Computer Dictionary

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A Glossary of Computer Oriented Abbreviations and Acronyms

AA Auto Answer
AAB All-to-All Broadcast
AAL Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adaption Layer
AAP Applications Access Point [DEC
AA! All-to-All !catter
AA!P A!C"" Asynchronous !upport Pac#a$e
AAT A%era$e Access Ti&e
ABC ' Atanasoff-Berry Co&puter ()irst di$ital
calculatin$ &achine that used %acuu& tu*es+
ABE,D A*nor&al End
AB" Application Binary "nterface
AB"-! Ad%anced B"-!
AB"!T Auto&atic Built-"n !elf-Test ["BM
ABLE Adapti%e Battery Life E.tender
AB/ A%aila*le Bit /ate
AB/! Auto&ated Boo# /e0uest !yste& [British Li*rary
AB! A*solute
ABT A*ort
ABT! A!C"" Bloc# Ter&inal !er%ices
AC Autochec# 1 Auto&atic Co&puter 1 Alternatin$ Current
ACC Accu&ulator
ACD Auto&ated Call Distri*ution 1
Auto&atic Call Distri*utor
ACD" Asynchronous Co&&unications De%ice "nterface
ACE Ad%anced Co&putin$ En%iron&ent [!C- 1
Ad%erse Channel Enhance&ents [Microco& 1
' Auto&atic Co&putin$ En$ine
AC) Access Control )ield 1
Ad%anced Co&&unications )unction
AC2 Auto&ated Clearin$ 2ouse
AC"A! Auto&ated Cali*ration "nter%al Analysis !yste&
AC"! A&erican Co&&ittee for "nteropera*le !yste&s
AC3 Ac#nowled$&ent
ACL Access Control List
ACM Association for Co&putin$ Machinery
Audio Co&pression Mana$er [Microsoft
ACM! Application Control Mana$e&ent !yste&
ACP Ancillary Control Pro$ra& 1
Au.illary Control Process
AC/-!! Auto&ated Car$o /elease and -perations
!er%ice !yste&
AC! Access 1 Access Control !et 1
Access Control !yste& 1
Asynchronous Co&&unication !er%er
ACT! Auto&ated Co&puter Ti&e !er%ice
ACTT Ad%anced Co&&unication and Ti&e#eepin$
Technolo$y [!ei#o
AC4 Auto&atic Callin$ 4nit
A5D Analo$ to Di$ital
ADA Auto&atic Data Ac0uisitions 1 Pro$ra&&in$
Lan$ua$e na&ed after Au$usta Ada Lo%elace+
ADB Apple Des#top Bus
ADC Adapti%e Data Co&pression (protocol+ [2ayes 1
Add with Carry 1 Analo$ to Di$ital Con%erter
ADCCP Ad%anced Data Co&&unication Control Procedures
ADD Auto&atic Docu&ent Detection [6ordPerfect
AD) Auto&atic Docu&ent )eeder 1
Auto&atically Defined )unction
.AD) Adapter Description )ile (file na&e e.tension+
AD" AutoCad De%ice "nterface (dri%er+
ADL Address Data Latch
ADLAT Adapti%e Lattice )ilter
ADLC Adapti%e Lossless Data Co&pression ["BM 1
Asynchronous Data Lin# Control
ADMAC! Apple Docu&ent Man$a$e&ent And Conrol !yste&
ADMD Ad&inistrati%e Mana$e&ent Do&ain [7.899
.AD, Add "n 4tility (file na&e e.tension+
[Lotus :-;-< [LDC
ADP Auto&atic Data Processin$
ADPCM Adapti%e Differential Pulse Code Modulation
AD/ Address
AD! Application De%elop&ent !olutions [AT=T 1
Application De%elop&ent !yste& 1
Auto&atic Distri*ution !yste&
AD!C Address !tatus Chan$ed 1
Ado*e Docu&ent !tructurin$ Con%entions
AD!L Asy&&etrical Di$ital !u*scri*er Line
AD!/ Attac#> Decay> !ustain> /elease
ADT Application Data Types
AD4 Auto&atic Dialin$ 4nit
AE A*o%e or E0ual
AEB Analo$ E.pansion Bus [Dialo$ic
A) Au.iliary carry )la$
A)A Accelerated )ile Access
A)C Auto&atic )ont Chan$e 1 Auto&atic )re0uency Control
A)D Auto&atic )ile Distri*ution
A)"" Association for )ont "nfor&ation "nterchan$e
A)"/M Auto&ated )in$erprint "&a$e /eportin$ and Match
A)"! Auto&ated )in$erprint "dentification !yste&
.A)M Ado*e )ont Metrics (file na&e e.tension+
[Ado*e !yste&s
A)P Appletal# )ilin$ Protocol [Macintosh
A)! Andrew )ile !yste& (protocols+
A)TP Anony&ous )ile Transfer Protocol
A?C Auto&atic ?ain Control
A?/A! Anti$lare-Antireflecti%e-Antistatic
A?4 Address-?eneration 4nit
A" Analo$ "nput 1 Artificial "ntelli$ence
A"A Applications "nte$ration Architecture [DEC
A"C A"7windows "nterface Co&poser ["BM
A") Audio "nterchan$e )or&at
A""M Association for "nfor&ation and "&a$e Mana$e&ent
A", Ad%anced "ntelli$ent ,etwor# [Bell Atlantic
A"! Auto&ated "dentification !yste& [,C"C
A"!B Association of "&a$in$ !er%ice Bureaus
A"!P Association of "nfor&ation !yste&s Professionals
A"7 Ad%anced "nteracti%e E.ecuti%e ["BM
ALC Arith&etic and Lo$ic Circuits 1
Auto&atic Le%el Control
ALE Address Latch Ena*le
AL?-L Al$orith&ic -riented Lan$ua$e (see "AL+
AL"B" Adapti%e Location of "nternetwor#ed Bases
of "nfor&ation
AL",3 Acti%e Lin# [2TML
AL"6EB Archie Li#e "$ in the 6e* ["nternet
AL, Asynchronous Learnin$ ,etwor#
AL/ Ad%anced Lo$ic /esearch> "nc.
ALT Alternate (&ode+
ALT. Alternate lifestyle [4!E,ET ,ews$roup Cate$ory
AL4 Arith&etic Lo$ic 4nit
AMA,DDA Auto&ated Messa$in$ and Directory Assistance
AMD Acti%e Matri. Display 1
Ad%anced Micro De%ices> "nc.
AM" A&erican Me$atrends> "nc.
AMMA Ad%anced Me&ory Mana$e&ent Architecture
[E%ere. !yste&s
AMP! Ad%anced Mo*ile Phone !er%ice
A,C-@A Analysis of Co%ariance
A,D) Architecture-,eutral Distri*ution )or&at
A," Auto&atic ,u&*er "dentification
.A," Ani&ated Cursor (file na&e e.tension+ [Microsoft
A,, Artificial ,eural ,etwor#
.A,, Annotations (file na&e e.tension+ ["BM
A,-@A Analysis -f @ariance
A,!" A&erican ,ational !tandards "nstitute
A- Analo$ -utput
A-CE Apple -pen Colla*oration En%iron&ent
A-E Application -peratin$ En%iron&ent [AT=T
A-L A&erica -nline
A-! Add -r !u*tract
AP AdAunct Processor 1 Application Processor
A5P Accounts Paya*le
APA Adapti%e Pac#et Asse&*ly 1
All Points Addressa*le 1
Arith&etic Processin$ Accelerator
APA/ AuthoriBed Pro$ra& Analysis /eport ["BM
APA/E, Address Parity Ena*le ["BM
APC4? Association of PC 4ser ?roups
AP" Application Pro$ra& "nterface
AP"C Ad%anced Pro$ra&&a*le "nterrupt Controller (*us+
AP"! Ad%anced Passen$er "nfor&ation !yste&
APL A Pro$ra&&in$ Lan$ua$e (Mathe&atics+
APM Ad%anced Power Mana$e&ent ["BM -!;
.APP Application (file na&e e.tension+ [/:Base
APPC Ad%anced Pro$ra&-to-Pro$ra& Co&&unications ["BM
APP" Ad%anced Peer-to-Peer "nternetwor#in$
APP, Ad%anced Peer-to-Peer ,etwor#in$ ["BM
APP! Applications
AP/P Adapti%e Pattern /eco$nition Processin$
AP! Ad%anced Photo !yste& 1 Ad%anced Printin$ !er%ice
Asynchronous Protocol !pecification
AP!E ADA Pro$ra&&in$ !upport En%iron&ent
APT Address Pass Throu$h 1
Ad%anced Parallel Technolo$y 1
Auto&atically Pro$ra&&ed Tools
A5/ Accounts /ecei%a*le
A/A AppleTal# /e&ote Access
A/A? Antireflecti%e-Anti$lare
A/A! Antireflecti%e-Antistatic
.A/C Archi%e (file na&e e.tension+
A/CA Ad%anced /"!C Co&putin$ Architecture
A/Cnet Attached /esource Co&puter ,etwor#
.A/C Co&pressed )ile (file na&e e.tension+ [Cun$
A/L AdAusted /in$ Len$th
A/LL Ad%anced /un Len$th Li&ited
A/M Ad%anced /"!C Machine (processor+ 1
Annotated /eference Manual 1
Asynchronous /esponse Mode
A/MA Association of /ecords Mana$ers and Ad&inistrators
A/P Address /esolution Protocol [,o%ell
A/PA,ET Ad%anced /esearch ProAects A$ency ,etwor#
A/PL AdAust /e0uested Pri%ile$e Le%el
A/TA Apple /eal Ti&e Architecture
A/T"C A /eal-Ti&e "nterface Copressor ["BM
A/T! Asynchronous /e&ote Ta#eo%er !er%er
A/TT Asynchronous /e&ote Ta#eo%er Ter&inal
A/D Auto&atic /epeat /e0uest
A/4 Audio /esponse 4nit
A! Autono&ous !yste& ["nternet
A!AP As !oon As Possi*le 1
Auto&atic !witchin$ And Processin$
A!<AP A,!" !DL !tandard !cala*le and Porta*le
.A!C A!C"" te.t (file na&e e.tension+
A!C"" A&erican !tandard Code for "nfor&ation "nterchan$e
A!"C Application-!pecific "nte$rated Circuit
A!"T Ad%anced !ecurity and "dentification Technolo$y
A!L Adapti%e !peed Le%ellin$
A!LM Apple !hared Li*rary Mana$er [Macintosh
.A!M Asse&*ler !ource Lan$ua$e (file na&e e.tension+
A!MP Asy&&etric Multprocessin$
A!, A*stract !ynta. ,otation 1
Autono&ous !yste& ,u&*er
A!P Association of !hareware Professionals
A!P" Ad%anced !C!" Pro$ra&&in$ "nterface [Adaptec
A!P! Ad%anced !i$nal Processin$ !yste&
A!/ Address !pace /e$ister 1 Auto&atic !end-/ecei%e 1
Auto&atic !peech /eco$nition
A!T A!T /esearch> "nc. (na&ed fro& first initials of
the founders: Al*ert 6on$> !afi Dureshey> Tho&as Euen+
A!54 Ad%anced !er%er for 4ni.
A!E,C Asynchronous
AT Ad%anced Technolo$y 1 Attention
ATA Ad%anced Technolo$y Attach&ent
ATDP Attention Dial Pulse
ATDT Attention Dial Tone
ATE Auto&ated Test E0uip&ent
AT? Ad%anced Technolo$y ?roup
AT2 Attention 2an$-4p (Mode& co&&and+
ATM Ado*e Typeface Mana$er 1
Asynchronous Transfer Mode 1
Auto&ated Teller Machine
ATP! AppleTal# Printin$ !er%ices [Macintosh
AT/ Auto&atic Ter&inal /eco$nition
AT! Ad&inistrati%e Ter&inal !yste& 1
Apple Ter&inal !er%ices
AT=T A&erican Telephone and Tele$raph
ATT, Attention
ATT/"B Attri*ute (also AT/+
ATF Attention /estore confi$uration profile fro&
non%olatile /AM (Mode& co&&and+
.A4 Audio (file na&e e.tension+
A4D"T Auto&ated Data "nput Ter&inal
A4" Attach&ent 4nit "nterface
A4P Accepta*le 4se Policy ["nternet
A4T- Auto&atic
A4T-E7EC Auto&atic E.ecution
A47 Au.iliary 1 ()irst !erial Port+
A@ Audio5@ideo 1 Audio%isual 1 Authenticity @erification
A@A Audio @isual Authorin$ ["BM
A@C Audio @isual Connection ["BM
A@? A%era$e
A@" Audio @isual "nterlea%e [Microsoft
A@/ Auto&atic @oice /eco$nition
A6? A&erican 6ire ?a$e
A63 (4ni. lan$ua$e na&ed after its authors...
Al Aho> Peter 6ein*er$er and Brian 3erni$han+
A6! Ad%anced 6or#stations and !yste&s ($roup+ ["BM
A7 Architecture E.tended 1 Auto&atic Trans&ission
(T-P+ (4P to A+ (D, to C+ (B-TT-M+
BACP Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol
BA3 Binary Adaptation 3it [Microsoft
.BA3 Bac#up (file na&e e.tension+
BAL Basic Asse&*ly Lan$ua$e
BAL4, Balanced 4n*alanced (de%ice+
BAM Boyan Action Module
BA/T! Bell Atlantic /e$ional Ti&esharin$
.BA! Basic Lan$ua$e (file na&e e.tension+
BA!2 Bourne A$ain !hell [4ni.
BA!"C Be$innerGs All-purpose !y&*olic "nstruction Code
BA!M Built-"n Asse&*ler
BAT Bloc# Address Translation
.BAT Batch Processin$ (file na&e e.tension+
BB! Bulletin Board !yste&
BCC Bloc# Chec# Character
BCC: Blind Car*on Copy
BCD Binary Coded Deci&al
B-C2A,,EL Bearer Channel
BCL Batch Co&&and Lan$ua$e
BC, Beacon
BCP Best Current Practice 1 Bul# Copy Pro$ra&
BCPL Basic Co&puter Pro$ra&&in$ Lan$ua$e
BC/ Byte Count /e$ister
BC! Bar Code !orter
BDA Bios Data Area
BDE Borland Data*ase En$ine [Borland
BD-! Basic Dis# -peratin$ !yste&
BD/ Bus De%ice /e0uest
BE Below or E0ual
BEC, Bac#ward E.plicit Con$estion ,otification
BED- Burst E.tended Data -ut
BEL Bell
BELLC-/E Bell Co&&unications /esearch
BE/T Bit Error /ate Test5Tester
B) Bad )la$
B5) Bac#$round5)ore$round
B)) Binary )ile )or&at ["BM
B)T Binary )ile Transfer
B?A Ball ?rid Array
B?C-L-/ Bac#$round Color [2TML
B?E Branch if ?reater or E0ual
.B?" Borland ?raphic "nterface (file na&e e.tension+
B?P Border ?ateway Protocol
B?T Branch if ?reater Than
B2" Branch if 2i$her
B2"! Branch if 2i$her or !a&e
B" Binary "nput
.B"B Bi*lio$raphy (file na&e e.tension+
BiDi Bi-Directional
B"M Be$innin$ of "nfor&ation Mar#er
.B", Binary (file na&e e.tension+
B",AC ' Binary Auto&atic Co&puter
B",D Ber#eley "nternet ,a&e Do&ain
B"-! Basic "nput5-utput !yste&
B"! Business "nfor&ation !yste&
B"!D, Broad*and "nte$rated !er%ices Di$ital ,etwor#
B"!T Built-"n !elf-Test
Bi!E,C (!ee B!E,C+
B"T Binary Di$it
B"T,ET Because "tGs Ti&e ,etwor#
B"T,"C Bitnet ,etwor# "nfor&ation Center
B"4 Bus "nterface 4nit
B"7 Byte "nfor&ation E.chan$e (BB!+
B"F. Business [4!E,ET ,ews$roup Cate$ory
.B3H Bac#up (file na&e e.tension+ [6ordPerfect
.BI3 Bac#up (file na&e e.tension+
B3!P Bac#space
BL Bac#lit 1 Bit Line
BLA!T Bloc#ed Asynchronous Trans&ission (protocol+
[Co&&unications /esearch ?roup
.BLD BA!"C Bload ?raphics (file na&e e.tension+
BLE Branch if Less or E0ual
BLE/ Bloc# Error
BL3 Bloc#
BLMC Buried Lo$ic Macrocell
BL-B Binary Lar$e -*Aect
BL-! Branch if Lower -r !a&e
BM" Branch if Minus
BM"C BusMaster "nterface Controller ["ntel
BMP Basic Mappin$ !upport 1 Batch Messa$e Processin$
.BMP Bit&ap Picture (file na&e e.tension+
B,C Bayonet ,eill-Concel&an (connector used with
coa.ial ca*le in%ented *y Mr. ,eill-Concel&an+
B,E Branch if ,ot E0ual
B,) Bac#us-,aur )or& (also Bac#us-,or&al )or&+
[de%eloped *y
Cohn Bac#us and Peter ,aur
B,! Bac#*one ,etwor# !er%ice
B- Binary -utput
BoB Brea#-out Bo.
B-C Basic -perator Console
B-) Be$innin$ -f )ile
B-M Be$innin$ -f Messa$e
B-,D Bandwidth -n De&and
B--TP Bootstrap Protocol ["nternet
B-P! Billion -perations Per !econd
B-/PD4 Borland Pro Duattro
B-/D4 Borland Duattro
B-! Basic -peratin$ !yste&
B-T Be$innin$ -f Ta*le 1 Be$innin$ of Tape
BP Base Pointer
BPB B"-! Para&eter Bloc#
BPD4 Brid$e Protocol Data 4nit
BP" Bits Per "nch
BPL Branch if Plus
BP! Bits Per !econd 1 Bytes Per !econd
B/ Bad /e$ister
B/?C Binary /eflected ?ray Code
B/" Basic /ate "nterface 1 Brain /esponse "nterface
B! Bac#space
B!AM Basic !e0uential Access Method
B!C Binary !ynchronous Co&&unication
.B!C Boyan !cript (file na&e e.tension+ [Boyan
B!C! Bachelor of !cience (De$ree+ in Co&puter !cience
B!D Ber#ely !oftware5!tandard Distri*ution
B!) Bit !can )orward
B!" British !tandards "nstitute
B!/ Bit !can /e%erse
B!! Bloc# !tarted *y !y&*ol
B!@ BA!"C Bsa%e ?raphics (file na&e e.tension+
B!E Busy
B!E,C Binary !ynchronous Co&&unications (protocol+
BT Bit Test
BTAM Basic Teleco&&unications Access Method ["BM
BTB Branch Tar$et Buffer
BTC Bit Test and Co&ple&ent
BT-A Binary To A!C""
BTP Batch Transfer Pro$ra&
BT/ Bit Test and /eset
BT! Bit Test and !et
B4 Branch 4nit
B4BL Bulletin Board for Li*raries [Canet
B4) Buffer
B@2 Base @ideo 2andler
B6M Bloc#-6rite Mode
B;7 Binary To 2e.adeci&al [/E77
BETE Binary Ele&ent !trin$
(T-P+ (4P to B+ (D, to D+ (B-TT-M+
C C Pro$ra&&in$ Lan$ua$e
.C C source code (file na&e e.tension+ [C
CA Collision A%oidance
CAD Co&puter Aided Desi$n
CADD Co&puter Aided Desi$n and Draftin$
CADE Client5ser%er Application De%elop&ent En%iron&ent
CAE Client Application Ena*ler 1
Co&&on Applications En%iron&ent 1 Co&puter Aided
CAE7 Co&puter Aided E.ploration
CA? Colu&n Address ?enerator
CA" Co&puter Aided "nstruction
CAL Calendar 1 Co&puter Aided Learnin$
CAM Co&&on Access Method 1 Co&puter Aided
Manufacturin$ 1
Contents Addressa*le Me&ory
CA, Cancel
CAP Carrierless A&plitude and Phase-Modulation 1
Central Ar*itration Point 1
Co&&unication Application Platfor& 1
Co&puter Aided Pu*lishin$
.CAP Capture (file na&e e.tension+
CAPD Co&putin$ To Assist Persons 6ith Disa*ilities [Cohns
2op#ins 4ni%ersity
CAP! Capitals (4pper Case Letters+ 1
Cassette Pro$ra&&in$ !yste&
CA/L Colorado Alliance of /esearch Li*raries ["nternet
CA! Colu&n Address !elect 1
Co&&unications Application !pecification 1
Co&puter Aided !tylin$
CA!E Co&puter Aided !oftware En$ineerin$
CA!L Crosstal# Application !criptin$ Lan$ua$e [DCA
CA!! Co&puter Assisted !earch !er%ice
CA!!"! Classified and !earch !upport "nfor&ation !yste&
CAT Co&puter Aided Testin$ 1 Co&puter Aided
To&o$raphy 1
Co&puter Aided Transcription 1 Concatenate
.CAT Catalo$ (file na&e e.tension+
CAT! Co&puter Assisted Trainin$ !yste&
CAT !CA, Co&puteriBed A.ial To&o$raphy !can
CAT@ Co&&unity Antenna Tele%ision (this was the ori$inal
na&e for what is now #nown as Ca*le T@+
CA4 Controlled Access 4nit
CA@ Constant An$ular @elocity
CBC Cipher Bloc# Chainin$
CBC/ Channel Byte Count /e$ister
CBEMA Co&puter and Business E0uip&ent
Manufacturers Association
CB?A Cera&ic Ball ?rid Array
CB" Co&puter Based "nstruction
CBL Co&puter Based Learnin$
.CBL C-B-L source code (file na&e e.tension+
CBM! Co&puter-Based Mail !yste&
CB/ Constant Bit /ate
CBT Co&puter Based Trainin$
CB6 Con%ert Byte to 6ord
CB7 Co&puter-Controlled Branch E.chan$e
CC Cluster Controller
CC: Car*on Copy
CCD Char$ed-Coupled De%ice
CC)T Cold Cathode )luorescent Tu*e
CC" Co&&on Client "nterface
CC"TT Co&ite Consultatif "nternational Tele$raphi0ue et
Consultati%e Co&&ittee for "nternational Tele$raph and
CCL Connection Control Lan$ua$e
CCP Console Co&&and Processor
CC! Co&&on Co&&and !et 1 Co&&on Co&&unications
!er%ices 1
Co&&on Co&&unications !upport 1
Continuous Co&posite !er%o
.CC! Color Cali*ration !yste& (file na&e e.tension+
CC!D Cellular Circuit-!witched Data
CD Carrier Detect 1 Chan$e Directory 1
Collision Detection 1 Color Display 1 Co&pact Dis#
C5D Control Data
C;D Character To Deci&al [/E77
CDA Co&pound Docu&ent Architecture [DEC
CDC Control Data Corporation
CDJC2/DE Card Channel /eady ["BM
CD-DA Co&pact Dis# -Di$ital Audio
CDD" Copper Distri*uted Data "nterface
CDE Co&&on Des#top En%iron&ent 1 Co&ple. Data Entry
CD-E Co&pact Dis# - Erasa*le
.CD) Co&&a Deli&ited )or&at (file na&e e.tension+
CD)! Co&pact Disc )ile !yste& [Microsoft
CD1? Co&pact Dis# plus ?raphics
CD-" Co&pact Dis# - "nteracti%e
CD"A Certified Docu&ent "&a$in$ Architect
CDL Co&puter Desi$n Lan$ua$e
CDMA Code Di%ision Multiple Access
CDM) Co&&ercial Data Mas#in$ )acility ["BM
CD-M- Co&pact Dis# - Ma$neto -ptical
CD-! Concurrent Dis# -peratin$ !yste&
CDPD Cellular Di$ital Pac#et Data
CD/ Call Detail /ecord 1 Call Detail /ecordin$
CD-/ Co&pact Dis# - /ecorda*le
CD-/D. Co&pact Dis# - /ead -nly Me&ory Data E.chan$e
CD/L Contract Data /e0uire&ents List
CD-/-M Co&pact Dis# - /ead -nly Me&ory
CD-/T-! Co&pact Dis# - /eal Ti&e -peratin$ !yste&
CD! Current Directory !tructure
CD!A Co&&on Data !ecurity Architecture
.CDT Corel Draw Te&plate (file na&e e.tension+
CD-@ Co&pact Dis# - @ideo
CD-6- Co&pact Dis# - 6rite -nce
.CD7 Co&pound "nde. (file na&e e.tension+ [)o. Pro
CD-7A Co&pact Dis# - E.tended Architecture
CE Cache Ena*le 1 Chip Ena*le 1 Collision Eli&ination 1
Con%ert Ena*le
CE? Continuous Ed$e ?raphics
CE" Conducted Electro&a$netic "nterference
CEM! Constituent Electronic Mail !yste&
CE-P Conditional End -f Pa$e
CE/, The European Particle Physics La*oratory (initials
ori$inally fro& Conseil European pour la /echerche
CE/T Co&puter E&er$ency /esponse Tea&
C)B Cipher )eed*ac# 1 Confi$ura*le )unction Bloc#
.C)? Confi$uration (file na&e e.tension+
C)M Code )ra$&ent Mana$er [Macintosh
C)/ Co&puteriBed )acial /eco$nition
C)! Cachin$5Co&&on )ile !yste&
C)@ Call )or @otes [Bitnet
C? Control ?ate
C?A Color ?raphics Adapter
C?E Co&&on ?raphics En%iron&ent
C?" Co&&on ?ateway "nterface 1 Co&puter ?enerated
"&a$es 1
Co&puter ?raphics "nterface
.C?M Co&puter ?raphics Metafile (file na&e e.tension+ 1
?raph (file na&e e.tension+ [Lotus :-;-< [LDC
C2AP Challen$e-2andsha#e Authentication Protocol
C2A/ Character
C2AT Con%ersational 2yperte.t Access Technolo$y
C2C3 Channel Chec#
C2CP Chan$e Code Pa$e
C2D"/ Chan$e Directory
C2), Chan$e )in$er [4ni.
C2?/P Chan$e ?roup
.C23 C23D!3 (file na&e e.tension+
C23D!3 Chec# Dis#
C2M-D Chan$e Mode
C2-6, Chan$e -wner
C2P Chapter
C2/ Character
C2/P Co&&on 2ardware /eference Platfor&
C2! Cylinder 2ead !ector
C" Co&ponent "nterface
C"A Current "nstruction Address
C"AC Co&puter "ncident Ad%isory Capa*ility
C"C!5@! Custo&er "nfor&ation Control !yste&5
@irtual !tora$e ["BM
C"D Char$e-"nAection De%ice 1
C"D/ Classless "nter-Do&ain /outin$
C") Co&&on "nterchan$e5"nter&ediate )or&at 1
Crystallo$raphic "nfor&ation )ile 1
Custo&er "nfor&ation )eed
C"M Co&pu!er%e "nfor&ation Mana$er 1
Co&puter "nte$rated Manufacturin$
C"- Chief "nfor&ation -ffier
C"-C! Co&&unication "nput5-utput Control !yste&
C"P Co&&and "nterface Port
C"/ Co&&itted "nfor&ation /ate
C"/C Circular /eference 1
Cross-"nterlea%ed /eed-!olo&on Code
C"! Card "nfor&ation !tructure 1 Client "nfor&ation
!yste& 1
Co&pu!er%e "nfor&ation !er%ice 1
Co&puter "nfor&ation !yste&s 1 Contact "&a$e !ensor
Custo&er "nfor&ation !yste&
C"!C Co&ple. "nstruction !et Co&putin$
C"T Co&puter-"nte$rated Telephony
C"7 Co&&ercial "nternet E.chan$e 1
Co&pulin# "nfor&ation E.chan$e
CCL" Co&&and Co* Lan$ua$e "nterpreter
C3D Count 3ey Data (de%ice+
CLA/ Channel Local Address /e$ister
CLA!! Client Access to !yste&s and !er%ices 1
Cooperati%e Li*rary A$ency for !yste&s and !er%ices 1
Custo& Local-Area !i$nalin$ !er%ices
CLC Clear Carry )la$
CLD Clear Direction )la$
CL" Call-Le%el "nterface 1 Clear "nterrupt )la$ 1
Co&&and Line "nterface
CL"!T Co&&and List
CL3 Cloc#
CL,P Connectionless ,etwor# Protocol
CL-! Co&&on Lisp -*Aect !yste&
CLP Cell Loss Priority 1 Constraint Lo$ic Pro$ra&&in$
.CLP Clip*oard (file na&e e.tension+ [6indows
CL! Clear !creen
CLTP Connectionless Transport Protocol
CLT! Clear Tas# !witch )la$
CL4" Co&&and Line 4ser "nterface
CL4T Color Loo#-4p Ta*le
CL@ Constant Linear @elocity
CM Centi&eter 1 Control Mar# 1 Correcti%e Maintenance
CMA Concert Multi-thread Architecture
CMC Co&&on Mail Calls 1 Co&&on Messa$in$ Calls 1
Co&&unication Man$e&ent Confi$uration 1
Co&ple&ent Carry )la$ 1
Co&puter-Mediated Co&&unication ["nternet
.CMD Co&&and (file na&e e.tension+
CM) Creati%e Music )or&at
C,"D/ Clearin$house for ,etwor# "nfor&ation and
Disco%ery and /etrie%al ["nternet
CM"P Co&&on Mana$e&ent "nfor&ation Protocol
CM"! Co&&on Mana$e&ent "nfor&ation !er%ices5!yste&
CML Conceptual Modellin$ Lan$ua$e 1
Co&puter Mana$ed Learnin$ 1 Current Mode Lo$ic
CMM Capa*ility Maturity Model
CMM! Co&puteriBed Maintenance Mana$e&ent !oftware
CMM4 Cache5Me&ory Mana$e&ent 4nit [Motorola
CM-! Co&ple&entary Metal--.ide !e&iconductor
CM-@ Conditional Mo%e
CMP Co&pare 1 Co&puter
CMP! Co&pare word !trin$
CM! Code Mana$e&ent !yste& 1 Co&piler Monitor !yste&
Con%ersation Monitor !yste&
CM@C Confi$uration Mana$e&ent @ersion Control ["BM
CM6 Co&part&ented Mode 6or#station
CME Cyan-Ma$enta-Eellow (color &odel+
CME3 Cyan-Ma$enta-Eellow-Blac# (color &odel+
C,A Certified ,et6are Ad&inistrator [,o%ell
C,AP! Co-Processin$ ,ode Architecture for Parallel !yste&s
C,C Co&puteriBed ,u&erical Control
C,E Certified ,et6are En$ineer
.C,) Confi$uration (file na&e e.tension+
C,? Callin$ (tone+
C," Certified ,o%ell "nstructor [,o%ell
C,"D/ Clearin$house for ,etwor#ed "nfor&ation and
C,, Co&posite ,etwor# ,ode
C,!! Core ,odal !witchin$ !u*syste& ["nternet
.C,T Contents (file na&e e.tension+
C,@ Con%entional (pertainin$ to Me&ory+
C,@T Con%ert
C,7 Certified ,etwor# E.pert
C- Central -ffice 1 Co&&and -utput 1 Con%ert -ut
C-B Chip--n-Board
.C-B C-B-L source code (file na&e e.tension+
C-B-L Co&&on Business-oriented Lan$ua$e (!ee 2LL+
.C-D Code List (file na&e e.tension+
C-DA!EL ' Conference on Data !yste& Lan$ua$es (?roup that
desi$ned C-B-L+
C-DE Client-!er%er -pen De%elop&ent En%iron&ent
C-DEC Coder5Decoder 1 Co&pression5Deco&pression
C-EM Co&&ercial -ri$inal E0uip&ent Manufacturer
C-)) Co&&on -*Aect )ile )or&at [4ni.
C-?- Coordinate ?eo&etry (Pro$ra&&in$ Lan$ua$e+
C-L Collision 1 Co&puter -riented Lan$ua$e
C-LD Co&puter -utput to Laser Dis#
C-LL Collision
C-M Co&&ercial (or$aniBation Do&ain na&e+ ["nternet 1
Co&&on -*Aect Model [Microsoft
.C-M Co&&and (file na&e e.tension+
C-M: )irst serial Port (asynchronous port+
C-M; !econd serial Port
C-M< Third serial Port
C-M8 )ourth serial Port
C-MDE7 Co&puter Dealers E.position
C-MET Cornell Macintosh Ter&inal E&ulator
C-MP Co&pare 1 Co&&unications
C-MP. Co&puters [4!E,ET ,ews$roup Cate$ory
C-M!AT Co&&unications !atellite Corporation
C-, Console (includes 3ey*oard and !creen+
C-,D Condition
C-,)"? Confi$uration
C-,! Connection--riented ,etwor# !er%ice
C-,T-,E Continuous Tone
C-/BA Co&&on -*Aect /e0uest Bro#er Architecture
Co/E, Corporation for /esearch and Enterprise ,etwor#
C-! Co&pati*le -peratin$ !yste&
C-!E Co&*ined -ffice !tandard En%iron&ent 1
Co&&on -pen !oftware5!yste&s En%iron&ent
C-!M"C Co&puter !oftware Mana$e&ent and "nfor&ation
Center [,A!A
C-!M-! Co&puter !yste& for Mainfra&e -perations
C-!! Co&&on -*Aect !er%ices !pecification
C-T! Co&&ercial -ff-The-!helf
CP Copy Protected
CPA Certified Pu*lic Accountant
CPC Constant Point Calculation
CPC! Chec# Processin$ Control !yste& ["BM
CPE Central Processin$ Ele&ent 1
Custo&er Pre&ise E0uip&ent 1
Custo&er Pro%ided E0uip&ent
.CPE Co%er Pa$e (file na&e e.tension+
CP? Cloc# Pulse ?enerator
CP" Characters Per "nch 1 Cloc# Per "nstruction 1
Co&&on Pro$ra&&in$ "nterface ["BM
.CP" Code Pa$e "nfor&ation (file na&e e.tension+ [M!-D-!
CP"-C Co&&on Pro$ra&&in$ "nterface for Co&&unications
CP"- Copy "n and -ut [4ni.
CPL Current Pri%ile$e Le%el
.CPL Control Panel (file na&e e.tension+
CP5M Control Pro$ra& for Microco&puters [Di$ital
CP! Characters Per !econd 1 Cycles Per !econd
CPT Co&&and Pass Throu$h
CP4 Central Processin$ 4nit
C/ Carria$e /eturn
C/AM Cy*erspatial /eality Ad%ance&ent Mo%e&ent
C/C Cyclic /edundancy Chec#
.C/D Cardfile (file na&e e.tension+
C/E, Co&puter /esearch Education ,etwor# 1
Corporation for /esearch and Education ,etwor#in$
C/) Ca*le /etrans&ission )acility 1 Cross /eference )ile
C/" Color /eproduction "ndices
C/5L) Carria$e /eturn5Line )eed
C/-M Control /ead -nly Me&ory
C/T Cathode /ay Tu*e
C/TC C/T Controller
C! Chip !elect 1 Clear to !end 1 Code !e$&ent
C5! Client5!er%er
C!A Calendarin$ and !chedulin$ AP" ["BM
C!A/ Channel !yste& Address /e$ister
C!C6 Co&puter !upported Cooperati%e 6or#
C!D Circuit-!witched Data 1
Co&puter !er%ices Depart&ent 1
Correcti%e !er%ice Dis#ette ["BM
C!D! Pac#et !witched Data !er%ice
C!E Certified !yste& En$ineer
C!)" Co&&unication !u*syste& )or "nterconnection
C!? Constructi%e !olid ?eo&etry 1
Consultin$ !er%ices ?roup [Lotus
C!" Co&&and !e0uence "ntroducer 1 Co&pu!er%e
C!"D Call !u*scri*er "D
C!L Co&puter !ensiti%e Lan$ua$e
C!L"P Co&pressed !erial Line "nterface Protocol ["nternet
C!M Co&&unications !er%ices Mana$er
C!MA5CA Carrier !ense Multiple Access5with Collision
C!MA5CD Carrier !ense Multiple Access5with Collision
C!M! Custo&er !upport Mana$e&ent !yste&
C!, Card-!elect ,u&*er
C!,ET Co&puter !cience ,etwor#
C!- Central !er%ices -r$aniBation
C!P Certified !yste&s Professional 1
Co&&ercial !u*routine Pac#a$e 1
Co&puCo& !peed Protocol [Co&puCo&
C!PD, Circuit !witched Pu*lic Data ,etwor#
C!! ' Continuous !yste& !i&ulator (Lan$ua$e+
C!! Cascadin$ !tyle !heets [Microsoft 1
Contact !tart-!top
C!!M Client-!er%er !yste&s Mana$e&ent ["BM
C!TA Co&puter-!upported Telephony Applications
C!4 Channel !er%ice 4nit
C!@ Circuit-!witched @oice 1
Co&&a-!eparated @alue5@aria*le 1
Co&&on !er%ices @er*s (interface+ [Microsoft
C=T Chips and Technolo$ies
CTB Cipher Type Byte
CTC Channel To Channel
CTCP Client-To-Client Protocol
CT" Co&puter-Telephony "nte$ration
CT-! Co&puteriBed To&o$raphy -peratin$ !yste& 1
Con%er$ent Technolo$ies -peratin$ !yste&
CTPA Coa.-to-Twisted-Pair Adapter
CT/L Control
CT! Clear To !end
CT!! ' Co&pati*le Ti&e !harin$ !yste&
C4A Co&&on 4ser Access ["BM
C4B Cursor Bac#ward
C4D Cursor Down
C4E Custo& 4pdates and E.tras (card+ [E$$head !oftware
C4) Cursor )orward
C4" Character--riented 4ser "nterface 1
Co&&on 4ser "nterface ["BM
C4P Cursor Position
C4P"D Co&pletely 4ni%ersal Processor "5- Desi$n [A!T
.C4/ Cursor (file na&e e.tension+
C4T Control 4nit Ter&inal
C4TE Clar#ston 4ni%ersity Ter&inal E&ulator
C44 Cursor 4p
C@) Co&pressed @olu&e )ile
C@?A Color @ideo ?raphics Array
C@"A Co&puter @irus "ndustry Association
C@T Con%ert
C@6 Code@iew for 6indows
C6D Con%ert 6ord to Dou*le 6ord 1
Chan$e 6or#in$ Directory ["nternet
C6"! Ca&pus 6ide "nfor&ation !er%ice5!yste& ["nternet
Co&&unity 6ide "nfor&ation !er%ice5!yste& ["nternet
C;7 Character To 2e.adeci&al [/E77
CEL Cylinder
CEM3 Cyan-Eellow-Ma$enta-Blac# (color &odel+
(T-P+ (4P to C+ (D, to E+ (B-TT-M+
D5A Di$ital to Analo$
DAA Data Access Arran$e&ent 1
Deci&al AdAust for Addition
DAC Data Ac0uisition and Control 1
Di$ital to Analo$ Con%erter
DAD Des#top Application Director [Borland
DA" Distri*uted Artificial "ntelli$ence
DAL Data Access Lan$ua$e [Apple Co&puter 1
Dis# Access Loc#out
DAM Data Ac0uisition and Monitorin$
DA- Data Access -*Aect [Microsoft
DAP Data Access Protocol [DEC 1
De%eloper Assistance Pro$ra&
DA/" Data*ase Application /e&ote "nterface ["BM
DA/M! Di$ital Alternate /ealiBation of Musical !y&*ols
DA/T Di$ital Audio /econstruction Technolo$y
DA! Deci&al AdAust for !u*traction 1
Dual-Attached !tation
DA!D Direct Access !tora$e De%ice
DAT Di$ital Audio Tape 1 Dis# Array Technolo$y
.DAT Data (file na&e e.tension+
DATAC-M Data Co&&unications
DA@ Di$ital Audio-@ideo
dB Deci*el
DB Data Base 1 Data Buffer
dBA AdAusted Deci*el
DBC! Deli%ery Bar Code !orter 1 Dou*le-Byte Character !et
.DB) Data*ase (file na&e e.tension+
DB"! Dun = Bradstreet "nfor&ation !er%ices
DBM Data Base Mana$er
DBM! Data Base Mana$e&ent !yste&
DB! Data Base !er%er
DB; Data*ase ;
DC Data Collection 1 Data Co&&unication 1 Data Control 1
De%ice Control 1 Direct Current
D;C Deci&al To Character [/E77
DCA Di$ital Co&&unications Associates 1
Docu&ent Content Architecture ["BM
DCA) Distri*uted Console Access )acility ["BM
DCAM Direct Chip Attach Module
DCB De%ice Control Bloc# 1 Dis# Coprocessor Board
DCC Di$ital Co&&and Control 1 Di$ital Co&pact Cassette 1
Direct Ca*le5Client Connection 1 Display Co&*ination
DCD Data Carrier Detect
DCE Data Circuit-Ter&inatin$ E0uip&ent 1
Data Co&&unications E0uip&ent 1
Distri*uted Co&putin$ En%iron&ent [-!) 1
Distri*uted Co&putin$ E0uip&ent
DCED Distri*uted Co&putin$ En%iron&ent Dae&on
DC) Data Co&&unication )acility ["BM 1
Data Co&pression )acility 1
Data Count )ield ["BM 1
Dri%er Confi$uration )ile [Lotus
D-C2A,,EL Data Channel
DC" Display Control "nterface
DCL Data Control Lan$ua$e 1 Declaration 1
DEC Co&&and Lan$ua$e [DEC 1
De%ice Clear 1 Di$ital Control Lo$ic 1
Di$ital Co&&and Lan$ua$e [Di$ital
DCP Di$ital Li$ht Processin$ [T"
DC! Data Collection !yste& 1 Data Control !yste& 1
Des#top Color !eparation 1 Distri*uted Control !yste&
DCT Discrete Cosine Transfor&
.DCT Dictionary (file na&e e.tension+
DD Day 1 Di$ital Display 1 Dou*le Density
DDA Distri*uted Data Access 1 Do&ain-Defined Attri*ute
DDB De%ice Dependent Bit&ap 1 De%ice Descriptor Bloc#
DDC Di$ital Data Channel [@E!A 1 Display Data Channel
DDCMP Di$ital Data Co&&unications Messa$e Protocol [DEC
DDC: Display Data Channel -ne
DDC! Distri*uted Data*ase Connection !er%ices ["BM
DDD Data Definition Lan$ua$e 1 Direct Distance Dialin$
DDE Direct Data Entry 1 Dyna&ic Data E.chan$e
DDEML Dyna&ic Data E.chan$e Mana$er Li*rary [Microsoft
DD) Display Data Channel 1 Dyna&ic Data )or&attin$
DD" De%ice Dri%er "nterface 1 Direct Dial "n
DD3 De%ice Dri%er 3it [Microsoft 6indows
DDL Data Definition Lan$ua$e 1 Data Description Lan$ua$e
DDM Distri*uted Data Mana$e&ent
DD, Defense Data ,etwor#
DD,! Dyna&ic Do&ain ,a&in$ !yste&
DDP Distri*uted Data Processin$
DD! Di$ital Dataphone !er%ice [AT=T 1 Desi$n Data !heet
Di$ital Data !tora$e 1 Distri*uted Data*ase !er%ices
DD7 Di$ital Data E.chan$e
DE De%ice End
DEC Decre&ent 1 De%ice Clear 1 Di$ital E0uip&ent
DEC,ET Di$ital E0uip&ent Corporation ,etwor#in$ (protocol+
DE) Des#top )unctional E0ui%alent [Co&pa0
.DE) Definitions 1 Defaults (file na&e e.tensions+
DE)/A? Defra$&ent
DE3 Data Encryption 3ey
DEL Delete
DEL!T/ Delete !trin$ [/E77
.DEM De&onstration (file na&e e.tension+
DE, Docu&ent Ena*led ,etwor#in$ [,o%ell-7ero.
DE! Data Encryption !tandard 1 Data Entry !heet
.DE! Description (file na&e e.tension+
DET De%ice E.ecute Tri$$er
DE@ De%ice
D) Data )ield 1 Destination )ield 1 De%ice )la$ 1
Dou*le )la$
D)C Data )low Control
D)M Desi$n )or Manufactura*ility ["BM
D)! Distri*uted )ile !yste&
D)!M! Data )acility !tora$e Mana$e&ent !u*syste& ["BM
D)T Desi$n )or Testa*ility 1 Dia$nostic )untion Test 1
Discrete )ourier Transfor& 1
Distri*uted )unction Ter&inal
D)4 Data )ile 4tility
D?"! Direct ?raphics "nterface !tandard
D2CP Dyna&ic 2ost Confi$uration Protocol
D2L Dyna&ic 2ead Loadin$
.D2P Dr. 2alo P"C (file na&e e.tension+
D" Data "n 1 Destination "nde.
D"A Docu&ent "nterchan$e Architecture ["BM
D"B De%ice "ndependent Bit&ap 1
Directory "nfor&ation Base
D"B-L DEC Business -riented Lan$ua$e
.D"C Dictionary (file na&e e.tension+
D"D Direct "nward Dialin$
D") Data "nterchan$e )or&at
D"))!E,! Differential !ense
D""P Direct "nterrupt "dentification Port
D"MM Dual-"nline Me&ory Module
D", Deutsche "ndustrie ,or& (?er&an e0ui%alent of E"A+
D"- Data "nput--utput
D"P Dialup "nternet Protocol ["nternet 1
Di$ital "&a$in$ Processin$ 1
Dual "n-line Pac#a$e 1 Dual "n-line Pin
D"/ Directory (file+
D"! Dyna&ic "&pedance !ta*iliBation [Co&puCo&
D"!A Data "nterchan$e !tandards Association
D"!P Displace&ent (offset+
D"T Directory "nfor&ation Tree
D"@ Di%ide
D"@E Direct "nterface @ideo E.tension [-!5; 6arp
D"6 D-"nside 6ire [AT=T
.D"F Description "n Fip (file na&e e.tension+
DL Download (also D5L+
DL5: Data Manipulation Lan$ua$e : ["BM
DLC Data Lin# Control (protocol+ ["BM
DLC" Data Lin# Connection "dentifier
DLD Display List Dri%er
DLE Data Lin# Escape
DLL Dyna&ic Lin# Li*rary
DLM Dyna&ic Lin# Module
DLP Di$ital Li$ht Processin$ [T"
DL/ D-! LA, /e0uester
DLT Di$ital Linear Tape
DM Distri*uted Me&ory
DMA Direct Me&ory Access5Addressin$
DMAC DMA Controller
DMAC! Distri*uted Manufacturin$ Auto&ation = Control
DMD Di$ital Micro&irror De%ice [T"
DME Distri*uted Mana$e&ent En%iron&ent
DM) Distri*ution Media )or&at [Microsoft
DM" Des#top Man$e&ent "nterface
DML Data Manipulation Lan$ua$e
DMM Di$ital Multi&eter
DMM! Dyna&ic Me&ory Mana$e&ent !yste&
DM-! Dou*le-diffused Metal--.ide !e&iconductor
DMP Dot Matri. Printer
DMPC Distri*uted Me&ory Parallel Co&puter
DMD! Display Mode Duery and !et ["BM
DM! Data Mana$e&ent !oftware 1 Data Mana$e&ent
DM!D Di$ital Multistandard Decodin$
DMT Di$ital Multi-Tone
DMT) Des#top Mana$e&ent Tas# )orce
DME Day Month Eear
D, Down
D,C Direct ,u&erical Control
D,"C Data ,etwor# "dentification Code
D,"! Dialed ,u&*er "dentification !er%ice
D,! Do&ain ,a&in$ !yste&
D- Data -ut 1 Distri*uted -*Aects
.D-C Docu&ent 1 Docu&entation (file na&e e.tensions+
D-E Distri*uted -*Aects E%erywhere
D-"P Dial -ther "nternet Pro%iders ["BM
D--"T Disa*ilities> -pportunities> "nternetwor#in$ and
D-M) Distri*uted -*Aect Mana$e&ent )acility
D-! Dis# -peratin$ !yste&
D-!EM D-! E&ulation
D-6 Day -f 6ee#
DP Data Processin$
DPA De&and Protocol Architecture [<Co&
DPAM De&and Priority Access Method
DPA/E, Data Parity Ena*le ["BM
DPB Dri%e Para&eter Bloc#
DPC Direct Pro$ra& Control
DP" Dots Per "nch
DPL Descriptor Pri%ile$e Le%el
DPM Di$ital Panel Meter
DPMA Data Processin$ Mana$e&ent Association
DPM" D-! Protected Mode "nterface [Microsoft
DPM! Display Power Mana$e&ent !upport
DP- Data Phase -pti&iBation
DP! Docu&ent Processin$ !yste&
DP!3 Differential Phase !hift 3eyin$
DPtoTP Display Coordinates to Ta*let Coordinates
DDL DataEase Duery Lan$ua$e [DataEase "nternational
D/ Data /ecei%ed
D5/ Direct or /e%erse
D/AM Dyna&ic /ando& Access Me&ory
D/A6 Direct /ead After 6rite
D/.B-,D Dial-up /outer Bandwith -n De&and [,EC
D/DA Distri*uted /elational Data*ase Architecture ["BM
D/-D-! Di$ital /esearch-Dis# -peratin$ !yste&
D/D6 Direct /ead Durin$ 6rite
D/" Di$ital /esearch "ncorporated
D/- Data /e0uest -utput 1 Destructi%e /ead--ut
D/! Docu&ent /e$istration !yste&
.D/! Dri%er /esource (file na&e e.tension+ [6ordPerfect
D/@ Dri%e
.D/@ De%ice Dri%er (file na&e e.tension+ (Also see .D@/+
.D/6 Draw 1 Drawin$ (file na&e e.tensions+
D! Data !e$&ent 1 Data !end 1 Data !er%er 1 Dou*le
D5! Dhrystone Per !econd
D!A Directory !yste& A$ent
D!AP Destination !er%ice Access Point
D!DD Dou*le !ided> Dou*le Density (dis#ette+
D!E Data !tora$e E0uip&ent
D!EA Display !tation E&ulation Adapter
D!ECT Du&&y Control !ection
D!2D Dou*le !ided> 2i$h Density (dis#ette+
D!"! Distri*uted !upport "nfor&ation !tandard
D!L Di$ital !u*scri*er Line 1
Dyna&ic !i&ulation Lan$ua$e
D!MA Di$ital !ense Multiple Access
D!-M Distri*uted !yste& -*Aect Model
D!P Di$ital !i$nal Processin$5Processor 1
Directory !ynchroniBation Protocol [Lotus
D!DD Dou*le !ided> Duad Density (dis#ette+
D!/ Data !et /eady 1 De%ice !tatus /e$ister 1
De%ice !tatus /eport
D!! Decision !upport !yste& 1 Di$ital !i$nature !tandard
D!!" Di$ital !tandard !yste&s "nterconnect [DEC
D!!! Direct-!e0uencin$ !pread !pectru&
D!T, Dou*le !upertwisted ,e&atic
D!4 Data !er%ice 4nit 1 Di$ital !er%ice 4nit
D!@D Di$ital !i&ultaneous @oice and Data
D!6 Data !tatus 6ord 1 De%ice !tatus 6ord
D;T; Dye Diffusion Ther&al Transfer (printin$+
DTA Dis# Transfer Area
.DTA Data (file na&e e.tension+
DTC Des#top Conferencin$
DTD Docu&ent Type Definition
DTE Data Ter&inal E0uip&ent 1 Du&* Ter&inal E&ulator
DT) Distri*uted Test )acility
DTL Dialo$ Ta$ Lan$ua$e ["BM 1 Diode-Transistor Lo$ic
DTM) Data Tone Multiple )re0uency 1 Dual Tone
DTP Des#top Pu*lishin$ 1 Distri*uted Transaction Process
DT/ Data Ter&inal /eady 1 Data Transfer /ate
DT@ Des#top @ideo
DT@C Des#top @ideo Conferencin$
D4 Dis# 4sa$e
D4A Directory 4ser A$ent
D4AT Direct 4ser Access Ter&inal
D4, Dial-4p ,etwor#in$ [Microsoft
D4,CE Dial 4p ,etwor# Connection Enhance&ent
.D@ DE!D%iew !cript (file na&e e.tension+
D@C Des#top @ideo Conferencin$
D@D Di$ital @ideo Dis#
D@E Di$ital @ideo Effect
D@" Di$ital @ideo "nteracti%e
.D@" De%ice "ndependent (file na&e e.tension+
D@M/P Distance @ector Multicast /outin$ Protocol ["nternet
.D@/ De%ice Dri%er (file na&e e.tension+ (Also see .D/@+
D6? Drawin$
D;7 Deci&al To 2e.adeci&al [/E77
.D7B Drawin$ "nterchan$e Binary (file na&e e.tension+
D7C Data E.chan$e Control
D7) Drawin$ E.chan$e )or&at
(T-P+ (4P to D+ (D, to )+ (B-TT-M+
EA Effecti%e Address 1 E.tended Attri*ute [-!5;
EA/ E.ternal Access /e$ister
EA/, European Acade&ic /esearch ,etwor#
EA/-M Electrically Altera*le /ead -nly Me&ory
EA/! Electronic Access to /eference !er%ices
EATA Enhanced AT Bus Attach&ent
EBC E"!A Bus Controller
EBCT Electron Bea& Co&puted To&o$raphy
EBCD"C E.tended Binary Coded Deci&al "nterchan$e Code
EB" E0ui%alent Bac#$round "nput 1
E.tended Bac#$round "n%esti$ation
EBT Electronic Benefits Transfer
EC Electronic Co&&erce 1 Error Control
ECAL EnAoy Co&putin$ And Learn
ECAT Electronic Card Asse&*ly and Test ["BM
ECB Electronic Code*oo# 1 E%ent Control Bloc#
ECC Error Chec# Code 1 Error Chec#in$ and Correction 1
Error Correction Code
ECD Enhanced Color Display
EC2- European Co&&ission 2ost -r$aniBation ["nternet
EC" E.ternal Call "nterface
ECL E&itter Coupled Lo$ic
ECM Electronic Control Module
ECMA European Co&puter Manufacturers Association
EC,E Enterprise Certified ,et6are En$ineer [,o%ell
ECP Enhanced5E.tended Capa*ilities Port [Microsoft
ECTL Electronic Co&&unal Te&poral Lo*e
EC4 E"!A Confi$uration 4tility
ED Erase Display
EDA E&*edded Docu&ent Architecture [?o Corporation
EDC Enhanced Data Correction 1
Error Detection and Correction
EDDC E.tended Distance Data Ca*le
ED?A/ Electronic Data ?atherin$> Analysis and /etrie%al
ED" Electronic Data "nterchan$e 1
Electronic Docu&ent "nterchan$e [DEC
ED")ACT ED" for Ad&inistration Co&&erce and Transport
EDL Edit Decision List
EDLC Ethernet Data Lin# Control
EDL", Editor (Line Te.t+
EDM Electronic Docu&ent Mana$e&ent
ED- E.tended Data -ut
ED-! Enhanced D-! for 6indows
EDP Electronic Data Processin$
EDPM Electronic Data Processin$ Machine
ED/AM E.tended Dyna&ic /ando& Access Me&ory
ED! Electronic Data !yste&s (corporation+
ED!AC ' Electronic Delay !tora$e Auto&atic Co&puter
ED!" Enhanced !&all De%ice "nterface
ED4 Education (or$aniBation Do&ain na&e+ ["nternet
ED@AC ' Electronic Discrete @aria*le Auto&atic Co&puter
()irst stored-pro$ra& di$ital co&puter+
EE E.tended Edition ["BM
EEC E.tended Error Correction
EE? Electroencephalo$ra&
EEL Epsilon E.tension Lan$ua$e
EEM E.tended Me&ory Mana$e&ent
EEM! Enhanced E.panded Me&ory !pecification
EEP/-M Electrically Erasa*le Pro$ra&&a*le /ead--nly
EE! Escrow Encryption !tandard
E)A E.tended )ile Attri*ute
E)) Electronic )rontier )oundation
E)" Electro&echanical )re0uency "nterference 1
Electronics )or "&a$in$
E)L E&itter )ollower Lo$ic
E)T! Electronic )unds Transfer !yste&
E?A Enhanced ?raphics Adapter
E?P E.terior ?ateway Protocol
E?/EP E.tended ?lo*al /e$ular E.pression Print [4ni.
E2LLAP" E&ulator 2i$h Le%el Lan$ua$e Application
Pro$ra&&in$ "nterface ["BM
E"A Electronic "ndustries Association
E"DE Enhanced "nte$rated Dri%e Electronics
E"! E.ecuti%e "nfor&ation !yste&
E"!A E.tended "ndustry !tandard Architecture
EL Electrolu&inescent (display+ 1 Erase Line
ELA, E&ulated Local Area ,etwor#
ELC E&*edded Lin#in$ and Control
EL) E.tre&ely Low )re0uency
EL! Entry Le%el !yste&
EM Electronic Mail 1 E&phasiBed 1 End of Mediu& 1
E.panded Me&ory
EMA Electronic Mail Association 1
Enterprise Mana$e&ent Architecture
EMAC! Editin$ Macros [4ni.
E-MA"L Electronic Mail
EMB E.tended Me&ory Bloc# [L"M5A!T
EMBA/C Electronic Mail Broadcast to a /oa&in$ Co&puter
EMC Electro&a$netic Co&pati*ility 1 Enhanced Me&ory
Chip 1
E-Mail Connection 1 E.tended Math Coprocessor
EM" Electro&a$netic "nterference
.EML Electronic Mail (file na&e e.tension+
EMM E.panded Me&ory Mana$er
EM/ Electro-Ma$netic /adiation 1
Enhanced Metafile /ecord
EM! Electronic Mail !yste& 1 Electronic Messa$e !er%ice 1
E.panded Me&ory !pecification [L"M
EM6AC European Microsoft 6indows ,T Acade&ic Centre
.E,C Encoded (file na&e e.tension+
E,DEC Encoder5Decoder
E,D! Ends !e$&ent
E,"AC ' Electronic ,u&erical "nte$rator AnalyBer and
Co&puter ()irst fully electronic di$ital co&puter+
E,D En0uiry
E,!! E.terior ,odal !witchin$ !u*syste& ["nternet
E-A End -f Address
E-B End -f Bloc#
E-C End -f Con%ersion
E-) End -f )ile 1 Enterprise -*Aects )ra&ewor# [,e.t
E-" End -f "nterrupt 1 End -r "dentify
E-C End -f Co*
E-L End -f Line 1 End -f List
E-M End -f Messa$e
E-/ E.clusi%e -/ (Also 7-/+
E-! Earth -*ser%in$ !yste& [,A!A 1 End -f !trin$
E-!D"! Earth -*ser%in$ !yste& Data and "nfor&ation
!yste& [,A!A
E-T End -f Ta*le 1 End -f Tape (&ar#er+ 1 End -f Te.t 1
End -f Trans&ission
EP Electrophoto$raphic En$ine
EPL Effecti%e Pri%ile$e Le%el
EPLD Electrically Pro$ra&&a*le Lo$ic De%ice
EPM Enhanced Editor for Presentation Mana$er ["BM 1
Enterprise Process Mana$e&ent ["BM
EPP Enhanced Parallel Port
EP/-M Electrically Pro$ra&&a*le /ead -nly Me&ory 1
Erasa*le Pro$ra&&a*le /ead -nly Me&ory
.EP! Encapsulated Post!cript (file na&e e.tension+
EP!) Encapsulated Post!cript )iles
E/A E.tended /e$istry Attri*utes
E/A! Electronic /outin$ and Appro%al !yste& [2u$hes
E/"C Educational /esources "nfor&ation Center ["nternet
E/LL Enhanced /un Len$th Li&ited
E/-M Erasa*le /ead -nly Me&ory
E/-! Earth /esources -*ser%ation !yste& [4.!. ?eolo$ical
E// Error
E/5/C E.tended /esult5/esponse Code
E! E.tra !e$&ent
E!A Enterprise !yste&s Architecture ["BM 1
European !pace A$ency
E!C E"!A !yste& Co&ponent 1 Escape
E!CM E.tended !er%ices Co&&unications Mana$er ["BM
E!C-, Enterprise !yste& Connection (Architecture+ ["BM
E!C5P Epson !tandard Code for Printers
E!D Electronic !oftware Distri*ution 1
Electrostatic Dischar$e
E!D" Enhanced !&all5!yste& De%ice "nterface
E!" Enhanced !erial "nterface (specification+ [2ayes
E!M/ Enhanced !pecialiBed Mo*ile /adio
E!, Electronic !ecurity ,u&*er
E!P E&ulation !ensin$ Processor 1
Enhanced !erial Port [2ayes 1
Esti&ated !ellin$ Price
E!/ E%ent !er%ice /outine
E!! Electronic !witchin$ !yste&
E!4 Electro-!tatic 4nit
ET Enhance&ent Technolo$y
ETAC! E.tended Total Access Co&&unication !yste& ["BM
ETA,, Electrically Traina*le Analo$ ,eural
,etwor# (chip+ ["ntel
ETB End of Trans&ission Bloc#
ETC Electronic Toll Collection 1
Enhanced Throu$hput Cellular (&ode& protocol+ [AT=T
ET-M Electron-Trappin$ -ptical Me&ory
ETPL Endorsed Te&pest Products List
ET! Econo&etric Ti&e !eries
ET7 End -f Te.t
E4 E.ecution 4nit
E4C End 4ser Co&putin$ 1 E.tended 4ni. Code ["BM
E4" End-4ser "nterface
E@E E.tensi*le @A7 Editor
E@?A E.tended @ideo ?raphics Array 1
E.tended @ideo ?raphics Adapter
E6A, E&ulator 6ithout A ?ood ,a&e ["nternet
E6! E&ployee 6ritten !oftware ["BM
E.CA E.chan$ea*le Card Architecture ["ntel
.E7E E.ecuta*le (file na&e e.tension+
E7E;B", Pro$ra& used to con%ert an (.E7E+ file to *inary
for&at (.C-M+ file
E7M Enterprise Messa$in$ E.chan$e [Lotus
E7P E.ponent
E7T E.ternal
E7T/, E.ternal /eference
E-F",E Electronic Ma$aBine
(T-P+ (4P to E+ (D, to ?+ (B-TT-M+
)AB Co&puter-Chip )a*rication Plant
)AC )ile Access Code
)AM-! )loatin$ ?ate A%alanche M-!
)A,! )uture Air ,a%i$ation !yste&
)AP )ile Access Protocol
)AP" )a&ily Application Pro$ra& "nterface
)AD )re0uently As#ed Duestion
)A/,ET )ederation of A&erican /esearch ,etwor#s
)AT )ile Allocation Ta*le
)A7 )acsi&ile
.)A7 )a. (file na&e e.tension+
)C5AL )i*er Channel5Ar*itrated Loop
)CB )ile Control Bloc#
)CC )ederal Co&&unications Co&&ission
)CC: )ile Car*on Copy
)CC!ET )ederal Coordinatin$ Council for
!cience> En$ineerin$ and Technolo$y
)C" )lu. Chan$es per "nch
)C/ )")- Control /e$ister
)C! )i*er Channel !tandard 1 )ra&e Chec# !e0uence
)D )loppy Dis# 1 )loppy Dri%e 1 )ull Duple.
)DC )loppy Dis# Controller
)DD" )i*er Di$ital De%ice "nterface 1
)i*er Distri*uted Data "nterface
)D"!3 )i.ed Dis#
)DM )re0uency-Di%ision$
)D7 )ull Duple.
)EC, )orward E.plicit Con$estion ,otification
)ED )ield-E&itter Display
)E)- )irst-Ended> )irst--ut
)EP )ront End Processor
)EP" )ront End Pro$ra&&in$ "nterface
)e/AM )erroelectric /AM
)E!D3 )ar East !oftware De%elop&ent 3it [Microsoft
)ET )ield Effect Transistor
)) )lip-)lop 1 )or& )eed
))DC )irst )ailure Data Capture ["BM
))! )ast )ile !yste&
))!T )irst )ailure !upport Technolo$y ["BM
))T )ast )ourier Transfor& 1 )inal )or& Te.t ["BM
)? )loatin$ ?ate
)?/EP )i.ed ?lo*al /e$ular E.pression Print [4ni.
)2!! )re0uency-2oppin$ !pread !pectru&
)") )ractal "&a$e )or&at
)")- )irst-"n> )irst--ut
)"L- )irst-"n> Last--ut
)"P )ile Processor Bufferin$
)"P! )ederal "nfor&ation Processin$ !tandard
)"/ )inite "&pulse /esponse
)"/!T )oru& of "ncident /esponse and !ecurity Tea&s
)"7 )ederal "nternet E.chan$e
)LC )erro-electric Li0uid Crystal
)LD )ield
)LL )o.Pro Lin# Li*rary [Microsoft )o. Pro
)L-P! )loatin$ Point -perations Per !econd
)M! )or&s Mana$e&ent !yste&
)MT )or&at
),T )ont
)-C4! )oru& of Control Data 4sers
)-D )a. -n De&and
)-? )irst -s*orne ?roup
)-"/L )i*er -ptic "nter /epeater Lin# ["EEE
)-LD-C )ree -n-Line Dictionary -f Co&putin$
.)-, )ont 1 Phone 1 Phone Directory (all file na&e
.)-/ )ortran source code (file na&e e.tension+
)-/T2 (Pro$ra&&in$ Lan$ua$e+(!ee 2LL+
)-/T/A, )or&ula Translator (Pro$ra&&in$ Lan$ua$e+(!ee
)-!E )ederal -ffice !yste&s E.position
)-!" )or&at -ption !pecification "nstance
)-!!"L )ido5-pus5!eado$ !tandard "nterface Layer
)PC )loatin$ Point Calculation
)PCE )loatin$-Point C E.tension (specification+
)P?A )ield Pro$ra&&a*le ?ate-Array
)PLA )ield Pro$ra&&a*le Lo$ic-Array
)PM )ast Pa$e Mode
)PP )i.ed Path Protocol 1 )loatin$ Point Processor
)P/ )loatin$-Point /e$ister
)P! )a%orite Picture !election 1 )ra&es Per !econd
)PT )orced Perfect Ter&ination
)P4 )loatin$ Point 4nit
)DD, )ully Dualified Do&ain ,a&e ["nternet
)/AD )ra&e /elay Access De%ice 1
)ra&e /elay Asse&*ler5Disasse&*ler
)/A? )ra$&ent 1 )ra$&entation
)/AM )erroelectric /ando&-Access Me&ory
)/C )untional /edundancy Chec#in$
)/ED )ra&e Editor 1 )ront-End to Dish
)/P" )lu. /e%ersals Per "nch
.)/! 6ordPerfect ?raphics Dri%er (file na&e e.tension+
)! )ile !eparator
)!D )ile !yste& Dri%er [-!5;
)!E )ull !creen Editor
)!) )ree !oftware )oundation ["nternet
)!3 )re0uency !hift 3eyin$
)!, )ull !er%ice ,etwor#
)!P )ile !er%ice Protocol
)!/ )ree !yste& /esources
)!T )lat !0uare Tu*e (&onitor+
)5T )ull Ti&e
)TAM )ile Transfer> Access and Mana$e&ent 1
)ile Transfer and Access Method
)TM )lat Tension Mas# [Fenith
)TP )ile Transfer Protocol ["nternet
)TPD )ile Transfer Protocol Dae&on
)TTC )i*er To The Cur*
)T! )ederal Teleco&&unication !yste&
)T7 )ault Tolerant 4ni.
)4" )ile 4pdate "nfor&ation
)4,C )unction
)@T )ull @ideo Translation
)E" )or Eour "nfor&ation
(T-P+ (4P to )+ (D, to 2+ (B-TT-M+
?A ?eneral A%aila*ility
?AAP ?enerally Accepted Accountin$ Principles
?AL ?eneric Array Lo$ic
?AP" ?ateway Application Pro$ra&&in$ "nterface
?* ?i$a*it (:>9;8 &e$a*its+ 1
(-ne Billion Bits of "nfor&ation+
?B ?i$a*yte (:>9;8 &e$a*ytes+ 1
(-ne Billion Characters of "nfor&ation+
?CC ?,4 C-Co&piler [4ni.
?C/ ?roup Code /ecordin$
?DA ?lo*al Data Area
?DDM ?raphics Data Display Mana$er
?D? ?eneration Data ?roup ["BM
?D" ?raphical De%ice "nterface
?DLC ?eneric Data Lin# Control ["BM
?DP ?raphic Draw Pri&iti%e
?DT ?eo&etric Di&ensionin$ and Tolerancin$ 1
?lo*al Descriptor Ta*le 1
?raphics De%elop&ent Tool#it
?EC-! ?eneral Electric Co&prehensi%e -peratin$ !yste&
?E"! ?eneral Electric "nfor&ation !er%ice (co&pany+
?EM ?raphics En%iron&ent Mana$er (D/" Pro$ra&+
?E,"E ?eneral Electric ,etwor# for
"nfor&ation E.chan$e
?E- ?eostationary Earth -r*it
?E-! ?raphic En%iron&ent -peratin$ !yste& [?eowor#s
?ET ?et E.ecute Tri$$er
??P ?ateway-?ateway Protocol ["nternet
?2F ?i$ahertB
.?") ?raphics "nterchan$e )or&at (file na&e e.tension+
?"?- ?ar*a$e "n> ?ar*a$e -ut
?"" ?lo*al "nfor&ation "nfrastructure
?"L! ?o%ern&ent "nfor&ation Locator !er%ice
?"! ?eo$raphic "nfor&ation !yste& 1
?lo*al "nfor&ation !olutions [AT=T
?"7 ?lo*al "nternet E.chan$e ["nternet
?3! ?raphical 3ernal !yste&
?L ?raphics Lan$ua$e
?5L ?eneral Led$er
?L"! ?lo*al Land "nfor&ation !yste& [4! ?eolo$ical
?LM ?eneral Linear Models
?L-BE ?lo*al Learnin$ *y -*ser%ations to Benefit
the En%iron&ent ["nternet
.?LE ?lossary (file na&e e.tension+ [Microsoft 6ord
?MP ?lo*al Mo*ile Professional
?M/ ?iant Ma$neto-/esisti%e
?M! ?lo*al Mana$e&ent !yste& 1
?lo*al Messa$in$ !er%ice [,o%ell
?MT ?reenwich Mean Ti&e
?,D ?round (si$nal5syste&+
?,, ?lo*al ,etwor# ,a%i$ator
?,4 ?nuGs ,ot 4ni. (operatin$ syste&+
?-!"P ?o%ern&ent -pen !yste&s "nterconnection Profile
?-@ ?o%ern&ent (or$aniBation Do&ain na&e+ ["nternet
?P ?as Plas&a 1 ?eneral Purpose
?P) ?eneral Protection )ault
?P" ?raphics Pro$ra&&in$ "nterface
?P"B ?eneral Purpose "nterface Bus
?P/ ?eneral Purpose /e$ister ["BM
?P! ?lo*al Positionin$ !atellite5!yste&
?P!! ' ?eneral Purpose !yste&s !i&ulator (lan$ua$e+
?/ADD ?raphics Adapter De%ice Dri%er ["BM
?/E ?raphics En$ine
?/EP ?lo*al /e$ular E.pression Print
.?/) ?raph (file na&e e.tension+
.?/P ?roup (file na&e e.tension+
?! ?roup !eparator
?!" ?eneral !er%er "nterface
?!M ?lo*al !hared Me&ory 1
?lo*al !yste& for Mo*ile-Co&&unications (networ#+
?!T, ?eneral !witched Telephone ,etwor#
?TE ?eneral Telephone Electronics (corporation+
?TL ?unnin$ Transcei%er Lo$ic
?T- ?uide To -perations ["BM
?4" ?raphical 4ser "nterface
?4"D ?lo*al 4ni%ersal "D
?@T ?lo*al @irtual Ti&e
?6-BA!"C ?ee 6hiB BA!"C
.$B Co&pressed file (co&pressed filena&e e.tension -
usin$ ?,4 $Bip co&pression5deco&pression pro$ra&+
(T-P+ (4P to ?+ (D, to "+ (B-TT-M+
.2 2eader (file na&e e.tension+ [C
2ACMP 2i$h A%aila*ility Cluster Multi-Processin$ ["BM
2AL 2ard Array Lo$ic 1 2ardware A*straction Layer 1
2ouse-Pro$ra&&ed Array Lo$ic
2AL ' 2euristically Pro$ra&&ed Al$orith&ic (co&puter+
[fro& :KLM &o%ie N;99:: A !pace -dysseyN
2A!P 2ouston Auto&atic !poolin$ Priority (!yste&+
2BA 2ost Bus Adapter
2C!! 2i$h Capacity !tora$e !yste&
2C4 2o&e Co&puter 4ser
2D 2ard Dis# 1 2i$h Density
2DA 2ead Dis# Asse&*ly
2DCD 2i$h Definition Co&pati*le Di$ital
2D) 2ierarchical Data )or&at [,C!A
2D" 2ead to Dis# "nterference
2DLC 2i$h-Le%el Data Lin# Control
2D/ 2eader
2D!C 2i$h Density !i$nal Carrier [DEC
2D!L 2i$h-Data-/ate Di$ital !u*scri*er Line
2D!! 2olo$raphic Data !tora$e !yste&
2DT 2ost Di$ital Ter&inal
2DT@ 2i$h Definition Tele%ision
2D@D 2i$h Definition @olu&etric Display
2D6 2ardware
2D7 2alf Duple.
2E/C 2ercules
2E7 2e.adeci&al
2)C 2y*rid )i*er-Coa.ial
2)! 2ierarchical )ile !yste& [Macintosh
2)T 2i$h )unction Ter&inal ["BM
2?A 2ercules ?raphics Adapter
2?CP 2ercules ?raphics Card Plus
22 2our
2") 2yper-? "nterchan$e )or&at
2")D 2i$h-Density )loppy Dis#
2"L 2u&an "nterface Lin# [2P
2"MEM 2i$h Me&ory
2"PP" 2i$h Perfor&ance Parallel "nterface
2LC- 2i$h Low Close -pen
2LL 2i$h Le%el Lan$ua$e
2LLAP" 2i$h Le%el Lan$ua$e Application Pro$ra&&in$
.2LP 2elp (file na&e e.tension+
2LD 2i$h Le%el Dualifier
2L! 2ue> Lu&inance> !aturation (color &odel+
2LT 2alt
2MA 2i$h Me&ory Area [Microsoft 1
2u* Mana$e&ent Architecture
2MD 2ead Mounted Display
2MM 2idden Mar#o% Model
2M-! 2i$h Density Metal -.ide !e&iconductor 1
2i$h !peed Metal -.ide !e&iconductor
2MP 2ost Monitorin$ Protocol
2-TT 2ot -ff The Tree (electronic newsletter+
2P 2ewlett-Pac#ard (Co&pany+
2PCC 2i$h Perfor&ance Co&putin$ and Co&&unications
2PDC 2ewlett-Pac#ard Des# Cet
2P)! 2i$h-Perfor&ance )ile !yste&
2P? 2ewlett-Pac#ard ?raphics
2P?L 2ewlett-Pac#ard ?raphics Lan$ua$e
2P"B 2ewlett-Pac#ard "nterface Bus
2PLC 2ewlett-Pac#ard Laser Cet
2PPA 2ewlett-Pac#ard Precision Architecture
2PP" 2i$h Perfor&ance Parallel "nterface
2P/ 2i$h Perfor&ance /outin$ ["BM
2P47 2ewlett-Pac#ard 4ni.
2P6 2i$h Perfor&ance 6or#station [!un
.2D7 Bin2e. (file na&e e.tension+ [Macintosh
2/"! 2u&an /esource "nfor&ation !yste&
2/? 2i$h /esolution ?raphics
2/M! 2u&an /esource Mana$e&ent !yste&
2/T) 2ead /elated Transfer )unction
2! 2i$h !peed
2!B 2ue> !aturation> Bri$htness (color &odel+
2!C 2i$h !peed Channel
2!" 2ue> !aturation> "ntensity
2!M 2ierarchical !tora$e Mana$e&ent
2!P 2i$h !peed Printer
2!!" 2i$h !peed !erial "nterface
2!T 2i$h !peed Technolo$y [4.!. /o*otics
.2!T 2istory 1 2ost (file na&e e.tensions+
2!@ 2ue !aturation @alue
2TML 2yperTe.t Mar#up Lan$ua$e
2TTP 2yperTe.t Transport Protocol
2TTP-,? 2TTP ,e.t ?eneration
24T 2op#ins 4ltra%iolet Telescope
25@ 2oriBontal5@ertical
2@P 2oriBontal = @ertical Position
256 2ardware
26CP 2ardware Code Pa$e
26D 2ei$ht-6idth-Depth
.2EP 2yphenation (file na&e e.tension+
2ETEL,ET 2yperte.t-*rowser for Telnet Accessi*le !ites
2B 2ertB
(T-P+ (4P to 2+ (D, to C+ (B-TT-M+
"AB "nternet Architecture Board ["nternet
"AC "nter-Application Co&&unication [Macintosh
"A? "nstruction Address ?eneration
"A3 "nternet Access 3it ["BM
"AL ' "nternational Al$e*raic Lan$ua$e
(AL?-L was first called "AL+
"A,A "nternet Assi$ned ,u&*ers Authority ["nternet
"AP "nternet Access Pro%ider ["nternet
"AT "&port Address Ta*le
"A4P "nternet 4ser Account Pro%ider ["nternet
"BC "nstru&ent Bus Co&puter
iBC! "ntel Binary Co&pati*ility !pecification
"BM "nternational Business Machines (Corporation+
"BM-?L "BM ?raphics Lan$ua$e
"C "nput Circuit 1 "nte$rated Circuit 1 "nterrupt Controller
"CA "ntra-application Co&&unications Area
"CAP "nternet Calendar Access Protocol [Lotus
"CA! "ntel Co&&unicatin$ Applications !pecifications
"CB "nternet CitiBenGs Band
"CCP "nstitute for the Certification of Co&putin$
"CE "n-Circuit E&ulator ["ntel
"C" "&a$e Co&ponent "nfor&ation
"CL "nterface Clear
"CL"D "nco&in$-Call Line "dentification
"CM "&a$e Color Matchin$ [3oda#
"CMP "nternet Control Messa$e Protocol [,o%ell
."C- "con (file na&e e.tension+
iC-MP "ntel Co&parati%e Microprocessor Perfor&ance
"CP "nte$rated Channel Processor
"C/ "ntelli$ent Character /eco$nition
"C! "ntuiti%e Co&&and !tructure
"C4 "!A Confi$uration 4tility
"D "dentification 1 "dentifier
"DA "nte$rated Di$ital Access 1 "ntelli$ent Dis# Array 1
"ntelli$ent Dri%e Array
"DAP" "nte$rated Data*ase Application Pro$ra&&in$
"DC "nte$rated Data*ase5Des#top Connector
"DDE "nte$rated De%elop&ent = De*u$$in$ En%iron&ent
"DE "&*edded Dri%e Electronics 1
"nte$rated De%elop&ent En%iron&ent [Borland 1
"nte$rated Dri%e Electronics 1
"ntelli$ent Dri%e Electronics 1
"nteracti%e Desi$n and En$ineerin$ 1
"nterface Desi$n Enhance&ent
"DEA "nternational Data Encryption Al$orith&
"D) "nter&ediate Distri*ution )ra&e
"D"@ "nte$er Di%ide
"DL "nterface Definition Lan$ua$e
"DM! "nte$rated Data Base Mana$e&ent !yste&
"D,7 "nte$rated Di$ital ,etwor# E.chan$e ["BM
"DP "nte$rated Data Processin$
"D/ "ntelli$ent Docu&ent /eco$nition
"DT "nterface Desi$n Tool 1 "nterrupt Descriptor Ta*le
."D7 "nde. (file na&e e.tension+
"E "nternet E.plorer [Microsoft
"EC "nternational Electrotechnical Co&&ission
"EEE "nstitute of Electrical and Electronics En$ineers
"E) "nfor&ation En$ineerin$ )acility
"EM!" "nteracti%e Electronic Mail !tandard
"E, "nternet En$ineerin$ ,otes
"ET) "nternet En$ineerin$ Tas# )orce ["nternet
"E!? "nternet En$ineerin$ !teerin$ ?roup ["nernet
"5) "nterface
")D "&a$e )ile Directory
")) "nterchan$ea*le )ile )or&at [A&i$a
")? "nco&in$ )a. ?ateway
")P "nstruction )etch Pipeline
")! "nstalla*le )ile !yste&
")!M "nfor&ation !yste&s Mana$e&ent
"?A "nte$rated ?raphics Array
"?C "nte$rated ?raphics Controller
"?E! "nitial ?raphics E.chan$e !tandard
"?MP "nternet ?roup Multicast Protocol ["nternet
"?/P "nterior ?ateway /outin$ Protocol [Cisco
"?! "nternet ?o !er%er ["nternet
"2D "nte$rated 2elp Des# ["BM
"2@ "ndependent 2ardware @endor
"") "&&ediate ")
""" "nterstate "dentification "nde. [,C"C
""-P "nternet "nter--pera*ility Protocol
""/ "&&ediate "&pulse /esponse
""! "nternet "nfor&ation !er%er [Microsoft
""T) "nfor&ation "nfrastructure Tas# )orce
i3P "nternet 3eyed Pay&ents ["BM
"L! "nternational Lan$ua$e !upport
"MAC! "&a$e Mana$e&ent and Co&&unication !yste&
"MAP "nternet Messa$e Access Protocol ["nternet
"MA7 Ma.i&u& "&a$e
"MD! "&a$e Data !trea& (for&at+ ["BM
"ME "nput Method Editor
"M? "&a$e
"ML "nitial Microcode Load ["BM
"MP "nfor&ation5"nterface Messa$e Processor
"MPA "ntelli$ent Multi-Port Adapter [DCA
"M/ "nternet Monthly /eport ["nternet
"M! "nfor&ation Mana$e&ent !yste& 1
"nter&ediate Maintenance !tandards
"MTC "nternational Multi&edia Teleconferencin$ Consortiu&
"MT@ "nteracti%e Multi&edia Tele%ision
"M4L "nte$er Multiply
", "nput
",C "ncre&ent
.",D "nde. (file na&e e.tension+
.",) "nfor&ation (file na&e e.tension+
."," "nitialiBe (file na&e e.tension+
","T "nitialiBation 1 "nitialiBe
",M "nte$rated ,etwor# Mana$e&ent
",! "nput !trin$ 1 "nte$rated ,etwor# !er%er
",T "nte$er 1 "nternal 1 "nterrupt 1
"nternational (or$aniBation Do&ain na&e+ ["nternet
",TA "nterrupt Ac#nowled$e
"nter,"C "nternet ,etwor# "nfor&ation Center ["nternet
",T- "nterrupt if -%erflow occurs
"5- "nput5-utput
"-CC "nput5-utput Channel Con%erter 1
"nput5-utput Controller Chip
"-C! "nput5-utput Control !yste&
"-CTL "nput5-utput Control
"-DE "nte$rated De%elop&ent and De*u$$in$ En%iron&ent
"-PL "nput5-utput Pri%iled$e Le%el
"-!?A "nput5-utput !upport ?ate Array
"P "nstruction Pointer 1 "nternet Protocol
"PC "nstructions Per Cloc# 1 "nterprocess Co&&unication
"PCP "nternet Protocol Control Protocol
"PD! "BM Personal Dictation !yste& ["BM 1
"ntelli$ent Printer Data !trea& ["BM
"P)C "nfor&ation Presentation )acility Co&piler ["BM
"P" "ntelli$ent Peripheral "nterface
"PL "nitial Pro$ra& Load5Loader 1
"on ProAection Litho$raphy
"PL ' "nfor&ation Pro$ra&&in$ Lan$ua$e
"PM "nterpersonal Messa$e
"Pn$ "nternet Protocol> ne.t $eneration
"P!E "nte$rated ProAect !upport En%iron&ent
"PTC "nternational Press Teleco&&unications Council
"P7 "nternetwor# Pac#et E.chan$e [,o%ell
"DL "nteracti%e Duery Lan$ua$e
"/ "nfrared
"/C "nternet /elay Chat ["nternet
"/D "nte$rated /ecei%er5Descra&*ler
"/DA "nfrared Data Association
"/D! "nfor&ation /esource Dictionary !yste&
"/ET "nterrupt /eturn
"/) "nter&ediate /outin$ )unction 1
"nheritance /i$hts )ilter [,o%ell
"/L "nteracti%e /eader Lan$ua$e 1 "nter-/epeater Lin#
"/LAP "nfrared Lin# Access Protocol
"/LED "nfrared Li$ht E&ittin$ Diode
"/M "nfor&ation /esource Mana$e&ent 1 "nherent /i$hts
"/D "nterrupt /e0uest
"/T) "nternet /esearch Tas# )orce ["nternet
"/7 "nfor&ation /etrie%al E.peri&ent
"! "nfor&ation !yste& 1 "nterrupt !tatus
"!A "ndustry !tandard Architecture 1
"nstruction-!et Architecture
"!AM "nde.ed !e0uential-Access Mana$e&ent5Method
"!AP" "nternet !er%ier AP" [Microsoft
"!B, "nternational !tandard Boo# ,u&*er
"!C "nstruction !et Co&puter 1 "nter-!yste&s
Co&&unication ["BM
"!D "&a$e !ection Descriptor 1
"nstructional !yste&s Desi$n
"!D, "nte$rated !er%ices Di$ital ,etwor#
"!2 "nfor&ation !uper 2i$hway
"!" "nternally !pecified "nde.
"!"! "nte$rated !yste&s and "nfor&ation !er%ices
"!3M "nternet !tarter 3it for the Macintosh
"!L "nteracti%e !yste& Lan$ua$e
"!M "nternet !er%ice Mana$er [Mircrosoft
"!M) "nteracti%e !tora$e Mana$e&ent )acility
"!-C "nternet !ociety
"!-5-!" "nternational !tandards -r$aniBation5-pen
!yste&s "nterconnection (&odel+
"!P "nternet !er%ice Pro%ider ["nternet 1
"nterrupt !tac# Pointer 1 "nterrupt !tatus Port
"!P) "nteracti%e !yste& Pro$ra&&in$ )acility
"!/ "nfor&ation !tora$e and /etrie%al 1
"nterrupt !er%ice /outine 1
"nterrupt !tatus /e$ister
"!!, "nternational !tandard !erial ,u&*er
"!@ "ndependent !oftware @endor
"T "nfor&ation Technolo$y
"TB "nfor&ation Technolo$y Branch 1 "nter&ediate Te.t
"TC "nternational Typeface Corporation
"T, "dentification Tas#in$ and ,etwor#in$
"T/ "nternet Tal# /adio
"T4 "nternational Teleco&&unication 4nion
"T4? "nternational Teleco&&unications 4ser ?roup
"T4-T!! "T4-Teleco&&unication !tandarts !ection
"T@ "nteracti%e Tele%ision
"T7 "nter&ediate Te.t Bloc#
"4 "nte$er 4nit
"4AP "nternet 4ser Account Pro%ider ["nternet
"4!5"TB "nterchan$e 4nit !eparator5"nter&ediate
"@"! "nteracti%e @ideo "nfor&ation !yste&
"@L "ndependent @endor Lea$ue 1 "ntel @erification La*
"@/ "nteracti%e @oice /esponse
"@! "nteracti%e @ideodis# !yste&
"@T "nterrupt @ector Ta*le
"@=@ "ndependent @erification = @alidation
"-6AE "nfor&ation 2i$hway
"7C "nterchan$e Carrier
(T-P+ (4P to "+ (D, to 3+ (B-TT-M+
CA Cu&p Address 1 Cu&p if A*o%e
CAD Coint Application Desi$n
CAE Cu&p if A*o%e or E0ual
CA,ET Coint Acade&ic ,etwor#
CBE Cu&p if Below or E0ual
CC Cu&p if Carry set
CCL Co* Control Lan$ua$e
CDBC Ca%a Data*ase Connecti%ity
CD3 Ca%a De%elop&ent 3it
CE Cu&p if E0ual
CEDEC Coint Electronic De%ices En$ineerin$ Council
CE"DA Capanese Electronics "ndustry De%elop&ent
CE! Co* Entry !yste&
C)ET Cunction )ield Effect Transistor
C)") CPE? )ile "nterchan$e )or&at
C)! Cournaled )ile !yste& ["BM
C? Cu&p if ?reater
C?E Cu&p if ?reater or E0ual
C"P! CA,ET "nternet Protocol !er%ice
CL Cu&p if Less
CLE Cu&p if Less than or E0ual to
CMP Cu&p
C,A Cu&p if ,ot A*o%e
C,AE Cu&p if ,ot A*o%e or E0ual
C,B Cu&p if ,ot Below
C,BE Cu&p if ,ot Below or E0ual
C,? Cu&p if ,ot ?reater
C,?E Cu&p if ,ot ?reater or E0ual
.C,3 Cun# (file na&e e.tension+
C,LE Cu&p if ,ot Less or E0ual
C,- Cu&p if ,o -%erflow
C,P Cu&p if ,o Parity
C,! Cu&p if ,o !i$n
C-E Ca%a -*Aects E%erywhere
CPE Cu&p if Parity E%en
CPE? Coint Photo$raphic E.perts ?roup
CPL Cet Propulsion La*oratory
CP- Cu&p if Parity -dd
C! Cu&p if !i$n
CF Cu&p if Fero
C,F Cu&p if ,ot Fero
C4?2EAD ConByGs 4ni%ersal ?opher 2ierarchy and Display ["nternet
(T-P+ (4P to C+ (D, to L+ (B-TT-M+
3-:; 3inder$arten throu$h :;th ?rade [4! Education
3AM 3eep Ali%e Me&ory
3* 3ilo*it
3B 3ey*oard 1 3ilo*yte (:>9;8 *ytes+
3BD 3ey*oard (also 3EEB+
3BDO 3ey*oard [-!5;
3BP! 3ilo*ytes Per !econd
3DT 3ey Definition Ta*le
3E)"/ 3ey )indin$s /eporter [?TE
3EEBBE )orei$n lan$ua$e 3EEBoard pro$ra& - Bel$iu&
3EEBB/ )orei$n lan$ua$e 3EEBoard pro$ra& - BraBil
3EEBC) )orei$n lan$ua$e 3EEBoard pro$ra& - Canadian-
3EEBCF )orei$n lan$ua$e 3EEBoard pro$ra& -
3EEBD3 )orei$n lan$ua$e 3EEBoard pro$ra& - Den&ar#
3EEB)/ )orei$n lan$ua$e 3EEBoard pro$ra& - )rance
3EEB?/ )orei$n lan$ua$e 3EEBoard pro$ra& - ?er&any
3EEB24 )orei$n lan$ua$e 3EEBoard pro$ra& - 2un$ary
3EEB"T )orei$n lan$ua$e 3EEBoard pro$ra& - "taly
3EEBLA )orei$n lan$ua$e 3EEBoard pro$ra& - Latin A&erica
3EEB,L )orei$n lan$ua$e 3EEBoard pro$ra& - ,etherlands
3EEB,- )orei$n lan$ua$e 3EEBoard pro$ra& - ,orway
3EEBPL )orei$n lan$ua$e 3EEBoard pro$ra& - Poland
3EEBP- )orei$n lan$ua$e 3EEBoard pro$ra& - Portu$al
3EEB!) )orei$n lan$ua$e 3EEBoard pro$ra& - !wiss-)rench
3EEB!? )orei$n lan$ua$e 3EEBoard pro$ra& - !wiss-?er&an
3EEB!L )orei$n lan$ua$e 3EEBoard pro$ra& -
3EEB!P )orei$n lan$ua$e 3EEBoard pro$ra& - !pain
3EEB!4 )orei$n lan$ua$e 3EEBoard pro$ra& - )inland
3EEB!@ )orei$n lan$ua$e 3EEBoard pro$ra& - !weden
3EEB43 )orei$n lan$ua$e 3EEBoard pro$ra& - 4nited
3EEB4! )orei$n lan$ua$e 3EEBoard pro$ra& - 4nited !tates
3EEBE4 )orei$n lan$ua$e 3EEBoard pro$ra& - Eu$osla%ia
32B 3ilohertB
3"! 3now*ot "nfor&ation !er%ice ["nternet
3P" 3ernal Pro$ra&&in$ "nterface
3DML 3nowled$e Duery and Manipulation Lan$ua$e
3!2 3orn !hell (pro$ra&+ [4ni.
3!P2 3eystro#es Per 2our
3!/ 3ey*oard !end /ecei%e
3/! 3nowled$e /etrie%al !yste&
(T-P+ (4P to 3+ (D, to M+ (B-TT-M+
LADD/ Layered De%ice Dri%er Architecture [Microsoft
LALL Lon$est Allowed Lo*e Len$th
LA, Local Area ,etwor#
LA,AC! Local Area ,etwor# Asynchronous Connection !er%er
LA,E Local Area ,etwor# E&ulation
LAPB Lin# Access Procedure Balanced (protocol+
LAPD Lin# Access Procedure Direct (protocol+
LAPM Lin# Access Procedure for Mode&s
LA/ Load Access /i$hts
LA!E/ Li$ht A&plification *y !ti&ulated E&ission of
LA!Tport Local Area !tora$e Transport (protocol+ [DEC
LAT Local Access Ter&inal 1
Local Area Transport [DEC
LA@C Local Area @A7 Cluster
LA6, Local Area 6ireless ,etwor#
LB Left Button (of ; or < *utton Mouse+
LBA Lo$ical Bloc# Addressin$
LBL La*el
LB/ Li*rarian
.LB/ Li*rary (file na&e e.tension+
LBT Listen Before Tal#
LB7 Local Bus Accelerator
LCA Lotus Co&&unications Architecture [Lotus
LCC Leadless Chip Carrier
LCD Li0uid Crystal Display 1 Lowest Co&&on Deno&inator
LC) Low Cost )i*er
LC3 Li*rary Construction 3it [Mircrosoft )o.Pro
LCP Lin# Control Protocol
LC/ Line Control /e$ister
LC4 Last Cluster 4sed
LDA Lo$ical De%ice Address
LDAP Li$htwei$ht Directory Access Protocol ["BM
LDC Lotus De%elop&ent Corporation
LDM Lon$ Distance Mode&
LDT Local Descriptor Ta*le
LE Less or E0ual
LEA Load Effecti%e Address
LEA) Law Enforce&ent Access )ield
LEC Local E.chan$e Carrier
LED Li$ht E&ittin$ Diode
LEL Lin#> E&*ed and Launch-to-edit [Lotus
LEM Lan$ua$e E.tension Module
LE, Low Entry ,etwor#in$
.LET Letter (file na&e e.tension+
LE7 Le.icon
L) Line )eed
L)" Last )ile "ndicator
L), Lon$ )ile ,a&e
L)T Low )unction Ter&inal ["BM
L)4 Least )re0uently 4sed
L?DT Load ?lo*al Descriptor Ta*le
L"A! Li*rary "nfor&ation Access !yste&
.L"B Li*rary (file na&e e.tension+
L"C Line "nterface Coupler ["BM
L"C! Lotus "nternational Character !et [LDC
L"DT Load "nterrupt Descriptor Ta*le
L"EP Lar$e "nternet E.chan$e Pac#et [,o%ell
L") Low "nsertion )orce
L")- Last "n> )irst -ut
L"L- Last "n> Last -ut
L"M Lotus5"ntel5Microsoft
L"MA Lotus5"ntel5Microsoft5A!T
L"M! Li*rary "nfor&ation Mana$e&ent !yste&
L",47 (-peratin$ syste& na&ed after Linus Tor%alds+
L"P Lar$e "nternet Pac#et
L"P! Lo$ical "nferences Per !econd
L"!P List Processin$ (Lan$ua$e+(!ee 2LL+
L"!T!E/@ List !er%er ["nternet
LLC Lo$ical Lin# Control
LLDT Load Local Descriptor Ta*le
LL) Low Le%el )or&at
LMB Left Mouse Button
LMBC! Lotus Multi*yte Character !et [Lotus
LM" Local Mana$e&ent "nterface
LM! Lotus Messa$in$ !witch [Lotus
LM!6 Load Machine !tatus 6ord
LM4 LA, Mana$e&ent 4tilities ["BM 1
LA, Mana$er for 4ni.
L, Lo$arith& (,atural+
L,:D" Lotus ,otes:Docu&ent "&a$in$
L,3 Lin#
L-C Loop -n-Line Control
L-C"! Li*rary of Con$ress "nfor&ation !yste&
L-D Le%el -f Detail
L-D!B Load !trin$ Byte
L-? Lo$arith& (Base :9+
L-?- (Pro$ra&&in$ Lan$ua$e+(!ee 2LL+
L--PE Loop while E0ual
L--P,E Loop while ,ot E0ual
L--P,F Loop while ,ot Fero
L--PF Loop while Fero
L-/E Line -riented Editor
LPC Local Procedure Call
LPD Line Printer Dae&on (protocol+ [Ber#ley
LP" Lines Per "nch
LPL Lotus Pro$ra&&in$ Lan$ua$e [Lotus :-;-< [LDC
LPM Lines Per Minute
LP, Lo$ical Pa$e ,u&*er
LP! Low-Power !chott#y
LPT Line Printer
LPT: )irst Parallel Printer Port
LPT; !econd Parallel Printer Port
LPT< Third Parallel Printer Port
LD Letter Duality
LDM Lin# Duality Monitorin$ (protocol+
L/ Lin# /e$ister
L/C Local /e$ister Cache 1
Lon$itudinal /edundancy Chec#
L/L Least /ecently Loaded
L/M Lan$ua$e /eference Manual 1 Least /ecently-4sed
.L/! Lan$ua$e /esource (file na&e e.tension+
L/4 Least /ecently 4sed
L!A LA, and !C!" Adapter ["BM 1 Line !harin$ Adapter
L!AP" License !er%ices Application Pro$ra& "nterface
L!B Least !i$nificant Bit
L!C Least !i$nificant Character
L!D Least !i$nificant Di$it
L!" Lar$e !cale "nte$ration
L!L Lin# !upport Layer 1 Load !e$&ent Li&it
L!T List
.L!T List (file na&e e.tension+
LT/ Left-To-/i$ht 1 Letter 1 Load Tas# /e$ister
L4 Lo$ical 4nit (Also L4,+
L4A Lo$ical 4nit Application (interface+
L4" Local 4ser "nput
L4"! Li*rary 4ser "nfor&ation !er%ice
L4, Lo$ical 4nit ,u&*er
L4T Loo#up Ta*le
L@ Lo$ical @olu&e ["BM
L@M Lo$ical @olu&e Mana$e&ent ["BM
L6 LaBy 6rite
LF6 Le&pel-Fi%-6elch (al$orith&+
(T-P+ (4P to L+ (D, to ,+ (B-TT-M+
&A Millia&pere
Mac Macintosh (Apple Macintosh Co&puter+
MAC Media5Mediu& Access Control
.MAC MacPaint (file na&e e.tension+ 1
Macro (file na&e e.tension+
MAC2 Multilayer Actuator 2ead [Epson
MADE Manufacturin$ and Auto&ated Desi$n En$ineerin$
MADEM- Mathe&atical Dyna&ic Modelin$ [T,-
MAh Millia&pere-2our
.MA" Mail (file na&e e.tension+
MA, Manual [4ni. 1 Metropolitan Area ,etwor#
MA,PA?E Manual Pa$e [4ni.
MAP Maintenance Analysis Procedures 1
Manufacturin$ Auto&ation Protocol 1
Me&ory Allocation Map
.MAP Lin#er Map (file na&e e.tension+
MAP" Mail5Messa$in$ Applications Pro$ra&&in$
"nterface [Microsoft
MAP"C! Manufacturin$> Accountin$ and Production
"nfor&ation Control !yste& ["BM
MA/@EL Machine-Assisted /ealiBation of the @irtual
Electronic Li*rary [Li*rary of Con$ress
MA!M Macro Asse&*ler [Microsoft
MA!! Ma.i&u& A%aila*ility and !upport
!u*syste& [Parallan
MAT Maintenance Access Ter&inal
MA4 Media Access 4nit 1 Multistation Access 4nit
MA@DM Multiple Application @DM
MA7 Ma.i&u&
MB Me$a*yte (:>9;8 #ilo*ytes+ 1
Middle Button (of < *utton Mouse+
MBA!"C Microsoft BA!"C [Microsoft
MBC! Multi-Byte Character !et ["BM
MB-,E Multicast Bac#*one ["nternet
MBP! Me$a*ytes Per !econd
MB/ Master Boot /ecord
MB7 Mail*o.
MCA Micro Channel Adapter5Architecture ["BM
MCAD Mechanical Co&puter Aided Desi$n
MCB Me&ory Control Bloc#
MC?A Multicolor ?raphics Array
MC" MC" Co&&unications Corp. (na&e fro& initials of
ori$inal co&pany - Microwa%e Co&&unications> "nc.+ 1
Media Control "nterface [Microsoft
MCL Microsoft Co&pati*ility La*s [Microsoft
MCM Multi-Chip Module
MC,E Master Certified ,o%ell En$ineer [,o%ell
MC-P?A MetalliBed Cera&ic - Pin ?rid Array
MCP! Microsoft Certified Product !pecialist [Microsoft
MC-D)P MetalliBed Cera&ic - Duad )lat Pac#
MC/ Mode& Control /e$ister
MC4 Multi-Chip 4nit [DEC
MD Ma#e Directory 1 Monochro&e Display
MDA Monochro&e Display Adapter 1
Multidi&ensional Analysis
.MD) Menu Definition )ile (file na&e e.tension+
MD" Multiple Docu&ent "nterface
MD"C Manchester Decoder and "nterface Chip [AT=T
MD3 Multi&edia De%elopers 3it [Microsoft
MDLP Modile Data Lin# Protocol
MD/ Mini&u& Desi$n /e0uire&ent
MDE Month Day Eear
.ME -penin$ "nfor&ation (file na&e e.tension+ (As in
MEB Me&ory E.pansion Board
ME? Me$a*yte
MEM Me&ory
.ME, Menu (file na&e e.tension+
ME! Manufacturin$ E.ecution !yste&
ME!" Modified> E.clusi%e> !hared and "n%alid (protocol+
MET Me&ory Enhance&ent Technolo$y [2ewlitt-Pac#ard
.MET Metafile (file na&e e.tension+
M)C Microsoft )oundataion Class [Microsoft
M))! Microsoft )lash )ile !yste& [Microsoft
M)L-P! Million )loatin$ Point -perations Per !econd
M)M Modified )re0uency Modulation
M)P Multi-)unction Peripheral5Product
M)P" Multifunction Peripheral "nterface
M)! Macintosh )ile !yste& [Macintosh 1
Ma$netic Tape )ield !earch 1 Me&ory )ile !yste&
Modified )ilin$ !yste& [/e%elation Technolo$ies
M)T Master )ile Ta*le 1
Multipro$ra&&in$ with a )i.ed nu&*er of Tas#s
M?A Monochro&e ?raphics Adapter
M?E Modular ?"! En%iron&ent
M?/ Mana$er
M2! Messa$e 2andlin$ !er%ice 1 Messa$e 2andlin$ !yste&
M2B Me$ahertB
M" Mana$e&ent "nterface
M"B Mana$e&ent "nfor&ation Base
M"C/- -ne-&illionth
M"C! Macro "nterpreti%e Co&&ands
M"D" Musical "nstru&ent Di$ital "nterface
M") Mana$e&ent "nfor&ation )or&at
.M") Mana$e&ent "nfor&ation )iles (file na&e e.tension+
M"? Metal "n ?ap
M"" Microsoft5"BM5"ntel
M"L Machine "nterface Layer [?o Corporation 1
Military (or$aniBation Do&ain na&e+ ["nternet
M"M Metal-"nsulator-Metal (screen+
M"MD Multiple "nstruction Multiple Data !trea& (processor+
M"ME Multipurpose "nternet Mail E.tension ["nternet
M"5M"C Mode "ndicate5Mode "ndicate Co&&on
M", Mini&u& 1 Mo*ile "dentification ,u&*er
M",4ET Minnesota "nternet 4sers Essential Tools ["nternet
M"P! Million "nstructions Per !econd
M"! Mana$e&ent "nfor&ation !yste& 1
Multi&edia "nfor&ation !ources ["nternet
M"!C Miscellaneous
M"7 Me&*er "nfor&ation E.chan$e
M3D"/ Ma#e Directory
ML Machine Lan$ua$e 1 Meta Lan$ua$e
MLAP" Multilin$ual Application Pro$ra&&in$ "nterface
MLC Multilayer Cera&ic 1
Multile%el Cell (pro$ra&+ ["nternet
ML"D Multi-Lin# "nterface Dri%er
MLM Mailin$ List Mana$er ["nternet
MM Minutes 1 Month
MMA Microco&puter Mana$ers Association
MMC Matched Me&ory Cycle 1 Microco&puter Mar#etin$
MMCD MultiMedia Co&pact Dis#
MM" Man-Machine "nterface
MM"! Materials Mana$er "nfor&ation !yste&
MMPM Multi Media Presentation Mana$er
MM4 Me&ory Mana$e&ent 4nit
MM7 Matri. Manipulation E.tensions ["ntel 1
Multi&edia E.tensions
M,-! Metal ,itride -.ide !e&iconductor
M,P Microco& ,etwor#in$ Protocol [Microco&
.M,4 Menu (fine na&e e.tension+
M- Ma$neto--ptical (dis# dri%e+
M-B Me&ory--rder Buffer
M-B- Mother Board
M-D Module 1 Modulus
M-DEM Modulator De&odulator
M-2LL Machine -riented 2i$h Le%el Lan$ua$e
M-M Microsoft -ffice Mana$er [Microsoft
M-- M4D> -*Aect -riented ["nternet
M-P Maintenance -perations Protocol
M-! Metal -.ide !e&iconductor 1 Ma$neto--ptic !tora$e
M-!)ET Metal -.ide !e&iconductor )ield Effect Transistor
M-TD Messa$e -f The Day
M-@ Metal -cide @aristor 1 Mo%e
M-@! Mo%e !trin$
MP Massi%ely Parallel (processin$+ 1 Multiple Processors
MPC Multi&edia Personal Co&puter 1 Multipath Channel
MPC! Mission Plannin$ and Control !tation (!oftware+
MPE Multiple Pro$ra&&in$ E.ecuti%e [2P
MPE? Mo%in$ Picture E.perts ?roup
MP" Messa$e Passin$ "nterface 1 Multiprecision "nte$er
MPM Messa$e Passin$ Li*rary ["BM
MPMD Multiple Processor5Multiple Data
MPP Massi%ely Parallel Processin$ 1
Messa$e Processin$ Pro$ra&
MPDP Multi-Protocol Duad Port ["BM
MP/ Multipart /epeater 1 Multi Protocol /outer [,o%ell
MP! Multiprocessor !pecification
MPT, Multi-Protocol Transport ,etwor#
MPT! Multi-Protocol Transport !er%ices
MP4 Microprocessor 4nit
MD" Messa$e Dueue "nterface
M/ Ma$netoresisti%e 1 Mode& /eady
M/C) Microsoft /ealti&e Co&pression )or&at
M/C" Microsoft /ealti&e Co&pression "nterface
M/" Ma$netic /esonance "&a$in$
M/M Most /ecently-4sed Master
M/- Multi-/e$ion -peration
M/P Materials /e0uire&ent Plannin$
M/PL Main /in$ Path Len$th
M/! Media /eco$nition !yste&
M/T Mean /epair Ti&e
M/4 Ma.i&u& /ecei%e 4nit
M! Me&ory !yste& 1 Messa$e !tore 1 Microsecond 1
Microsoft Corporation 1 Millisecond
M!ACM Microsoft Audio Co&pression Mana$er [Microsoft
M!A4 Multi-!tation Access 4nit
M!A@ Microsoft Anti @irus [Microsoft
M!B Most !i$nificant Bit
M!B) Mean !waps Between )ailures
M!CDE7 Microsoft Co&pact Disc E.tensions [Microsoft
M!D Mass !tora$e De%ice 1 Most !i$nificant Di$it 1
Microsoft !yste& Dia$nostics [Microsoft
M!-D-! Microsoft - Dis# -peratin$ !yste& [Microsoft
M!D/ Multiple.ed !trea&in$ Data /e0uest
M!D! Microsoft De%eloper !upport [Microsoft
M!)/ Mini&u& !ecurity )unction /e0uire&ents ["BM
M!? Messa$e
.M!? Pro$ra& Messa$e (file na&e e.tension+
M!" Mediu& !cale "nte$ration
M!L Map !pecification Li*rary 1 Mirrored !er%er Lin#
M!, Microsoft ,etwor# [Microsoft
M!- Multiple-!yste&s -perator
.M!P Microsoft Paint (file na&e e.tension+ [Microsoft
M!! Mass !tora$e !yste&
M!6 Machine !tatus 6ord
MTA Messa$e Transfer A$ent 1 Multiple Ter&inal Access
MTBB Mean Ti&e Between Brea#downs
MTB) Mean Ti&e Between )ailures
MTBC Mean Ti&e Between Ca&s
MT) Microsoft Tape )or&at [Microsoft 1
Modulation Transfer )unction
MT! Messa$e Transfer !er%ice5!yste& 1
Multichannel Tele%ision !ound
MTTD Mean Ti&e To Dia$nose
MTT) Mean Ti&e To )ailure
MTT/ Mean Ti&e To /epair
MT4 Ma.i&u& Trans&ission 4nit
M4D Multi-4ser Dialo$ue5Di&ension5Do&ain5Dun$eon
M4L Multiply
M4MP! Massachusetts ?eneral 2ospital 4tility
Multi-Pro$ra&&in$ !yste& (Pro$ra&&in$ Lan$ua$e+
M4!E Multi-4ser !hared En%iron&ent
M4T Monitor 4nder Test
M@ Milli%olt
M@B Multi&edia @iewer Boo#
M@C Multi&edia @iewer Co&piler
M@DM Multiple @irtual D-! Machines
M@?A Monochro&e @ideo ?raphics Array
M@"P Multi-@endor "nte$ration Protocol
M@P Multi&edia @ideo Processor
M@! Multiple @irtual !tora$e
M@T Multipro$ra&&in$ with a @aria*le nu&*er of Tas#s
M7 Mail E.chan$er ["nternet
M7! Microsoft E.chan$e !er%er [Microsoft
MF/ Multiple Fone /ecordin$
(T-P+ (4P to M+ (D, to -+ (B-TT-M+
,AC ,etwor# Adapter Card
,ACD ,ational Association of Co&puter Dealers
,AC! ,ational Ad%isory Co&&ittee on !e&iconductors
,AE ,ot A*o%e or E0ual
,A3 ,e$ati%e Ac#nowled$&ent
,AM ,u&*er Assi$n&ent Module
,AMP! ,arrow-Band Analo$ Mo*ile Phone !er%ice
,A,- -ne thousand-&illionth
,AP ,etwor# Access Point
,APLP! ,orth A&erican Presentation Le%el Protocol
!ynta. ($raphics+
,A! ,etwor# Application !upport [DEC
,A!A ,ational Aeronautics and !pace Ad&inistration
,A!DAD ,ational Association of !ecurities Dealers
Auto&atic Duotation
,A!" ,et6are Asynchronous !er%ices "nterface [,o%ell
,A!"/C ,A!A Auto&ated !yste&s "nternet /esponse
,A!3E/ ,A!A A&es 3ernel (*ench&ar#+
,A4 ,etwor# Addressa*le 4nit
,A6! ,e$otiate A*out 6indow !iBe
,BE ,ot Below or E0ual
,B" ,othin$ But "nitials
,B! ,ational Bureau of !tandards 1 ,u&eric Bac#space
,C ,etwor# Co&puter 1 ,o Carry 1 ,u&erical Control
,CA ,etwor# Co&&unications Adapter
,CC ,etwor# Control Center
.,C) ,etware Co&&and )ile [,o%ell
,C?A ,ational Co&puter ?raphics Association
,C"C ,ational Cri&e "nfor&ation Center
,CMT ' ,u&erical Control for Machine Tools
,C-! ,etwor# Co&puter -peratin$ !yste&
,CP ,et6are Core Protocol 1 ,ot Copy Protected 1
,etwor# Control Processor5Pro$ra&5Protocol
,C/ ,ational Cash /e$ister (Co&pany+
,C!A ,ational Center for !uperco&putin$ Applications
,C!C ,ational Co&puter !ecurity Center
,C!" ,etwor# Co&&unications !er%ices
"nterface [,etwor# Products Corp.
,DB ,on-Directional Beacon
,DD3 ,etwor# De%ice De%elop&ent 3id [Microsoft
,DE) ,ot to *e Defined
,D"! ,etwor# De%ice5Dri%er "nterface !pecification
,D, ,on-Deli%ery ,otice
,DP ,u&eric Data Processor
,D/ ,etwor# Data /epresentation
,D/- ,on-Destructi%e /ead -ut
,D! ,et6are Directory !er%ice [,o%ell
.,D7 "nde. (file na&e e.tension+
,EC ,ippon Electric Co&pany
,ED ,A!A E.tra$alactic Data*ase [,A!A
,E? ,e$ati%e 1 ,e$ate
,EP ,etwor# Entry Point
,E! ,ational Education !uperco&puter
,E!T ,o%ell E&*edded !yste&s Technolo$y [,o%ell
,ET ,etwor# (or$aniBation Do&ain na&e+ ["nternet
,etB"-! ,etwor# Basic "nput5-utput !yste& ["BM
,etBE4" ,etB"-! E.tended 4ser "nterface ["BM
.,E6 ,ew "nfor&ation (file na&e e.tension+
,E6! ,et6are Early 6arnin$ !yste& [)rye Co&puter 1
,etwor# E.tensi*le 6indow !yste&
,E6!. Current e%ents [4!E,ET ,ews$roup Cate$ory
,E7T ,ear-End Crosstal#
,)) ,o )ault )ound
,)! ,etwor# )ile !yste&
,? ,o ?ood
,?E ,ot ?reater or E0ual
,2C ,ational 2urricane Center
,2/ ,ational 2andwritin$ /eco$nition
,5" ,on-"nterlaced
,"A ,e.t "nstruction Address
,"C ,etwor# "nfor&ation Center ["nternet 1
,etwor# "nterface Card 1
,u&eric "ntensi%e Co&putin$
,"CAD ,ic#el-Cad&iu&
,"C-LA! ,etwor# "nfor&ation Center -nLine Aid !yste&
,"D ,ew "nteracti%e Display [,EC 1 ,e.t "D
,"" ,ational "nfor&ation "nfrastructure
,"M ,etwor# "nstallation Mana$e&ent ["BM
,"M2 ,ic#el-Metal 2ydride
,"- ,ati%e "nput5-utput
,"P! ,etwor# "5-s Per !econd
,"/ ,etwor# "nfor&ation /etrie%al
,"! ,etwor# "nfor&ation !er%ice [4ni.
,-"!D, ,arrow*and "!D, 1 ,ational "!D,
,"!- ,ational "nfor&ation !tandards -r$aniBation
,"!P ,etwor#ed "nfor&ation !er%ices ProAect
,"!T ,ational "nstitute for !tandards and Technolo$y
,"TC ,ational "nfor&ation Technolo$y Center
,"4 ,etwor# "nterface 4nit
,CE ,etwor# Co* Entry (protocol+ ["BM
,L ,ew Line
,LE ,ot Less or E0ual
,LM ,et6are Loada*le Module [,etware
,LP ,atural-Lan$ua$e Processin$
,LD ,ear Letter Duality
,L!)4,C ,ational Lan$ua$e !upport )unction
,L@ ,ational Lan$ua$e @ersion ["BM
,M" ,on-Mas#a*le "nterrupt
,MM ,et6are Mana$e&ent Map [,et6are
,M-! ,e$ati%e Channel Metal--.ide !e&iconductor
,MP ,etwor# Mana$e&ent Protocol [AT=T
,M! ,etwor# Mana$e&ent !yste& [,o%ell
,, ,etwor# ,ode 1 ,o ,ews ["nternet
,," ,etwor#-,etwor# "nterface
,,TP ,etwor# ,ews Transfer Protocol ["nternet
,-C ,etwor# -perations Center
,-P ,o -peration
,-PAC ,etwor# -PAC
,-/ ,ot -r
,-! ,etwor# -peratin$ !yste&
,PA ,etwor# Printer Alliance
,P" ,etwor# Printer "nterface
,PL ,onprocedural Lan$ua$e
,P! ,o%ell Producti%ity !pecialist [,o%ell
,PT, ,ational Pu*lic Teleco&putin$ ,etwor#
,P4 ,atural Processin$ 4nit
,P7 ,u&eric Processor E.tension
,D! ,etwor# Duein$ !yste& [Cray
,/C ,ational /esearch Council (Canada+
,/E, ,ational /esearch and Education ,etwor#
,/F ,ot /eturn to Fero
,/F" ,on /eturn to Fero "n%erted
,! ,anosecond 1 ,ational !e&iconductor (as in ,s:LPP9
4A/T+ 1
,etwor# !uper%isor 1 ,on !top
,!AP ,etwor# !er%ice Access Point
,!AP" ,etscape !er%er AP" [,etscape
,!A P-LE ,ational !ecurity A$ency Poly$raph
,!E/C ,ational !ciences and En$ineerin$ /esearch Council
,!) ,ational !cience )oundation
,!),ET ,ational !cience )oundation ,etwor#
,!" ,A!A !cience "nternet
,!L--34P ,a&e !er%er Loo#up [4ni.
,!M ,etscape !er%er Man$er [,etscape
,!P ,ati%e !i$nal Processin$ ["ntel 1 ,etwor# !er%ice
,!!C ,A!A !tandard !pacecraft Co&puter
,!TC ,ational !cience and Technolo$y Council
,!TL ,ational !oftware Testin$ La*s
,T ,ew Technolo$y [Microsoft
,TA! ,T Ad%a&ced !er%er [Microsoft
,T) ,o Trou*le )ound
,T)! ,ew Technolo$y )ile !yste& [Microsoft
,T"A ,ational Teleco&&unications and
"nfor&ation Ad&inistration
,T"! ,ational Technical "nfor&ation !er%ice
,T/A! ,T /e&ote Access !er%ices [Microsoft
,T!A ,et6are Telephony !er%ices Architecture [,o%ell
,T!C ,ational Tele%ision !tandards Co&&ittee
,4" ,etwor# 4ser "dentification 1
,etwor# 4ser "nterface 1
,ote*oo# 4ser "nterface [?o Corporation
,4L ,ull 1 (du&&y de%ice+ 1 (no de%ice+
,@ ,o -%erflow
,@M ,on-@olatile Me&ory
,@-D ,ear-@ideo -n De&and
,@P ,o&inal @elocity of Propa$ation
,@/AM ,on-@olatile /ando& Access Me&ory
,@T ,etwor# @irtual Ter&inal 1
,o%ell @irtual Ter&inal [,o%ell
(T-P+ (4P to ,+ (D, to P+ (B-TT-M+
-AB -ne-to-All Broadcast
-AD -pen Architecture Dri%er [Bernoulli
-A? -fficial Airline ?uide 1 -nline Air ?uide
-A" -pen Applications "nterface
-A! -ne-to-All !catter
-BD -n Board Dia$nostics
-BE7 -*Aect E.chan$e [Borland
-BC -*Aect
-C -ptical Carrier
-CE -pen Colla*orati%e En%iron&ent [Apple
-C) -*Aects Co&ponents )ra&ewor# [Borland
-CL -peration Control Lan$ua$e 1 -perator Control
-C/ -ptical Character /eco$nition
-C! -n-Card !e0uencer
-C7 -LE Custo& Control
-DA -ffice Docu&ent Architecture
-DAP" -pen Data*ase Application Pro$ra&&in$
"nterface [Borland
-DBC -pen Data Base Connecti%ity [Microsoft
-DBM! -*Aect--riented Data*ase Mana$e&ent !yste& (also
see --DM!+
-D" -pen Datalin# "nterface [,o%ell 1
-pen De%ice "nterconnect [,et6are
-DM -*Aect Data Mana$er ["BM
-DMA -pen Docu&ent Mana$e&ent AP"
-DP -pen Distri*uted Processin$
-D! -pen Data !er%ices [Microsoft
-D!" -pen Directory !er%ice "nterface [Microsoft
-DT -pen Des#top
-EM -ri$inal E0uip&ent Manufacturer
-EP -perand E.ecution Pipeline
-) -%erflow )la$
-)B -utput )eed*ac# (&ode+
-)MT -utput )or&at for ,u&*ers
-)! -*Aect )ile !yste& [Microsoft 1 -utput )ield
-2 -ff 2oo#
-"DL -*Aect "nterface Definition Lan$ua$e
-"! -ffice "nfor&ation !yste&s
-LAP -n-Line Analytical Processin$
.-LD -ld %ersion (file na&e e.tension+
-LE -*Aect Lin#in$ and E&*eddin$ [Microsoft
-L" -ptical Line "nterface [AT=T
-LMC -utput Lo$ic Macrocell
-LTP -n-Line Transaction Processin$
-M -*Aect Mana$er
-MA -*Aect Mana$e&ent Architecture [Microsoft
-ME -pen Messa$in$ En%iron&ent (protocol+
-M) -*Aect Module )or&at [Microsoft 1
-pen Media )ra&ewor# 1 -pen Messa$e )or&at
-M? -*Aect Mana$e&ent ?roup
-M" -pen Messa$in$ "nterface [Lotus
-M,! -pen ,etwor# Mana$e&ent !yste&
-M/ -ptical Mar# /eco$nition
-,C -pen ,etwor# Co&putin$ [!un
-,D! -pen ,etwor# Distri*ution !er%ices ["BM
-,4 -ptical ,etwor# 4nit
--DB -*Aect--riented Data*ase
--DM! -*Aect--riented Data*ase Mana$e&ent !yste& (also
see -DBM!+
--L -*Aect--riented Lan$ua$e
---! -*Aect--riented -peratin$ !yste&
--PL -*Aect--riented Pro$ra&&in$ Lan$ua$e
--P! -*Aect -riented Pro$ra&&in$ and !yste&s
--! -*Aect--riented !yste&s 1
-ff-line -peratin$ !i&ulator
--T -*Aect--riented Technolo$y
--4" -*Aect -riented 4ser "nterface
-P -peration 1 -ptical 1 -utput
-PAC -nline Pu*lic Access Catalo$ ["nternet
-PC -ptical Photoconductor
-PC-DE -perational Code
-PD -perand
-P" -pen Prepress "nterface
-PM -perations Per Minute
-P! -perations
-PT -pen Protocol Technolo$y
.-PT -ptions (file na&e e.tension+
-P4! -ctal Pro$ra& 4pdatin$ !yste&
-/ACLE -n-Line "n0uiry and /eport ?enerator (4,"7 DB
-/B -*Aect /e0uest Bro#er [Microsoft
-/? -r$aniBation (or$aniBation Do&ain na&e+ ["nternet
-/" -nline /etrie%al "nterface
.-/" -ri$inal (file na&e e.tension+
-/! -utput /ecord !eparator
-! -peratin$ !yste&
-!5; -peratin$ !yste&5; ["BM
-!A -pen !criptin$5!yste& Architecture
-!5E -peratin$ !yste&5En%iron&ent
-!) -pen !oftware )oundation
-!" -pen !yste&s "nterconnection
-!M -ff-!creen Model
-!P -n-!creen Pro$ra&&in$ 1 -ptical !tora$e Processor
-!P) -pen !hortest Path )irst
-!DL -*Aect !tructured Duery Lan$ua$e
-T -*Aect Technolo$y
-TA -peration-Tri$$ered Architecture
-TD/ -ptical Ti&e Do&ain /eflecto&eter
-T) -pen To#en )oundation
-TP -ne-Ti&e Pro$ra&&a*le
-4/! -pen 4sers /eco&&ended !olutions
.-4T -utlines (file na&e e.tension+
-4T! -utput !trin$
-@ -%erflow
.-@L Pro$ra& -%erlay (file na&e e.tension+
.-@/ Pro$ra& -%erlay (file na&e e.tension+
-6L -*Aect5-pen 6indows Li*rary [Borland
(T-P+ (4P to -+ (D, to D+ (B-TT-M+
PAB Personal Address Boo#
PAB7 Pri%ate Auto&atic Branch E.chan$e
PACE Priority Access Control Ena*led [<Co&
PAC! Picture Archi%in$ and Co&&unication !yste&
PAC!-L Pu*lic Access Co&puter !yste&s List ["nternet
PAD Pac#et Asse&*ler5Disasse&*ler
PAD! Pen Application De%elop&ent !yste& [!late
PA"2 Pu*lic-Access "nternet 2ost ["nternet
PA"! Pu*lic-Access "nternet !ite ["nternet
.PA3 Pac#ed (co&pressed file na&e e.tension+ [,o?ate
PAL Parado. Applications Lan$ua$e [Borland 1
Phase Alternatin$ Line 1 Pro$ra&&ed Array Lo$ic 1
Pro$ra&&in$ Asse&*ly Lan$ua$e
.PAL Palette (file na&e e.tension+
PALC Plas&a-Addressed Li0uid Crystal (display+
PAL! Principles of the Alpha*et Literacy !yste&
PAM Pulse A&plitude Modulation
PAP Pac#et-le%el Procedure 1
Password Authentication Protocol 1
Printer Access Protocol
PA/ Personal Ani&ation /ecorder 1 Parallel
PA/A Para$raph
PA/C Palo Alto /esearch Center [7E/-7
.PA! PA!CAL source code (file na&e e.tension+
PA!CAL (Pro$ra&&in$ Lan$ua$e na&ed for Blaise Pascal+
.PAT Patch 1 Pattern (file na&e e.tensions+
PA7 Porta*le Archi%e E.chan$e [4ni.
PBE Pro&pt By E.a&ple
PB?A Plastic Ball ?rid Array
PB7 Pri%ate Branch E.chan$e
PC Personal Co&puter 1 Printed Circuit 1 Pro$ra& Counter
PCAC"A! Personal Co&puter Auto&ated Cali*ration "nter%al
Analysis !yste&
PCB Printed Circuit Board 1 Pro$ra& Control Bloc#
PCBC Plain Cipher Bloc# Chainin$
PCD Photo Co&pact Dis#
PC-D-! Personal Co&puter - Dis# -peratin$ !yste& ["BM
PCEB PC" to E"!A Brid$e ["ntel
PC" Peripheral Co&ponent "nterconnect5"nterface
PC-"5- Pro$ra& Controlled "5-
PCL Printer Co&&and Lan$ua$e [2P 1 Process Control
PCM Personal Co&puter Manufacturer 1 Pulse Code
PCMC PC"> Cache> Me&ory Controller ["ntel
PCMC"A Personal Co&puter Me&ory Card "nternational
PCM"M Personal Co&puter Media "nterface Module
PC, Personal Co&puter ,etwor#
PC,)! Personal Co&puter ,etwor# )ile !yste&
PC- Point of Control and -*ser%ation
PC! Patcha*le Control !tore 1
Personal Co&&unication !er%ices5!yste& 1
Personal Conferencin$ !pecification 1
Plannin$ Control !heet 1 Print Contrast !i$nal 1
Process Control !yste&s 1 Pro$ra& Counter !tore 1
Pro$ra&&a*le Dri%e Ta*le 1 ProAect Control !yste&
PCT Pri%ate Co&&unications Technolo$y
.PCT Picture (file na&e e.tension+
.PC7 Picture "&a$e (file na&e e.tension+
PD Pu*lic Do&ain
PDA Personal Di$ital Assistant
PDD Physical De%ice Dri%er
PD) Pac#a$e Definition )ile 1 Porta*le Docu&ent )or&at 1
Porta*le Docu&ent )ile 1 Processor Defined )unction 1
Pro$ra& De%elop&ent )acility
.PD) Printer Description (file na&e e.tension+
PD"AL Pu*lic Dialup "nternet Access List ["nternet
PDL Pa$e Description Lan$ua$e 1 Pro$ra& Description
1 Pro$ra& Desi$n Lan$ua$e
PDM Product Data Mana$e&ent
PD, Pu*lic Data ,etwor#
PD- Porta*le Distri*uted -*Aects [,e.t
PDP Plas&a Display Panel 1 Pro$ra&&a*le Data Processor
(DEC Co&puter !yste& Desi$nation> i.e. PDP-M> PDP-::+
PD! Pac#et Dri%er !pecification 1 Partitioned Data !et 1
Planetary Data !yste& 1 Porta*le Docu&ent !oftware 1
Processor Direct !lot [Macintosh
PD!! Post De%elop&ent and !oftware !upport
PDT Perfor&ance Dia$nostic Tool ["BM 1
Pro$ra&&a*le Dri%e Ta*le
PD4 Plu$ Distri*ution 4nit
.PD7 Parado. files (file na&e e.tension+ [Borland 1
Printer Description E.tension (file na&e e.tension+
PE Parity E%en 1 Processin$ Ele&ent 1 Protect Ena*le
PEA Poc#et Ethernet Adapter
PEL Picture Ele&ent ["BM
PEM Pri%acy-Enhanced Mail ["nternet
PE, !D3 Pen Co&putin$ !oftware De%elop&ent 3it
PEP Pac#etiBed Ense&*le Protocol [Tele*it
PE/L Practical E.traction and /eport Lan$ua$e [4ni.
PE/T Pro$ra& E%aluation and /e%iew Techni0ue
PE! Positionin$ Error !i$nal 1 Processor Enhance&ent
Processor 4p$rade !oc#et
PET Print Enhance&ent Technolo$y [Co&pa0
.P)B Printer )ont Binary (file na&e e.tension+
P)E Pro$ra&&erGs )ile Editor
.P)M Printer )ont Metrics (file na&e e.tension+ [6indows
P)/ Power-)ail /estart
P?A Pin ?rid Array 1 Professional ?raphics Adapter ["BM
P?C Pro$ra& ?roup Control [Microsoft
P?D, Pa$e Down
.P?L ?raphics (file na&e e.tension+ [2ewlett-Pac#ard
P?M Pro$ra&
P?P Pretty ?ood Pri%acy (na&e of encryption pro$ra&+
.P?P Pro?ra& Para&eter (file na&e e.tension+ [AutoCAD
P?4P Pa$e 4p
P2"?! Pro$ra&&ersG 2ierarchial "nteracti%e ?raphics
.P2- Phone List (file na&e e.tension+
P2! Personal 2andyphone !yste&
P" Pro$ra& "nterruption
P"A Peripheral "nterface Adapter
P"C Personal "ntelli$ent Co&&unicator 1
Priority "nterrupt Controller 1
Pro$ra& "nterrupt Controller
P"C! Platfor& for "nternet Content !election
P"CT Picture
P"D Process "dentification ,u&*er 1
Proportional> "nte$ral> Deri%ati%e
P"E/ Procedures for "nternet5Enterprise /enu&*erin$
P") Picture "nterchan$e )or&at )ile 1
Pro$ra& "nfor&ation )ile
P"" Pro$ra& "nte$rated "nfor&ation
P"L-T Pro$ra&&ed "n0uiry Learnin$ -r Teachin$
PilotACE' Pilot Auto&atic Co&putin$ En$ine
P"M Personal "nfor&ation Mana$er
P", Personal "dentification ,u&*er 1
Process "dentification ,u&*er [4ni.
P",E Pine "s ,ot El& [4ni.
P",? Pac#et "nternet ?roper
P"- Parallel "nput5-utput 1 Processor "nput5-utput 1
Pro$ra&&ed "nput5-utput
P"P Picture "n Picture 1 Pro*le& "solation Procedure 1
Pro$ra&&a*le "nterconnect Point
P"P- Parallel "n> Parallel -ut
P"T Pro$ra&&a*le "nter%al Ti&er
P"7EL Picture Ele&ent
PL Plus
PLA Pro$ra&&a*le Lo$ic-Array
PLAT- Pro$ra&&ed Lo$ic for Auto&atic Teachin$ -perations
PLC Pro$ra&&a*le Lo$ic Controller
PLCC Plastic Leadless Chip Carrier
PLD Pro$ra&&a*le Lo$ic De%ice
PLD! Pilot Land Data !yste& [,A!A
PLL Phase Loc#ed Loop
.PLL Prelin#ed Li*rary (file na&e e.tension+ [Clipper
PL5M Pro$ra&&in$ Lan$ua$e for Micros
PL! Pri&ary Lin# !tation
PL@ Production Le%el @ideo
PL5: ' Pro$ra&&in$ Lan$ua$e -ne
PM Presentation Mana$er ["BM 1
Pre%entati%e Maintenance 1 Process Mana$er
PMM4 Pa$ed Me&ory Mana$e&ent 4nit
PM-! Positi%e Channel Metal -.ide !e&iconductor
PM/ Pro*le& Mana$e&ent /eport ["BM
PM! Policy Mana$e&ent !yste&
P, Processin$ ,ode
P,A Pro$ra&&a*le ,etwor# Access
P,? Porta*le ,etwor# ?raphics
P,P Plu$ And Play
P- Parity -dd
P-C Point -f Contact
P-E Power -pen En%iron&ent
P-2 Power--n 2ours
P-L Pro*le& -riented Lan$ua$e
P-P Point -f Presence [MC" 1 Pop fro& !tac# 1
Post -ffice Protocol
P-PA Pop All /e$isters
P-P) Pop )la$s
P-/ Power--n-/eset
P-! Point -f !ale 1 Positi%e 1 Pro$ra&&a*le -*Aect !elect
P-!"7 Porta*le -peratin$ !yste& "nterface for 4ni.
P-!T Power--n !elf Test
P-!T,ET Postal ,u&eric Encodin$ Techni0ue
P-T! Plain -ld Telephone !er%ice
P-6E/ Perfor&ance -pti&iBation with Enhanced /"!C
PowerPC Perfor&ance -pti&iBation with Enhanced /"!C-
.PPD Post!cript Printer Description (file na&e e.tension+
PPD! Personal Printer Data !trea& ["BM
PP?A Plastic Pin ?rid Array
PPM Pa$es Per Minute
PPP Point-to-Point Protocol ["nternet
PP! Pac#ets Per !econd 1 Power Personal !yste&s ["BM
PPTP Point-to-Point Tunnelin$ Protocol
PD)P Plastic Duad )lat Pac#
P/AC!A Pu*lic /e&ote Access Co&puter !tandards
P/AM Parallel /ando&-Access Machine 1
Para&eter /ando& Access Me&ory
.P/D Printer Dri%er (file na&e e.tension+ [6ord
P/E Prefor&atted [2TML
P/eP Power PC /eference Platfor& ["BM5Motorola
P/) Pulse /epetition )re0uency
.P/) Preferences (file na&e e.tension+ [?ra&&ati# "@
.P/? Pro$ra& (file na&e e.tension+
P/",T) Print with )or&attin$ [C Pro$ra&&in$ Lan$ua$e
P/"!M Photo-/efracti%e "nfor&ation !tora$e Material
.P/C ProAect (file na&e e.tension+ [Borland
P/MD Pri%ate Man$e&ent Do&ain [7.899
P/ML Partial-/esponse Ma.i&u&-Li#elihood
.P/- Profile (file na&e e.tension+
P/-C Procedure
P/-)! Professional -ffice !yste& ["BM
P/-? Pro$ra& 1 Pro$ra&&er
P/-L-? Pro$ra&&in$ "n Lo$ic (Pro$ra&&in$ Lan$ua$e+
(!ee 2LL+
P/-M Pro$ra&&a*le /ead -nly Me&ory
P/, Printer
.P/! Printer (file na&e e.tension+ [6ordPerfect
P/T!C Print !creen
P! Proportional !pacin$
.P! Post!cript (file na&e e.tension+
P!5; Pro$ra&&in$ !yste& ; ["BM
P!C Personal !uper Co&puter 1 Print !er%er Co&&and 1
Product !er%ice Center
P!D, Pac#et-!witched Data ,etwor#
P!D! Pac#et-!witched Data !er%ice
P!E/@E/ Print !er%er [,et6are
P!) Per&anent !wap )ile
P!"D Post!cript "&a$e Data
P!M Printin$ !yste&s Mana$er
P!, Pac#et !witchin$ ,etwor#
P!P Personal !oftware Products ($roup+ ["BM 1
Pro$ra& !e$&ent Prefi.
P!PD, Pac#et-!witched Pu*lic Data ,etwor#
P-!/AM Pseudo-!tatic /ando& Access Me&ory
P!/T Post!cript /ound Ta*le [?Enie
P!T, Pu*lic !witched Telephone ,etwor#
P!4 Power !upply 4nit
P!6 Pro$ra& !tatus 6ord
.ps.F Co&pressed Post!cript (file na&e e.tension+ [4ni.
PT Pa$e Ta*le
P5T Part Ti&e
PTD Parallel Transfer Dis# Dri%e
PT) Pro*le& Te&porary5Trou*le )i. ["BM
P4B Pu*lic (directory+ ["nternet 1 Pu*lish
.P4B Pu*lication (file na&e e.tension+ [@entura
P4, Physical 4nit ,u&*er
P4P PA/C 4ni%ersal Pac#et (protocol+
P4! Processor 4p$rade !oc#et
P4!2A Push All /e$isters
P4!2) Push )la$s
P@C Per&anent @irtual Circuit 1 Poly%inyl Chloride
P@M Parallel @irtual Machine 1
Pass-throu$h @irtual Machine (protocol+ ["BM
P@P Parallel @ector Processin$
P@! Parallel @isualiBation !er%er
P6 Password
P6B Printed 6ire Board 1
Pro$ra&&erGs 6or#*ench [Microsoft
P6D Print 6or#in$ Directory [4ni.
P6/ Power
P6!C! Pro$ra&&a*le 6or#station Co&&unication !er%ices
.P7 Pri&ary "nde. (file na&e e.tension+ [Parado.
(T-P+(4P to P+(D, to /+(B-TT-M+
DA Duality Assurance
DAM Duadrature A&plitude Modulation
DBE Duery By E.a&ple
DB) Duery *y )or&
DB"C Duery By "&a$e Content ["BM
DC Duality Control
DD-! Duic# and Dirty -peratin$ !yste&
.DD" Dictionary (file na&e e.tension+ [Duic#en
.DDT Data (file na&e e.tension+ [Duic#en
DEMM Duarterdec# E.panded Me&ory Mana$er
[Duarterdec# Corp.
D)A Duic# )ile Access
D)P Duad )lat Pac#
D"C Duality "nfor&ation 4sin$ Cycle Ti&e [2ewlett-
Pac#ard 1
Duarter-"nch Cartrid$e
.D") Duic#en "&port )ile5"nterchan$e )or&at (file na&e
.DMT Me&oriBed List (file na&e e.tension+ [Duic#en
.D,7 " to Data (file na&e e.tension+ [Duic#en
DP? Duantu& Phase ?ate
DP!3 Duadrature Phase !hift 3eyin$
DTC Duic#ti&e Conferencin$ [Macintosh
(T-P+ (4P to D+ (D, to !+ (B-TT-M+
/A /eturn AuthoriBation
/AC) /esource Access Control )acility
/AD /apid Application De%elop&ent
/ADA/ /i$hts> A%aila*ilities> Distri*ution Analysis
and /eportin$ [Disney
/ADB /outin$ Ar*iter Data Base

/AD!L /ate Adapti%e Di$ital !u*scri*er Line
/A? /ow Address ?enerator
/A"D /edundant Arrays of "ndependent Dis#s 1
/edundant Arrays of "ndependent Dri%es 1
/edundant Arrays of "ne.pensi%e Dis#s
/A"! /edundant Arrays of "ne.pensi%e !yste&s
/AL4 /e$ister Arith&etic Lo$ic 4nit
/AM /ando& Access Me&ory
/AMDAC /ando& Access Me&ory Di$ital-to-Analo$
Con%erter [!ierra
/AMP /e&ote Access Maintenance Protocol ["nternet
/A,D /ando&
/AP /apid Application Prototypin$
/A/P /e%erse Address /esolution Protocol
/A! /ando& Access !tora$e 1
/eader Ad&ission !yste& [British Li*rary 1
/elia*ility> A%aila*ility and !er%icea*ility 1
/e&ote Access !er%ice 1 /ow Address !elect
/A!AP" /e&ote Access !er%ice Application Pro$ra&&in$
"nterface [Microsoft
/A@E /enderin$ Acceleration @irtual En$ine [Apple
/B /i$ht Button (of ; or < *utton Mouse+
/BB! /e&ote Bulletin Board !yste&
/BC! /e&ote Bar Code !yste&
/B-C /e$ional Bell -peratin$ Co&pany
/CL /otate Carry Left
/CP /e&ote Control Panel 1 /e&ote Copy ["nternet 1
/estore Cursor Position
/C/ /otate Carry /i$ht
/C! /ecords Co&&unications !witchin$ !yste& 1
/e%ision Control !yste& [4ni.
/D /ecei%e Data 1 /e&o%e Directory
/=D /esearch and De%elop&ent
/DA /e&ote Data*ase Access
/DB /ecei%e Data Buffer 1 /elational Data*ase
/DBM! /elational Data*ase Man$e&ent !yste&
/DCL3 /ecei%ed Ti&in$ Cloc#
/DP /elia*le Data$ra& Protocol
/D/AM /a&*us Dyna&ic /ando& Access Me&ory
/D!/ /ecei%er Data !er%ice /e0uest
/DT- /ecei%e Data Transfer -ffset ["BM
./EC /ecorder (file na&e e.tension+
/EC. /ecreation [4!E,ET ,ews$roup Cate$ory
./E) /eference (file na&e e.tension+
/E? /e$ister
/E?AL /i$id Epo.y ?lass Acrylic La&inate
/EL!ECT /elati%e !ector
/EM /e&ar# 1 /e&ote 1 /in$ Error Monitor
/E, /ena&e
/EP /epeat
/EPE /epeat while E0ual
/EP,E /epeat while ,ot E0ual
/EP,F /epeat while ,ot Fero
/EPF /epeat while Fero
/ED /e0uest
/E/E? /e-/e$ister
/E! /e&ote E.ecution !er%ice 1 /eset 1 /esolution
./E! /esource (file na&e e.tension+
/ET /esolution Enhance&ent Technolo$y [2P 1
/E7 /elocata*le E.ecuta*le
/E7EC /e&ote E.ecution
/E77 /estructured E.tended E.ecutor (lan$ua$e+ ["BM
/) /adio )re0uency
/)C /e0uest )or Co&&ents ["nternet
/)D /e0uest for Discussion ["nternet
/)" /adio )re0uency "nterference
/)P /e0uest for Proposal
/)D /e0uest for Duotation
/)! /e&ote )ile !harin$ 1 /e&ote )ile !yste&
/)T /e%isa*le )or& Te.t 1 /ich Te.t )or&at
/)4 /eser%ed )or )uture 4se
/?B /ed-?reen-Blue (color &odel+
/" /eferential "nte$rity 1 /in$ "ndicate
/")) /esource "nterschan$e )ile )or&at [Microsoft
/"M /e&ote "nstallation and Maintenance [Microsoft
/"ME /elay,et "nternational Messa$e E.chan$e
/"P /e&ote "&a$in$ Protocol 1
/outin$ "nfor&ation Protocol [,o%ell
/"PEM /iordanGs "nternet Pri%acy Enhanced Mail
/"P! /aster "&a$e Processin$ !yste&
/"!C /educed "nstruction !et Co&puter
/CE /e&ote Co* Entry
/LE /un Len$th Encoded
/LL /un Len$th Li&ited
/L, /e&ote LA, ,ode [DCA
/L-?", /e&ote Lo$in
/L!D /ecei%ed Line !i$nal Detected
/L!" ' /idiculously Lar$e-!cale "nte$ration
/M /eset Mode
/MA /eturn Material AuthoriBation 1
/eturn to Manufacturer AuthoriBation
/MB /i$ht Mouse Button
/MD"/ /e&o%e Directory
/M-, /e&ote Monitor5Monitorin$
/MP /e&ote Maintenance Processor ["BM
/M! /ecord Mana$e&ent !er%ices 1 /oot Mean !0uare
/M6 /ead-Modify-6rite
/, /ead ,ews ["nternet
/,D /ando&
/,? /ando& ,u&*er ?enerator
/,P /e$ional ,etwor# Pro%ider
/-- /ead -nly
/-B /eorder Buffer ["ntel
/-L /otate Left
/-M /ead -nly Me&ory
/--M /eal-Ti&e -*Aect--riented Modelin$
/-P /aster -peration 1 /"!C -peration
/-/ /otate /i$ht
/-! /ead--nly !tora$e ["BM
/-T /unnin$ -*Aect Ta*le
/PC /e&ote Procedure Call
/P? /eport Pro$ra& ?enerator (Pro$ra&&in$ Lan$ua$e+
/PL /esident Pro$ra&&in$ Lan$ua$e 1
/e0uested Pri%ile$e Le%el
/P, /eal Pa$e ,u&*er
/P/",TE/ /e&ote Printer [,et6are
/PP/-M /epro$ra&&a*le P/-M
/PT /epeat
/PD /e0uest for Price Duotation
/DBE /elational Duery By E.a&ple [)o. Pro
// /eal /eality
/! /adio !hac# 1
/eco&&ended !tandard (as in /!-;<;+ [E"A 1
/ecord !eparator 1 /e0uest to !end
/!A:;K (:;K di$it crypto$raphic security nu&*er na&ed
its in%entors: Drs. /onald L. /i%est> Adi !ha&ir and
Leonard M. Adel&an+
/!AC /ecreational !oftware Ad%isory Council
/!C! /e&ote !poolin$ Co&&unications !yste&
/!D /oute !er%er Dae&on
/!2 /e&ote !hell
/!L /e0uest-and-!tatus Lin#
/!P /e0uired !pace Character
/!T /eset 1 /estart
/!T! /esource !harin$ Ti&e !harin$ [Di$ital
/!7 /eal Ti&e /esource !harin$ E.ecuti%e
/T /eal Ti&e 1 /"!C Technolo$y 1 /un Ti&e
/5T /ecei%e5Trans&it
/TAM /e&ote Ter&inal Access Method
/TC /eal-Ti&e Cloc#
/TDM /eal-Ti&e Data Mi$ration
/TEL /e%erse Telnet ["nternet
/T) /ich Te.t )or&at
/TL /e$ister Transfer Lan$ua$e5Le%el 1
/esistor Transistor Lo$ic 1 /i$ht-To-Left 1
/un Ti&e Li*rary
/TM /esponse Ti&e Monitor 1 /unti&e Mana$er [Borland
/TMP /outin$ Ta*le Maintenance Protocol
/T-! /eal-Ti&e -peratin$ !yste&
/TP /apid Transport Protocol 1 /eal-Ti&e Protocol
/T! /e&ote Ta#eo%er !yste& 1 /e0uest To !end
/TT" /unti&e Type "nfor&ation
/TTE /adio Teletypewriter (Co&&unications+
/T@ /eal Ti&e @ideo
/@A /elati%e @irtual Address
/@" /e%erse "nterrupt
/56 /ead56rite
/6M /ead-6rite Me&ory
/7 /ecei%er
/7D /ecei%e Data
(T-P+ (4P to /+ (D, to T+ (B-TT-M+
!A !electi%e A%aila*ility
!AA !yste&s Application Architecture ["BM
!ADL !ynchronous Data Lin# Control [/acal-@adic
!A",T ' !y&*olic Auto&atic "nte$rator
!AL !hift Arith&etic Left
!AM !erial Access Me&ory 1 !e0uential Access Method 1
!in$le Application Mode [Microsoft
!A,E !tandare Apple ,u&eric En%iron&ent
!AP !econd Audio Pro$ra& 1 !er%ice Access
Point [DEC 1 !er%ice Ad%ertisin$ Protocol
!AP ' !y&*olic Asse&*ly Pro$ra&
!AP" !peech Application Pro$ra& "nterface [Microsoft
!A/ !hift Arith&etic /i$ht 1
!uccessi%e Appro.i&ation /e$ister 1
!ynthetic Aperature /adar
!A! !ales Accountin$ !yste& 1 !in$le Attached !tation 1
!in$le Audio !yste& 1 !tatistical Analysis !yste&
!A!" !hu$ert Associates !yste& "nterface (!C!" ori$inated
fro& !A!"+
!ATA, !ecurity Ad&inistrator Tool for AnalyBin$ ,etwor#s
.!A@ !a%ed (file na&e e.tension+
!A@DM !in$le Application @DM
!B !ound Blaster [Creati%e La*s 1 !ound Board
!BA !cene Balance Al$orith&s [3oda#
!BB !u*tract 6ith Borrow
!BC !in$le-Board Co&puter
!BC! !in$le-Byte Character !et
!B" !ound Blaster "nstru&ent
.!B/ !ource Browser (file na&e e.tension+ [Borland
.!C !cript (file na&e e.tension+
!CADA !uper%isory Control and Data A0uisition
!CAM !C!" Confi$uration Auto&atically
!CA! !can !trin$
!CB !u*syste& Control Bloc# ["BM
!CC !erial Co&&unications Controllers 1
!erial Controller Chip 1
!ynchronous Channel Chec# ["BM
!CC! !ource Code Control !yste&
!CD !tandard Color Display
!C) !yste& Control )acility
!C". !cience [4!E,ET ,ews$roup Cate$ory
!CLM !oftwre Confi$uration and Li*rary Mana$e&ent ["BM
!CM !creenCa& )or&at [Lotus 1
!oftware Confi$uration Mana$e&ent 1 !tation Class
!C- !anta CruB -peration (!oftware Co&pany+
!C-PE !i&ple Co&&unications Pro$ra&&in$ Eniron&ent
!CP !a%e Cursor Position 1 !u*syste& Control Port 1
!yste& Control Pro$ra&
!C/ !ilicon Controlled /ectifier
.!C/ !cript (file na&e e.tension+
!C/, !creen (%ideo display+
!C/! !cala*le Cluster of /"!C !yste&s
!C!A !i$nal Co&putin$ !yste& Architecture [Dialo$ic
!C!" !&all Co&puter !yste&s "nterface
!D !end Data 1 !uper Density
!DA !oftware Dis# Array 1 !ource Data Auto&ation 1
!yste& Display Architecture [Di$ital
!DB !y&*olic De*u$$er [4ni.
!DD !oftware Description Data*ase ["nternet
!D) !pace Deli&ited )ile 1 !pace Deli&ited )or&at
.!D) !tandard Data )or&at (file na&e e.tension+
!D" !electi%e Disse&ination of "nfor&ation 1
!in$le Docu&ent "nterface
!oftware De%elop&ent "nterface [Mosaic
!D3 !oftware De%eloperGs 3it [Microsoft
!DLC !ynchronous Data Lin# Control (protocol+
!DM !yste& De%elop&ent Multitas#in$
!DM! !C!" De%ice Mana$e&ent !yste& [,C/
!D, !oftware Defined ,etwor# [AT=T
!D,! !ecure Data ,etwor# !er%ice
!D/ !trea&in$ Data /e0uest
!D/AM !ynchronous Dyna&ic /ando& Access Me&ory
!D-/-M !uper Density /-M
!D! !ysops Distri*ution !yste&
!D!L !in$le-Line Di$ital !u*scri*er Line
!DJ!TB !trea&in$ Data !tro*e ["BM
!D@ !witched Di$ital @ideo [AT=T
!EA !tandard E.tended Attri*ute [-!5;
.!EA !elf E.tractin$ Archi%e (file na&e e.tension+
!EAC ' ,a&e of first co&puter to use transistors> *uilt *y
(,ational Bureau of+ !tandards Eastern Auto&atic
Calculator (Also see !6AC+
!EAL !e$&entation and /easse&*ly Layer (protocol+ 1
!creenin$ E.ternal Access Lin# [Di$ital-DEC
!EC !in$le Error Correction
!ECAM !e0uentiel Couleur A%ec Me&oire
(!e0uential Color 6ith Me&ory+
!ED !trea& Editor 1 !trea&--riented Editor
!E? !e$&ent
!E2 !tructured E.ception 2andlin$
!EL !elect
!EM !cannin$ Electron Microscope 1
!tandard Electronic Module
!EPP !ecure Encryption Pay&ent Protocol
!E/ !erial
!ET !ecure Electronic Transaction 1
!oftwa%e En$ineerin$ Technolo$y
.!ET Dri%er !et (file na&e e.tension+ [Lotus :-;-< [LDC 1
"&a$e !ettin$s (file na&e e.tension+ [Parado.
!ETE7T !tructure Enhanced Te.t ["nternet
!E4 !&allest E.ecuta*le 4nit
!) !i$n )la$
!)DL !tructured )ull-te.t Duery Lan$ua$e
!)! !yste& )ile !er%er
!)T !yste& )ault Tolerance
!)7 !ound Effect(s+
!?E, !i$nal ?enerator 1 !yste& ?enerator
!?DT !tore ?lo*al Descriptor Ta*le
!?" !ilicon ?raphics> "nc.
!?M !haded ?raphics Modelin$
!?ML !tandard ?eneraliBed Mar#up Lan$ua$e
!?/ !et ?raphics /endition
!?/AM !ynchronous ?raphics /AM
!52 !a&ple and 2old
!2A !ecure 2ash Al$orith& [,!A
!2A/ !hell Archi%e
!2? !e$&ented 2yper$raphics
!2L !hift Lo$ical Left
!2/ !hift Lo$ical /i$ht
!-2TTP !ecure 2yperte.t Transfer Protocol
.!26 !how (file na&e e.tension+
!" !hift-"n 1 !ource "nde. 1 !yste& "nfor&ation
!"C !tandard "ndustrial Code
!"D !ecurity "dentifier 1 !erial "nput Data 1
!tation "dentification [AT=T 1
!y&*olic "nteracti%e De*u$$er
!"D) !yste& "ndependent Data )or&at
!"D2 !yste& "dentification for 2o&e !yste&s
!"DT !tore "nterrupt Descriptor Ta*le
!")T !tanford "nfor&ation )ilterin$ Tool
!"? !pecial "nterest ?roup
!"?CAT !pecial "nterest ?roup on CD-/-M Applications
and Technolo$y
!"M !i&ulator
!"MD !in$le "nstruction Multiple Data !trea& (processor+
!"MM !in$le "n-line Me&ory Module
!"MTEL !i&ulation and Teleprocessin$
!"M4LA !i&ulation (lan$ua$e+
!"- !erial "nput5-utput (co&&unications dri%er+
!"P !in$le "n-line Pac#a$e
!"PC !i&ply "nteracti%e Personal Co&puter [Microsoft
!"P- !erial "n> Parallel -ut
!"PP !in$le "n-line Pin Pac#a$e
!"/ !erial "nfrared [2ewlett-Pac#ard
!"/D! !in$le-"&a$e /ando& Dot !tereo$ra&
!"5!- !erial "n5!erial -ut 1 !hift "n5!hift -ut
!"T !pecial "nfor&ation Tones
.!"T !tuff-"t (co&pressed file na&e e.tension+ [Macintosh
!34Q !toc# 3eepin$ 4nit ,u&*er
!LDT !tore Local Descriptor Ta*le
!LED !in$le Lar$e E.pensi%e Dis#
!L"P !erial Line "nterface Protocol
!LM !patial Li$ht Modulator
!LM/ !illy Little Mode& /eader
!L-!2 !ea> La#e and -%erland !ur$e fro& 2urricane
!L!" !uper Lar$e-!cale "nte$ration
!L!! !yste&s Li*rary !u*scription !er%ice ["BM
!L4 !po#en Lan$ua$e 4nderstandin$
!M !et Mode 1 !hared Me&ory
!MA/T !elf-Monitorin$ Analysis and /eportin$ Technolo$y
!MB !er%er Messa$e Bloc# (protocol+ [M""
!MD !urface Mounted De%ice
!MD! !witched Multi&edia5Multi-Me$a*it Data !er%ice
!M) !yste& Mana$er )acility [Co&pa0
!M" !yste& Mana$e&ent "nterrupt ["ntel
!M") !tandard Mechanical "nterface
!M"T !yste& Mana$e&ent "nterface Tool ["BM
!M3 !oftware Mi$ration 3it [Microsoft
!ML !tandard Meta Lan$ua$e
!MM !yste& Man$e&ent Mode ["ntel
!M-BC !older Mas# -%er Bare Copper
!MP !i&ple Mana$e&ent Protocol 1 !y&*olic Manipulation
Pro$ra& 1
!y&&etrical Multi-Processin$ 1 !y&&etric
.!MP !a&ple (file na&e e.tension+
!MPC !hared Me&ory Parallel Co&puter
!MP! !witchin$ Mode Power !upply
!M/AM !yste& Mana$e&ent /ando& Access Me&ory
!M! !tora$e Mana$e&ent !er%ices [,et6are 1
!tora$e Mana$e&ent !u*syste&5!yste& 1
!yste&s Mana$e&ent !er%er [Microsoft
!M!6 !tore Machine !tatus 6ord
!MT !tation Mana$e&ent (protocol+ 1
!urface-Mount Technolo$y
!MTP !i&ple Mail Transfer Protocol
!M4 !yste& Mana$e&ent 4tility
!, !erial ,u&*er
!5, !i$nal-to-,oise (/atio+
!,A !yste&s ,etwor# Architecture ["BM
!,D !ound
!,E6! !ecure ,ews !er%er ["nternet
!,MP !i&ple ,etwor# Mana$e&ent Protocol
!,-B-L !trin$ -riented !y&*olic Lan$ua$e (Pro$a&&in$
!,P !erial ,u&*er5Password [-&en Technolo$y
!,/ !i$nal-to-,oise /atio
!-A !tart -f Authority
!-C !yste& -n a Chip
!-C. !ocial "ssues [4!E,ET ,ews$roup Cate$ory
!-C3! !oc#et !ecure (ser%er+ ["nternet
!-D"MM !&all -utline D"MM
!-E !tandard -peratin$ En%iron&ent
!-2 !tart of 2eader
!-2- !&all -ffice52o&e -ffice
!-L !i&ulation -riented Lan$ua$e
!-M !tart of Messa$e 1 !yste& -*Aect Model ["BM
!-,ET !ynchronous -ptical ,etwor#
!-P !tandard -peratin$ Procedures
!-! !ilicon -n !apphire 1 !ophisticated -peratin$ !yste&
!tandards and -pen !yste&s
!-TA !tate -f The Art
!-7 !ound E.chan$e
!P !er%ice Pac# ["BM 1 !tac# Pointer 1 !yste& Product
!PA !oftware Pu*lishers Association
!PA, !pace Physics Analysis ,etwor#
!PA/C !cala*le Processor Architecture
!PC !&all Peripheral Controller 1 !tatistical Process
!PCL !pectru& Cellular Corporation
!PEC !yste&s Perfor&ance E%aluation Cooperati%e
!P) !hortest Path )irst 1 !yste& Pro$ra&&in$ )acility
!P" !er%ice Pro%ider "nterface 1 !C!" Parallel "nterface
!P"D !er%ice Profile5Pro%ider "dentifier
!P"3E !cience Plannin$ "ntelli$ent 3nowled$e-Based
En%iron&ent [!T!c"
!P"/E! !tanford Pu*lic "nfor&ation /etrie%al !yste&
[!tanford 4ni%ersity
!PL !pooler 1 !yste& Pro$ra&&in$ Lan$ua$e [2P
.!PL !pell Chec#er (file na&e e.tension+
!PM !yste& Perfor&ance Monitor ["BM
!P--L !i&ultaneous Peripheral -perations -n Line
!P-T !hared Product -*Aect Tree ["BM
!PP !e0uenced Pac#et Protocol
!PP! !cala*le Power Parallel !yste& ["BM
!P/ !pecial Purpose /e$ister 1 !tatistical Pattern
!P/EAD ' !yste&s Pro$ra&&in$> /esearch> En$ineerin$
and De%elop&ent ["BM
!P! !tand*y Power !yste&
!P!! !tatistical Pac#a$e for the !ocial !ciences
!PT !ectors Per Trac#
!P7 !e0uenced Pac#et E.chan$e [,o%ell
!D !0ueeBed (files+
!DL5D! !tructured Duery Lan$ua$e5Data !yste& ["BM
!D/T !0uare /oot
!/ !hift /e$ister
!/AM !hadow /ando& Access Me&ory 1
!tatic /ando& Access Me&ory
!/B !ource-/oute Brid$e
.!/C !ource (file na&e e.tension+
!/D !creen /eader !yste&
!/M !ecurity /eference Monitor
!/- !hara*le and /ead -nly
!/P !u$$ested /etail Price
.!/P !cript (file na&e e.tension+
!/P" !er%er-/e0uester Pro$ra&&in$ "nterface
!/D !er%ice /e0uest
!// !erially /eusa*le /esource
!/! !ound /etrie%al !yste&
!! !tac# !e$&ent 1 !in$le !ided 1 !econds
!!A !erial !tora$e Architecture
!!AP !ource !er%ice Access Point
!!CP !yste&s !er%ice Control Point ["BM
!!D !olid !tate Dis#
!!EC ' !electi%e !e0uence Electronic Calculator ["BM
!!?A !yste& !uppport ?ate Array
!!" !in$le !yste& "&a$e 1 !&all !cale "nte$ration
!!L !ecure !oc#ets Layer
!!T !pread-!pectru& Technolo$y 1
!yste&s !er%ices and Technolo$y
!TA !pannin$ Tree Al$orith&
!TA/ !elf Definin$ Te.t Archi%al
!TB !tro*e
!TC !et Carry )la$
!TD !et Direction )la$ 1 !tandard
!TDA !treetTal# Directory Assistance [Banyan
!TDA47 !tandard Au.illary
!TDE// !tandard Error
!TD", !tandard "nput
!TD"-.2 !tandard "nput5-utput 2eader [C Pro$ra&&in$
!TDM !tatistical Ti&e Di%ision
!TD-4T !tandard -utput
!TDP/, !tandard Printer
.!T) !tructured )ile (file na&e e.tension+ [Lotus A$enda
!T" !et "nterrupt )la$
!5T3 !ectors Per Trac#
!T, !uper-Twist ,e&atic
!T-! !tore !trin$
!TP !ecure Transfer Protocol 1 !hielded Twisted Pair
(ca*le+ 1
!i$nal Transfer Point 1 !ynchroniBed Transaction
!T/ !tore Tas# /e$ister 1 !ynchronous Trans&itter
!T/E!! !tructural En$ineerin$ !yste& !ol%er (Pro$ra&&in$
!T/4DL !tructural Desi$n Lan$ua$e (Pro$ra&&in$
!T!c" !pace Telescope !cience "nstitute
!TT !ecure Transaction Technolo$y [Microsoft
!T7 !tart of Te.t
.!TE !tyle (file na&e e.tension+ [@entura> 6ord>
!4B !u*routine 1 !u*stitute 1 !u*tract
!4, !un Microsyste&s> "nc.
.!4P !upple&ental Dictionary (file na&e e.tension+
!@C !witched @irtual Circuit
!@?A !uper @ideo ?raphics Array
!-@2! !uper @2!
!@M !yste& @irtual Machine [Microsoft
!@/ !er%er
!@/Q !yste& @ /elease ,u&*er [AT=T
!56 !oftware
!6AC ' Mo*ile %ersion of !EAC> *uilt for deploy&ent to 6hite
and na&ed !tandards 6estern Auto&atic Calculator
!6A"! !i&ple 6ide Area "nfor&ation !er%er ["nternet
!6"!2 !i&ple 6e* "$ !yste& for 2u&ans
.!6P !wap (file na&e e.tension+
.!EL !ylla*us (file na&e e.tension+
!EL3 !y&*olic Lin#
.!EM !y&*ols (file na&e e.tension+
.!E, !ynony& (file na&e e.tension+
!E,C !ynchronous
!E! !yste&
.!E! !yste& Confi$uration (file na&e e.tension+ 1
!yste& De%ice Dri%er (file na&e e.tension+
!E!?E, !yste& ?enerator
!E!L-? !yste& Lo$
!E!M-D !yste& Modification
!E!-P !yste& -perator
!E!/ED !yste& /e0uest
!F !end FMode& [4ni.
(T-P+ (4P to !+ (D, to 4+ (B-TT-M+
TAD Telephone Answerin$ De%ice
TAP Telelocator Alphanu&eric Protoco
TAPC"! The Access Pro$ra& for the Co&pu!er%e
"nfor&ation !er%ice
TAP" Telephony Applications Pro$ra&&in$ "nterface
.tar Tape Archi%e (archi%ed file na&e e.tension+ [4ni.
.tar.F Co&pressed Archi%ed files (file na&e e.tension+ [4ni.
TA! Telephone Access !er%er
TA!M Tur*o Asse&*ler [Borland
TA7" Transparent Asynchronous Trancei%er5/ecei%er
TB Tera*yte (:>9;8 $i$a*ytes+
T5B Top and Botto&
TBB! The Bread Board !yste& (BB!+
TB?A Tape Ball ?rid Array
.TB3 Tool*oo# (file na&e e.tension+
TB4 Tape Bac#up 4nit
TC Test Control 1 Trans&ission Control
TCL Tool Co&&and Lan$ua$e
TCM Trellis-Coded Modulation
TCP5"P Trans&ission Control Protocol5"nternet Protocol
TD Trans&it Data
TDD Teleco&&unications De%ice for the Deaf
TDtoDP Ta*let Coordinates to Display Coordinates
TDE Ter&inal Display Editor
.TD) Trace Definition )ile (file na&e e.tension+ [-!5; 1
Typeface Definition )ile (file na&e e.tension+
TD" Transport De%ice "nterface
TDM Technical Docu&ent Mana$e&ent 1
Ti&e Di%ision$
TDMA Ti&e Di%ision Multiple Access
TDM! Ter&inal Display Mana$e&ent !yste&
TDP Telelocator Data Protocol
TD!/ Trans&itter Data !er%ice /e0uest
TD/ Ti&e Do&ain /eflecto&etry
TE5; Ter&inal E&ulator5; [-*eron
TEB Thread En%iron&ent Bloc#
TEC To#yo Electronics Corporation
TED Tiny Editor
TEML Tur*o Editor Macro Lan$ua$e [Borland
TEMP Te&porary
TE/ Ther&al Eclipse /eadin$ [!ony
TE/MP6/ Ter&inator Power
T)DD Te.t )ile De%ice Dri%er
T)EL Thin-)il& Electrolu&inescent
.T)M Ta$$ed )ont Metric (file na&e e.tension+
T)T Thin-)il& Transistor (screens+
T)TP Tri%ial )ile Transfer Protocol
T2D Total 2ar&onic Distortion
.T2D Thread (file na&e e.tension+
T2-MA! The (4.!.+ 2ouse (of /epresentati%es+ -pen
Access !yste&
T2-/ Tandy 2i$h-Perfor&ance -ptical /ecordin$
T2/ Trans&it 2oldin$ /e$ister
.T2! Thesaurus (file na&e e.tension+
T" "nstru&ents> "nc.
T"A Teleco&&unications "ndustry Association 1
The "nternet Adapter ["nternet
T"D Tar$et "D
T"E! Ti&e "ndependent Escape !e0uence
.T") Ta$$ed "&a$e )ile (filena&e e.tension+
T")) Ta$$ed "&a$e )ile )or&at
T"?A "nstru&ents ?raphics Architecture
T"?E/ Topolo$ically "nte$rated ?eo$raphic Encodin$
and /eferencin$
T""AP Teleco&&unications and "nfor&ation "nfrastructure
Assistance Pro$ra& [,""
T"M Technical "nfor&ation Me&o [Co&pa0
T"P Ter&inal "nterface Processor
T35T3 Trac# to Trac#
TLA Three-Letter Acrony&
TLB Translation Loo#aside Buffer
TL" Transport Layer "nterface
TL4 Ta*le Loo#up
.TL7 Tele. (file na&e e.tension+
TM Trade&ar#
TMP Te&porary
T, Twisted ,e&atic
T,C Ter&inal ,ode Controller
T,- The ,etherlands -r$aniBation
ToC Ta*le -f Contents
T-D Ti&e -f Day
T-P Technical and -ffice Protocol
TPC Transaction-Processin$ Perfor&ance Council
TP" Trac#s Per "nch
TPL Ta*le Producin$ Lan$ua$e
TPM Transactions Per Minute
TP-/T Twisted Pair Port Transcei%er [AT=T
TP! Transactions Per !econd 1
Transaction Processin$ !yste&
TP6 Tur*o Pascal for 6indows
TD)P Thin Duad )lat Pac#
TDM Total Duality Mana$e&ent
T/ Ter&inal /eady
T5/ Trans&it5/ecei%e
T/AD"C ' TransistoriBed Air*orne Di$ital Co&puter
(,a&e of first co&puter to *e entirely
.T/M Ter&inal (file na&e e.tension+
T/, Threaded /ead ,ews ["nternet 1 To#en /in$ ,etwor#
T/-, The /eal-Ti&e -peratin$ !yste& ,ucleus
T! Top !ecret
T!A Tar$et !er%ice A$ent 1 Technical !upport Alliance
T!AP" Telephony !er%ices Application Pro$ra&
"nterface [AT=T 1 ,o%ell
T!B Ter&ination !tatus Bloc#
T!E The !e&ware Editor
T!- Ti&e !harin$ -ption
T!/ Ter&inate and !tay /esident
T!! Tas# !tate !e$&ent 1 Ti&e !harin$ !yste&
T!5!" Top !ecret5!ensiti%e "nfor&ation
.T!T Test (file na&e e.tension+
T!T, Triple !upertwisted ,e&atic
T!@ Ta* !eparated @alues
TT Typewriter Te.t
TTA Transport-Tri$$ered Architecture
TTC, Tree and Ta*ular Co&*ined ,otation
.TT) TrueType )ont (file na&e e.tension+
TTL Transistor-Transistor Lo$ic
TTP Ther&al-Transfer Printin$
TT! Te.t-To-!peech 1 Transaction Trac#in$ !yste&
TTE Teletype
T4" Te.t-Based 4ser "nterface [6ordPerfect
T4M! Ta*le 4pdate and Mana$e&ent !yste& [!tanford
.T4T Tutorial (file na&e e.tension+
T@) Ta*le of contents @er*osely fro& )ile [4,"7
T@)! Toronto @irtual )ile !yste& ["BM
T@" Tele%ision "nterference
T6A", Technolo$y 6ithout Any "nterestin$ ,a&e
(connection *etween application and scanner software+
T67 Teletypewriter E.chan$e !er%ice
T7D Trans&it Data
.T7) Ta. E.chan$e )or&at (file na&e e.tension+
T7T Te.t
T7T;!T) Te.t To !tructured )ile [Lotus A$enda
TF Ti&e Fone [4ni.
(T-P+ (4P to T+ (D, to @+ (B-TT-M+
4A 4ser A$ent 1 4ser Area
4AE 4nreco%era*le Application Error
4A/T 4ni%ersal Asynchronous /ecei%er5Trans&itter
.4C; Co&pressed )ile (file na&e e.tension+
4CL 4ni%ersal Co&&unications Lan$ua$e
4C! 4nicode Con%ersion !upport 1 4ni%ersal Character !et
4ser Coordinate !yste&
4CT 4ni%ersal Coordinated Ti&e
4DC 4ser Defined Co&&ands
4DE 4ni%ersal Data E.chan$e
4D) 4ser Defined )unctions
4D? 4ser Defined ?ateway
4DP 4ser Data$ra& Protocol
4DT 4nifor& Data Transfer
4)! 4ni. )ile !yste&
4? 4ser ?roup
4" 4ni. "nternational 1 4ser "nterface
4"D 4ser "dentifier
4"M! 4ser "nterface Mana$e&ent !yste&
4L 4nderwriters La*oratories 1
4nordered List 1 4pload
4LA 4nco&&itted Lo$ic Array
4L, 4ni%ersal Lin# ,e$otiation
4L!" 4ltra Lar$e !cale "nte$ration
4MA 4nified Me&ory Architecture
4MB 4pper Me&ory Bloc# [L"M5A!T
4,C 4ni%ersal ,a&in$ Con%ention 1
4uencoded ,etnews Collator [4ni.
4,C-L 4ni%ersal Co&puted -riented Lan$ua$e
4," 4ser-,etwor# "nterface
4,"C-M 4ni%ersal "nte$rated Co&&unication (!yste&+
4,"C-! 4ni%ersal Co&piler )-/T/A, co&pati*le
4,"@AC 4ni%ersal Auto&atic Co&puter
4,"7 (AT=T Bell La*oratories -peratin$ !yste&+
4,MA 4nified ,etwor# Mana$e&ent Architecture
4P 4niprocessor
4PC 4ni%ersal Product Code
4P? 4p$rade
4PL 4ser Pro$ra& Lan$ua$e
4PM 4ni. Pro$ra&&erGs Manual 1
4ser Profile Mana$e&ent ["BM
4P! 4ninterrupti*le Power !upply 1
4ninterrupti*le Power !yste&
4/C 4nifor& /esource Characteristics 1
4nifor& /esource Citation
4/EP 4ni. /!C! E&ulation Protocol (protocol+
4/" 4nifor& /esource "dentifier
4/L 4nifor& /esource Locator
4/, 4nifor& /esource ,a&e5,u&*er
4! 4nit !eparator
4!A/T 4ni%ersal !ynchronous-Asynchronous
4!B 4ni%ersal !erial Bus ["ntel
4!E,ET 4serGs ,etwor# ["nternet
4!E/"D 4ser "dentification
4!-C 4ni%ersal !er%ice -rderin$ Code
4!D 4ns0ueeBed (files+
4!/ 4! /o*otics (corporation+
4!/T 4ni%ersal !ynchronous /ecei%er5Trans&itter
4!!A 4ser !upported !oftware Association (4nited
4T 4ser Ter&inal
4TC Coordinated 4ni%ersal Ti&e
4T" 4ni%ersal Te.t "nterchan$e5"nterface
4TP 4nshielded Twisted-Pair (ca*le+
44 4uencode54udecode
44CP 4ni.-To-4ni. Copy Pro$ra&
44D 44Decodin$ [4ni.
44E 44Encodin$ [4ni.
44" 4ser-To-4ser "nfor&ation [AT=T
4@ 4ltra%iolet
(T-P+ (4P to 4+ (D, to 6+ (B-TT-M+
@A @irtual Address
@AD @alue Added Dealer
@ADD @alue Added Dis# Dri%er
@AD!L @ery-2i$h-/ate Asy&&etric Di$ital !u*scri*er Line
@AL @alue 1 @oice Application Lan$ua$e
.@AL @alidity Chec#s (file na&e e.tension+ [Parado.
@AM @irtual Access Method
@A, @alue Added ,etwor#
@AP @alue Added Process
@A/ @alue Added /eseller 1 @alue Added /etailer 1
@A!T @aria*le Array !tora$e Technolo$y
@A75@M! @irtual Address E.tension5@irtual Me&ory !yste&
@B @aria*le Bloc# 1 @isual Basic [Microsoft
@BA @isual Basic for Applications [Microsoft
@BE5A" @esa Bios E.tension5Audio "nterface
%B,! @ery 2i$h !peed Bac#*one ,etwor# !er%ice [MC" 1
@B/ @aria*le Bit /ate
@B/4, @isual Basic /unti&e
.@B7 @isual Basic E.tension (file na&e e.tension+
@CC @irtual Channel Connection
@CD @irtual Co&&unications Dri%er
@CL @isual Co&ponent Li*rary
@C-! @isual Cachin$ -peratin$ !yste& [AT=T
@CP" @irtual Control Pro$ra& "nterface
@C/ @ideo Cassette /ecorder
@DD @irtual De%ice Dri%er
@DDM @irtual De%ice Dri%er Mana$er
@DE @ideo Display Editor 1 @isual De%elop&ent
@D"!3 @irtual Dis#
@DM @irtual D-! Machine ["BM
@DMAD @irtual Direct Me&ory Access De%ice [Microsoft
@D! @irtual DMA !er%ices
@DT @ideo Dial Tone 1 @ideo Display Ter&inal
@D4 @ideo Display 4nit 1 @isual Display 4nit
@E?A @ideo-R Enhanced ?raphics Adapter [@ideo-R> "nc.
@EMM @irtual E.panded Me&ory Mana$er
@E/ @erify 1 @ersion
@E/-,"CA @ery Easy /odent--riented ,et-6ide "nde. to
Co&puter Archi%es ["nternet
@E// @erify /ead Access
@E/6 @erify 6rite Access
@E!A @ideo Electronics !tandards Association
@) @irtual )loppy
@)AT @irtual )ile Allocation Ta*le [Microsoft
@.)C @ersion.)irst Class (co&&unications standard+
@)D @acuu& )luorescent Display
@)6 @ideo )or 6indows [Microsoft
@?A @ideo ?raphics Array
@?C @ideo ?raphics Controller
@2DL @2!"C 2ardware Description Lan$ua$e
@2! @ery 2i$h !peed 1 @ideo 2o&e !yste& 1
@irtual 2ost !tora$e
@2!"C @ery 2i$h !peed "nte$rated Circuit
@" @isual "nteracti%e (editor+ [4,"7
@"E @irtual "nfor&ation En%iron&ent
@") @irtual "nterface 1 @irtual "nterrupt )la$
@"M @endor "ndependent Mail 1
@endor "ndependent Messa$in$ 1 @ideo "nterface Module
@"- @ideo "nput5-utput 1 @irtual "nput5-utput
@",E! @irtual ,etwor#in$ !yste& [Banyan
@iP @isual Pro$ra&&in$ [Lotus
@"P @aria*le "nfor&ation Processin$ 1
@ideo "nfor&ation Pro%ider 1
@irtual "nterrupt Pendin$
@"PE/ @erifia*le "nte$rated Processor for
Enhanced /elia*ility
@"! @ideo "nfor&ation !yste& [Tandy 1
@oice "nfor&ation !yste&
@C 2EADE/ @an Caco*sen 2eader (co&pression+ [4ni.
@LA, @irtual Local Area ,etwor#
@L-B4! @esa Local-Bus [@E!A
@LD @aria*le-Len$th Decoder
@L) @ery Low )re0uency
@L",3 @isited Lin# [2TML
@L"6 @ery Lar$e "nstruction 6ord
@LM @irtual Loada*le Module
@L!" @ery Lar$e !cale "nte$ration
@L!"P! @ery Lar$e !cale "&&o*iliBed Poly&er !ynthesis
@LT @aria*le List Ta*le
@M @irtual Machine 1 @irtual Me&ory
@MA @irtual Me&ory Address
@MB @irtual Machine Boot
@ME @irtual Me&ory En%iron&ent
@MM @irtual Machine5Me&ory Mana$er
@M-! @ertical M-!
@MP @irtual Mode& Protocol
@M! @irtual Me&ory !yste& 1 @oice Messa$e !yste&
@MT @irtual Me&ory Techni0ue
@,A @irtual ,etwor# Architecture
@-C Creati%e @oice (for&at+ [!ound Blaster
@-D @ideo -n De&and
@-L @olu&e
@-M @olt--h&-Millia&&eter
@-/ @isions -f /eality
@-! @er*al5@oice -peratin$ !yste&
@P @irtual Path
@PD @irtual Printer De%ice 1 @ital Product Data ["BM
@PD, @irtual Pri%ate Data ,etwor#
@PD! @irtual Pri%ate Data !er%ice [MC"
@PE @isual Pro$ra&&in$ En%iron&ent
@PL @irtual Pro$ra&&in$ Lan$ua$e
@P, @irtual Pa$e ,u&*er 1 @irtual Pri%ate ,etwor#
@P! @oice Processin$ !yste&
@P!C @ault> Process> !tructure> Confi$uration
@PT @irtual Print Technolo$y [Dataproducts
@/ @irtual /eality 1 @olta$e /e$ulated5/e$ulator
@/AM @ideo /ando& Access Me&ory
@/E @olta$e /e$ulated E.tended
@/ML @irtual /eality Modelin$ Lan$ua$e
(ori$inally na&ed @irtual /eality Mar#up Lan$ua$e+
@/--MM @irtual /eal-ti&e -*Aect -riented
Me&ory Mana$er [Borland
.@/! 6ordPerfect ?raphics Dri%er (file na&e e.tension+
@/T @olta$e /e$ulation Technolo$y ["ntel
@/4 @oice /esponse 4nit
@! @irtual !tora$e
@!AM @irtual !tora$e Access Method
@!AT @ery !&all Aperture Ter&inal
@!E @irtual !tora$e E.tended
@!) @ertical !cannin$ )re0uency
@!"- @irtual !erial "nput -utput
@!L" @ery Lar$e !cale "nte$ration
@!M @irtual !hared Me&ory 1 @irtual !tora$e Mana$e&ent
@isual !yste& Mana$e&ent ["BM
@!, @olu&e !erial ,u&*er
@!-! @irtual !tora$e -peratin$ !yste&
@!E,C @ertical !ync
@T @ertical Ta*
@TAM @irtual Teleco&&unications Access Method ["BM
@4" @ideo 4ser "nterface
@4P @A7 4nit of Perfor&ance
@M! @irtual Me&ory !yste& 1 @oice Messa$e !yste&
@6B @isual 6or#Bench [Microsoft
@.D @irtual E.tended Dri%er [Microsoft
.@7D @irtual De%ice (file na&e e.tension+ [Microsoft
(T-P+ (4P to @+ (D, to 7+ (B-TT-M+
65 6ith
6< (see 666+
6<A 6orld 6ide 6e* Applets
6<C 6orld 6ide 6e* Consortiu&
68 6hat-6or#s-6ith-6hat
6AB" 6indows Application Binary "nterface [!un!oft
6A"! 6ide Area "nfor&ation !er%er
6A"T! 6ide Area "nfor&ation Transfer !yste&
6A, 6ide Area ,etwor#
6AT! 6ide Area Teleco&&unications !er%ice
.6A@ 6a%efor& Audio (file na&e e.tension+
6C 6ord Count
6C! 6orld Coordinate !yste&
6DL 6indows Dri%er Li*rary [Microsoft
6D/AM 6indows Dyna&ic /ando& Access Me&ory
6ELL 6hole Earth GLectronic Lin# (BB!+
6)6 6indows )or 6or#$roups [Microsoft
6?! 6or# ?roup !yste&
62AM 6a%efor& 2old and Modify [Microsoft
62C 6or#station 2ost Connection
6",E 6indows E&ulator
6",)oru& 6ireless "nfor&ation ,etwor#s )oru&
6",! 6indows-"nternet ,a&in$ !er%ice [Microsoft
6",!-C3 6indows -pen !yste&s Architecture [Microsoft 1
6indows !oc#ets
6",6-/D 6ord )or 6indows [Microsoft
6"!E 6ordPerfect "nfor&ation !yste& En%iron&ent
6"T 6e* "nteracti%e Tal# ["nternet
.63B 6or#*oo# (file na&e e.tension+ [6ordPerfect
.63E 6or#sheet (file na&e e.tension+ [Lotus :-;-< [LDC
.63D !preadsheet (file na&e e.tension+ [B-/D4
.63! 6or#sheet (file na&e e.tension+ [Lotus :-;-< [LDC
.63F Co&pressed !preadsheet (file na&e e.tension+
.63: 6or#sheet (file na&e e.tension+ [Lotus :-;-< [LDC
6L 6ord Line
6MC 6or#flow Mana$e&ent Coalition
.6M) 6indows Metafile )or&at (file na&e e.tension+
6,"C 6ide-Area ,etwor# "nterface Co-Processor
6,"M 6ide-Area ,etwor# "nterface Module
65- 6ithout
6-/M 6rite -nce> /ead Many
6-! 6or#station -peratin$ !yste&
6-!A 6indows -pen !er%ices5!yste&s Architecture
6P 6ordPerfect 1 6ord Processin$ 1 6rite Protected
.6PD 6indows Printer Description (file na&e e.tension+
.6P? 6ordPerfect ?raphics (file na&e e.tension+
6P2D 6rite-Protect 2ard Dis#
.6P3 3ey*oard (file na&e e.tension+ [6ordPerfect
6PM 6ords Per Minute
.6PM Macro (file na&e e.tension+ [6ordPerfect
6P-! 6or#place -peratin$ !yste&
6P! 6indows Printin$ !yste& [Microsoft 1
6or#place !hell [-!;
6P@M 6indows Parallel @irtual Machine
.6D: !preadsheet (file na&e e.tension+ [B-/PD4
.6DH Co&pressed !preadsheet (file na&e e.tension+
6/AM 6indows /ando& Access Me&ory
.6/" 6rite (file na&e e.tension+
6! 6ord!tar 1 6or#station
6T 6rite Throu$h
66"! 6orld 6ide "nfor&ation !yste& ["nternet
666 6orld-6ide 6e* ["nternet
6E!BE?" 6hat Eou !ee Before Eou ?et "t
6E!"6E? 6hat Eou !ee "s 6hat Eou ?et
(T-P+ (4P to 6+ (D, to E+ (B-TT-M+
7A E.tended Architecture 1 E.tended Attri*ute
7AP"A 7.899 Application Pro$ra& "nterface Association
7;B 2e.adeci&al to Binary [/E77
.7BM 7-6indows Bit&aps (file na&e e.tension+ (*lac# and
.7PM 7-6indows Pi.el&aps (file na&e e.tension+ (color+
7;C 2e.adeci&al to Character [/E77
7C2? E.chan$e
7CMD E.ternal Co&&and
7C-PE E.tended Copy
7;D 2e.adeci&al to Deci&al [/E77
7D) E.tended Density )or&at ["BM
7D/ E.tended5E.ternal Data /epresentation
7)C, E.ternal )unction
7?A E.tended ?raphics Array ["BM
7"D E.chan$e "dentifier
7"-! E.tended "nput5-utput !yste&
7LAT Translate
7LM E.cel Macro Lan$ua$e [Microsoft
7M"T Trans&it
7MM E.tended Me&ory Mana$er [L"M5A!T
7M! E.tended Me&ory !pecification [L"M5A!T
7,! 7ero. ,etwor# !yste& (protocol+ [7ero.
7-)) Trans&itter -ff
7-, Trans&itter -n
7-/ E.clusi%e -/ (Also E-/+
7P/M 7ero. Print /esources Mana$er [7ero.
7/T E.tensions for /eal-Ti&e
7!MD E.tended !tora$e Module Dri%e (interface+
7TAL Crystal
7TCL3 E.ternal Trans&it Cloc#
(T-P+ (4P to 7+ (D, to F+ (B-TT-M+
EAM Eet Another Mode& [-&en Technolo$y
EA2-- Eet Another 2ierarchically -fficious -racle ["nternet
(E5,+S (As#s for a EE! or ,- decision+
ETD Eear To Date
(T-P+ (4P to E+ (D, to APPE,D"7 A+ (B-TT-M+
.B Pac#ed file (file na&e e.tension - usin$ Pac#54npac#
pro$ra&+..lower case B..[4ni.
.F Co&pressed file (file na&e e.tension - usin$
Co&press54nco&press pro$ra&+..upper case F..[4ni.
FB/ Fone Bit /ecordin$
F-CA@ Foned Constant An$ular @elocity
FDL Fero Delay Loc#out
FD! Fenith Data !yste&s
F") Fero-"nsertion )orce (soc#et+
F"P Fi$Ba$ "n-Line Pac#a$e 1
Fone "&pro%e&ent Plan (F"Pcode+
.F"P Co&pressed )ile (file na&e e.tension+ [P36are
.F-- Co&pressed )ile (file na&e e.tension+ [Dhesi
FP@ Foo&ed Port @ideo [Toshi*a
F!L Fero !lot LA,
I Tilde
' 6ildcard character (asteris#+
'.' !tar-Dot-!tar (represents
Any file na&e.Any file na&e e.tension+
.OOO Te&porary )ile (file na&e e.tension+
;ML M9;ML (&icroprocessor+
<ML M9<ML (&icroprocessor+
<C-M < Co& Corporation (The < Co&s are
Co&puter> Co&&unications and Co&pata*ility+
<?L Third ?eneration Lan$ua$e (procedural lan$ua$e+
8ML M98ML (&icroprocessor+
8?L )ourth ?eneration Lan$ua$e (procedural lan$ua$e+
LD-) !i. De$rees -f )reedo&
BABEL: A ?L-!!A/E -)
C-MP4TE/ -/"E,TED ABB/E@"AT"-,! A,D AC/-,EM!
@ersion KLC
Copyri$ht (C+ :KMK-:KKL "r%in$ 3ind All /i$hts /eser%ed
c5o 3 = D> -ne Church Lane> Balti&ore> MD ;:;9M

Can :KKL %ersion T BABELKLA Can :KKR %ersion T
May :KKL %ersion T BABELKLB May :KKR %ersion T
!ep :KKL %ersion T BABELKLC !ep :KKR %ersion T
APPE,D"7 A...
(T-P+ (4P to F+ (D, to APPE,D"7 B+ (B-TT-M+
-BTA",",? BABEL )/-M T2E ",TE/,ET

Method : - 666
To $et the latest *a* file %ia 6orld 6ide 6e*> use this


Method ; - ?-P2E/
To $et the latest *a*el.t.t file %ia ?opher:

"f you ha%e access to a ?opher client> $opher directly to:


)ro& the Main Menu> select NTe&ple 4ni%ersity Co&puter
/esources and "nfor&ationN and then N"nternet = Bitnet
"nfor&ation (2elp-,et+N. Then select N?lossary of Co&puter
A**re%iations and Acrony&s (BABEL.T7T+N.

Method < - )TP
To $et the latest *a*el.t.t or ht&l file> if you ha%e ftp
access %ia The "nternet> type these co&&ands in lower case

ftp ftp.te&
At Lo$in : anony&ous
At Password: your e&ail address
cd 5pu*5info5help-net
$et *a*el.t.t

Method 8 - L"!T!E/@
To $et the latest *a*el.t.t file %ia Listser% if on The "nternet:

!end e-&ail to: listser%U%&.te&

!u*Aect line should *e left *lan#. "n *ody of the &essa$e> type:


Method P - B"T,ET
To $et the latest *a*el.t.t file %ia Listser% for Bitnet users:

!end e-&ail to: listser%Ute&ple%&

!u*Aect line should *e left *lan#. "n *ody of the &essa$e> type:


Method L - BB!
)ro& your fa%orite Bulletin Board download: BABEL.F"P

,-TE for all &ethods:
After !ep :> :KKL BABEL.T7T or BABEL.2TML will contain
@ersion KLC
After Can :> :KKR BABEL.T7T or BABEL.2TML will contain
@ersion KRA
After May :> :KKR BABEL.T7T or BABEL.2TML will contain
@ersion KRB
APPE,D"7 B...
(T-P+ (4P to APPE,D"7 A+ (D, to APPE,D"7 C+ (B-TT-M+

The followin$ e.a&ples are included to ser%e as a *rief
introduction to what &ay *e found when readin$ e&ail and
$roups and when usin$ "/C on the "nternet.

- - - - - - -

"n e&ail and news> Ns&iley facesN> rather than words> are
to the writerGs feelin$s. Turn your head to the side to
read the&.

:-+ !&ile :-D Lau$hin$

:- !&ir# :-( )rown

V-+ 6in# :-7 Close-&outhed

M-+ 6ide-eyed :-- -pen-&outhed


WA#X Cust #iddin$ W$X ?rin

- - - - - - -

"n e&ail and durin$ on-line con%ersations> a %ariety of letter
$roups are used to a**re%iate the writerGs co&&ents> such as:

B/B Be ri$ht *ac# "M2- "n &y hu&*le opinion

BT6 By the way /-)L /ollin$ on the floor lau$hin$

)-A) )riend of a friend T"A Than#s in ad%ance

APPE,D"7 C...
(T-P+ (4P to APPE,D"7 B+ (B-TT-M+
C-4,T/E D-MA", ,AME!
At the present ti&e there are o%er ;99 reco$niBed Country
na&es. Two-letter a**re%iations that represent the country
na&es are
used in addresses seen on the "nternet. The followin$ na&es
(MR to date+
represent the country of ori$in fro& where so&eone has
downloaded BABEL.
This list should *e useful when chec#in$ the ori$in of your own

.ae 4nited Ara* E&irates
.al Al*ania
.a& Ar&enia
.ar Ar$entina
.at Austria
.au Australia
.*e Bel$iu&
.*$ Bul$aria
.*h Bahrain
.*& Ber&uda
.*n Brunei Darussala&
.*r BraBil
.*s Baha&as
.ca Canada
.ch !witBerland
.cl Chile
.cn China
.co Colu&*ia
.cr Costa /ica
.cy Cyprus
.cB CBech /epu*lic
.de ?er&any
.d# Den&ar#
.do Do&inican /epu*lic
.ec Ecuador
.ee Estonia
.e$ E$ypt
.es !pain
.fi )inland
.fo )aroe "slands
.fr )rance
.$* ?reat Britian
.$l ?reenland
.$r ?reece
.$t ?uate&ala
.h# 2on$ 3on$
.hr Croatia
.hu 2un$ary
.id "ndonesia
.ie "reland
.il "srael
.in "ndia
.is "celand
.it "taly
.A& Ca&aica
.Ap Capan
.#r 3orea (!outh+
.#w 3uwait
.l* Le*anon
.li Liechtenstein
.l# !ri Lan#a
.lt Lithuania
.lu Lu.e&*our$
.l% Lat%ia
.&d Moldo%a
.&o Macau
.&t Malta
.&y Malaysia
.&. Me.ico
.ni ,icara$ua
.nl ,etherlands
.no ,orway
.nB ,ew Fealand
.pe Peru
.ph Phillipines
.p# Pa#istan
.pl Poland
.pt Portu$al
.ro /o&ania
.ru /ussian )ederation
.se !weden
.s$ !in$apore
.si !lo%enia
.s# !lo%a#ia (!lo%a# /epu*lic+
.su 4!!/ (for&er+
.th Thailand
.tr Tur#ey
.tt Trinidad and To*a$o
.tw Taiwan
.u# 4nited 3in$do&
.us 4nited !tates
.uy 4ru$uay
.%e @eneBuela
.yu Eu$osla%ia
.Ba !outh Africa
.Bw Fi&*a*we

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