Sigma Marine Coatings
Sigma Marine Coatings
Sigma Marine Coatings
1422 AD Uithoorn
Telefoon 0297-541911
Telefax 0297-566331
P.O. Box 42
1420 AA Uithoorn
The Netherlands
e-mail siguitmarine@
A member of the SigmaKalon
Group of Companies
2000 February 2000
Prot ect ing t he Fut ure
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a five page issue March 2000
revision of 5-1997
1410 Conversion tables
1411 Explanation to product data sheets
1412 Nomograph conversion from English units to metric units
1413 S.I. Units
1430 Safety indications
1431 Safety in confined spaces and health safety explosion hazard - toxic hazard
1432 Safety colours identification colours pipes
1433 Safe working in confined spaces
1434 Directives for ventilation practice
1490 Cleaning of steel and removal of rust
1491 Specification for mineral abrasives
1498 Hydrojetting
1650 Relative Humidity - substrate temperature - air temperature
1880 Welding certificates for prefabrication primers
1881 Health certificates for prefabrication primers
1882 Certificates for drinking water
1883 Certificates for low-flame spread
1883A Certificates for low-flame spread (Schwerentflambarkeit) (S.B.G.)
1884 Food certificates
1886 Recognized corrosion control coating (Lloyds register)
1891 Type approvals
3003 Ships sheet index
3006 Paint system guide
3015 Prefabrication primers
3100 General aspects anticorrosive paints
3101 Anticorrosive systems for underwater and boottop to be overcoated
with antifoulings
3102 Systems for boottop and topside
3103 Systems for decks
3104 Systems for superstructure and deckfittings
3105 Systems for interior(s)
3106 Systems for ballast-, freshwater and polluted water tanks
3107 Systems for cargo holds
3108 Miscellaneous systems
3110 General aspects - antifoulings
3111 Sigmaplane HB antifouling systems
3113 Sigma Pilot Ecol antifouling systems
3114 Sigmaplane TA antifouling systems
3117 Sigmaplane HC antifouling system
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March 2000
3118 Sigmaplane TC antifouling system
3120 Sigmaplane Ecol antifouling systems
3121 Sigmaplane NC antifouling system
3122 Sigmaplane HA antifouling systems
3125 Sigma Alphagen 50 antifouling systems
3126 Sigma Alphagen 20 antifouling systems
3140 Heat resistant systems
3141 Hot water resistant systems
3310 Tankcoating selection table
3320 Sigmaguard EHB tankcoating system
3322 Sigma Phenguard tankcoating system
3323 Sigma Silguard MC tankcoating system
3325 Systems for drinking water tanks (+ cleaning procedure)
3328 Sigmaguard CSF 7462 tankcoating system
7102 Sigma Emaline 3000
7104 Sigma Balamastic
7110 Sigmarine Multiprimer
7111 Sigmarine Alu primer
7113 Sigmarine primer RL
7131 Sigmaferro primer ZP
7135 Sigmarine primer ZP
7150 Sigmacrylic primer
7171 Sigma Proferral MC
7177 Sigmaweld MC
7190 Sigmarine Holdbrite
7213 Sigmarine undercoat
7238 Sigmarine BTD
7240 Sigmarine Enamel
7250 Sigmacrylic finish
7260 Sigmarine Aluminium HR
7261 Sigmarine Aluminium HR 500
7263 Sigmarine Hold paint alu
7282 Sigmaplane TA antifouling
7284 Sigmaplane HB antifouling
7285 Sigma Pilot Ecol antifouling
7287 Sigmaplane HA antifouling
7288 Sigmaplane TC antifouling
7290 Sigmaplane NC antifouling
7292 Sigmaplane HC antifouling
7297 Sigmaplane Ecol antifouling
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March 2000
7318 Sigmachlor primer
7343 Sigmavinyl primer
7346 Sigma Biguard primer
7347 Sigma Biguard coating
7350 Sigma Topacryl coating
7355 Sigma Topacryl finish
7371 Sigma Alphagen 10 antifouling
7372 Sigma Alphagen 20 antifouling
7375 Sigma Alphagen 50 antifouling
7400 Sigmaguard Tankshield primer
7409 Sigma Phenguard primer
7417 Sigma Universal primer
7424 Sigma Universal primer LT
7430 Sigma Multimastic
7433 Sigmaguard EHB
7435 Sigma Phenguard coating
7436 Sigma Phenguard finish
7443 Sigmaguard CSF
7448 Sigmaguard HS
7455 Sigmaguard Maintenance
7462 Sigmaguard CSF 7462
7465 Sigma CM miocoat
7466 Sigma CM coating
7467 Sigma Hullrite
7472 Sigma TCN 300
7473 Sigmaguard Tankshield coating
7479 Sigma TCN tiecoat
7483 Sigma TCN-LT 300
7524 Sigmadur HB finish
7528 Sigmadur gloss
7551 Sigma Silguard MC
7568 Sigma Silicate MC
7785 Sigmaguard CSF 85 (+ cleaning procedure)
7921 Sigmaguard BT primer PR 0616
7922 Sigma Multiguard primer
7925 Sigmaguard Tankshield LT-V primer
7951 Sigma Multiguard
7952 Sigma Glassflake
7953 Sigmaguard BT TP 1095
7954 Sigmaguard CSF Glassflake
7958 Sigmaguard Tankshield LT-V coating
8103 Sigmavar gloss
8215 Sigmatex
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March 2000
7371 Sigma Alphagen 10 antifouling
7372 Sigma Alphagen 20 antifouling
7375 Sigma Alphagen 50 antifouling
7104 Sigma Balamastic
7347 Sigma Biguard coating
7346 Sigma Biguard primer
7466 Sigma CM coating
7465 Sigma CM miocoat
7102 Sigma Emaline 3000
7952 Sigma Glassflake
7467 Sigma Hullrite
7951 Sigma Multiguard
7922 Sigma Multiguard primer
7430 Sigma Multimastic
7435 Sigma Phenguard coating
7436 Sigma Phenguard finish
7409 Sigma Phenguard primer
7285 Sigma Pilot Ecol antifouling
7171 Sigma Proferral MC
7551 Sigma Silguard MC
7568 Sigma Silicate MC
7479 Sigma TCN tiecoat
7472 Sigma TCN 300
7483 Sigma TCN-LT 300
7350 Sigma Topacryl coating
7355 Sigma Topacryl finish
7417 Sigma Universal primer
7424 Sigma Universal primer LT
7318 Sigmachlor primer
7150 Sigmacrylic primer
7250 Sigmacrylic finish
7524 Sigmadur HB finish
7528 Sigmadur gloss
7131 Sigmaferro primer ZP
7953 Sigmaguard BT TP 1095
7921 Sigmaguard BT primer PR 0616
7443 Sigmaguard CSF
7954 Sigmaguard CSF Glassflake
7462 Sigmaguard CSF 7462
7785 Sigmaguard CSF 85
7433 Sigmaguard EHB
7448 Sigmaguard HS
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March 2000
7455 Sigmaguard Maintenance
7958 Sigmaguard Tankshield LT-V coating
7925 Sigmaguard Tankshield LT-V primer
7473 Sigmaguard Tankshield coating
7400 Sigmaguard Tankshield primer
7297 Sigmaplane Ecol antifouling
7287 Sigmaplane HA antifouling
7284 Sigmaplane HB antifouling
7292 Sigmaplane HC antifouling
7290 Sigmaplane NC antifouling
7282 Sigmaplane TA antifouling
7288 Sigmaplane TC antifouling
7111 Sigmarine Alu primer
7260 Sigmarine Aluminium HR
7261 Sigmarine Aluminium HR 500
7238 Sigmarine BTD
7240 Sigmarine Enamel
7263 Sigmarine Hold paint alu
7190 Sigmarine Holdbrite
7110 Sigmarine Multiprimer
7113 Sigmarine primer RL
7135 Sigmarine primer ZP
7213 Sigmarine undercoat
8215 Sigmatex
8103 Sigmavar gloss
7343 Sigmavinyl primer
7177 Sigmaweld MC
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a six page issue December 1999
revision of 5-1997
This guide indicates which Sigma systems may be used for the protection of the various parts of a vessel.
Sheet numbers in the 3000 range refer to the system data sheets which are found in the green coloured
section of the Sigma Marine Manual.
The various paint specifications as mentioned on a system data sheet are indicated by the figures 1 up to 8.
These specification numbers refer to paint systems that can be used for those parts of a vessel being
mentioned in this guide.
TYPE OF SYSTEM conven- chlori- vinyl tar epoxy poly- chlori- sili-
COATING SHEET tional nated tar epoxy ure- nated cates
FOR NUMBER rubber thane rubber/
anticorrosive system 3101 8 7 6 1 2,3,4,5
from keel to d.l.l.,
rudder and sea inlet
antifouling system 3111 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2
3113 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2
3114 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2 1,2
3117 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2
3118 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2 1,2
3120 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3
3121 1 1 1 1
3122 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2
3125 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2
3126 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2
from l.l.l. to top of 3102 6 1,2,3,4 1,2,3 5
bulkwarks, forecastle
and poop sides
including hawsepipes
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December 1999
TYPE OF SYSTEM conven- chlori- vinyl tar epoxy poly- chlori- sili-
COATING SHEET tional nated tar epoxy ure- nated cates
FOR NUMBER rubber thane rubber/
exposed steel decks 3103 4 2,3 2,3 5 1
and house tops
under deck planking 3108 1
exposed accommo- 3104 2 1 1 3,4
dation, deck and
mast houses,
forecastle and poop
bulkheads, hatch
covers and coamings,
bulwarks (inside),
masts, derrick posts
and derricks (outside),
funnel (outside)
windlass and 3104 2 1 1 3,4
winches, bollards
and fairleads,
ladders and catwalk,
davits, piping,
ventilators, engine
room skylight etc.,
inside masts and
derrick posts,
seatings and
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December 1999
TYPE OF SYSTEM conven- chlori- vinyl tar epoxy poly- chlori- sili-
COATING SHEET tional nated tar epoxy ure- nated cates
FOR NUMBER rubber thane rubber/
aluminium parts 3108 4 4
steel parts 3103 4 2,3 2,3 5
wooden parts 3103 4
3108 3
exposed steel in dry 3105 1 1
and wet spaces
above floor level
steel behind linings 3108 1 2
and insulation
asbestos insulation 3105 4
exposed steel in
dry spaces 3105 2 1 1 3
wet spaces 3105 1 1 3
steel behind linings 3108 1 2
and insulation
battery locker 3104 3
woodwork 3105 2 1 1
3108 3
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December 1999
TYPE OF SYSTEM conven- chlori- vinyl tar epoxy poly- chlori- sili-
COATING SHEET tional nated tar epoxy ure- nated cates
FOR NUMBER rubber thane rubber/
dry cargo hold and 3107 5 1,2,3,4
access trunks
abrasive bulk cargo 3107 1,2
(coal, ore, scrap etc.)
bulk foodstuffs 3107 1,2,3,4
(grain, dry foods,
sugar etc.)
chemical bulk cargo 3107 1,2
(cement, fertilizer,
sulphur etc.)
void spaces, 3108 1 2
duct keel
refrig. holds,
steel 3108 4 4
wood 3105 2 1 1
floodable hold 3106 4
3107 1,2,3,4
DOUBLE BOTTOM 3106 4 1,2,3
ballast water and 3106 4 1,2,3
fresh water
polluted water 3106 6,7
hot water 3141 1
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December 1999
TYPE OF SYSTEM conven- chlori- vinyl tar epoxy poly- chlori- sili-
COATING SHEET tional nated tar epoxy ure- nated cates
FOR NUMBER rubber thane rubber/
drinking water 3325 1
animal-, fish-, and 3320 1
vegetable oils 3322 1
3323 1
3328 1
chemicals 3320 1
3322 1
3328 1
extended white 3320 1
products 3323 1
3328 1
white aliphatic 3320 1
products 3323 1
3328 1
solvents 3322 1
3323 1
wine 3322 1
bilges, drain wells 3106 4 1,2,3
superstructure, 3108 4 4
mast, hand rail,
ladder, stanchion,
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December 1999
TYPE OF SYSTEM conven- chlori- vinyl tar epoxy poly- chlori- sili-
COATING SHEET tional nated tar epoxy ure- nated cates
FOR NUMBER rubber thane rubber/
furniture, door, 3103 4
hand rail and 3108 3
wooden deck, etc.
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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* The chromium content of these primers may be detrimental to the health of operatives
and Sigma Coatings has therefore discontinued the use of these products.
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a four page issue November 1999
revision of 5-1997
The most commonly encountered prefabrication primers are:
Reinforced polyvinyl butyral (PVB) prefabrication primers.*
These have satisfactory application, welding and handling properties, but have a lower anticorrosive
performance, especially as part of a system for immersed areas in conjunction with cathodic protection.
Zinc epoxy prefabrication primers.
These have good anticorrosive properties and acceptable cutting and welding properties.
Red oxide epoxy prefabrication primers.
These have good weatherability, reasonable cutting and welding properties, but show a moderate thermal
stability and poor resistance to seawater exposure with cathodic protection.
Zinc silicate prefabrication primers. (Sigma Proferral MC)
These have excellent heat resistance and weatherability and acceptable cutting and welding properties.
Reduced zinc silicate prefabrication primers. (Sigmaweld MC)
These have excellent cutting and welding properties, especially in MIG/MAG welding techniques, excellent
heat resistance and good weatherability.
The welding techniques generally used, are:
Manual Metal Arc welding (MMA)
Gravity welding
Submerged Arc welding (SAW)
Metal Inert Gas / Metal Active Gas welding (MIG/MAG)
It is known that automatic welding confers considerable economic advantages to construction yards and the
MIG/MAG technique in particular has become economically attractive because it can also be used on thin
plate without too much distortion.
These welding techniques are characterized by the following properties.
MMA Gravity Welding SAW MIG/MAG
Welding position all horizontal horizontal all
Automatisation minor yes common yes
Deposition rate low high high medium
Heat distortion medium high high low
Cost indication high medium low medium
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November 1999
The weldability of a prefabrication primer is generally described by the tendency of the primer to produce
little or no porosity in a weld.
During welding, the type of primer will influence spatter formation, especially in case of MIG/MAG welding.
Generic type MMA/gravity
Prefabrication primer all positions
1G 2F 3F 1G 2F
Red oxide epoxy +
(P) P P (P) P
Epoxy-zinc + +
(P) P P P
Zinc silicate + + +
Sigma Proferral MC (S, P) S, P (P)
reduced zinc silicate + + + + + +
Sigmaweld MC
1G = Butt welding
2F = Horizontal (automatic) welding of T-joint
3F = Vertical downward welding of T-joints
P = Porosity
S = Spatter
+ = Excellent
= Possible defects, between brackets the type of defect
= Defects
The thermal stability of a prefabrication primer depends on its composition.
Because of its inorganic nature, the behaviour of silicate primers is, in this respect, excellent.
During cutting and welding, silicate primers, like Sigmaweld MC and Sigma Proferral MC,
can withstand temperatures up to 1000C for short periods.
This high level of thermal stability has several practical advantages
cutting and welding damage is minimised
fumes created by hot work procedures will be reduced
the amount of weld spatter will be reduced
weld spatter will not adhere to the primed steel
By comparison organic prefabrication primers can only resist temperatures up to 500C for short periods.
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November 1999
Fumes are inevitably generated during welding and cutting due to combustion of primer material.
The amount and composition of such fumes depends on the raw materials from which the prefabrication
primer has been made.
Fume extracting equipment should be used in case primed steel has to be welded or cut in confined spaces.
All Sigma Coatings prefabrication primers are checked by the North of England Industrial Health Service and
fulfil Occupational Exposure Limits requirements (see information sheet Health certificates for prefabrication
primers 1881).
The weatherability of a primer is a function of the quality of surface preparation, film thickness applied, type
of environment to which the plates and/or sections are stored and degree of damage to which they are
subjected during this period.
In general zinc dust primers will perform better during atmospheric exposure than primers formulated with a
minimum amount of zinc or containing no zinc at all.
Primers with a high zinc content can therefore be applied at lower dry film thicknesses.
General indication of weathering properties of Sigma Coatings prefabrication primers:
dft average weathering period
Sigmaweld MC 22 m 6 months
Sigma Proferral MC 15 m 9 months
In order to ensure satisfactory adhesion of the subsequently applied system, prefabrication primed sections
have to undergo some degree of secondary surface preparation prior to system application.
The degree and type of secondary surface preparation required before application of the full coating system
depends on:
the resistance to exterior exposure of the prefabrication primer
the service conditions of the subsequently applied system
the prevailing shop regulations
At the very least, this involves removal of dirt, dust and debris; but other problems will be associated with
handling damage, weldseams, burn damage or excessively weathered plate.
Generally, weldseam areas and corroded or burned areas will require thorough blast cleaning or mechanical
cleaning. Zinc salts should be removed by sweepblasting or by abrading mechanically using silicon carbide
impregnated abrasive pads (SCAP).
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November 1999
A total lack of surface preparation, an insufficient degree thereof or an inappropriate service situation can all
lead to rather serious consequences for the coating system on heat affected zones, weldseam areas and
contaminated, corroded or damaged areas.
Beside the function to protect shot blast cleaned steel during storage and construction, a prefabrication
primer is often also the first coat of anticorrosive paint systems. Proper organisation of all shop activities,
taking into consideration all specific properties of the prefabrication primer involved, will lead to the
avoidance of extensive surface preparation before overcoating.
Epoxy prefabrication primers in sound condition may be used in coating systems which are resistant to
seawater exposure without cathodic protection.
In practice, however, these kinds of prefabrication primers are often heavily damaged by heat or
mechanical influences. This means that extra attention should be paid to the pretreatment of these
damaged areas when the steel structure has to be exposed to immersion in (sea) water. Experience
shows that blast cleaning to ISO-Sa2 is the most effective pretreatment method for these areas and
exposure conditions.
Zinc containing prefabrication primers may show the formation of zinc salts during weathering, depending
on exposure conditions and time. The formation of zinc salts can be avoided by overcoating the
prefabrication primer before the structure leaves the shop. If this is not possible, a second surface
preparation should take place especially after long weathering periods.
The presence of a prefabrication primer in tankcoating systems is generally not accepted because the
chemical resistance of the tankcoating system will be diminished.
Sigma Proferral MC see product data sheet 7171
Sigmaweld MC see product data sheet 7177
Quality control for prefabrication primer application see information sheet 1701
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a three page issue December 1999
revision of 5-1997
The importance of anticorrosive underwater hull coatings systems is not restricted to the avoidance of steel
loss only. The coating system is also responsible for smooth hulls by preventing the development of
roughness due to corrosion and/or fouling. Smooth hulls have a direct bearing on fuel consumption and other
economic factors in the operation of a vessel.
Antifouling performance and service time is highly dependent upon the performance of the anticorrosive
system. Bare steel exposed by broken blisters and/or flaking will foul while the presence of these defects
will obviously increase surface roughness. Therefore, it is true to say THE ANTIFOULING IS ONLY AS GOOD
Correct steel preparation is of the utmost importance to the performance and service lifetime of an
anticorrosive hull system. Presence of rust will always cause defects of the coating system when immersed
in water.
The shop primer type and condition of the shop primed steel, particularly the degree of corrosion and the
breakdown of the shop primer, will determine the performance of the system. An approved shop primer (zinc
silicate) is the best and here good performance will be obtained by the appropriate/described cleaning
methodes. The presence of shop primer other than a zinc silicate may require complete removal by abrasive
blasting in order to ensure good performance.
Most bottom systems used are of the bituminous, chlorinated rubber, vinyl or epoxy type. In the light of
modern advanced coating technology the bituminous paints have become less important. Their performance
and recoatability with new classes of antifoulings is no longer up to the standard acceptable in the present
Bituminous, chlorinated rubber, and vinyltar coatings are physically drying types and for proper drying,
reasonable temperatures as well as ventilation and air movement are necessary. Although temperatures as
low as -10C are possible, at excessively low temperatures combined with short drying times and/or high
dfts these coatings tend to retain solvents which can result in blistering and early breakdown of the coating
While the introduction of tar in epoxy coatings gives a cost saving, this is not the most important feature
since the tar, as an essential part of the binder improves the water resistance. It's good wetting properties
not only provide good adhesion but also increase the tolerance to marginal surface pretreatment.
However, there is now a trend away from the use of tar and tar containing products as tar is fast becoming
environmentally unacceptable with straight epoxies and modified epoxies are increasingly being used.
Without tar it is possible to increase specific properties of straight and modified epoxies such as abrasion
and impact resistance thus significantly improving performance, particularly in specialist areas.
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December 1999
Epoxies are chemically reacting coatings, they need polyamide or polyamine hardeners to effect cure. To
obtain the properties as indicated by the paint manufacturer, epoxy coatings require a certain temperature to
Highly advanced epoxies need temperatures around 5C to obtain adequate curing rate and to reach final
cure, although application can be carried out down to 5C. To overcome the difficulties of application and
curing at low temperatures special low temperature versions of various epoxy products are available.
The straight and modified epoxies are usually of the high solid type and contain less solvents and will meet
the latest regulations regarding volatile organic compounds (voc). The advantage of high solid coatings is
expressed by their comparatively lower price per square metre compared to low solid materials when
applied at the same dry film thickness.
The performance as well as the practical service of any anticorrosive system is directly related to the dry film
thickness applied. It is therefore not economical, to choose critical low dry film thicknesses, since costs of
application constitute a substantial part of the total investment in the coating operation. However application
of excessively high film thicknesses of solvent containing paints, particularly in single coat application is also
not advisable as it can lead to solvent retention and subsequent coating failure and should therefore also be
avoided. The generic type of coating binder will also influence the actual service lifetime of the underwater
hull systems. This refers to principal properties such as degree of (sea)water absorption and to the
resistance to the cathodic protection system. When in these respects the various coatings are evaluated,
epoxies give the best results followed by vinyl tar and chlorinated rubber coatings.
The term service lifetime of coating systems requires some clarification: service lifetime has been defined
as period of time until first maintenance painting is necessary. This is indicated by the condition of the
coating system before reaching rust grade or blistering grade representing approximately 3% breakdown of
the coating film.
With normal and correctly controlled cathodic protection, all coating types will perform well but with
overprotection differences will be evident and early breakdown of the coating system especially at low film
thickness areas can occur.
It is for this reason that it is recommended to apply protective shields around the anodes of impressed
current systems.
Sacrificial zinc anodes produce potential differences related to the Ag/AgCl electrode of approx. minus 1050
mV. As the resistance of bituminous aluminium coating and chlorinated rubber coating lie in the region of
this figure it is therefore recommended to apply a protective shield around the anodes when a vessel with
these coating systems is fitted with zinc anodes. For this purpose a heavy coat of coaltar epoxy coating at
approx 300-400 microns dft can be used as a protective shield.
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December 1999
From this introduction and the general aspects of protection of ships it becomes clear that a number of areas
can be distinguished with various degrees of corrosion severity. The most important areas are:
Underwater and boottop
Boottop and topside
Superstructure and deckfittings
Ballast and freshwater tanks
Anticorrosive systems for underwater and boottop
to be finished with antifoulings see system sheet 3101
Systems for boottop and topside see system sheet 3102
Systems for decks see system sheet 3103
Systems for superstructure and deckfittings see system sheet 3104
Systems for interior(s) see system sheet 3105
Systems for ballast and freshwater tanks see system sheet 3106
Systems for cargoholds see system sheet 3107
Miscellaneous systems see system sheet 3108
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a six page issue
revision of 5-1997
Contains following specifications:
Specification 1: coaltar epoxy coating system
Specification 2: high solid tar free epoxy coating system
Specification 3: high solid tar free epoxy coating system
Specification 4: high solid epoxy mastic coating system
Specification 5: high solid glassflake reinforced epoxy coating system
Specification 6: vinyl tar coating system
Specification 7: chlorinated rubber coating system
Specification 8: bituminous aluminium coating system
The quality of the surface pretreatment affects the performance of underwater and boottop systems,
particularly when cathodic protection is applied. Best results will only be obtained on substrates blast
cleaned to ISO-Sa2 which means that the shop primer should be removed. This is particularly important
when (underfilm) corrosion has already started. Also the right blasting profile will be obtained.
The quality and generic type of shop primer, will determine the performance of the coating system.
The types of shop primer acceptable, are those which are approved by Sigma Coatings and equivalent to the
following products:
Sigma Proferral MC and Sigmaweld MC - zinc silicate.
In addition, any degradation or underfilm corrosion of the shop primer will limit the performance of the total
system, unless correctly treated.
These remarks are of particular importance when cathodic protection is installed.
The general condition of the weathered shop primer may vary widely throughout the structure and in many
instances it is difficult to assess the severity of breakdown.
Experience shows that in practice reblasting of corroded shop primed steel to ISO-Sa2 is the most
satisfactory method of correcting corrosion defects and eliminating the detrimental effect of surface
Approved shop primers in good condition should be cleaned to remove contamination and/or zinc salts.
If necessary sweep blasting according to SPSS/Ss or mechanical cleaning according to SPSS-Pt3 should be
carried out.
Special attention should be paid to heat damaged areas, including areas alongside weldseams and
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November 1999
SPECIFICATION 1 coaltar epoxy system for UNDERWATER and BOOTTOP with good
resistance to mechanical impact, abrasion and well designed cathodic
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss,
weld seams, burned and rusty areas blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 or
powertool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
|f a holding primer is required Sigma Universal primer can be used
(dft of 50 m)
steel; hydrojetted to VIS WJ2 L (for more info see sheet 1498)
paint system Sigma TCN 300 brown 125 m
Sigma TCN tiecoat 125 m
antifouling as specified
maintenance should preferably be carried out to this specification
SPECIFICATION 2 high solid tar free epoxy system for UNDERWATER and BOOTTOP with
good resistance to mechanical impact, abrasion and well designed
cathodic protection
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss,
weld seams, burned and rusty areas blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 or
powertool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
steel; hydrojetted to VIS WJ2 L (for more info see sheet 1498)
paint system Sigma Multiguard primer 125 m
Sigma Hullrite 125 m
maintenance should preferably be carried out to this specification
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November 1999
SPECIFICATION 3 high solid tar free epoxy system for UNDERWATER and BOOTTOP with
excellent resistance to mechanical impact, abrasion and well designed
cathodic protection
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss,
weld seams, burned and rusty areas blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 or
powertool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
steel; hydrojetted to VIS WJ2 L (for more info see sheet 1498)
paint system Sigma Multiguard primer 100 m
Sigma Multiguard 150 m
Sigma Hullrite 75 m
antifouling as specified
maintenance should preferably be carried out to this specification
note If a holding primer is required, Sigma Multiguard primer can be replaced
by Sigma Universal primer at 50 m, followed by Sigma Multiguard in a dft
of 200 m
SPECIFICATION 4 high solid, epoxy mastic coating system for maintenance of
UNDERWATER and BOOTTOP with good resistance to mechanical
impact and well designed cathodic protection
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2, blasting profile (R
) 40-70 m
steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss,
or powertool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
for maintenance abrasive blasting to ISO-Sa2 or hydrojetted to VIS WJ2 L
(for more info see sheet 1498)
paint system Sigma Multimastic aluminium 125 m
Sigma Hullrite 125 m
maintenance should preferably be carried according to this specification
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November 1999
SPECIFICATION 5 high solid, glassflake reinforced epoxy system on top of in situ applied
epoxy primer for UNDERWATER and BOOTTOP with good resistance to
heavy impact (fender areas - ice going vessels) and well designed
cathodic protection
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2, blasting profile (R
) 50-100 m
paint system Sigma Multiguard primer 100 m
Sigma Glassflake 400 m
Sigma Hullrite 75 m
antifouling as specified
maintenance should preferably be carried out to the original specification
note if a holding primer is required, Sigma Multiguard primer can be replaced
by Sigma Universal primer in a dft of 50 m
SPECIFICATION 6 vinyl tar system for UNDERWATER and BOOTTOP with good resistance to
well designed cathodic protection
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss,
weld seams, burned and rusty areas blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 or
powertool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
paint system Sigmavinyl primer light 75 m
Sigmavinyl primer dark 75 m
Sigmavinyl primer light 75 m
antifouling as specified
maintenance should be carried out with Sigmavinyl primer
SPECIFICATION 7 chlorinated rubber system on top of an in situ applied epoxy primer for
UNDERWATER and BOOTTOP with good resistance to well designed
cathodic protection
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss,
weld seams, burned and rusty areas blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 or
powertool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
paint system Sigmachlor primer light 75 m
Sigmachlor primer dark 75 m
Sigmachlor primer light 75 m
antifouling as specified
maintenance should be carried out with Sigmachlor primer
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November 1999
SPECIFICATION 8 bituminous aluminium system suitable for UNDERWATER and BOOTTOP
with fair resistance to well designed cathodic protection
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss,
weld seams, burned and rusty areas blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 or
powertool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
paint system Sigmarine alu primer light 75 m
Sigmarine alu primer dark 75 m
antifouling as specified
maintenance should be carried out with Sigmarine alu primer
As in normal docking practice, fouling, loose paint and other contaminants should be removed by high
pressure water cleaning (HPWC). Any fouling and/or loose paint remaining after HPWC must be removed by
scraping or sweep blasting. The removal of an oil or grease belt can be achieved by scraping heavy deposits
from the surface followed by HPWC in combination with the use of suitable detergents. This should be
followed by a thorough fresh water wash and drying prior to blasting and/or repainting. It might, however, be
necessary to blast clean such areas after this operation when oil has penetrated the underlying paint
systems. Rusty spots should be pretreated by blast cleaning and touched up with the original anticorrosive
system within the requirements given in the relevant specifications.
Sacrificial zinc anodes produce potential differences related to the Ag/AgCl electrode of approx.
minus 1050 mV. As the resistance of bituminous aluminium coating and chlorinated rubber coating lie in the
region of this figure it is therefore recommended to apply a protective shield around the anodes when a
vessel with a these coating systems is fitted with zinc anodes. For this purpose a heavy coat of coaltar epoxy
coating at approx. 300-400 microns dft can be used as a protective shield.
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November 1999
Sigma Glassflake see product data sheet 7952
Sigma Hullrite see product data sheet 7467
Sigma Multiguard see product data sheet 7951
Sigma Multiguard primer see product data sheet 7922
Sigma Multimastic see product data sheet 7430
Sigma Proferral MC see product data sheet 7171
Sigma TCN tiecoat see product data sheet 7479
Sigma TCN 300 see product data sheet 7472
Sigma Universal primer see product data sheet 7417
Sigmachlor primer see product data sheet 7318
Sigmarine alu primer see product data sheet 7111
Sigmavinyl primer see product data sheet 7343
Sigmaweld MC see product data sheet 7177
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Hydrojetting see information sheet 1498
Prefabrication primers see system sheet 3015
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a five page issue December 1999
revision of 5-1997
Contains following specifications:
Specification 1: high solid epoxy coating linked with 3101-spec. 1, 2 or 3
Specification 2: recoatable epoxy coating system linked with 3101-spec. 1, 2 or 3
Specification 3: high solid epoxy mastic coating system linked with 3101-spec. 1, 2, 3 or 4
Specification 4: glassflake epoxy coating system linked with 3101-spec. 1, 2, 3 or 5
Specification 5: chlorinated rubber/modified acrylic coating system linked with 3101-spec. 6 or 7
Specification 6: bituminous aluminium/alkyd coating system linked with 3101-spec. 8
The quality of the surface pretreatment affects the performance of boottop and topside systems, particularly
when for the boottop area cathodic protection is applied. Best results are only obtained on substrates blast
cleaned to ISO-Sa2, which means that up to the deep loadline the shop primer should be removed. This is
particularly important when (underfilm) corrosion has already started. Also the right blasting profile will be
The quality and generic type of shop primer, will determine the performance of the coating system. The
types of shop primer acceptable, are those which are equivalent to the Sigma qualities:
Sigma Proferral MC and Sigmaweld MC - zinc silicate.
In addition, the condition of the shop primer with regard to degradation and underfilm corrosion will
determine the performance of the total system.
These remarks are of particular importance when cathodic protection is installed.
The general condition of the weathered shop primer may vary widely throughout the structure and in many
instances it is difficult to assess the severity of breakdown.
Experience shows that reblasting of corroded shop primed steel to ISO-Sa2 is the most satisfactory
method of correcting corrosion defects and eliminating the detrimental effect of surface contamination.
Approved shop primers in good condition should be cleaned to remove contamination and/or zinc salts. If
necessary sweep blasting according to SPSS-Ss or mechanical cleaning according to SPSS-Pt3 should be
carried out.
Special attention should be taken for heat damaged areas, including areas alongside weldseams and
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December 1999
SPECIFICATION 1 high solid epoxy system for BOOTTOP and TOPSIDE with excellent
resistance to mechanical impact, and abrasion
system linked with 3101-spec. 1, 2 or 3
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss,
or power tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
steel; hydrojetted to VIS WJ2/3 L (for more info see sheet 1498)
paint system Sigma Multiguard primer 100 m
Sigma Multiguard 150 m
Sigma CM coating 75 m
notes if gloss is required, an extra coat of Sigmadur gloss (dft of 50 m)
should be applied
if a holding primer is required, Sigma Multiguard primer can be
replaced by Sigma Universal primer in a dft of 50 m followed
by Sigma Multiguard in a dft of 200 m
maintenance should preferably be carried out to this specification
SPECIFICATION 2 recoatable epoxy system for BOOTTOP and TOPSIDE with good resistance
to mechanical impact and abrasion
system linked with 3101-spec. 1, 2 or 3
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss
or powertool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
steel; hydrojetted to VIS WJ2/3 L (for more info see sheet 1498)
paint system Sigma Universal primer 50 m
Sigma CM miocoat 100 m
Sigma CM coating 100 m
note if gloss is required, an extra coat of Sigmadur gloss (dft of 50 m) should
be applied
maintenance should preferably be carried out to this specification both Sigma CM
miocoat and Sigma CM coating have good overcoating and good curing
characteristics also below 0C, which simplifies maintenance
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December 1999
SPECIFICATION 3 high solid, epoxy mastic coating system for maintenance of BOOTTOP
and TOPSIDE with good resistance to mechanical impact
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2, blasting profile (R
) 40-70 m
steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss,
or powertool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
for maintenance abrasive blasting to ISO-Sa2 or hydrojetted to VIS WJ2 L
(for more info see sheet 1498)
paint system Sigma Multimastic aluminium 125 m
Sigma Multimastic 125 m
note if gloss is required, an extra coat of Sigmadur gloss (dft of 50 m) should
be applied
maintenance should preferably be carried according to this specification
SPECIFICATION 4 high solid, glassflake reinforced epoxy system on top of in situ applied
epoxy primer for BOOTTOP (and topside), with good resistance to heavy
impact (fender areas - ice going vessels)
can be finished with a recoatable epoxy coating
system linked with 3101-spec. 1, 2, 3 or 4
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2,
blasting profile (R
) 50-100 m
paint system Sigma Multiguard primer 100 m
Sigma Glassflake 400 m
notes if a recoatable epoxy coating is required as top coat, Sigma CM coating
in a dft of 75 m can be applied on top of Sigma Glassflake
if a holding primer is required, Sigma Multiguard primer can be
replaced by Sigma Universal primer in a dft of 50 m
maintenance should be carried out to this specification
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December 1999
SPECIFICATION 5 chlorinated rubber/modified acrylic system for BOOTTOP and TOPSIDE
system linked with 3101-spec. 5 or 6
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss
or power tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
paint system Sigmachlor primer 75 m
Sigma Topacryl coating 100 m
Sigma Topacryl finish 35 m
maintenance should preferably be carried out to this specification.
the Topacryl range have good overcoating and good drying characteristics
also below 0C, which simplifies maintenance
SPECIFICATION 6 bituminous aluminium/alkyd system for BOOTTOP (and topside), colours
black, redbrown or green (4199)
system linked with 3101-spec. 7
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss
or power tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
paint system Sigmarine alu primer light 75 m
Sigmarine alu primer dark 75 m
Sigmarine BTD 35 m
Sigmarine BTD 35 m
maintenance should be carried out to this specification
As in normal docking practice, fouling, flaking paint and salt deposits must be removed by high pressure
water cleaning. The removal of an oil or grease belt can be achieved by scraping heavy deposits from the
surface followed by high pressure water cleaning in combination with the use of suitable detergents.
This should be followed by a thorough fresh water wash and drying prior to blasting and/or repainting.
It might, however, be necessary to blast clean such areas after this operation when oil has penetrated the
underlying paint systems. Rusty spots should be pretreated by blast cleaning and touched up with the
original system, or with Sigma Universal primer, followed by build and topcoat within the requirements given
in the relevant specifications.
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December 1999
Sigma CM coating see product data sheet 7466
Sigma CM miocoat see product data sheet 7465
Sigma Glassflake see product data sheet 7952
Sigma Multiguard see product data sheet 7951
Sigma Multiguard primer see product data sheet 7922
Sigma Multimastic see product data sheet 7430
Sigma Proferral MC see product data sheet 7171
Sigma Topacryl coating see product data sheet 7350
Sigma Topacryl finish see product data sheet 7355
Sigma Universal primer see product data sheet 7417
Sigmachlor primer see product data sheet 7318
Sigmadur gloss see product data sheet 7528
Sigmarine alu primer see product data sheet 7111
Sigmarine BTD see product data sheet 7238
Sigmaweld MC see product data sheet 7177
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Hydrojetting see information sheet 1498
Prefabrication primers see system sheet 3015
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a five page issue December 1999
revision of 5-1997
Application areas: all decks on ships, interior and exterior.
Contains following specifications:
Specification 1: zinc silicate coating system
Specification 2: high build epoxy coating system
Specification 3: epoxy coating system
Specification 4: alkyd coating system
Specification 5: chlorinated rubber/modified acrylic coating system
Decks on ships are constantly exposed to the environment (UV in sunlight, rain, wind) and periodically awash
with seawater. They are subject to occasionally heavy foot and mechanical traffic and sometimes chemical
spillage. Their aesthetic properties are always important, but they also have a strong protective element
(both anticorrosive and safety).
The main requirements for such coating systems are:
good anticorrosive properties
excellent adhesion
good impact resistance
resistance against spillage of hydrocarbons, aromatics, chemicals and detergents
easy to maintain
non slippery
Non-skid properties can be obtained by adding 10% by weight of a special silica (such as Minigrain No. IV),
or fine coconut shells to the last coat of a paint system. In case of contamination with oil or lubricants a very
coarse material like Minigrain No. 1 can be used to further enhance non-skid properties. In this case an extra
coat is necessary to ensure adhesion of the embedded anti-skid material and the dft of the total system
should be increased in order to give the correct anticorrosive protection.
Best results are obtained on ISO-Sa2 blast cleaned steel. If the surface has been treated with a suitable
shop primer, sweep blasting is required to a minimum of SPSS-Ss or powertool cleaning to SPSS-Pt3.
Rusty areas should be blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2. Also possible is cleaning by hydrojetting.
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December 1999
SPECIFICATION 1 in situ applied zinc silicate system, excellent resistant to corrosion,
abrasion and mechanical impact
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss
paint system Sigma silicate MC 75 m
maintenance small areas should be spot blasted to ISO-Sa2 or power tool cleaned to
major repairs must be carried out to this specification
SPECIFICATION 2 high build epoxy coating with excellent abrasion resistance
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss,
or power tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
steel; hydrojetted to VIS WJ2/3 L (for more info see sheet 1498)
paint system Sigma Multiguard primer 100 m
Sigma Multiguard 150 m
Sigma CM coating 75 m
notes if gloss is required, an extra coat of Sigmadur gloss (dft of 50 m)
should be applied
if a holding primer is required, Sigma Multiguard primer can be
replaced by Sigma Universal primer in a dft of 50 m
maintenance should preferably be carried out to this specification
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December 1999
SPECIFICATION 3 epoxy system in situ applied. Good resistance to abrasion, spillage of oils
and mild chemicals
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
shop primed steel; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss or power tool cleaned to
steel; hydrojetted to VIS WJ2/3 L (for more info see sheet 1498)
paint system Sigma Multimastic aluminium 125 m
Sigma Multimastic 125 m
notes if gloss is required, an extra coat of Sigmadur gloss (dft of 50 m)
should be applied
if a holding primer is required, Sigma Multiguard primer can be
replaced by Sigma Universal primer in a dft of 50 m followed
by Sigma Multiguard in a dft of 200 m
if a recoatable epoxy system is required, Sigma CM coating should be
specified as topcoat
maintenance should preferably be carried out to this specification
SPECIFICATION 4 alkyd based system on top of a zinc phosphate rust inhibiting primer
moderate abrasion resistance
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 or power tool cleaned to ISO-St3
steel with approved shop primer; power tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
paint system Sigmarine primer ZP 35 m
Sigmarine primer ZP 35 m
Sigmarine BTD 35 m
Sigmarine BTD 35 m
note Sigmarine primer ZP is free from lead and chrome containing pigments
if required, Sigmarine primer RL is available
maintenance should preferably be carried out to this specification or with Sigmarine
Multiprimer as first coat (dft of 75 m)
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December 1999
SPECIFICATION 5 chlorinated rubber/modified acrylic system applied in situ
not suitable for decks where spillage of oils and/or solvents can be
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 or power tool cleaned to ISO-St3
steel with shop primer; sweepblasted to SPSS-Ss or power tool cleaned to
paint system Sigmachlor primer 75 m
Sigma Topacryl coating 75 m
maintenance should preferably be carried out to this specification or with Sigmarine
Multiprimer as first coat (dft of 75 m)
the Topacryl range has good overcoating and good drying characteristics
(to below 0C) which simplifies maintenance
The system to be used for maintenance will depend on the size of repair, possibilities of surface preparation
and the weather conditions.
The removal of oil, grease and contamination can be achieved by high pressure water cleaning in
combination with the use of suitable detergents. This should be followed by a thorough fresh water wash
and drying before blast cleaning and/or repainting.
For major areas of breakdown maintenance is normally carried out by a fresh water wash and reblasting to
ISO-Sa2 and recoating with the original system. Minor areas can be power tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3.
When blast cleaning (dry or wet) is impossible or not tolerated the surface should be derusted by means of
power tool cleaning to a minimum of SPSS-Pt2 and primed with Sigma Multimastic (dft of 60 m) followed
by the build coat and top coat as described in the specification.
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December 1999
Sigma CM coating see product data sheet 7466
Sigma Multiguard see product data sheet 7951
Sigma Multiguard primer see product data sheet 7922
Sigma Multimastic see product data sheet 7430
Sigma silicate MC see product data sheet 7568
Sigma Topacryl coating see product data sheet 7350
Sigma Universal primer see product data sheet 7417
Sigmachlor primer see product data sheet 7318
Sigmadur gloss see product data sheet 7528
Sigmarine BTD see product data sheet 7238
Sigmarine Multimastic see product data sheet 7430
Sigmarine Multiprimer see product data sheet 7110
Sigmarine primer RL see product data sheet 7113
Sigmarine primer ZP see product data sheet 7135
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Hydrojetting see information sheet 1498
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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page 1/4
a four page issue October 1999
revision of 9-1998
Application areas: all ferrous and non ferrous metal surfaces of superstructure and deck fittings.
Contains following specifications:
Specification 1: polyurethane/epoxy coating system
Specification 2: alkyd coating system
Specification 3: chlorinated rubber/modified acrylic coating system
Specification 4: water borne acrylic coating system
With superstructures on vessels, aesthetic considerations are very much to the fore. Well maintained
superstructures are a reflection of the care and attention enjoyed by the vessel.
Superstructure systems should have:
good adhesion and anticorrosive properties
resistance to wind, rain, seawater
non-yellowing properties
good gloss retention
easy to maintain
Steel: the quality of the secondary surface pretreatment affects the performance of the recommended paint
It is not common practice to reblast a superstructure and deck fittings despite the fact that this pretreatment
results in the best performance.
In general most types of shop primers are accepted provided that the surface is cleaned of all kind of
contamination and rust.
Sigmarine primer ZP, Sigmarine Multiprimer and Sigma Universal primer in particular have a good tolerance
for substrates which are pretreated by means of mechanical cleaning.
Galvanized steel and aluminium; degreasing and removal of salts by means of mechanical cleaning and
rinsing e.g. by brushing with nylon brushes and use of abundant clean freshwater. Surface must be allowed
to dry completely.
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October 1999
SPECIFICATION 1 recoatable polyurethane/epoxy system for SUPERSTRUCTURE with
excellent durability and gloss retention
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 or power tool cleaned to ISO-St3
steel with approved shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss or power
tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3 or SPSS-Pt2
galvanized steel and aluminium; degreasing and removal of salts by
means of mechanical cleaning and rinsing e.g. by brushing with nylon
brushes and use of abundant clean freshwater
surface must be allowed to dry completely
steel; hydrojetted to VIS WJ2/3 L (for more info see sheet 1498)
paint system Sigma Universal primer 50 m
Sigma CM coating 75 m
Sigmadur gloss 50 m
maintenance should preferably be carried out to this specification
both Sigma CM coating and Sigmadur gloss have good overcoating and
good curing characteristics also below 0C, which simplifies maintenance
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 or power tool cleaned to ISO-St3
steel with approved shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss or power
tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3 or SPSS-Pt2
galvanized steel and aluminium; degreasing and removal of salts by
means of mechanical cleaning and rinsing e.g. by brushing with nylon
brushes and use of abundant clean freshwater
surface must be allowed to dry completely
paint system Sigmarine primer ZP 35 m
Sigmarine primer ZP 35 m
Sigmarine undercoat 35 m
Sigmarine Enamel white 35 m
note 1 for galvanized steel and aluminium substrates, Sigmarine primer ZP
should be replaced by Sigma Universal primer (dft of 50 m)
note 2 Sigmarine primer ZP is free from lead and chrome containing pigments
if required Sigmarine primer RL is available
note 3 if faster drying is required two coats of Sigmarine primer ZP can be
replaced by one coat of Sigmarine Multiprimer (dft of 75 m)
maintenance should preferably be carried out to this specification or with Sigmarine
Multiprimer as first coat (dft of 75 m)
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October 1999
SPECIFICATION 3 chlorinated rubber/modified acrylic system for SUPERSTRUCTURE and
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 or power tool cleaned to ISO-Pt3
steel with approved shop primer; sweepblasted to SPSS-Ss or power
tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
paint system Sigmachlor primer 75 m
Sigma Topacryl coating 75 m
Sigma Topacryl finish 35 m
note for galvanized steel and aluminium substrates Sigmachlor primer
must be replaced by Sigma Universal primer (dft of 50 m)
maintenance should preferably be carried out with Sigmarine Multiprimer as first
coat (dft of 75 m) or to this specification
the Topacryl range has good overcoating and good drying characteristics
also below 0C, which simplifies maintenance
SPECIFICATION 4 waterborne acrylic coating system for SUPERSTRUCTURE and DECK
pretreatment steel without mill scale; blastcleaned to ISO-Sa2 or power tool
cleaned to ISO-St3
steel with approved shop primer; sweepblasted to SPSS-Ss or power
tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt2
paint system Sigmacrylic primer 50 m
Sigmacrylic primer 50 m
Sigmacrylic finish 50 m
maintenance should preferably be carried out to this specification
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October 1999
The system to be used for maintenance will depend on the size of repair, possibilities of surface preparation
and the weather conditions.
The removal of oil, grease and contamination can be achieved by high pressure water cleaning in
combination with the use of suitable detergents. This should be followed by a thorough freshwater wash and
drying before blast cleaning and/or repainting.
For major areas of breakdown maintenance is normally carried out by a freshwater wash and reblasting to
ISO-Sa2 and recoating with the original system. Minor areas can be power tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3.
When blast cleaning (dry or wet) is impossible or not tolerated the surface should be derusted by means of
power tool cleaning to a minimum of SPSS-Pt2 and primed with Sigma Multimastic (dft of 60 m) followed
by the build coat and top coat as described in the specification.
Sigma CM coating see product data sheet 7466
Sigma Multimastic see product data sheet 7430
Sigma Topacryl coating see product data sheet 7350
Sigma Topacryl finish see product data sheet 7355
Sigma Universal primer see product data sheet 7417
Sigmachlor primer see product data sheet 7318
Sigmacrylic primer see product data sheet 7150
Sigmacrylic finish see product data sheet 7250
Sigmadur gloss see product data sheet 7528
Sigmarine BTD see product data sheet 7238
Sigmarine Enamel see product data sheet 7240
Sigmarine Multiprimer see product data sheet 7110
Sigmarine primer RL see product data sheet 7113
Sigmarine primer ZP see product data sheet 7135
Sigmarine undercoat see product data sheet 7213
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Hydrojetting see information sheet 1498
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a three page issue February 2000
revision of 5-1997
Application areas: wet and dry accommodation spaces, service spaces.
Contains following specifications:
Specification 1: recoatable polyurethane/epoxy system
Specification 2: alkyd system
Specification 3: waterborne acrylic coating system
Specification 4: emulsion paint system
Paint systems for wet accommodation spaces, such as bath rooms, showers, galleys and toilets must be
corrosion inhibiting, water, soap and scratch-resistant, easy to clean and non yellowing. For reasons of
hygiene they should be light coloured.
Paint systems for dry accommodation spaces among which engine room, provision store, cabins, hospital,
etc. should have long lasting adhesion to the various substrates, be easily recoatable and usually decorative.
Many countries require the paints to be fire retarding.
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing (please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
SPECIFICATION 1 recoatable polyurethane/epoxy system with excellent hygienic properties
for wet and dry accommodation and service spaces
pretreatment steel without mill scale; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 or power tool
cleaned to ISO-St3
steel with approved shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss or power
tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt2
galvanized steel and aluminium; degreasing and removal of salts by
means of mechanical cleaning and rinsing e.g. by brushing with nylon
brushes and use of abundant clean fresh water
surface must be allowed to dry completely
polyester and other plastics (to be specified and checked); degreased and
freed of contaminants by means of mechanical cleaning
wood, hard board, chip board; to be sanded before and after application of
the first primer coat
paint system Sigma Universal primer 50 m
Sigma CM coating 75 m
Sigmadur gloss 50 m
maintenance should preferably be carried out to this specification
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February 2000
SPECIFICATION 2 alkyd system for dry accommodation spaces when fully cured and not
permanently exposed to water
system is certified for low flame spread, see sheet 1833A
pretreatment steel without mill scale; power tool cleaned to ISO-St3
steel with approved shop primer; power tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt2
wood, hard board, chip board; to be sanded before and after application of
the first primer coat
paint system Sigmarine multiprimer 75 m
Sigmarine Enamel (white) 35 m
note 1 for wet accommodation spaces an extra coat of Sigmarine Enamel is
note 2 for wood, hard board and chip board Sigmarine multiprimer can be
replaced by Sigmarine undercoat
if a very smooth surface is required, a knifing filler should be applied after
application of the (thinned) primer
note 3 Sigmarine multiprimer is free from lead and chrome containing pigments
if required Sigmarine primer ZP is available
maintenance should preferably be carried out to this specification
SPECIFICATION 3 water borne acrylic coating system for dry accommodation spaces
pretreatment steel without mill scale; blastcleaned to ISO-Sa2 or power tool
cleaned to ISO-St3
steel with approved shop primer; sweepblasted to SPSS-Ss or power
tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt2
paint system Sigmacrylic primer 75 m
Sigmacrylic finish 50 m
maintenance should preferably be carried out to this specification
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February 2000
SPECIFICATION 4 emulsion paint system for soft board ceilings, plastered pipelines, fibre
cement plates and insulating materials with good resistance to wet
pretreatment all substrates; removal of contaminants
highly absorbent surfaces, to be impregnated with a strong diluted extra
paint system Sigmatex 35 m
Sigmatex 35 m
maintenance should preferably be carried out to this specification
Sigma CM Coating see product data sheet 7466
Sigma Universal Primer see product data sheet 7417
Sigmacrylic primer see product data sheet 7150
Sigmacrylic finish see product data sheet 7250
Sigmarine multiprimer see product data sheet 7110
Sigmarine primer ZP see product data sheet 7135
Sigmarine Enamel see product data sheet 7240
Sigmarine undercoat see product data sheet 7213
Sigmadur gloss see product data sheet 7528
Sigmatex see product data sheet 8215
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Certificates for low-flame spread see information sheet 1883 (A)
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a five page issue January 2000
revision of 5-1997
Application areas: internal areas of Ballast Tanks and Freshwater Tanks.
For all applications special attention should be given to the specific instructions given in data sheets.
Contains following specifications:
Specification 1: solvent free epoxy coating system
Specification 2: high solid epoxy coating system
Specification 3: high solid epoxy mastic coating system
Specification 4: coaltar epoxy coating system
Specification 5: semi-hard maintenance system
Specification 6: high sold epoxy system
Specification 7: phenolic epoxy system
Ballast Tanks are among the most critical areas within a ship as regards corrosion protection.
During the life time of a ship these areas are subject to water exposure either by seawater or when empty to
heavy condensation which can be even more aggressive to organic coatings. Ballast coatings may also be
exposed to considerable temperature shock especially during reballasting operations.
Apart from the aggressive conditions, ballast/freshwater tanks and double bottoms are always of a complex
structure and in addition are not usually easily accessible. These factors determine the main criteria that a
ballast tank or double bottom coating has to fulfil.
Firstly the coating has to exhibit superior water resistance. Not only should it resist permanent immersion in
seawater but it should resist condensation at high temperatures. Preferably this property should be
combined with good application properties including good edge covering characteristics. (It is known from
experience that the first paint breakdown occurs at areas that are difficult to coat such as sharp edges,
weldseams, ratholes etc.). The film thickness at these areas is often far from sufficient due to poor
accessibility, and edge receding (natural tendency related to surface tension, where a freshly applied paint
film moves away from sharp edges).
These problems are addressed in Spec. 1. For adequate protection a two coat system is recommended as is
close control of film thickness on areas which are difficult to access.
Acceptance of shop primer
The quality and nature of shop primer will determine the performance of the coating system. The types of
shop primer acceptable are those which are approved by Sigma Coatings and equivalent to the following
products: Sigma Proferral MC and Sigmaweld MC - zinc silicate.
In addition, any degradation or underfilm corrosion of the shop primer will limit the performance of the total
system, unless correctly treated.
The general condition of the weathered shop primer may vary widely throughout the structure and in many
instances it is difficult to assess the severity of breakdown.
Approved zinc silicate shop primers in good condition should be cleaned to remove contamination and/or
zinc salts.
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January 2000
If necessary, sweep blasting according to SPSS-Ss or mechanical cleaning according to SPSS-Pt3 should be
carried out.
Special attention should be paid to heat damaged areas and weldseams, including areas along weldseams
and backburns.
For recommended application instructions see working procedure
SPECIFICATION 1 solvent free, high performance epoxy coating system for Ballast Tanks,
with good edge covering capacity, suitable for block stage application
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 (blasting profile R
40-70 m)
steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss
or powertool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
paint system Sigmaguard BT primer 100 m
Sigmaguard BT 250 m
note Sigmaguard BT primer can be replaced by Sigma Universal
primer in a dft of 75 m
min. and max. dft min. dft is 350 m according to 90/10 rule*; whilst for solvent free coating
for the system systems higher max dfts do not influence long time performance, we
recommend the max. dft below 1000 m
note for critical areas and for pit-filling requirements higher maximum dfts may
be permitted (please consult your local Sigma Coatings office for further
maintenance should be carried out according to this specification
* 90/10 rule: 90% of the recommended dft is acceptable for up to 10% of the readings only. See further sheet 1411
SPECIFICATION 2 high solid epoxy coating system for Ballast Tanks, suitable for block stage
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 (blasting profile R
40-70 m)
steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss
or powertool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
paint system Sigmaguard Tankshield primer 125 m
Sigmaguard Tankshield coating 125 m
note at temperatures below 5C Sigmaguard tankshield system should be
replaced by Sigmaguard tankshield LT-V system
min. and max. dft min. dft is 250 m according to 90/10 rule*; max. dft is 800 m
for the system applied in two equal coats
maintenance should be carried out according to this specification
* 90/10 rule: 90% of the recommended dft is acceptable for up to 10% of the readings only. See further sheet 1411
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January 2000
SPECIFICATION 3 high solid epoxy mastic coating system for Ballast Tanks
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 (blasting profile R
40-70 m)
steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss
or powertool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
for maintenance abrasive blasting to ISO Sa2 or hydrojetted to VIS WJ2 L
paint system Sigma Multimastic aluminium 125 m
Sigma Multimastic 125 m
min. and max. dft min. dft is 250 m according to 90/10 rule*; max. dft is 800 m
for the system applied in two equal coats
if a holding primer is required, Sigma Universal primer can be used
(dft of 50 m) and the following specification can be used
Sigma Universal primer 50 m
Sigma Multimastic 200 m
min. and max. dft min. dft is 250 m according to 90/10 rule*; max. dft is 800 m
for the system
maintenance should be carried out according to this specification
* 90/10 rule: 90% of the recommended dft is acceptable for up to 10% of the readings only. See further sheet 1411
SPECIFICATION 4 coal tar epoxy coating system for Ballast Tanks, suitable for block stage
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 (blasting profile Rz 40-70 m)
steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss
or power tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
if a holding primer is required, Sigma Universal primer can be used
(dft of 50 m)
steel; hydrojetted to VIS WJ2 L
paint system Sigma TCN 300 brown 125 m
Sigma TCN 300 black 125 m
note 1 edges, weldseams, bolt holes etc. to be stripe coated with
Sigma Universal primer or Sigma TCN 300 brown
note 2 at temperatures below 5C Sigma TCN 300 should be replaced by
Sigma TCN-LT 300
min. and max. dft min. dft is 250 m according to 90/10 rule*; max. dft is 800 m
for the system applied in two equal coats
maintenance should be carried out according to this specification
* 90/10 rule: 90% of the recommended dft is acceptable for up to 10% of the readings only. See further sheet 1411
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January 2000
SPECIFICATION 5 Semi-hard coating for maintenance of Ballast Tanks
pretreatment steel; remove loose rust/scale poorly adhering paint and contamination by
i.e. power tool cleaned to ISO-St2 or hydrojetting to VIS WJ4 L
previous coat dry and free from any contamination
paint system Sigma Balamastic green 150 m
Sigma Balamastic grey 150 m
min. and max. dft min. dft is 300 m according to 90/10 rule*; max. dft is 800 m
for the system applied in two equal coats
* 90/10 rule: 90% of the recommended dft is acceptable for up to 10% of the readings only. See further sheet 1411
SPECIFICATION 6 high solids epoxy system for polluted water tanks
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned in situ to at least ISO-Sa2
blasting profile (Rz); 50 m - 100 m
paint system Sigma Phenguard primer 100 m
Sigmaguard HS 250 m
min. and max. dft min. dft is 350 m; max. dft is 700 m
for the system
SPECIFICATION 7 phenolic epoxy system for polluted water tanks
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned in situ to at least ISO-Sa2
blasting profile (Rz); 50 m - 100 m
paint system Sigma Phenguard primer 100 m
Sigma Phenguard coating 100 m
Sigma Phenguard finish 100 m
note see for more info sheet 3322
min. and max. dft min. dft is 300 m; average max. dft is 500 m, and locally the max dft
for the system should not exceed 600 m, see further sheet 3322
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing (please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
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January 2000
Sigma Balamastic see product data sheet 7104
Sigma Proferral MC see product data sheet 7171
Sigma Multimastic see product data sheet 7430
Sigma TCN-LT 300 see product data sheet 7483
Sigma TCN 300 see product data sheet 7472
Sigma Universal primer see product data sheet 7417
Sigmaguard BT see product data sheet 7953
Sigmaguard BT primer see product data sheet 7921
Sigmaguard HS see product data sheet 7448
Sigmaguard Tankshield coating see product data sheet 7473
Sigmaguard Tankshield primer see product data sheet 7400
Sigmaguard Tankshield LT-V coating see product data sheet 7958
Sigmaguard Tankshield LT-V primer see product data sheet 7925
Sigmaweld MC see product data sheet 7177
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Certificates for low-flame spread see information sheet 1883
Food certificates see information sheet 1884
Recognized corrosion control coating (Lloyds register) see information sheet 1886
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a five page issue October 1999
revision of 5-1997
Application areas: Cargo holds, for the carriage of WET or DRY cargoes such as, grain, flour, sugar etc.
For application details, careful attention should be given to the relevant working procedures, cargo hold
resistance list and product data sheet.
Relevant specifications:
Specification 1: solvent free glassflake epoxy system
Specification 2: reinforced high solid epoxy coating system
Specification 3: recoatable epoxy system
Specification 4: mastic epoxy coating system
Specification 5 alkyd system
The quality and nature of shop primer will determine the performance of the coating system and for coating
systems where high levels of impact and abrasion resistance are required, shop-primer removal is highly
recommended. Should it be decided not to remove the shop primer, the types of shop primer acceptable are
those which are approved by Sigma Coatings and equivalent to the following products:
Sigma Proferral MC and Sigmaweld MC - zinc silicate
In addition, any degradation or underfilm corrosion of the shop primer will limit the performance of the total
system, unless correctly treated.
The general condition of the weathered shop primer may vary widely throughout the structure and in many
instances it is difficult to assess the severity of breakdown.
Approved shop primers in good condition should be cleaned to remove contamination and/or zinc salts. If
necessary, sweep blasting according to SPSS-Ss or mechanical cleaning according to SPSS-Pt3 should be
carried out. Special attention should be paid to areas damaged by heat.
Experience shows that in practice reblasting of corroded shop primed steel to ISO-Sa2 is the most
satisfactory method of correcting corrosion defects and eliminating the detrimental effect of surface
Whilst optimum coating performance will be achieved when applied on a substrate abrasive blasted to ISO-
Sa2, in practice this is not always possible, ( i.e for older bulkers where ISO-Sa2 is the best standard
achievable) and other surface preparation methods and standards may be used, however, in some cases this
can lead to a reduction in the mechanical resistance of the applied coating system.
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October 1999
SPECIFICATION 1 solvent free glassflake epoxy system with with excellent impact and
abrasion resistance, especially recommended for carriage of hard angular
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 (blasting profile R
50-100 m)
steel; hydrojetted to VIS WJ2/3 L for dry cargo hold
steel; hydrojetted to VIS WJ2/3 L for wet cargo hold
(for more info see sheet 1498)
paint system Sigmaguard CSF Glassflake 400 -500 m
note edges, weld seams, bolts etc. to be stripe coated
maintenance should be carried out according to this specification
SPECIFICATION 2 reinforced high solid epoxy coating system for both newbuilding and
maintenance situations with outstsanding impact and abrasion resistance
and suitable for carriage of hard angular cargoes
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 (blasting profile R
40-70 m)
steel with approved shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss or power
tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
steel; hydrojetted to VIS WJ2/3 L for dry cargo hold
steel; hydrojetted to VIS WJ2/3 L for wet cargo hold
(for more info see sheet 1498)
paint system Sigma Multiguard primer 100 m
Sigma Multiguard 150 m
note 1 if a holding primer is required Sigma Universal Primer can be applied at a
dft of 50 m, replacing the Sigma Multiguard Primer and the dft of the
Sigma Multiguard should be increased accordingly
note 2 edges, weld seams, bolts etc. to be stripe coated
note 3 if a recoatable epoxy system is required, Sigma CM coating should be
specified as topcoat
maintenance should be carried out according to this specification
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October 1999
SPECIFICATION 3 surface tolerant, unlimited recoatable epoxy coating system for cargo
holds for newbuilding and repair situations
suitable for carriage of a wide range of cargoes and especially where FDA
compliance for carriage of dry foodstuffs is required
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 (blasting profile R
40-70 m)
steel with approved shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss or power
tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
steel; hydrojetted to VIS WJ2/3 L for dry cargo hold
steel; hydrojetted to VIS WJ2 L for wet cargo hold
(for more info see sheet 1498)
paint system Sigma CM miocoat 125 m
Sigma CM coating 125 m
maintenance should be carried out according to this specification
SPECIFICATION 4 epoxy mastic coating system, suitable for a wide range of surface
pretreatments in both newbuilding and repair situations and for carriage of
a wide range of cargoes
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 (blasting profile R
40-70 m)
steel with approved shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss or power
tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
steel; hydrojetted to VIS WJ2/3 L for dry cargo hold
steel; hydrojetted to VIS WJ2 L for wet cargo hold
(for more info see sheet 1498)
paint system Sigma Multimastic 125 m
Sigma Multimastic 125 m
note if a recoatable epoxy system is required, Sigma CM coating should be
specified as topcoat at 125 m replacing the Sigma Multimastic
maintenance should be carried out according to this specification
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October 1999
SPECIFICATION 5 alkyd system for dry cargo holds
certified system for dry solid food products (see sheet 1884)
pretreatment steel without mill scale; power tool cleaned to ISO-St3
steel with approved shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss or power
tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
paint system Sigmarine primer ZP 50 m
Sigmarine hold paint alu 25 m
Sigmarine hold paint alu 25 m
maintenance should preferably be carried out to this specification or with Sigmarine
Multiprimer as first coat (dft of 75 m)
Maintenance of an applied system is normally carried out by reblasting to the original specification, followed
by application of the system. Minor areas of rusting can be mechanically cleaned to SPSS-Pt3 or hydrojetting
to at least VIS WJ2 L (for more info see sheet 1498) and recoated with the specified system.
A temporary protection can be provided with Sigmarine Holdbrite. For overcoating systems which are not of
Sigma manufacture, consult local Sigma representative.
Adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing (please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434
and cargo hold working procedure)
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October 1999
Sigma CM miocoat see product data sheet 7465
Sigma CM coating see product data sheet 7466
Sigma Multiguard Primer see product data sheet 7922
Sigma Multiguard see product data sheet 7951
Sigma Universal primer see product data sheet 7417
Sigma Multimastic see product data sheet 7430
Sigma Proferral MC see product data sheet 7171
Sigmaguard CSF glassflake see product data sheet 7954
Sigmarine hold paint alu see product data sheet 7263
Sigmarine Holdbrite see product data sheet 7190
Sigmarine Multiprimer see product data sheet 7110
Sigmarine primer ZP see product data sheet 7135
Sigmaweld MC see product data sheet 7177
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Hydrojetting see information sheet 1498
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a three page issue October 1999
revision of 5-1997
Application areas: systems for objects and/or areas on board of ships which are not yet mentioned, such as:
Oil resisting system for below gratings, and engine room below floor level.
Systems for void spaces, chain lockers, behind ceilings and linings.
Clear varnish system for woodwork internal and external.
System for galvanized steel.
Contains following specifications:
Specification 1: bitumen system for cofferdams, void spaces etc.
Specification 2: solvent free epoxy system for cofferdams, void spaces etc.
Specification 3: wood oil phenolic resin clear varnish system
Specification 4: epoxy system for galvanized steel
The quality and nature of shop primer, will determine the performance of the coating system. The types of
shop primer acceptable are those which are approved by Sigma Coatings and equivalent to the following
Sigma Proferral MC and Sigmaweld MC - zinc silicate.
In addition, the condition of the shop primer with regard to degradation and underfilm corrosion will
determine the performance of the total system.
The general condition of the weathered shop primer may vary widely throughout the structure and in many
instances it is difficult to assess the severity of breakdown.
Experience shows that in practice reblasting to ISO-Sa2 of corroded shop primed steel is the most
satisfactory method of correcting corrosion defects and eliminating the detrimental effect of surface
Approved shop primers in good condition should be cleaned to remove contamination and/or zinc salts. If
necessary, sweep blasting according to SPSS-Ss or mechanical cleaning according to SPSS-Pt3 should be
carried out. Special attention should be taken to areas damaged by heat.
SPECIFICATION 1 high build bituminous coating system for chain lockers, cofferdams, void
spaces and behind linings
pretreatment steel; powertool cleaned to ISO-St3
shop primed steel; powertool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
paint system Sigma Emaline 3000 250 m
edges, weld seams, bolts etc. to be stripe coated
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October 1999
SPECIFICATION 2 system for non immersed areas such as chain cofferdams, void spaces
and behind linings cold sprayable solvent free epoxy coating resistant to
dry and wet exposure conditions
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
shop primed steel; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss
paint system Sigmaguard BT 300 m
edges, weld seams, bolts etc. to be stripe coated
SPECIFICATION 3 clear varnish system for interior and exterior use
good resistance to salt water, fresh water and abrasion
approved for low flame spread, see sheet 1883A
pretreatment open grain wood; free from contamination
tropical timber; to be sealed with a clear polyurethane varnish to seal off
aggressive products in the wood
previous clear coats; free from any contamination, surface should be
sandpapered to obtain good adhesion
paint system Sigmavar gloss diluted 100% with thinner 20-05
Sigmavar gloss diluted 50% with thinner 20-05
Sigmavar gloss undiluted
Sigmavar gloss undiluted (between each coat sand papering is required)
note oil seals (linseed etc) should not be used under Sigmavar gloss, the
varnish should be applied directly to the bare wood or on top of a
polyurethane sealer (two component)
in general a four coat system is sufficient
SPECIFICATION 4 epoxy based system for galvanized steel exposed to marine, industrial or
wet conditions (handrails, ventilation trunks, guard rails)
pretreatment galvanized steel; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss or
galvanized steel and aluminium; degreasing and removal of salts by
means of mechanical cleaning and rinsing e.g. by brushing with nylon
brushes and use of abundant clean freshwater
surface must be allowed to dry completely
paint system Sigma Universal primer 50 m
Sigma CM coating 75 m
Sigmadur gloss 35 m
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October 1999
Maintenance of a system is normally carried out by reblasting to ISO-Sa2 for major areas of breakdown
and recoating with the original system. Minor areas should be pretreated according to the minimum surface
pretreatment and repaired, as described in the systems.
Sigma CM coating see product data sheet 7466
Sigma Emaline 3000 see product data sheet 7102
Sigma Universal primer see product data sheet 7417
Sigma Proferral MC see product data sheet 7171
Sigmadur gloss see product data sheet 7528
Sigmaguard BT see product data sheet 7953
Sigmavar gloss see product data sheet 8103
Sigmaweld MC see product data sheet 7177
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Certificates for low-flame spread see information sheet 1883 (A)
Heat resistant systems see system sheet 3140
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a five page issue March 2000
revision of 8-1999
Fouling is the settlement of animal and vegetable marine organisms on underwater surfaces of ships, buoys,
offshore structures and other immersed objects.
The first to settle on any immersed surface is slime. Slime is a viscous bacteriological layer in which the
development of marine micro-organisms occurs. Slime settlement may appear and disappear.
Other, but more pronounced, forms of fouling (macrofouling) are e.g. green and brown algae (plant) and
barnacles, mussels, tubeworms (animal) etc. The presence of fouling on a ships hull increases drag and
thus reduces speed and/or increases the fuel consumption.
It is known that the frictional resistance of a moving ship can amount to 80% of the total resistance. A fouled
ship will have even greater frictional resistance and in this connection it is of utmost importance to keep
ships free from fouling.
Fouling settlement generally occurs when a ship is stationary. It is possible, however, for certain marine
organisms (e.g. goose barnacles) to settle and grow even when vessels are sailing.
It is to combat these problems that antifouling paints have been developed. Antifouling paints, whether
conventional, long life or polishing types, function by the slow release of toxins into the laminar sublayers
around the ship and thus prevent the settlement of marine organisms. The rate at which the toxins become
available in the seawater depends on the type of toxin, the degree of solubility, reactivity of the binder and
the design of the antifouling paint itself. Toxins (and antifouling paints) are expensive and it is essential
therefore to develop the most economical type for each category of use: type of vessel, sailing pattern and
areas, drydocking intervals etc. At present the majority of the larger vessels are protected by the organotin
copolymer selfpolishing antifoulings. By the use of these antifoulings it is possible to prevent fouling for up to
5 years and longer.
For the last four decades of the 20
century, antifoulings have mainly been based on a biocide composition
of copper oxide and tri-organotin compounds (TBT). However, with concern over the influence of TBT on the
environment, TBT free products (Ecol range) have been developed and are available especially in areas
where legislation on TBT has already been implemented.
Conventional - soluble matrix - (also called "classical") antifoulings are based on modified wood rosin and
mainly pigmented with copper oxide. Other organic toxins are sometimes incorporated as well. This type of
antifouling usually has a high pigment volume concentration resulting in direct contact between the toxins
and seawater. Due to the relatively high toxin release rate these types of antifoulings are generally exhausted
and/or clogged after 8-12 months. This means that increase of specified film thickness does not result in a
longer service life.
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March 2000
High performance or longlife antifoulings are high build coatings based on insoluble and semi-soluble
binders in which copper oxide and other organic toxins are finely dispersed. On contact with seawater the
toxins leach out from the paint film into the laminar layer around a ships hull by means of a diffusion
process. However, the relation between leaching rate of the toxins in the antifouling coating and the service
life time is not linear (see figure). Because of this, Sigma Coatings has decided to not include free-
association TBT in this type of antifouling and the only versions marketed are now TBT-free.
From the figure it can be seen that there is excessive toxin release early in the lifetime of the antifouling and
a logarithmic decline in release rate over the service period as a whole.
The maximum service life for these types of antifoulings is 24 months for approx 150 micrometers.
Sigma Pilot Ecol antifouling is an antifouling in this class.
The graph above compares the biocide release rate from the 3 main antifouling types over time against the
biocide release rate just needed to prevent fouling settlement (the "Critical Leaching Rate"). Although all 3
types show fast release on initial immersion only the "Self-polishing" antifouling type can maintain
consistent biocide release over long service periods. The "Conventional" and "Long Life" antifouling by
comparison have limited service lives.
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March 2000
Self polishing organotin copolymer antifoulings are high build coatings based on a toxic binder pigmented
with finely dispersed boosting biocides. The principle of the copolymer antifouling is that one component of
the toxins (TBT) is chemically linked to the binder. Hydrolysis of the hydrophobic organotin copolymer, when
immersed in seawater, results in a release of toxins at a controlled rate and in an effective dose. The
residual binder becomes hydrophilic and the surface material is gradually polished off resulting in a
continuous exposure of fresh toxic layers, even under static conditions. The speed of this process is called
the polishing rate and depends on the composition of the specific organotin copolymer.
Due to the polishing mechanism occurring faster on the peaks than in the valleys of a rough surface, a
smoothing effect is achieved. This results in the reduction of surface roughness and consequently reduces
drag giving a decrease in fuel consumption. The effective lifetime of these antifouling systems is proportional
to the dry film thickness of the coating applied. The antifouling paint is gradually consumed during service.
As a result of this phenomenon no excessive build up of coatings occurs at subsequent drydockings and no
sealer coat is required prior to recoating with new antifouling. This type of mechanism makes the organotin
copolymer antifouling system superior to the conventional and longlife antifoulings; besides excellent fouling
prevention up to 5 years and even longer, additional benefits can be achieved making this antifouling system
very economical!
The frequency of movement of a vessel (the operation rate) and the vessel speed can accelerate the
polishing rate and therefore different products have been developed for different situations.
Sigmaplane HA antifouling
Sigmaplane HA antifouling is the premium antifouling in the Sigmaplane range.
It has a fast polishing rate and is designed for vessels operating with irregular sailing patterns, periods of
reduced activity or lay-up and as a launching antifouling during the outfitting period. The ships for which this
antifouling is best suited include coastal vessels such as fishing vessels, tugs, bunkering tankers but also
sea-going cruise ships, Navy vessels etc.
Sigmaplane HB antifouling
Sigmaplane HB antifouling is suitable for most types of vessels engaged in intercontinental bulk trades
(tankers, bulkers, general cargo vessels) at medium speeds. It has been proven on long term service periods
of 60 months and longer. It is also used extensively in the newbuilding situation, where it may be exposed to
the atmosphere for extended periods. Where this happens (especially over tar containing anticorrosives),
adhesion of the subsequent coats of antifouling may not be optimal. Sigmaplane NC has been formulated to
improve adhesion in this respect.
Sigmaplane HC antifouling
Sigmaplane HC is a premium medium-slow polishing antifouling designed for faster vessels on
intercontinental trades such as container ships, gas tankers, car carrier and reefers. It is designed to provide
good algal resistance over extended periods up to 60 months.
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March 2000
Sigmaplane TA antifouling
Sigmaplane TA antifouling is a medium-slow polishing antifouling designed for vessels working on
intercontinental trades (such as bulkers and tankers) with short port stays. It is also suited for faster vessels
such as container ships, gas tankers and car carriers.
It is particularly used for maintenance and for upgrading sound, existing long life vinyl and chlorinated rubber
antifouling systems.
Depending on sailing pattern and sailing conditions Sigmaplane TA antifouling can provide extended fouling
Sigmaplane TC antifouling
Sigmaplane TC antifouling is a medium-slow polishing antifouling designed for vessels, working on
intercontinental trades (e.g. bulkers, tankers and general cargo vessels). It is especially designed for
maintenance and for upgrading sound, existing long life antifouling systems.
TBT free selfpolishing antifoulings are high solids antifouling coatings based on a hydrophilic binder blend,
pigmented with finely dispersed copper oxide and extra boosting biocide for protection against algae and
build up of slimes. Immersed in seawater, the biocides release at a controlled rate and in an effective dose.
Simultaneously the binder material polishes off resulting in a gradual decrease in antifouling thickness.
These TBT free selfpolishing antifoulings provide fouling protection up to 3 years depending on sailing areas
and conditions
Sigmaplane Ecol antifouling and Sigma Alphagen 10, 20 and 50 antifouling series are antifouling paints of
this class.
The continued use of TBT has come under threat from various quarters for environmental reasons. In some
countries of the world only limited use may be made of TBT-copolymer coatings. In others, their use is not
permitted altogether. In these countries especially, TBT-free coatings are needed.
Sigmaplane Ecol antifouling
A TBT-free antifouling coating based on a blend of hydrophilic and hydrophobic binders and pigmented with
finely dispersed copper oxide and boosting biocides for fouling control. Immersed in seawater, the binder
slowly decreases in film thickness releasing the biocides at a controlled rate and in an effective dose. These
TBT-free antifoulings provide upto 3 years fouling protection depending on service routing and operational
Sigma Alphagen antifoulings
The newest generation in TBT-free polishing technology. A patented resin system provides consistent
polishing rate, controlled by the steady state dissolution of the polymer in seawater. This releases during
service a combination of copper oxide and EPA-approved organic biocides at a controlled rate into the sea.
Three products have been based on this technology
Sigma Alphagen 50 antifouling
Fast polishing rate antifouling for vessels operating in fouling-aggressive coastal waters areas
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March 2000
Sigma Alphagen 20 antifouling
Medium polishing rate antifouling suited to deep sea operating medium and high activity vessels.
Sigma Alphagen 10 antifouling
Medium polishing rate antifouling designed for the antifouling protection of vessel flat bottom areas.
Anticorrosive systems for underwater and boottop
to be overcoated with antifoulings see system sheet 3101
General aspects anticorrosive paints see system sheet 3100
Sigma Alphagen 20 antifouling systems see system sheet 3126
Sigma Alphagen 50 antifouling systems see system sheet 3125
Sigma longlife antifouling systems see system sheet 3113
Sigmaplane Ecol antifouling systems see system sheet 3120
Sigmaplane HA antifouling systems see system sheet 3122
Sigmaplane HB antifouling systems see system sheet 3111
Sigmaplane HC antifouling systems see system sheet 3117
Sigmaplane NC antifouling systems see system sheet 3121
Sigmaplane TA antifouling systems see system sheet 3114
Sigmaplane TC antifouling systems see system sheet 3118
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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page 1/3
a three page issue October 1999
revision of 8-1999
General aspects
Sigmaplane HB antifouling system is a high build, medium polishing rate antifouling designed for application
on medium activity bulk cargo vessels (such as tankers, bulkcarriers, general cago vessels operating at
approx. 12-16 knots). It has an exceptionally long and effective antifouling action during which a smoothing
effect is achieved. This results in the reduction of surface roughness and consequently reduces drag,
resulting in a decrease in fuel consumption.
Hydrolysis of the organotin copolymer binder releases toxin at a controlled rate and in an effective dose.
Simultaneously, the surface material is gradually polished away, resulting in continuous exposure of fresh
toxic layers, even under static conditions.
The lifetime of a selfpolishing antifouling on ships is influenced by the condition of the anticorrosive system,
dry film thicknesses applied, vessel sailing speed, frequency of operation, sailing patterns and routes.
This system sheet consists of the following specifications:
Specification 1: Sigmaplane HB antifouling system over high performance anticorrosive
Specification 2: Sigmaplane HB antifouling maintenance specification on top of existing
organotin copolymer antifouling.
SPECIFICATION 1 Sigmaplane HB antifouling system on top of high performance
anticorrosive systems like epoxy, vinyl tar or chlorinated rubber (see sheet
pretreatment substrate to be cleaned from any contamination
antifouling system Sigmaplane HB antifouling
drydocking interval number of coats and dft total dft
in months in micrometers
18 1 x 150 m 150 m
24 2 x 90 m 180 m
30 2 x 110 m 220 m
36 2 x 130 m 260 m
48 3 x 125 m 375 m
60 3 x 150 m 450 m
note 1 for other intervals, please refer to nearest sales office
note 2 antifouling dfts specified for flat bottoms can be reduced (80 % of dft
specified for vertical sides, above)
note 3 for new building situations alternative systems are available which will suit
different building schedules etc. (see sheet 3121)
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October 1999
SPECIFICATION 2 Sigmaplane HB antifouling maintenance specification on top of
existing organotin copolymer antifouling on a sound high performance
anticorrosive system
pretreatment the substrate should be cleaned by means of high pressure fresh water
(150-300 bar) immediately after docking in order to remove
corroded/damaged areas should be blast cleaned and repaired
according to the original specification
repaired anticorrosive areas should receive a touch up of Sigmaplane
HB antifouling equivalent to the residual antifouling dft in intact areas
no sealer coats are required
antifouling system Sigmaplane HB antifouling
drydocking interval number of coats and dft total dft
in months in micrometers *
12 1 x 100 m 100 m
18 1 x 125 m 125 m
24 1 x 150 m 150 m
30 2 x 90 m 180 m
36 2 x 115 m 230 m
48 2 x 150 m 300 m
60 3 x 125 m 375 m
* in the dfts above an allowance has been made for the contribution to antifouling
protection from the organotin copolymer antifouling remaining
note 1 Sigmaplane HB antifouling can be applied as a maintenance system over
vinyl or chlorinated rubber antifoulings, however, for this purpose
Sigmaplane TA or Sigmaplane TC antifouling which are particularly
formulated for overcoating longlife diffusion antifouling types (see sheet
3114) are recommended
note 2 antifouling dfts specified for flat bottoms can be reduced (80 % of dft
specified for vertical sides, above)
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October 1999
Sigmaplane HB antifouling see product data sheet 7284
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Anticorrosive systems for underwater and boottop
to be overcoated with antifoulings see system sheet 3101
General aspects antifoulings see system sheet 3110
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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page 1/2
a two page issue October 1999
revision of 8-1999
General aspects
Sigma Pilot Ecol antifouling is a tinfree high performance antifouling based on semi-soluble binders in which
inorganic metal compounds and biocides are finely dispersed as the main antifouling toxins. By contact with
sea water the toxins slowly release into the laminar layer around a ships hull as a result of a diffusion and
leaching process.
The lifetime of a longlife antifouling on ships is influenced by condition of the anticorrosive system, dry flim
thickness applied, vessel sailing speed, frequency of operation, sailing patterns and routes.
This system sheet consists of the following specifications:
Specification 1: Sigma Pilot Ecol antifouling system over a sound anticorrosive system.
Specification 2: Sigma Pilot Ecol antifouling maintenance specification on top of an
exhausted diffusion antifouling or exhausted soluble matrix antifouling
present on a sound anticorrosive system.
SPECIFICATION 1 Sigma Pilot Ecol antifouling system on top of a high performance
anticorrosive system such as epoxy, vinyl tar or chlorinated rubber
(see sheet 3101)
pretreatment substrate to be cleaned of any contamination
antifouling system Sigma Pilot Ecol antifouling
drydocking interval number of coats and dft in micrometers
in months sides flat bottom
8-12 1 x 50 m 1 x 50 m
12-18 1 x 75 m 1 x 60 m
18-24 2 x 75 m 1 x 100 m
notes for a bituminous aluminium primer as anticorrosive system the
recommended service life is limited to 18 months
when a vessel is to be fitted out in polluted water, please contact our
nearest sales office
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October 1999
SPECIFICATION 2 Sigma Pilot Ecol antifouling maintenance specification on top of an
exhausted diffusion antifouling or exhausted soluble matrix antifouling if
present on a sound high performance anticorrosive system
pretreatment clean the substrate by means of high pressure freshwater washing
immediately after docking in order to remove contamination
corroded/damaged areas should be blast cleaned and repaired
according to the original specification
paint system depending on the nature/condition of the existing antifouling, a sealer
coat of Sigmachlor primer at a dft of 50 m may be necessary
antifouling system Sigma Pilot Ecol antifouling
drydocking interval number of coats and dft in micrometers
in months sides flat bottom
8-12 1 x 50 m 1 x 50 m
12-18 1 x 75 m 1 x 60 m
18-24 2 x 75 m 1 x 100 m
notes for a bituminous aluminium primer as anticorrosive system the
recommended service life is limited to 18 months
when a vessel is to be fitted out in polluted water, please contact our
nearest sales office
Sigma Pilot Ecol antifouling see product data sheet 7285
Sigmachlor primer see product data sheet 7318
Sigmarine alu primer see product data sheet 7111
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Anticorrosive systems for underwater and boottop
to be overcoated with antifoulings see system sheet 3101
General aspects antifoulings see system sheet 3110
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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page 1/3
a three page issue October 1999
revision of 8-1999
General aspects
Sigmaplane TA antifouling is a medium/slow polishing rate, self polishing antifouling particularly intended for
vessels of medium to high activity with limited stationary periods. It is based on an organotin copolymer with
copper oxide and co-biocides. On contact with seawater the toxins are slowly released at a constant and
controlled rate into the laminar layer around a ships hull combating the settlement of fouling.
The lifetime of a selfpolishing antifouling on ships is influenced by the condition of the anticorrosive system,
dry film thicknesses applied, vessel sailing speed, frequency of operation, sailing patterns and routes.
This system sheet consists of the following specifications for medium activity vessels (tankers, bulk carriers,
general cargo ships).
For high activity and fast ships (container vessels, reefers, etc.) please refer to nearest sales office.
Specification 1: Sigmaplane TA antifouling maintenance specification over a high
performance anticorrosive system.
Specification 2: Sigmaplane TA antifouling maintenance specification over a selfpolishing
(organotin copolymer based) antifouling present on a sound high
performance anticorrosive system.
Specification 3: Sigmaplane TA antifouling maintenance specification over a longlife vinyl or
chlorinated antifouling present on a sound, high performance anticorrosive
SPECIFICATION 1 Sigmaplane TA antifouling system for medium activity ships on top of a
high performance anticorrosive system such as epoxy, vinyl tar or
chlorinated rubber (see sheet 3101)
pretreatment substrate to be cleaned in order to remove contamination
antifouling system Sigmaplane TA antifouling
drydocking interval number of coats and dft total dft
in months in micrometers
18 1 x 125 m 125 m
24 1 x 150 m 150 m
30 2 x 90 m 180 m
36 2 x 100 m 200 m
48 2 X 150 m 300 m
60 3 x 125 m 375 m
note antifouling dfts specified for flat bottoms can be reduced (80 % of dft
specified for vertical sides, above)
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October 1999
SPECIFICATION 2 Sigmaplane TA antifouling maintenance specification for medium activity
ships over a selfpolishing (organotin copolymer based) antifouling present
on a sound high performance anticorrosive system
pretreatment the substrate should be cleaned by means of high pressure fresh
water immediately after docking in order to remove contamination
corroded/damaged areas should be blast cleaned and repaired
according to the original specification
repaired anticorrosive areas should receive a touch up of Sigmaplane
TA antifouling equivalent to the residual antifouling dft in intact areas
antifouling system Sigmaplane TA antifouling
drydocking interval number of coats and dft total dft
in months in micrometers
18 1 x 75 m 75 m
24 1 x 100 m 100 m
30 1 x 125 m 125 m
36 1 x 150 m 150 m
48 2 X 125 m 250 m
60 2 x 150 m 300 m
note antifouling dfts specified for flat bottoms can be reduced (80 % of dft
specified for vertical sides, above)
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October 1999
SPECIFICATION 3 Sigmaplane TA antifouling maintenance specification for medium activity
ships over longlife vinyl or chlorinated rubber antifouling present on a
sound high performance anticorrosive system
pretreatment the substrate should be cleaned by means of high pressure fresh
water immediately after docking in order to remove contamination
corroded/damaged areas should be blast cleaned and repaired
according to the original specification
paint system depending on the condition of the existing antifouling a sealer coat of
Sigmachlor primer at a dft of 50 m may be necessary
antifouling system Sigmaplane TA antifouling
drydocking interval number of coats and dft total dft
in months in micrometers
18 1 x 125 m 125 m
24 1 x 150 m 150 m
30 2 x 90 m 180 m
36 2 x 100 m 200 m
note antifouling dfts specified for flat bottoms can be reduced (80 % of dft
specified for vertical sides, above)
Sigmachlor primer see product data sheet 7318
Sigmaplane TA antifouling see product data sheet 7282
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Anticorrosive systems for underwater and boottop
to be overcoated with antifoulings see system sheet 3101
General aspects antifoulings see system sheet 3110
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a two page issue October 1999
revision of 8-1999
General aspects
Sigmaplane HC is a medium/slow polishing rate antifouling designed for application on high activity ships
(such as container vessels, gas tankers, reefers and car carriers). It is based on an organotin copolymer with
a boosted biocide package. By contact with seawater the toxins are slowly released at a constant and
controlled rate into the laminar layer around a ships hull preventing fouling settlement.
The lifetime of a selfpolishing antifouling on ships is influenced by the condition of the anticorrosive system,
dry film thickness applied, vessel sailing speed, frequency of operation, sailing patterns and routes.
Note: the dfts included are shown for vessel operation speeds of 22 knots, which are typical for these kinds
of ship. Specifications for faster and slower vessels can also be designed.
This system sheet consists of the following specifications:
Specification 1: Sigmaplane HC antifouling fullblast specification over a high performance
anticorrosive system.
Specification 2: Sigmaplane HC antifouling maintenance specification over a selfpolishing
(organotin copolymer based) antifouling present on a sound high
performance anticorrosive system.
SPECIFICATION 1 Sigmaplane HC antifouling system on top of a high performance
anticorrosive system such as epoxy, vinyl tar or chlorinated rubber
(see sheet 3101)
the dfts included are for vessel operation speeds of 22 knots
pretreatment substrate to be cleaned in order to remove contamination
antifouling system Sigmaplane HC antifouling
drydocking interval number of coats and dft total dft
in months in micrometers
18 1 x 150 m 150 m
24 2 x 100 m 200 m
30 2 x 125 m 250 m
36 2 x 150 m 300 m
48 3 x 140 m 420 m
60 4 x 125 m 500 m
notes antifouling dfts specified for flat bottoms can be reduced
(80 % of dft specified for vertical sides, above)
for new buildings the system should be redbrown, brown, pink,
followed by Sigmaplane NC redbrown as final coat (pink to be used
as atmospherically exposed layer)
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October 1999
SPECIFICATION 2 Sigmaplane HC antifouling maintenance specification over a selfpolishing
(organotin copolymer based) antifouling present on a sound high
performance anticorrosive system
the dfts included are for vessel operation speeds of 22 knots
pretreatment the substrate should be cleaned by means of high pressure fresh water
immediately after docking in order to remove contamination
corroded/damaged areas should be blast cleaned and repaired
according to the original specification
repaired anticorrosive areas should receive a touch up of
Sigmaplane HC antifouling equivalent to the residual antifouling
dft in intact areas
antifouling system Sigmaplane HC antifouling
drydocking interval number of coats and dft total dft
in months in micrometers
12 1 x 100 m 100 m
24 2 x 90 m 180 m
30 2 x 110 m 220 m
36 2 x 125 m 250 m
48 3 x 120 m 360 m
60 3 x 150 m 450 m
note antifouling dfts specified for flat bottoms can be reduced (80 % of dft
specified for vertical sides, above)
Sigmaplane HC antifouling see product data sheet 7292
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Anticorrosive systems for underwater and boottop
to be overcoated with antifoulings see system sheet 3101
General aspects antifoulings see system sheet 3110
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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page 1/3
a three page issue October 1999
revision of 7-1999
General aspects
Sigmaplane TC antifouling is a medium/slow polishing rate self polishing antifouling particularly intended for
vessels of medium to high activity with limited stationary periods. It is based on an organotin copolymer with
copper oxide and co-biocides. On contact with seawater the toxins are slowly released at a constant and
controlled rate into the laminar layer around a ships hull combating the settlement of fouling.
The lifetime of a selfpolishing antifouling on ships is influenced by the condition of the anticorrosive system,
dry film thicknesses applied, vessel sailing speed, frequency of operation, sailing patterns and routes.
This system sheet consists of the following specifications for medium activity (tankers, bulk carriers, general
cargo ships).
For high activity and fast ships (container vessels, reefers, etc.) please refer to nearest sales office.
Specification 1: Sigmaplane TC antifouling maintenance specification over a high
performance anticorrosive system.
Specification 2: Sigmaplane TC antifouling maintenance specification over a selfpolishing
(organotin copolymer based) antifouling present on a sound high
performance anticorrosive system.
Specification 3: Sigmaplane TC antifouling maintenance specification over a longlife vinyl or
chlorinated antifouling present on a sound, high performance anticorrosive
SPECIFICATION 1 Sigmaplane TC antifouling system for medium activity ships on top of a
high performance anticorrosive system such as epoxy, vinyl tar or
chlorinated rubber (see sheet 3101)
pretreatment substrate to be cleaned in order to remove contamination
antifouling system Sigmaplane TC antifouling
drydocking interval number of coats and dft total dft
in months in micrometers
18 1 x 125 m 125 m
24 1 x 150 m 150 m
30 2 x 90 m 180 m
36 2 x 100 m 200 m
note antifouling dfts specified for flat bottoms can be reduced (80 % of dft
specified for vertical sides, above)
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October 1999
SPECIFICATION 2 Sigmaplane TC antifouling maintenance specification for medium activity
ships over a selfpolishing (organotin copolymer based) antifouling present
on a sound high performance anticorrosive system
pretreatment the substrate should be cleaned by means of high pressure fresh
water immediately after docking in order to remove contamination
corroded/damaged areas should be blast cleaned and repaired
according to the original specification
repaired anticorrosive areas should receive a touch up of Sigmaplane
TC antifouling equivalent to the residual antifouling dft in intact areas
antifouling system Sigmaplane TC antifouling
drydocking interval number of coats and dft total dft
in months in micrometers
18 1 x 75 m 75 m
24 1 x 100 m 100 m
30 1 x 125 m 125 m
36 1 x 150 m 150 m
note antifouling dfts specified for flat bottoms can be reduced (80 % of dft
specified for vertical sides, above)
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October 1999
SPECIFICATION 3 Sigmaplane TC antifouling maintenance specification for medium activity
ships over longlife vinyl or chlorinated rubber antifouling present on a
sound high performance anticorrosive system
pretreatment the substrate should be cleaned by means of high pressure fresh
water immediately after docking in order to remove contamination
corroded/damaged areas should be blast cleaned and repaired
according to the original specification
paint system depending on the condition of the existing antifouling a sealer coat of
Sigmachlor primer at a dft of 50 m may be necessary
antifouling system Sigmaplane HB antifouling
drydocking interval number of coats and dft total dft
in months in micrometers
18 1 x 125 m 125 m
24 1 x 150 m 150 m
30 2 x 90 m 180 m
36 2 x 100 m 200 m
note antifouling dfts specified for flat bottoms can be reduced (80 % of dft
specified for vertical sides, above)
Sigmachlor primer see product data sheet 7318
Sigmaplane TC antifouling see product data sheet 7288
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Anticorrosive systems for underwater and boottop
to be overcoated with antifoulings see system sheet 3101
General aspects antifoulings see system sheet 3110
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a three page issue March 2000
revision of 8-1999
General aspects
Sigmaplane Ecol antifouling is a high build, tin-free antifouling with a long and effective antifouling action
depending on conditions.
Dissolution of the binder releases toxin at a controlled rate and in an effective dose.
The lifetime of tin-free antifouling on ships is influenced by the condition of the anticorrosive system, dry film
thicknesses applied, sailing patterns and routes.
This system sheet consists of the following specifications:
Specification 1: Sigmaplane Ecol antifouling system specification on top of high performance
anticorrosive systems.
Specification 2: Sigmaplane Ecol antifouling maintenance specification on top of an intact
self polishing antifouling system.
Specification 3: Sigmaplane Ecol antifouling maintenance specification on top of an
exhausted diffusion type of antifouling.
General remark: For vessels trading exclusively in aggressive fouling areas it is
recommended to use Sigma Alphagen 50 antifouling.
SPECIFICATION 1 Sigmaplane Ecol antifouling on top of high performance anticorrosive
systems like epoxy or vinyl tar (see sheet 3101)
pretreatment substrate should be dry and free from any contamination
antifouling system Sigmaplane Ecol antifouling
drydocking interval number of coats and dft total dft
in months in micrometers
12 1 x 100 m 100 m
18 1 x 125 m 125 m
24 1 x 150 m 150 m
30 2 x 90 m 180 m
36 2 x 100 m 200 m
note for newbuilding specification please refer to our nearest sales office
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March 2000
SPECIFICATION 2 Sigmaplane Ecol antifouling maintenance specification on top of a self
polishing type of antifouling over a sound high performance anticorrosive
system (see spec. 1)
the existing antifouling system must be in a sound condition and have
good adhesion to the anticorrosive system
pretreatment the substrate should be cleaned by means of high pressure fresh
water immediately after docking in order to remove contamination
corroded/damaged areas should be blast cleaned and repaired
according to the original specification
antifouling system Sigmaplane Ecol antifouling
drydocking interval number of coats and dft total dft
in months in micrometers
12 1 x 80 m 80 m
18 1 x 100 m 100 m
24 1 x 125 m 125 m
30 1 x 150 m 150 m
36 2 x 90 m 180 m
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March 2000
SPECIFICATION 3 Sigmaplane Ecol antifouling maintenance specification on top of
an exhausted diffusion type of antifouling over a sound high
performance anticorrosive system the existing antifouling system
must be in a sound condition and have good adhesion to the
anticorrosive system
particular care should be taken in case of existing multicoat sandwich
anticorrosive/antifouling systems
pretreatment the substrate should be cleaned by means of high pressure fresh
water immediately after docking
corroded/damaged areas should be blast cleaned and repaired
according to the original specification
total substrate should be dry and free from any contamination
paint system depending on the condition of the existing antifouling a sealer coat
of Sigmachlor primer at a dft of 50 m may be necessary
antifouling system Sigmaplane Ecol antifouling
drydocking interval number of coats and dft total dft
in months in micrometers
12 1 x 100 m 100 m
18 1 x 125 m 125 m
24 1 x 150 m 150 m
30 2 x 90 m 180 m
36 2 x 100 m 200 m
Sigma Alphagen 50 antifouling see product data sheet 7375
Sigmachlor primer see product data sheet 7318
Sigmaplane Ecol antifouling see product data sheet 7297
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Anticorrosive systems for underwater and boottop
to be overcoated with antifoulings see system sheet 3101
General aspects antifouling see system sheet 3110
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a two page issue October 1999
revision of 8-1999
General aspect s
Sigmaplane NC antifouling forms part of the new building systems with improved adhesion characteristics
for (atmospherically) weathered organotin copolymer based selfpolishing antifouling.
The Sigmaplane NC system is a high build, polishing antifouling system with an exceptionally long and
effective antifouling action during which a smoothing effect is achieved. This results in the reduction of
surface roughness and consequently reduces drag, resulting in a decrease in fuel consumption.
Sigmaplane NC is based on the Sigmaplane HB formulation with the addition of special solvents
Hydrolysis of the organotin copolymer binder releases toxin at a controlled rate and in an effective dose.
Simultaneously, the surface material is gradually ablated, resulting in continuous exposure of fresh toxic
For the outfitting period alongside, a top coat of the highly active Sigmaplane HA is recommended.
This system sheet consists of the following specifications:
Speci f i cat i on: Si gmapl ane ant i f oul i ng syst ems f or NEW BUILDINGS.
On top of high performance anticorrosive systems like epoxy or
vinyl tar, with an overcoating interval for the weathered antifouling up to 9
SPECIFICATION Sigmaplane antifouling systems for NEW BUILDINGS
On top of high performance anticorrosive systems like epoxy or vinyl tar
with an overcoating interval for the weathered antifouling up to 9 months;
system also valid for vessels where final antifouling coat application
occurs after an outfitting period afloat of 2-3 months
pretreatment of the steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
sections steel with approved zincsilicate shop primer; sweep blasted to
weldseams, burned and damaged areas; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
or powertool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
anticorrosive system according specified system see system sheet 3101
antifouling system Sigmaplane HB antifouling 90 - 150 m *
applied within the
overcoating interval of
the anticorrosive system,
on the section continued on next page
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October 1999
pretreatment after removal of dirt, grease etc, by means of high pressure fresh water
weathering for a period cleaning
up to 9 months section weldseams, burned and damaged area blast cleaned to
ISO-Sa2 or powertool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
touch up according to the original specification for the anticorrosive
system followed by
antifouling system to be touch up Sigmaplane NC antifouling 90 - 150 m *
applied on the slipway Sigmaplane NC antifouling ** 90 - 150 m *
after erection of the ship (Sigmaplane HB antifouling or
Sigmaplane HA antifouling) ** 75 - 150 m *
note antifouling dfts specified for flat bottoms can be reduced (80 % of dft
specified for vertical sides, above)
* note number of coats and dft to be applied, depends on requested antifouling
system and effective service life including the outfitting period; for detailed
specifications, please refer to the nearest sales office
** note if the final antifouling will be applied during the delivery drydocking the
vessel should be launched in the Sigmaplane HB* antifouling and
Sigmaplane NC antifouling applied as final coat
Sigmaplane HA antifouling see product data sheet 7287
Sigmaplane HB antifouling see product data sheet 7284
Sigmaplane NC antifouling see product data sheet 7290
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Anticorrosive systems for underwater and boottop
to be overcoated with antifoulings see system sheet 3101
General aspects antifoulings see system sheet 3110
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a two page issue October 1999
revision of 7-1999
Sigmaplane HA antifouling system is a polishing antifouling system with a powerful antifouling action.
The system is especially designed for ships operating with irregular sailing patterns, long periods of non- or
slow steaming in areas with high fouling activity. The system dry film thicknesses given on the following
pages reflect this.
As a characteristic of the selfpolishing action a smoothing effect will be achieved under sailing conditions
which results in reduction of surface roughness and consequently reduces drag, resulting in a decrease in
fuel consumption.
Hydrolysis of the organotin co-polymer binder releases toxin at a controlled rate and in an effective dose.
Simultaneously, the surface material is gradually polished away, resulting in continuous exposure of fresh
antifouling layers, even under static conditions.
The lifetime of a selfpolishing antifouling on ships is influenced by the condition of the anticorrosive system,
dry film thicknesses applied, vessel speed, frequency of operation, sailing patterns and routes.
Although systems are only given up to 36 months, longer lifetimes can be specified for vessel operating
This system sheet consists of the following specifications:
Specification 1: Sigmaplane HA antifouling system on top of a high performance
anticorrosive system like epoxy, vinyl tar or chlorinated rubber.
Specification 2: Sigmaplane HA antifouling system on top of existing organotin
copolymer antifouling on a sound high performance anticorrosive.
SPECIFICATION 1 Sigmaplane HA antifouling system on top of a high performance
anticorrosive system like epoxy, vinyl tar or chlorinated rubber (see sheet
pretreatment substrate to be cleaned from any contamination
antifouling system Sigmaplane HA antifouling
drydocking interval number of coats and dft total dft
in months in micrometers
12 1 x 150 m 150 m
18 2 x 120 m 240 m
24 2 x 150 m 300 m
30 3 x 120 m 360 m
36 3 x 140 m 420 m
note antifouling dfts specified for flat bottoms can be reduced (80 % of dft
specified for vertical sides, above)
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October 1999
SPECIFICATION 2 Sigmaplane HA antifouling system on top of existing organotin copolymer
antifouling on a sound high performance anticorrosive
pretreatment the substrate should be cleaned by means of high pressure fresh water
immediately after docking in order to remove contamination
rusted areas should be blast cleaned and repaired according to the
original specification
repaired anticorrosive areas should receive a touch up of Sigmaplane
HA antifouling equivalent to the residual antifouling dft in intact areas
no sealer coats are required
antifouling system Sigmaplane HA antifouling
drydocking interval number of coats and dft total dft
in months in micrometers
12 1 x 150 m 150 m
18 2 x 110 m 220 m
24 2 x 120 m 240 m
30 2 x 150 m 300 m
36 3 x 120 m 360 m
note antifouling dfts specified for flat bottoms can be reduced (80 % of dft
specified for vertical sides, above)
Sigmaplane HA antifouling see product data sheet 7287
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Anticorrosive systems for underwater and boottop
to be overcoated with antifoulings see system sheet 3101
General aspects antifoulings see system sheet 3110
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a four page issue March 2000
revision of 8-1999
General aspects
Sigma Alphagen 50 systems are based on high build, self polishing antifoulings with a long and effective
antifouling action during which a smoothing effect is achieved. This results in reduction of hull roughness
and consequently reduces drag, resulting in a decrease in fuel consumption. Sigma Alphagen 50 systems
are designed for optimum performance on coastal operating ships.
Hydro dissolving of the copolymer binder releases toxin at a controlled rate and in an effective dose.
The lifetime of a selfpolishing antifouling on ships is influenced by the condition of the anticorrosive system,
dry film thicknesses applied, sailing patterns and routes.
This system sheet consists of the following specifications calculated for vessels operating at 15 knots and
60% operating rate:
Specification 1: Sigma Alphagen 50 antifouling system specification on top of high
performance anticorrosive systems.
Specification 2: Sigma Alphagen 50 antifouling maintenance specification on top of an
intact self polishing antifouling system.
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March 2000
SPECIFICATION 1 Sigma Alphagen 50 antifouling on top of high performance anticorrosive
systems like epoxy or vinyl tar (see sheet 3101)
pretreatment substrate should be dry and free from any contamination
antifouling system Sigma Alphagen 50 antifouling
drydocking interval number of coats and dft total dft
in months in micrometers
12 1 x 150 m 150 m
18 2 x 100 m 200 m
24 2 x 120 m 240 m
30 2 x 140 m 280 m
36 3 x 110 m 330 m
note 1 for flat bottoms of ships, dfts can be reduced to 80% of those applied
on the vertical sides
note 2 Sigma Alphagen 50 antifouling can be replaced with
Sigma Alphagen 10 for the flat bottoms at the following dfts
drydocking interval number of coats and dft total dft
in months in micrometers
12 1 x 100 m 100 m
18 1 x 120 m 120 m
24 1 x 150 m 150 m
30 2 x 90 m 180 m
36 2 x 110 m 220 m
note 3 for newbuilding specification please refer to our nearest sales office
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March 2000
SPECIFICATION 2 Sigma Alphagen 50 antifouling maintenance specification on top of a
self polishing type of antifouling over a sound high performance
anticorrosive system (see spec. 1)
the existing antifouling system must be in a sound condition and have
good adhesion to the anticorrosive system
pretreatment the substrate should be cleaned by means of high pressure fresh
water immediately after docking
corroded/damaged areas should be blast cleaned and repaired
according to the original specification
total substrate should be dry and free from any contamination
paint system depending on the condition of the existing antifouling a sealer coat of
Sigmachlor primer at a dft of 50 m may be necessary
antifouling system Sigma Alphagen 50 antifouling
drydocking interval number of coats and dft total dft
in months in micrometers
12 1 x 125 m 125 m
18 2 x 90 m 180 m
24 2 x 110 m 220 m
30 2 x 120 m 240 m
36 2 x 150 m 300 m
note 1 for flat bottoms of ships, dfts can be reduced to 80% of those applied
on the vertical sides
note 2 Sigma Alphagen 50 antifouling can be replaced with
Sigma Alphagen 10 for the flat bottoms at the following dfts
drydocking interval number of coats and dft total dft
in months in micrometers
12 1 x 80 m 80 m
18 1 x 100 m 100 m
24 1 x 125 m 125 m
30 1 x 150 m 150 m
36 2 x 100 m 200 m
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March 2000
Sigma Alphagen 10 antifouling see product data sheet 7371
Sigma Alphagen 50 antifouling see product data sheet 7375
Sigmachlor primer see product data sheet 7318
Anticorrosive systems for underwater and
boottop to be overcoated with antifoulings see system sheet 3101
General aspects antifouling see system sheet 3110
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a four page issue March 2000
revision of 7-1999
General aspects
Sigma Alphagen 20 antifouling is a high build, self polishing antifouling with a long and effective antifouling
action depending on conditions. It is designed for use on deep sea operating vessels with a medium to high
operational rate.
Dissolution of the binder releases toxin at a controlled rate and in an effective dose.
The lifetime of a selfpolishing antifouling on ships is influenced by the condition of the anticorrosive system,
dry film thicknesses applied, sailing patterns and routes.
This system sheet consists of the following specifications:
Specification 1: Sigma Alphagen 20 antifouling system specification on top of high
performance anticorrosive systems.
Specification 2: Sigma Alphagen 20 antifouling maintenance specification on top of an intact
self polishing antifouling system.
Specification 3: Sigma Alphagen 20 antifouling maintenance specification on top of an
exhausted diffusion type of antifouling.
General remark: For vessels trading exclusively in aggressive fouling areas it is
recommended to use Sigma Alphagen 50 antifouling.
SPECIFICATION 1 Sigma Alphagen 20 antifouling on top of high performance anticorrosive
systems like epoxy or vinyl tar (see sheet 3101)
pretreatment substrate should be dry and free from any contamination
antifouling system Sigma Alphagen 20 antifouling
drydocking interval number of coats and dft total dft
in months in micrometers
12 1 x 120 m 120 m
18 1 x 150 m 150 m
24 2 x 90 m 180 m
30 2 x 110 m 220 m
36 2 x 130 m 260 m
note 1 for flat bottoms of ships, dfts can be reduced to 80% of those applied
on the vertical sides
note 2 for flat bottoms, Sigma Alphagen 20 can be replaced with Sigma
Alphagen 10
note 3 for newbuilding specification please refer to our nearest sales office
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March 2000
SPECIFICATION 2 Sigma Alphagen 20 antifouling maintenance specification on top of a self
polishing type of antifouling over a sound high performance anticorrosive
system (see spec. 1)
the existing antifouling system must be in a sound condition and have
good adhesion to the anticorrosive system
pretreatment the substrate should be cleaned by means of high pressure fresh water
immediately after docking in order to remove contamination
corroded/damaged areas should be blast cleaned and repaired
according to the original specification
antifouling system Sigma Alphagen 20 antifouling
drydocking interval number of coats and dft total dft
in months in micrometers
12 1 x 100 m 100 m
18 1 x 125 m 125 m
24 1 x 150 m 150 m
30 2 x 90 m 180 m
36 2 x 110 m 220 m
note 1 for flat bottoms of ships, dfts can be reduced to 80% of those applied
on the vertical sides
note 2 for flat bottoms, Sigma Alphagen 20 can be replaced with Sigma
Alphagen 10
note 3 for longer service periods please refer to nearest sales office
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March 2000
SPECIFICATION 3 Sigma Alphagen 20 antifouling maintenance specification on top of an
exhausted diffusion type of antifouling over a sound high performance
anticorrosive system
the existing antifouling system must be in a sound condition and have
good adhesion to the anticorrosive system
particular care should be taken in case of existing multicoat sandwich
anticorrosive/antifouling systems
pretreatment the substrate should be cleaned by means of high pressure fresh water
immediately after docking
corroded/damaged areas should be blast cleaned and repaired
according to the original specification
total substrate should be dry and free from any contamination
paint system the existing antifouling should be sealed by one coat of Sigmachlor
primer at a dft of 50 m
antifouling system Sigma Alphagen 20 antifouling
drydocking interval number of coats and dft total dft
in months in micrometers
12 1 x 120 m 120 m
18 1 x 150 m 150 m
24 2 x 90 m 180 m
30 2 x 110 m 220 m
36 2 x 130 m 260 m
note 1 for flat bottoms of ships, dfts can be reduced to 80% of those applied
on the vertical sides
note 2 for flat bottoms, Sigma Alphagen 20 can be replaced with Sigma
Alphagen 10
note 3 for longer service periods please refer to nearest sales office
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March 2000
Sigma Alphagen 10 antifouling see product data sheet 7371
Sigma Alphagen 20 antifouling see product data sheet 7372
Sigma Alphagen 50 antifouling see product data sheet 7375
Sigmachlor primer see product data sheet 7318
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Anticorrosive systems for underwater and boottop
to be overcoated with antifoulings see system sheet 3101
General aspects antifouling see system sheet 3110
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a two page issue December 1999
revision of 7-1997
Most heat resisting paints rely on aluminium pigments for their protective properties.
For the lower temperature range an alkyd based system can be used at temperatures up to 100C and a
normal epoxy based system can be used at temperatures up to 125C.
Alkyd based heat resisting aluminium paints will protect steel up to about 175C. Above this temperature the
alkyd binder will eventually be destroyed, but the aluminium pigment will continue to protect the surface
after sintering at a temperature above 350C.
Epoxy aluminium paints have good resistance to heat, up to about 200C.
Silicone based paints will give prolonged service at high temperatures up to respectively 400C - 500C.
Good surface preparation is essential for a good performance of heat resisting paint systems. Steel
preparation to minimum ISO-St3 can be accepted for internal areas, but blast cleaning to ISO-Sa2 is the
minimum acceptable standard for external areas.
Steel abraded by means of flexible carborundum abrasive discs, resulting in a rustfree abraded SPSS-Pt3, is
acceptable for a steel surface that has no millscale.
SPECIFICATION 1 heat resistant system, based on an aluminium pigmented alkyd paint
applied to an anticorrosive primer for substrate temperatures up to 175C,
for normal atmospheric exposure
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
steel without millscale; powertool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3, by means of
flexible carborundum abrasive discs
paint system Sigmaferro primer ZP 35 m
Sigmarine aluminium HR 25 m
Sigmarine aluminium HR 25 m
Sigmarine aluminium HR 25 m
SPECIFICATION 2 heat resistant system based on epoxy paint substrate temperatures up to
200C for marine and industrial atmospheric exposure
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
steel without millscale; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss or powertool cleaned to
SPSS-Pt3 by means of flexible carborundum abrasive discs
paint system Sigma CM miocoat 75 m
Sigma CM miocoat 75 m
Sigma CM miocoat 75 m
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December 1999
SPECIFICATION 3 heat resistant system based on aluminium pigmented alkyd paint for
temperatures up to 500C for interior use only
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
steel without millscale; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss or powertool cleaned to
SPSS-Pt3 by means of flexible carborundum abrasive discs
paint system Sigmarine aluminium HR 500 25 m
Sigmarine aluminium HR 500 25 m
note a minimum temperature of 200C during 1 hour within a short time after
application is necessary to obtain maximum performance
Sigma CM miocoat see product data sheet 7465
Sigmaferro primer ZP see product data sheet 7131
Sigmarine aluminium HR see product data sheet 7260
Sigmarine aluminium HR 500 see product data sheet 7261
Cleaning of Steel and Removal of Rust see information sheet 1490
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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page 1/1
a one page issue Feburary 1999
revision of 5-1997
Salt water, drinking water, distilled (condensate) or demineralized water of neutral pH are all very similar in
effect on protective coatings but acidic or alkaline water is more aggressive. The systems described are
resistant up to a water temperature of 100C.
Protection against hot water by a paint system is in fact very critical. Only the combination of a very good
pretreatment, right film thicknesses and good curing and ventilation will give the desired protection against
the influence of hot water.
Blast cleaning to ISO-Sa2 is essential.
A (blast cleaned) pitting corroded surface, impurities in the protective coating or bad workmanship will result
in failures.
In service the steel substrate should have about the same temperature as the hot water itself in order to
avoid blistering. Equipment, tank or vessel must therefore be insulated adequately to reduce heat transfer
through steel wall plus coating system.
Application of the paints must be done very carefully, avoiding excess thickness, avoiding entrapment of
solvent and maintaining good ventilation and curing conditions throughout the application and curing process
(please refer to sheet 1431, 1433 and 1434).
SPECIFICATION phenolic epoxy based system resistant to hot water up to 100C
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned in situ to at least ISO-Sa2 and free from rust, scale,
prefabrication primer and any other contamination
blasting profile (Rz); 50 m - 100 m
paint system Sigma Phenguard primer 100 m
Sigma Phenguard coating 100 m
Sigma Phenguard finish 100 m
Sigma Phenguard primer see product data sheet 7409
Sigma Phenguard coating see product data sheet 7435
Sigma Phenguard finish see product data sheet 7436
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Safety in confined spaces and health safety explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a four page issue December 1999
revision of 1-1998
Shipowners and managers should very carefully consider the generic type tanklinings on offer as their
choice will affect the trading programme of the vessel. A number of factors should be borne in mind:
Which IMO classification does the vessel structure conform to?
The IMO class defines which cargoes a particular vessel may transport - irrespective of the suitability of a
vessels tanklinings for those cargoes.
Will the vessel operate on fixed trade or charter?
Or will it be operated on the chemical spot market and therefore require maximum operational flexibility.
Does the vessel conform with the requirements of the system to be applied?
This is especially valid if a hot cure is required, as then it will be essential that the vessel has heating coils
fitted, or the tanker is provided with means of fulfilling this requirement.
What restrictions are apparent at the application site?
Are the application and extraction equipment suitable for the materials proposed.
Many other factors like minimum application temperature, economics, cleanability and even personal
preferences can play a decisive role. It is clear that selecting the proper tanklining for specific vessels is not
an easy job and requires understanding of the various aspects involved. Based on many years experience in
this complex market Sigma Coatings can provide technical expertise when required, please contact the
nearest sales office.
In the review on the next page Sigmas tanklinings are typified. This review will give you an impression of the
various tanklinings available, as well as outlining the chemical resistance properties of the tanklining
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December 1999
Name Pretreatment Nr. of Total min. Generic Type
coats dft
Sigma Phenguard ISO-Sa2 3 300 m amine cured phenolic
(3322) Blasting profile (R
) epoxy
50-100 m
Sigmaguard CSF 7462 ISO-Sa2 2 300 m amine cured solvent
(3328) Blasting profile (R
) free epoxy
50-100 m
Sigmaguard EHB ISO-Sa2 2 250 m amine cured high build
(3320) Blasting profile (R
) epoxy
40- 70 m
Sigma Silguard MC ISO-Sa2 1 75-100 m zinc silicate
(3323) Blasting profile (R
40- 70 m
Sigma Silguard SC ISO-Sa2 1 75 m water borne zinc alkali
(7550) Blasting profile (R
) silicate
40-70 m
Sigmaguard CSF ISO-Sa2 1 300 m amine cured solvent
(7443) Blasting profile (R
) free epoxy
50-100 m
Optimum chemical resistance can only be achieved when the system is applied to bare blast cleaned steel.
For chemical resistance properties see the latest issue of the Cargo Resistance List.
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December 1999
+ = suitable
+ R = suitable subject to reference notes in Cargo Resistance List
= unsuitable/not recommended
Sigma- Sigma- Sigma Sigma-
Sigma guard guard Silguard guard
Phenguard CSF 7462 EHB MC/SC CSF
Alcohols above C-4 + + + + + R
Aliphatic hydrocarbons + + + + +
Benzene, toluene + + R + R +
Xylene and higher aromatics + + + + +
Crude oils 70C + + R + R + R + R
Lub oils + + + + +
Lub oil additives + + R + R + R + R
Styrene monomer + + R + R + R
Water + + + + +
Ammonia-stabilized latex +
Fatty oils, animal or vegetable + + R + R + R + R
Glycols + + + +
Molasses + + R + R + R
Phthalate plasticizers + + + +
Caustic soda + R + R + R + R
Higher esters above C-3 + R + R + R + R + R
Vinyl acetate monomer + R + R
Organic acids above C-10 + R
Organic acids C-6 / C-10 + R
Higher ketones (linear above C-6) + +
Acrylate monomers + +
Concentrated ammonia +
Ethers + R +
Low esters (ethylacetate) + R + R
Low ketones (MEK, MIBK) + R +
Acetone + R + R
Glycolethers + R +
Lower alcohols (methanol, propanol) + R +
Chlorinated hydrocarbons + R + R
Phenols/Cresols + R
Organic acids below C-6
For complete resistance see Cargo Resistance List
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December 1999
Sigma Silguard SC see product data sheet 7550
Sigmaguard CSF see product data sheet 7443
Sigma Phenguard tankcoating system see system sheet 3322
Sigma Silguard MC tankcoating system see system sheet 3323
Sigmaguard CSF 7462 tankcoating system see system sheet 3328
Sigmaguard EHB tankcoating system see system sheet 3320
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Certificates for low-flame spread see information sheet 1883
Food certificates see information sheet 1884
Recognized corrosion control coating (Lloyds register) see information sheet 1886
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a three page issue October 1999
revision of 5-1997
The Sigmaguard EHB tankcoating system is a fast drying, glossy, easy to clean tankcoating, with good
resistance against a wide range of chemicals including water and ballast water.
The tankcoating system consists of one coat Sigmaguard EHB grey followed by one coat Sigmaguard EHB
The specified total minimum dry film thickness is 250 m, locally the maximum should not exceed 500 m.
Edges, weld seams, backsides of bulbs, corners and other areas not readily accessable to spray application
should be stripe coated by brush with the next coat of the system to achieve the specified film thickness.
For detailed information on resistance and resistance notes, please refer to the latest issue of the Cargo
Resistance List.
For recommended application instructions see working procedure
SPECIFICATION 1 system for chemical and solvent resistance according to the latest issue
of the Cargo Resistance List
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to a minimum of ISO-Sa2 blasting profile (R
40-70 m
paint system Sigmaguard EHB grey 125 m
Sigmaguard EHB green 125 m
SPECIFICATION 2 maintenance of minor defects
pretreatment corroded damaged spots and other defects should be freed from rust and
any contamination by reblasting to a minimum of ISO-Sa2 (preferably
vacuum blasting) or disc sanding according to SPSS-Pt3
the overlapping areas around the cleaned spots should be carefully disc
sanded and feather edged in order to obtain good adhesion of subsequent
paint system Sigmaguard EHB grey 125 m
Sigmaguard EHB green 125 m
Sigmaguard Maintenance 100 m
Sigmaguard Maintenance 100 m
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October 1999
Data for overcoating Sigmaguard EHB
substrate temperature min. max.
5C 32 hours 28 days
10C 24 hours 28 days
15C 16 hours 28 days
20C 8 hours 28 days
30C 4 hours 14 days
40C 3 hours 7 days
min. curing time of Sigmaguard EHB tankcoating system
before transport of
substrate aliphatic petroleum products and ballast cargoes without
temperature water and tanktest with seawater note 4, 7, 8 or 11
5C 10 days 17 days
10C 7 days 14 days
15C 5 days 8 days
20C 3 days 5 days
30C 2,5 days 4 days
40C 1,5 day 3 days
minimum curing time of Sigmaguard EHB tankcoating system before transport of cargoes with note
4, 7, 8 or 11: 3 months
for detailed information on resistance and resistance notes, please refer to the latest issue of the Cargo
Resistance List
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing (please refer to sheet 1433 and
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page 3/3
October 1999
Sigmaguard EHB see product data sheet 7433
Sigmaguard Maintenance see product data sheet 7455
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Certificates for low-flame spread see information sheet 1883
Food certificates see information sheet 1884
Recognized corrosion control coating (Lloyds register) see information sheet 1886
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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page 1/3
a three page issue October 1999
revision of 5-1997
The Sigma Phenguard tankcoating system is a 3 coat phenolic epoxy tanklining, with maximum cargo
flexibility and excellent resistance against a very wide range of organic acids, alcohols, edible oils, fats
(regardless of free fatty acid content) and solvents.
This tankcoating system, consisting of a primer, a coating and a finish is especially developed for tanks
which are to carry the widest range of liquid cargoes possible.
Prefabrication primers, if present, must be removed. The specified total minimum dry film thickness is
300 m, the average maximum dft is 450 m and locally the maximum dft should not exceed 600 m.
(Minimum and maximum dfts per coat for airless spray application are 80 m and 200 m respectively.)
Edges, welding seams, backsides of bulbs, corners and other areas not readily accessible to spray
application, to be stripe coated by brush with the next coat of the system to achieve the specified film
For detailed information on resistance and resistance notes, please refer to the latest issue of the Cargo
Resistance List.
For recommended application instructions see working procedure
SPECIFICATION 1 system for chemical and solvent resistance according to latest issue of
the Cargo Resistance List
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned in situ to at least ISO-Sa2 and free from rust, scale,
prefabrication primer and any other contamination
blasting profile (Rz); 50 m - 100 m
paint system Sigma Phenguard primer 100 m
Sigma Phenguard coating 100 m
Sigma Phenguard finish 100 m
For airless spray application the minimum dft per coat is 80 m and the maximum dft per coat is 150 m for
the primer and 200 m for the coating or finish
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October 1999
SPECIFICATION 2 maintenance of minor defects
pretreatment corroded mechanically damaged spots and other defects should be
freed from rust and any contamination by reblasting to a minimum
of ISO-Sa2 (preferably vacuum blasting) or disc sanding according
to SPSS-Pt3
the areas surrounding the cleaned spots should be carefully feather edged
in order to obtain good adhesion
paint system original system specification
if repaired by brush, at least 4 coats have to be applied in order to obtain
the specified dry film thickness (300 m)
Sigmaguard Maintenance 150 m
Sigmaguard Maintenance 150 m
Substrate Interval between Interval between Interval between
temperature coats 1 and 2 coats 2 and 3 coats 1, 2 and 3
minimum minimum maximum
10C 60 hrs 36 hrs 28 days
15C 48 hrs 32 hrs 25 days
20C 36 hrs 24 hrs 21 days
30C 24 hrs 16 hrs 14 days
40C 16 hrs 12 hrs 7 days
Remarks: 1, 2 2 2
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October 1999
CURING TABLE substrate min. curing time of Sigma Phenguard tankcoating
temperature system before transport of cargoes without note 4,
7, 8 or 11 and ballast water and tanktest with
10C 14 days
15C 14 days
20C 10 days
30C 7 days
40C 5 days
1. Minimum curing time of Sigma Phenguard tankcoating system before transport of cargoes with note 4, 7,
8 or 11: 3 months.
2. For detailed information on resistance and resistance notes, please refer to the latest issue of the Cargo
Resistance List.
3. For transport of methanol, a hot cargo cure is required which cannot be substituted by a service period of
3 months with non-aggressive cargoes.
4. adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing (please refer to sheet 1433 and
5. The performance of the applied system strongly depends on the curing degree of the first coat at time of
recoating. Therefore the overcoating time between 1st and 2nd coat is extended in comparison between
2nd and 3rd coat. (see overcoating details).
Sigma Phenguard primer see product data sheet 7409
Sigma Phenguard coating see product data sheet 7435
Sigma Phenguard finish see product data sheet 7436
Sigmaguard Maintenance see product data sheet 7455
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Certificates for low-flame spread see information sheet 1883
Food certificates see information sheet 1884
Recognized corrosion control coating (Lloyds register) see information sheet 1886
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a two page issue October 1999
revision of 5-1997
Sigma Silguard MC is a moisture curing, fast drying zinc silicate tankcoating, based on an organosilicate
polymer and pigmented with a pure zinc powder. It ensures an excellent resistance against a wide range of
aggressive organic solvents.
The cured product is inorganic in its nature and therefore does not swell nor dissolve in solvents.
Although Sigma Silguard MC has good corrosion protection against ballast water, the zinc in the coating will
gradually be consumed, decreasing the effective lifetime.
Some water containing cargoes can be carried provided the pH is between 5 and 9, as otherwise the zinc
consumption-rate will increase considerably.
Initial coat thickness defines the lifetime of Sigma Silguard MC tankcoating. For economical and practical
reasons the minimum dry film thickness (dft) on non pitted steel must be at least 60 m. Below this
thickness the lifetime will be considerably shorter.
Mudcracking will generally not occur below a dry film thickness of 180 m. In view of these dft limits a dft of
75 m to 100 m, is specified. This can be applied by airless spray in a one coat application.
Edges, reverse sides of bulbs, weld seams and other areas not readily accessible to spray application, to be
coated by brush with an extra first coat of Sigma Silguard MC.
For detailed information on resistance and resistance notes, please refer to latest issue of the Cargo
Resistance List.
For recommended application instructions see working procedure
SPECIFICATION 1 system for maximum chemical and solvent resistance according to the
latest issue of the Cargo Resistance List
pretreatment steel; fully blasted in situ completely free from rust, scale, prefabrication
primer and other contaminations to a minimum of ISO-Sa2
blasting profile; (R
) 40-70 m
paint system Sigma Silguard MC 75-100 m
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October 1999
SPECIFICATION 2 maintenance of minor defects
pretreatment corroded mechanically damaged spots and other defects should be
freed from rust and any contamination by reblasting to a minimum of
ISO-Sa2 (preferably vacuum blasting) or grinded according to
SPSS grade Pt3 after an extensive cleaning procedure depending on
type of last cargo carried
the overlapping areas should be disc sanded or sweep blasted for good
paint system Sigma Silguard MC spray applied 75-100 m
Sigma Silguard MC brush applied 25 m
Sigma Silguard MC brush applied 25 m
Sigma Silguard MC brush applied 25 m
This product cures by moisture pick up from the air.
For curing table see product sheet no. 7551.
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing (please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
Sigma Silguard MC see product data sheet 7551
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Certificates for low-flame spread see information sheet 1883
Food certificates see information sheet 1884
Recognized corrosion control coating (Lloyds register) see information sheet 1886
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a two page issue December 1999
revision of 1-1997
The formulations of coating systems, suitable and approved for drinking water tanks, call for close
consideration of a variety of important factors.
In addition to an excellent resistance to water it is of extreme importance that the coating does not cause
tainting, neither should the migration of any substance affect the water in such a way that it is injurious to
the health of the consumer. These and other requirements demand that stringent controls must be exercised
in the choice and the composition of the raw materials used. Also, surface pretreatment, application and
curing of the system must be carried out with great care and under close supervision.
The requirements for the issue of an approval certificate for coatings for the carriage of drinking water vary
from country to country. Our systems have, therefore, been tested by several prominent institutes
throughout the world.
Full cure is essential in view of the possibility of migration if this is not effected. An incompletely cured
coating which might contain solvents gives a strong likelihood of the migration of unwanted substances as
well as bacterial growth or early damage of coating. For this reason special attention must be given to the
provision of adequate ventilation, which must be continuous throughout the application and curing period.
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
For recommended application instructions see working procedure
SPECIFICATION 1 a high build pure epoxy based system
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 ISO-Sa3
blasting profile (R
); 50-100 m
paint system Sigmaguard CSF 85 300 m
sharp edges, weld seams, bolts, etc. to be stripe coated
note 1 certified by:
The Netherlands Waterworks' Testing and Research institute KIWA N.V.
ref. nr. K12827/01
The Water Quality Centre ref. nr. M 101323
curing times for drinking water tanks Sigmaguard CSF 85 must not be applied at
temperatures below 10C and the curing times are longer in view of
unreacted components
before using the freshly coated tanks, a tankwash should be carried out
(see appendix)
at a temperature of 40C - 5 days
at a temperature of 30C - 7 days
at a temperature of 20C - 12 days
at a temperature of 10C - 20 days
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December 1999
Sigmaguard CSF 85 see product data sheet 7985
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Certificates for low-flame spread see information sheet 1883
Food certificates see information sheet 1884
Recognized corrosion control coating (Lloyds register) see information sheet 1886
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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Cleaning procedure - drinking water tank coating system
a one page issue October 1999
All personnel should wear watertight suits, boots and gloves properly cleaned with a sodium hypochlorite
solution (1% active chlorine per liter).
All tank sides, bottom and deckheads etc. should be brush cleaned or high-pressure spray cleaned with
1% active chlorine solution as above.
Note: this can also be done by butterworth washing.
All parts should be high pressure cleaned with tap water and tanks drained.
Concentrated active chlorine solution should be sprinkled on bottom; approx. 1 ltr/10 m.
Tanks should be filled with tap water to a depth of approx. 20 cm and the water should remain in the tank
for at least 2 hours (max. 24 hours).
Tanks should be thoroughly flushed out with tap water.
Depending upon local regulations it may be necessary to take water samples, after filling tank completely,
to check on bacteria.
After this procedure the tanks will be fit to carry drinking water.
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a two page issue December 1999
Sigmaguard CSF 7462 tankcoating system is a 2 coat, solvent free epoxy tank lining, with excellent
resistance against a wide range of chemicals.
Prefabrication primers must be removed. This tankcoating system consists of a 2 coats to be applied at a dft
of 150 m minimum per coat.
The specified total minimum dry film thickness is 300 m, locally the maximum dft should not exceed
800 m.
Sharp edges, holes, backsides of bulbs, weld seams and other areas not readily accessible to sprayguns
should be stripe coated by brush with the next coat of the system to achieve the specified film thickness.
For detailed information on resistance and resistance notes, please refer to latest issue of the Cargo
Resistance List.
For recommended application instructions see working procedure
SPECIFICATION 1 recommended system for chemical and solvent resistance
(according to latest issue of the Cargo Resistance List)
pretreatment steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
blasting profile (Rz); 50-100 m
paint system Sigmaguard CSF 7462 blue 150 m
Sigmaguard CSF 7462 green 150 m
SPECIFICATION 2 maintenance of minor defects
pretreatment corroded mechanically damaged spots and other defects should be freed
from rust and any contamination by reblasting to ISO-Sa2 (preferably
vacuum blasting) or disc sanding according to SPSS-Pt3
the areas surrounding the cleaned spots should be feather edged or
sanded in order to obtain good adhesion
paint system original system specification, if repaired by brush, at least, 2 coats have to
be applied in order to achieve the specified minimum dry film thickness
(300 m)
Sigmaguard Maintenance 125 m
Sigmaguard Maintenance 125 m
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December 1999
CURING TABLE substrate min. curing time of Sigmaguard CSF 7462 tankcoating
temperature system before transport of cargoes without note 4,
7, 8 or 11 and ballast water and tanktest with
5C 15 days
10C 7 days
20C 5 days
30C 3 days
40C 2 days
minimum curing time of Sigmaguard CSF 7462 tankcoating system
before transport of cargoes with note 4, 7, 8 or 11: 3 months
for detailed information on resistance and resistance notes, please refer
to latest issue of the Cargo Resistance List
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
Sigmaguard CSF 7462 see product data sheet 7462
Sigmaguard Maintenance see product data sheet 7455
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/2
a two page issue December 1999
revision of 5-1997
DESCRIPTION high build bituminous coating
PRINCIPAL a high build protective coating for steel, concrete and fibre cement
CHARACTERISTICS good resistance to sea water and freshwater
used to protect ballast tanks, void spaces, cofferdams, steelwork behind
linings, pipes and container chassis
sag resistance 3 mm
COLOURS AND GLOSS black - flat
BASIC DATA AT 20C (1 g/cm = 8,25 lb/US gal; 1 m/l = 40,7 ft/US gal)
Mass density approx. 1,2 g/cm
Solids content approx. 57 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 3,0 lb/gal - 361 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 250-500 m depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 2,3 m/l for 250 m, 1,1 m/l for 500 m
Touch dry after 8 hours at 5 - 10C, 6 hours at 20C, 4 hours at 30C,
3 hours at 40C
Overcoating interval min. 8 hours at 5 - 20C
max. unlimited
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point 35C
RECOMMENDED steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS steel; power tool cleaned to minimum ISO-St2
AND TEMPERATURES previous coat; dry and free from any contamination
substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheet 3108
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C otherwise extra
thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 5 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,58 mm (= 0,023 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 15 MPa (= 120 - 150 bar, 1700 - 2100 p.s.i.)
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150897 black 8000002200
page 2/2
December 1999
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
Volume of thinner 5 - 10 %
Nozzle orifice 2 - 3 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,3 - 0,4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar, 35 - 57 p.s.i.)
BRUSH/ROLLER only for touch up and spot repair
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
NOTE adequate ventilation is required during application and at least 3 days during
drying to ensure evaporation of solvents
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS relatively harmless paint, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 84 m
b. to reach TLV = 551 m
Sigma thinner 20-05 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 209 m
b. to reach TLV = 1343 m
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/3
a three page issue October 1999
revision of 1-1999
DESCRIPTION one component tar free coating for maintenance of ballast tanks
PRINCIPAL good resistance to sea water
CHARACTERISTICS good anticorrosive properties under humid conditions
surface tolerant coating
good adhesion on most existing coatings
COLOURS AND GLOSS grey and green - semigloss
Mass density approx. 1,2 g/cm
Solids content approx. 62 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 2,5 lb/gal - 303 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 150-200 m per coat
Theoretical spreading rate 4,1 m/l for 150 m, 3,1 m/l for 200 m
Touch dry after 4 hours at 20C, 24 hours at 5-10C
Overcoating interval min. 24 hours at 20C
max. unlimited
Curing 2 days at 20C
4 days at 5-10C
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point 38C (theoretical)
RECOMMENDED SUBSTRATE for immersed areas:
CONDITIONS AND steel; power tool cleaned to ISO-St2 or hydrojetted to DW2
TEMPERATURES (STG guidelines No. 2222) or VIS WJ4 L (NACE/SSPC)
previous coat; dry and free from any contamination
Note: any sharp edges of the existing system should be removed
substrate temperature should be above 5C and at least 3C above dew
two full coats of 150 m dft, min. total dft 300 m
for areas of firmly adhering intact coating and breakdown:
1 x 200 m touch up of exposed steel
1 x 100 m full coat
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page 2/3
October 1999
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C, otherwise extra
thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,58-0,68 mm (= 0,023-0,027 in)
Nozzle pressure 25 - 30 MPa (= 250 - 300 bar, 3500 - 4200 p.s.i.)
BRUSH/ROLLER only for touch up and spot repair
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
VENTILATION adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS relatively harmless paint, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 82 m
b. to reach TLV = 527 m
Sigma thinner 20-05 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 209 m
b. to reach TLV = 1343 m
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
back to previous view
178471 grey 9000002200
183660 green 4000002200
page 3/3
October 1999
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/3
a three page issue December 1999
revision of 9-1998
DESCRIPTION one component high build multi purpose primer
PRINCIPAL for newbuilding and onboard maintenance for above water areas
CHARACTERISTICS overcoatable with various alkyd, chlorinated rubber and acrylic coatings
fast drying
good anticorrosive properties
surface tolerant
COLOURS AND GLOSS grey, redbrown, offwhite - flat
Mass density approx. 1,3 g/cm
Solids content approx. 42 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 4,2 lb/gal - 503 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 75 m per coat
Theoretical spreading rate 5,6 m/l for 75 m
Touch dry after 1 hour at 20C, 2 hours at 5C
Overcoating interval min. 2 hours *
max. unlimited
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point 36C
RECOMMENDED steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 or powertool cleaned to min. ISO-St2
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS overlap of the primer onto existing aged coatings (alkyd, acrylics or
AND TEMPERATURES chlorinated rubber) by 2-3 cm
substrate temperature should be above 5C and at least 3C above
dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheets 3102, 3103, 3104, 3105, 3107
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C otherwise extra
thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,43 - 0,48 mm (=0,017 - 0,019 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 - 18 MPa (= approx. 150 - 180 bar; 2100 - 2500 p.s.i.)
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page 2/3
December 1999
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 5 - 10 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 1,7 - 2,0 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,2 - 0,3 MPa (= approx. 2 - 3 bar; 28 - 42 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS safety goggles, protective gloves and fresh air half mask recommended,
see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 101 m
b. to reach TLV = 1097 m
Sigma thinner 21-06 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 181 m
b. to reach TLV = 4172 m
Overcoating table paint type substrate temperature
5C 25C 35C
minimum interval in hours before overcoating with:
Sigmarine multiprimer 4 2 1
Sigmarine BTD 3 2 1
Sigma Topacryl coating * 12 8 4
Chlorinated rubber coatings 12 8 4
maximum interval no limitations, provided that the surface
is free from any contamination
* note: Sigma Topacryl finish requires Sigma Topacryl coating as undercoat
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
back to previous view
157149 grey 5000002200
157148 redbrown 2008002200
178375 offwhite 7001002200
page 3/3
December 1999
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/2
a two page issue October 1999
revision of 5-1997
DESCRIPTION high build modified aluminium primer
PRINCIPAL highly impermeable to water
CHARACTERISTICS good wetting properties
good adhesion to steel, aged conventional paint substrates and shop
primed steel
very tolerant to dry docking conditions
easy to apply by airless spray
suitable as sealer coat for a variety of leached out antifouling types
COLOURS AND GLOSS aluminium light and dark - flat
Mass density approx. 1,2 g/cm
Solids content approx. 43 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 4,0 lb/gal - 484 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 75 m
Theoretical spreading rate 5,7 m/l for 75 m
Touch dry after 30 minutes at temperatures of 5-25C
Overcoating interval min. 6 hours at 20C
max. unlimited
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point 26C
RECOMMENDED steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss
AND TEMPERATURES aged conventional coat; high pressure water cleaned to remove all
the temperature of the substrate should be at least 3C above dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine see system sheets 3101, 3102
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C otherwise extra
thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,48 - 0,58 mm (=0,019 - 0,023 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 15 MPa (= approx. 120 - 150 bar; 1700 - 2100 p.s.i.)
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136765 dark 0100002200
136766 light 0200002200
page 2/2
October 1999
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 104 m
b. to reach TLV = 1129 m
Sigma thinner 21-06 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 213 m
b. to reach TLV = 4172 m
Overcoating table paint type substrate temperature
5C 10C 20C 30C
minimum interval in hours before overcoating with:
Sigmarine alu primer 10 8 4 3
Sigma Pilot Ecol antifouling 18 12 6 4
maximum interval no limitations, provided that the surface
is free from any contamination
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/2
a two page issue October 1999
revision of 1-1995
DESCRIPTION an alkyd based anticorrosive primer, pigmented with red lead or red lead/red
PRINCIPAL good rust preventing properties
CHARACTERISTICS available in two shades which are interchangeable
to be used in conventional paint systems
general approval for low flame spread: see sheet 1883A
COLOURS AND GLOSS orange (= light), brown (= dark), flat
Mass density approx. 1,6 g/cm
Solids content approx. 57,0 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 2,9 lb/gal - 355 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 35 m
Theoretical spreading rate 16,3 m/l
Touch dry after 3 hours at 5C-10C, 30 minutes at 20C
Overcoating interval min. 36 hours at 5C-10C, 16 hours at 20C
max. no limitations
Shelf life (cool and dry place) 12 months
Flash point 38C
RECOMMENDED steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS steel without mill scale; according to ISO-St3
AND TEMPERATURES shop primed steel; according to SPSS-Ss or SPSS-Pt2
weld seams, flamecut or gasburned areas; according to SPSS-Pt3 the
temperature of the substrate should be at least 3C above dew point
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C otherwise extra
thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,43 - 0,48 mm (= 0,017 - 0,019 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 15 MPa (= approx. 120 - 150 bar; 1700 - 2100 p.s.i.)
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157189 dark 0100002200
157155 light 0200002200
page 2/2
October 1999
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 2 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 87 m
b. to reach TLV = 596 m
Sigma thinner 20-05 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 209 m
b. to reach TLV = 1343 m
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/2
a two page issue February 2000
revision of 10-1995
DESCRIPTION modified zinc phosphate alkyd primer
PRINCIPAL excellent anticorrosive properties for atmospheric and high temperature
CHARACTERISTICS exposure conditions
good adhesion to pretreated steel and pretreated aluminium
fast drying
lead and chromate free
COLOURS AND GLOSS offwhite and limited colour range available - eggshell
BASIC DATA AT 20C (1 g/cm = 8,25 lb/US gal; 1 m/l = 40,7 ft/US gal)
Mass density approx. 1,4 g/cm
Solids content approx. 49 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 3,0 lb/gal - 368 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 35 m
Theoretical spreading rate 14 m/l for 35 m
Touch dry after 3 hours at 5-10C, 1,5 hours at 20C
Overcoating interval min. 36 hours at 5-10C, 18 hours at 20C
max. an interval of several months can be allowed, thorough cleaning is
essential before overcoating
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point 40C
RECOMMENDED steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS steel; power tool cleaned to min. ISO-St2
AND TEMPERATURES shop primed steel; sweep blasted or power tool cleaned to SPSS-Ss or
aluminium; etched and passivated etch primed or sufficiently roughened
previous coat; dry and free from any contamination
substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point
substrate temperature may not exceed 50C
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C otherwise extra
thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 10 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,43 mm (= 0,017 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 15 MPa (= approx. 120 - 150 bar; 1700 - 2100 p.s.i.)
back to previous view
135362 offwhite 9001262200
page 2/2
February 2000
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3%
Nozzle orifice 1,8 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,35 MPa (=approx. 3,5 bar; 50 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 5 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant material safety data sheet
this is a solvent based paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation
of spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and
exposed skin or eyes
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/2
a two page issue October 1999
revision of 5-1997
DESCRIPTION modified zinc phosphate alkyd primer
PRINCIPAL economic general purpose maintenance and newbuilding primer
CHARACTERISTICS suitable for use on superstructures and on steel surfaces not normally
exposed to water immersion
the adhesion of subsequent coats is not affected by long weathering
periods of the primer
lead and chromate free
should not be used over zinc primers, except when exposed to dry
interior conditions
to be recoated with conventional paint systems
a thickness of 75 m can be obtained by spray application in one
operation by means of the crosscoat technique
certificate for low flame spread: see sheet 1883
COLOURS AND GLOSS yellow and brown (offwhite only on request) - flat
Mass density approx. 1,4 g/cm
Solids content approx. 56 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 2,8 lb/gal - 341 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 35 m
Theoretical spreading rate 16,0 m/l for 35 m
Touch dry after 3 hours at 5C, 2 hours at 20C
Overcoating interval min. 48 hours at 5C, 24 hours at 20C
max. no limitations
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point 38C
RECOMMENDED steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS steel; power tool cleaned to min. ISO-St2
AND TEMPERATURES shop primed steel; sweep blasted or power tool cleaned to SPSS-Ss or
previous coat; dry and free from any contamination
substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point but not
above 50C
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheets 3102, 3103, 3104, 3105, 3107, 3108
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C, otherwise extra
thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
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136774 brown 2000002200
136775 yellow 3000002200
page 2/2
October 1999
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,43 - 0,48 mm (= 0,017 - 0,019 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 15 MPa (= approx. 120 - 150 bar; 1700 - 2100 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 2 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 90 m
b. to reach TLV = 608 m
Sigma thinner 20-05 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 209 m
b. to reach TLV = 1343 m
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/3
a three page issue October 1999
revision of 1-1999
DESCRIPTION water borne acrylic zinc phosphate primer
PRINCIPAL primer for interior accomodation, machinery spaces and superstructure
CHARACTERISTICS particularly suitable when solvents are not permitted because of health
and safety reasons
low flame spread
excellent adhesion to various types of old or weathered paint with
minimum pretreatment
good anticorrosive properties
fast drying and recoatable
can be overcoated with various dispersion paints paints and alkyds
allows safer working during hull outfitting of new buildings
COLOURS AND GLOSS buff, offwhite, grey - flat
AND RH 50%
Mass density approx. 1,3 g/cm
Solids content approx. 44 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 0,3 lb/gal - 37 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 50-75 m per coat
Theoretical spreading rate 8,8 m/l for 50 m, 6,6 m/l for 75 m
Touch dry after 4 hours at 5C, 2 hours at 10C, 45-60 minutes at 20C
Overcoating interval min. 8 hours at 5C, 6 hours at 10C, 4 hours at 20C
max. unlimited
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months, keep above 0C
Flash point above 65C
RECOMMENDED steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 or powertool cleaned to ISO-St3
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS steel with approved shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss or
AND TEMPERATURES powertool cleaned to SPSS-Pt2
previous suitable coat; dry and free from any contamination
substrate temperature should be at least 5C during application and
curing and at least 3C above dew point
maximum relative humidity during application and curing 75 %
good ventilation is required during application and curing (please refer to
sheet 1433 and 1434)
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheets 3104 and 3105
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page 2/3
October 1999
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C otherwise extra water
may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much water results in lower sag resistance
Recommended thinner tap water
Volume of thinner 0 - 5 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,48-0,58 mm (= 0,019 - 0,023 in)
Nozzle pressure 12-15 MPa (= approx. 120 - 150 bar; 1700 - 2100 p.s.i.)
BRUSH/ROLLER long haired brush or polyether roller with rounded edges
Recommended thinner tap water
Volume of thinner 0-5 %
CLEANING SOLVENT tap water and Sigmalith cleaner (flash point 75C)
Cleaning Procedures of the spray equipment
Pulsator filter and tip filter must be taken out of the equipment and cleaned
Following tables illustrate the cleaning procedure of the spray equipment
when changing spraying from solvent borne paint to water borne paints
(table 1) and from water borne paints to solvent borne paints (table 2)
Table 1 from solvent borne- to water borne paints
paint type: alkyd chlorinated epoxy
1st cleaning with
Sigma thinner 20-05 21-22 90-53
2nd cleaning with Sigmalith cleaner
3rd cleaning with water
after which water borne paints can be sprayed
Table 2 from water borne- to solvent borne paints
1st cleaning with warm tap water
2nd cleaning with Sigmalith cleaner
3rd cleaning with
Sigma thinner none none 90-53
paint type: alkyd chlorinated epoxy
Sigmalith cleaner (flash point 75C) can be re-used
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146106 offwhite 7001002200
146107 grey 5000002200
173148 buff 3147052200
111563 Sigmalith cleaner 5 l
146042 Sigmalith cleaner 20 l
page 3/3
October 1999
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS relatively harmless paint, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 0 m
b. to reach TLV = 230 m
Sigmalith cleaner a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 119 m
b. to reach TLV = 3170 m
Film thickness and theoretical spreading
spreading rate rate m/l 8,8 6,6
dft in m 50 75
max. dft without sagging with airless spray : 100 m
min. dft for closed film with airless spray : 35 m
max. dft when brushing: 50 m
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/4
a four page issue December 1999
revision of 1-1998
DESCRIPTION two component moisture curing, zinc (ethyl) silicate prefabrication primer
PRINCIPAL suitable for automatic application on shot blasted steel plates
CHARACTERISTICS fast drying properties
good cutting and welding properties, including MIG/MAG welding in
various positions (either automatic or manual welding)
provides corrosion protection up to 9 months when applied at a dft of
13 m (depending on exposure conditions and blasting profile)
can be used as a first coat in various paint systems
suitable for seawater immersion in combination with controlled cathodic
protection systems
excellent thermal stability minimizes heat damage during hot work
no adherence of weldspatter at surrounding primed surface
approved by Lloyds Register of Shipping for use as prefabrication primer
(see sheet 1880)
Health certificate from North of England Industrial Health Service
(see sheet 1881)
COLOURS AND GLOSS reddish grey - flat
BASIC DATA (1 g/cm = 8,25 lb/US gal; 1 m/l = 40,7 ft/US gal)
(data for mixed product at 20C and 50% RH)
Mass density approx. 1,5 g/cm
Solids content approx. 30% by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 5,5 lb/gal - 663 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 13 m see further: Recommended substrate conditions and
Theoretical spreading rate 20 m/l for 13 m
Touch dry 6 min. at substrate temperature of 20C
3 min. at substrate temperature of 40C
Overcoating interval min. 3 days
max. 9 months
longer overcoating intervals can be permitted when primer is still in sound
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) binder: at least 9 months
paste: at least 12 months
Flash point binder 15,5C, paste 28C
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page 2/4
December 1999
RECOMMENDED steel; shot blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 blasting profile (R
); 40-70 m
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS on steel blasted to above profile, the recommended dft, 13 m,
AND TEMPERATURES corresponds to 15 m as measured on a smooth test panel
minimum thickness for a closed film is 13 m measured on a smooth
test panel
substrate temperature may be up to max. 35C
for automatic application a substrate temperature of 30C is
the temperature of the substrate should be at least 3C above dew point
relative humidity during curing should be above 50%
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION primers system sheet 3015
SECONDARY SURFACE during storage and construction, contamination of the prefabrication
PREPARATION primer should be limited
after fabrication, surface defects should be treated according to the
scheme below
where two possible surface treatments are indicated, the choice of
treatment is dependent on the location and on the system to be applied
(see system sheets)
the preferred pretreatment for optimal results is shown; other
possibilities are indicated in brackets
exposure conditions immersed atmospheric
contamination to be removed to be removed
weldseams ISO-Sa2 SPSS-Pt2
burned areas ISO-Sa2 SPSS-Ss
(SPSS-Pt3) (SPSS-Pt2)
damaged corroded areas ISO-Sa2 SPSS-Ss
(SPSS-Pt3) (SPSS-Pt2)
white rust SPSS-ID Pt2 SPSS-ID Pt1
(SCAP *) (SCAP *)
* cleaning by silicon carbide impregnated abrasive pad
Note that the back of welded plate may show discoloration (especially on
plate where fillets have been welded on), this is not to be confused with
burned areas and do not require special treatment. Burned through areas
may be present (this happens especially when welding thin steel) and these
should then be treated as per burned areas above.
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page 3/4
December 1999
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: binder to paste 55 : 45
the temperature of the mixture of binder and paste should be above 15C
stir the paste thoroughly before adding the binder
add gradually one third of the binder to the pigment paste
stir thoroughly till homogeneous
add remaining binder and continue stirring until the mixture is
strain mixture through a 30-60 mesh screen
mixed paint is ready for use
some addition of thinner (Sigma thinner 90-53, flash point 30C) might
be necessary depending on routing, line speed and steel temperature
agitate continuously during application
Pot life 24 hours at 20C
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 5 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,43 - 0,53 mm (= 0,017 - 0,021 in)
Nozzle pressure 8 - 12 MPa (= approx. 80 - 120 bar; 1140 - 1710 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 5 %
Nozzle orifice 1 - 1,5 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,3 MPa (= approx. 3 bar; 43 p.s.i.)
CLEANING SOLVENT recommended Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 110 m
b. to reach TLV = 1140 m
Sigma thinner 90-53 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 159 m
b. to reach TLV = 3501 m
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179169 redgrey 5010002180
page 4/4
December 1999
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Relative humidity - substrate temperature - Air temperature see information sheet 1650
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/4
a four page issue November 1999
revision of 5-1997
DESCRIPTION two component moisture curing, low zinc (ethyl) silicate prefabrication
PRINCIPAL suitable for automatic application on shot blasted steel plates
CHARACTERISTICS fast drying properties
good cutting and excellent welding properties, including MIG/MAG
welding in various positions (either automatic or manual welding)
provides regular, smooth weld seams
low fume release during welding and cutting
no adherence of weldspatter at surrounding primed surface
excellent thermal stability minimizes heat damage during hot work
can be used as a first coat in various paint systems
suitable for seawater immersion in combination with controlled cathodic
protection systems
approved by Lloyds Register of Shipping for use as prefabrication primer
(see sheet 1880)
Health certificate from North of England Industrial Health Service
(see sheet 1881)
COLOURS AND GLOSS redbrown (grey on request) - flat
BASIC DATA (1 g/cm = 8,25 lb/US gal; 1 m/l = 40,7 ft/US gal)
(data for mixed product at 20C and 50% RH)
Mass density approx. 1,3 g/cm
Solids content approx. 25% by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 5,8 lb/gal - 692 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 18 m see further: Recommended substrate conditions and
Theoretical spreading rate 11,4 m/l for 18 m
Touch dry 6 min. at substrate temperature of 20C
3 min. at substrate temperature of 40C
Overcoating interval min. 3 days
max. 6 months
longer overcoating intervals can be permitted when primer is still in sound
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) binder: at least 9 months
paste: at least 12 months
Flash point binder 15,5C, paste 23,5C
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page 2/4
November 1999
RECOMMENDED steel; shot blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 blasting profile (R
); 40-70 m
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS on steel blasted to above profile, the recommended dft, 18 m,
AND TEMPERATURES corresponds to 22 m as measured on a smooth test panel
minimum thickness for a closed film is 15 m measured on a smooth
test panel
substrate temperature may be up to max. 35C
for automatic application a substrate temperature of 30C is
the temperature of the substrate should be at least 3C above dew point
relative humidity during curing should be above 50%
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION primers system sheet 3015
SECONDARY SURFACE during storage and construction, contamination of the prefabrication
PREPARATION primer should be limited
after fabrication, surface defects should be treated according to the
scheme below
where two possible surface treatments are indicated, the choice of
treatment is dependent on the location and on the system to be applied
(see system sheets)
the preferred pretreatment for optimal results is shown; other
possibilities are indicated in brackets
exposure condi t i ons i mmersed at mospheri c
contamination to be removed to be removed
weldseams ISO-Sa2 SPSS-Pt2
burned areas ISO-Sa2 SPSS-Ss
(SPSS-Pt3) (SPSS-Pt2)
damaged corroded areas ISO-Sa2 SPSS-Ss
(SPSS-Pt3) (SPSS-Pt2)
white rust SPSS-ID Pt2 SPSS-ID Pt1
(SCAP *) (SCAP *)
* cleaning by silicon carbide impregnated abrasive pad
Note that the back of welded plate may show discoloration (especially on
plate where fillets have been welded on), this is not to be confused with
burned areas and do not require special treatment. Burned through areas
may be present (this happens especially when welding thin steel) and these
should then be treated as per burned areas above.
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page 3/4
November 1999
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: binder to paste 66,7 : 33,3
the temperature of the mixture of binder and paste should be above 15C
stir the paste thoroughly before adding the binder
add gradually one third of the binder to the pigment paste
stir thoroughly till homogeneous
add remaining binder and continue stirring until the mixture is
strain mixture through a 30-60 mesh screen
mixed paint is ready for use
some addition of thinner (Sigma thinner 90-53, flash point 30C) might
be necessary depending on routing, line speed and steel temperature
agitate continuously during application
Pot life 24 hours at 20C
Recommended thinner no thinner to be added
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,43 - 0,53 mm (= 0,017 - 0,021 in)
Nozzle pressure 8 - 12 MPa (= approx. 80 - 120 bar; 1140 - 1710 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner no thinner to be added
Nozzle orifice 1 - 1,5 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,3 MPa (= approx. 3 bar; 43 p.s.i.)
CLEANING SOLVENT recommended Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 112 m
b. to reach TLV =1798 m
Sigma thinner 90-53 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 159 m
b. to reach TLV =3501 m
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179165 redbrown 2008002180
179167 grey 5000002180
page 4/4
November 1999
Worl dwi de avai l abi l i t y Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Relative humidity - substrate temperature - Air temperature see information sheet 1650
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/2
a two page issue October 1999
revision of 1-1995
DESCRIPTION single pack penetrating coating, based on a low viscous modified alkyd
PRINCIPAL due to its penetration and adhesion properties it binds adhering rust
CHARACTERISTICS that cannot be removed by wirebrushing; therefore it is a very suitable
product in dry cargo holds and similar places, to give these spaces a
reasonable protective coat without extensive derusting surface
preparation, thus saving considerable time and money
COLOURS AND GLOSS aluminium - eggshell
Mass density approx. 0,9 g/cm
Solids content approx. 41% by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 3,8 lb/gal - 460 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 25 m
Theoretical spreading rate 16,4 m/l
Touch dry after 4 hours
Overcoating interval min. not applicable
max. not applicable
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point 38C
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION one coat is sufficient, surfaces do not require to be derusted extensively
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C otherwise extra
thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,38 - 0,48 mm (= 0,015 - 0,019 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 15 MPa (= approx. 120 - 150 bar; 1700 - 2100 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
Volume of thinner 5 - 10 %
Nozzle orifice 1,5 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,2 - 0,3 MPa (= approx. 2 - 3 bar; 28 - 42 p.s.i.)
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145588 aluminium 9000002200
page 2/2
October 1999
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS relatively harmless paint, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 121 m
b. to reach TLV = 806 m
Sigma thinner 20-05 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 209 m
b. to reach TLV = 1343 m
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/2
a two page issue October 1999
revision of 1-1995
DESCRIPTION alkyd undercoating
PRINCIPAL suitable in alkyd paint systems
CHARACTERISTICS especially formulated for maintenance work by brush or roller
max. dft for airless spray 40 m
good adhesion to anticorrosive primers and old paint systems
easy application by brush with excellent flow, giving a smooth eggshell
good drying properties even at low temperatures
can be tinted by max. 5 % alkyd based tinting paste
COLOURS AND GLOSS white - eggshell
Mass density approx. 1,2 g/cm
Solids content approx. 45 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 3,7 lb/gal - 444 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 35 m
Theoretical spreading rate 12,9 m/l for 35 m
Touch dry after 6 hours at 10C, 2 hours at 20C
Overcoating interval min. 24 hours at 10C, 16 hours at 20C
max. unlimited
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point 37C
RECOMMENDED suitable primer; (e.g. Sigmaferro primer ZP, Sigmarine primer ZP) dry
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS and free from any contamination
AND TEMPERATURES not suitable for zinc primed steel
substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheets 3104, 3105
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C otherwise extra
thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
Volume of thinner 5 - 10 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,43 mm (= 0,017 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2100 p.s.i.)
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136707 white 7000002200
page 2/2
October 1999
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
Volume of thinner 15 - 20 %
Nozzle orifice 1,8 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,35 MPa (= approx. 3,5 bar; 50 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 2 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS relatively harmless paint, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 116 m
b. to reach TLV = 743 m
Sigma thinner 20-05 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 209 m
b. to reach TLV = 1343 m
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/3
a three page issue December 1999
revision of 5-1997
DESCRIPTION a general purpose gloss paint based on a modified alkyd resin
PRINCIPAL particularly suitable as a finish for boottop, topside, deck and deck-
a quick drying, hard, tough, water- and weather resistant coating with
moderate gloss retention
can be applied over intact existing conventional systems, on Sigmarine
undercoat and on suitable primers, such as Sigmarine alu primer,
Sigmarine primer ZP or Sigmarine primer RL depending on the location
good adhesion properties in wet and dry exposure conditions
this coating is particularly suitable for areas intermittently exposed to
water-immersion and atmospheric conditions
also available with non-skid material (supplied separately) for use on
deck surfaces
certificate for low-flame spread: see sheet 1883
COLOURS AND GLOSS see marine shadecard - gloss
Mass density approx. 1,1 g/cm
Solids content approx. 45-49% (colours) - 48% (white) by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 3,5 lb/gal - 420 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 35 m per coat
Theoretical spreading rate 12,8-14,0 m/l (colours) - 13,7 m/l (white) for 35 m
Touch dry after 1 hour at 20C, 3 hours at 5C
Overcoating interval min. 16 hours at 20C, 24 hours at 5 - 10C
max. no limitations
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point 38C
RECOMMENDED previous coat; dry and free from any contamination
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS the temperature of the substrate should be at least 3C above dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION systems for boottop and topside system sheet 3102
systems for superstructure and deck fitting system sheet 3104
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December 1999
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C otherwise extra
thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 2 %
Nozzle orifice 0,38 - 0,46 mm (= 0,015 - 0,018 in)
Nozzle pressure 8 - 12 MPa (= approx. 80 - 120 bar; 1140 - 1700 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
Volume of thinner 10 - 15 %
Nozzle orifice 2 - 3 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,3 - 0,4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 2 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS relatively harmless paint, depending on colour
see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant material safety data sheet for
detailed safety information
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 116 m
b. to reach TLV = 771 m
Sigma thinner 20-05 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 209 m
b. to reach TLV = 1343 m
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
back to previous view
136828 white 7000002200
page 3/3
December 1999
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
136845 white 6349700000
page 1/2
a two page issue October 1999
revision of 1-1995
DESCRIPTION high gloss alkyd finishing coat
PRINCIPAL suitable for interior and exterior use
CHARACTERISTICS easy application by brush with excellent flow
good weather resistance
high opacity
good colour retention
gas proof: no discolouration with sulphur dioxyde
not suitable for immersion in water or continuous splash of water
can be applied over intact alkyd paints
certificate for low-flame spread: see sheet 1883
COLOURS AND GLOSS white (other colours available on request) - gloss
col ours whi t e
Mass density approx. 0,9-1,2 g/cm approx. 1,2 g/cm
Solids content approx. 50-55 % by volume approx. 50 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 3,2 lb/gal - 390 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 35 m per coat 35 m per coat
Theoretical spreading rate 14,3-15,7 m/l for 35 m 14,3 m/l for 35 m
Touch dry after 3 hours 3 hours
Overcoating interval min. 16 hours min. 16 hours
max. unlimited max. unlimited
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months at least 12 months
Flash point 39C 39C
RECOMMENDED previous suitable coat; (e.g. Sigmarine undercoat, Sigmaferro primer ZP,
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS Sigmarine primer ZP) dry and free from any contamination and
AND TEMPERATURES sufficiently roughened if necessary
substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheets 3104, 3105
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C otherwise extra
thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 2 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,28 mm (= 0,011 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 MPa (= approx. 120 bar; 1700 p.s.i.)
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136845 white 6349700000
page 2/2
October 1999
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
Volume of thinner 10 - 15 %
Nozzle orifice 1,8 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,3 - 0,4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheett
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of: depends on colour
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 99 m
b. to reach TLV = 680 m
Sigma thinner 20-05 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 209 m
b. to reach TLV =1343 m
Worl dwi de avai l abi l i t y Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/3
a three page issue October 1999
revision of 1-1999
DESCRIPTION water borne acrylic finish
PRINCIPAL finish for interior accommodation, machinery spaces and superstructure
CHARACTERISTICS especially designed for airless application
particularly suitable when solvents are not permitted because of health
and safety reasons
low flame spread
fast drying and recoatable
good resistance against weathering
good colour retention
allows safer working during hull outfitting of new buildings
COLOURS AND GLOSS white (other colours on request) - gloss
AND RH 50%
Mass density approx. 1,2 g/cm
Solids content approx. 34 % by volume depending on colour
VOC (supplied) max. 0,1 lb/gal - 17 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 50 m per coat
Theoretical spreading rate 6.8 m/l for 50 m
Touch dry after 6 hours at 5C, 3 hours at 10C, 1 hour at 20C
Overcoating interval min. 24 hours at 5C, 16 hours at 10C, 6 hours at 20C
max. unlimited
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months, keep above 0C
Flash point above 65C
RECOMMENDED previous suitable coat; dry and free from any contamination
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS substrate temperature should be at least 5C during application and
AND TEMPERATURES curing and at least 3C above dew point
maximum relative humidity during application and curing 75 %
good ventilation is required during application and curing (please refer to
sheet 1433 and 1434)
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheets 3104 and 3105
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C otherwise extra water
may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much water results in lower sag resistance
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page 2/3
October 1999
Recommended thinner tap water
Volume of thinner 0 - 5 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,28 - 0,33 mm (= 0,011 - 0,013 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 15 MPa (= approx. 120 - 150 bar; 1700 - 2100 p.s.i.)
CLEANING SOLVENT tap water and Sigmalith cleaner (flash point 75C)
Cleaning Procedures of the spray equipment
Pulsator filter and tip filter must be taken out of the equipment and cleaned
Following tables illustrate the cleaning procedure of the spray equipment
when changing spraying from solvent borne paint to water borne paints
(table 1) and from water borne paints to solvent borne paints (table 2)
Table 1 from solvent borne- to water borne paints
paint type: alkyd chlorinated epoxy
1st cleaning with
Sigma thinner 20-05 21-22 90-53
2nd cleaning with Sigmalith cleaner
3rd cleaning with water
after which water borne paints can be sprayed
Table 2 from water borne- to solvent borne paints
1st cleaning with warm tap water
2nd cleaning with Sigmalith cleaner
3rd cleaning with
Sigma thinner none none 90-53
paint type: alkyd chlorinated epoxy
Sigmalith cleaner (flash point 75C) can be re-used
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS relatively harmless paint, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 0 m
b. to reach TLV = 126 m
Sigmalith cleaner a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 119 m
b. to reach TLV = 3170 m
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146103 white 7000002200
146104 white 7000001400
111563 Sigmalith cleaner 5 l
146042 Sigmalith cleaner 20 l
page 3/3
October 1999
Film thickness and theoretical spreading
spreading rate rate m/l 9
dft in m 40
max. dft without sagging with airless spray : 50 m
min. dft for closed film with airless spray : 30 m
max. dft when brushing : 35 m
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/2
a two page issue December 1999
revision of 1-1995
DESCRIPTION modified alkyd aluminium finish
PRINCIPAL a high quality aluminium paint with an extensive range of applications for
CHARACTERISTICS exposure in atmospheric conditions
high brilliancy
spray application improves the appearance
a minimum drying time of 3 days should be allowed before exposure to
heat resistant up to 175C
COLOURS AND GLOSS aluminium - gloss
Mass density approx. 1,0 g/cm
Solids content approx. 47,0 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 3,4 lb/gal - 408 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 25 m per coat
Theoretical spreading rate 18,8 m/l for 25 m
Touch dry after 3 hours at 5 - 10C, 1 hour at 20C
Overcoating interval min. 36 hours at 5 - 10C, 16 hours at 20C
max. unlimited
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months,
longer storage period may affect the brilliancy
Flash point 38C
RECOMMENDED previous coat; dry and free from any contamination
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION for heat resistant systems - see system sheet 3140
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C otherwise extra
thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
Recommended thinner no thinner to be added
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,33 - 0,38 mm (= 0,013 - 0,015 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 15 MPa (= approx. 120 - 150 bar; 1700 - 2100 p.s.i.)
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136663 aluminium 9000002200
page 2/2
December 1999
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
Nozzle orifice 1,8 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,3 - 0,4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner no thinner to be added
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant material
safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 109 m
b. to reach TLV = 743 m
Sigma thinner 20-05 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 209 m
b. to reach TLV = 1343 m
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/2
a two page issue October 1999
revision of 6-1997
DESCRIPTION a heat-resisting aluminium paint, based on a modified alkyd resin
PRINCIPAL a high quality aluminium paint for exposure in atmospheric conditions
CHARACTERISTICS heat resistant from 200C - 500C; a minimum of 200C is necessary to
fuse the aluminium coating
application by spray improves the appearance
min. drying time before use: 3 days
COLOURS AND GLOSS aluminium - eggshell
Mass density approx. 1,1 g/cm
Solids content approx. 32 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 5,0 lb/gal - 600 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 25 m
Theoretical spreading rate 12,8 m/litre
Touch dry after 3 hours at 5 - 10C, 1 hour at 20C
Overcoating interval min. 48 hours at 5 - 10C, 24 hours at 20C
max. no limitations
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months,
longer storage period may affect the brilliancy
Flash point 33C
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION for heat resistant systems see system sheet 3140
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C otherwise extra
thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
Recommended thinner no thinner to be added
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,38 mm (= 0,015 in)
Nozzle pressure 8 - 12 MPa (= approx. 80 - 120 bar; 1140 - 1700 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner no thinner to be added
Nozzle orifice 2 - 3 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,3 - 0,4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)
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136661 aluminium 9000002200
page 2/2
October 1999
Recommended thinner no thinner to be added
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 125 m
b. to reach TLV = 1169 m
Sigma thinner 20-05 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 209 m
b. to reach TLV = 1343 m
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/2
a two page issue October 1999
revision of 1-1995
DESCRIPTION a finishing coat based on an alkyd modified petroleum resin pigmented with
PRINCIPAL for use in dry cargo holds
CHARACTERISTICS brilliant appearance and good protective properties
good impact resistance
COLOURS AND GLOSS aluminium - gloss
Mass density approx. 1,0 g/cm
Solids content approx. 47 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 3,4 lb/gal - 414 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 25 m per coat
Theoretical spreading rate 18,8 m/l
Touch dry after 45 min. at 20C, 90 min. at 5 - 10C
Overcoating interval min. 6 hours at 20C, 8 hours at 5 - 10C
max. no limitations
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months,
longer storage period may affect the brilliancy
Flash point 37C
RECOMMENDED previous coat; alkyd based e.g. Sigmarine undercoat, Sigmarine primer RL,
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS Sigmarine primer ZP; dry and free from any contamination
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C otherwise extra
thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
Recommended thinner no extra thinner needed
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,38 mm (= 0,015 in)
Nozzle pressure 8 - 12 MPa (= approx. 80 - 120 bar; 1140 - 1700 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner no extra thinner needed
Nozzle orifice 2 - 3 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,3 - 0,4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)
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136777 aluminium 9000002200
page 2/2
October 1999
Recommended thinner no extra thinner needed
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 106 m
b. to reach TLV = 744 m
Sigma thinner 20-05 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 209 m
b. to reach TLV = 1343 m
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/3
a three page issue October 1999
revision of 8-1999
DESCRIPTION high performance self polishing antifouling paint based on an organotin
copolymer binder and biocides
PRINCIPAL medium-slow polishing rate self polishing antifouling particularly suited
CHARACTERISTICS to ships operating at medium to high activity with limited stationary
suitable for upgrading most long life/diffusion antifoulings and
compatible with most self polishing antifoulings
prevents settlement of shell and weed fouling for periods up to 60
performance can be influenced by sailing pattern and routes
controlled hydrodissolving rate to give effective service life time
meets Federal EPA acceptability criteria on TBT release
COLOURS AND GLOSS redbrown and pink - flat
Mass density approx. 1,2 g/cm
Solids content approx. 50 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 3,6 lb/gal - 437 g/l (for pink)
Recommended dry film
thickness 75-150 m depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 6,7 m/l for 75 m, 3,3 m/l for 150 m *
Touch dry after 2 hours at 20C
Overcoating interval min. 6 hours *
max. 9 months
Refloating time min. 8 hours *
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point 33C
RECOMMENDED suitable high performance anticorrosive (coaltar epoxy, epoxy,
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS chlorinated rubber, vinyl tar)
AND TEMPERATURES existing self polishing antifoulings or longlife antifoulings in good
previous coat; dry and free from any contamination
substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point
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page 2/3
October 1999
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION Sigmaplane TA antifouling systems system sheet 3114
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C otherwise extra
thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,53 - 0,68 mm (= 0,021 - 0,027 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 15 MPa (= approx. 120 - 150 bar; 1700 - 2100 p.s.i.)
ROLLER/BRUSH only for touching up
max. dft achievable by brush or roller is 50 microns
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 95 m
b. to reach TLV = 1032 m
Sigma thinner 21-06 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 181 m
b. to reach TLV = 4172 m
Film thickness and theoretical
spreading rate spreading rate m/l 6,7 5,0 4,0 3,3
dft in m 75 100 125 150
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135431 redbrown 2008002200
170692 pink 6149002200
page 3/3
October 1999
Overcoating table
for Sigmaplane TA
at a dft of 100 m
minimum drying time in hours before overcoating with Sigmaplane TA
anticorrosive paint type substrate temperature
5C 10C 20C 30C
aproved anticorrosive coatings 18 12 6 4
Sigmaplane TA/HB antifouling 18 12 6 4
Time before refloating minimum drying time in hours for Sigmaplane TA antifouling before
substrate temperature
5C 10C 20C 30C
refloating 24 12 8 6
Notes the above data are a fair indication for normal drydockings
longer drying times may be necessary at higher dfts and under
unfavourable atmospheric conditions
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/3
a three page issue October 1999
revision of 8-1999
DESCRIPTION high performance selfpolishing antifouling paint based on an organotin
copolymer binder and biocides
PRINCIPAL universal medium polishing rate self polishing antifouling suitable for
CHARACTERISTICS new building and maintenance
especially suited to vessels operating in deep sea bulk trades (tankers,
bulk carriers and general cargo vessels)
prevents settlement of shell and weed fouling for prolonged periods
controlled hydrodissolving rate to give effective service lifetime in
relation to specified dry film thickness
smoothing and controlled polishing effect
compatible with Sigmaplane HA antifouling or Sigmaplane TA antifouling
in mixed systems
meets Federal EPA acceptability criteria on TBT release
COLOURS AND GLOSS redbrown and pink- flat
Mass density approx. 1,2 g/cm
Solids content approx. 50 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 3,6 lb/gal - 435 g/l (for pink)
Recommended dry film
thickness 90 - 150 m depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 5,6 m/l for 90 m, 3,3 m/l for 150 m *
Touch dry after 2 hours at 20C
Overcoating interval min. 6 hours at 20C *
max. 9 months *
Refloating time min. 8 hours *
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point 32C
RECOMMENDED suitable high performance anticorrosive (coaltar epoxy, epoxy,
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS chlorinated rubber, vinyl tar)
AND TEMPERATURES existing self polishing antifoulings in good condition
previous coat; dry and free from any contamination
substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point
back to previous view
page 2/3
October 1999
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION Sigmaplane HB antifouling systems system sheets 3111, 3121
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C otherwise extra
thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,53 - 0,68 mm (= 0,021 - 0,027 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 15 MPa (= approx. 120 - 150 bar;1700 - 2100 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C) only for touch up
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS safety goggles, protective gloves and fresh air half mask recommended,
see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 95 m
b. to reach TLV = 1040 m
Sigma thinner 21-06 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 181 m
b. to reach TLV = 4172 m
Film thickness and theoretical
spreading rate spreading rate m/l 5,6 4,3 4,0 3,3
dft in m 90 115 125 150
Colour the colour pink will change to pale pink after immersion
back to previous view
123304 redbrown 2008002200
169029 pink 6149002200
page 3/3
October 1999
Overcoating table
for Sigmaplane HB
at a dft of 100 m
minimum drying time in hours before overcoating with Sigmaplane HB
paint type substrate temperature
5C 10C 20C 30C
approved anticorrosive coatings 18 12 6 4
Sigmaplane TA/HB antifouling 18 12 6 4
Time before refloating minimum drying time in hours for Sigmaplane HB antifouling before
substrate temperature
5C 10C 20C 30C
refloating 24 12 8 6
Notes the above data are a fair indication for normal application conditions
longer drying times may be necessary at higher dfts and under
unfavourable atmospheric conditions
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/3
a three page issue October 1999
revision of 8-1999
DESCRIPTION tin free longlife antifouling paint formulated with inorganic and organic
biocidal compounds
PRINCIPAL tin free longlife antifouling for maintenance and new building
CHARACTERISTICS controls common types of fouling for periods up to 24 months, depending
on sailing pattern and system applied
allows a considerable interval between application and immersion
COLOURS AND GLOSS redbrown - flat
Mass density approx. 1,7 g/cm
Solids content approx. 53 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 3,4 lb/gal - 416 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 75 - 150 m per coat depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 7,1 m/l for 75 m, 3,5 m/l for 150 m
Touch dry after 1 hour at 20C
Overcoating interval min. 6 hours at 20C
max. 3 months
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point 25C
RECOMMENDED previous coat; dry and free from any contamination
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS substrate temperature should be at least 3 above dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION Sigma longlife antifouling systems system sheet 3113
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C otherwise extra
thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,53 - 0,68 mm (= 0,021 - 0,027 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 15 MPa (= approx. 120 - 150 bar; 1700 - 2100 p.s.i.)
back to previous view
page 2/3
October 1999
ROLLER/BRUSH multicoat roller or brush application is not recommended
max. dft achievable by brush or roller is 50 microns
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 75 m
b. to reach TLV = 1477 m
Sigma thinner 21-06 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 181 m
b. to reach TLV = 4172 m
Overcoating table
for Sigma Pilot Ecol
at a dft of 100 m
minimum drying time in hours before overcoating with Sigma Pilot Ecol
paint type substrate temperature
5C 10C 20C 30C
approved anticorrosive coatings 18 12 6 4
Sigma Pilot Ecol antifouling 18 12 6 4
Time before refloating minimum drying time in hours for Sigma Pilot Ecol antifouling before
substrate temperature
5C 10C 20C 30C
refloating 24 12 8 6
Notes the above data are a fair indication for normal drydockings
longer drying times may be necessary at higher dfts and under
unfavourable atmospheric conditions
back to previous view
128833 redbrown 2008002200
page 3/3
October 1999
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/3
a three page issue October 1999
revision of 8-1999
DESCRIPTION high activity self polishing antifouling paint based on an organotin copolymer
binder and biocides
PRINCIPAL high activity self polishing antifouling for severe fouling conditions
CHARACTERISTICS good performance on ships with low activity or irregular sailing patterns
suitable as launching antifouling in the Sigmaplane HB antifouling system
for new buildings and for ships with long periods of reduced activity
prevents settlement of shell and weed fouling for prolonged periods
controlled hydrodissolving rate to give effective antifouling performance
during service life
smoothing and a pronounced polishing effect
COLOURS AND GLOSS redbrown and pink - flat
Mass density approx. 1,4 g/cm
Solids content approx. 46 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 4,1 lb/gal - 499 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 90 - 150 m depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 5,1 m/l for 90 m, 3,1 m/l for 150 m *
Touch dry after 2 hours at 20C
Overcoating interval min. 6 hours at 20C *
max. 9 months *
Refloating time min. 8 hours *
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point 34C
RECOMMENDED suitable high performance anticorrosive (coaltar epoxy, epoxy,
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS chlorinated rubber, vinyl tar)
AND TEMPERATURES existing self polishing antifoulings in good condition
previous coat; dry and free from any contamination
substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point
back to previous view
page 2/3
October 1999
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION Sigmaplane HA antifouling systems system sheets 3121, 3122
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C otherwise extra
thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,53 - 0,68 mm (= 0,021 - 0,027 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 15 MPa (= approx. 120 - 150 bar;1700 - 2100 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3%
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS safety goggles, protective gloves and fresh air half mask recommended,
see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 103 m
b. to reach TLV = 1288 m
Sigma thinner 21-06 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 181 m
b. to reach TLV = 4172 m
Film thickness and theoretical
spreading rate spreading rate m/l 5,1 3,8 3,1
dft in m 90 120 150
back to previous view
128859 redbrown 2008002200
170256 pink 6149002200
page 3/3
October 1999
Overcoating table
for Sigmaplane HA
at a dft of 100 m
minimum drying time in hours before overcoating with Sigmaplane HA
paint type substrate temperature
5C 10C 20C 30C
aproved anticorrosive coatings 18 12 6 4
Sigmaplane HB/NC/HA antifouling 18 12 6 4
Time before refloating minimum drying time in hours for Sigmaplane HA antifouling before
substrate temperature
5C 10C 20C 30C
refloating 24 12 8 6
Notes the above data are a fair indication for normal drydockings
longer drying times may be necessary at higher dfts and under
unfavourable atmospheric conditions
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/3
a three page issue October 1999
revision of 8-1999
DESCRIPTION self polishing antifouling paint based on an organotin copolymer binder and
PRINCIPAL economical self polishing antifouling particularly intended for
CHARACTERISTICS maintenance purposes
compatible with most long life/diffusion and self polishing antifoulings
prevents settlement of shell and weed fouling for periods up to 36
performance can be influenced by sailing pattern and routes
controlled hydrodissolving rate to give effective service life time
meets Federal EPA acceptability criteria on TBT release
COLOURS AND GLOSS redbrown and pink - flat
Mass density approx. 1,3 g/cm
Solids content approx. 50 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 3,6 lb/gal - 437 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 75-150 m depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 6,7 m/l for 75 m, 3,3 m/l for 150 m *
Touch dry after 2 hours at 20C
Overcoating interval min. 6 hours *
max. 9 months
Refloating time min. 8 hours *
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point 33C
RECOMMENDED suitable high performance anticorrosive (coaltar epoxy, epoxy,
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS chlorinated rubber, vinyl tar)
AND TEMPERATURES existing self polishing antifoulings or longlife antifoulings in good
previous coat; dry and free from any contamination
substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION Sigmaplane TC antifouling systems system sheet 3118
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page 2/3
October 1999
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C otherwise extra
thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,53 - 0,68 mm (= 0,021 - 0,027 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 15 MPa (= approx. 120 - 150 bar; 1700 - 2100 p.s.i.)
ROLLER/BRUSH only for touching up
max. dft achievable by brush or roller is 50 microns
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 95 m
b. to reach TLV = 1032 m
Sigma thinner 21-06 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 181 m
b. to reach TLV = 4172 m
Film thickness and theoretical
spreading rate spreading rate m/l 6,7 5,0 4,0 3,3
dft in m 75 100 125 150
back to previous view
195032 redbrown 2008002200
195372 pink 6149002200
page 3/3
October 1999
Overcoating table
for Sigmaplane TC
at a dft of 100 m
minimum drying time in hours before overcoating with Sigmaplane TC
anticorrosive paint type substrate temperature
5C 10C 20C 30C
aproved anticorrosive coatings 18 12 6 4
Sigmaplane TC/HB antifouling 18 12 6 4
Time before refloating minimum drying time in hours for Sigmaplane TC antifouling before
substrate temperature
5C 10C 20C 30C
refloating 24 12 8 6
Notes the above data are a fair indication for normal drydockings
longer drying times may be necessary at higher dfts and under
unfavourable atmospheric conditions
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/3
a three page issue January 2000
revision of 8-1999
DESCRIPTION high performance selfpolishing antifouling paint based on an organotin
copolymer binder and biocides
PRINCIPAL universal, medium polishing rate self polishing antifouling with excellent
CHARACTERISTICS adhesion properties on weathered Sigmaplane HB antifouling applied
during the new construction stage
designed as part of the Sigmaplane HB system for newbuildings and
suitable for vessels of medium activity engaged on deep sea trades
(tankers, bulk carriers and general cargo vessels)
compatible with Sigmaplane TA antifouling, Sigmaplane HB antifouling
and Sigmaplane HA antifouling
prevents settlement of shell and weed fouling for prolonged periods
controlled hydrodissolving rate to give effective service life time in
relation to specified dry film thickness
smoothing and controlled polishing effect
meets Federal EPA acceptability criteria on TBT release
COLOURS AND GLOSS redbrown (pink on request) - flat
Mass density approx. 1,7 g/cm
Solids content approx. 50 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 3,8 lb/gal - 458 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 90 - 150 m depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 5,6 m/l for 90 m, 3,3 m/l for 150 m *
Touch dry after 2 hours at 20C
Overcoating interval min. 6 hours at 20C *
max. 9 months *
Refloating time min. 8 hours *
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point 33C
RECOMMENDED suitable high performance anticorrosive (coaltar epoxy, epoxy,
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS chlorinated rubber, vinyl tar)
AND TEMPERATURES existing self polishing antifoulings in good condition
previous coat; dry and free from any contamination
substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point
back to previous view
page 2/3
January 2000
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION Sigmaplane NC antifouling system system sheet 3121
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C otherwise extra
thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,53 - 0,68 mm (= 0,021 - 0,027 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 15 MPa (= approx. 120 - 150 bar;1700 - 2100 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C) only for touch up
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS safety goggles, protective gloves and fresh air half mask recommended,
see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 103 m
b. to reach TLV = 1288 m
Sigma thinner 21-06 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 181 m
b. to reach TLV = 4172 m
Film thickness and theoretical
spreading rate spreading rate m/l 5,6 4,3 4,0 3,3
dft in m 90 115 125 150
back to previous view
128860 redbrown 2008002200
170294 pink 6149002200
page 3/3
January 2000
Overcoating table
for Sigmaplane NC
at a dft of 100 m
minimum drying time in hours before overcoating with Sigmaplane NC
paint type substrate temperature
5C 10C 20C 30C
Sigmaplane HB/HA antifouling 18 12 6 4
Time before refloating minimum drying time in hours for Sigmaplane NC antifouling before
substrate temperature
5C 10C 20C 30C
refloating 24 12 8 6
Notes the above data are a fair indication for normal application conditions
longer drying times may be necessary at higher dfts and under
unfavourable atmospheric conditions
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/3
a three page issue October 1999
revision of 9-1999
DESCRIPTION self polishing antifouling paint based on an organotin copolymer binder and
PRINCIPAL medium/slow polishing rate antifouling designed for application on high
CHARACTERISTICS activity vessels
boosted biocide content for fouling control
up to 60 months service for drydocking schedule flexibility depending on
specification applied and service condition
can be used either at newbuilding or maintenance
controlled hydrodissolving rate to give effective service life time
meets Federal EPA acceptability criteria on TBT release
COLOURS AND GLOSS redbrown and brown (pink on request, for newbuilding) - flat
Mass density approx. 1,5 g/cm
Solids content approx. 50 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 3,7 lb/gal - 447 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 75-150 m depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 6,7 m/l for 75 m, 3,3 m/l for 150 m *
Touch dry after 2 hours at 20C
Overcoating interval min. 6 hours *
max. 9 months
Refloating time min. 8 hours *
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point 33C
RECOMMENDED suitable high performance anticorrosive (coaltar epoxy, epoxy,
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS chlorinated rubber, vinyl tar)
AND TEMPERATURES existing self polishing antifoulings in good condition
previous coat; dry and free from any contamination
substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point
back to previous view
page 2/3
October 1999
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION Sigmaplane HC antifouling systems system sheet 3117
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C otherwise extra
thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,53 - 0,68 mm (= 0,021 - 0,027 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 15 MPa (= approx. 120 - 150 bar; 1700 - 2100 p.s.i.)
ROLLER/BRUSH only for touching up
max. dft achievable by brush or roller is 50 microns
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 95 m
b. to reach TLV = 1032 m
Sigma thinner 21-06 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 181 m
b. to reach TLV = 4172 m
Film thickness and theoretical
spreading rate spreading rate m/l 6,7 5,0 4,0 3,3
dft in m 75 100 125 150
back to previous view
195400 brown 2000002200
190934 redbrown 2008002200
190935 pink 6149002200
page 3/3
October 1999
Overcoating table
for Sigmaplane HC
at a dft of 100 m
minimum drying time in hours before overcoating with Sigmaplane HC
anticorrosive paint type substrate temperature
5C 10C 20C 30C
aproved anticorrosive coatings 18 12 6 4
Sigmaplane HC/HB antifouling 18 12 6 4
Time before refloating minimum drying time in hours for Sigmaplane HC antifouling before
substrate temperature
5C 10C 20C 30C
refloating 24 12 8 6
Notes the above data are a fair indication for normal drydockings
longer drying times may be necessary at higher dfts and under
unfavourable atmospheric conditions
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/3
a three page issue October 1999
revision of 8-1999
DESCRIPTION tin free selfpolishing antifouling with cuprous oxide and organic biocides as
active ingredients
PRINCIPAL tin free selfpolishing antifouling for new building and maintenance
CHARACTERISTICS prevents settlement of shell and weed fouling for service periods up
to 36 months depending on sailing pattern and routes
controlled erosion rate to give effective protection in accordance with the
specified film thickness and smoothing of the surface
COLOURS AND GLOSS redbrown and brown - flat
Mass density approx. 1,8 g/cm
Solids content approx. 55 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 3,3 lb/gal - 396 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 75-150 m depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 7,3 m/l for 75 m, 5,5 m/l for 100 m, 3,7 m/l for 150 m
Touch dry after 1 hour at 20C
Overcoating interval min. 6 hours at 20C
Refloating time min. 8 hours *
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point 26C
RECOMMENDED previous coat; dry and free from any contamination
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS suitable high performance anticorrosive (coaltar epoxy, epoxy, vinyl tar)
AND TEMPERATURES substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION Sigmaplane Ecol antifouling systems system sheet 3120
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C otherwise extra
thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,53 - 0,68 mm (= 0,021 - 0,027 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 15 MPa (= approx. 120 - 150 bar; 1700 - 2100 p.s.i.)
back to previous view
page 2/3
October 1999
BRUSH/ROLLER only for touch up and repair
multicoat roller or brush application is not recommended
max. dft achievable by brush or roller is 50 m
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 85 m
b. to reach TLV = 1946 m
Sigma thinner 21-06 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 181 m
b. to reach TLV = 4172 m
Film thickness and theoretical
spreading rate spreading rate m/l 7,3 5,5 3,7
dft in m 75 100 150
Overcoating table
for Sigmaplane
Ecol antifouling
at a dft of 100 m
minimum drying time in hours before overcoating with Sigmaplane Ecol
paint type substrate temperature
5C 10C 20C 30C
aproved anticorrosive coatings 18 12 6 4
Sigmaplane Ecol antifouling 18 12 6 4
Note maximum overcoating time for Sigma TCN tiecoat with Sigmaplane Ecol
antifouling is 48 hours at 20C
back to previous view
139362 redbrown 2008002200
139363 brown 2000002200
page 3/3
October 1999
Time before refloating minimum drying time in hours for Sigmaplane Ecol antifouling before
substrate temperature
5C 10C 20C 30C
refloating 24 12 8 6
Notes the above data are a fair indication for normal drydockings
longer drying times may be necessary at higher dfts and under
unfavourable atmospheric conditions
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/3
a three page issue October 1999
revision of 5-1997
DESCRIPTION high build aluminium pigmented chlorinated rubber primer/sealer
PRINCIPAL anticorrosive primer/sealer
CHARACTERISTICS excellent water resistance
resistant to well designed/controlled cathodic protection
fast drying
can be applied at low temperatures, down to 10C
tolerates a dft up to 150 m at overlaps without sagging
COLOURS AND GLOSS grey, reddish grey - flat
Mass density approx. 1,2 g/cm
Solids content approx. 42 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 4,3 lb/gal - 517 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 50 - 100 m depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 8,4 m/l for 50 m, 4,2 m/l for 100 m
Touch dry after 4 hours at 5 - 10C, 1 hour at 20C
Overcoating interval min. 6 hours at 20C *
max. unlimited
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point 28C
RECOMMENDED steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS primed steel or previous coat; dry and free from any contamination
AND TEMPERATURES galvanized steel; dry and free from any contamination and zinc salts
substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheets 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C otherwise extra
thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
back to previous view
page 2/3
October 1999
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,45 mm (= 0,018 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2100 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 6 - 10 %
Nozzle orifice 1,8 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,3 - 0,4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)
BRUSH/ROLLER the recommended dft cannot be reached in one coat
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves, safety goggles and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets
1430, 1431 and relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 105 m
b. to reach TLV = 1204 m
Sigma thinner 21-06 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 181 m
b. to reach TLV = 4172 m
ADDITIONAL DATA minimum interval in hours of Sigmachlor primer before overcoating with
Overcoating table paint type substrate temperature
5C 10C 20C 30C
Sigmachlor primer 10 8 6 4
antifoulings 18 12 6 4
maximum interval no limitation provided that the surface is free
from any contamination
Note these data are a fair indication for normal conditions, longer drying times
may be necessary under unfavourable weather and/or ventilation conditions
back to previous view
136557 dark 0100002200
136558 light 0200002200
page 3/3
October 1999
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/3
a three page issue October 1999
revision of 5-1997
DESCRIPTION high build vinyl coating modified with coal tar pitch
PRINCIPAL a tough flexible coating with excellent water resistance, especially for
CHARACTERISTICS ships bottoms, ballast water tanks, cofferdams and behind linings
fast drying
compatible with longlife and selfpolishing antifoulings
resistant against well controlled cathodic protection up to 1050 mV
will tolerate thicknesses up to 150 m at overlaps without sagging
can be applied at low temperatures, down to 10C
COLOURS AND GLOSS aluminium light/dark - eggshell
Mass density approx. 1,1 g/cm
Solids content approx. 39 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 4,5 lb/gal - 544 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 75 m per coat
Theoretical spreading rate 5,2 m/l for 75 m
Touch dry 1 hour
Overcoating interval min. 6 hours at 20C *
max. 1 month with antifoulings
Shelf life (cool and dry place) 12 months
Flash point 22C
RECOMMENDED bare steel, blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; sweepblasted to SPSS-Ss
AND TEMPERATURES previous coat; dry and free from any contamination
the temperature of the substrate should be at least 3C above dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION anticorrosive systems for underwater and
boottop to be finished with antifouling see system sheet 3101
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C otherwise extra
thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
back to previous view
page 2/3
October 1999
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 2 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,43 - 0,53 mm (= 0,017 - 0,021 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2100 p.s.i.)
ROLLER/BRUSH only for touch up and spot repair
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 105 m
b. to reach TLV = 1208 m
Sigma thinner 21-06 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 181 m
b. to reach TLV = 4172 m
Sigma thinner 90-53 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 156 m
b. to reach TLV = 3501 m
ADDITIONAL DATA minimum interval in hours before overcoating with
Overcoating table paint type substrate temperature
5C 10C 20C 30C
Sigmavinyl primer 18 10 6 4
antifoulings 18 12 6 4
maximum interval 1 month for overcoating with anti-foulings
and 6 months for overcoating with itself,
provided that the surface is free from any
back to previous view
136778 dark 0100002200
136779 light 0200002200
page 3/3
October 1999
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/3
a three page issue October 1999
revision of 12-1997
DESCRIPTION high build vinyl primer
PRINCIPAL a tough flexible coating with excellent water resistance, especially for
CHARACTERISTICS ships bottoms, ballast water tanks, cofferdams and behind linings
fast drying
compatible with longlife and selfpolishing antifoulings
resistant against well controlled cathodic protection up to 1050 mV
will tolerate thicknesses up to 150 m at overlaps without sagging
can be applied at low temperatures, down to 5C
COLOURS AND GLOSS aluminium reddish/dark - eggshell
Mass density approx. 1,1 g/cm
Solids content approx. 34 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 4,7 lb/gal - 571 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 75 m per coat
Theoretical spreading rate 4,5 m/l for 75 m
Touch dry 1 hour
Overcoating interval min. 6 hours at 20C *
max. 1 month with antifoulings
Shelf life (cool and dry place) 12 months
Flash point 23C
RECOMMENDED bare steel, blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; sweepblasted to SPSS-Ss
AND TEMPERATURES previous coat; dry and free from any contamination
the temperature of the substrate should be at least 3C above dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS system for underwater and boottops:
Sigma Biguard primer light 75 m
Sigma Biguard primer dark 75 m
Sigma Biguard primer light 75 m
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C otherwise extra
thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
back to previous view
page 2/3
October 1999
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 5 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,43 - 0,53 mm (= 0,017 - 0,021 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2100 p.s.i.)
ROLLER/BRUSH only for touch up and spot repair
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 118 m
b. to reach TLV = 2953 m
Sigma thinner 21-06 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 181 m
b. to reach TLV = 4172 m
ADDITIONAL DATA minimum interval in hours before overcoating with
Overcoating table paint type substrate temperature
5C 10C 20C 30C
Sigma biguard primer 18 10 6 4
antifoulings 18 12 6 4
maximum interval 1 month for overcoating with anti-foulings
and 6 months for overcoating with itself,
provided that the surface is free from any
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
back to previous view
185806 dark 0100002200
185805 light 0200002200
page 3/3
October 1999
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/3
a three page issue December 1999
revision of 12-1997
DESCRIPTION high build, vinyl coating
PRINCIPAL tough flexible coating for outside hull
CHARACTERISTICS good water resistance
compatible with longlife and selfpolishing antifoulings
COLOURS AND GLOSS black - eggshell
Mass density approx. 1,1 g/cm
Solids content approx. 35 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 4,6 lb/gal - 560 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 50-75 m per coat
Theoretical spreading rate 7,0 m/l for 50 m, 4,7 m/l for 75 m
Touch dry 1 hour
Overcoating interval min. 6 hours at 20C *
max. 3 months
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point 23C
RECOMMENDED previous coat; dry and free from any contamination
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS suitable on top of Sigma Biguard primer
AND TEMPERATURES substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C otherwise extra
thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
back to previous view
page 2/3
December 1999
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 2 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,43 - 0,53 mm (= 0,017 - 0,021 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2100 p.s.i.)
ROLLER/BRUSH only for touch up and spot repair
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 108 m
b. to reach TLV = 2978 m
Sigma thinner 21-06 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 181 m
b. to reach TLV = 4172 m
ADDITIONAL DATA minimum interval in hours before overcoating with
Overcoating table paint type substrate temperature
5C 10C 20C 30C
Sigma Biguard coating 18 10 6 4
maximum interval 3 months at 20C, provided that the surface is dry and
free from any contamination
Note these data are a fair indication for normal conditions, longer drying times
may be necessary at lower temperatures and under unfavourable weather
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
back to previous view
185804 black 8000002200
page 3/3
December 1999
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/3
a three page issue October 1999
revision of 5-1997
DESCRIPTION high build modified acrylic coating
PRINCIPAL buildcoat for above water areas
CHARACTERISTICS excellent anticorrosive properties
resistant to splash of mild chemicals
fire retarding properties
fast drying
can be applied at temperatures down to 10C
COLOURS AND GLOSS off white, black, grey, green, redbrown - flat
BASIC DATA AT 20C small deviations depending on colour
Mass density approx. 1,3 g/cm
Solids content approx. 44 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 4,1 lb/gal - 501 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 75 - 100 m depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 5,9 m/l for 75 m, 4,4 m/l for 100 m
Touch dry after 1 hour at 5 - 10C; 30 min. at 20C
Overcoating interval min. 8 hours at 5 - 10C, 4 hours at 20C
max. no limitations
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point 27C
RECOMMENDED previous coat; chlorinated rubber primer or modified acrylic coating, dry
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS and free from any contamination
AND TEMPERATURES substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheets 3102, 3103, 3104
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C otherwise extra
thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
back to previous view
page 2/3
October 1999
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,48 - 0,58 mm (= 0,019 - 0,023 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 15 MPa (= approx. 120 - 150 bar; 1700 - 2100 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 6 - 10 %
Nozzle orifice 1,8 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,3 - 0,4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)
BRUSH/ROLLER max. dft per coat approx. 60 m
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves, safety goggles and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets
1430, 1431 and relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air small deviations depending on colour
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 101 m
b. to reach TLV = 1132 m
Sigma thinner 21-06 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 181 m
b. to reach TLV = 4172 m
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
back to previous view
165241 redbrown 6179052200
165243 green 4199052200
165242 grey 5177052200
154043 offwhite 7001002200
154044 black 8000002200
page 3/3
October 1999
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/3
a three page issue October 1999
revision of 5-1997
DESCRIPTION modified acrylic finish
PRINCIPAL finish coat for above water areas
CHARACTERISTICS good gloss and colour retention
resistant to splash of mild chemicals
fire retarding properties
fast drying
can be applied at temperatures down to 10C
COLOURS AND GLOSS see Sigma Coatings marine shade card - gloss
BASIC DATA AT 20C for white
Mass density approx. 1,1 g/cm
Solids content approx. 35% by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 4,8 lb/gal - 583 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 35 m
Theoretical spreading rate 10 m/l for 35 m
Touch dry after 1 hour at 5 - 10C; 30 min. at 20C
Overcoating interval min.8 hours at 5 - 10C, 4 hours at 20C
max. no limitations
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point 30C
RECOMMENDED previous coat; chlorinated rubber, vinyl or acrylic coatings, dry and free
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS from any contamination
AND TEMPERATURES substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheets 3102, 3103, 3104
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C otherwise extra
thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 5 - 10 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,28 - 0,33 mm (= 0,011 - 0,013 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 15 MPa (= approx. 120 - 150 bar; 1700 - 2100 p.s.i.)
back to previous view
page 2/3
October 1999
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 5 %
Nozzle orifice 1,8 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,2 - 0,3 MPa (= approx. 2 - 3 bar; 28 - 42 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves, safety goggles and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets
1430, 1431 and relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air small deviations depending on colour
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 115 m
b. to reach TLV = 1209 m
Sigma thinner 21-06 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 181 m
b. to reach TLV = 4172 m
Sigma topacryl finish colours: to be applied on top of:
7003, 7000, 1188, 3138, 3142 Offwhite
3179, 3149, 4150, 4171, 5163 Offwhite
1188, 1199, 5163, 5177, 6188 Light grey
5177, 5198, 8000 Dark grey
4199 Green
2182, 6179 Redbrown
8000 Black
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
back to previous view
154022 white 7000002200
page 3/3
October 1999
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/3
a three page issue March 2000
DESCRIPTION high activity tin free selfpolishing antifouling specially designed for the flat
bottoms of ships with biocides for aggressive fouling conditions
PRINCIPAL tin free selfpolishing antifouling for flat bottoms of new building and
CHARACTERISTICS maintenance ships
controls common types of animal fouling for prolonged periods
controlled polishing rate to give effective protection in accordance with
the specified film thickness and vessel service conditions
COLOURS AND GLOSS redbrown and brown - flat
Mass density approx. 1,8 g/cm
Solids content approx. 52 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 3,5 lb/gal - 420 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 75-150 m depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 6,9 m/l for 75 m, 5,2 m/l for 100 m, 3,5 m/l for 150 m
Touch dry after 1 hour at 20C
Overcoating interval min. 8 hours at 20C
Refloating time min. 12 hours at 20C *
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point 24C
RECOMMENDED previous coat; dry and free from any contamination
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS suitable high performance anticorrosive (coaltar epoxy, epoxy, vinyl tar)
AND TEMPERATURES substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION Sigma Alphagen 20 antifouling systems see system sheet 3126
Sigma Alphagen 50 antifouling systems see system sheet 3125
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE the paint should be stirred well before use, preferably by means of a
mechanical mixer, to ensure homogeneity
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,53 - 0,68 mm (= 0,021 - 0,027 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 - 18 MPa (= approx. 150 - 180 bar; 2100 - 2560 p.s.i.)
BRUSH/ROLLER only for touch up and repair
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
back to previous view
page 2/3
March 2000
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 78 m
b. to reach TLV = 1768 m
Sigma thinner 21-06 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 181 m
b. to reach TLV = 4172 m
Film thickness and theoretical spreading
spreading rate rate m/l 6,9 5,2 3,5
dft in m 75 100 150
Overcoat i ng t abl e minimum drying time in hours before overcoating with Sigma Alphagen 10
For Sigma Alphagen 10
at a dft of 100 m
paint type substrate temperature
5C 10C 20C 30C
approved anticorrosive coatings 18 12 8 4
Sigma Alphgen antifoulings 18 12 6 4
Note maximum overcoating time for Sigma TCN tiecoat with Sigma Alphagen 10
antifouling is 48 hours at 20C
Time before refloating minimum drying time in hours for Sigma Alphagen 10 antifouling before:
substrate temperature
5C 10C 20C 30C
refloating 24 12 8 6
Notes the above data are a fair indication for normal drydockings
longer drying times may be necessary at higher dft and under
unfavourable atmospheric conditions
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page 3/3
March 2000
Worldwide availability Whilst it is the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on a
worldwide basis, slight local modifications can be necessary to comply with
legislation or special circumstances. In such situations an alternative product
data sheet is published.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/3
a three page issue March 2000
DESCRIPTION high activity tin free selfpolishing antifouling for deep sea operating ships
with cuprous oxide and organic biocides for aggressive fouling conditions
PRINCIPAL tin free selfpolishing antifouling for new building and maintenance
CHARACTERISTICS controls common types of shell and weed fouling for prolonged periods
controlled polishing rate to give effective protection in accordance with
the specified film thickness and vessel service conditions
COLOURS AND GLOSS redbrown and brown - flat
Mass density approx. 1,8 g/cm
Solids content approx. 52 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 3,5 lb/gal - 420 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 75-150 m depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 6,9 m/l for 75 m, 5,2 m/l for 100 m, 3,5 m/l for 150 m
Touch dry after 1 hour at 20C
Overcoating interval min. 8 hours at 20C
Refloating time min. 12 hours at 20C *
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point 24C
RECOMMENDED previous coat; dry and free from any contamination
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS suitable high performance anticorrosive (coaltar epoxy, epoxy, vinyl tar)
AND TEMPERATURES substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION Sigma Alphagen 20 antifouling systems system sheet 3126
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE the paint should be stirred well before use, preferably by means of a
mechanical mixer, to ensure homogeneity
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,53 - 0,68 mm (= 0,021 - 0,027 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 - 18 MPa (= approx. 150 - 180 bar; 2100 - 2560 p.s.i.)
BRUSH/ROLLER only for touch up and repair
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
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page 2/3
March 2000
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 78 m
b. to reach TLV = 1768 m
Sigma thinner 21-06 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 181 m
b. to reach TLV = 4172 m
Film thickness and theoretical spreading
spreading rate rate m/l 6,9 5,2 3,5
dft in m 75 100 150
Overcoat i ng t abl e minimum drying time in hours before overcoating with Sigma Alphagen 20
For Sigma Alphagen 20
at a dft of 100 m
paint type substrate temperature
5C 10C 20C 30C
approved anticorrosive coatings 18 12 8 4
Sigma Alphagen antifoulings 18 12 6 4
Note maximum overcoating time for Sigma TCN tiecoat with Sigma Alphagen 20
antifouling is 48 hours at 20C
Time before refloating minimum drying time in hours for Sigma Alphagen 20 antifouling before:
substrate temperature
5C 10C 20C 30C
refloating 24 12 8 6
Notes the above data are a fair indication for normal drydockings
longer drying times may be necessary at higher dft and under
unfavourable atmospheric conditions
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page 3/3
March 2000
Worldwide availability Whilst it is the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on a
worldwide basis, slight local modifications can be necessary to comply with
legislation or special circumstances. In such situations an alternative product
data sheet is published.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/3
a three page issue March 2000
DESCRIPTION high activity tin free selfpolishing antifouling for coastal operating ships with
cuprous oxide and organic biocides for aggressive fouling conditions
PRINCIPAL tin free selfpolishing antifouling for new building and maintenance
CHARACTERISTICS controls common types of shell and weed fouling for long service periods
depending on sailing pattern and routes
controlled polishing rate to give effective protection in accordance with
the specified film thickness and smoothing of the surface
COLOURS AND GLOSS redbrown and brown - flat
Mass density approx. 1,8 g/cm
Solids content approx. 51 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 3,6 lb/gal - 430 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 75-150 m depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 6,8 m/l for 75 m, 5,1 m/l for 100 m, 3,4 m/l for 150 m
Touch dry after 1 hour at 20C
Overcoating interval min. 6 hours at 20C
Refloating time min. 8 hours *
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point 26C
RECOMMENDED previous coat; dry and free from any contamination
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS suitable high performance anticorrosive (coaltar epoxy, epoxy, vinyl tar)
AND TEMPERATURES substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION Sigma Alphagen 50 antifouling systems system sheet 3125
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE the paint should be stirred well before use, preferably by means of a
mechanical mixer, to ensure homogeneity
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page 2/3
March 2000
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,53 - 0,68 mm (= 0,021 - 0,027 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 15 MPa (= approx. 120 - 150 bar; 1700 - 2100 p.s.i.)
BRUSH/ROLLER only for touch up and repair
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 3 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 21-06 (flash point 25C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation
air quantity required
for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 92 m
b. to reach TLV = 2086 m
Sigma thinner 21-06 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 181 m
b. to reach TLV = 4172 m
Film thickness and theoretical
spreading rate spreading rate m/l 6,8 5,2 3,4
dft in m 75 100 150
Overcoating table
for Sigma Alphagen
50 antifouling
at a dft of 100 m
minimum drying time in hours before overcoating with Sigma Alphagen 50
paint type substrate temperature
5C 10C 20C 30C
approved anticorrosive coatings 18 12 8 4
Sigma Alphagen antifoulings 18 12 6 4
Note maximum overcoating time for Sigma TCN tiecoat with Sigma Alphagen 50
antifouling is 48 hours at 20C
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page 3/3
March 2000
Time before refloating minimum drying time in hours for Sigma Alphagen 50 antifouling before:
substrate temperature
5C 10C 20C 30C
refloating 24 12 8 6
Notes the above data are a fair indication for normal drydockings
longer drying times may be necessary at higher dft and under
unfavourable atmospheric conditions
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/4
a four page issue December 1999
revision of 5-1997
DESCRIPTION two component high solids polyamine cured epoxy primer
PRINCIPAL to be used for ballast tanks (block application or in situ coating)
CHARACTERISTICS outstanding sea water and crude oil resistance
excellent corrosion resistance
good resistance against chemically polluted water
resistant to well designed cathodic protection
good low temperature drying
COLOURS AND GLOSS green - gloss
BASIC DATA (1 g/cm = 8,25 lb/US gal; 1 m/l = 40,7 ft/US gal)
(data for mixed product at 20C)
Mass density approx. 1,4 g/cm
Solids content approx. 78 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 1,9 lb/gal - 244 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 125-150 m * in one coat application
Theoretical spreading rate 6,2 m/l for 125 m, 5,2 m/l for 150 m *
Touch dry after 7 - 8 hours at 5C, 5 - 6 hours at 10C, 2 - 3 hours at 20C
Overcoating interval min. 7 hours *
max. 28 days *
Full cure after see curing table *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point base 28C, hardener 24C
RECOMMENDED SUBSTRATE steel; blast cleaned to a minimum of ISO-Sa2, blasting profile (R
) 40-
TEMPERATURES steel with zinc silicate shop primer; sweepblasted to SPSS-Ss or
powertool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
previous coat; dry and free from any contamination and sufficiently
roughened if necessary
substrate temperature at least 3C above dew point and free from ice
maximum relative humidity during application and curing 85%
application at temperatures down to -5C is possible but curing to
hardness takes considerably longer and complete resistance will be
reached when temperature increases
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheet 3106
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* see additional data page 2/4
December 1999
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 75 : 25
the temperature of the mixture of base and hardener should be above
15C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance and slower cure
thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time allow induction time before use
15C 15 min.
20C 10 min.
25C 5 min.
Pot life at 20C 2 hours *
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner up to 10 % for a one coat application of 125 m dft
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,53 - 0,64 mm (= 0,021 - 0,025 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2100 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 5 - 15 % for a one coat application of 125 m dft
Nozzle orifice 1,8 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,3 - 0,4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)
BRUSH not recommended, only for spot repair and stripe coating
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431
and relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
mixed paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 45 m
b. to reach TLV = 938 m
Sigma thinner 91-92 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 170 m
b. to reach TLV = 4468 m
Sigma thinner 90-53 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 156 m
b. to reach TLV = 3501 m
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page 3/4
December 1999
Film thickness and theoretical spreading
spreading rate rate m/litre 6,2 5,2
dft in m 125 150
min. dft for closed film with airless spray: 80 m
max. dft when brushing: 100 m
Overcoating table
for dft up to 150 m
temperature -5C 5C 10C 20C 30C
minimum 40 20 14 7 4
interval hours hours hours hours hours
maximum 28 28 28 28 14
interval days days days days days
surface should be dry and free from any contamination
Curing table
for dft up to 150 m
full cure
substrate for immersion in
temperature water
5C --
5C 10 days
10C 7 days
20C 3 days
30C 2,5 days
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
Pot life 15C 3 hours
(at application 20C 2 hours
viscosity) 30C 1 hour
40C 30 min.
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179161 green 4009002200
page 4/4
December 1999
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/4
a four page issue December 1999
revision of 5-1997
DESCRIPTION two component high-build amine adduct cured phenolic epoxy primer
PRINCIPAL primer coat in the Sigma Phenguard tankcoating system
CHARACTERISTICS excellent resistance to a wide range of organic acids, alcohols, edible
oils, fats (regardless of free fatty acid content) and solvents
maximum cargo flexibility
low cargo absorption
good resistance to hot water
food certificate, see sheet 1884
Recognized corrosion control coating (Lloyds register), see sheet 1886
good application properties, resulting in a smooth surface
COLOURS AND GLOSS off white - eggshell
BASIC DATA (1 g/cm = 8,25 lb/US gal; 1 m/l = 40,7 ft/US gal)
(data for mixed product at 20C)
Mass density approx. 1,7 g/cm
Solids content approx. 66 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 2,5 lb/gal - 300 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 100 m *
Theoretical spreading rate 6,6 m/l for 100 m *
Touch dry after 2 hours
Overcoating interval min. 36 hours *
max. 21 days *
Full cure after see curing table *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point base 25C, hardener 32C
RECOMMENDED steel; blast cleaned in situ to at least ISO-Sa2 and free from rust, scale,
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS shop primer and any other contamination
AND TEMPERATURES blasting profile; (R
) 50 m - 100 m
the substrate must be perfectly dry before and during application of
Sigma Phenguard primer
substrate temperature should be above 10C and at least 3C above
dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheet 3141
tankcoatings system sheet 3322
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* see additional data page 2/4
December 1999
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 88 : 12
the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should be above 15C,
otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance and slower cure
thinner should be added after mixing components
Induction time allow minimum induction time before use
15C 20 min.
20C 15 min.
25C 10 min.
Pot life 4 hours *
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 5 - 10 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,46 - 0,53 mm (= 0,018 - 0,021 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2100 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 5 - 10 %
Nozzle orifice 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,3 MPa (= approx. 3 bar; 43 p.s.i.)
BRUSH only for spot repair and stripe coating
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 5 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
mixed paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 55 m
b. to reach TLV = 968 m
Sigma thinner 91-92 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 170 m
b. to reach TLV = 4468 m
Sigma thinner 90-53 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 156 m
b. to reach TLV = 3501 m
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page 3/4
December 1999
Film thickness and theoretical
spreading rate spreading rate m/l 6,6 5,3
dft in m 100 125
min. dft for closed film with airless spray: 50 m
max. dft when brushing: 60 m
Overcoating table for
Sigma Phenguard coating
and Sigmaguard HS
temperature 10C 15C 20C 30C 40C
minimum 60 48 36 24 16
interval hours hours hours hours hours
maximum 28 25 21 14 7
interval days days days days days
surface should be dry and free from any contamination
Curing table substrate min. curing time of Sigma Phenguard tankcoating
temperature system before transport of cargoes without note 4, 7,
8 or 11 and ballast water and tanktest with seawater
10C 14 days
15C 14 days
20C 10 days
30C 7 days
40C 5 days
minimum curing time of Sigma Phenguard tankcoating system before
transport of cargoes with note 4, 7, 8 or 11: 3 months
for detailed information on resistance and resistance notes, please refer
to the latest issue of the Cargo Resistance List
for transport of methanol, a hot cargo cure is required whcih cannot be
substituted by a service period of 3 months with non-aggressive cargoes
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
the performance of the applied system strongly depends on the curing
degree of the first coat at time of recoating. Therefore overcoating time
between 1st and 2nd coat is extended in comparison between 2nd and
3rd coat (see overcoating details)
when used as a primer under solvent free tank-linings the dft must be
limited to a maximum of 100 m
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180706 offwhite 7001002200
page 4/4
December 1999
Pot life 10C 6 hours
(at application viscosity) 20C 4 hours
30C 1,5 hours
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/5
a five page issue December 1999
revision of 1-1995
DESCRIPTION two component polyamide cured epoxy primer
PRINCIPAL general purpose epoxy primer in protective coating systems for steel and
CHARACTERISTICS non ferrous metals
good adhesion to steel and galvanized steel
good adhesion to non ferrous metals
good flow and wetting properties
good water and corrosion resistance
cures at temperatures down to +5C
suitable for touching up of weld seams and damages of epoxy coatings
during construction
long recoating intervals are possible when overcoating with epoxy and
polyurethane coatings (under cover)
can be overcoated with most alkyd-, chlorinated rubber-, vinyl-, epoxy-
and 2 component polyurethane coatings
suitable on wet blast cleaned substrates (damp or dry)
compatible with cathodic protection systems
COLOURS AND GLOSS greenish yellow (redbrown on request) - eggshell
BASIC DATA (data for mixed product at 20C)
Mass density approx. 1,3 g/cm
Solids content approx. 57 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 3.6 lb/gal - 430 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 50-100 m depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 11,4 m/l for 50 m, 5,7 m/l for 100 m *
Touch dry after 1 hour
Overcoating interval min. see tables *
max. see tables *
Full cure after 7 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point base 26C, hardener 24,5C
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* see additional data page 2/5
December 1999
RECOMMENDED for immersion exposure:
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS steel; blast cleaned (dry or wet) to ISO-Sa2
AND TEMPERATURES steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; pretreated according to
SPSS-Ss or powertool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
steel; hydrojetted to VIS WJ2 L
for atmospheric exposure:
steel; pretreated preferably to ISO-Sa2 or according to ISO-St3
steel; hydrojetted to VIS WJ2/3 L
shop primed steel; pretreated to SPSS-Pt3
galvanized steel; cleaned from grease, salts, contamination
substrate temperature should be above 5C during application and curing
and at least 3C above dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, 3105, 3106, 3107, 3108
INSTRUCTION FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 : 20
the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should be above 15C
otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance and slower cure
thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time none
Pot life at 20C 8 hours *
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 10 % depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,46 mm (= 0,018 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (=approx. 150 bar; 2100 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 10 % depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1,5 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,3 - 0,4 MPa (=approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner no extra thinner is necessary, but
Volume of thinner up to 5 % Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C) can be added if desired
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
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page 3/5
December 1999
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
mixed paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 88 m
b. to reach TLV = 1500 m
Sigma thinner 91-92 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 170 m
b. to reach TLV = 4468 m
Sigma thinner 90-53 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 156 m
b. to reach TLV = 3501 m
Film thickness and theoretical
spreading rate spreading rate m/l 11,4 7,6 5,7
dft in m 50 75 100
min. dft for closed film with airless spray: 40 m
(extra thinned)
max. dft when brushing: 50 m
Overcoating table for various
two pack epoxy- or
polyurethane paint
temperature 5C 10C 20C 30C 40C
minimum 36 16 8 6 4
interval hours hours hours hours hours
interval 6 6 6 4 3
when not months months months months months
exposed to
interval 3 3 3 2 2
when months months months months months
exposed to
figures are valid for dfts upto 100 m Sigma Universal primer
surface should be dry and free from any contamination
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page 4/5
December 1999
Overcoating table for other
type of paint like: most
chlorinated rubber-, vinyl-,
alkyd paint
temperature 5C 10C 20C 30C 40C
minimum 16 10 5 3 2
interval hours hours hours hours hours
maximum 21 21 10 7 7
interval days days days days days
figures are valid for dfts up to 100 m Sigma Universal primer
surface should be dry and free from any contamination
glossy finishes require a corresponding undercoat
Curing table substrate touch dry dry to handle full cure
5C 8 hours 13 hours 21 days
10C 4 hours 6 hours 14 days
15C 3 hours 3,5 hours 10 days
20C 2 hours 2,5 hours 7 days
30C 1 hour 1,5 hour 5 days
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
Pot life 15C 10 hours
(at application viscosity) 20C 8 hours
25C 6 hours
30C 5 hours
35C 4 hours
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
back to previous view
179083 greenish yellow 4009002200
179085 redbrown 6137002200
page 5/5
December 1999
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be
accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or
otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and information
are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's
responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability arising
from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there are written
agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/4
a four page issue December 1999
DESCRIPTION two component polyamide cured epoxy primer
PRINCIPAL general purpose epoxy primer in protective coating systems for steel
CHARACTERISTICS good adhesion to steel and galvanized steel
good flow and wetting properties
good water and corrosion resistance
suitable for touching up of weld seams and damages of epoxy coatings
during construction
can be overcoated with most epoxy- and 2 component polyurethane
compatible with cathodic protection systems
COLOURS AND GLOSS greenish yellow - eggshell
BASIC DATA (data for mixed product at 20C)
Mass density approx. 1,4 g/cm
Solids content approx. 57 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 3,6 lb/gal - 430 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 50-75 m depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 11,4 m/l for 50 m, 7,6 m/l for 75 m *
Touch dry after 1,5 hour
Overcoating interval min. 4 hours *
max. 1 month *
Full cure after 3 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point base 26C, hardener 26C
RECOMMENDED for immersion exposure:
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS steel; blast cleaned (dry or wet) to ISO-Sa2
AND TEMPERATURES steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; pretreated according to
for atmospheric exposure:
steel; pretreated preferably to ISO-Sa2 or according to ISO-St3
shop primed steel; pretreated to SPSS-Pt3
galvanized steel; cleaned from grease, salts, contamination
during application and curing a substrate temperature down to -10C is
possible, but curing to hardness takes considerably longer and complete
resistance will be reached when temperature increases
maximum relative humidity during application and curing 85%
substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point and free
from ice
back to previous view
* see additional data page 2/4
December 1999
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, 3105, 3106, 3107, 3108
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 :20
the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should be above 10C
otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time none
Pot life at 20C 4 hours *
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 10 %, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,46 mm (= 0,018 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (=approx. 150 bar; 2100 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 10 %
Nozzle orifice 1,5 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,3 - 0,4 MPa (=approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner no extra thinner is necessary, but
Volume of thinner up to 5 % Sigma thinner 91-92 can be added if desired
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431
and relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
mixed paint a. to reach 10% of LEL = 85 m
b. to reach TLV = 1626 m
Sigma thinner 91-92 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 170 m
b. to reach TLV = 4468 m
Sigma thinner 90-53 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 156 m
b. to reach TLV = 3501 m
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page 3/4
December 1999
Film thickness and theoretical spreading
spreading rate rate m/l 11,4 7,6 5,7
dft in m 50 75 100
min. dft for closed film with airless spray: 40 m
(extra thinned)
max. dft when brushing: 50 m
Overcoating table for various
two pack epoxy- or
polyurethane paint for dft up
to 75 m
temperature -10C -5C 0C 5C 10C 15C
minimum 48 24 16 12 8 6
interval hours hours hours hours hours hours
interval 3 3 3 2 2 1
when not months months months months months month
to direct
interval 2 2 2 1 1 1
when months months months month month month
to direct
surface should be dry and free from any contamination
back to previous view
181451 greenish yellow 4009002200
page 4/4
December 1999
Curing table substrate touch dry dry to handle full cure
for dft up to 75 m temperature
10C 20 hours 32 hours 21 days
5C 10 hours 16 hours 14 days
5C 5 hours 6 hours 9 days
10C 3 hours 4 hours 7 days
20C 1,5 hours 2 hours 4 days
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
Pot life 5C 10 hours
(at application viscosity) 10C 8 hours
20C 4 hours
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/4
a four page issue December 1999
revision of 1-1998
DESCRIPTION two component surface tolerant high build polyamine cured epoxy
PRINCIPAL surface tolerant coating for lower grade of steel preparation
CHARACTERISTICS particularly suited as maintenance coating for dry cargo holds, decks and
good impact and abrasion resistance
compatible with various aged coatings
overcoatable with most types of coatings
excellent corrosion resistance
resistant to splash of a wide range of chemicals
good flexibility
suitable for carriage of dry food
COLOURS AND GLOSS green, grey, redbrown, black and aluminium - semigloss
BASIC DATA (data for mixed product at 20C)
Mass density approx. 1,4 g/cm
Solids content approx. 83 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 1,6 lb/gal - 190 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 125 - 200 m * depending on system and application method
Theoretical spreading rate 6,6 m/l for 125 m, 4,1 m/l for 200 m
Touch dry after 6 hours
Overcoating interval min. see tables *
max. see tables *
Curing time 7 days
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point base 31C, hardener 45C
RECOMMENDED for atmospheric exposure conditions
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS o steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 for excellent corrosion protection
AND TEMPERATURES o steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 or power tool cleaned to ISO-St2 for good
corrosion protection
o shopprimed steel; pretreated to SPSS-Pt3
o steel; hydrojetted to VIS WJ2/3 L
o existing sound epoxy coating systems and most sound alkyd coating
systems; sufficiently roughened, dry and cleaned
substrate temperature should be above 5C and at least 3C above dew
to be continued on next page
back to previous view
* see additional data page 2/4
December 1999
Note: for Sigma Multimastic Aluminium only
for immersion in seawater
(resistant to Cathodic Protection in systems)
o steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
o steel; hydrojetted to VIS WJ2 L
o steel with approved zinc silicate shopprimer; sweepblasted to SPSS-Ss
or powertool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheets 3103, 3107
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 83 : 17
the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should be above 15C,
otherwise extra solvents may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time none
30 min. when substrate temperature lower than 10C
Pot life at 20C 2 hours *
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 5 %
Nozzle orifice 0,48 - 0,53 mm (= approx. 0,019 - 0,021 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2100 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 5 - 10 %
Nozzle orifice 1,8 - 2,0 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,3 - 0,4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 5 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
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page 3/4
December 1999
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves, safety goggles and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets
1430, 1431 and relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
mixed paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 27 m
b. to reach TLV = 766 m
Sigma thinner 90-53 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 156 m
b. to reach TLV = 3501 m
Sigma thinner 91-92 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 170 m
b. to reach TLV = 4468 m
Film thickness and theoretical
spreading rate spreading rate m/l 6,6 4,1
dft in m 125 200
min. dft for closed film with airless spray: 80 m
max. dft when brushing: 100 m
Overcoating table for
Sigma Multimastic
with itself
with various epoxy- and
polyurethane coatings
temperature 5C 10C 20C 30C 40C
minimum 48 24 16 8 5
interval hours hours hours hours hours
maximum 12 12 9 6 3
interval months months months months months
maximum 6 6 3 1 1
interval months months months month month
surface should be dry and free from any contamination
Overcoating table
for Sigma Multimastic
with various alkyd paints
temperature 5C 10C 20C 30C 40C
minimum 48 24 16 8 5
interval hours hours hours hours hours
maximum 21 21 10 7 3
interval days days days days days
glossy finishes require a corresponding undercoat
surface should be dry and free from any contamination
best intercoat adhesion occurs when the subsequent coat is applied
before the preceding coat is fully cured
if this time is exceeded it may be necessary to roughen the surface
back to previous view
179099 green 4199052200
179101 grey 5177052200
179103 redbrown 6179052200
179105 black 8000002200
179106 aluminium 9000002200
page 4/4
December 1999
Curing table for
Sigma Multimastic
at 125 m
substrate touch dry dry to handle full cure
5C 20 hours 30 hours 25 days
10C 14 hours 20 hours 15 days
20C 6 hours 9 hours 7 days
30C 4 hours 5 hours 4 days
40C 2 hours 3 hours 2 days
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
Pot life 15C 3 hours
(at application viscosity) 20C 2 hours
30C 1 hour
40C 0,5 hour
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/4
a four page issue December 1999
revision of 6-1999
DESCRIPTION two component high solids polyamine cured epoxy coating
PRINCIPAL tank coating with good chemical resistance against a wide range of
short curing periods
good low temperature cure
easy to clean
recognized corrosion control coating (Lloyds register), see sheet 1886
COLOURS AND GLOSS light green, grey - gloss
BASIC DATA (1 g/cm = 8,25 lb/US gal; 1 m/l = 40,7 ft/US gal)
(data for mixed product at 20C)
Mass density approx. 1,4 g/cm
Solids content approx. 78 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 1.9 lb/gal - 228 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 125 m *
Theoretical spreading rate 6,2 m/l for 125 m *
Touch dry after 7 - 8 hours at 5C, 5 - 6 hours at 10C, 2 - 3 hours at 20C
Overcoating interval min. 8 hours *
max. 28 days *
Full cure after see curing table *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point base 28C, hardener 25C
RECOMMENDED steel; blast cleaned to a minimum of ISO-Sa2, blasting profile (R
AND TEMPERATURES previous coat; dry and free from any contamination and sufficiently
roughened if necessary
substrate temperature should be above 5C during application and curing
and at least 3C above dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION tankfarms system sheet 2205
pipecoatings system sheets 2309, 2331, 2333
tankcoatings system sheets 3320
maintenance p.c. system sheet 4090
back to previous view
* see additional data page 2/4
December 1999
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 75 : 25
the temperature of the mixture of base and hardener should be above
15C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance and slower cure
thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time allow induction time before use
15C 15 min.
20C 10 min.
25C 5 min.
Pot life at 20C 1,5 hours *
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner up to 10 % for a one coat application of 125 m dft
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,53 - 0,58 mm (= 0,021 - 0,023 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2100 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 5 - 15 % for a one coat application of 125 m dft
Nozzle orifice 1,8 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,3 - 0,4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)
BRUSH not recommended, only for spot repair and stripe coating
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant material safety data sheet
this is a solvent based paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation
of spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and
exposed skin or eyes
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
mixed paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 45 m
b. to reach TLV = 938 m
Sigma thinner 91-92 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 170 m
b. to reach TLV =4468 m
Sigma thinner 90-53 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 156 m
b. to reach TLV =3501 m
back to previous view
* see additional data page 3/4
December 1999
Film thickness and theoretical
spreading rate spreading rate m/l 7,8 6,2
dft in m 100 125
min. dft for closed film with airless spray: 80 m
max. dft when brushing: 100 m
Overcoating table substrate
temperature 5C 10C 20C 30C 40C
minimum 32 24 8 4 3
interval hours hours hours hours hours
maximum 28 28 28 14 7
interval days days days days days
surface should be dry and free from any contamination
Curing table substrate min. curing time of Sigmaguard EHB tankcoating
temperature system before transport of
aliphatic petroleum products cargoes without
and ballast water and note 4, 7, 8 or 11
tanktest with seawater
5C 10 days 17 days
10C 7 days 14 days
15C 5 days 8 days
20C 3 days 5 days
30C 2,5 days 4 days
40C 1,5 days 3 days
minimum curing time of Sigmaguard EHB tankcoating system before
transport of cargoes with note 4,7,8 or 11: 3 months
for detailed information on resistance and resistance notes, please refer
to the latest issue of the Cargo Resistance List
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
back to previous view
179122 grey 5000002200
180730 green 4000002200
page 4/4
December 1999
Pot life 15C 3 hours
(at application viscosity) 20C 1,5 hours
25C 1 hour
30C 30 min.
Worl dwi de avai l abi l i t y Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/4
a four page issue December 1999
revision of 5-1997
DESCRIPTION two component high build amine adduct cured phenolic epoxy coating
PRINCIPAL second coat in the Sigma Phenguard tankcoating system
CHARACTERISTICS excellent resistance to a wide range of organic acids, alcohols, edible
oils, fats (regardless of free fatty acid content) and solvents
maximum cargo flexibility
low cargo absorption
good resistance to hot water
food certificate, see sheet 1884
Recognized corrosion control coatings (Lloyds register), see sheet 1886
good application properties, resulting in a smooth surface
COLOURS AND GLOSS pink - eggshell
BASIC DATA (1 g/cm = 8,25 lb/US gal; 1 m/l = 40,7 ft/US gal)
(data for mixed product at 20C)
Mass density approx. 1,7 g/cm
Solids content approx. 66 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 2,5 lb/gal - 300 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 100 m
Theoretical spreading rate 6,6 m/l for 100 m *
Touch dry after 2 hours
Overcoating interval min. 24 hours *
max. 21 days *
Full cure after see curing table *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point base 25C, hardener 32C
RECOMMENDED previous coat of Sigma Phenguard primer; dry and free from any
AND TEMPERATURES substrate must be perfectly dry before and during application of
Sigma Phenguard coating
substrate temperature should be above 10C and at least 3C above
dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheet 3141
tankcoatings system sheet 3322
back to previous view
* see additional data page 2/4
December 1999
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 88 : 12
the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should be above
15C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance and slower cure
thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time allow minimum induction time before use
15C 20 min.
20C 15 min.
25C 10 min.
Pot life 4 hours *
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 2 - 10 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,46 - 0,53 mm (= 0,018 - 0,021 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2100 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 2 - 10 %
Nozzle orifice 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,3 MPa (= approx. 3 bar; 43 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 5 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
mixed paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 56 m
b. to reach TLV = 970 m
Sigma thinner 91-92 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 170 m
b. to reach TLV = 4468 m
Sigma thinner 90-53 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 156 m
b. to reach TLV = 3501 m
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page 3/4
December 1999
Film thickness and theoretical
spreading rate spreading rate m/l 6,6 5,3
dft in m 100 125
min. dft for closed film with airless spray: 50 m
max. dft when brushing: 60 m
Overcoating table for substrate
Sigma Phenguard finish temperature 10C 15C 20C 30C 40C
minimum 36 32 24 16 12
interval hours hours hours hours hours
maximum 28 25 21 14 7
interval days days days days days
surface should be dry and free from any contamination
Curing table substrate min. curing time of Sigma Phenguard tankcoating
temperature system before transport of cargoes without note 4, 7,
8 or 11 and ballast water and tanktest with seawater
10C 14 days
15C 14 days
20C 10 days
30C 7 days
40C 5 days
minimum curing time of Sigma Phenguard tankcoating system before
transport of cargoes with note 4,7,8 or 11: 3 months
for detailed information on resistance and resistance notes, please refer
to the latest issue of the Cargo Resistance List
for transport of methanol, a hot cargo cure is required and cannot be
substituted by a service period of 3 months with non-aggressive cargoes
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
the performance of the applied system strongly depends on the curing
degree of the first coat at time of recoating. Therefore overcoating time
between 1st and 2nd coat is extended in comparison between 2nd and
3rd coat (see overcoating details)
back to previous view
179115 pink 6007002200
page 4/4
December 1999
Pot life 10C 6 hours
(at application viscosity) 20C 4 hours
30C 1,5 hours
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/4
a four page issue December 1999
revision of 5-1997
DESCRIPTION two component high build amine adduct cured phenolic epoxy finish
PRINCIPAL finish coat in the Sigma Phenguard tankcoating system
CHARACTERISTICS excellent resistance to a wide range of organic acids, alcohols, edible
oils, fats (regardless of free fatty acid content) and solvents
maximum cargo flexibility
low cargo absorption
good resistance to hot water
food certificate, see sheet 1884
Recognized corrosion control coatings (Lloyds register), see sheet 1886
good application properties, resulting in a smooth surface
easy to clean
COLOURS AND GLOSS light grey (green on request) - eggshell
BASIC DATA (1 g/cm = 8,25 lb/US gal; 1 m/l = 40,7 ft/US gal)
(data for mixed product at 20C)
Mass density approx. 1,7 g/cm
Solids content approx. 66 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 2,5 lb/gal - 300 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 100 m
Theoretical spreading rate 6,6 m/l for 100 m *
Touch dry after 2 hours
Overcoating interval min. 24 hours *
max. 21 days *
Full cure after see curing table *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point base 25C, hardener 32C
RECOMMENDED previous coat of Sigma Phenguard coating; dry and free from any
AND TEMPERATURES substrate must be perfectly dry before and during application of
Sigma Phenguard finish
substrate temperature should be above 10C and at least 3C above
dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheet 3141
tankcoatings system sheet 3322
back to previous view
* see additional data page 2/4
December 1999
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 88 : 12
the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should be above 15C,
otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance and slower cure
thinner should be added after mixing components
Induction time allow minimum induction time before use
15C 20 min.
20C 15 min.
25C 10 min.
Pot life 4 hours *
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 2 - 10 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,46 - 0,53 mm (= 0,018 - 0,021 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2100 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 2 - 10 %
Nozzle orifice 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,3 MPa (= approx. 3 bar; 43 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 5 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
mixed paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 55 m
b. to reach TLV = 967 m
Sigma thinner 91-92 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 170 m
b. to reach TLV = 4468 m
Sigma thinner 90-53 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 156 m
b. to reach TLV = 3501 m
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page 3/4
December 1999
Film thickness and theoretical
spreading rate spreading rate m/l 6,6 5,3
dft in m 100 125
min. dft for closed film with airless spray: 50 m
max. dft when brushing: 60 m
Overcoating table for substrate
Sigma Phenguard finish temperature 10C 15C 20C 30C 40C
minimum 36 32 24 16 12
interval hours hours hours hours hours
maximum 28 25 21 14 7
interval days days days days days
surface should be dry and free from any contamination
Curing table substrate min. curing time of Sigma Phenguard tankcoating
temperature system before transport of cargoes without note 4, 7,
8 or 11 and ballast water and tanktest with seawater
10C 14 days
15C 14 days
20C 10 days
30C 7 days
40C 5 days
minimum curing time of Sigma Phenguard tankcoating system before
transport of cargoes with note 4, 7, 8 or 11: 3 months
for detailed information on resistance and resistance notes, please refer
to the latest issue of the Cargo Resistance List
for transport of methanol, a hot cargo cure is required and cannot be
substituted by a service period of 3 months with non-aggressive cargoes
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
the performance of the applied system strongly depends on the curing
degree of the first coat at time of recoating. Therefore overcoating time
between 1st and 2nd coat is extended in comparison between 2nd and
3rd coat (see overcoating details)
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179116 green 4000002200
179118 grey 5000002200
page 4/4
December 1999
Pot life 10C 6 hours
(at application viscosity) 20C 4 hours
30C 1,5 hours
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/4
a four page issue December 1999
revision of 5-1997
DESCRIPTION two component solvent free amine cured epoxy coating
PRINCIPAL tank coating for crude oil/ballast and aliphatic petroleum products
CHARACTERISTICS good resistance to various chemicals
one coat protection for steel structures, ships and storage tanks with
excellent corrosion resistance
can be reinforced with chopped glassfibre or mat
can be applied by heavy duty single feed airless spray equipment (60:1)
eliminates explosion risk and fire hazard
good visibility due to light colour
recognized corrosion control coatings (Lloyds register), see sheet 1886
meets the requirements of Mil-C-4556E concerning resistance against
aircraft fuel and fuel degradation
COLOURS AND GLOSS green - gloss
BASIC DATA (1 g/cm = 8,25 lb/US gal; 1 m/l = 40,7 ft/US gal)
(data for mixed product at 20C)
Mass density approx. 1,3 g/cm
Solids content 100 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 0,1 lb/gal - 17 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 300 m
Theoretical spreading rate 3,3 m/l for 300 m *
Touch dry after 8 hours
Overcoating time min. 24 hours *
max. 20 days *
Full cure after 5 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point base and hardener: above 65C
RECOMMENDED steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS blasting profile (Rz); 50-100 m
AND TEMPERATURES suitable primer; Sigmacover primer 7413 or Sigmarite sealer 7420
substrate temperature should be above 5C and at least 3C above
dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine 1 x 300 m Sigmaguard CSF
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* see additional data page 2/4
December 1999
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 : 20
when mixing the temperature of base and hardener should be at least
at lower temperature the viscosity will be too high for spray application
no thinner should be used
Induction time none
Pot life at 20C 1 hour *
AIRLESS SPRAY heavy duty single feed airless spray equipment preferably 60:1 pump
ratio and suitable high pressure hoses
in-line heating or insulated hoses may be necessary to avoid cooling
down of paint in hoses at low air temperature
application with 45:1 airless spray equipment is possible provided in-line
heated high pressure hoses are used
in case of using 45:1 airless spray equipment the paint must be heated
to approx. 30C in order to obtain the right application viscosity
length of hoses should be as short as possible
Recommended thinner no thinner to be added
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,53 - 0,58 mm (= 0,021 - 0,023 in)
Nozzle pressure at 20C (paint temperature)
min. 28 MPa (= approx. 280 bar; 4000 p.s.i.)
at 30C (paint temperature)
min. 22 MPa (= approx. 220 bar; 3000 p.s.i.)
BRUSH/ROLLER for stripe coating and spot repair only
Recommended thinner no thinner to be added
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
all application equipment must be cleaned immediately after use
paint inside the spraying equipment must be removed before the pot life
time has been expired
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
no solvent present; however, spray mist is not harmless, a fresh air mask
should be used during spraying
ventilation should be provided in confined spaces to maintain good
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page 3/4
December 1999
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
mixed paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 1 m
b. to reach TLV = 22 m
Sigma thinner 90-53 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 156 m
b. to reach TLV = 3501 m
Film thickness and theoretical
spreading rate spreading rate m/l 3,3 2,5
dft in m 300 400
min. dft for closed film with airless spray: 200 m
max. dft when brushing: 150 - 200 m
measuring wet film thickness
a deviation is often obtained between the measured apparent wft and the
real applied wft
this is due to the thixotropy and the surface tension of the paint by which
the release of air in the paint film takes some time
recommendation is to apply a wft which is equal to the specified dft plus
60 m
measuring dry film thickness
because of low initial hardness the dft cannot be measured within some
days due to the penetration of the measuring device into the soft paint
the dft should be measured using a calibration foil of known thickness
placed in between the coating and the measuring device
Overcoating table
with Sigmaguard CSF
(spot repair and
stripe coating)
temperature 5C 10C 20C 30C
minimum 80 36 24 16
interval hours hours hours hours
maximum 20 20 20 14
interval days days days days
surface should be dry and free from any contamination
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179131 green 4000002200
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December 1999
Curing table substrate temperature dry to handle full cure
5C 60 hours 15 days
10C 30 hours 7 days
20C 16 hours 5 days
30C 10 hours 3 days
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
Pot life 20C 60 min.
(at application viscosity) 30C 45 min.
due to exothermic reaction, temperature during and after mixing may
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/3
a three page issue December 1999
revision of 5-1998
DESCRIPTION two component high solids polyamine cured epoxy coating
PRINCIPAL excellent water and chemical resistance
CHARACTERISTICS suitable for waste water of pH 2-10
good abrasion resistance particularly to waste water slurries
easy to clean
UV exposure may adversely affect colour and gloss
COLOURS AND GLOSS greenish grey - gloss
BASIC DATA AT 20C (1 g/cm = 8,25 lb/US gal; 1 m/l = 40,7 ft/US gal)
Mass density approx. 1,5 g/cm
Solids content approx. 86,0 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 1,2 lb/gal - 145 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 150-250 m
Theoretical spreading rate 5,7 m/l for 150 m
Touch dry after 3 - 4 hours
Overcoating interval min. 20 hours *
max. 5 days *
Full cure after 10 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point base 18C, hardener 65C
RECOMMENDED suitable primer (Sigma Phenguard primer preferred for waste
AND TEMPERATURES dry and free from any contamination
substrate temperature should be above 5C and at least 3C above dew
Mixing instructions mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 77 : 23
the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should be above 15C,
otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance and slower cure
thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time none
Pot life at 20C 3 hours *
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* see additional data page 2/3
December 1999
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 5 - 10 %, depending on required dft
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,53 mm (= 0,021 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2100 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 10 - 15 %, depending on required dft
Nozzle orifice 1,5 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,3 MPa (= approx. 3 bar; 43 p.s.i.)
BRUSH max. dft 75 m
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 5 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant material safety data sheet
this is a solvent based paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation
of spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and
exposed skin or eyes
Film thickness and theoretical spreading
spreading rate rate m/litre 4,3 3,4 1,7
dft in m 200 250 500
Overcoating table substrate
temperature 5C 10C 20C 30C 40C
minimum 4 2 16 10 8
interval days days hours hours hours
maximum 14 7 5 2 2
interval days days days days days
surface should be dry and free from any contamination
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179526 green 4000002200
179528 black 8000002200
page 3/3
December 1999
Curing table substrate dry to full
temperature handle cure
5C 5 days 21 days
10C 2 days 15 days
20C 16 hours 10 days
30C 10 hours 5 days
40C 8 hours 3 days
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
Pot life 15C 4 hours
(at application viscosity) 20C 3 hours
25C 2 hours
30C 1,5 hours
40C 1 hour
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/3
a three page issue December 1999
revision of 5-1997
DESCRIPTION two component high-build amine cured modified phenolic epoxy coating
PRINCIPAL to repair and maintain chemical resistant epoxy amine cured tanklinings
CHARACTERISTICS like Sigmaguard EHB and Sigma Phenguard
designed for spot repair
excellent adhesion to abraded steel and coating surface
well applicable at high dfts by brush/roller
good chemical resistance
easy to handle
fast curing
COLOURS AND GLOSS grey, green - eggshell
BASIC DATA (data for mixed product at 20C)
Mass density approx. 1,8 g/cm
Solids content approx. 75,0 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 2,1 lb/gal - 284 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 100-150 m (one full coat by brush/roller)
Theoretical spreading rate 7,5 m/l for 100 m, 5,0 m/l for 150 m
Touch dry after 2 hours (150 m)
Overcoating interval min. 14 hours *
Shelf life (cool and dry place) 12 months
Flash point base 26C, hardener 32C
RECOMMENDED cargo tank should be in a clean, dry, gas free condition prior to repairs
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS previous coat; dry and free from any contamination
AND TEMPERATURES protection of applied coating in way of tread areas in the tank to be
provided by mats; all personnel entering tanks to wear soft footwear.
minor rust areas and coating defects to be prepared by rotating disc or
power tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3 standard or by vacuum blasting to
ISO-Sa2 standard
overlap areas of repair to be roughened by means of rough pads
solvent wiping of prepared areas necessary to remove any cargo trace
prior to application of the Sigmaguard maintenance coating
substrate must be perfectly dry before and during application of
Sigmaguard maintenance coating
substrate temperature should be above 10C and at least 3C above
dew point
after repair carriage of aggressive cargoes, with notes 4, 7, 8 or 11 will
require a full cure i.e. 3 months service with non aggressive cargoes or a
hot cure
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page 2/3
December 1999
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 85 : 15
the temperature of the mixture of base and hardener should be above
thinner is not recommended after mixing components
Induction time none
Pot life 4 hours
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION application of Sigmaguard maintenance must be done in two coats by
brush/roller to a total minimum dft of 200 m
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 0-3 % (if necessary)
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C) preferable or
Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves, safety goggles and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets
1430, 1431 and relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
mixed paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 45 m
b. to reach TLV = 754 m
Sigma thinner 91-92 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 170 m
b. to reach TLV = 4468 m
Sigma thinner 90-53 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 156 m
b. to reach TLV = 3501 m
Overcoating table for
Sigmaguard maintenance
temperature 10C 15C 20C 25C 30C 40C
minimum 28 20 14 8 6 4
interval hours hours hours hours hours hours
maximum 28 25 21 17 14 7
interval days days days days days days
cargoes should not be transported between the application of the
subsequent coatings
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179113 green 4000001250
179114 grey 5000001250
page 3/3
December 1999
Curing table substrate min. curing time before transport of cargoes
temperature without note 4, 7, 8 or 11 and ballast water or
tank test with seawater
10C 10 days
15C 6 days
20C 5 days
30C 3 days
40C 2 days
minimum curing time before transport of cargoes with note 4, 7, 8 or 11:
3 months
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
contact with water, within the curing period, will decrease the
performance of the Sigmaguard maintenance coating
Pot life 10C 6 hours
(at application viscosity) 20C 4 hours
30C 1,5 hours
40C 0,5 hour
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/4
a four page issue December 1999
DESCRIPTION two component solvent free epoxy coating
PRINCIPAL 2 coat cargo tank coating system with good chemical resistance against
CHARACTERISTICS a wide range of products
complies with all legislative rulings on VOC emissions
good visibility due to light colour
easy to clean
eliminates explosion risk and fire hazard
good edge covering
COLOURS AND GLOSS blue, green - gloss
BASIC DATA (1 g/cm = 8,25 lb/US gal; 1 m/l = 40,7 ft/US gal)
(data for mixed product at 20C)
Mass density approx. 1,3 g/cm
Solids content approx. 100 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 0,0 lb/gal - 8 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 150 m per coat
Theoretical spreading rate 6,7 m/l for 150 m *
Touch dry after 6 hours
Overcoating time min. 24 hours *
max. 20 days *
Full cure after see curing table *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point base and hardener: above 65C
RECOMMENDED steel; blast cleaned to a minimum of ISO-Sa2, blasting profile (Rz);
AND TEMPERATURES substrate temperature should be above 5C during application and curing
and at least 3C above dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheet 3328
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 : 20
when mixing the temperature of base and hardener should be at least
at lower temperature the viscosity will be too high for spray application
no thinner should be used
back to previous view
* see additional data page 2/4
December 1999
Induction time none
Pot life at 20C 1 hour *
AIRLESS SPRAY heavy duty single feed airless spray equipment preferably 60:1 pump
ratio and suitable high pressure hoses
in-line heating or insulated hoses may be necessary to avoid cooling
down of paint in hoses at low air temperature
application with 45:1 airless spray equipment is possible provided in-line
heated high pressure hoses are used
length of hoses should be as short as possible
Recommended thinner no thinner to be added
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,53 mm (= 0,021 in)
Nozzle pressure at 20C (paint temperature) min. 28 MPa (= approx. 280 bar; 4000 p.s.i.)
at 30C (paint temperature) min. 22 MPa (= approx. 220 bar; 3000 p.s.i.)
BRUSH/ROLLER for stripe coating and spot repair only
Recommended thinner no thinner to be added
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
all application equipment must be cleaned immediately after use
paint inside the spraying equipment must be removed before the pot life
time has been expired
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
no solvent present; however, spray mist is not harmless, a fresh air mask
should be used during spraying
ventilation should be provided in confined spaces to maintain good
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of :
mixed paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 1 m
b. to reach TLV = 22 m
Sigma thinner 90-53 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 159 m
b. to reach TLV = 3501 m
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page 3/4
December 1999
Film thickness and theoretical spreading
spreading rate rate m/l 6,7
dft in m 150
min. dft for closed film with airless spray: 100 m
max. dft when brushing: 150 - 200 m
measuring wet film thickness
a deviation is often obtained between the measured apparent wft and the
real applied wft
this is due to the thixotropy and the surface tension of the paint by which
the release of air in the paint film takes some time
recommendation is to apply a wft which is equal to the specified dft plus
60 m
measuring dry film thickness
because of low initial hardness the dft cannot be measured within some
days due to the penetration of the measuring device into the soft paint
the dft should be measured using a calibration foil of known thickness
placed in between the coating and the measuring device
Overcoating table with
Sigmaguard CSF 7462
temperature 5C 10C 20C 30C
minimum 80 36 24 16
interval hours hours hours hours
maximum 20 20 20 14
interval days days days days
surface should be dry and free from any contamination
Curing table substrate dry to handle full cure
5C 60 hours 15 days
10C 30 hours 7 days
20C 16 hours 5 days
30C 10 hours 3 days
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
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179156 blue 1000002200
179157 green 4000002200
page 4/4
December 1999
Pot life 20C 60 min.
(at application viscosity) 30C 45 min.
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/4
a four page issue December 1999
revision of 9-1998
DESCRIPTION two component high build micaceous iron oxide pigmented polyamide cured
recoatable epoxy coating
PRINCIPAL general purpose epoxy build coat or finish in protective coating systems
CHARACTERISTICS for steel and concrete structures exposed to atmospheric land or marine
easy application, both by airless spray and brush
will cure even at temperatures down to 10C
a high relative humidity max. 95 % during application and curing does
not influence the quality of the coating
good adhesion on most aged, sound alkyd-, chlorinated rubber- and
epoxy coatings
can be recoated with various two component and conventional coatings
even after long weathering periods
resistant to water and splash of mild chemicals
excellent durability
tough with long term flexibility
COLOURS AND GLOSS light grey, low metallic sheen - eggshell
BASIC DATA (1 g/cm = 8,25 lb/US gal; 1 m/l = 40,7 ft/US gal)
(data for mixed product at 20C)
Mass density approx. 1,4 g/cm
Solids content approx. 63 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 2,9 lb/gal - 357 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 75-150 m depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 6,3 m/l for 100 m *
Touch dry after 2 hours
Overcoating interval min. 3 hours
max. unlimited
Curing time 4 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point base 26C, hardener 24,5C
back to previous view
* see additional data page 2/4
December 1999
RECOMMENDED steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS steel with zinc silicate shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss or
AND TEMPERATURES power tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
previous coat; dry and free from any contamination
zinc silicate coating (dft of 75 m); free from any contamination and zinc
salts, Sigma CM miocoat thinned down 20% by volume with Sigma
thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C) should be applied by mistcoat-fullcoat
technique in a dft of approx 50 m
during application and curing a substrate temperature down to 10C is
acceptable, provided the substrate is free from water or ice
substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheets 3102, 3103
Mixing instructions mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 82 : 18
the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should be above 10C,
otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time none
Pot life at 20C 6 hours *
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 5 - 10 %, depending on required dft
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,48 - 0,58 mm (= 0,019 - 0,023 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2100 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 10 - 15 %
Nozzle orifice 1,5 - 3 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,3 - 0,4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 5 %
to obtain optimal flow Sigma thinner 91-99 should be used (flash point 43C)
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
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page 3/4
December 1999
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
mixed paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 70 m
b. to reach TLV = 1114 m
Sigma thinner 91-92 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 170 m
b. to reach TLV = 4468 m
Sigma thinner 91-99 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 195 m
b. to reach TLV = 1782 m
Sigma thinner 90-53 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 156 m
b. to reach TLV = 3501 m
Film thickness and theoretical
spreading rate spreading rate m/l 8,4 6,3 4,2
dft in m 75 100 150
min. dft for closed film with airless spray: 60 m
max. dft when brushing: 75 m
Overcoating table at 100 m
for Sigma CM products and
various epoxy finishes
temperature 5C 5C 10C 20C 30C 40C
minimum 36 10 4 3 2 2
interval hours hours hours hours hours hours
maximum no limitation
surface should be dry and free from any contamination
Overcoating table at 100 m
for various chlorinated
rubbers and vinyls, Sigma
topacryl coating, Sigmadur
gloss and various alkyd
temperature 0C 5C 10C 20C 30C 40C
minimum 4 2 1 12 8 6
interval days days day hours hours hours
maximum no limitation,
interval glossy finishes require a corresponding undercoat
Notes: surface should be dry and free from any contamination
Sigma CM miocoat should not be overcoated with a coal tar epoxy
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179025 lightgrey 9553052200
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December 1999
Curing table at substrate temperature dry to handle full cure
10C 24-48 hours 20 days
5C 24-30 hours 14 days
0C 18-24 hours 10 days
5C 18 hours 8 days
10C 12 hours 6 days
15C 8 hours 5 days
20C 6 hours 4 days
30C 4 hours 3 days
40C 3 hours 2 days
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
Pot life 10C 12 hours
(at application viscosity) 20C 6 hours
30C 4 hours
40C 2 hours
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/4
a four page issue December 1999
revision of 9-1998
DESCRIPTION two component high build polyamide cured recoatable epoxy coating
PRINCIPAL general purpose epoxy build coat or finish in protective coating systems
CHARACTERISTICS for steel and concrete structures exposed to atmospheric land and
marine conditions
easy application, both by airless spray and brush
will cure even at temperatures down to 10C
a high relative humidity max. 95 %, during application and curing does
not influence the quality of the coating
good adhesion on most aged, sound alkyd-, chlorinated rubber- and
epoxy coatings
can be recoated with various two component and conventional coatings
even after long weathering periods
resistant to water and splash of mild chemicals
excellent durability
tough, with long term flexibility
COLOURS AND GLOSS according to Marine shade card - semigloss
BASIC DATA (1 g/cm = 8,25 lb/US gal; 1 m/l = 40,7 ft/US gal)
(data for white, mixed product at 20C)
Mass density approx. 1,4 g/cm
Solids content approx. 65 % by volume for white,
approx. 62-65 % by volume for colours
VOC (supplied) max. 2,8 lb/gal - 350 g/l for white
Recommended dry film
thickness 75 - 150 m depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 6,5 m/l for 100 m, 8,7 m/l for 75 m *
Touch dry after 2 hours
Overcoating interval min. 3 hours *
max. unlimited
Curing time 4 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point base 26C, hardener 24,5C
RECOMMENDED previous coat; dry and free from any contamination
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS during application and curing a substrate temperature down to 10C
AND TEMPERATURES is acceptable provided the substrate is free from water or ice
substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheets 3102, 3103, 3104, 3105
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* see additional data page 2/4
December 1999
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 82 : 18
the temperature of the mixture of base and hardener should be above
10C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
thinner should be added after mixing the components
for twinfeed application, please revert to your local Sigma Coatings office
Induction time none
Pot life at 20C 6 hours *
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 5 %, depending on required dft
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,48 mm (= 0,019 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2100 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 5 - 10 %
Nozzle orifice 1,5 - 3 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,3 - 0,4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 5 %
to obtain optimal flow Sigma thinner 91-99 may be used
(flash point 43C)
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
mixed paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 71 m
b. to reach TLV = 1120 m
Sigma thinner 91-92 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 170 m
b. to reach TLV = 4468 m
Sigma thinner 91-99 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 195 m
b. to reach TLV = 1782 m
Sigma thinner 90-53 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 156 m
b. to reach TLV = 3501 m
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page 3/4
December 1999
Film thickness and theoretical
spreading rate spreading rate m/l 8,7 6,5 4,3
dft in m 75 100 150
min. dft for closed film with airless spray: 50 m
max. dft when brushing: 60 m
Overcoating table at 75 m
dft for Sigma CM products
and various epoxy finishes
temperature 5C 5C 10C 20C 30C 40C
minimum 36 10 4 3 2 2
interval hours hours hours hours hours hours
maximum no limitation
surface should be dry and free from any contamination
Overcoating table at 75 m
dft for various chlorinated
rubber coatings and vinyls,
Sigma Topacryl coating,
Sigmadur Gloss and various
alkyd paints
temperature 0C 5C 10C 20C 30C 40C
minimum 48 24 16 8 5 3
interval hours hours hours hours hours hours
maximum no limitation,
interval glossy finishes require a corresponding undercoat
surface should be dry and free from any contamination
Note Sigma CM coating should not be overcoated with a coal tar epoxy
Curing table at substrate temperature dry to handle full cure
10C 24-48 hours 20 days
5C 24-30 hours 14 days
0C 18-24 hours 10 days
5C 18 hours 8 days
10C 12 hours 6 days
15C 8 hours 5 days
20C 6 hours 4 days
30C 4 hours 3 days
40C 3 hours 2 days
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
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179073 white 7000002200
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December 1999
Pot life 10C 12 hours
(at application viscosity) 20C 6 hours
30C 4 hours
40C 2 hours
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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page 1/4
a four page issue December 1999
revision of 8-1999
DESCRIPTION two component polyamine cured epoxy anticorrosive tiecoat
PRINCIPAL final coat in epoxy underwater anticorrosive systems
CHARACTERISTICS epoxy anticorrosive with excellent adhesion for antifoulings
excellent water resistance
good abrasion and impact resistance
COLOURS AND GLOSS black and grey - flat
BASIC DATA (data for mixed product at 20C)
Mass density approx. 1,4 g/cm
Solids content approx. 70 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 2,2 lb/gal - 272 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 75-125 m
Theoretical spreading rate 9,3 m/l for 75 m, 5,6 m/l for 125 m
Touch dry after 4 hours *
Overcoating interval min. 8 hours *
max. 3 days
Full cure after 7 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point base 35C, hardener 26C
RECOMMENDED previous coat; dry and free from any contamination
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS substrate temperature should be above 5C and at least 3C above
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheet 3101
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 86 : 14
the temperature of the mixture of base and hardener should be above
15C, otherwise extra solvent must be used to obtain application
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance and slower cure
thinner should be added after mixing base and hardener
preferable application temperature above 5C to ensure good curing,
application down to 0C is possible
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page 2/4
December 1999
Induction time when substrate temperature is below 10C, allow induction time after
mixing of 15 minutes
Pot life at 20C 6 hours *
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-79 (flash point 26C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 5 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,46 - 0,53 mm (= 0,018 - 0,021 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 15 MPa (= approx. 120 - 150 bar; 1700 - 2100 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-79 (flash point 26C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 5 %
Nozzle orifice 1,5 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,3 - 0,4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-79 (flash point 26C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 5 %, if required
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves, safety goggles and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets
1430, 1431 and relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
mixed paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 36 m
b. to reach TLV = 1358 m
Sigma thinner 91-79 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 164 m
b. to reach TLV = 3723 m
Sigma thinner 90-53 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 156 m
b. to reach TLV = 3501 m
Film thickness and theoretical
spreading rate spreading rate m/l 9,3 7,0 5,6
dft in m 75 100 125
min. dft for closed film with airless spray: 50 m
max. dft when brushing: 75 m
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page 3/4
December 1999
Overcoating table for
Sigma Hullrite at 75 m
with most antifoulings
temperature 5C 10C 20C 30C
minimum 18 12 8 4
interval hours hours hours hours
maximum 8 5 3 2
interval days days days days
surface should be dry and free from any contamination
Curing table for substrate minimum curing time full cure
Sigma Hullrite at 75 m temperatures before exposure to seawater
5C 96 hours
10C 48 hours 15 days
20C 24 hours 7 days
30C 18 hours 5 days
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
Pot life 15C 8 hours
(at application viscosity) 20C 6 hours
30C 4 hours
35C 2 hours
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
5C 10C 20C 30C
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195377 black 8000002200
199260 grey 5000002200
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December 1999
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/5
7472 SIGMA TCN 300
a five page issue December 1999
revision of 1-1998
DESCRIPTION two component high build polyamine adduct cured coaltar epoxy coating
PRINCIPAL outstanding water and crude oil resistance
CHARACTERISTICS excellent corrosion resistance
good resistance against chemically polluted water
can be applied and cures at low temperatures (application possible down
to 5C provided the substrate is free from ice)
good abrasion resistance
recognized corrosion control coatings (Lloyds register), see sheet 1886
resistant to well designed cathodic protection
COLOURS AND GLOSS black and brown - eggshell
BASIC DATA (1 g/cm = 8,25 lb/US gal; 1 m/l = 40,7 ft/US gal)
(data for mixed product at 20C)
Mass density approx. 1,5 g/cm
Solids content approx. 71 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 2,4 lb/gal - 295 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 125-500 m (see system sheets)
Theoretical spreading rate 5,7 m/l for 125 m *
Touch dry after 4 hours
Overcoating interval min. 6 hours *
max. 5 days *
Full cure after 7 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point base 25C, hardener 26C
RECOMMENDED for immersion in water, with cathodic protection
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS o steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
AND TEMPERATURES o steel with zinc silicate shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss or power
tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
o existing coal tar epoxy coating; sufficiently roughened and free from any
for immersion in water, without cathodic protection
o steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
o steel; hydrojetted to VIS WJ2 L
o steel with approved shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss or power
tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
o existing coal tar epoxy coating; sufficiently roughened and free from any
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7472 SIGMA TCN 300
December 1999
for atmospheric exposure conditions
o steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 or ISO-Sa2
o steel; hydrojetted to VIS WJ2/3 L
o steel with approved shop primer; power tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt2 or
o existing coal tar epoxy coating; sufficiently roughened and free from any
in order to obtain the maximum resistance against chemical- and
mechanical influences the substrate temperature should be above 5C
during application and curing
application at temperatures down to -5C is possible but curing to
hardness takes considerably longer and complete resistance will be
reached when temperature increases
substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheets 3101, 3102, 3106, 3107
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 86 : 14
the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should be above 15C,
otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance and slower cure
thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time allow minimum induction time before use
15C 30 min.
20C 15 min.
25C 10 min.
for application temperatures below 5C: 60 min.
Pot life at 20C 6 hours *
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-79 (flash point 26C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 5 % for a dft of 250 m
10 - 15 % for a dft of 125 m
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,53 - 0,64 mm (= 0,021 - 0,025 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2100 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-79 (flash point 26C)
Volume of thinner 5 - 10 %
Nozzle orifice 1,5 - 3 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,2 - 0,4 MPa (= approx. 2 - 4 bar; 28 - 57 p.s.i.)
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7472 SIGMA TCN 300
December 1999
BRUSH/ROLLER only for touch up and spot repair
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-79 (flash point 26C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 5 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
mixed paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 58 m
b. to reach TLV = 892 m
Sigma thinner 91-79 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 164 m
b. to reach TLV = 3723 m
Sigma thinner 90-53 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 156 m
b. to reach TLV = 3501 m
Film thickness and theoretical
spreading rate spreading rate m/l 5,7 2,8 2,4 1,8 1,4
dft in m 125 250 300 400 500
min. dft for closed film with airless spray: 80 m
max. dft when brushing(touch up and spot repair): 125 m
Overcoating table
for dft up to 250 m
with Sigma TCN 300 and
Sigma TCN tiecoat and
other compatible paints
temperature 5C 10C 15C 20C 30C
minimum 24 18 12 6 4
interval hours hours hours hours hours
interval 21 12 8 4 3
when exposed days days days days days
to direct
interval 40 30 24 18 14
when not days days days days days
to direct
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7472 SIGMA TCN 300
December 1999
surface should be dry and free from any contamination
when overcoated with other paints, tar bleeding will occur
when overcoating work is to be carried out on coats thicker than 250 m
applied in one coat, the minimum overcoating interval must be extended
as follows:
for 300 m : 2 times as long
for 400 m : 3 times as long
for 500 m : 4 times as long
adequate ventilation is required during application and curing
when application has to be executed at low temperature care should be
taken that the temperature of the mixed paint is at least 15C, the
induction time should be increased to at least one hour
Curing table
for dft up to 250 m
initial cure full cure
substrate for exposure to seawater for immersion in
temperature and to slightly polluted polluted water or
atmosphere crude oil
5C 96 hours
10C 48 hours 15 days
15C 30 hours 10 days
20C 24 hours 7 days
30C 18 hours 3 days
40C 12 hours 2 days
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
Drydockings exposure to sea water is permitted after the initial curing time
if Sigma TCN 300 has been applied by means of hot airless spray,
exposure to seawater is permitted after an initial cure of 4 hours
at dfts ranging from 250 - 500 m applied in a one coat application the
curing times have to be doubled in order to obtain sufficient mechanical
the mechanical strength, when cured at low temperature, is low initially,
but will increase quickly when exposed to seawater
Pot life 15C 8 hours
(at application viscosity) 20C 6 hours
25C 5 hours
30C 4 hours
35C 2 hours
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179000 black 8000002200
178998 brown 2000002200
page 5/5
7472 SIGMA TCN 300
December 1999
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.r
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/4
a four page issue December 1999
revision of 5-1997
DESCRIPTION two component high solids polyamine cured epoxy coating
PRINCIPAL to be used for ballast tanks (block application or in situ coating)
CHARACTERISTICS outstanding sea water and crude oil resistance
excellent corrosion resistance
good resistance against chemically polluted water
resistant to well designed cathodic protection
good low temperature drying
COLOURS AND GLOSS green (grey on request) - gloss
BASIC DATA (1 g/cm = 8,25 lb/US gal; 1 m/l = 40,7 ft/US gal)
(data for mixed product at 20C)
Mass density approx. 1,4 g/cm
Solids content approx. 78 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 1,9 lb/gal - 232 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 125-150 m * in one coat application
Theoretical spreading rate 6,2 m/l for 125 m, 5,2 m/l for 150 m *
Touch dry after 7 - 8 hours at 5C, 5 - 6 hours at 10C, 2 - 3 hours at 20C
Overcoating interval min. 7 hours *
max. 28 days *
Full cure after see curing table *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point base 28C, hardener 24C
RECOMMENDED previous coat; dry and free from any contamination and sufficiently
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS roughened if necessary
AND TEMPERATURES substrate temperature at least 3C above dew point and free from ice
maximum relative humidity during application and curing 85%
application at temperatures down to -5C is possible but curing to
hardness takes considerably longer and complete resistance will be
reached when temperature increases
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheet 3106
back to previous view
* see additional data page 2/4
December 1999
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 75 : 25
the temperature of the mixture of base and hardener should be above
15C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance and slower cure
thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time allow induction time before use
15C 15 min.
20C 10 min.
25C 5 min.
Pot life at 20C 2 hours *
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner up to 10 % for a one coat application of 125 m dft
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,53 - 0,64 mm (= 0,021 - 0,025 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2100 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 5 - 15 % for a one coat application of 125 m dft
Nozzle orifice 1,8 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,3 - 0,4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)
BRUSH not recommended, only for spot repair and stripe coating
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431
and relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
mixed paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 45 m
b. to reach TLV = 938 m
Sigma thinner 91-92 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 170 m
b. to reach TLV = 4468 m
Sigma thinner 90-53 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 156 m
b. to reach TLV = 3501 m
back to previous view
* see additional data page 3/4
December 1999
Film thickness and theoretical spreading
spreading rate rate m/litre 6,2 5,2
dft in m 125 150
min. dft for closed film with airless spray: 80 m
max. dft when brushing: 100 m
Overcoating table
for dft up to 150 m
temperature -5C 5C 10C 20C 30C
minimum 40 20 14 7 4
interval hours hours hours hours hours
maximum 28 28 28 28 14
interval days days days days days
surface should be dry and free from any contamination
Curing table
for dft up to 150 m
full cure
substrate for immersion in
temperature water
5C --
5C 10 days
10C 7 days
20C 3 days
30C 2,5 days
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
Pot life 15C 3 hours
(at application viscosity) 20C 2 hours
30C 1 hour
40C 30 min.
back to previous view
179162 green 4000002200
179163 grey 5177052200
page 4/4
December 1999
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/4
a four page issue December 1999
revision of 5-1997
DESCRIPTION two component high build, vinyl modified polyamine cured coal tar epoxy
PRINCIPAL to be used as second coat on top of Sigma TCN 300 brown
CHARACTERISTICS formulated as an adhesion coat for antifouling paints
good resistance against chemically polluted water
can be applied and cures at low temperatures (application possible down
to 5C, provided the substrate is free from ice)
good abrasion resistance
will tolerate thicknesses up to 250 m at overlaps without sagging
COLOURS AND GLOSS black - eggshell
BASIC DATA (data for mixed product at 20C)
Mass density approx. 1,4 g/cm
Solids content approx. 65 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 3,1 lb/gal - 368 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 75 - 150 m (see system sheets)
Theoretical spreading rate 8,7 m/l for 75 m, 4,3 m/l for 150 m *
Touch dry after 3 hours
Overcoating interval min. 6 hours *
max. 5 days *
Full cure after 7 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point base 30C, hardener 26C
RECOMMENDED previous coat; dry, free from any contamination
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS application and curing should take place at a temperature of at least 5C
AND TEMPERATURES in order to obtain the maximum resistance against chemical and
mechanical influences
application at temperatures down to 5C is possible but curing to
hardness takes considerably longer and complete cure will be reached
when temperature increases
substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION anticorrosive systems for underwater and boottop system sheet 3101
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 89 : 11
back to previous view
* see additional data page 2/4
December 1999
the temperature of the mixture of base and hardener should be above
15C, otherwise more solvents must be used to obtain application
this results in lower sag resistance and slower cure
thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time allow minimum induction time before use
15C 30 min.
20C 15 min.
25C 10 min.
for application temperatures below 5C: 60 min.
Pot life at 20C 6 hours *
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-79 (flash point 26C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 10 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,48 - 0,58 mm (= 0,019 - 0,023 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2100 p.s.i.)
ROLLER/BRUSH only for touch up and spot repair
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-79 (flash point 26C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 5 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
mixed paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 63 m
b. to reach TLV = 1110 m
Sigma thinner 91-79 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 164 m
b. to reach TLV = 3723 m
Sigma thinner 90-53 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 156 m
b. to reach TLV = 3501 m
Film thickness and theoretical
spreading rate spreading rate m/l 8,7 5,2 4,3
dft in m 75 125 150
min. dft for closed film with airless spray: 50 m
max. dft when brushing: 75 m
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page 3/4
December 1999
Overcoating table
with most antifoulings
for dft up to 150 m
temperature 5C 10C 20C 30C
minimum 18 12 6 4
interval hours hours hours hours
for Sigmaplane 10 5 2 1
Ecol antifouling days days days day
for other 25 15 5 3
antifouling paints days days days days
when overcoated with antifoulings tar bleeding will occur
adequate ventilation is required during application and curing period
when application has to be executed at low temperature care should be
taken that the temperature of the mixed paint is at least 15C, the
induction time should be at least one hour
Curing table substrate initial cure before full cure
for dft up to 150 m temperature exposure to seawater
5C 96 hours
10C 48 hours 15 days
15C 30 hours 10 days
20C 24 hours 7 days
30C 18 hours 3 days
40C 12 hours 2 days
exposure to seawater is permitted after the initial curing time provided
the seawater temperature is 10C or more
if seawater temperature is 5C the initial curing time should be extended
by 50 %
if Sigma TCN tiecoat has been applied by means of hot airless spray,
exposure to seawater is permitted after an initial cure of 4 hours
the mechanical strength, when cured at low temperature is low initially,
but will increase quickly when exposed to seawater
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
back to previous view
179002 black 8000002200
page 4/4
December 1999
Pot life 15C 8 hours
(at application viscosity) 20C 6 hours
25C 5 hours
30C 4 hours
35C 2 hours
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/4
7483 SIGMA TCN- LT 300
a four page issue December 1999
revision of 12-1998
DESCRIPTION two component high build polyamine adduct cured coaltar epoxy
PRINCIPAL outstanding sea water resistance (outside hull and ballast tanks)
CHARACTERISTICS excellent corrosion resistance
good resistance against chemically polluted water
can be applied and cures at temperatures down to -10c
rapid throughput of work can be maintained even at low temperatures
resistant to well designed cathodic protection
COLOURS AND GLOSS brown and black - eggshell
BASIC DATA (data for mixed product at 20C)
Mass density approx. 1,5 g/cm
Solids content approx. 71 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 2,3 lb/gal - 283 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 125-250 m
Theoretical spreading rate 5,7 m/l for 125 m, 2,8 m/l for 250 m *
Touch dry after 4 hours
Overcoating interval min. 6 hours *
max. see overcoating table *
Full cure after 3 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point base 26C, hardener 26C
RECOMMENDED for immersion in sea water, with or without cathodic protection
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
AND TEMPERATURES steel with zinc silicate shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss or power
tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
existing suitable epoxy coating or coaltar epoxy coating; in sound
condition and sufficiently roughened and free from any contamination
for atmospheric exposure conditions
steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 or ISO-Sa2
steel with approved shop primer; power tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt2 or
existing suitable epoxy coating or coaltar epoxy coating; sound and
sufficiently roughened and free from any contamination
during application and curing a substrate temperature down to 10C is
acceptable provided substrate is dry and free from ice
back to previous view
page 2/4
7483 SIGMA TCN-LT 300
December 1999
maximum relative humidity during application and curing 85%
substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point and free
from ice
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheets 3101, 3106
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 86 : 14
the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should be above 5C,
otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time none
Pot life at 20C 4 hours *
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-79 (flash point 26C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 5 % for a dft of 250 m depending on paint temperature
10 - 15 % for a dft of 125 m
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,53 - 0,64 mm (= 0,021 - 0,025 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2100 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-79 (flash point 26C)
Volume of thinner 5 - 10 %
Nozzle orifice 1,5 - 3 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,2 - 0,4 MPa (= approx. 2 - 4 bar; 28 - 57 p.s.i.)
BRUSH/ ROLLER only for touch up and spot repair
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-79 (flash point 26C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 5 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431,
1434 and relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
mixed paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 57 m
b. to reach TLV = 893 m
Sigma thinner 91-79 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 164 m
b. to reach TLV =3723 m
back to previous view
page 3/4
7483 SIGMA TCN-LT 300
December 1999
Sigma thinner 90-53 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 156 m
b. to reach TLV =3501 m
Film thickness and theoretical
spreading rate spreading rate m/l 5,7 2,8
dft in m 125 250
min. dft for closed film with airless spray: 80 m
max. dft when brushing(touch up and spot repair): 70 m
Overcoating table
for dft up to 125 m
with Sigma TCN 300 and
Sigma TCN tiecoat and
other compatible paints
temperature -10C 0C 10C
minimum 48 24 12
interval hours hours hours
interval 15 5 3
when exposed days days days
to direct
interval 30 30 30
when not days days days
to direct
surface should be dry and free from any contamination and ice
when overcoated with other paints, tar bleeding will occur
when overcoating work is to be carried out on coats thicker than 125 m
applied in one coat, the minimum overcoating interval must be extended
as follows:
for 250 m : 2 times as long
for 375 m : 3 times as long
for 500 m : 4 times as long
adequate ventilation is required during application and curing
when application has to be executed at low temperature care should be
taken that the temperature of the mixed paint is at least 15C, the
induction time should be increased to at least one hour
back to previous view
179014 brown 2000002200
179015 black 8000002200
page 4/4
7483 SIGMA TCN-LT 300
December 1999
Curing table
for dft of 125 m
initial cure full cure
substrate for exposure to seawater for immersion in
temperature and to slightly polluted polluted water
atmosphere or crude oil
10C 12 days --
5C 7 days 21 days
0C 5 days 15 days
5C 3 days 10 days
10C 48 hours 7 days
20C 30 hours 3 days
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
Pot life 5C 8 hours
(at application viscosity) 10C 6 hours
20C 4 hours
Worl dwi de avai l abi l i t y Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/4
a four page issue February 2000
revision of 11-1998
DESCRIPTION two component high build semigloss aliphatic polyurethane finish
PRINCIPAL recoatable polyurethane finish
CHARACTERISTICS excellent resistance to atmospheric exposure conditions
excellent colour and gloss retention (aluminium version becomes grey)
non-chalking, non-yellowing
cures at temperatures down to -5C
tough and abrasion resistant
resistant to splash of mineral and vegetable oils, paraffins, aliphatic
petroleum products and mild chemicals
can be recoated even after long atmospheric exposure
COLOURS AND GLOSS full colour range and aluminium as RAL 9006 available - semi gloss
BASIC DATA (1 g/cm = 8,25 lb/US gal; 1 m/l = 40,7 ft/US gal)
(data for mixed product at 20C)
Colours white aluminium
Mass density approx. 1,3 g/cm approx. 1,1 g/cm
Solids content approx. 56 % by volume approx. 48 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 3,1 lb/gal - 369 g/l max. 3,9 lb/gal - 467 g/l
Recommended dry film 50-75 m 50-75 m
thickness depending on system depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 11,2 m/l for 50 m, 9,6 m/l for 50 m,
7,5 m/l for 75 m * 6,4 m/l for 75 m *
Touch dry after 1 hour 1 hour
Overcoating interval min. 12 hours * min. 12 hours *
max. unlimited max. unlimited
Full cure after 7 days * 7 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months at least 12 months
Flash point base 28C, hardener 38C base 28C, hardener 38C
RECOMMENDED previous coat; (epoxy or polyurethane) dry and free from any
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS contamination and sufficiently roughened if necessary
AND TEMPERATURES during application and curing a substrate, temperature down to -5C is
acceptable provided the substrate is free from water or ice
substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point
maximum relative humidity during application and curing is 85%
back to previous view
* see additional data page 2/4
February 2000
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 88 : 12
the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should be above 10C,
otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time none
Pot life at 20C 4 hours *
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-88 (flash point 28C)
Volume of thinner 0-5%
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,46 mm (0,018 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (=approx. 150 bar; 2100 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-88 (flash point 28C)
Volume of thinner 10-12%
Nozzle orifice 1-1,5 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,3-0,4 MPa (=approx. 3-4 bar; 40-60 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-88 (flash point 28C)
Volume of thinner 0-5%
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 91-88 (flash point 28C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant material safety data sheet
this is a solvent based paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation
of spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and
exposed skin or eyes
contains a toxic polyisocyanate curing agent
avoid at all times, inhalation of aerosol spraymist
Film thickness and theoretical spreading rate m/l
spreading rate colours 11,2 7,5
aluminium 9,6 6,4
dft in m 50 75
back to previous view
* see additional data page 3/4
February 2000
Overcoating table substrate
for Sigmadur products temperature -5C 0C 10C 20C 30C 40C
minimum 48 30 16 9 6 4
interval hours hours hours hours hours hours
maximum unlimited when cleaned from any contamination
surface should be dry and free from any contamination
please note that should condensation occur during or soon after application
this may result in a reduction of gloss and or adversely affect film formation
Curing table substrate dry to handle full cure
5C 48 hours 20 days
0C 24 hours 16 days
10C 12 hours 7 days
20C 6 hours 5 days
30C 5 hours 4 days
40C 3 hours 3 days
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
Pot life 10C 6 hours
(at application viscosity) 20C 4 hours
30C 3 hours
40C 2 hours
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
back to previous view
various sap codes
183212 aluminium 9006262200
page 4/4
February 2000
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/3
a three page issue February 2000
revision of 3-1996
DESCRIPTION two component aliphatic polyurethane finish
PRINCIPAL recoatable polyurethane finish
CHARACTERISTICS excellent resistance to atmospheric exposure
excellent colour and gloss retention
non-chalking, non-yellowing
cures at temperatures down to 5C
tough and abrasion resistant
resistant to splash of mineral and vegetable oils, paraffins, aliphatic
petroleum products and mild chemicals
can be recoated even after long atmospheric exposure
COLOURS AND GLOSS white and black, colours available on request - gloss
BASIC DATA (data for mixed product at 20C)
Mass density approx. 1,4 g/cm
Solids content approx. 56 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 3,3 lb/gal - 390 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 50-60 m depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 11,2 m/l for 50 m *
Touch dry after 1 hour
Overcoating interval min. 12 hours *
max. unlimited
Full cure after 7 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point base 28C, hardener 38C
RECOMMENDED previous coat; (epoxy or polyurethane) dry and free from any
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS contamination and sufficiently roughened if necessary
AND TEMPERATURES during application and curing, a substrate temperature down to 5C
is acceptable provided the substrate is free from water or ice
substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point
maximum relative humidity during application and curing is 85 %
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 88 : 12
the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should be above 10C,
otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
thinner should be added after mixing the components
back to previous view
page 2/3
February 2000
Induction time none
Pot life at 20C 4 hours *
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-88 (flash point 28C)
Volume of thinner 5 - 10 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,33 mm (0,013 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2100 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-88 (flash point 28C)
Volume of thinner 10 - 12 %
Nozzle orifice 1-1,5 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,3-0,4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 40 - 60 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-88 (flash point 28C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 5 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 91-88 (flash point 28C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant material safety data sheet
this is a solvent based paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation
of spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and
exposed skin or eyes
contains a toxic polyisocyanate curing agent
avoid at all times, inhalation of aerosol spraymist
Film thickness and theoretical
spreading rate spreading rate m/l 11,2 9,3
dft in m 50 60
Overcoating table
for Sigmadur products
temperature 5C 0C 10C 20C 30C 40C
minimum 48 32 16 9 6 4
interval hours hours hours hours hours hours
maximum unlimited
surface should be dry and free from any contamination
back to previous view
179291 white 7000002200
179309 black 8000002200
page 3/3
February 2000
Curing table substrate dry to handle full cure
5C 48 hours 20 days
0C 24 hours 16 days
10C 12 hours 10 days
20C 6 hours 7 days
30C 5 hours 5 days
40C 3 hours 3 days
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
please note that should condensation occur during or soon after application
this may result in a reduction of gloss and/or adversely affect film formation
Pot life 10C 6 hours
(at application viscosity) 20C 4 hours
30C 3 hours
40C 2 hours
Worl dwi de avai l abi l i t y Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/5
a five page issue December 1999
revision of 10-1997
DESCRIPTION two component moisture curing zinc rich (ethyl) silicate coating
PRINCIPAL tankcoating with excellent solvent and chemical resistance
CHARACTERISTICS to be used as tankcoating or as a system primer in various paint systems
based on unsaponifiable binders
can withstand substrate temperatures ranging from 90C up to
+400C, under normal atmospheric exposure conditions
high zinc content resulting in excellent corrosion protection
good impact and good abrasion resistance
certificate for ASTM A-490 class "B" for slip co-efficient
recognized corrosion control coatings (Lloyds register), see sheet 1886
must not be used for immersion in alkaline (more than pH 9) or acidic
(less than pH 5.5) liquids
COLOURS AND GLOSS greenish grey - flat
BASIC DATA (1 g/cm = 8,25 lb/US gal; 1 m/l = 40,7 ft/US gal)
(data for mixed product cured at 20C and 50 % RH)
Mass density approx. 2,7 g/cm
Solids content approx. 65 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 3,8 lb/gal - 396 g/l
Recommended dry film average dft 75 m to 100 m with a minimum of 75 m on smooth
thickness non-pitted blast cleaned steel
average dft 100 m with a minimum of 75 m on rough or light pitted, blast
cleaned steel
heavy pitted steel substrate is not acceptable
Theoretical spreading rate 8,7 m/l for 75 m, 6,5 m/l for 100 m *
Touch dry after 30 min. at 20C
Overcoating interval min. 12 hours *
max. unlimited, zinc salts must be removed
Curing time 12 hours *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) binder at least 9 months
pigment at least 12 months (store pigment moisture free)
Flash point binder 14C; pigment above 65C
back to previous view
* see additional data page 2/5
** see upgrading dft
December 1999
RECOMMENDED steel; blast cleaned in-situ to at least ISO-Sa2, completely free from
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS rust, scale, shop primer and contaminations, blasting profile (Rz)
galvanized steel; sweep blasted to roughen the surface and to remove
any zinc salts which might be present
a heavy pitted steel substrate is not acceptable
substrate temperatures ranging from -5C up to +90C during
application are acceptable
at high substrate temperatures (above 40C) Sigma Silguard MC must be
applied by spray and to avoid dry spray, Sigma thinner 90-53 has to be
substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point
relative humidity should be above 40%
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheet 3323
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: binder to zinc powder 74 : 26
add the zinc powder gradually to the container with binder, using a
mechanical mixer
stir the zinc powder thoroughly through the binder
do not mix in reverse order, in order to avoid lumps in the paint
strain mixture through a 30 - 60 mesh screen
agitate continuously during application
at an application temperature above 30C addition of max. 10 vol % of
Sigma thinner 90-53 may be necessary
Induction time none
Pot life at 20C 12 hours *
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
Volume of thinner ** 0 - 10 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,48 - 0,64 mm (= 0,019 - 0,025 in)
Nozzle pressure 9 - 12 MPa (= approx. 90 - 120 bar; 1280 - 1710 p.s.i.)
Note a dedicated pump for a zinc silicate coating with constant agitation must be
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December 1999
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
Volume of thinner ** 0 - 10 %
Nozzle orifice 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,3 MPa (= approx. 3 bar; 43 p.s.i.)
Note a dedicated pump for a zinc silicate coating with constant agitation must be
BRUSH only for touch up and spot repair
first coat not to be thinned down, max. dft 35 m
next coat to be thinned down with Sigma thinner 90-53, (10-25 %
by volume) so that a visible wet coat can be applied, max. dft 25 m
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
UPGRADING DFT when for some reason the dft is below specification and an extra coat of
Sigma Silguard MC has to be applied, Sigma Silguard MC should be thinned
down with approx. 50 % Sigma thinner 90-53, in order to obtain a visible
wet coat that remains wet for some time
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant material safety data sheet
this is a solvent based paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation
of spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and
exposed skin or eyes
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
mixed paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 76 m
b. to reach TLV = 924 m
Sigma thinner 90-53 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 156 m
b. to reach TLV = 3501 m
ADDITIONAL DATA very highly pigmented zinc silicate primers produce dry films with void
spaces in between the particles
film thickness and theoretical
spreading rate spreading rate m/l 8,7 6,5 5,2
dft in m 75 100 125
above 150 m dft mudcracking can occur
min. dft for closed film with airless spray
(up to 50% Sigma thinner 90-53): 25 m
max. dft when brushing: 35 m
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page 4/5
December 1999
Overcoating table substrate
for RH of 50 % and higher temperature 5C 0C 10C 20C 30C 40C
minimum 24 24 18 12 6 4
interval hours hours hours hours hours hours
maximum unlimited, provided the surface is dry and cleaned
interval from contamination and zinc salts
a RH below 50% requires a much longer overcoating time
if part of a coating system and in order to avoid possible popping effects
(pinholes) Sigma Silguard MC should be sealed with approved coatings
Sigma Silguard MC is a moisture curing zinc silicate, this means that it
only cures after sufficient take up of water (from the atmosphere or
immersion) during and after application; it is recommended that relative
humidity and temperature are measured during the curing time
before entering service or overcoating, a sufficient degree of cure should
be obtained
when curing conditions are unfavourable or when reduced overcoat
times are desired, curing can be accelerated 4 hours after application
o wetting or soaking with water, keeping the surface wet for the next 2
hours, followed by drying
o wetting or soaking with a 0.5% ammonia solution, followed by drying
before overcoating with topcoats, Sigma Silguard MC should always
be visibly dry and checked on sufficient curing
for measuring of the curing, the MEK rub test according to ASTM 4752 is
a suitable method: after 50 double rubs with a cloth soaked in MEK (or
alternatively Sigma thinner 90-53) no dissolving of the coating should be
Curing table substrate curing time for non curing time for full
50 % RH and higher temperature immersion service resistance according
to resistance list
0C 24 hours 4 days
10C 18 hours 4 days
20C 12 hours 2 days
30C 6 hours 2 days
40C 4 hours 2 days
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179127 greenish grey 0000002135
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December 1999
Sigma Silguard MC is a moisture curing zinc silicate, this means that it
only cures after sufficient take up of water (from the atmosphere or
immersion) during and after application; it is recommended that relative
humidity and temperature are measured during the curing time
relative humidity during curing recommended to be above 50%
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
Pot life 0C 24 hours
(at application viscosity) 10C 16 hours
20C 12 hours
30C 6 hours
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Relative humidity - substrate temperature - air temperature see information sheet 1650
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/5
a five page issue December 1999
revision of 4-1998
DESCRIPTION two component moisture curing zinc (ethyl) silicate coating
PRINCIPAL anticorrosive primer for structural steel
CHARACTERISTICS suitable as a system primer in various paint systems based on
unsaponifiable binders
galvanic action eliminates sub film corrosion
can withstand substrate temperatures from 90C up to +400C, under
normal atmospheric exposure conditions
good low temperature curing
good impact and abrasion resistance
must not be exposed to alkaline (more than pH 9) or acidic (less than
pH 5.5) liquids
COLOURS AND GLOSS greenish grey - flat
BASIC DATA (data for mixed product cured at 20C and 50% RH)
Mass density approx. 2,3 g/cm
Solids content approx. 65% by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 4,2 lb/gal - 503 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness average dft 75 m with a minimum of 60 m on smooth, non pitted,
blast cleaned steel
average dft 100 m with a minimum of 75 m on rough or pitted, blast
cleaned steel
Theoretical spreading rate 8,7 m/l for 75 m *
Touch dry after 30 min. at 20C
Overcoating interval min. 12 hours *
max. unlimited, zinc salts must be removed
Curing time 12 hours *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) binder at least 9 months
pigment at least 12 months (store pigment moisture free)
Flash point binder 16C; pigment above 65 C
RECOMMENDED for immersion exposure
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS o steel blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2, blasting profile (R
) 40-70 m
AND TEMPERATURES o steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; sweepblasted
to SPSS-Ss, welds, rusty and damaged areas blastcleaned to ISO-Sa2
for atmospheric exposure
o steel blastcleaned to ISO-Sa2, blasting profile (R
) 40-70 m
o steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer pretreated to SPSS-Pt3
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* see additional data page 2/5
December 1999
o weathered galvanized steel; blast cleaned to remove rust, to roughen the
surface and to remove any zinc salts which might be present
substrate temperatures from -5C up to +90C during application are
at high substrate temperatures (above 40C) Sigma Silicate MC must be
applied by spray, and to avoid dry spray, Sigma thinner 90-53 has to be
substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: binder to zinc powder 81 : 19
add the zinc powder gradually to the container with binder, using a
mechanical mixer
stir the zinc powder thoroughly through the binder
do not mix in reverse order, in order to avoid lumps in the paint
strain mixture through a 30 - 60 mesh screen
agitate continuously during application
at an application temperature above 30C addition of max. 10 vol % of
Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C) may be necessary
Induction time none
Pot life at 20C 12 hours *
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 10 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,48 - 0,64 mm (= 0,019 - 0,025 in)
Nozzle pressure 9 - 12 MPa (= approx. 90 - 120 bar; 1280 - 1710 p.s.i.)
Note a dedicated pump for a zinc silicate coating with constant agitation must be
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 10 %
Nozzle orifice 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,3 MPa (= approx. 3 bar; 43 p.s.i.)
Note a dedicated pump for a zinc silicate coating with constant agitation must be
BRUSH only for touch up and spot repair
first coat not to be thinned down, max. dft 35 m
next coat to be thinned down with Sigma thinner 90-53 (10-25 % by
volume), so that a visible wet coat can be applied, max. dft 25 m
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December 1999
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
UPGRADING DFT if the dft is below specification and an extra coat of Sigma Silicate MC has to
be applied, Sigma Silicate MC should be thinned down with approx. 50%
Sigma thinner 90-53, in order to obtain a visible wet coat that remains wet
for some time
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
mixed paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 82 m
b. to reach TLV = 1123 m
Sigma thinner 90-53 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 156 m
b. to reach TLV = 3501 m
ADDITIONAL DATA highly pigmented zinc silicate primers produce dry films with void spaces in
between the particles
Film thickness and theoretical
spreading rate spreading rate m/l 8,7 6,5 5,2
dft in m 75 100 125
above 150 m dft mudcracking can occur
min. dft for closed film with airless spray
(up to 50 % Sigma thinner 90-53): 25 m
max. dft when brushing: 35 m
Overcoating table substrate
for 50 % RH and higher temperature 5C 0C 10C 20C 30C 40C
minimum 24 24 18 12 6 4
interval hours hours hours hours hours hours
maximum unlimited, provided the surface is cleaned from
interval contamination and zinc salts
a RH below 50% requires a much longer overcoating time
if part of a coating system and in order to avoid possible popping effects
(pinholes) Sigma Silicate MC should be sealed with approved coatings
Sigma Silicate MC is a moisture curing zinc silicate, this means that it
only cures after sufficient take up of water (from the atmosphere or
immersion) during and after application; it is recommended that relative
humidity and temperature are measured during the curing time
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* see additional data page 4/5
December 1999
before entering service or overcoating, a sufficient degree of cure should
be obtained
when curing conditions are unfavourable or when reduced overcoat
times are desired, curing can be accelerated 4 hours after application
o wetting or soaking with water, keeping the surface wet for the next 2
hours, followed by drying
o wetting or soaking with a 0.5% ammonia solution, followed by drying
before overcoating with topcoats, Sigma Silicate MC should always
be visibly dry and checked on sufficient curing
for measuring of the curing, the MEK rub test according to ASTM 4752 is
a suitable method: after 50 double rubs with a cloth soaked in MEK (or
alternatively Sigma thinner 90-53) no dissolving of the coating should be
Curing table substrate dry to handle full cure
50 % RH and higher temperature
5C 2 hours 24 hours
0C 2 hours 24 hours
10C 1 hour 18 hours
20C 30 minutes 12 hours
30C 30 minutes 6 hours
40C 30 minutes 4 hours
Sigma Silicate MC is a moisture curing zinc silicate, this means that it
only cures after sufficient take up of water (from the atmosphere or
immersion) during and after application; it is recommended that relative
humidity and temperature are measured during the curing time
relative humidity during curing recommended to be above 50%
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
Pot life 0C 24 hours
(at application viscosity) 10C 16 hours
20C 12 hours
30C 6 hours
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179178 greenish grey 0000002185
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December 1999
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Relative humidity - substrate temperature - air temperature see information sheet 1650
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/4
a four page issue January 2000
revision of 5-1999
DESCRIPTION two component solvent free amine cured epoxy coating
PRINCIPAL tank coating for drinking water
CHARACTERISTICS can be applied by single feed airless spray equipment
eliminates explosion risk and fire hazard
good visibility in confined spaces due to light colour
approved for drinking water by:
KIWA, Holland, ref. K12827/01,
The Water Quality Centre, UK, ref. M101323
Setsco Services PTE Ltd, Singapore, ref. H19631/ST
Hygiene-Institut des Ruhrgebiets, Germany, ref. W 1239/99/Ju
Folkehelsa, Norway, ref. 99/730-MINT/ARMI/523-2
NSF, USA, ref. Standard 061
COLOURS AND GLOSS blue - gloss
BASIC DATA (1 g/cm = 8,25 lb/US gal; 1 m/l = 40,7 ft/US gal)
(data for mixed product at 20C)
Mass density approx. 1,3 g/cm
Solids content 100 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 0 lb/gal - 5,3 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 300 m
Theoretical spreading rate 3,3 m/l for 300 m dft *
Touch dry after 5 hours
Overcoating time min. 24 hours *
max. 20 days *
Full cure after 12 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point base and hardener: above 65C
RECOMMENDED steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS blasting profile (Rz); 50-100 m
AND TEMPERATURES substrate temperature must be above 10C and at least 3C above
dew point
if a holding primer is required Sigmaguard primer 15 can be used
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* see additional data page 2/4
January 2000
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 79 : 21
when mixing the temperature of base and hardener should be at least
at lower temperature the viscosity will be too high for spray application
no thinner should be used
Induction time 30 min. for a substrate temperature of 10C
20 min. 20C
10 min. 30C
Pot life at 20C approx. 90 min. *
AIRLESS SPRAY heavy duty single feed airless spray equipment preferably 60:1 pump
ratio and suitable high pressure hoses
in-line heating or insulated hoses may be necessary to avoid cooling
down of paint in hoses at low air temperature
application with 45:1 airless spray equipment is possible provided in-line
heated high pressure hoses are used
in case of using 45:1 airless spray equipment the paint must be heated
to approx. 30C in order to obtain the right application viscosity
length of hoses should be as short as possible
Recommended thinner no thinner to be added
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,53 mm (= 0,021 in)
Nozzle pressure at 20C (paint temperature)
min. 28 MPa (= approx. 280 bar; 4000 p.s.i.)
at 30C (paint temperature)
min. 22 MPa (= approx. 220 bar; 3000 p.s.i.)
BRUSH/ROLLER for stripe coating and spot repair only
Recommended thinner no thinner to be added
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
all application equipment must be cleaned immediately after use
paint inside the spraying equipment must be removed before the pot life
time has been expired
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant material safety data sheet
ventilation should be provided in confined spaces to maintain good
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January 2000
Film thickness and theoretical
spreading rate spreading rate m/l 3,3 2,5
dft in m 300 400
min. dft for closed film with airless spray: 200 m
max. dft when brushing: 100 m
measuring wet film thickness
a deviation is often obtained between the measured apparent wft and the
real applied wft
this is due to the thixotropy and the surface tension of the paint by which
the release of air in the paint film takes some time
recommendation is to apply a wft which is equal to the specified dft plus
60 m
measuring dry film thickness
because of low initial hardness the dft cannot be measured for some
days after application due to the penetration of the measuring device
into the soft paint film
the dft should be measured using a calibration foil of known thickness
placed in between the coating and the measuring device
Overcoating table
with Sigmaguard CSF 85
(spot repair and
stripe coating)
temperature 10C 20C 30C 40C
minimum 4 24 16 10
interval days hours hours hours
maximum 28 20 14 14
interval days days days days
surface should be dry and free from any contamination
Curing table substrate dry to handle full cure for
temperature drinking water
10C * 4 days 20 days
20C 1 day 12 days
30C 16 hours 7 days
40C 10 hours 5 days
* for the first 24 hours the maximum RH must be 50% or lower
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January 2000
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
Sigmaguard CSF 85 must not be applied at temperatures below 10C
and for drinking water tanks a tank wash should be carried out after
full cure and before the tank goes into service (see appendix)
Pot life 20C 90 min.
(at application viscosity) 30C 60 min.
due to exothermic reaction, temperature during and after mixing may
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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page 1/1
Cleaning procedure - drinking water tank coating system
a one page issue October 1999
revision of 9-1998
All personnel should wear watertight suits, boots and gloves properly cleaned with a sodium hypochlorite
solution (1% active chlorine per liter).
All tank sides, bottom and deckheads etc. should be brush cleaned or high-pressure spray cleaned with
1% active chlorine solution as above.
Note: this can also be done by butterworth washing.
All parts should be high pressure cleaned with tap water and tanks drained.
Concentrated active chlorine solution should be sprinkled on bottom; approx. 1 ltr/10 m.
Tanks should be filled with tap water to a depth of approx. 20 cm and the water should remain in the tank
for at least 2 hours (max. 24 hours).
Tanks should be thoroughly flushed out with tap water.
Depending upon local regulations it may be necessary to take water samples, after filling tank completely,
to check on bacteria.
After this procedure the tanks will be fit to carry drinking water.
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/5
a five page issue December 1999
revision of 5-1999
DESCRIPTION two component solvent free polyamine cured epoxy primer
PRINCIPAL primer in coating system for long term protection of ballast tanks and
CHARACTERISTICS steel structures
excellent resistance against corrosion and seawater
reduces explosion risk and fire hazard in confined spaces
good flow and wetting properties
can be applied by single feed airless spray equipment
compatible with well designed cathodic protection systems
COLOURS AND GLOSS green - gloss
BASIC DATA (data for mixed product at 20C)
Mass density approx. 1,4 g/cm
Solids content approx. 98 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 0,1 lb/gal - 20 g/liter
Recommended dry film
thickness 100 m
Theoretical spreading rate 9,8 m/l at 100 m dft
Touch dry after 12 hours *
Overcoating time min. see tables *
max. see tables *
Full cure after 7 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point base and hardener above 65C
RECOMMENDED for immersion exposure:
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS o steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
AND TEMPERATURES o steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; sweepblasted to
SPSS-Ss or powertool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
substrate temperature should be above 5C during application and
curing and at least 3C above dew point
max relative humidity during application and curing 80%
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheet 3106
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* see additional data page 2/5
December 1999
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 : 20
when mixing the temperature of the base and hardener should be at
least 20C
at lower temperature viscosity will be too high for atomisation
no thinner should be added
Induction time none
Pot life at 20C approx. 1 hour *
AIRLESS SPRAY use heavy duty single feed airless spray equipment preferably 60:1
pump ratio and suitable high pressure hoses
in line heating or insulated hoses December be necessary to avoid
cooling down of paint in hoses at low air temperature
the paint lines should be as short as possible
Recommended thinner no thinner to be added
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,43 mm (= 0,017 in)
Nozzle pressure at 20C (paint temperature) min.15 MPa(= approx.150 bar)
correct nozzle pressure limits the hose length which can be used
BRUSH for stripe coating and spot repair only
Recommended thinner no thinner to be added
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
all equipment used for application must be cleaned immediately after use
paint inside the spraying equipment must be removed before the pot life
time has expired
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves, safety goggles and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets
1430, 1431 and relevant material safety data sheet
spray mist is not harmless, a fresh air mask and gloves should be used
during spraying
ventilation should be provided in confined spaces to maintain good
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
mixed paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 4 m
b. to reach TLV = 260 m
Sigma thinner 90-53 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 156 m
b. to reach TLV = 3501 m
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December 1999
ADDITIONAL DATA min. dft for closed film with airless spray: 80 m
Film thickness and max. dft when brushing: 100 m
spreading rate
measuring wet film thickness
a difference is often obtained between the measured apparent wft and
the real applied wft
this is due to the thixotropy and the surface tension of the paint which
retards the release of air trapped in the paint film for some time
a practical recommendation is to apply a wft which is equal to the
specified dft of 100 m plus 20 m
measuring dry film thickness
because of low initial hardness the dft cannot be measured for some
days (depending on ambient temperature) after application due to the
penetration of the measuring device into the paint film
the dft should be measured using a calibration foil of known thickness
placed in between the coating and the measuring device
Overcoating table for various
two pack solvent free epoxy
temperature 5C 10C 20C 30C 40C
minimum 3 48 24 16 12
interval days hours hours hours hours
interval when 1 month
not exposed to
direct sunshine
maximum 11 9 7 5 3
interval when days days days days days
exposed to
direct sunshine
surface should be dry and free from any contamination
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December 1999
Overcoating table for various
two pack solvent based
epoxy paint
temperature 5C 10C 20C 30C 40C
minimum 7 5 36 24 16
interval days days hours hours hours
interval when 1 month
not exposed to
direct sunshine
maximum 14 12 9 7 5
interval when days days days days days
exposed to
direct sunshine
surface should be dry and free from any contamination
Curing table substrate touch dry dry to handle full cure
5C 48 hours 3 days 21 days
10C 24 hours 2 days 14 days
20C 12 hours 24 hours 7 days
30C 8 hours 16 hours 3 days
40C 6 hours 12 hours 2 days
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
Pot life 20C 60 min.
(at application viscosity) 30C 30 min.
due to exothermic reaction, temperature during pot life December increase
up to 60C at gelpoint
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189011 green 4009002200
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December 1999
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/4
a four page issue January 2000
revision of 4-1999
DESCRIPTION two component high solids polyamine adduct cured epoxy primer
PRINCIPAL general purpose primer for coating systems for steel
CHARACTERISTICS good abrasion resistance
outstanding sea water resistance
excellent corrosion resistance
good resistance against chemically polluted water
resistant to well designed cathodic protection
COLOURS AND GLOSS light green - gloss
BASIC DATA (data for mixed product at 20C)
Mass density approx. 1,5 g/cm
Solids content approx. 80 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 1,9 lb/gal - 230 g/liter
Recommended dry film
thickness 125 m
Theoretical spreading rate 6,4 m/l for 125 m *
Touch dry after 4 hours
Overcoating interval min. 10 hours *
max. 28 days *
Full cure after 5 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point base 26C, hardener 26C
RECOMMENDED for immersion exposure
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
AND TEMPERATURES steel with zinc silicate shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss or
powertool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
for atmospheric exposure
steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 or ISO-Sa2
steel; hydrojetted to VIS WJ2/3 L
steel with approved shop primer; power tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt2
maximum relative humidity during application and curing 85 %
substrate temperature should be at least 5C during application and
curing and at least 3C above dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheets 3101, 3102, 3103 and 3107
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* see additional data page 2/4
January 2000
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 75 : 25
the temperature of the mixture of base and hardener should be above
15C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance and slower cure
thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time none
Pot life at 20C 2 hours *
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 10 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,53 - 0,58 mm (= 0,021 - 0,023 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2100 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 5 - 10 %
Nozzle orifice 1,5 - 3 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,2 - 0,4 MPa (= approx. 2 - 4 bar; 28 - 57 p.s.i.)
BRUSH only for touch up and spot repair
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 5 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
mixed paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 35 m
b. to reach TLV = 806 m
Sigma thinner 91-92 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 170 m
b. to reach TLV = 4468 m
Sigma thinner 90-53 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 156 m
b. to reach TLV = 3501 m
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page 3/4
January 2000
Film thickness and theoretical
spreading rate spreading rate m/l 8 6,4
dft in m 100 125
min. dft for closed film with airless spray: 80 m
(extra thinned)
max. dft when brushing: 80 m
Overcoating table
for dfts up to 150 m
temperature 5C 10C 20C 30C 40C
minimum 22 14 10 6 4
interval hours hours hours hours hours
maximum 28 28 28 14 7
interval days days days days days
surface should be dry and free from any contamination
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
Curing table substrate dry to handle full cure for immersion full cure *
for dfts up to 150 m temperature in seawater
5C 14 hours 10 days 17 days
10C 7 hours 7 days 14 days
20C 3,5 hours 5 days 7 days
30C 2 hours 4 days 5 days
40C 1,5 hours 3 days 3 days
* Before carriage of hard angular cargoes the coating should be fully cured and have
achieved its full mechanical properties. It is highly recommend carrying a non-abrasive,
fine-grained cargo such as grain or soyabean for the first and if possible second cargo
after coating application. After this time hard angular cargoes can be carried. For more
details consult Cargo Hold Resistance List.
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
Pot life 10C 3 hours
(at application viscosity) 20C 2 hours
30C 1 hour
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192274 lightgreen 4009002200
page 4/4
January 2000
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/4
a four page issue December 1999
DESCRIPTION two component high solids polyamine cured epoxy primer
PRINCIPAL to be used for ballast tanks, block application or in situ coating
CHARACTERISTICS good low temperature drying
outstanding sea water resistance
excellent corrosion resistance
good resistance against chemically polluted water
resistant to well designed cathodic protection
COLOURS AND GLOSS green - gloss
BASIC DATA (1 g/cm = 8,25 lb/US gal; 1 m/l = 40,7 ft/US gal)
(data for mixed product at 20C)
Mass density approx. 1,4 g/cm
Solids content approx. 75 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 2.0 lb/gal - 234 g/liter
Recommended dry film
thickness 100-175 m * in one coat application
Theoretical spreading rate 7,5 m/l for 100 m, 4,3 m/l for 175 m *
Overcoating interval min. 8 hours at 10C*
max. 7 days at 10C *
Full cure after see curing table *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point base 28C, hardener 24C
RECOMMENDED steel; blast cleaned to a minimum of ISO-Sa2, blasting profile (R
AND TEMPERATURES steel with zinc silicate shop primer; sweepblasted to SPSS-Ss or
powertool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
previous coat; dry and free from any contamination and sufficiently
roughened if necessary
during application and curing a substrate temperature down to -10C is
possible, but curing to hardness takes considerably longer and complete
resistance will be reached when temperature increases
maximum relative humidity during application and curing 85%
substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point and free
from ice
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* see additional data page 2/4
December 1999
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 75 : 25
the temperature of the mixture of base and hardener should be above
5C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance and slower cure
thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time allow induction time before use
5C 15 min.
10C 10 min.
15C 5 min.
Pot life 2 hours at 10C *
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner up to 10 % for a one coat application of 125 m dft
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,53 mm (= 0,021 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2100 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 5 - 15 % for a one coat application of 125 m dft
Nozzle orifice 1,8 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,3 - 0,4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)
BRUSH not recommended, only for spot repair and stripe coating
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
mixed paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 45 m
b. to reach TLV = 938 m
Sigma thinner 91-92 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 170 m
b. to reach TLV = 4468 m
Sigma thinner 90-53 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 156 m
b. to reach TLV = 3501 m
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page 3/4
December 1999
Film thickness and theoretical spreading
spreading rate rate m/litre 7,5 4,3
dft in m 100 175
min. dft for closed film with airless spray: 80 m
max. dft when brushing: 100 m
Overcoating table substrate
for dft up to 150 m temperature 10C 5C 0C 5C 10C
minimum 48 24 16 12 8
interval hours hours hours hours hours
maximum 14 14 10 10 7
interval days days days days days
surface should be dry and free from any contamination
Curing table full cure
for dft up to 150 m
substrate for immersion in
temperature water
10C --
5C 14 days
0C 10 days
10C 5 days
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
Pot life 0C 5 hours
(at application viscosity) 5C 3 hours
10C 2 hours
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199417 green 4009001400
199421 green 4009002200
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December 1999
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/4
a four page issue January 2000
revision of 5-1999
DESCRIPTION two component reinforced high solid amine cured epoxy coating
PRINCIPAL coating for cargo tanks of bulk- or oil carriers and storage tanks
CHARACTERISTICS build coat for underwater- and boottop systems
excellent impact and abrasion resistance
excellent water resistance
easy to clean
good low temperature cure
certificate for dry solid food stuffs, see sheet 1884
COLOURS AND GLOSS grey and redbrown (other colours on request) - gloss
BASIC DATA (data for mixed product at 20C)
Mass density approx. 1,5 g/cm
Solids content approx. 84 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 1,7 lb/gal - 212 g/liter
Recommended dry film
thickness 150 - 200 m depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 5,6 m/l for 150 m, 4,2 m/l for 200 m *
Touch dry after 3 hours
Overcoating interval min. 16 hours *
max. 28 days *
Full cure after 5 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point base 27C, hardener 29C
RECOMMENDED previous coat; (e.g. Sigma Universal primer or Sigma Multiguard
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS primer) dry and free from any contamination
AND TEMPERATURES substrate temperature should be at least 5C during application and
curing and at least 3C above dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheets 3101, 3102, 3103, 3107
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 75 : 25
the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should be above 15C,
otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance and slower cure
thinner should be added after mixing base and hardener
back to previous view
* see additional data page 2/4
January 2000
Induction time none
Pot life at 20C 1,5 hours *
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 5 % for 200 m dft
10 % for 100 m dft
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,53 - 0,58 mm (= 0,021 - 0,23 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2100 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 5 - 10 %
Nozzle orifice 1,7 - 2,0 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,3 - 0,4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)
BRUSH/ROLLER Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
0 - 5 %
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
mixed paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 35 m
b. to reach TLV = 1126 m
Sigma thinner 91-92 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 170 m
b. to reach TLV = 4468 m
Sigma thinner 90-53 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 156 m
b. to reach TLV = 3501 m
Film thickness and theoretical
spreading rate spreading rate m/l 8,4 5,6 4,8 4,2
dft in m 100 150 175 200
min. dft for closed film with airless spray: 100 m
max. dft when brushing: 75 m
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page 3/4
January 2000
Overcoating table for various
epoxy products and
Sigmadur gloss
temperature 5C 10C 20C 30C 40C
minimum 24 16 10 6 4
interval hours hours hours hours hours
maximum 28 28 28 14 7
interval days days days days days
surface should be cleaned of chalking and contamination
Curing table substrate dry to handle full cure for immersion full cure *
temperature in seawater
5C 15 hours 10 days 17 days
10C 8 hours 7 days 14 days
20C 3,5 hours 5 days 7 days
30C 2 hours 4 days 5 days
40C 1,5 hours 3 days 3 days
* Before carriage of hard angular cargoes the coating should be fully cured and have
achieved its full mechanical properties. It is highly recommend carrying a non-abrasive,
fine-grained cargo such as grain or soyabean for the first and if possible second cargo
after coating application. After this time hard angular cargoes can be carried. For more
details consult Cargo Hold Resistance List.
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
Pot life 10C 3 hours
20C 1,5 hour
30C 45 min.
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
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190960 grey 5177052200
192367 redbrown 6179002200
page 4/4
January 2000
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/4
a four page issue December 1999
revision of 4-1999
DESCRIPTION two component high solid glassflake reinforced tar free epoxy coating
PRINCIPAL excellent abrasion and impact resistance
CHARACTERISTICS long term protection at areas subject to heavy wear and tear
excellent resistance to corrosion
very low water permeability, due to glassflake barrier
resistant to splash and spillage of a wide range of chemicals
application and curing at temperatures down to 5C
COLOURS AND GLOSS black (other (light) colours on request) - gloss
BASIC DATA (data for mixed product at 20C)
Mass density approx. 1,5 g/cm
Solids content approx. 84 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 0.1 lb/gal - 17 g/liter
Recommended dry film
thickness 400 m
Theoretical spreading rate 2,1 m/l for 400 m *
Touch dry after 3 hours
Overcoating interval min. 16 hours *
max. 28 days *
Full cure after 5 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point base 26C, hardener 29C
RECOMMENDED steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2; blasting profile (R
) 50-100 m,
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS followed by Sigma Multiguard primer (dft of 100 m) or Sigma Universal
AND TEMPERATURES primer (dft of 50 m), dry and free from any contamination
substrate temperature should be at least 5C during application and
curing and at least 3C above dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheets 3101, 3102
back to previous view
* see additional data page 2/4
December 1999
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 75 : 25
the temperature of the mixture of base and hardener should be above
15C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance and slower cure
very good mechanical mixing of base and hardener is essential
thinner should be added after mixing the components
filters should be removed from spray equipment
Induction time none
Pot life at 20C 1,5 hours *
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 0 - 5 % for dft of about 400 m
Nozzle orifice 0,53 - 0,79 mm (= approx. 0,021 - 0,031 in)
Nozzle pressure 19 - 22,5 MPa (= 190 - 225 bar; 2700 - 3200 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 5 - 10 %
Nozzle orifice 1,5 - 2 mm (= approx. 0,062 - 0,079 in)
Nozzle pressure 0,3 - 0,4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 40 - 60 p.s.i.)
BRUSH only for touch up and spot repair
due to thixotropy it is difficult to obtain a smooth film by brush although
this does not affect performance
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
mixed paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 37 m
b. to reach TLV = 1134 m
Sigma thinner 91-92 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 170 m
b. to reach TLV = 4468 m
Sigma thinner 90-53 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 156 m
b. to reach TLV = 3501 m
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page 3/4
December 1999
Film thickness and theoretical
spreading rate spreading rate m/l 3,4 2,1 1,7
dft in m 250 400 500
min. dft for closed film with airless spray: 250 m
max. dft when brushing: 80 m
Overcoating table for
various epoxy products
for dft up to 400 m
temperature 5C 10C 20C 30C 40C
minimum 48 32 18 12 8
interval hours hours hours hours hours
maximum 28 28 28 14 7
interval days days days days days
surface should be cleaned from chalking and contamination
Curing table substrate touch dry dry to handle full cure for
for dft up to 400 m temperature immersion in
5C 16 hours 30 hours 14 days
10C 8 hours 16 hours 10 days
20C 3 hours 8 hours 5 days
30C 2 hours 5 hours 4 days
40C 1 hour 3 hours 3 days
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
Pot life 10C 3 hours
20C 1,5 hours
30C 45 min.
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191640 black 8000002200
page 4/4
December 1999
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/4
a four page issue December 1999
revision of 5-1999
DESCRIPTION two component solvent free amine cured epoxy coating
PRINCIPAL provides long term protection for ballast tanks and steel structures,
CHARACTERISTICS with excellent resistance against corrosion and water
suitable for block stage application
good edge covering capacity
reduces explosion risk and fire hazard in confined spaces
can be applied by single feed airless spray equipment
COLOURS AND GLOSS grey, green - gloss
BASIC DATA (data for mixed product at 20C)
Mass density approx. 1,4 g/cm
Solids content approx. 98 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 0,0 lb/gal - 6 g/liter
Recommended dry film
thickness 250 m
Theoretical spreading rate 3,9 m/l at 250 m dft *
Touch dry after 12 hours *
Overcoating time min. 24 hours *
max. 7 days *
Full cure after 7 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point base and hardener above 65C
RECOMMENDED previous coat; dry and free from any contamination
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS substrate temperature should be above 5C and at least 3C above
max. relative humidity during application and curing 80%
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheet 3106
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page 2/4
December 1999
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 : 20
when mixing the temperature of the base and hardener should be at least
at lower temperature viscosity will be too high for atomisation
no thinner should be added
Induction time none
Pot life at 20C approx. 1 hour *
AIRLESS SPRAY use heavy duty single feed airless spray equipment mimimum 60:1 pump
ratio and suitable high pressure hoses
in line heating or insulated hoses may be necessary to avoid cooling
down of paint in hoses at low air temperature
the paint lines should be as short as possible
Recommended thinner no thinner to be added
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,53 mm (= 0,021 in)
Nozzle pressure at 20C (paint temperature) min. 28 MPa (= approx. 280 bar; 4000 p.s.i.)
at 30C (paint temperature) min. 22 MPa (= approx. 220 bar; 3000 p.s.i.)
correct nozzle pressure limits the hose length which can be used
BRUSH for stripe coating and spot repair only
Recommended thinner no thinner to be added
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
all equipment used for application must be cleaned immediately after use
paint inside the spraying equipment must be removed before the pot life
time has expired
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves, safety goggles and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets
1430, 1431, 1434 and relevant material safety data sheet
spray mist is not harmless, a fresh air mask should be used during
ventilation should be provided in confined spaces to maintain good
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
mixed paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 0 m
b. to reach TLV = 35 m
Sigma thinner 90-53 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 156 m
b. to reach TLV = 3501 m
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page 3/4
December 1999
Film thickness and theoretical
spreading rate spreading rate m/l 3,9 3,3
dft in m 250 300
min. dft for closed film with airless spray: 120 m
max. dft when brushing: 100 m
maximum dry film thickness
the maximum dft should not exceed 750 m
measuring wet film thickness
a difference is often obtained between the measured apparent wft and
the real applied wft
this is due to the thixotropy and the surface tension of the paint which
retards the release of air trapped in the paint film for some time
a practical recommendation is to apply a wft which is equal to the
specified dft plus 60 m
measuring dry film thickness
because of low initial hardness the dft cannot be measured for some
days (depending on ambient temperature) after application due to the
penetration of the measuring device into the paint film
the dft should be measured using a calibration foil of known thickness
placed in between the coating and the measuring device
Overcoating with
Sigmaguard BT
(for spot repair and
stripe coating only)
temperature 5C 10C 20C 30C 40C
minimum 3 48 24 16 12
interval days hours hours hours hours
maximum 11 9 7 5 3
interval days days days days days
surface should be dry and free from any contamination
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187701 grey 5163052200
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December 1999
Curing table substrate touch dry dry to handle full cure
5C 48 hours 3 days 21 days
10C 24 hours 2 days 14 days
20C 12 hours 24 hours 7 days
30C 8 hours 16 hours 3 days
40C 6 hours 12 hours 2 days
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
Pot life 20C 60 min.
(at application viscosity) 30C 30 min.
due to exothermic reaction, temperature during pot life may increase up to
60C at gel point
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/4
a four page issue December 1999
revision of 6-1999
DESCRIPTION two component glassflake reinforced solvent free amine cured epoxy coating
PRINCIPAL one coat protection for cargo holds with excellent corrosion resistance
CHARACTERISTICS excellent impact and abrasion resistance, especially to hard angular
good resistance to various chemicals
good visibility due to light colour
eliminates explosion risk and fire hazard
can be applied by heavy duty single feed airless spray equipment (60:1)
COLOURS AND GLOSS green - gloss
BASIC DATA (1 g/cm = 8,25 lb/US gal; 1 m/l = 40,7 ft/US gal)
(data for mixed product at 20C)
Mass density approx. 1,3 g/cm
Solids content 100 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 0,0 lb/gal - 0 g/liter
Recommended dry film
thickness 400-500 m
Theoretical spreading rate 2.5 m/l for 400 m *
Touch dry after 4 hours
Overcoating time min. 24 hours *
max. 20 days *
Full cure after 5 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point base and hardener: above 65C
RECOMMENDED steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS blasting profile (Rz); 50-100 m
AND TEMPERATURES substrate temperature should be above 5C and at least 3C above
dew point
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION cargo holds system sheet 3107
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 : 20
when mixing the temperature of base and hardener should be at least
at lower temperature the viscosity will be too high for spray application
no thinner should be used
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* see additional data page 2/4
December 1999
Induction time none
Pot life at 20C 1 hour *
AIRLESS SPRAY heavy duty single feed airless spray equipment preferably 60:1 pump
ratio and suitable high pressure hoses
in-line heating or insulated hoses may be necessary to avoid cooling
down of paint in hoses at low air temperature
application with 45:1 airless spray equipment is possible provided in-line
heated high pressure hoses are used
in case of using 45:1 airless spray equipment the paint must be heated
to approx. 30C in order to obtain the right application viscosity
length of hoses should be as short as possible
Recommended thinner no thinner to be added
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,53 mm (= 0,021 in)
Nozzle pressure at 20C (paint temperature)
min. 28 MPa (= approx. 280 bar; 4000 p.s.i.)
at 30C (paint temperature)
min. 22 MPa (= approx. 220 bar; 3000 p.s.i.)
BRUSH/ROLLER for stripe coating and spot repair only
Recommended thinner no thinner to be added
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
all application equipment must be cleaned immediately after use
paint inside the spraying equipment must be removed before the pot life
time has been expired
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
no solvent present; however, spray mist is not harmless, a fresh air mask
should be used during spraying
ventilation should be provided in confined spaces to maintain good
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
mixed paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 1 m
b. to reach TLV = 22 m
Sigma thinner 90-53 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 156 m
b. to reach TLV = 3501 m
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page 3/4
December 1999
Film thickness and theoretical
spreading rate spreading rate m/l 2,5 2,0
dft in m 400 500
min. dft for closed film with airless spray: 200 m
max. dft when brushing: 150 - 200 m
measuring wet film thickness
a deviation is often obtained between the measured apparent wft and the
real applied wft
this is due to the thixotropy and the surface tension of the paint by which
the release of air in the paint film takes some time
recommendation is to apply a wft which is equal to the specified dft plus
60 m
measuring dry film thickness
because of low initial hardness the dft cannot be measured within some
days due to the penetration of the measuring device into the soft paint
the dft should be measured using a calibration foil of known thickness
placed in between the coating and the measuring device
Overcoating table
with Sigmaguard CSF
(spot repair and
stripe coating)
temperature 20C 30C
minimum 16 10
interval hours hours
maximum 20 14
interval days days
surface should be dry and free from any contamination
Curing table substrate temperature for touch-up full cure
20C 16 hours 7 days
30C 10 hours 5 days
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
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190476 green 4000002200
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December 1999
Pot life 20C 60 min.
(at application viscosity) 30C 45 min.
due to exothermic reaction, temperature during and after mixing may
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
* see additional data page 1/4
a four page issue December 1999
DESCRIPTION two component high solids polyamine cured epoxy coating
PRINCIPAL to be used for ballast tanks, block application or in situ coating
CHARACTERISTICS good low temperature drying
outstanding sea water resistance
excellent corrosion resistance
good resistance against chemically polluted water
resistant to well designed cathodic protection
COLOURS AND GLOSS grey (green on request) - gloss
BASIC DATA (1 g/cm = 8,25 lb/US gal; 1 m/l = 40,7 ft/US gal)
(data for mixed product at 20C)
Mass density approx. 1,4 g/cm
Solids content approx. 75 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 2.0 lb/gal - 234 g/liter
Recommended dry film
thickness 100-175 m * in one coat application
Theoretical spreading rate 7,5 m/l for 100 m, 4,3 m/l for 175 m *
Overcoating interval min. 8 hours at 10C*
max. 7 days at 10C *
Full cure after see curing table *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point base 28C, hardener 24C
RECOMMENDED previous coat; dry and free from any contamination and sufficiently
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS roughened if necessary
AND TEMPERATURES during application and curing a substrate temperature down to 10C is
possible, but curing to hardness takes considerably longer and complete
resistance will be reached when temperature increases
maximum relative humidity during application and curing 85%
substrate temperature should be at least 3C above dew point and free
from ice
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 75 : 25
the temperature of the mixture of base and hardener should be above
5C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance and slower cure
thinner should be added after mixing the components
back to previous view
* see additional data page 2/4
December 1999
Induction time allow induction time before use
5C 15 min.
10C 10 min.
15C 5 min.
Pot life 2 hours at 10C *
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner up to 10 % for a one coat application of 125 m dft
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,53 mm (= 0,021 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2100 p.s.i.)
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92 (flash point 20C)
Volume of thinner 5 - 15 % for a one coat application of 125 m dft
Nozzle orifice 1,8 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0,3 - 0,4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)
BRUSH not recommended, only for spot repair and stripe coating
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53 (flash point 30C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS gloves and fresh air mask recommended, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
mixed paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 45 m
b. to reach TLV = 938 m
Sigma thinner 91-92 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 170 m
b. to reach TLV = 4468 m
Sigma thinner 90-53 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 156 m
b. to reach TLV = 3501 m
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page 3/4
December 1999
Film thickness and theoretical spreading
spreading rate rate m/litre 7,5 4,3
dft in m 100 175
min. dft for closed film with airless spray: 80 m
max. dft when brushing: 100 m
Overcoating table substrate
for dft up to 150 m temperature 10C 5C 0C 5C 10C
minimum 48 24 16 12 8
interval hours hours hours hours hours
maximum 14 14 10 10 7
interval days days days days days
surface should be dry and free from any contamination
Curing table full cure
for dft up to 150 m
substrate for immersion in
temperature water
10C --
5C 14 days
0C 10 days
10C 5 days
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
Pot life 0C 5 hours
(at application viscosity) 5C 3 hours
10C 2 hours
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199429 green 4000001400
199431 green 4000002200
199427 grey 5177051400
199443 grey 5177052200
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December 1999
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/2
a two page issue October 1999
revision of 1-1995
DESCRIPTION a clear varnish based on wood oil phenolic resin for interior and exterior use
PRINCIPAL a high quality weather resistant clear varnish with excellent gloss
good resistance to salt- and fresh water
good scratch and abrasion resistance
COLOURS AND GLOSS transparent - gloss
Mass density approx. 0,9 g/cm
Solids content approx. 49 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 3,2 lb/gal - 393 g/l
Recommended dry film
thickness 30 m per coat
Theoretical spreading rate 16,3 m/litre
Touch dry after 3 hours
Overcoating interval min. 16 hours
max. no limitations
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point 39C
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION when used on new tropical timber such as teak etc. the surface should
be sealed with a coat of polyurethane clear varnish (Sigmadur A clear
varnish). this is required to seal aggressive products in the wood.
when coating open grain woods:
1) one coat of Sigmavar gloss diluted 100 % followed by sand papering
2) one coat of Sigmavar gloss diluted 50 % followed by sand papering
3) two coats of Sigmavar gloss undiluted
oil seals (linseed etc.) should not be used under Sigmavar gloss the
varnish should be applied directly to the bare wood or over a
polyurethane sealer
in general a four coat system is sufficient
previous coat free from any contamination
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C otherwise extra
thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much solvent results in lower sag resistance
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136848 transparent 0000001500
page 2/2
October 1999
Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
Volume of thinner see system specification
CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 20-05 (flash point 38C)
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS relatively harmless paint, see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 106 m
b. to reach TLV = 672 m
Sigma thinner 20-05 a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 209 m
b. to reach TLV = 1343 m
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/2
a two page issue October 1999
revision of 5-1997
DESCRIPTION a water borne thixotropic decorative wall paint based on latex emulsion
PRINCIPAL is unsaponifiable and therefore suitable for painting alkaline surfaces
CHARACTERISTICS to be used as decorative quick drying finish on walls and ceilings
in accommodation, cabins, passage ways etc. and for plastered pipelines
resistant to wet scrubbing, easy to clean
eliminates porosity of substrates and is water vapour permeable
no bleeding when applied over bituminous surfaces
low odour during application
very good hiding power
must not be used at air/substrate temperature below 5C
COLOURS AND GLOSS white (can be tinted) - flat
Mass density approx. 1,4 g/cm
Solids content approx. 42 % by volume
VOC (supplied) max. 0,2 lb/gal - 15 g/l
Practical spreading rate 710 m/litre, depending on type and structure of substrate
Touch dry after 30 minutes at a relative humidity of approx. 50 %
Overcoating interval min. 2 hours at a relative humidity of approx. 50 %
max. no limitations
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point above 65C
RECOMMENDED to be applied in a one or two coat system, gypsum, gypsum board,
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS hardboard, chip board, plastered walls and normal insulation materials
AND TEMPERATURES the temperature of the substrate must be at least 5C
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION to be applied in two coats
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE stir well before use
the temperature of the paint should be above 15C otherwise extra water
may be required to obtain application viscosity
too much water results in lower sag resistance
Recommended thinner fresh water
Volume of thinner 0 - 10 %
Nozzle orifice approx. 0,46 - 0,53 mm (= 0,018 - 0,021 in)
Nozzle pressure 16,5 MPa (= approx. 165 bar; 2300 p.s.i.)
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107302 white 7000002200
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October 1999
Recommended thinner fresh water
Volume of thinner 0 - 7 %
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant material safety data sheet
Minimum ventilation air
quantity required for 1 litre of:
paint a. to reach 10 % of LEL = 0 m
b. to reach TLV = 58 m
Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.
Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/4
a four page issue October 1999
revision of 5-1997
1 atmosphere = 14.223 lb/
1 foot = 0.305 metre
1 Imp. gallon = 4.546 litres
1 litre = 0.220 Imp. gallon
1 litre = 0.264 US gallon
1 metre = 3.281 feet
1 sq. foot = 0.093 sq. metre
1 sq. metre = 10.765 sq. feet
1 US gallon = 3.785 litres
1 yard = 0.915 metre
1 metre = 1.0936 yard
degree C = 5/9 x (degree F - 32)
degree F = 9/5 x degree C + 32
(kg/cm) (p.s.i.) (kg/cm) (p.s.i.)
atmosphere lb/ atmosphere lb/
(bar) (bar)
100 1420
1 14.2 110 1560
2 28.4 120 1710
3 42.7 130 1850
4 56.9 140 1990
5 71.1 150 2130
6 85.3 160 2280
7 99.6 170 2420
8 113.8 180 2560
9 128.0 190 2700
10 142.2 200 2840
1 Imperial gallon = 4.55 litre
= 1.2 US gallons
1 litre = 0.22 Imperial gallon
= 0.26 US gallon
1 US gallon = 3.79 litre
= 0.83 Imperial gallon
litres Imperial US gallons
1 0.22 0.26
2 0.44 0.53
3 0.66 0.79
4 0.88 1.06
5 1.10 1.32
6 1.32 1.58
7 1.54 1.85
8 1.76 2.11
9 1.98 2.38
10 2.20 2.64
15 3.30 3.96
20 4.40 5.28
50 11.00 13.21
100 22.00 26.42
mi- mi- mi- mi-
crons crons crons crons
(m) mils (m) mils (m) mils (m) mils
8 0.3 105 4.2 205 8.2 305 12.2
10 0.4 110 4.4 210 8.4 310 12.4
15 0.6 115 4.6 215 8.6 315 12.6
20 0.8 120 4.8 220 8.8 320 12.8
25 1.0 125 5.0 225 9.0 325 13.0
30 1.2 130 5.2 230 9.2 330 13.2
35 1.4 135 5.4 235 9.4 335 13.4
40 1.6 140 5.6 240 9.6 340 13.6
45 1.8 145 5.8 245 9.8 345 13.8
50 2.0 150 6.0 250 10.0 350 14.0
55 2.2 155 6.2 255 10.2 355 14.2
60 2.4 160 6.4 260 10.4 360 14.4
65 2.6 165 6.6 265 10.6 365 14.6
70 2.8 170 6.8 270 10.8 370 14.8
75 3.0 175 7.0 275 11.0 375 15.0
80 3.2 180 7.2 280 11.2 380 15.2
85 3.4 185 7.4 285 11.4 385 15.4
90 3.6 190 7.6 290 11.6 390 15.6
95 3.8 195 7.8 295 11.8 395 15.8
100 4.0 200 8.0 300 12.0 400 16.0
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page 2/4
October 1999
Sq.m./l Sq.ft./ sq.ft./ Sq.m./l Sq.ft./ sq.ft./ Sq.m./l Sq.ft./ sq.ft./ US gal US gal US gal
1.0 49 41 5.0 244 203 9.0 440 366
1.1 54 45 5.1 249 208 9.1 445 370
1.2 59 49 5.2 254 212 9.2 450 374
1.3 64 53 5.3 259 216 9.3 455 378
1.4 68 57 5.4 264 220 9.4 460 383
1.5 73 61 5.5 269 224 9.5 464 387
1.6 78 65 5.6 274 228 9.6 469 391
1.7 83 69 5.7 279 232 9.7 474 395
1.8 88 73 5.8 284 236 9.8 479 399
1.9 93 77 5.9 288 240 9.9 484 403
2.0 98 81 6.0 293 244 10.0 490 405
2.1 103 85 6.1 298 248 10.5 515 425
2.2 108 89 6.2 303 252 11.0 540 450
2.3 112 94 6.3 308 256 11.5 560 470
2.4 117 98 6.4 313 260 12.0 585 490
2.5 122 102 6.5 318 265 12.5 610 510
2.6 127 106 6.6 323 269 13.0 635 530
2.7 132 110 6.7 328 273 13.5 660 550
2.8 137 114 6.8 332 277 14.0 685 570
2.9 142 118 6.9 337 281 14.5 710 590
3.0 147 122 7.0 342 285 15.0 735 610
3.1 152 126 7.1 347 289 15.5 760 630
3.2 156 130 7.2 352 293 16.0 780 650
3.3 161 134 7.3 357 297 16.5 805 670
3.4 166 138 7.4 362 301 17.0 830 690
3.5 171 142 7.5 367 305 17.5 855 710
3.6 176 146 7.6 372 309 18.0 880 735
3.7 181 151 7.7 376 313 18.5 905 755
3.8 186 155 7.8 381 317 19.0 930 775
3.9 191 159 7.9 386 321 19.5 955 795
4.0 196 163 8.0 391 325 20.0 980 815
4.1 200 167 8.1 396 330 20.5 1000 835
4.2 205 171 8.2 401 334 21.0 1025 855
4.3 210 175 8.3 406 338 21.5 1050 875
4.4 215 179 8.4 411 342 22.0 1075 895
4.5 220 183 8.5 416 346 22.5 1100 915
4.6 225 187 8.6 420 350 23.0 1125 935
4.7 230 191 8.7 425 354 23.5 1150 955
4.8 235 195 8.8 430 358 24.0 1175 975
4.9 240 199 8.9 435 362 24.5 1200 995
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October 1999
DIN Ford Afnor B.S. DIN Ford Afnor B.S.
cup 4 cup 4 coupe 4 cup 4 cup 4 cup 4 coupe 4 cup 4
15 15 17 19 44 53 56 60
16 17 18 20 46 55 59 63
17 18 20 22 48 58 62 66
18 19 21 23 50 60 64 69
19 21 23 25 55 67 71 75
20 22 24 26 60 73 78 82
21 23 25 28 65 79 84 89
22 25 27 29 70 86 91 96
23 26 28 31 75 92 97 105
24 28 30 32 80 98 104 109
25 29 31 33 85 104 110 116
26 30 32 34 90 111 117 123
27 31 34 36 95 117 124 130
28 33 35 37 100 123 130 138
29 34 36 38 110 136 144 152
30 35 38 40 120 148 157 166
32 38 40 43 130 160 171 180
34 40 43 46 140 173 184 194
36 43 46 49 150 185 197 207
38 45 48 52 160 198 210 221
40 48 51 54 170 210 224 235
42 51 54 57 180 223 237 249
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October 1999
TEMPERATURE C = ( F - 32 ) x 5/9
10 14.0 8 46.4 32 90 95 203
9 15.8 9 48.2 34 93 100 212
8 17.6 10 50.0 36 97 110 230
7 19.4 11 51.8 38 100 120 248
6 21.2 12 53.6 40 104 130 266
5 23.0 13 55.4 42 108 140 284
4 24.8 14 57.2 44 111 150 302
3 26.6 15 59.0 46 115 160 320
2 28.4 16 60.8 48 118 170 338
1 30.2 17 62.6 50 122 180 356
0 32.0 18 64.4 55 131 190 374
1 33.8 19 66.2 60 140 200 392
2 35.6 20 68.0 65 149 250 482
3 37.4 22 72.0 70 158 300 572
4 39.2 24 75.0 75 167 350 662
5 41.0 26 79.0 80 176 400 752
6 42.8 28 82.0 85 185 450 842
7 44.6 30 86.0 90 194 500 932
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/7
a seven page issue January 2000
revision of 5-1997
For ease of reference figures are usually stated in one unit only. Equivalents are given in the conversion
tables. See sheet 1410 Conversion tables.
All values are given for temperature of 20C (68F) and relative humidity of 70%, unless stated otherwise.
With a Lange gloss gauge 5 ranges of gloss have been determined, compared with a standard sheet of
black polished glass. The gloss values are determined according to ISO 2813 (= NEN 2813 = ASTM D-523,
DIN 67530).
The expressions used in the data sheets are:
Flat corresponds with 0- 15% on Lange gloss gauge (angle 60)
Eggshell corresponds with 15- 30% on Lange gloss gauge (angle 60)
Semi-gloss corresponds with 30- 60% on Lange gloss gauge (angle 60)
Gloss corresponds with 60- 80% on Lange gloss gauge (angle 60)
High-gloss corresponds with 80-100% on Lange gloss gauge (angle 60, at 20 angle above 70%)
Micaceous iron oxide and/or aluminium containing paints show different appearance and colour impression
depending on thickness and application method. A touch-up by brushing may be visible on a sprayed area.
The period from the date of manufacture during which the paint can be transported and stored in
undamaged and unopened packing at temperatures between 10-30C, without any influence on the
application or performance of the paint.
After exceeding this period the paint is subject to reinspection.
Water-borne products must be protected from freezing at all times during storage.
see sheet 1490 Cleaning of steel and removal of rust
see sheet 1650 Relative humidity - Substrate temperature - Air temperature
see also sheets 1492 and 1493 (for pipes and fittings)
Full cure means, that the properties of a paint as described in the product data sheet are achieved (suitable
for service). However, in case of dry bulk carriage an extra curing time may be required before the coating
has reached its full mechanical strength and is suitable for carriage of hard angular cargoes
Is determined for paints according to ISO 1523 (= DIN 53213 = ASTM D-3278, corresponding to Sigma
method SM 311-41)
For thinners the flashpoint is determined according to DIN 51755 (corresponding to Sigma method
SM 311-42) or calculated.
See also sheet 1431 - Safety in confined spaces and health safety.
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January 2000
The data given is a fair indication for normal conditions, longer drying times are necessary at lower
temperatures and under unfavourable weather and/or ventilation conditions and higher dry film thicknesses.
For epoxy coatings the minimum curing time for the recommended dft is given in the data sheets.
For average dfts 50% higher, the minimum overcoating time should be multiplied by 1,5 and for average dfts
100% higher the multiplication factor is 2,5.
The touch dry time corresponds with the tack free time measured in accordance with ASTM D-1640
(corresponding with Sigma method SM 315-01). The touch dry time will be influenced by dft, ventilation
conditions and substrate temperature.
The dry to handle time corresponds with the dry-through time measured in accordance with ASTM D-1640
(corresponding with Sigma method SM 315-01) and indicates the time when walking over is possible.
The dry-to-handle time will be influenced by dft, ventilation conditions and substrate temperature and should
not be necessarily interpreted as ready for transportation due to the likelihood of excessive damage.
The dry film thickness can be calculated from the applied wet film thickness:
dft =
wft x % volume solids
wft =
dft x 100
100 % volume solids
Recommended dft
The dry film thickness for a paint system indicated in our system sheets is the recommended dft for the
specific exposure conditions.
Dft specifications referred to herein are valid for the coatings and coating systems in this manual unless
mentioned otherwise in the respective product and system sheets.
Minimum dft for application
The minimum dft of a paint system (also a one coat system) should follow the 90/10 rule (e.g. 90% of the
recommended dft is acceptable for up to 10% of the readings only), whilst for individual coats the
minimum dft should not be lower than 80% of the recommended dft, and must form a closed film.
Maximum dft for application - General
Application of a paint at thicknesses in excess of the dft recommended on the product data sheet may result
in performance problems. Such problems include solvent retention and a reduction in cohesive strength in
association with certain types of topcoat.
In a coating system, the dft of a primer is of the utmost importance. In general, Sigma Coatings would
restrict the dft of any primer to 1.5 times that specified on the product data sheet.
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January 2000
For a coating system, including the individual coats (except the primer), the maximum dft is 2 times the
recommended dft, whereas for the critical areas of a painted structure, 10% of the readings can be between
2 and 2.2 times the recommended dft. Critical areas are e.g. weld seams, edges, bolts, corners, nuts and
areas of difficult access.
For coating specifications requiring coating thicknesses which exceed the recommended dfts as mentioned
in the product and system sheets, the maximum dft allowed should be established per project prior to start-
Over-application and its consequences is a complex subject and is dependent on the generic type of system,
recommended dft and number of coats, as well as the intended exposure.
Please refer to your local Sigma Coatings office if you should have any questions on this important issue.
The life time of any protective coating system is also determined by the dry film thickness applied to critical
areas. The dft of all of these critical areas should be closely monitored and controlled by the application of
stripe coats with the same material as the consecutive coat of the system (or as recommended otherwise by
Sigma Coatings). Please note that if a solvented coating has been applied over the specified dft then the
minimum overcoating time must be increased to ensure that sufficient time is given for solvent evaporation.
Care must also be taken to avoid over-application on critical areas during the progress of the job. Over-
application does not lead to enhanced performance life time of the coating system.
Maximum dft for application - Linings
For linings for severe exposure conditions or reinforced solvent free systems, the dft of the primer and the
subsequent coatings can be more critical. Dft limitations are detailed in the respective system / product data
Minimum dft for closed film with airless spray.
This is the lowest dft possible which will give a closed film, determined on a glass plate when the paint is
applied by airless spray at the specified temperature . The recommended dft should always be higher.
Maximum dft without sagging with airless spray (when mentioned in the data sheets).
This is the maximum dft at overlaps without sagging of the paint. This value is normally approximately twice
the maximum recommended dft.
Note: the maximum dft without sagging with airless spray is not a maximum recommended thickness.
Application of the paint at dfts higher than the maximum dft may cause sagging.
Unless otherwise stated, the VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) figures mentioned in the data sheet are
based on theoretical figures of undiluted products.
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January 2000
This value is given in the product data sheet. It can be determined by a laboratory test, Sigma method 314-
10 corresponding to ISO method 3233 (= ASTM method D 2697 = DIN 53219, NEN 5346) or calculated from
the formulation.
The calculated theoretical solids content by volume is in general lower than the determined solids content by
volume. The latter approximates best to practice, assuming that the table for spreading rate losses is used
Values given for specific gravity, theoretical spreading rate and solids content are averages from standard
production batches; these values can vary slightly, also for colours of one product.
For more information, see the following data sheets:
1430 Safety indications
1431 Safety in confined spaces and health safety, explosion hazard - toxic hazard
1434 Directives for ventilation practice
Adequate ventilation during application and curing of the coating is not only required for health and safety
reasons but also to ensure that the coating gives optimal performance.
Stagnant air/high vapour concentrations in confined spaces must be avoided. Forced ventilation will help to
avoid high vapour concentrations and possible solvent entrapment in the coating which may produce a
temporary plasticising effect. Ventilation with cold, humid air in the drying stage should be avoided.
Also avoid ventilation with heated air during the wet film forming stage as this approach may give skinning
and increased solvent entrapment.
The theoretical spreading rate m/l for a given dry film thickness can be calculated from:
m/l =
% volume solids x 10
dry film thickness (in m)
The practical spreading rate depends on a number of factors:
surface condition and profile, application method, normal, high build or solvent-free paint, skill of labour and
weather conditions. It is often estimated at about 70 % of the theoretical spreading rate but under many
conditions this is still far too high. For calculation purposes the following table has been composed in which
spreading rate LOSSES are compiled.
Substrates like wood and concrete are not included because they present too many other variable factors,
especially in the preparation, the filling of pores, etc.
This product must only be thinned using the recommended Sigma thinners. The use of alternative thinners,
particularly these containing alcohols, can severely inhibit the curing mechanism of certain coating types
and will influence the performance.
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January 2000
Type of surface and blast-cleaned derusted including due for
application method A-B-C C St 3 / D shop primer maintenance
inside outside inside outside inside outside inside outside
LARGE 1) airless spray 30 40 40 50 25 35 35 45
air-spray 40 50 50 60 35 45 45 55
roller 35 35 40 40 30 30 40 40
SMALL 2) airless spray 45 55 55 65 40 50 50 60
air-spray 50 60 65 65 45 55 60 60
roller-brush 25 25 25 30 20 20 30 30
FRAME- airless spray 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85
WORK 3) brush 20 20 20 20 20 20 30 30
1) LARGE SURFACES : hull, decks, deckhouses, tanks, holds
2) SMALL SURFACES : masts, water ways, machinery, structural steel and complex structures
3) FRAMEWORK : ladders, piping and railings
4) PRIMERS : consumption of first coat is always higher than for subsequent coats because of the steel profile
Estimation of volume of paint necessary for a paint job can be calculated from:
10 x A x DFT
= Q
VS x (100-W) EXAMPLE
Q = quantity in litre Q = to be calculated
A = area in m A = 1000 m
DFT = dry film thickness DFT = 100 m
VS = % volume solids (see data sheet) VS = 50%
W = estimated losses (see table) W = 40%
Q =
10 x 1000 x 100
= 333 ltr.
50 x (100-40)
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January 2000
In the product data sheets only the recommended orifice is stated. The choice of the spray angle depends
very much on the practical situation. The table below compares orifice and angle with the corresponding
codes of various manufacturers.
0,007 40 740 9-0740 JAC 46 163-407
0,009 40 940 9-0940 JAC 25 163-409 68628-18
0,009 65 163-609
0,011 25 1125 9-1130 JAC 26 163-211 68628-14
0,011 40 1140 9-1140 JAC 28 163-411
0,011 65 1165 JAC 37 163-611 68628-10
0,013 25 1325 9-1330 JAC 27 163-213 68628-16
0,013 50 1350 9-1350 JAC 30 163-513
0,013 65 1365 JAC 47 161-613 68628-12
0,013 80 1380 JAC 38 163-713
0,015 40 1540 9-1540 JAC 29 163-415
0,015 65 1565 JAC 39 163-615 68628-7
0,015 80 1580 JAC 40 163-715
0,018 65 1865 JAC 31 163-619 68628-6
0,018 80 1880 9-1880 JAC 41 163-819 68628-5
0,021 80 2180 9-2180 JAC 42 162-721
0,026 40 2640 JAC 43 163-425
0,026 95 2695 JAC 44
0,036 40 3640 JAC 36 163-435
MIXING RATIO - general
Two component products are delivered in the correct mixing ratio as stated in the product data sheets.
Make sure that all hardener is added to the base, and the coating is thoroughly mixed.
We do not in general recommend mixing parts of a set, as deviation from the recommended mixing ratio
may occur. This may result in poor application and performance properties of the applied system. The
hardener package should not be washed out by a large amount of spraying thinner. If spraying thinner is
needed it should be added during mixing
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January 2000
MIXING RATIO - twin-feed products
The mix ratios in volume for twin-feed applied products should be retrieved from specific data sheets.
It is very important that right ratios are maintained but deviations up to max. 3% are acceptable unless
otherwise stated on specific data sheets.
These products are generally supplied ready for use after mixing of components as extra diluting may result
in deviation of mixing ratio
If mentioned on the product data sheet the coating should be thoroughly mixed and left for the
recommended time for the particular temperature conditions at application. This induction time or pre-curing
of the product ensures that the coating will give the required performance and application properties.
This gives the time interval after mixing of the components of the coating during which the material can be
applied, without change of application and performance properties of the coating. For solvent containing
coatings an extra addition of thinner up to 5% is allowed. For solvent free coatings addition of thinner is not
permitted. For solvent free and high solid coatings an exothermic reaction occurs, resulting in gelation
shortly after reaching the end of the pot life. It is important to clean equipment before the pot life has expired
and directly after completion of application of the paint.
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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Example: How many liters in four quarts?
Notice that the quarts to liter scale has triangles at the top and at the bottom of the scale.
Therefore, the triangle is the pivot point.
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a two page issue October 1999
revision of 1-1995
The metric nomograph is not intended to be used as a tool for accurately converting one system to the other.
Although the accuracy is comparable with the slide rule, it should be used as an aid in becoming familiar
with the system. The nomograph is reversible for those wishing to convert metric to English.
The left-hand scale is for the English units and may be ounces, pounds, pints, quarts, inches, feet or miles.
The four right-hand scales are metric, each being a double scale and each identified by a symbol at the top
and bottom of the scale.
In the center section of the nomograph are the four symbols. The exact center of each symbol serves as the
pivot point for the scale bearing the same symbol.
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October 1999
Line up the 4 on the English unit scale with the triangle and read the answer on the right side of the quarts-
to-liters scale 3.7 liters. A slide rule shows 3.78 and actual multiplication 3.784. That accuracy should be
fine for someone who wants to know that a U.S. gallon is about 3.8 liters. As long as it is remembered that
the English units are always on the left-hand scale, and metric units on the right, the nomograph may be
used for conversion either way.
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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1413 S.I. UNITS
a four page issue October 1999
revision of 1-1995
Science and industry will be required to supply all information on their products in units, defined in the
international agreement named S.I. (Systme International dUnits). The S.I. is an expansion and
rationalization of the metric system.
Since these data are used exclusively in education and science, in due course data given in older
conventional units will become increasingly unintelligible to new generations of scientists and technologists
who enter industry from school and universities.
The new units required by law will be stated in our data sheets as they are revised and reprinted but for an
interim period the customary units will also be given in brackets.
The following is a brief review of S.I. units likely to be used in surface coating technology.
BASIS UNITS (have to be used)
Physical Unit Symbol
length metre m
mass kilogram kg
time second s
electric current ampre A
(thermodynamical) temperature kelvin K
quantity of matter mol mol
Factor Name Symbol Factor Name Symbol
giga G 10
= 0,1 deci d
= 1.000.000 mega M 10
= 0,01 centi c
= 1.000 kilo k 10
= 0,001 milli m
= 100 hecto h 10
= 0,000001 micro
= 10 deca da 10
nano n
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1413 S.I. UNITS
October 1999
DERIVED S.I. UNITS (have to be used)
Quantity Name Symbol
area square metre m
volume, capacity cubic metre m
mass density kilogram per cubic metre kg.m
molar concentration mol per cubic metre mol.m
frequency hertz s
) = Hz
force newton kg.m.s
) = N
pressure pascal N.m
) = Pa
energy, work, quantity of heat joule N.m = J
power watt J.s
) = W
electrical potential volt W.A
) = V
electrical resistance ohm V.A
) =
surface tension newton per metre N.m
specific heat joule per kilogram kelvin
thermal conductivity watt per metre kelvin W.m
dynamic viscosity pascal second Pa.s
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1413 S.I. UNITS
October 1999
APPROVED NON S.I. UNITS (may be used)
Quantity Name Symbol Value
volume, capacity litre 1 1 dm = 10
(= 0,001 m)
time minute min 1 min = 60 s
hour h 1 h = 3600 s
day d 1 d = 86400 s
temperature degree centigrade C 1C = 1 K (but K = C + 273)
CANCELLED UNITS (may not be used anymore)
Conversion in S.I. units of the units used up till now in the paint technology and cancelled per 1st October
to multiply
Quantity Name to divide S.I. Units
length micron, mu, 1 micrometre, m
inch, in, 25,4 millimetre, mm
2,54 centimetre, cm
foot, ft, 30,48 centimetre, cm
yard, yd 0,9144 metre, m
volume cc 1 cubic centimetre, cm
fluid ounce, fl oz 28,41 cubic centimetre, cm
pint, pt 0,5683 litre, l
gallon, UK gal 4,546 litre, l
gallon, US gal 3,785 litre, l
Note: litre is not a S.I. unit, but remains approved = 10
revolutions per
frequency, second 1 hertz, Hz, S
revolutions rpm 0,01667 hertz, Hz, S
Note: per minute, or min
is not a S.I. unit, but remains approved
mass ounce, oz 28,35 gram, g
pound, lb 0,4536 kilogram, kg
force kilogramforce, kgf 9,80665 newton, N
poundforce, lbf 4,44822 newton, N
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1413 S.I. UNITS
October 1999
to multiply
Quantity Name to divide S.I. Units
pressure kgf/cm, at 98,0665 kilopascal, kPa
mm Hg, (Torr) 0,133332 kilopascal, kPa
O (mWK, MWS) 9,80665 kilopascal, kPa
lbf/in (psi, pound) 6,89476 kilopascal, kPa
bar 100 kilopascal, kPa
quantity of heat calorie, cal 4,1868 joule, J
kilocalorie, kcal, Cal 4,1868 kilojoule, kJ
power cal/s 4,1868 watt, W
kcal/h 0,001163 kilowatt, kW
m.kgf/s 9,80665 watt, W
HP (PK, CV, PS) 0,735498 kilowatt, kW
horsepower, hp 0,7457 kilowatt, kW
temperature degree Fahrenheit, F 5/9 degree centigrade, C
dynamic viscosity poise 0,1 pascalsecond, Pa.s
kinematic viscosity stokes 0,0001 m.s
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a three page issue October 1999
revision of 1-1995
Most paints contain flammable solvents and some contain materials which can harm the skin, or damage
the health if swallowed or inhaled. Whilst most countries have developed regulations to control labelling,
storage and use of toxic or hazardous material as yet there is no agreed international code or system.
Sigma Coatings will adopt the local requirements in any country where their products are sold, but since it is
quite impossible and even confusing to apply all the marks which could be required for every country,
a Sigma Coatings system has been developed which is standard for our products throughout the world.
We will then add local regulation markings in addition, if required.
Two major classes of risk must be controlled and precautions defined which will reduce the risk to
acceptable levels:
A) Health risks, these include:
1. Gases or vapours. These could include solvent evaporation during the drying period, or perhaps formed
during heating of the painted object.
2. Liquids in the paint. These might be solvents, or perhaps binders, which may be toxic if swallowed or
inhaled as spray droplets, or dermatitic or toxic in contact with the skin.
3. Powders or dusts. These can be formed during heating painted objects (e.g. flame cutting or welding
painted steel), or be present in powder formed during sanding operations, or in spray mist.
B) Fire or explosion risks, these include:
1. Fire risk during storage or transport. Most paints other than water based products can be ignited and will
support flame.
2. Explosion hazard during application. Flammable solvents in mixture with oxygen in air can explode within
certain concentration limits if ignited or detonated.
The following sentences are used to define the classes of hazard and this data sheet gives details of
precautions which should be taken in each case.
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October 1999
Relatively harmless paint Normal measures which are always applicable are:
Wash hands regularly and thoroughly with warm water/soap.
Immediately cover any wound or cut.
Do not roll cigarettes, smoke, or eat with dirty hands.
Beware of possible dust or fumes resulting from sand papering or
Check carefully that there is no possible fire or explosion risk.
Check whether extra ventilation is required.
Highly flammable paint. Flash point of paints and solvents is stated in all our product data sheets.
Flash point up to and This is the lowest temperature at which a mixture of the material with air
including 23C (DIN 53213). can ignite or explode. If the temperature of the air is near, or above, the
flash point it is essential that sufficient ventilation air is provided to reduce
the concentration of solvent well below the lower explosive limit (L.E.L.).
Mixtures of solvent and air can only explode when the concentration lies
between the lower and upper explosive limits.
These limits vary from one solvent to another but the LEL is usually about
50 g per 1 m of air.
This is described in detail in sheet 1431.
In brief 200 m ventilation air is required per kilo of solvent to maintain an
atmosphere below 10% of LEL.
Such a mixture is safe even at temperatures above the flash point.
Gloves recommended Solvents and other components in some paints can irritate the skin, and
although in normal paints this may only be a minor and temporary irritation,
Paint which irritates or dermatitis of sensitive skins can be caused by solvents or chemicals in
affects skin or mucous some paints. These are indicated by this glove sentence. Barrier creams
membranes. together with gloves, goggles and possibly face masks should be used.
In all cases, however, the habit of using solvents to clean the skin after
painting should be discouraged.
Contact of paint with the skin should be avoided by use of barrier creams
and protective gloves. Any paint on the skin should be removed at once with
skin cleaning liquids or jellies and then washed with water.
Mask recommended Dust, smoke and spray mist can be filtered by face masks containing a dust
filter cartridge. Cartridges are also available which absorb both dust and
Inhalation of dust and solvents. These are only effective whilst there is no apparent smell of
spraymist is harmful. solvent. The filter is exhausted when the odour of solvent can be detected
and the filter should then be changed. It is most important that the correct
filter for the class of work should be used. These are described by the
manufacturers of the face mask and filter.
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October 1999
Fresh Air Mask recommended Toxic substances in paints usually enter the body by inhalation of gases,
vapours, fumes, dusts or spray mists. An indication of the level of hazard is
Inhalation of vapour and the Threshold Limits Value (T.L.V.), at one time called Maximum Allowable
dust is harmful. Concentration (M.A.C.). This is the concentration which can be tolerated by
a healthy worker for 8 hours a day without adverse effects. The lower the
figure, the more toxic the substance.
The concentrations are given either as parts per million (ppm), i.e. cm of
vapour per m of air, or for solid dusts as mg per m. The minimum volume
for air required to achieve this safe level of concentration will be given in our
data sheets. This volume may in some cases be as much as 20 times that
required to reach 10% of LEL and in some classes of work it may be
impractical to supply the volume of air required to allow the required rate of
usage of paint in the compartment. In such cases it is essential that
operators are supplied with, and required to use, fresh air masks or
respirators fed with clean air at positive pressure. It is important that the
mask has a good facial fit. See also sheet 1431.
Paint contains heavy toxic Keep skin covered as far as possible, wear gloves and protect the eyes.
substances and is dangerous. Avoid contamination of the skin. Provide very good ventilation and wear
fresh air mask. Change all overclothes and shoes immediately after finishing
the work. Keep dirty cloths and other objects separate, destroy or clean
contaminated clothes with care. Wash the hands very thoroughly.
Handle empty containers with care and avoid contamination of the
environment with any poisonous paint or waste.
THE SIGMA WARNING SYSTEM will show one, or a combination of more than one, of the described
sentences. The safety code required in each country will be added to drums used in that country.
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a five page issue October 1999
revision of 1-1995
When paints containing solvents are applied in enclosed or confined spaces, two hazards can exist,
explosion and toxicity and precautions must be taken to eliminate them.
General aspects of explosion hazards
The nature of this hazard is explained in detail below. The essential precaution to be taken is that sufficient
ventilation air must be provided to maintain the ratio of vapour/air at no more than 10% of the lower
explosive limit. The method for calculation is given below and data on minimum ventilation air quantity is
given in product data sheets. If the flash point of the solvent is above the working temperature, then an
explosion cannot occur. However, it may still be necessary to ventilate to provide a clean working
atmosphere or to eliminate toxic hazard.
An explosion is simply very rapid burning of a flammable mixture (in the case of paint, it is the burning of
solvent vapour in oxygen contained in the air). The speed of combustion is so great that there is extremely
rapid development of heat and pressure (6 to 9 times the original pressure). This can lead to destruction of
the compartment and injury to work people. Three factors must be present to create an explosion.
a. The mixture of vapour and air must be between the lower explosive limit (LEL) and the upper explosive
b. The mixture must be at a temperature above the flash point temperature of the vapour.
c. A source of ignition with high enough temperature and energy must be present to initiate the explosion
These three factors explain the reasons for the safety precautions.
Ventilation to provide an atmosphere below LEL
It is usual to specify that ventilation should be provided to reduce vapour concentration to less than 10% of
LEL. This large safety margin is required to allow for variations in ventilation in all parts of a compartment.
The minimum ventilation air in m per minute may be calculated from the formula:
(P x A) + (Q x B)
P = volume of paint applied in the compartment in litres during time t minutes.
Q = volume of added solvent used in the paint applied in the compartment in litres in time t minutes.
A = ventilation air quantity for 1 litre of paint to reach 10% LEL.
B = ventilation air quantity for 1 litre of solvent to reach 10% LEL.
t = time of application in minutes of volume P of paint.
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100 litres of paint (P) plus 5 litres of thinner (Q) are used within 45 minutes (t).
Value A is e.g. 60 m (given in product data sheet).
Value B is e.g. 130 m (given in product data sheet).
Ventilation air quantity m per minute to reach 10% LEL is:
(100 x 60) + (5 x 130)
= 147.7 m per minute.
This quantity of ventilation air must be maintained throughout the application of the paint and also during the
period of evaporation of solvent.
The ventilation must be arranged so that all parts of the compartment are properly ventilated. It is necessary
for the applicator or the contractor to check vapour concentrations (in varying positions) regularly with an
explosion meter. If the concentration rises above 10% LEL, painting must stop until the vapour concentration
is reduced to a safe level again.
Flash point
If possible paints with flash points above the ambient temperature should be used. This often is not possible,
particularly in compartments heated up by strong sunlight in summer. In such cases it is even more
essential that ventilation below 10% LEL is maintained.
Sources of ignition
Sparks, hot surfaces, flames and all other sources of ignition must be absolutely prevented. Flame proof
lighting and electrical equipment must be used, spark proof tools and clothing should be used and all work
must be prohibited in adjacent compartments. All equipment, whether electrical or not electrical
(e.g. pneumatic pumps, spray tips, etc.) must be adequately earthed to ensure no accumulation of static
electrical charge.
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General aspects of toxic hazard
Many solvents used in paint have some degree of toxicity and it is necessary to provide sufficient ventilation
air to maintain safe atmosphere below the threshold limit value (TLV). With many common solvents this may
be impractical when applying large volumes of paint in a short time. In such cases ventilation to give a clear
visibility and safety from explosion will still be necessary. It will also be necessary to provide operators in
the compartment with fresh air masks or hoods. Barrier creams and protective clothing may also be
necessary. Full details are given below and data for calculation of RAQ (required air quantity) are also
It is necessary to keep certain rules when using any paint since all can be harmful (even ordinary emulsion
paints are dangerous if swallowed!). The following are basic safety precautions:
Inhalation of dust and fumes
This must be avoided by the use of ventilation or extraction.
products should be used in well ventilated areas
forced ventilation or fresh air masks should be used in confined spaces
a face mask should be worn when spraying, sanding or blast cleaning
Skin contact
Some substances used in paint may cause irritation after repeated or prolonged contact with the skin and in
susceptible cases there is a risk of dermatitis.
operatives with a history of skin sensitivity should not be employed in processes where skin contact can
prolonged or repeated contact of paint with the skin should be avoided
barrier cream should be supplied and used
gloves should be worn
do not wash hands with solvent
use a proprietary hand cleanser
The ingestion (swallowing) of paint must always be avoided.
food should not be brought into or consumed in the work area where coatings are stored or used
thorough washing of hands and face is essential after applying paint, particularly before eating or
if paint or thinners should accidently be swallowed, seek medical attention immediately
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Eye protection
Steps should be taken to prevent material entering the eyes.
goggles should be worn whenever necessary
if the eyes become contaminated they should be irrigated with water; seek medical attention
Theoretical ventilation requirements
In the product data sheets, data are given for the minimum required ventilation air quantity (RAQ) in cubic
metres when 1 litre of paint is applied or when 1 litre of thinner is used. The TLV (=threshold limit value) for
the mixture of components and solvents in the paint or for the mixture of solvents used in thinners has been
The quantity of ventilation air required in m per minute during application and drying can be calculated from
the formula:
(P x M) + (Q x N)
P = quantity of paint consumed in litres.
Q = quantity of thinner consumed in litres.
M = min. ventilation air quantity needed to reach TLV of 1 litre of paint.
N = min. ventilation air quantity needed to reach TLV of 1 litre of thinner.
t = application time in minutes.
100 litres of paint (P) are consumed in 45 minutes (t). 5 Litres of thinner (Q) were added to thin down the
paint to the prescribed application viscosity. Value M is e.g. 780 m (see product data sheet).
Value N is e.g. 2170 m (see product data sheet).
The ventilation air quantity required during application and drying to reach TLV is:
(100 x 780) + (5 x 2170)
= 1974 m per minute
In semi-confined areas such as rooms with open doors and windows or the super structure of a ship, natural
ventilation will be about 2 to 5 times the content of the room or space per hour, depending on weather
The amount of fresh air necessary to reach TLV will be approximately 10 to 20 times the amount of fresh air
necessary to reach 10% of LEL. When it is impractical to ventilate in such a way that TLV is not reached then
fresh air masks must be used.
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Emergency procedure
It may be necessary to enter an atmosphere which is unsafe. (You may have to rescue somebody). Before
entering a confined space or tank ensure that:
you wear breathing apparatus
you wear a lifeline
the lifeline is properly tended
a watch is kept on you
a means of communication exists
a system of signals is agreed
you and everybody else involved understand the signals
You must also make sure that:
a back-up or rescue squad is equipped to render assistance
resuscitation equipment is on hand
If you have to keep watch or tend a lifeline:
keep a careful watch on your men below
If you cannot see them:
call out to them from time to time
make sure they answer
If they do not answer repeated calls or if they show signs of drunkenness or unusual behaviour:
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a two page issue November 1999
revision of 1-1995
Basic identification colours and their meanings:
Green . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . water in liquid state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RAL 6010
Silver-grey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . steam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RAL 9006
Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mineral, vegetable and animal oils;
combustible liquids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RAL 8001
Yellow-ochre . . . . . . . . . . . . . gases in either gaseous or liquified
condition (except air) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RAL 1004
Violet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . acids and alkalis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RAL 4001
Light blue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RAL 5012
Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . other liquids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RAL 9005
Method of application:
At the users choice the basic identification colour should be:
painted on the pipe over the whole length,
painted on the pipe as a band over a length of about 150 mm, depending on the diameter of the pipe
applied by wrapping around the pipe an adhesive band of the basic identification colour.
This basic identification colour should be placed at all junctions, at both sides of valves, service appliances,
bulkheads, wall penetrations and at any other places where identification of the fluid is necessary.
Valves may be painted with the identification colour with the following exception. If the pipe line has been
provided with the safety colour for fire fighting, the valves should be painted red.
For example: Valves in fire-extinguishing steam or water pipe lines or in water flooding pipe lines should be
painted red.
When it is necessary to know the direction of flow of the fluid, this should be indicated by an arrow situated
in the proximity of the basic identification colour and painted with a colour which contrasts clearly with the
basic identification colour. If a label, plate or sign, with a codified indication is attached to the pipe, the
direction of flow may be shown by the pointed end of this label, plate or sign.
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The application of code indications should be determined by the user. Code indications should be placed at
all junctions, at both sides of valves, service appliances, bulkheads, wall penetrations, etc.
Safety-code indications are:
The safety colours:
red, for firefighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RAL 3000
yellow, with black diagonal stripes, for warning of danger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RAL 1018
auxiliary blue in conjunction with the green basic colour to denote pipes carrying fresh
water, either potable or non-potable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RAL 5010
Information regarding the nature of fluid for which the following systems may be used:
name in full in national language, e.g.: fresh water
abbreviation in national language, e.g.: FW
chemical symbol, e.g.: H
Method of application:
If a safety colour is applied, this colour should be:
painted on the basic identification colour, in the case of a pipe painted over the whole length;
painted between two basic identification colour bands, each of a length of about 150 mm, depending on
the diameter of the pipe;
applied by wrapping around the pipe an adhesive safety colour band between two basic identification
colour bands, each of a length of about 150 mm, depending on the diameter of the pipe.
Further possible code-indications, such as information regarding the fluid should be placed on the basic
identification colour or next to the basic identification colour band. This information should be painted with a
colour which contrasts clearly with the colour of the pipe or with the basic identification colour and should be
placed directly on the pipe or on a label, plate or sign, fixed to the pipe near the basic identification colour.
The label, plate or sign should be of the same colour as the safety colour, if this colour is applied.
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a two page issue October 1999
revision of 5-1997
Safe working is always of the greatest importance, but particularly during application of tankcoatings.
The illustrations on this sheet indicate the quite simple principal measures that will ensure safe working.
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Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a two page issue October 1999
revision of 1-1995
Ventilation is required for reasons of health and safety. In addition for solvent containing coatings the quality
of a coating system is greatly affected by the amount and type of residual solvent in the layer when the
coating dries or cures.
Adhesion, water resistance, mechanical and chemical properties can all be adversely affected when solvents
remain trapped in the paint film. Very slow evaporation of trapped solvents can also develop internal stresses
due to shrinkage.
The ventilation must be maintained throughout the application process at a minimum level of 10% of LEL
value and for a period after application is completed when the paint cures or dries. As a guide line for good
ventilation after application the confined space should be ventilated 4 to 5 times its contents per hour.
Product data sheets indicate when any special ventilation requirements are required.
Hot ventilation: Ventilating air with too high temperature can cause surface curing of epoxy coatings and
although it may be necessary to produce a dry substrate before painting, the steel and air temperature
should be such that when the application starts, the temperature of the ventilation (dehumidifier/heater)
should be dropped so that the conditions stay stable. Hot ventilation air should be replaced by cool dry
ventilation air as soon as possible after application of any coat is completed.
Good ventilation consists of at least extraction at the lowest areas, but in most cases when controlled
conditions are needed, also of air input (dry and/or heated). The combination of in and output must be
correctly balanced.
The opening of the extraction hose should be close to the bottom of the tank (approx 30-60 cm).
Ventilation air should be directed to the bottom of the tank or compartment and should be extracted by
exhaust fans of correctly balanced capacity.
For complex structures the ventilation should be distributed over all compartments and confined spaces in
order to facilitate good ventilation in all areas.
Due to regulations of the shipbuilding industry ballast tanks and double skin tanks count for many square
meters confined spaces. Therefore it is necessary to pay good attention to the ventilation conditions during
application, drying and curing of the coating on these areas.
Depending on the structure of the ballast tanks, forced ventilation or natural ventilation is used during
coating of the new building blocks.
However, natural ventilation in many cases is not sufficient due to half open box conditions and can cause
serious drawbacks related to health and safety as well as curing and performance of the coating.
When ventilation is not sufficient solvents will not be removed, but will drift to the lower part of the section.
As normally first the upperparts of a section will be painted, the solvents evaporating from the applied
coating will drift to the lower part where it will attack the earlier applied coating (not yet fully cured) and this
coating will absorb part of the solvents and swell. This coating will then be overcoated and problems related
to bad adhesion, curing, water resistance etc. will result.
In case of waterborne paints, this advice is not valid. Water vapour rises to the upper areas of the tank and
may give condensation. Therefore it is recommended to position an extra exhaust outlet at the top of the
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Also in this case ventilation is of utmost importance as drying under insufficient ventilation will prevent paint
film formation.
Practices recommended
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a seven page issue October 1999
revision of 5-1997
DERUSTING METHODS The effective life time of a coating applied onto a steel surface is dependent
to a very large extent on how thoroughly the surface has been prepared prior
to painting.
Surface preparation consists of primary surface preparation which aims to
remove mill scale, rust and foreign matter from a steel surface prior to the
application of a shop primer or primer.
Secondary surface preparation aims to remove rust and foreign matter,
if any, from a steel surface coated with a shop primer or primer prior to
application of the anticorrosive paint system.
A steel surface can be derusted in the following ways.
Wire brushing Wire brushing, usually done with rotating wire brushes, is a conventional
method, not suitable for the removal of mill scale, but suitable for the
preparation of weld seams. The main disadvantage is, that treated surfaces
are often not completely free of corrosion products and tend to become
polished and contaminated with oil. This decreases the adhesion of priming
paints and the performance of a paint system.
Chipping Chipping or mechanical chipping is usually done in combination with wire-
brushing. It is sometimes suitable for local repairs with conventional or
special formulated paint systems. It is not suitable for general preparation of
surfaces to be coated with epoxy or chlorinated rubber paints. It can be used
for the removal of thick rust scale and economises in later blasting
Needle hammer To remove rust, paint etc. from corners and angles in order to achieve a
cleaned surface with a profile.
Flame cleaning Flame cleaning involves derusting by thermal treatment making use of
burning equipment (acetylene or propane and oxygen). It removes almost all
mill scale, but rust to a lesser extent. Therefore this method cannot meet the
requirements of modern paint systems.
Disc sanding Disc sanding involves use of rotating discs covered with abrasive material.
It is used for local repairs or for the removal of small barnacles. The quality
of these discs has been very much improved, and these can give good
standards of preparation.
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Sweep blasting A hand operated form of superficial blast cleaning in which a primed or
coated steel surface is roughened and is free of almost all visible
contamination. (except oil contamination or traces of rust)
A: light sweep, purpose: roughening of intact coating
Abrasive: small (0,2-0,5 mm)
B: heavy sweep (approx ISO-Sa1), purpose: removing of not sound coating
areas - layers
Abrasive: small to medium (0,2-0,5/0,2-1,5 mm)
Reference: Repainting of old metallic structures, limited blast cleaning scale
Technical Guide, November 1993
Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chausses 58,
bd Lefebvre, F 75732 Paris Cedex 15
Blast cleaning The impingement of a high kinetic energy stream of abrasive onto the
surface to be prepared. It is either hand operated by jet or automatically by
impeller and is the most thorough method of derusting. Centrifugal blast
cleaning, compressed air blast cleaning and vacuum blast cleaning are well
known types.
Shot The particles are as far as practical spherical and solid and should not
contain more than the minimum practical amount of tails and irregular
Primers to be used for shot blasted steel should be checked on performance.
Grit The particles show good angularity form with sharp cutting edges and
should be substantially free from half-rounds (i.e. shot split in half).
Unless otherwise stated in the specifications a mineral grit should be used.
cleaning/jetting Pressure - more than 1700 bar
(Terminology NACE) Use: Complete removal of all coatings and rust.
The result can be compared with dry abrasive blast cleaning, but with
flash rust after drying.
Pressure - from 700 to 1700 bar
Use: Most paints and corrosion products will be removed, Magnetite and
hard tightly adherent coating may be left but can be removed with
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Pressure - from 350 to 700 bar
Use: Loose paint, rust, debris and material in pits will be removed, but
black iron oxide (Magnetite) will remain. A uniform matte finish cannot
be achieved.
Pressure - lower than 350 bar
Use: Removal of salt, dirt and poorly adherent surface contamination.
Mainly washing of surface
Pressure = 6-8 kg/cm
Cleaning speed = 10-16 m/hour depending on material to be removed.
Use: abrasive reduction, dust reduction, salt removal, avoidance of spark
hazard. The result is comparable with dry abrasive blast cleaning,
but with flash rust after drying.
Pressure = 100-120 kg/cm
Use: Removal of water soluble or water emulsified contamination; the
substrate dries quicker compared to a water rinsed substrate.
ISO STANDARDS When specifying a precise degree of derusting and cleaning of a steel
surface prior to painting, Sigma uses the International standard
ISO 8501-1-1988 and ISO 8504-1992.
ISO 8501-1 This indicates the following rust grades:
Applicable to bare A = steel surface largely covered with adherent mill
mill-scaled or rusty steel scale but little, if any, rust.
B = steel surface which has begun to rust and from which the mill scale
has begun to flake.
C = steel surface on which the mill scale has rusted away or from which
it can be scraped, but with slight pitting visible when viewed
D = steel surface on which the mill scale has rusted away and on which
general pitting is visible when viewed normally.
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October 1999
DEGREES OF PRIMARY The ISO standard indicates seven preparation degrees.
SURFACE PREPARATION The following standards are often used in specifications:
ISO-St Surface preparation by hand and power tool cleaning, such as scraping,
Hand and power tool wire-brushing, machine-brushing and grinding, is designated by the letters
cleaning St.
Prior to hand and power tool cleaning, any heavy layers of rust shall be
removed by chipping. Visible oil, grease and dirt shall also be removed.
After hand and power tool cleaning, the surface shall be cleaned from loose
dust and debris.
ISO-St2 When viewed without magnification, the surface shall be free from visible
Thorough hand and oil, grease and dirt, and from poorly adhering mill scale, rust, paint coatings
power tool cleaning and foreign matter.
ISO-St3 As for St2, but the surface shall be treated much more thoroughly to give a
Very thorough hand metallicsheen arising from the metallic substrate.
and power tool cleaning
Blast cleaning
Surface preparation by blast cleaning is designated by the letters Sa.
Prior to blast cleaning, any heavy layers of rust shall be removed by
chipping. Visible oil, grease and dirt shall also be removed.
After blast cleaning, the surface shall be cleaned from loose dust and debris.
ISO-Sa1 When viewed without magnification, the surface shall be free from visible
Light blast cleaning oil, grease and dirt, and from poorly adhering mill scale, rust, paint coatings
and foreign matter.
ISO-Sa2 When viewed without magnification, the surface shall be free from visible
Thorough blast cleaning oil, grease and dirt and from most of the mill scale, rust, paint coatings and
foreign matter. Any residual contamination shall be firmly adhering.
ISO-Sa2 When viewed without magnification, the surface shall be free from visible
Very thorough blast oil, grease and dirt and from mill scale, rust, paint coatings and foreign
cleaning matter. Any remaining traces of contamination shall show only as slight
stains in the form of spots or stripes.
ISO-Sa3 When viewed without magnification, the surface shall be free from visible
blast cleaning to oil, grease and dirt and shall be free from mill scale, rust, paint coatings
visually clean steel and foreign matter. It shall have a uniform metallic colour.
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Remark The photographs in the ISO Standard publication are given as illustration
only. They do not represent the complete preparation degree, which also
includes a cleaning operation which is not visible in the photographs.
(colourless contamination).
Equivalents As far as blast cleaning is concerned, equivalents according to British,
German and American standards are given in the following table.
ISO 8501-01
SIS 05 59 00 BS 4232 SSPC-Vis 1
DIN 55928 Teil 4
Sa3 1st quality White metal SP 5
Sa2 2nd quality Near white SP 10
Sa2 3rd quality Commercial SP 6
Roughness of To specify the roughness, a variety of values is used.
blast cleaned steel Such as R
, R
and R
= average peak to valley height = blasting profile
= maximum peak to valley height
= average distance to an imaginary centre line which can be drawn
between peaks and valleys = C.L.A. = Centre Line Average (ISO 3274)
Normally Sigma Coatings uses R
Blasting Profile (R
) = 4 to 6 times C.L.A. (R
The direct measuring of the dft of primers applied onto blast cleaned steel in
a thickness up to 30 m is very inaccurate. A primer dft of 30 m and more
gives an average thickness and not the thickness present on the peaks.
When in the specifications blast cleaning to ISO-Sa2 is mentioned a
blasting profile R
of 35-50 m should be obtained using mineral grit unless
otherwise mentioned.
Above a R
roughness of 17 m (= blasting profile R
of 100 m) it is
recommended to use an additional coat of primer to cover the roughness.
A roughness profile above 100 m often results if heavily rusted steel is
blast cleaned.
JAPANESE STANDARDS These establish a systematic standard for secondary surface preparation
Standard for the preparation prior to protective painting when shop primers are used in the construction
of steel surface prior to process of hull or steel structures.
painting SPSS-1984
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Surface condition H = shop primed steel surface in way of hand welding
A = shop primed steel in way of automatic welding
F = shop primed steel surface in way of gas-burning
D = shop primed steel surface having white zinc salt
R = shop primed steel surface having rust in the form of spots
GRADES OF SECONDARY The Japanese Standard indicates six preparation degrees.
SURFACE PREPARATION The following standards are often used in specifications.
SPSS-Pt2 Surface prepared by wire brushing for the surface condition A, D and R,
by wire brushing and disc sander for the surface condition H,
by disc sander for the surface condition F. Almost all rust and foreign
master are fairly removed.
If mentioned for other surface conditions (e.g. primed or coated steel),
almost all rust and foreign matter, have to be removed by wire brushing
and/or disc sander.
SPSS-Pt3 Surface prepared by wire brushing and (in combination with!)
disc sander for the surface condition H and A
and by disc sander for the surface condition F, R and D.
Rust and foreign matter are removed to the extent that the surface has a
uniform metallic sheen.
If mentioned for other surfaces conditions (e.g. primed or coated steel) all
rust and foreign matter has to be removed to the extent that the surface has
a uniform metallic sheen.
Also used for the preparation of primed or coated substrate to remove rust
from small areas such as scratches, pinpoints or areas of mechanical
SPSS-Ss Surface prepared by light blast cleaning of slug sands or grits.
(Shop primer with the little trace of rust is noticeable.)
Also used for the preparation of a primed or coated substrates or galvanized
steel to roughen the surface and to remove contamination or traces of rust.
Remarks In the Japanese Standard the expressions Sd2 and Sd3 are used, which are
equivalent to the Swedish expressions Sa2 and Sa3.
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Degree of cleanliness The International and the Japanese Standards give a visual impression of the
quality of the derusted steel.
However, chemical contamination like soluble salts etc. are not visible and
remains partly on the surface.
Presence of excessive amounts of water soluble salts can cause blistering of
the coating by osmosis.
Water soluble salts in mineral abrasives.
For tankcoatings the maximum value of water soluble salts in mineral
abrasives is 300 s/cm (corresponds with 30 ms/m).
See further sheet 1491
Water soluble salts on the steel surface.
For tankcoatings the maximum value of water soluble salts on the steel
surface amounts 60 mg/m (corresponds with 6 g/cm) chloride,
determined by the Bresle method (ISO 8502-6).
Specification for mineral abrasives see information sheet 1491
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a two page issue October 1999
revision of 1-1995
This specification covers mineral abrasives such as corundum, aluminium silicate slag, or any slag mixtures
which are suitable for removing rust, scale, old paint or shop primer from steel by blast cleaning and giving a
satisfactory anchor pattern.
This specification covers only those abrasives commonly known as utility grades.
Material The abrasive may be any material meeting the requirements of this specification. It shall be
composed of clean, sound, hard particles free from foreign substances such as dirt, oil, grease, toxic
substances, organic matter and water soluble salts.
The abrasive supplier shall certify that any product to be delivered conforms to all requirements stated
pH 100 gram of a representative abrasive sample is crushed using a mortar and pestle. Approximately 50
grams of the crushed sample is added to 200 ml de-ionized water. The pH of this slurry is then determined
through the use of an electronic pH meter with an accuracy of 0.01 pH unit.
A slurry mixture prepared in this way shall not have a pH below 6.20.
Water Soluble Salts The abrasive is mixed with de-ionized water, conductivity max. 1 S/cm, in the
proportion 1:2, e.g. 50 cm abrasive to 100 cm water. The mixture is shaken for 5 minutes, allowed to
settle for at least 1 hour and then shaken again for 5 minutes. Some of the water is decanted, the
temperature is recorded and the conductivity measured by a conductivity gauge.
If the conductivity gauge does not have any temperature compensation adjustment, the conductivity should
be converted to 20C or measurement should be carried out at this temperature.
If the conductivity exceeds 300 S/cm the abrasive is rejected.
If the abrasive is to be used for High Pressure Wet Abrasive Blastcleaning the total amount of water soluble
matter should be below 0,5% by weight.
Moisture Content Approximately 200 grams of abrasive shall be weighed to the nearest 0.1 g in a tared
weighing dish and dried at 105 to 110C for 3 hours or more until successive weighings after additional 1
hour heating periods show a weight change of not more than 0.1%. The percentage of moisture is calculated
as follows:
percent moisture =
original weight - final weight
x 100
original weight of sample
The moisture content for material deliverd in bags or in bulk shall not exceed 0.5% by weight.
Oil and Grease The abrasive shall not be contaminated with oil and grease. 10 cm abrasive is shaken
with 10 cm methylene chloride for about 5 minutes. 5 drops of the solvent are applied to a clean glass
plate. After complete evaporation of the solvent the glass plate is exposed to ultraviolet light in total
If there is blue fluorescence the abrasive is rejected.
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October 1999
Hardness Examine the abrasive material under a low-power microscope (10 x) and, if grains of different
colour or character are present, select a few grains of each. Separately place the grains thus differentiated
between two glass microscope slides. While applying pressure, slowly move one slide over the other with a
reciprocating motion for 10 seconds. Examine the glass surface and, if scratched, the material shall be
considered as having a minimum hardness of 6 on Mohs scale. If any grains that fail to scratch glass are
present, in any appreciable quantity, the total batch is rejected.
Grain Shape The individual abrasive grains shall be angular in shape.
Surface Profile The abrasive material shall produce a prescribed blasting profile Rz value (varying
between 40-100 m)
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a six page issue October 1999
Hydrojetting is the surface preparation of steel using high-energy water to remove coatings, corrosion
products and other surface contamination such as oil/grease etc.
It relies totally on the energy of the water striking the surface to achieve its cleaning effect.
At present there is a wide and liberal usage of process terminology throughout the marine industry, by
shipowners, shiprepairers, contractors and paint manufacturers which is confusing and in some instances
The advantages of hydrojetting are:
avoidance of spark hazard
reduction of dust
removal of water soluble salts
removal of deteriorated paints, layer by layer if the intercoat adhesion is bad
roughening and cleaning of existing intact paint systems
operational in unfavourable weather conditions
Water Cleaning/Jetting - (Water Only)
Pressure Terminology NACE
< 350 bar (5000 psi) Low Pressure Water Cleaning (LPWC)
350 - 700 bar (5000 - 10,000 psi) High Pressure Water Cleaning (HPWC)
700 - 1,700 bar (10,000 - 25,000 psi) High Pressure Water Jetting (HPWJ)
> 1,700 bar (25,000 psi) Ultrahigh Pressure Water Jetting (UHPWJ)
N.B. The pressure of the equipment only gives an idea about the maximum achievable standard and
specifying the pressure does not mean that the substrate is cleaned correctly. The distance between the gun
and the substrate is important. With an output pressure of 2000 bar, the water pressure at 15 - 20 cm from
the nozzle is insufficient to remove reasonably adherent corrosion or coatings.
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October 1999
Force Ratio vs Distance Hydrojetting Lance at 2000 bar
0 15 20 30
Distance of lance tip from substrate / cm3
The angle of the gun tip to the surface is also of primary importance for removal of surface layers although
this is dependent on the equipment on what is being removed.
Therefore a standard should be specified as well as a pressure.
Substrate Cleaning at Differing Pressures
Pressure Substrate Cleanliness
< 350 bar (5000 psi) Removal of dirt, and poorly adherent surface contamination.
Mainly washing the surface.
350 - 700 bar (5000 - 10,000 psi) Loose paint, rust, debris and material in pits will be removed
but black iron oxide (Magnetite) will remain. A uniform matte
finish cannot be achieved.
700 - 1,400 bar (10,000 - 25,000 psi) Most paints and corrosion products will be removed, Magnetite
and hard tightly adherent coating may be left but can be
removed with difficulty.
1,400 -2,400 bar (25,000 - 35,000 psi) All corrosion, including Magnetite can be removed as well as all
paint types. Tightly adherent mill scale may remain.
> 2,400 bar (35,000 psi) At these pressures mill scale can also be removed but it may
not be economical.
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October 1999
Standards - NACE/SSPC
WJ-1 A WJ-1 surface shall be free of all previously existing visible rust, coatings, mill scale and foreign
matter and have a matte metal finish.
WJ-2 A WJ-2 surface shall be cleaned to a matte finish with at least 95% of the surface area free of all
previously existing visible residues and the remaining 5% containing only randomly dispersed
stains of rust, coatings and foreign matter.
WJ-3 A WJ-3 surface shall be cleaned to a matte finish with at least two thirds of the surface free of all
visible residues (except mill scale), and one third containing only randomly dispersed stains of
previously existing rust, coatings and foreign matter.
WJ-4 A WJ-4 surface shall have all loose rust, loose mill scale and loose coatings uniformly removed.
The above definitions are from SSPC-SP 12/NACE no 5 standard however, there are no visual standards for
these definitions. Until they are ready Sigma Coatings is using the visual reference SSPC-VIS 4(1) NACE No 7
which do not exactly match the definitions.
N.B. Whilst hydrojetting can remove existing coatings, soluble salts and contamination it will not impart a
profile to the steel, any profile present after hydrojetting will be the original blast profile (if blasted) or from
corrosion (pitting).
Sigma Coatings recommendation: more than 1,700 bar (25,000 psi)
Slurry Blasting - Water/Abrasive
Generic name for all types of abrasive blasting that contain water, varying from introducing small quantities
of water into a stream of dry abrasive to injection of a small quantity abrasive into a high pressure water
One of the major advantages of slurry blasting is the removal of soluble salts combined with the creation of
a profile. However, the removal of the slurry can be a problem and it is always advisable afterwards to wash
the surface down with fresh water prior to coating application in order to remove any abrasive from the
As far as standards are concerned, the NACE standards were only produced for hydrojetted surfaces.
Soluble Salts
One of the biggest advantages of Hydrojetting is the ability to significantly reduce the soluble salts from
the steel surface. If these salts are not removed and overcoated they can cause osmotic blistering and lead
to failure within a very short time. Levels of above 10-20 g/cm
have been shown to cause coating failure
particularly under immersion conditions.
Dry blasting does give partial removal of these soluble salts, however, it also tends to trap contaminants in
the crevices and foldovers created when the surface is deformed during dry abrasive blasting.
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October 1999
Soluble salt levels are specified in the NACE hydrojetting standard. They are not specified in dry blasting
standards but are carried out for tank coating work and for other areas where there is a high risk for the
presence of soluble salts. Generally speaking one of the main advantages of hydrojetting, if carried correctly
out, is the removal of soluble salts and for this reason it is not considered necessary to specify soluble salt
concentrations as a part of the surface preparation standard unless it is suspected that they will not have
been removed.
Sigma Coatings recommendation - Soluble salt testing is only necessary as part of the surface
preparation standard in special cases.
Which water should be used?
Fresh Water never Sea Water
One of the biggest advantages of hydrojetting is the removal of soluble salts (i.e. chlorides) from the steel
surface. If seawater is used followed by fresh water washing then the steel is initially being purposely
exposed to high levels of chlorides. With corroded steel, it is possible to see where the salt levels are highest
(corroded areas), this is impossible with a surface hydrojetted with seawater and fresh water rinsed. Whilst
the surface can be tested for chlorides it is impractical to test the entire area there is no way to check they
have all been removed until the coating breaks down.
Sigma Coatings recommendation - Always hydrojet with fresh water
Flash Rust
Flash rust is an inevitable when steel is cleaned with water without the use of an inhibitor. This leads to
problems we trying to evaluate the degree of cleanliness of a hydrojetted steel surface as the formation of
flash rust means that the substrate condition is constantly changing. Experience has shown that the steel
cleanliness should not be judged when the substrate is wet.
The performance of a system applied to a hydrojetted surface is partly governed by the degree of flash
rusting. The flash rusting can be divided into three categories:
There are basically three levels of flash rust:
Light (L): Present as a tightly adhering, appears as a surface staining that will partially discolour
the original metallic surface and will not be heavy enough to easily mark objects brushed
against it.
Medium (M): Present as a layer which obscures the original metallic surface and will be heavy enough
to mark objects brushed against it.
Heavy (H): Present as a powdery rust that obscures metallic surface and easily marks objects
brushed against it.
For more detailed definitions please consult SSPC-VIS4(1) NACE No.7 Standard.
However it is very difficult to quantify the amount of flash rust as it is constantly changing. Procedural
changes can be made to reduce the flash rust formation and keep the interval between a dry substrate and
coating application as short as possible.
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October 1999
As good working practice the following should also be adopted:
Reduce the time between completely wet and completely dry.
Keep the interval between a dry substrate and coating application as short as possible.
Some coatings do have some tolerance to damp surfaces and can be applied under certain
Accept only firmly adherent flash rust.
Never mechanically wire brush to remove flash rust. This will result in polished surfaces and
rehydrojetting may be required.
Factors affecting the speed of flash rusting.
Soluble salts on the substrate
Drying time of steel / humidity / temperature
Wet Blast Inhibitor
Sigma wet blast inhibitor is available and has been used successfully on a number of projects. Being an
amine, it will chemically cure into epoxy films. However care should be taken to avoid very high
concentrations, which is a particular problem on horizontal surfaces.
In some countries there are restrictions on the use of this type of product as run off water is classed as
chemical waste.
When hydrojetting at pressure above 1,700 bar the heat generated tends to dry the surface relatively quickly
and if the above mentioned good working practices are carried out flash rust formation will be limited and
there should be no need for a flash rust inhibitor.
Appearance of Steel
Hydrojetted steel has a different appearance than dry blasting even before flash rusting.
Generally surfaces look dull, and pitted steel can have a mottled appearance. This is caused when the
corrosion products are washed out of the pits leaving a bright steel surface and the surrounding areas are
left dull grey, brown to black in colour (ferric oxide). Which is the reverse of a dry abrasive blasted surface
where the failure to remove corrosion products from the pits gives a dark pit whilst the surrounding steel is
a bright silver colour.
Damp/Dry Substrate
Prior to recoating the substrate should be dry - use water sensitive paper as per FTS Guidelines. For certain
coatings a damp substrate is acceptable.
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October 1999
Existing Systems
At 2000 - 3000 bar existing paint can be removed, however at 1000 - 1500 bar only loosely adherent paint
can be removed. If an existing system is left on the steel surface then there is a risk of island formation.
Water can creep under the apparently tightly adherent coating which is subsequently overcoated leading
to failure. Secondly, an existing paint film may be sufficiently thick that when overcoated there is an edge
effect , where a freshly applied paint film moves away from a sharp edge and less paint is applied to the
This can be avoided by:
Higher pressure remove all existing coating
Feather all existing edges back to a firm edge i.e. Discing
Stripe coat also edges of existing systems
Ballast Tanks
With ballast tanks there are still a number of practical problems which make it difficult to achieve a
uniformly acceptable standard of surface preparation
These problems are:
Complex form i.e. stiffeners etc
Poor visibility - constant water vapour (mist) present in the tank
Constant high humidity leading to:
high levels of flash rust
difficulty in achieving dry substrate prior to recoating
Special attention should be paid to these items.
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be
accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or
otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and information
are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's
responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability arising
from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there are written
agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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page 1/4
a four page issue October 1999
revision of 1-1995
To achieve optimum results in coating work it is essential to ensure that no condensation occurs on the
substrate or in-between coats during the painting process. Air at a given temperature can only contain a
certain (maximum) amount of water vapour. This amount is lower at lower temperatures.
The maximum water content of air at different temperatures is given in the next table:
Degrees Centigrade Maximum water content g/m
0 4,8
5 6,8
10 9,5
15 12,8
20 17,3
25 23,0
30 30,4
35 39,6
40 51,1
45 65,0
From these figures the relationship between dew point, air temperature and relative humidity can be
calculated. This relationship is given in the next table:
Relation between dew point, air temperature and relative humidity
Dew point in C at a relative humidity of:
C 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90%
5 4.1 2.9 1.8 0.9 0.0 0.9 1.8 2.7 3.6
6 3.2 2.1 1.0 0.1 0.9 1.8 2.8 3.7 4.5
7 2.4 1.3 0.2 0.8 1.8 2.8 3.7 4.6 5.5
8 1.6 0.4 0.8 1.8 2.8 3.8 4.7 5.6 6.5
9 0.8 0.4 1.7 2.7 3.8 4.7 5.7 6.6 7.5
10 0.1 1.3 2.6 3.7 4.7 5.7 6.7 7.6 8.4
11 1.0 2.3 3.5 4.6 5.6 6.7 7.6 8.6 9.4
12 1.9 3.2 4.5 5.6 6.6 7.7 8.6 9.6 10.4
13 2.8 4.2 5.4 6.6 7.6 8.6 9.6 10.6 11.4
14 3.7 5.1 6.4 7.5 8.6 9.6 10.6 11.5 12.4
15 4.7 6.1 7.3 8.5 9.5 10.6 11.5 12.5 13.4
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October 1999
Dew point in C at a relative humidity of:
C 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90%
16 5.6 7.0 8.3 9.5 10.5 11.6 12.5 13.5 14.4
17 6.5 7.9 9.2 10.4 11.5 12.5 13.5 14.5 15.3
18 7.4 8.8 10.2 11.4 12.4 13.5 14.5 15.4 16.3
19 8.3 9.7 11.1 12.3 13.4 14.5 15.5 16.4 17.3
20 9.3 10.7 12.0 13.3 14.4 15.4 16.4 17.4 18.3
21 10.2 11.6 12.9 14.2 15.3 16.4 17.4 18.4 19.3
22 11.1 12.5 13.8 15.2 16.3 17.4 18.4 19.4 20.3
23 12.0 13.5 14.8 16.1 17.2 18.4 19.4 20.3 21.3
24 12.9 14.4 15.7 17.0 18.2 19.3 20.3 21.3 22.3
25 13.8 15.3 16.7 17.9 19.1 20.3 21.3 22.3 23.2
26 14.8 16.2 17.6 18.8 20.1 21.2 22.3 23.3 24.2
27 15.7 17.2 18.6 19.8 21.1 22.2 23.2 24.3 25.2
28 16.6 18.1 19.5 20.8 22.0 23.2 24.2 25.2 26.2
29 17.5 19.1 20.5 21.7 22.9 24.1 25.2 26.2 27.2
30 18.4 20.0 21.4 22.7 23.9 25.1 26.2 27.2 28.2
Using these figures curves can be drawn which give the relationship between air temperature, relative
humidity and dew point. (See graph).
To allow a sensible safety margin normally the substrate temperature must be at least 3 degrees centigrade
above the dew point. The dew point is the temperature of a given air-water vapour mixture at which
condensation starts, since at that temperature the maximum water content of the air is reached.
Many important conclusions can be drawn from the graph, e.g.:
at a relative humidity of 85% the lowest acceptable substrate temperature is approximately equal to the
temperature of the (ventilation) air. For this reason outdoor paintwork must normally be carried out at a
relative humidity below 85%.
at a relative humidity of 90% the difference in temperature between substrate and dew point will be only
2C, which means that the safety margin is narrowed. This can be overcome by raising the substrate
temperature by approx. 1C.
at a relative humidity of 70% the relationship between the acceptable substrate temperature and the
temperature of the (ventilation) air is given by the following table:
air temperature C 5 10 20 30
dew point C 0,0 4,7 14,4 23,9
lowest acceptable substrate temperature C 3,0 7,7 17,4 26,9
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October 1999
Although the substrate temperatures given in this table are well below the temperature of the surrounding
air no condensation will occur under the stated prevailing conditions.
if the lowest acceptable substrate temperature is for example 5C and the temperature of the atmosphere
is also 5C than the ventilation air can be heated and relative humidity will then be reduced according to
the following table:
air temperature C 5 10 20 30 40
relative humidity % 85 60 32 18 11
In general reduction in temperature leads to risk of condensation.
For instance steel cooled down during the night will often show condensation and this will not evaporate until
the steel is heated up again by sunlight or other means.
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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October 1999
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a three page issue January 2000
revision of 5-1997
Sigma Proferral EV a Lloyds Register of Shipping The product is inserted in the list of
b 04-12-1996 approved prefabrication primers.
c 30-09-2001
d 7170
Sigma Proferral MC a Germanischer Lloyd The product is inserted in the list of
b 18-05-1994, 42045-94/Penno approved prefabrication primers.
c --
d 7171
Sigma Proferral MC a Lloyds Register of Shipping The product is inserted in the list of
b 04-12-1996 approved prefabrication primers.
c 30-09-2001
d 7171
Sigma Proferral MC a Det Norske Veritas The shop primer is approved for
b 17-03-1997, K-1444 application on blast cleaned steel plates
c 31-12-2000 and sections.
d 7171
Sigmaweld EP a Indian Register of Shipping The product is approved for use in ships
shopprimer b 03-06-1998, 98TAC106 classed or intended to be classed with
c 31-05-2003 Indian Register of Shipping.
d 7173
Sigmaweld EP a Lloyds Register of Shipping The product is inserted in the list of
shopprimer b 04-12-1996 approved prefabrication primers.
c 30-09-2001
d 7173
Sigmaweld EP a Det Norske Veritas The shop primer is approved for
shopprimer b 17-03-1997, K-1445 application on blast cleaned steel plates
c 31-12-2000 and sections.
d 7173
Sigmaweld MC a American bureau of shipping The product is inserted in the list of
b 03-11-1997, 97NO23042-A approved prefabrication primers.
c 03-11-2002
d 7177
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Page 2/3
January 2000
Sigmaweld MC a Germanischer Lloyd The product is inserted in the list of
b 17-08-1989, approved prefabrication primers.
No. 54607/89 Rs/Rob
c --
d 7177
Sigmaweld MC a Indian Register of Shipping The product is approved for use in ships
b 03-06-1998, 98TAC105 classed or intended to be classed with
c 31-05-2003 Indian Register of Shipping.
d 7177
Sigmaweld MC a Lloyds Register of Shipping The product is inserted in the list of
b 10-01-1997 approved prefabrication primers.
c 31-01-2002
d 7177
Sigmaweld MC a Det Norske Veritas The shop primer is approved for
b 18-03-1996, K-1338 application on blast cleaned steel plates
c 31-03-2000 and sections.
d 7177
Sigmaweld MC a Registro Italiano Navale (R.I.N.A.) The shop primer is approved for
b 06-02-1997 MSC/68896/1 application on steel plates andsections
c 31-01-2000 which are to be welded particularly in
d 7177 respect to corner welds.
Sigmaweld MC MK3 a Lloyds Register of Shipping The product is inserted in the list of
b 10-01-1997 approved prefabrication primers.
c 31-01-2002
d 7177/3
Sigmaweld MC MK3 a Det Norske Veritas The shop primer is approved for
b 18-03-1996, K-1339 application on blast cleaned steel plates
c 31-03-2000 and sections.
d 7177/3
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Page 3/3
January 2000
Sigmaweld MC MK3 a Registro Italiano Navale (R.I.N.A.) The shop primer is approved for
b 06-02-1997 MSC/68896/2 application on steel plates andsections
c 31-01-2000 which are to be welded particularly in
d 7177/3 respect to corner welds.
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
back to previous view
page 1/3
a three page issue January 2000
revision of 5-1997
Sigma Proferral MC a Newcastle Occupational After having re-examined the product,
Health Agency we would confirm that no danger to
b May 1986, 2739/40/86 health is likely to arise from the electrical
c 15-01-2001 welding or flame cutting of steel plate
d 7171 primed with this product, provded that
the flame cutting process is carried out
under open-shop conditions, that the
welding process is performed under the
conditions of ventilation normally
associated with good welding practice
and that the primer has been applied to
the plate at the manufacturers
recommended application rate.
Sigma Proferral MC a Schweisstechnische Lehr- und Gases evolved during welding were well
Versuchsanstalt Duisburg below the treshold limit values.
b 25-04-1994, 94 34 024/2
c --
d 7171
Sigmaweld EP a Newcastle Occupational After having re-examined the product,
shopprimer Health Agency we would confirm that no danger to
b August 1979, 1606/79/79 health is likely to arise from the electrical
c 23-03-2000 welding or flame cutting of steel plate
d 7173 primed with this product, provded that
the flamecutting process is carried out
under open-shop conditions, that the
welding process is performed under the
conditions of ventilation normally
associated with good welding practice
and that the primer has been applied to
the plate at the manufacturers
recommended application rate.
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January 2000
Sigmaweld MC a AMARC Occupational Health No risk to health existed under
and Safety Service conditions monitored in simulated
b 01-10-1989, 1549/103/3958 double bottom units during manual and
c -- MIG semi-automatic welding with
d 7177 Sigmaweld MC primer and during open-
shop machine burning with primed and
unprimed steel.
Sigmaweld MC a ES Centro Studi TLV values are below Italian limits.
b 13-02-1989, EF/81 del Fumes are not toxic or harmful.
23-01-89 (Nbr 52-55)
c --
d 7177
Sigmaweld MC a Newcastle Occupational From the results it can be concluded that
Health Agency no danger to health is likely to arise
b 24-07-1996, 4935/96 when plate coated with this primer is
c 31-05-2001 either:
d 7177 a) subjected to flame cutting under
open-shop conditions, or
b) electrically welded under the
conditions of ventilation normally
associated with good welding
practice, provided that the primer is
applied to the plate at the
manufacturers recommended
application rate.
Sigmaweld MC a Schweisstechnische Lehr- und Gases evolved during welding were well
Versuchsanstalt Duisburg below the threshold limit values.
b 18-09-1996, 95 34 039/2
c --
d 7177
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January 2000
Sigmaweld MC a Technischer berwachungs- According to chapter 3.11(5) of
Verein Norddeutschland e.V. TRGS 402 the conclusion durable
b 20-07-1992, 128CU06020 ensurance of the values is justified if
c -- the condition of the working process is
d 7177 in such a way that prolonged exceeding
of the values is avoided.
This is the case, when is determined that
the average value will not exceed a
quarter of the value.
Sigmaweld MC MK3 a Newcastle Occupational From the results it can be concluded that
Health Agency no danger to health is likely to arise
b 24-07-1996, 4936/96 when plate coated with this primer is
c 31-05-2001 either:
d 7177/3 a) subjected to flame cutting under
open-shop conditions, or
b) electrically welded under the
conditions of ventilation normally
associated with good welding
practice, provided that the primer is
applied to the plate at the
manufacturers recommended
application rate.
Sigmaweld MC MK3 a Schweisstechnische Lehr- und Gases evolved during welding were well
Versuchsanstalt Duisburg below the threshold limit values.
b 18-12-1996, 95 34 043/2
c --
d 7177/3
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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page 1/4
a four page issue January 2000
revision of 7-1999
Sigma Novaguard a Folkehelsa National Institute Folkehelsa approve (Sigma Novaguard)
of Public Health epoxy coating for use in pipes and tanks
b 18-03-1999, that come in contact with drinking water.
c --
d 7453
Sigma Novaguard a Folkehelsa National Institute Folkehelsa approve (Sigma Novaguard
on Sigma Universal primer of Public Health with Sigma Universal primer) epoxy
b 14-07-1999, coating for use in pipes and tanks that
99/728-MINT/ARMI/523.2 come in contact with drinking water.
c --
d 7453, 7417
Sigma Phenguard a Tritec environmental services We are of the opinion that Sigma
LTD Phenguard paint preparation, would be
b 08-10-1993, 078SIG93.TWF suitable for marine water tank lining with
c -- respect to odour/taste pick up, upon
d 7409, 7435, 7436 super chlorination, to the specification
outlined in the above test method.
Sigma Phenguard , a Water Byelaws Advisory Service The results of the tests of effect on water
primer, coating, finish b 28-01-1997, quality that have been carried out on the
M101061 product so described, and it has been
c November 2001 decided that there is no objection to its
d 7409, 7435, 7436 use provided the source, nature and
manufacturing processes of the
ingredients and products are not
Sigmaguard CSF a Folkehelsa National Institute Folkehelsa has evaluated Sigmaguard
of Public Health CSF toxicologically and approved coating
b 17-03-1995, for use in potable water tanks on ship
95/00672-2-AMI/621.2 and offshore installations.
(24-11-1995, 95/00672-3-
AMI/621.2 and nr)
c --
d 7443
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page 2/4
January 2000
Sigmaguard CSF a Folkehelsa National Institute Folkehelsa approve (Sigmaguard CSF
on Sigma Universal primer of Public Health with Sigma Universal primer) epoxy
b 14-07-1999, coating for use in pipes and tanks that
99/-MINT/ARMI/523.2 come in contact with drinking water.
c --
d 7443, 7417
Sigmaguard CSF a Universiteit Gent The material analyzed satisfies the
b 07-04-1993 Belgian Norm NBN S29-001 and the
c -- R.D.s mentioned in the report.
d 7443
Sigmaguard CSF 75 a Folkehelsa National Institute Folkehelsa approve (Sigmaguard CSF 75)
of Public Health epoxy coating for use in pipes and tanks
b 27-10-1998, that come in contact with drinking water.
c --
d 7475
Sigmaguard CSF 75 a Folkehelsa National Institute Folkehelsa approve (Sigmaguard CSF 75
on Sigma Universal primer of Public Health with Sigma Universal Primer ) epoxy
b 14-07-1999, coating for use in pipes and tanks that
99/729-MINT/ARMI/523.2 come in contact with drinking water.
c --
d 7475, 7417
Sigmaguard CSF 75 a Stanford Consultin Laboratories Sigmaguard CSF 75 was tested for
b 22-01-1999 compliance to BS6920-1996 Edition.
WP 98/6569 The product complies fully to the
c -- Sections of the standards 2.2 to 2.6 of
d 7475 the standard at an exposure surface area
of 41,700 mm/L of test water.
Sigmaguard CSF 85 a Folkehelsa National Institute Folkehelsa approve (Sigmaguard CSF 85)
of Public Health epoxy coating for use in pipes and tanks
b 25-10-1999, that come in contact with drinking water.
c --
d 7785, 7417
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January 2000
Sigmaguard CSF 85 a Folkehelsa National Institute Folkehelsa approve (Sigmaguard CSF 85
on Sigma Universal primer of Public Health with Sigma Universal primer) epoxy
b 25-10-1999, coating for use in pipes and tanks that
99/730-MINT/ARMI/523.2 come in contact with drinking water.
c --
d 7785, 7417
Sigmaguard CSF 85 a Hygiene-Institut des The epoxy coating fulfils the
Ruhrgebiets, Gelsenkirchen requirements of DVGW-Arbeitsblatt
b 07-07-1999, W 1239/99/Ju W270 for the use with drinking water.
c 07-07-2004
d 7785
Sigmaguard CSF 85 a NSF Sigmaguard CSF 85 conforms to the
b 10-11-1999 requirements of NSF standard 61 -
c -- Drinking Water System Components -
d 7785 Health Effects.
Sigmaguard CSF 85 a The Netherlands Waterworks Sigmaguard CSF 85 is suitable for
Testing and Research institute application as coating system in potable
KIWA N.V. water installations with a maximum
b 01-09-1998, K12827/01 operating temperature of 35C.
c --
d 7785
Sigmaguard CSF 85 a SETSCO Services Pte Ltd Sigmaguard CSF 85 is deemed suitable
b 14-10-1999, H19631/ST for contact with water intended for
c -- human consumption, in accordance with
d 7785 SS 375:1994.
Sigmaguard CSF 85 a The Water Quality Centre The samples of this product meet the
b 19-06-1997, M 101323 test criteria of BS 6920 : Part 1
c June 2002 (Specification) and thus comply with
d 7785 the requirements of the Water Byelaws
Scheme Tests of Effect of Water Quality.
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January 2000
Sigmalining SF 23 a The Netherlands Waterworks Sigmalining SF 23 is suitable for
Testing and Research institute application as coating system in potable
KIWA N.V. water installations with a maximum
b 01-09-1998, K12827/01 operating temperature of 35C.
c --
d 7623
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a five sheet issue January 2000
revision of 5-1997
Sigmarine BTD a Danish Maritime Authority Approved for use in Danish Ships as
b 25-03-1998, 5a-63/I surface material having low flame
c 01-01-2001 spread characteristic.
d 7238
Sigmarine primer ZP a Danish Maritime Authority Approved for use in Danish Ships as
b 25-03-1998, 5a-63/I surface material having low flame
c 01-01-2001 spread characteristic.
d 7135
1 x Sigmaweld MC a Marine Surveyors of Classification: Class 1.
25 m the Department of Transport BS476: Part 7: 1971.
1 x Sigma TCN 300 b 20-11-1991 (1.ii.)
(brown) c --
100 m d 7177, 7472
1 x Sigma TCN 300
100 m
1 x Sigmaweld MC a Marine Surveyors of Classification: Class 1.
25 m the Department of Transport BS476: Part 7: 1971.
2 x Sigmarine primer ZP b 20-11-1991 (1.ii.)
2 x 40 m c --
1 x Sigmarine BTD d 7177, 7135, 7238
35 m
1 x Sigmaweld MC a Marine Surveyors of Classification: Class 1.
25 m the Department of Transport BS476: Part 7: 1971.
2 x Sigmarine primer ZP b 20-11-1991 (1.iii.)
2 x 40 m c --
2 x Sigmarine BTD d 7177, 7135, 7238
2 x 35 m
1 x Sigmaweld MC a Marine Surveyors of Classification: Class 1.
25 m the Department of Transport BS476: Part 7: 1971.
2 x Sigmarine primer ZP b 20-11-1991
2x35 m c --
1 x Sigmarine Enamel d 7177, 7135, 7240
35 m
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January 2000
1 x Sigmaweld MC a Marine Surveyors of Classification: Class 1.
25 m the Department of Transport BS476: Part 7: 1971.
2 x Sigmarine primer ZP b 20-11-1991 (1.i.)
2 x 40 m c --
d 7177, 7135
1 x Lily BTD a Minton, Treharne & Davies Ltd Classification: Class 1.
(Sigmarine BTD) b 15-12-1977, WKW/LMK/844A
35 m c --
d 7238
1 x Primerite a Minton, Treharne & Davies Ltd. Classification: Class 1.
(Sigmarine primer ZP) b 15-12-1977, WKW/LMK/844B
35 m c --
2 x Lily BTD d 7135, 7238
(Sigmarine BTD)
2 x 35 m
1 x Sigma Multimastic a Det Norske Veritas Approved for use as low flame spread
150 m b 18-06-1997, F-14783 and low smoke emission surface
1 x Sigma CM coating c 30-06-2001 material throughout the accomodation.
100 m d 7430, 7466
1 x Sigma Multimastic a Sintef Energy The products satisfies the criteria to
150 m Norwegian Fire Research surface materials with low heat release
1 x Sigma CM coating Laboratory and low smoke production according to
100 m b 11-03-1997, Norwegian Standard NS 3919.
c --
d 7430, 7466
1 x Sigma Multimastic a Warrington fire research The coating system meets all the criteria
150 m b 24-02-1997, Warres no.70637 given in the IMO document and can
1 x Sigma CM coating c -- therefore be considered to have low
grey d 7430, 7466 flame spread in compliance with the
100 m International Convention for the Safety of
Life at Sea, 1974.
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January 2000
2 x Sigmacrylic primer a Registro Italiano Navale Suitable for ships use as for rules
2 x 40 m (R.I.N.A.) section F items 1.4/1.8 and solas
2 x Sigmacrylic finish b 19-06-1997, MAC/52596/1/TO/97 convention 74(83) cap.II-2
2 x 40 m c 18-06-2000 Suitable for bulkhead and ceiling finish
d 7150, 7250 materials.
2 x Sigmarine primer ZP a Registro Italiano Navale Suitable for ships use as for rules
2 x 40 m (R.I.N.A.) section F items 1.4/1.8 and solas
2 x Sigmarine BTD b 17-06-1997, MAC/52696/1/TO/97 convention 74(83) cap.II-2
2 x 40 m c 16-06-2000 Suitable for bulkhead and ceiling finish
d 7135, 7238 materials.
2 x Sigmarine primer ZP a Registro Italiano Navale Suitable for ships use as for rules
2 x 40 m (R.I.N.A.) section F items 1.4/1.8 and solas
2 x Sigmarine Enamel b 23-06-1997, MAC/52796/1/TO/97 convention 74(83) cap.II-2
2 x 40 m c 22-06-2000 Suitable for bulkhead and ceiling finish
d 7135, 7240 material.
1 x Sigmarine primer ZP a Singapore Institute of Standards Classification: Class 1.
50 m and Industrial research BS476: Part 7: 1971.
1 x Sigmarine undercoat b 11-09-1992, G152031/1/KTS
white c --
35 m d 7135, 7213, 7238
1 x Sigmarine BTD white
35 m
1 x Colturiet TU primer a Bureau Veritas Classification:
(Sigma EP Universal b 10-04-1984, M 8 84068 non inflammable
primer) c -- Class 0.
60 m d 7415, 7456 (7466)
1 x Colturiet CM coating
(Sigma CM coating)
100 m
1 x Lily BTD a Bureau Veritas Classification:
(Sigmarine BTD) b 02-06-1977, CF 89 495 non inflammable
35 m c -- Class 0.
d 7238
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January 2000
1 x Primerite yellow a Bureau Veritas Classification: Class 1.
(Sigmarine primer ZP) b 07-11-1984, M8-84 246/1
40 m c --
1 x Primerite offwhite d 7135, 7240
(Sigmarine primer ZP)
40 m
1 x Sigma Enamel white
(Sigmarine Enamel)
40 m.
1 x Sigmacrylic primer a Warrington fire research Classification: Class 1.
75 m b 18-12-1992, Warres no.58528 BS476: Part 7: 1987.
1 x Sigmacrylic finish c --
50 m d 7150, 7250
2 x Sigmacrylic primer a Warrington fire research Classification: Class 1.
75 m b 10-11-1999, Warres no.110336 BS476: Part 7: 1997.
1 x Sigmacrylic finish c --
50 m d 7150, 7250
1 x Sigmadur gloss white a Warrington fire research Classification: Class 1.
75 m b 03-12-1991, Warres no.56050 BS476: Part 7: 1987.
c --
d 7528
1 x Sigmaguard BT primer a Warrington fire research Classification: Class 2.
100 m b 10-11-1999, Warres no.110335 BS476: Part 7: 1997.
1 x Sigmaguard BT c --
250 m d 7921, 7953
1 x Sigmarine a Warrington fire research The coating system meets all the criteria
Multiprimer grey b 24-02-1997, Warres no.70638 given in the IMO document and can
75 m c -- therefore be considered to have low
d 7110 flame spread in compliance with the
International Convention for the Safety of
Life at Sea, 1974.
2 x Sigmarine primer ZP a Warrington fire research Conforms to ISO 1716 and SOLAS.
35 m per coat b 03-03-1998, Warres no.102258
2 x Sigmarine BTD c --
35 m per coat d 7135, 7238
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January 2000
2 x Sigmarine primer ZP a Warrington fire research The coating system meets all the criteria
75 m per coat b 03-09-1996, Warres no.69142 given in the IMO document and can
2 x Sigmarine-BTD c -- therefore be considered to have low
50 m per coat d 7135, 7238 flame spread in compliance with the
International Convention for the Safety of
Life at Sea, 1974.
2 x Sigmarine primer ZP a Lloyds Register Material having low flame spread
2 x Sigmarine BTD b SAS F980694 characteristics and not capable of
c -- producing excessive smoke and toxic
d 7135, 7238 products of combustion.
1 x Sigmaweld MC a Warrington fire research Classification: Class 1.
20 m b 03-12-1991, Warres no.56051 BS476: Part 7: 1987.
1 x Sigma EP CSF-BT c --
(Sigmaguard BT) d 7177, 7462 (7451)
215 m
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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1883 A
a one page issue January 2000
revision of 5-1997
Sigmarine BTD a See-Berufsgenossenschaft Approved
green Hamburg
b 11-08-1993, 116.076/20292.11.2
c 31-08-2003
d 7238
Sigmarine BTD a See-Berufsgenossenschaft Approved
grey Hamburg
b 11-08-1993, 116.076/20292.11.3
c 31-08-2003
d 7238
Sigmarine Enamel a See-Berufsgenossenschaft Approved
white Hamburg
b 11-08-1993, 116.076/20292.11.5
c 31-08-2003
d 7240
Sigmarine undercoat a See-Berufsgenossenschaft Approved
b 11-08-1993, 116.076/20292.11.6
c 31-08-2003
d 7213
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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a five page issue January 2000
revision of 5-1997
Sigma CM coating a Scientific & Technical Services No evidence of any taint or odour was
b 27-07-1988, observed from any of the flour samples
ANA 2727/2510A in contact with the coating system
c -- examined.
d 7466
Sigma CM miocoat a Scientific & Technical Services No evidence of any taint or odour was
b 23-08-1988, observed from any of the flour samples
ANA 2744/2539 in contact with the coating system
c -- examined.
d 7465
Sigma Multiguard a Scientific & Technical Services No evidence of any taint or odour was
b 17-11-1999, observed from any of the flour samples
ANA 2727/2520B/2 in contact with the coating system
c -- examined.
d 7951
Sigma Multimastic a Scientific & Technical Services No evidence of any taint or odour was
b 09-06-1992, observed from any of the flour samples
ANA 3085/3150 in contact with the coating system
c -- examined.
d 7430
Sigma Novaguard a Scientific & Technical Services No evidence of any taint or odour was
b 16-10-1996, observed from any of the flour samples
ANA 4284/4182 in contact with the coating system
c -- examined.
d 7453
Sigma Novaguard a TNO Nutrition and Food Research The values obtained for the overall
b 31-01-1997, migration into 3% acetic acid and 15%
DAS 97-0219/HAT-dia ethanol meet the overall migration limit
TNO sample number: as specified in the Packaging and Food
200064197 Utensils Regulation (Commodity Act) of
c -- the Netherlands and in EU Directive
d 7453 90/128/EEC for plastics intended for
contact with food.
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January 2000
Sigma Phenguard a Department of Health & Human Review of Sigma Phenguard indicates
Services that the components meet the
b 28-02-1996 requirements of 175.300 or are
c -- appropriately cross-reference for use in
d 7409, 7435, 7436 the formulations. Therefore, the above
components may be used in the
manufacture of coatings for tanks of
capacity greater than 530.000 gallons.
Sigma Phenguard a Institut dAnalyses et dEssais Linertie de ce revtement est trs
system du Centre-Ouest satisfaisante pour un contact avec les
b 06-09-1977, 2.223/JN produits alimentaires suivants:
c -- Eau potable - bire - vins - jus de fruits -
d 3322 saumure - lait - yaourt - crme frache -
graisses et huiles alimentaires -
viandes - fruits - lgumes - alcools
(jusqu 50).
Sigma Phenguard a Japan Food Research Sigma Phenguard conforms to analysis
Laboratories on cadmium, lead, heavy metals and
b 10-12-1993, OS56111292-002 consumption of potassium
c -- permanganate.
d 3322
Sigma Phenguard a TNO Nutrition and Food Research The value obtained for the overall
b 07-02-1997, migration into 15% ethanol from the
DAS 97-0219/HAT-dia panel meet the migration limit as
TNO sample number: specified in the Packaging and Food
200064196 Utensils Regulation(Commodity act) of
c -- the Netherlands and in EU Directive
d 7409, 7435, 7436 90/128/EEC for plastics intended for
contact with food.
Sigmachlor primer a Scientific & Technical Services No evidence of any taint or odour was
75 m b 22-06-1984, observed from any of the flour samples
ANA 2331/1754 in contact with the coating system
c -- examined.
d 7318
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January 2000
Sigmadur gloss a Scientific &Technical Services No evidence of any taint or odour was
b 23-10-1992, observed from any of the flour samples
ANA 3161/3237 in contact with the coating system
c -- examined.
d 7528
Sigmaguard BT a Scientific & Technical Services No evidence of any taint or odour was
b 16-04-1996, observed from any of the flour samples
ANA 4145/4059 in contact with the coating system
c -- examined.
d 7451
Sigmaguard CSF a Scientific & Technical Services No evidence of any taint or odour was
b 16-06-1997, observed from any of the flour samples
ANA 4383/4319 in contact with the coating system
c -- examined.
d 7443
Sigmaguard CSF a Scientific & Technical Services No evidence of any taint or odour was
glassflake b 02-11-1999, observed from any of the flour samples
ANA 4701/4776 in contact with the coating system
c -- examined.
d 7954
Sigmaguard EHB a TNO Nutrition and Food Research The values obtained for the overall
b 31-01-1997, migration into 3% acetic acid and 15%
DAS 97-0219/HAT-dia ethanol from the panel meet the overall
TNO sample number: migration limit as specified in the
200064198 Packaging and Food Utensils Regulation
c -- (Commodity Act) of the Netherlands and
d 7433 in EU Directive 90/128/EEC for plastics
intended for contact with food.
Sigmaguard Tankshield a Scientific & Technical Services No evidence of any taint or odour was
System b 06-12-1995, observed from any of the flour samples
ANA 3794/3782 in contact with the coating system
c -- examined.
d 7400, 7473
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January 2000
Sigmarine primer ZP a Scientific & Technical Services No evidence of any taint or odour was
2 x 35 m b 09-07-1982, ANA 2003/1241 observed from anyo f the flour samples
Sigmarine BTD nr.3., nr.4. and nr.7. in contact with the coating system
white, redbrown and grey c -- examined.
2 x 35 m d 7135, 7238
Sigmarine Enamel a Scientific & Technical Services No evidence of any taint or odour was
b 21-06-1988, observed from any of the flour samples
ANA 2716/2497 in contact with the coating system
c -- examined.
d 7240
Sigmarine primer ZP a Scientific & Technical Services No evidence of any taint or odour was
2 x 35 m b 09-07-1982, observed from any of the flour samples
Sigmarine hold paint alu ANA 2003/1241 nr.5. in contact with the coating system
2 x 25 m c -- examined.
d 7135, 7236
Sigmarine Holdbrite a Scientific & Technical Services No evidence of any taint or odour was
25 m b 09-07-1982, observed from any of the flour samples
ANA 2003/1241 nr.6. in contact with the coating system
c -- examined.
d 7190
Sigmarine Multiprimer a Scientific & Technical Services No evidence of any taint or odour was
grey b 20-09-1993, observed from any of the flour samples
ANA 3289/3379 in contact with the coating system
c -- examined.
d 7110
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January 2000
Sigmarine primer ZP a Scientific & Technical Services No evidence of any taint or odour was
b 27-07-1988, observed from any of the flour samples
ANA 2727/2510C in contact with the coating system
c -- examined.
d 7135
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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page 1/1
a one page issue January 2000
revision of 1-1998
Product/system Surface Number Minimum Date Data sheet
pre- of dft reference
paration coats microns
Sigma Balamastic Mechanical: ISO-St2 2 300 04-02-2004 7104
Hydrojetting: DW2
Sigma Phenguard BS-4232-2 3 270 30-04-2001 3322/7409
ISO-Sa2 7435/7436
Sigma Silguard MC BS-4232-1 1 75 30-04-2001 3323/7551
Sigma Silguard SC BS-4232-1 1 75 30-04-2001 7550
Sigma TCN 300 BS-4232-2 2 250 30-04-2001 7472
Sigmaguard CSF BS-4232-2 1 300 30-04-2001 7443
Sigmaguard CSF 75 Sa2 to 1 300 29-02-2002 7475
ISO 8501-1
Sigmaguard EHB BS 4232-2 2 250 30-04-2001 7433
Sigma Universal primer ISO 8501-1 1+1 250 31-08-2002 7417/7433
+ Sigmaguard EHB ISO-Sa2
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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page 1/5
a five page issue January 2000
Sigma Balamastic a Germanischer Lloyd In compliance with relevant Rules for
b 03-01-2000, GL-CORR 1036HH Construction and Classification Part 1
c 31-01-2003 Section 35. Areas of ship: Seawater
d 7104 ballast water tanks, voids, and
e ST 2 STG 2215 cofferdams in Seagoing ships.
or acc. to data sheet
f 2
g 300-400 m
Sigma Balamastic a Bureau Veritas Sigma Balamastic is in compliance with
b 10-06-1999, 08631/A0 BV Nr 320 DNC R01 maintenance of Ballast
c 10-06-2004 tanks.
d 7104
e acc. to data sheet
f 2
g 300-400 m
Sigma Balamastic a Det Norske Veritas Maintenance coating of ballast tanks.
b 17-02-1999, K-1662
c 30-06-2003
d 7104
e acc. to data sheet
f 2
g 300-400 m
Sigma Balamastic a Russian Maritime Register of Corrosion protection coating for
Shipping maintenance of ballast tanks.
b 18-10-1999, 99.0168.010
c 05-10-2001
d 7104
e acc. to data sheet
f 2
g 240 m
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page 2/5
January 2000
Sigmaguard CSF a Det Norske Veritas Sigmaguard CSF complies with Det
b 08-04-1999, K-1678 Norske Veritas' Type Approval
c 30-06-2003 Programme 1-602.1, 1999, Protective
d 7443 Coatings Systems.
e acc. to data sheet Prevention of pitting corrosion in oil
f acc. to data sheet cargo tanks.
g acc. to data sheet
Sigmaguard BT primer a American Bureau of Shipping Long term protection for ballast tanks
and coating b 03-11-1997, 97NO23042-X and steel structures, including resistance
c -- against corrosion and water.
d 7404, 7451
e acc. to data sheet
f acc. to data sheet
g acc. to data sheet
Sigmaguard Tankshield a Germanischer Lloyd In compliance with relevant Rules for
primer and coating b 10-11-1999, GL-CORR 1024HH Construction and Classification Part 1
c 30-11-2002 Section 35. Areas of ship: Seawater
d 7400 ballast water tanks, voids, and
e SA 2 ISO 8501 cofferdams in Seagoing ships.
or acc. to data sheet
f 2
g 250-300 m
1. Sigmaweld MC a Russian Maritime Register Type approvals for shop primers.
2. Sigma Proferral MC of Shipping
b 05-10-1998, 98.008.010
c --
d 7171, 7177
e acc. to data sheet
f acc. to data sheet
g acc. to data sheet
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page 3/5
January 2000
1. Sigma TCN 300 a Russian Maritime Register Type approvals for corrosion protection
2. Sigma TCN-LT 300 of Shipping of salt water ballast and cargo tanks.
3. Sigmaguard b 05-10-1998, 98.008.010
Tankshield primer- c --
Sigmaguard d 7400, 7409, 7417, 7430,
Tankshield coating 7433, 7435, 7436, 7443,
4. Sigmaguard 7472, 7473, 7483, 7551,
Tankshield LT primer- 7921, 7925, 7953, 7958
Sigmaguard e acc. to data sheet
Tankshield LT coating f acc. to data sheet
5. Sigma Universal g acc. to data sheet
6. Sigmaguard BT
7. Sigma Multimastic
8. Sigma Phenguard
Phenguard coating-
Sigma Phenguard
9. Sigmaguard EHB
10. Sigma Silguard MC
11. Sigmaguard CSF
1. Sigmarine primer ZP- a Russian Maritime Register Type approvals for corrosion protection
Sigmarine BTD of Shipping of interior areas.
2. Sigmarine Multiprimer b 05-10-1998, 98.008.010
3. Sigma Multimastic- c --
Sigma CM coating d 7110, 7135, 7238, 7430,
e acc. to data sheet
f acc. to data sheet
g acc. to data sheet
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page 4/5
January 2000
1. Sigma TCN 300- a Russian Maritime Register Type approvals for corrosion protection
Sigma TCN tiecoat of Shipping of outside shell.
2. Sigma Universal b 05-10-1998, 98.008.010
primer-Sigma c --
Multiguard d 7417, 7465, 7466, 7467,
3. Sigma Universal 7472, 7479, 7528, 7922,
primer-Sigma 7951, 7952
Glassflake e acc. to data sheet
4. Sigma Multiguard f acc. to data sheet
primer-Sigma Hullrite g acc. to data sheet
5. Sigma Universal
primer-Sigma CM
miocoat-Sigma CM
6. Sigma Universal
primer-Sigma CM
miocoat-Sigma CM
1. Sigmaplane TA a Russian Maritime Register Type approvals for antifoulings.
antifouling of Shipping
2 Sigmaplane HB b 05-10-1998, 98.008.010
antifouling c --
3. Sigmaplane HA d 7282, 7284, 7287, 7297
antifouling e acc. to data sheet
4. Sigmaplane Ecol f acc. to data sheet
antifouling g acc. to data sheet
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page 5/5
January 2000
Sigmaguard Tankshield a Russian Maritime Register Type approvals for corrosion protection
primer of Shipping of hull structures, salt water ballast
Sigmaguard Tankshield b 12-11-1999, MII09.H00366 tanks and cargo holds.
LT primer c 04-10-2001
Sigmaguard Tankshield d 7400, 7925,.7473, 7958,
coating 7922, 7417, 7104, 7483,
Sigmaguard Tankshield 7479, 7551, 7921
LT coating e acc. to data sheet
Sigma Multiguard primer f acc. to data sheet
Sigma Universal primer g acc. to data sheet
Sigma Balamastic
Sigma TCN-LT 300
Sigma TCN tiecoat
Sigma Silguard MC
Sigmaguard BT primer
Sigmaplane TA a Russian Maritime Register Type approvals for antifoulings.
antifouling of Shipping
Sigmaplane HB b 12-11-1999, MII09.H00366
antifouling c 04-10-2001
Sigmaplane Ecol d 7282, 7284, 7297
antifouling e acc. to data sheet
f acc. to data sheet
g acc. to data sheet
Limitation of Liability - Ihe information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to
be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the
products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry,
or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. Ihe products and
information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors
affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability
arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
Ihe data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous
product development.
Ihis data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure
that this sheet is current prior to using the product.
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Amsterdamseweg 14
1422 AD Uithoorn
Telefoon 0297-541911
Telefax 0297-566331
P.O. Box 42
1420 AA Uithoorn
The Netherlands
e-mail siguitmarine@
A member of the SigmaKalon
Group of Companies
2000 February 2000
Prot ect ing t he Fut ure