This document provides definitions for many common computer and technology abbreviations and acronyms from A to AY. It lists over 150 abbreviations and acronyms along with their meanings, including AA for Auto Answer, AAB for All-to-All Broadcast, and AAL for Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adaptation Layer. The abbreviations cover a wide range of topics from hardware, software, protocols, and standards to specific companies and technologies.
This document provides definitions for many common computer and technology abbreviations and acronyms from A to AY. It lists over 150 abbreviations and acronyms along with their meanings, including AA for Auto Answer, AAB for All-to-All Broadcast, and AAL for Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adaptation Layer. The abbreviations cover a wide range of topics from hardware, software, protocols, and standards to specific companies and technologies.
This document provides definitions for many common computer and technology abbreviations and acronyms from A to AY. It lists over 150 abbreviations and acronyms along with their meanings, including AA for Auto Answer, AAB for All-to-All Broadcast, and AAL for Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adaptation Layer. The abbreviations cover a wide range of topics from hardware, software, protocols, and standards to specific companies and technologies.
This document provides definitions for many common computer and technology abbreviations and acronyms from A to AY. It lists over 150 abbreviations and acronyms along with their meanings, including AA for Auto Answer, AAB for All-to-All Broadcast, and AAL for Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adaptation Layer. The abbreviations cover a wide range of topics from hardware, software, protocols, and standards to specific companies and technologies.
Can :KKL %ersion T BABELKLA Can :KKR %ersion T BABELKRA May :KKL %ersion T BABELKLB May :KKR %ersion T BABELKRB !ep :KKL %ersion T BABELKLC !ep :KKR %ersion T BABELKRC APPE,D"7 A... (T-P+ (4P to F+ (D, to APPE,D"7 B+ (B-TT-M+ -BTA",",? BABEL )/-M T2E ",TE/,ET
Method : - 666 -------------- To $et the latest *a* file %ia 6orld 6ide 6e*> use this 4/L:
Method ; - ?-P2E/ ----------------- To $et the latest *a*el.t.t file %ia ?opher:
"f you ha%e access to a ?opher client> $opher directly to:
)ro& the Main Menu> select NTe&ple 4ni%ersity Co&puter /esources and "nfor&ationN and then N"nternet = Bitnet "nfor&ation (2elp-,et+N. Then select N?lossary of Co&puter A**re%iations and Acrony&s (BABEL.T7T+N.
Method < - )TP -------------- To $et the latest *a*el.t.t or ht&l file> if you ha%e ftp access %ia The "nternet> type these co&&ands in lower case te.t:
ftp ftp.te& At Lo$in : anony&ous At Password: your e&ail address cd 5pu*5info5help-net $et *a*el.t.t
Method 8 - L"!T!E/@ ------------------- To $et the latest *a*el.t.t file %ia Listser% if on The "nternet:
!end e-&ail to: listser%U%&.te&
!u*Aect line should *e left *lan#. "n *ody of the &essa$e> type:
Method P - B"T,ET ----------------- To $et the latest *a*el.t.t file %ia Listser% for Bitnet users:
!end e-&ail to: listser%Ute&ple%&
!u*Aect line should *e left *lan#. "n *ody of the &essa$e> type:
Method L - BB! -------------- )ro& your fa%orite Bulletin Board download: BABEL.F"P
,-TE for all ðods: -------------------- After !ep :> :KKL BABEL.T7T or BABEL.2TML will contain @ersion KLC After Can :> :KKR BABEL.T7T or BABEL.2TML will contain @ersion KRA After May :> :KKR BABEL.T7T or BABEL.2TML will contain @ersion KRB APPE,D"7 B... (T-P+ (4P to APPE,D"7 A+ (D, to APPE,D"7 C+ (B-TT-M+
The followin$ e.a&ples are included to ser%e as a *rief introduction to what &ay *e found when readin$ e&ail and news $roups and when usin$ "/C on the "nternet.
- - - - - - -
"n e&ail and news> Ns&iley facesN> rather than words> are used to the writerGs feelin$s. Turn your head to the side to read the&.
:-+ !&ile :-D Lau$hin$
:- !&ir# :-( )rown
V-+ 6in# :-7 Close-&outhed
M-+ 6ide-eyed :-- -pen-&outhed
WA#X Cust #iddin$ W$X ?rin
- - - - - - -
"n e&ail and durin$ on-line con%ersations> a %ariety of letter $roups are used to a**re%iate the writerGs co&&ents> such as:
B/B Be ri$ht *ac# "M2- "n &y hu&*le opinion
BT6 By the way /-)L /ollin$ on the floor lau$hin$
)-A) )riend of a friend T"A Than#s in ad%ance
11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111 APPE,D"7 C... (T-P+ (4P to APPE,D"7 B+ (B-TT-M+ C-4,T/E D-MA", ,AME! At the present ti&e there are o%er ;99 reco$niBed Country Do&ain na&es. Two-letter a**re%iations that represent the country na&es are used in addresses seen on the "nternet. The followin$ na&es (MR to date+ represent the country of ori$in fro& where so&eone has downloaded BABEL. This list should *e useful when chec#in$ the ori$in of your own &ail.