hw1 Sol
hw1 Sol
hw1 Sol
Homework 1
Out: Sep 4, 2008
Due: Sep 18, 2008
1 Written questions
1. Choose a news article after Aug 1. Briey describe how AI has played a role in solving a problem
mentioned in the article, or how you propose to use AI in such a problem. Your answer should be at
least 500 words. (5 points)
Figure 1: A sampel Sudoku puzzle with 28 digits lled initially.
2. This question will give you an excuse to play Sudoku (see www.websudoku.com for explanation) while
doing homework. Consider using search to solve Sudoku puzzles: You are given a partially lled grid
to start, and already know there is an answer.
(a) Dene a state representation for Sudoku answer search. A state is a partially lled, valid grid in
which no rows, column, or 3x3 square contains duplicated digits. (3 points)
A 9x9 matrix whose elements are 1 to 9 or 0 as empty. Transitions are any valid lling of an
empty cell. Only valid matrices (no duplication in rows, column, or 3x3 squares) are allowed.
(b) Write a pseudocode for the successor function (generate a list of successor states from the current
state) given your representation. You can assume you have functions like duplicated that returns
true if there are two identical non-empty elements (or non-zero digits) in a collection. (3 points)
M = current state
for i = 1 : 9
for j = 1 : 9
if M(i,j) == 0
copy M to A;
for x = 1 : 9
A(i,j) = x;
if valid(A)
add A to successor-list;
function valid(A)
for i = 1 : 9
if duplicated(A(i,:)), return False; end
for i = 1 : 9
if duplicated(A(:,i)), return False; end
for i = 1 : 9
for j = 1 : 9
if duplicated(A(i:i+2,j:j+2)), return False; end
return True;
(c) Write a pseudocode for goal function that returns true if a state is a goal. You can assume the
state is reached by the successor function above so is a valid state. (2 points)
M = current state
if any(any(M==0)), return False; else return True; end
(d) If the puzzle begins with 28 digits lled, what is L, the length of the shortest path to goal using
your representation? (2 points)
L = 81 28 = 53
(e) On a typical PC, which search algorithm would you choose, BFS, DFS, IDS, A*, or IDA*? Why?
Hint: which is larger, L or the average branching factor B? (5 points)
DFS is the most suitable, and actually almost all Sudoku search program use DFS.
B can be in the range of 953 so B >> L. Hence BFS and A* will have serious memory problem
on a typical PC.
L is xed so L = L
= L
. BFS and A* makes no dierence because both have to reach
the nal step (L1 transitions) to nd the goal. IDA* will be the same as IDS which only waste
time in the rst L1 levels and did the same as DFS in the nal L-th level. DFS is the only one
among these algorithm that makes sense.
Many students did not get the correct answer for this question. Some suggested that A* is best
with a good heuristics, while some others said they cannot come up with a good heuristics. In
fact there is an exact A* heuristics, the number of empty cells, but it makes no dierence because
any transition will result in the same cost and heuristics. On the other hand there are tricks for
DFS to nd a solution faster (ex. ll in empty cells with fewer successors rst) but it is not the
kind of A* heuristics we talk about in class. Some chose IDA* or IDS, but there is no point when
L is xed.
The point here is that all search algorithms have unique advantages and you really need to
understand your search problem to choose one; DFS is usually considered too simple and not
powerful, but here is a problem in which DFS is the only reasonable choice.
3. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. If true, explain why. If false, give a
contradicting example. Recall that B is the average branching factor and L is the length of the
shortest path from start to goal. (8 points)
(a) Bi-directional BFS is always faster than BFS when B 2 and L 4.
False. Consider searching on a tree from the leaf to the root, and transitions always move towards
the root. BFS is fast because branching factor is always 1, while BIBFS waste time on the half
of the reverse part tracing a lot of branches.
Note that time complexity is no the same as actual timing or number of nodes expanded. O( )
are worst case, and under a constant factor. On the other hand in cases like A* being more ecient
than any optimal search given a heuristic, we really mean ALWAYS it has been proved that
for any search space no other optimal search can expand fewer nodes. Know the dierence. Also
note that treating B as a constant is just an approximation, since actually the branching factor is
dierent between nodes. Finally you need to understand the assumptions underlying the analysis
that BIBFS is faster than BFS.
(b) A* search always expands fewer nodes than DFS does.
False. No optimal search algorithm can be more ecient than A*, but DFS is not optimal and it
can be lucky in searching goals. For example on the Sudoku search problem above, DFS almost
always expand fewer nodes than A*, because A* need to expand L 1 levels.
(c) For any search space, there is always an admissible and consistent A* heuristic.
True. For example h(s) = 0.
(d) IDA* does not need a priority queue as in A*, but can use the program stack in a recursive
implementation as in DFS.
True. Note that the inner loop in IDA* is DFS, not A*.
4. Please provide two dierent and non-trivial A* heuristics, one for each of the following search problems:
(8 points)
Figure 2: Moves of a king (left) and a knight (right) for question 4.
(a) In a 8x8 chess chessboard, move a king from top-left to bottom-right (no other piece in the
chessboard). A king can move into one of the 8 adjacent squares. Propose an admissible and
consistent A* heuristic; you can use x and y denote distance to bottom-right in x-axis and y-axis.
Possible heuristics include: max(x, y), (x +y)/2,
2, etc.
(b) In a 8x8 chess chessboard, move a knight from top-left to bottom-right (no other piece in the
chessboard). See gures above for how a knight moves. Propose an admissible and consistent A*
heuristic; you can use x and y denote distance to bottom-right in x-axis and y-axis.
Possible heuristics include: max(x, y)/2, (x+y)/3,
(x x
+ (y y
You can also use minimum distance to all the walls, min(x 1, y 1, 25 x, 25 y),
or even mix of the above, min(|x 1| +|y 6|, |x 8| +|25 y|, y 1).
You should nd the optimal path as the one in BFS, as long as the heuristic is truly admissible.
4. Compare the search results of the dierent methods and heuristics. Which methods and which heuristic
performed best? Why? (10 points)
The path found by DFS is far from optimal, though BFS expanded more nodes. A* nds the optimal
path with the fewest nodes expanded, if the heuristic is good. For most students, DFS run fastest
even if the number of expanded nodes are more than that of A*. This may be due to implementation
details, Matlab being slow, and a small map size.