Tantra The Left Hand Path
Tantra The Left Hand Path
Tantra The Left Hand Path
marga is the left path which combines sexual life with yoga practices in order to explode the
dormant energy centres. Dakshina marga is the right path of yoga practices without sexual
enactment. Previously, due to the barriers in sexual life, the path most widely followed was
dakshina marga. vama marga, which utilizes sexual life for spiritual development.
sexual life has a threefold purpose. Some practise it for procreation, others for pleasure, but the
tantric yogi practises it for samadhi. He does not hold any negative views about it. He does it as
a part of his sadhana. But, at the same time, he realizes that for spiritual purposes, the
experience must be maintained. Ordinarily this experience is lost before one is able to deepen it.
By mastering certain techniques, however, this experience can become continuous even in daily
life. Then the silent centres of the brain are awakened and start to function all the time.
The energy principle
The contention of vama marga is that the awakening of kundalini is possible through the
interaction between man and woman. The concept behind this follows the same lines as the
process of fission and fusion described in modern physics.
Man and woman represent positive and negative energy. On a mental level they represent time
and space. Ordinarily, these two forces stand at opposite poles. During sexual interaction,
however, they move out of their position of polarity, towards the centre. When they come
together at the nucleus or central point, an explosion occurs and matter becomes manifest. This
is the basic theme of tantric initiation.
The natural event that takes place between man and woman is considered as the explosion of
the energy centre. In every speck of life, it is the union between the positive and negative poles
that is responsible for creation. At the same time, union between positive and negative poles is
also responsible for enlightenment, and the experience which takes place at the time of union is
a glimpse of the higher experience.