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2014 -2015 Course Syllabus
English II College Prep
Mrs. Sabala Email: LSabalaLin! COURSE DESCRIPTION: "his #ourse $ul%lls &he Sophomore English re'uiremen&. I& is !esigne! $or s&u!en&s (ho (ish &o pursue a #ollege e!u#a&ion) o&her &raining) or #areers) &his #ourse emphasi*es &he $ur&her s&u!y o$ li&erary $orms an! &e#hni'ues an! $ul%lls &he sophomore English re'uiremen&. "he (ri&ing pro#ess as i& applies &o opinion papers) personal essays) posi&ion papers) an! re+ie(s is s&resse!. In&ensi+e ins&ru#&ion in &he pro#ess o$ (ri&ing an! pro!u#ing a resear#h paper is pro+i!e!. "he s&u!en& (ill also be re'uire! &o #omple&e ou&si!e rea!ing an! resear#h an! par&i#ipa&e in &he summer rea!ing program. GRADING SCALE: ,LL Lin!en -igh S#hool Language ,r&s &ea#hers (ill use &he $ollo(ing s#ale &o es&ablish your gra!e: Tests/Projects/Essays - 40% Classor!/Part"c"#at"o$ - %&% '("))es - %0% *o+eor! - ,&% RE'UIRE-ENTS: S(++er Rea."$/: ,s per boar! poli#y) all s&u!en&s (ill &a.e one Summer /ea!ing ,ssessmen&. "he rea!er0s response 1ournal is !ue on 22222222222222222 an! &he in #lass e3am (ill be on 22222222222222222. Ea#h (ill #oun& as a &es& gra!e in &he 1s& perio!. S&u!en&s ne( &o &he !is&ri#& (ill ha+e e3&ra &ime &o $ul%ll &his re'uiremen&. Tests/'("))es: 4o&h s&an!ar!i*e! an! &ea#her-genera&e! &es&s an! 'ui**es (ill &ypi#ally be announ#e!. -o(e+er) i$ i& is apparen& &ha& s&u!en&s are no& !oing &he rea!ing) I (ill assign pop 'ui**es. In o&her (or!s) !o &he rea!ing an! &here (on0& be any surprises. Projects/Essays: S&u!en&s (ill be re'uire! &o (ri&e se+eral essays &hroughou& &he #ourse o$ &he year +arying in leng&h $rom 5 paragraphs &o 5-4 pages. "here (ill also be group pro1e#&s) (hi#h (ill be assigne! o+er &he #ourse o$ &he year. Classor! a$. Part"c"#at"o$: 4e#ause par&i#ipa&ion is 256 o$ your o+erall gra!e) i& #an mean &he !i7eren#e be&(een an , or 4. Par&i#ipa&ion means being on &ime &o #lass) #omple&ing 89o-:o(s); rea!ing assignmen&s) respon!ing on My4igCampus <or o&her (ebsi&es=) an! #oopera&ing in groups or pairs. I& is e3pe#&e! you are on &ime &o #lass. 4eing on &ime) prepare! $or #lass (i&h #omple&e! home(or. is #onsi!ere! as par& o$ your par&i#ipa&ion gra!e. 0A NOTE ON READING: ,ll s&u!en&s (ill be as.e! &o rea! a subs&an&ial amoun& &his year. >e (ill rea! in #lass as a large group) in small groups) an! silen&ly. ?ou are also e3pe#&e! &o rea! on your o(n &ime. *o+eor! Pol"cy: ,ll s&u!en&s are e3pe#&e! &o #omple&e home(or. assignmen&s on &ime. Ea#h home(or. assignmen& (ill #oun& as one s& on your -ome(or. S& shee&. -ome(or. (ill be a##ep&e! @:E !ay la&e $or -,LA #re!i&. BEssays/Pa#ers or Projects or o&her ma1or assignmen&s (ill loose one $ull le&&er gra!e ea#h !ay i& is la&eC I$ you ha+e e3&enua&ing #ir#ums&an#es &ha& pre+en& you $rom submi&&ing (or. on &ime please #ome see meC I am human &oo an! un!ers&an! &ha& li$e happensC -ater"als: Aor &his #ourse you (ill nee! &o bring your lap&op on a !aily basis. S&u!en&s mus& #ome &o #lass prepare! (i&h a $ully #harge! lap&op. In a!!i&ion) you shoul! also bring any har! #opies o$ &he rea!ing assignmen&sD &his means your &e3&boo.) no+el) or any rea!ing pa#.e&s. Las&ly) i& is al(ays goo! &o al(ays ha+e a (ri&ing u&ensil an! a no&eboo. on han!. Ot1er Notes: I .no( &ha& (e all ha+e li+es ou&si!e o$ L-S an! some&imes our li+es ge& in &he (ay o$ s#hool(or.. I$ you are s&ruggling) I (oul! li.e you all &o .no( &ha& you #an al(ays email or spea. (i&h me. I (an& you all &o !o (ell an! su##ee!C I am a $an o$ using &e#hnology in &he #lassroom. -o(e+er) I (ill no& &olera&e &he use o$ #ell phones (hen no& ins&ru#&e! an! &he misuse o$ lap&ops. I (ill !o my bes& &o .eep My4igCampus) >eebly up!a&e! regularly an! &(ee& or sen! /emin!101 messages $or impor&an& home(or. assignmen&s) remin!ers) up#oming e3ams an! !ue !a&es $or essays. Las&ly) besi!es being your English &ea#her I am also you men&or. :ee! help (i&h (ri&ing a resumeE ?ou (an& me &o rea! your poemE :er+ous abou& an au!i&ion or &ry ou&E S&resse! ou& abou& $rien!ships an! bullyingE I$ you nee! help (i&h any&hing you #an al(ays rea#h ou& &o meC 2e3s"te: 1tt#://LSa3ala42ee3ly4co+ T"tter: 5L*S6-rsSa3ala E+a"l: LSa3ala5L"$.e$PS4or/ COURSE O7ER7IE2 "his is an in$ormal s#he!ule $or &he s#hool year. ,ssignmen&s an! no+els may #hange o+er &he #ourse o$ &he year. S&u!en&s are en#ourage! &o .eep &his s#he!ule in min! in or!er &o plan ahea! an! be be&&er prepare! $or #lass. "his is a &en&a&i+e s#he!ule an! is sub1e#& &o #hange. -AR8ING PERIOD I "heme: -ar! Choi#es >ri&ing Ao#us: ,rgumen&a&i+e Essay Elements of Literature Fourth Course <"e3&boo.= 8"he Col! E'ua&ions;-Fo!(in 8"he 4ass) "he /i+er) an! Sheila Man;->e&herall 84oys an! Firls;-Munro 8E+ery!ay Gse;-> 8"he 4oo. o$ San!;-4orges Arom: "ra+els >i&h Charley-S&einbe#. 8Same Song;-Mora ,n&igone-Sopho#les :o+els A Separate Peace by Hohn Ino(les My Losing Season by Pa& Conroy Bless Me Ultima by /u!ol$o ,. ,naya -AR8ING PERIOD II "heme: E3iles) Cas&a(ays) an! S&rangers >ri&ing Ao#us: In$orma&i+eJE3posi&ory Essay) /esear#h Paper Elements of Literature Fourth Course <"e3&boo.= 8"he Pe!es&rian;-4ra!bury 8Liber&y;-,l+are* 8>here -a+e ?ou Fone) Charming 4illyE;-@04rien 8"he 4e&;-Che#.o+ 8, Kery @l! Man >i&h Enormous >ings;-Mar'ue* 8"he Arien!ship @nly Las&e! , Ae( Se#on!s;-,!ams 8Sonne& Aor -ea+en 4elo(;-,gueros Hulius Caesar-Sha.espeare 8Le&&er Arom 4irmingham Hail;-Iing :o+els Catcher In the Rye by H.9. Salinger My Forbien Face by La&i$a -AR8ING PERIOD III "heme: Man0s Inhumani&y &o Man >ri&ing Ao#us: Li&erary ,nalysis Essay Elements of Literature Fourth Course <"e3&boo.= 8"he Pi& an! &he Pen!ulum; LPoe 8I& Can0& 4e -elpe!;-Arom: Aare(ell &o Man*anar--ous&on an! -ous&on 8:o :e(s Arom ,us#h(i&*;-/osen&hal 8"he Lo(es& ,nimal;-"(ain 8Men!ing >all;-Aros& :o+els !he Lor of the Flies by >illiam Fol!ing "f Mice An Men by Hohn S&einbe#. -AR8ING PERIOD I7 "heme: "he Sear#h $or Gn!ers&an!ing >ri&ing Ao#us: :arra&i+e Essay Elements of Literature Fourth Course <"e3&boo.= 8-air;-Mal#olm M 8"(o Iin!s;-"an 8"hrough &he "unnel;-Lessing 8"yphoi! Ae+er;-M#Cour& 8"heme Aor English 4;--ughes 8-ear&C >e >ill Aorge& -imC;-9i#.inson 8Courage;-Se3&on 8Is "here /eally Su#h , "hing ,s "alen&E;-9illar! :o+els #arriors $on%t Cry by Melba Pa&&illo 4eals !ears of A !iger by Sharon M. 9raper !he "ther #es Moore by >es Moore an! "a+is Smiley