated through a
satellite, the NCS would not receive a response, since round-
trip delay is approximately 0.25 seconds. Thus SATCOM
operation requires a change in link protocol. The NCS is
operator-selectable to extend its allowable response up to
250 frames (3.33 sec.) in one-frame increments. Special time
gating is also incorporated to inhibit the signal received via
the echo.
E-2C Hawkeye
P-3C Maritime Patrol
EP-3 Story Teller RC-135 Rivet Joint
EA-6B Prowler
Patriot Missile
ES-3 Viking
KC-10 Extender
C-130 Hercules
C-141 Starlifter
C-17 Globemaster III
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There are many different TADIL-A equipment
configurations aboard each platform, however they always
consist of the following units: the Tactical Data System
(TDS) or computer, the cryptographic device (KG-40) or
crypto, the Data Terminal Set (DTS) or modem, and the HF
or UHF radios as shown in Figure 5. TDS computers supply
tactical digital information to net participants, and retrieve
and process incoming tactical digital information received
from net participants. The software executing in the TDS
computer performs many other functions in addition to
maintaining the tactical database. It manages the displays,
performs interim updates of track locations, responds to
operator entries and inquiries, and controls all peripheral
input and output data. Maritime platforms utilize a Naval
TDS (NTDS) with a parallel interface, while airborne
platforms utilize the Airborne TDS (ATDS), with its
corresponding serial interface.
Figure 5: Actual functions may be combined or embedded
in software to form the TADIL-A system.
The TDS computer accepts operator entries, such as the Data
Link Reference Point (DLRP), Participating Unit (PU)
identification, track block data, and various filter selection
modes. After information is received, it is correlated, or
matched with information already in the database. Forced
gridlock is the process of adjusting the local tactical grid of
each unit to that of the DLRP, thereby gridlocking all units.
The interface between the TDS computer and the DTS is
controlled by the DTS. The KG-40 cryptographic device
operates between the TDS and the DTS, providing
COMmunications SECurity (COMSEC) for each 24-bit word
of tactical data that flows through the system. The JTT uses
an embedded HAYFIELD cryptographic device for receive-
only capability. Future expansion to add transmit capabilities
will be available with the advent of the CORNFIELD or the
Advanced INFOSEC Module (AIM) crypto device.
The DTS serves as both a Modulator/Demodulator (Modem)
and as a Link Protocol controller. The DTS encodes TDS
data into multi-tone audio for HF and UHF LOS and
generates and recognizes protocol signals that control the
operation of the net. HF operation uses Single Sideband
(SSB) suppressed carrier techniques for either Upper (USB),
Lower (LSB), or Independent (ISB) sidebands for frequency
diversity. UHF LOS operation use Frequency Modulation
(FM) techniques, as shown in Table I. The DTS converts the
TDS binary data stream into Shaped Binary Phase-Shift
Keying (SBPSK) for UHF SATCOM. Efficient use of 5 kHz
(narrowband) SATCOM channels requires the selection of
data rates and modulation waveforms that make maximum
use of the available channel bandwidth, without causing
interference to adjacent channel users. Using shaped,
constant-amplitude vector modulation of 2400 bps SBPSK,
adjacent channel emissions are contained to allow SATCOM
users to operate at a 10 kHz channel spacing [3].
The receiving DTS makes corrections to the received
message using a Hamming Error Detection and Correction
(EDAC) technique. Each data word is 24 bits, plus 6 control
bits added for parity check. If one bit is in error, the control
bits can determine which bit is in error and correct it.
There are five modes of DTS operation: Net Synchronization
(NS) to establish initial communication by the NCS
transmitting preamble frames; Net Test (NT) for connectivity
checks using a known test pattern and for setting line levels;
Roll Call (RC) for the normal mode of operating the net; and
Short Broadcast (SBC) and Broadcast (BC), where a picket
or NCS will broadcast its information once (SBC) or
continuously (BC). In the normal RC mode of operation, one
platform is the NCS, with the rest of the platforms designated
as pickets. The NCS will begin net operation by broadcasting
a short message known as an interrogation. Each picket will
respond with a message. All participants will hear each picket
reply. During the next round, the NCS will address each
picket in sequence. When all of the pickets have broadcast
their data, the NCS will broadcast its own data to complete
one cycle of the net, with no operator intervention required.
The UHF LOS signal is downconverted and demodulated
from FM to multi-tone audio in the JTT receiver. Presently
the HF receiver is external to the JTT. With the advent of
multi-band modules, such as the 2 MHz to 2 GHz receiver
from the Digital Modular Radio (DMR), even this function
will be embedded in the tactical terminal. At this point the
UHF LOS or the HF data information is extracted from the
DE-QPSK signal.
For UHF LOS and HF, the modem processes a 16-tone
waveform, in which 15 of the tones are differentially-
encoded, quadrature phase shift-keyed (DE-QPSK)
modulated. The tones are spaced every 110 Hz beginning
with a single unmodulated 605 Hz tone for used for Doppler
correction. Since each tone of the DE-QPSK signal contains
two bits of information, the modem output contains 30 bits of
data per 75 bps baud. The frame interval (either 13.33 or 22
msec) coincides with phase shifts to yield either a 2250 or
1364 bps (normal or slow) modulation rate.
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Each TADIL-A message consists of a preamble, a start code,
data and a stop code. The preamble is the first five frames of
every transmission, consisting of two audio tones. The 605
Hz tone is used for Doppler correction, while the 2915 Hz
tone is alternately shifted to provide frame sync. Doppler
correction maintains stability to 75 Hz, with 3.5 Hz/sec of
tracking. HF Doppler correction operates independently on
both sidebands and is operator selectable between
Table I: Comparison of HF, UHF LOS and UHF SATCOM TADIL-A modes and rates.
Mode Information Rate Modem I/O Modulation Military Standard
HF 1364 or 2250 bps Multi-tone AM: USB/LSB/ISB MIL-STD-188-203-1A
UHF LOS 1364 or 2250 bps Multi-tone FM: +20 kHz pk deviation MIL-STD-188-203-1A
UHF SATCOM 2400 bps Binary SBPSK, 5 kHz channel MIL-STD-188-181
Figure 6: Instantiation of the TADIL-A waveform touches each of the functional segments of the tactical terminal.
IV. Hardware vs. Software Approach
Instantiation of the TADIL-A waveform presented a choice
between using an existing, dedicated VME, single-board
module solution (hardware solution) and importing a
software module into universal Modem and Black Processor
modules (software solution). The trade study clearly showed
that the modular software approach was the preferred
method for adding the TADIL-A function to a re-
programmable tactical terminal. The terminal would be
easier to upgrade, since it is re-programmable through a
software download. The terminal reliability would be
improved, due to the decrease in overall hardware and
power consumption. The terminal has more expansion
capability using the vacant slot. A dedicated TADIL-A
modem represents a dedicated slice concept, as opposed
to a modem that is personalized to a TADIL-A DTS
during configuration of a channel.
The assembly code from a field-proven DTS was re-written
into the high-order language (HOL) of "C" for hosting the
modem function on the TMS320C6201 Digital Signal
Processor (DSP) fixed-point device in the Joint Tactical
Terminal. The highly-efficient C compiler enables users to
program in C language, offering up to 80% code cycle
efficiency compared to hand-coded assembly, resulting in a
faster time-to-market for the end user.
V. Conclusions
Instantiation of the TADIL-A/Link-11 broadcast waveform
has been performed on a software, re-programmable tactical
intelligence terminal by re-hosting a software module into a
re-programmable modem, black-side processor and
embedded cryptographic device. .
VI. References
[1] S. Kostek and E. Franke, Joint Tactical Terminal and
Common Integrated Broadcast Service - Modules
(JTT/CIBS-M), IEEE MILCOM 98, C6.6, October 1998,
Boston, MA, pp. 112-118.
[2] Operational Requirements Document (ORD) for the
Joint Tactical Terminal (JTT) and Common Integrated
Broadcast ServiceModules (CIBS-M), 13 September
[3] E. Franke, UHF SATCOM Downlink Interference for
the Mobile Platform, IEEE MILCOM 96, October 1996,
McLean, VA, pp. 22 28.
Joint Tactical Terminal (JTT)
Protocol I/O
Multi-tone TADIL-A, KG-40 Algorithnm, Serial,
(HF, UHF LOS) /Link-11 Crypto Bypass Ethernet
HF Radio
0-7803-5538-5/99/$10.00 (c) 1999 IEEE

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