How To Make A Slipjoint Pocket Knife: by Chris Crawford

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The tutorial provides a step-by-step guide for making a basic slipjoint pocket knife using readily available materials and without specialized equipment.

The tutorial recommends using brass, nickel silver, and O1 tool steel sheets and rods, as well as a cow shinbone.

The main steps are scribing and cutting out the blade and spring shapes, grinding them to shape, assembling the components, peening the pins, smoothing and polishing the surfaces.

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 1

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife

by Chris Crawford

This tutorial will show you how I make a slip joint pocketknife step by step. I dont have
any special equipment such as milling machines or surface grinders, so the knife in this
tutorial should be able to be made in any standard knife shop. If you dont have some of
the tools that Im using, be creative. Almost every step could be done in a way other
than the way I do it. The methods that I use here have come form a combination of
other makers, books, discussion forums, and trial and error.

A Note About Safety
The primary purpose of this tutorial is to demonstrate how I go about making a slip joint
pocketknife. It is NOT a lesson on shop safety. It is assumed that the reader already
knows basic knife shop safety. If not, please do not attempt this project.

OK, Lets get started. I will be using the following material: a 1/32 inch brass sheet, a 1/8
inch nickel silver sheet, a 3/32 inch brass rod, a 1/16 inch brass rod, a 3/32 inch nickel
silver rod, a cow shinbone, and a 3/32
inch precision ground bar of O1 tool
steel. If you dont have access to a
surface grinder, it becomes very
important to start off with flat steel for
making the blade and spring. Also, great
care should be taken to keep the spring
and blade perfectly flat during the
making of the knife. To do this, I will do
very little grinding on the sides of the
steel. All scale and scratches will be
cleaned up with sandpaper. Its slower
working with sandpaper and files than
grinding, but the slower work allows me
to achieve better accuracy and a better fit when the knife is completed. If you are
wondering where you are going to get a shin bone, just go down to your local pet store
and pick one up in the dog treat section. Make sure that the bone is labeled as a
bleached shinbone.

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 2

Its a pretty difficult task to explain
the geometry involved in making
a slip joint pocketknife. The
relationship between the spring
and the tang of the knife is very
important. So rather than getting
into all of that, I will use an old
knife that Ive taken apart as a
pattern for the project.

Take a black magic marker and color in
enough of the O1 to allow the outline of
the blade and spring to be scribed onto
the steel. Using the old blade and spring
as a pattern, scribe around each.

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 3

Use a metal cutting band saw to roughly cut the blade and spring out of the O1. If you
do not have a band saw, a hacksaw will do the trick also. (It just takes longer.) Be sure
to use a push block if you are cutting through pieces. It will be nice to finish the project
with all ten fingers.

Now that I have the blade and spring roughly cut out, its time to grind them down to
their correct shape. I start off using a 36 grit belt on my 2x72. I grind the pieces down to
just outside of the scribed lines. Be sure to keep the dunking water nearby because the
small pieces heat up pretty quick. You will notice in the second picture that Im using a
push block to support the piece while grinding it. I use a push block a lot, so I will not
comment on it each time.

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 4
After I finish grinding with the 36 grit
belt, I move to up to an 80 grit and bring
the grind down to the scribed lines. You
will notice that there are going to be a
few places that will be hard to reach with
the 2x72 grinder. I move down to the
1x30 grinder when I get to these places.
I use files to clean up places that I can
not get with the 1x30.

Clamp up the blade into the vice. Put a
piece of leather between the vice jaws
and blade to keep the blade protected.
Using safe edge files, file away the
areas on the top and bottom of the tang
to the scribed lines. (See the area that
Im pointing to in the photo.) Use the
same method to clean up the spring if
there are areas that you could not get to
with the grinder.

Throughout the process of making the
knife, the knife pieces will need to be flat
sanded to keep them smooth. Take a
folded piece of tape and stick it to one
side of the blade. Place a piece of
sandpaper on a very flat surface, and rub
the blade back and forth by holding on to
the tab of tape. The goal here is to
remove the burs left from grinding. I will
refer to this process as flat sanding
through out the rest of this tutorial. Flat
sand both sides of the blade and the

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 5
Using the old knife blade, mark the place
where the pivot hole should go on the new
blade. Note that the new blade will be
slightly larger than the original. This is OK
because we will have to make
adjustments in the action of the knife by
grinding areas away. You can always
grind metal off, but you can never put it
back. Use a center punch to pop an
indention where the hole should be drilled.
Go through these same steps with the

Drill the pivot hole out with a 3/32 inch
drill bit. If you dont have a drill press,
a hand drill will work. Just be careful to
drill as slow and as vertical as you
can. It is very important that the pivot
hole is square with the sides of the
blade. Follow these same steps with
the spring. The two holes in the spring
will also be drilled with the 3/32 inch

The end of the blade tang should be
rounded to give the knife smooth action
when opening and closing. Drill a 3/32
inch hole in the corner of a small piece of
wood. Place a pin through the blade and
into the piece of wood so that the blade
can pivot on the pin. Using a disc grinder,
grind the end of the tang smooth by
placing its edge against the disc and
slowly pivoting the blade on the pin. If
done right, you will be left with nice
rounded end on your tang. Be careful not
to remove too much from the tang. In
order for the knife to work correctly, there must be slightly more distance between the
pivot hole and the end of the tang that there is between the pivot hole and top or bottom
of the tang. This helps give the knife its snap when opening and closing.

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 6

Grind a slight angle at the end of the
spring. The angle should slope from the
outside of the spring to the inside. (See
the photo.) Only grind off enough of the
spring to make a slight angle. Too much
grinding will leave you with a short spring.

Flat sand the blade and spring to
remove the burs. Now I have the new
blade and spring profiled. The new parts
closely match the old parts but they are
slightly larger. This is ok. We can now
put away the old blade and spring
because we are done with them.

Take a flat piece of wood and drill a 3/32
inch hole in it. Pin the blade to the board
and place the spring up against the tang.
The spring should extend just slightly past
the tang at its last point of contact. This is
just left of the pin in the photo above. No
part of the blade other than the tang
should be touching the spring. The tip of
the blade should come close to the spring,
but not touch it. If the tip of the blade
touches the spring, then the blade is too
long and the end needs to be shortened
and reshaped. If there is a large gap
between the tip of the blade and the spring, the spring is too long and needs to be
shortened. At this point, dont worry if the tip of the knife rises above the spring or if the
edge of the blade touches the center of the spring. That will be addressed within the a
few steps. Once your blade fit up similar to the one in photo, you are ready to move on.

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 7
As carefully as you can, hold the spring
with one hand and rotate the blade to
the open position. The spring will move
a little, but you should be able to keep it
relatively in place. In the photo above,
the blade will not open to the fully
opened position. The reason is because
the end of the spring is longer than the
cutout at the top of the tang. In other
words, the tang of the blade is too short.
(Note that there should be a small gap
under the end of the spring where the
spring hits the blade. This helps to give
the spring snap, and it allows an area for lint to collect without effecting the knives
performance. This is why I ground the end of the spring at a slight angle in one of the
earlier steps.) If the tang is too short, follow the steps that go with the next photo. If
there is a gap between the end of the spring and the cutout, then your tang is too long.
To fix this problem, move the spring up into the gap, hold the spring in place, and pivot
the blade to the closed position. More than likely, your blade will now be too long.
Shorten and reshape the blade until it fits up similar to the photo in the previous step.

To make the tang longer, clamp the blade
up in the vice. Using a safe edge file, file
away. Be careful to only file forward and
not to file down into the tang. The key
here is to file a little, check it, file a little
more, check it, .. Keep doing this until
the blade and spring fit up like in the
second photo.

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 8
Next we must make sure that the spring of
the knife will rest in the same position
when the knife is both opened and close.
An unfitted spring takes away from the
beauty of the completed knife. First lay
the blade and spring out like in the
previous step. Make a mark onto the
board at the place of the center pin hole.
This will be the hole in the middle of the
spring. Drill the hole out with a 3/32 inch
bit and place a pin in it. With the blade in
the open position, take a pencil and draw
a line down the length of the back of the
spring. This line represents the place
where the spring rests when the knife is in
the open position. Pivot the blade to the
closed position and check the back of the
spring against the line. The goal here is
for the back of the spring to line up with
the line. I was lucky. The spring in the
photos above lined up perfectly without
me having to make any adjustments. This
is not usually the case for me.

If the spring is lower than the drawn line
when the blade is in the closed position,
grind or file a little away from point A. This
will lower the spring while the knife is in the
opened position. You will need to redraw
your line and check the open and closed
positions again. If the spring is higher than
the drawn line when the blade is in the
closed position, grind or file a little away
from point B. This will lower the spring
while the knife is in the closed position.
Points A, B, and C are all tied in together.
If you grind or file point B, the tip of the
blade will rise from the spring. Therefore,
point C will need to be filed or ground a
little to bring the blade tip back down.
Once every thing fits up correctly, its time
to grind the bevels into the blade.

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 9

Take a black magic marker and color the
bottom edge of the blade. Then place the
blade on a flat surface and use a drill bit
to scribe a line along the length of the
edge. I use a 5/64 inch bit when working
with a 3/32 inch blade. The line will be
slightly off center. Flip the blade and do
the same to the other side. You should be
left with a thin solid black line in the center
of the blade.

Now grind a 45 degree edge on each
side of the blade down to the scribed
lines. This will serve as your guide when
grinding the rest of the bevels. To
support the blade, I hold the tang with
vice grips. I wrap a piece of leather
around the tang to keep from scratching
it up. Once you have your 45 degree
edges ground, proceed to grind from the
bottom edge to the black edge of the
blade. Be careful not to grind past the
back of the blade or the scribed lines at
the edge.

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 10

You can see by this photo that Im not the
best at grinding a clean transition between
the blades bevel and its tang. Thats ok
though, because I know how to use a file. A
clean line between point A and B is needs
to be filed into the blade. First clamp a
piece of wood into the vice, and then clamp
the blade to the piece of wood. Use safe
files to file a clean transition as seen in the
third photo. Try to bring the filed lines all of
the way to the top of the blade, but try not
to file deeper than the top edge.

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 11
Fit the blade and spring up again on the board to make sure everything fits well. I ended
up grinding the tip of the blade off, so I had
to go back and grind the spring so that
everything would fit back up. Prior to heat
treating the spring and tang of the blade
need to be flat sanded to remove any burs.
Flat sand each side of the spring as
demonstrated before. You will not be able
to flat sand the blade in the same manner
because it is no longer flat. Rub both sides
of the tang on the sandpaper as seen in the
last photo. Do both sides, and take care to
sand them evenly.

Now its time to heat treat the blade and
spring. Bring each part up to a cherry red
until it no longer will stick to a magnet.
Heat the part just a little longer and
quench it in oil. It looks like I brought the
spring up to a white heat in the first photo,
but that was just a lighting trick played by
the camera. Wipe the parts off good after
they cool. They will be black with scale.

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 12

I use the 1x30 grinder to clean up the edges of the spring, and to clean the bevels and
edges of the blade. Flat sand the sides of the spring and the tang to remove the scale. I
dont use a grinder on these areas because its easy to take off a little more than you
intended. Keep in mind that these areas have to stay perfectly flat in order for the knifes
action to work correctly. (Now, dont that look better?)

The spring of the knife is not really a
spring at this point. Its really just a
hardened piece of steel. Now is the time
to actually make it into a spring. This is
done by slowly heating the end of the
spring with a torch. The metal will start to
turn colors as you heat it. It will start off by
turning to a straw yellow, followed by a
brownish color, then purple, bright blue,
dull light blue, back to gray, and so on and
so fourth. The spring needs to be heated
to the bright blue color and then quenched
in water to stop the temper. The bright
blue color should run uniformly from the end of the spring to just past the center hole.
Its important to go past the hole so that the spring will not be brittle and week at its

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 13
center. Its real easy to overheat the spring.
If this happens, the spring needs to go
through the complete heat treating process
again. This happened to me in the second
picture. The third picture shows how it
came out after going back through the
heat treating, sanding, and tempering
process. Its hard to see the blue color in
the photo, but you should be able to see
that the color is uniform from the tip to the

Now pin the blade and spring back on the
board. Make sure that the back of the
spring still lines up with the line that you
made earlier. If it does not, just draw
another line. Remove the blade and pivot
the spring about two millimeters from the
line. (See the arrows in the second photo.)
Mark the wood where the back hole of the
spring is now sitting. Drill this hole with a
3/32 inch bit and pin the spring to the board
with both pins as seen in the second photo.
This will create the load on the spring when
the blade is pinned into place. Work the
blade into place and put the pin in. It will be
tight, but the spring should bend slightly
allowing the blade and pin to be inserted.

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 14
Try to get the pins deep into the wood to remove as much play as possible. If all has
been done right, you will now be able to open and close the knife. The knife should
snap open and shut. The spring will feel stronger when the knife is completed. The
wood tends to slow the action down.

Close the blade and check to see if the tip
of the blade needs to be lowered toward the
spring. The tip of the blade will be raised a
little when the spring under its load. I
needed to bring the tip if this blade down a
bit, so I ground a little from the tang at point
C in the second photo. This brought the tip
down as seen in the third photo. Be careful
not to remove too much because you dont
want the edge of the blade to be touching
the spring.

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 15
Now its time to make the knifes liner. Take
the black magic marker and color in enough
of the 1/32 inch brass sheet to be able to
scribe around each of the original knifes
sides. Cut the brass pieces out with a band
saw or a hacksaw and grind them close to
the shape of the original sides. I usually try
to grind the pieces to between 1/8 to 1/16
inch outside of the scribed line as seen in
the second photo. This gives me room to fit
everything up. Flat sand the brass pieced to
remove any burs from grinding.

Compare the two brass sheets, and lay
out the blade and spring on the smaller of
the two. Mark, drill, and pin the pivot hole
for the blade pin and the center hole for
the spring pin. Next, remove the blades
pivot pin, and rotate the small end of the
spring down about two millimeters as we
did earlier. Mark and drill a hole in the
liner through the springs back hole. Fit
everything up back on the board with the
pins in. The spring should be under load,
and you should be able to snap the blade
open and closed.

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 16

Place the liner with the holes in it on top of
the solid one. Drill through the top liner
and place a pin in each of the holes.
Placing a pin in each hole after it is drilled
will help keep the liners lined up. The drill
bit will leave sharp burs on the bottom sides
of each brass piece. Flat sand these burs
away before moving on.

Put the knife together and see how it works. It may be hard to put the pivot pin through
the blade because of the load on the
spring. A trick I use is to sharpen a long
taper on the end of the pivot pin. Stick the
sharpened end into the hole and work it
back in forth until the blade loads into the
correct position. The knifes action will
probably be pretty rough at this point, and
the blade may disappear into the liner
when closed. With the knife together,
grind the liners down closer to the final
shape of the knife. Remove the blade
from the liner and round the ends off so
that they match.

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 17

Take the knife apart, flat sand the liners to
remove the burs, and put the knife back
together. Open and close the knife a
couple of times and see if you like the way
the blade sits in the liners. If you dont like
it, do a little more grinding and sanding on
the liners until you like the way it looks.
Once you are satisfied, take the knife and
clamp two of the pins up in a vice. Use a
Dremel tool with a cutoff wheel to cut the
nail nick into the blade. If you want the
inside of the nail nick to be black, than it
needs to be cut before heat treating. This
will create scale down in the nail nick, and
it will be black when the blade is

In order for the blade to open and close
more smoothly, the width of the tang needs
to be slightly smaller than the width of the
spring. Measure the end of the spring with a
micrometer or a caliper. If you dont have
a measuring device, you can lay the
pieces on a flat surface and just eyeball it.
A piece of 3/32 inch steel will measure to

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 18
just under .094 inches. I usually try to bring the sides of the tang down to around .085
inches or so.

This is the only time that I use a grinder on
the sides of the tang or spring. Hold the
blade and press the tang lightly against the
disk grinder. Do this for each side of the
tang and measure it again. If you dont
want to use the grinder for this step, you
can bring the sides down with sandpaper
as seen in the second photo.

Place the blade between the liners and
check to make sure that it lies evenly in the
center. Make the necessary corrections if it
doesnt. Put the pins back into the knife
and work a drop of oil between the blade
tang and the spring. The knife should now
snap open and shut nicely.

Now that we have the mechanical workings
of the knife finished, its time to turn our
attention to making the sides. First decide
how long the bolsters should be and draw
them off on the liner. Color enough of the
1/8 inch Nickel Silver with the magic marker
to allow you to scribe out four bolsters. Cut

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 19
the bolsters out with a band saw or a
hacksaw. Be sure to leave a little extra
room around the scribed line. Dont worry
about rounding them off at this point.

We now want to grind the inside ends of
the bolsters flat so they will fit well against
the bone scales when we put the knife
together. Start off my making sure that the
disk grinders support table is square with
the disk. Adjust the table if needed. Grind
just enough from the inside edges of the
bolsters to make them flat and smooth. Set
these aside for now.

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 20
Take the shin bone and slice off enough
from one side to make the two scales.
The scales should be a little longer than
the distance between the bolster lines
drawn on the liner, and a little wider than
the liner. The thickness is not important at
this point as long as its at least 1/8 inch

Fold a piece of tape over so that it makes
a tab, and stick it to one of the pieces of
the bone. Grind the bone to the correct size
against the grinders flat platen. Hold on to
the tab of tape like a handle.

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 21
Use the disk grinder to make the ends of
the bone flat so they will fit well against
the bolsters. Also clean the sides of the
bone up on the disk.

Now its time to solder the bolsters onto
the liner. I use silver solder with a liquid
flux. You should be able to get it at your
local hardware store. Clamp up a pair of
vice grips into your vice as seen in the first
picture. Clamp a bolster to one end of a
liner and put a drop of flux in the corner.
Heat the flux from the underside until it
starts to bubble. Then put a small piece of
solder in the corner and heat it form the
underside as seen in the second picture.
The solder will start flowing as soon as it
heats up. Keep heating the underside of
the liner until the heat pulls the flowing
solder down around the bolster. Take a
flux brush and brush the excess solder
out of the corner.

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 22
Check the solder joint to make sure that
the solder goes all the way around the
end of the liner. Add more solder to the
joint if needed. Take a small triangle file
and clean up the solder in the corner of
the bolster and liner. You dont have to
worry about cleaning up the solder around
the bolster at this time. Once you have the
corner cleaned up, lay the bone piece
against the bolster to make sure it fits. File
more solder away from the corner if

Clamp the liner and the second bolster up
in the vice grips. Place the bone piece
between the two bolsters and adjust the
liner until the bone fits good and tight.
Remove the bone and solder the second
bolster. Clean up the solder joint with a
small triangle file until the bone fits nicely
between the bolsters. Place the two liners
back to back and put a pin though the
center hole. You want to make sure that the
bolsters on each side of the knife line up.
Hold a bolster in place and mark the
second liner with a pencil. Clamp the

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 23
second liner and bolster in the vice and
solder them in place. Follow the same
steps that were outlined earlier for
soldering and cleaning up the bolsters.

We now have our bolsters soldered to our
liners. Grind the bolsters down to match the
liner. Be sure to dip the liner and bolsters in
water often to keep the heat down while
grinding. Its very easy to overheat the
bolsters and melt the solder. If this happens
the bolsters will fall off, and you will have to
go back and solder them again. Keep this in
mind any time you are shaping or
smoothing the bolsters. Flat sand the back
of the liners and the top of the bolsters to
remove any burs.

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 24

Turn one of the liners upside down and
drill through each of the bolsters. Use the
previously drilled hole in the liner as a
guide. Put the knife together with pins to
see how the holes line up. If you have
trouble getting one of the pins through,
take the assembled knife to the drill press
and drill through the hole. This shaves off
any edges that are keeping the pin from
going completely through.

Its kind of hard to see whats going on in
these next two photos. We need to drill
through the backside of the liners and into
the bone scales. This becomes difficult if
the bone scales are thicker than the
bolsters. If you dont drill the holes
vertical, then the pins will not go through.
Place one of the bone scales between the
bolsters of a liner. Use the disk grinder to
bring the surface of the bone down to the
height of the bolsters as seen in the first
photo. Now the bolsters and bone will line
up when placed upside down on the drill
press as seen in the second photo. Drill a

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 25
hole in the bone through the center hole of the liner.

I use super glue gel and 1/16 inch pins to
hold the bone scales onto the liners. Center
punch a small indention on each side of the
bone. Be careful not to hit the center punch
too hard or you may do damage to the
scales. Try to make the mark an equal
distance from the top to bottom to outside
edge. Pin the bone and liner to a board
with the center pin. Drill the first 1/16 inch
hole and place a pin in it. Then drill the
second hole. Placing pins through the
holes as you drill them will keep
everything lined up.

Put the knife together and see how it looks. Now grind the excess material from the
bolsters and bone until you get to the liner. Try to be aware of the bolsters heating up.
Take the blade out so you can grind the ends down to match.

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 26
The knife looks pretty good at this point,
but we need to grind the bolsters down
and round them off. Take the knife apart
and grind the bolsters by holding the liner.
I use the flat platen to grid the bolster to
their basic rounded shape. I then hold the
liner and rock the bolster back and forth
against a slack belt to round off the edges.

This is another picture in which its hard to see whats going on. Now that we have the
bolsters rounded, we need to round the bone scales to match. Place pins in the bone
and liner, and grind the bone by rocking the liner back and fourth. You will have to move
the pins around to get to all of the bone. Try to keep two pins in the liner at all times to
keep the bone in place. Be careful not to get it too hot.

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 27
Take a Dremel tool and jig up the bone. It
looks best if there is not pattern and its
just randomly jigged. I usually start at one
end and work my way down. Then I go
back and randomly hit different places until
Im pleased with the way it looks.

I found a good method for stabilizing and
coloring bone in the Shop Talk area of
BladeForums. This was my first time to try
this method, and I was pretty pleased with
the results. Here are the steps: 1) Take a
glass jar and fill it with wood hardener. 2)
Add in the die of your choosing and mix it
up well. You can add some acetone if you
want to thin the liquid. 3) Use a hair drier
and heat the liquid in the jar until its warm
to the touch. Leave the top partially off as
seen in the second photo. 4) When the
liquid is good and warm, heat the bone in
the microwave for around 25 seconds. 5)
Immediately drop the bone into the liquid
as soon as it comes out of the microwave.
6) When the bone quits fizzing, screw the
top tightly onto the jar. 7) Wait until the jar
reaches room temperature and place it in
the fridge overnight. 8) Take the pieces
out of the liquid, blot them off with a paper
towel, and set them out to dry.

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 28
I took my bone out after about 12 hours, but I would have liked to bone to have gotten a
little darker. Next time Ill leave it in for about a day. Also, I didnt have any wood
hardener so I used polyurethane. I used leather die as my coloring agent, but Ive also
heard of using food coloring or Rits Die.

While the bone scales are drying, we will
turn our attention to cleaning up the blade.
Be patient and allow yourself plenty of time
for these steps. I start off by clamping a
board in the vice and c-clamping the blade
to the board. I use leather around the blade
to keep it from getting scratched up. Take a
piece of brass, or any other flat and hard
material, and wrap it with sandpaper. I start
off with a 180 grit. Sand the blade back and
forth until all of the scratches in the blade
go in one direction. Turn the blade around
and do the same to the tang area. Flip the
blade over and do the same to the other
side. Then take the blade out of the vice
and sand the areas that you couldnt get to.
When you have all of the scratches going in
the same direction, go to a finer grit
sandpaper and repeat the process but
change the direction you are snading. Keep
doing this until you get up to about an 800
grit paper. Be sure to remove all of the
scratches from the previous paper before
moving on to the next.

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 29
If all of the sanding was done correctly, the
blade should look similar to the one on the
right. I included a comparison picture
showing the blade just after I finished
grinding it, and the way it looked after I
finished sanding it down. Can you believe
the difference? The blade at this point is
very hard but very brittle. It needs to be
hard so it will keep an edge, but it needs to
be softened a little so its not so brittle that it
breaks. Do this by heating it in the oven for
1 hour at 350 degrees. Take the blade out
and let it cool to room temperature. Then
put it back in the oven for another hour at
350 degrees. When the blade comes out it
should be a golden straw color. You may
have to adjust the temperature and time
depending on your oven. I use to heat the
blade at 400 degrees for an hour and a
half twice, but the blades were coming out
too dark. You can clean the straw color off
the blade with a metal polishing
compound or by sanding the blade again
with a high grit paper.

The inside of the spring needs to be cleaned up so that it will appear nice and smooth
when you look down into the knife. Clamp the spring in the vice and use different grits of
sandpaper to work it down smooth. Dont worry about the outside of the spring at this
time because it will be cleaned up after the final dressing of the knife. Its also important
to clean up the sides of the end of the spring, as seen in the second photo. When the
knife is in the half opened position, the sides of the end of the spring will show.

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 30

I usually glue the bone scales to the knife
before I pin them down. Take super glue
gel and cover the surface if the liner. The
gel helps seal any cracks that may be
between the liner and the bone. I put a pin
through the bone and the liner to make
sure that the bone is lined up. This next
part has to be done fast. Press the
bone firmly down to the liner, remove the
rod, and wipe the excess glue away. Be
sure not to leave your finger, or anything,
in place to long or it will be stuck. Trust
me on this. I use to use epoxy for this
step. Epoxy gives you a longer working time, but it sometimes warps the liners when it

Once everything is dry, you will probably
have to drill the holes in the liner again to
remove the dried glue. Next, take a cone
shaped Dremel bit and countersink all of
the holes on the outside of the liners. You
will also need to countersink the two small
holes on the inside of the liners.

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 31
Place a 1/16 inch brass pin through the
small hole in the liner and clip it off. Do this
at each end of each liner. I usually leave
the exposed length of the pins about twice
as long as the pins width. Take the flat face
of a ball-peen hammer and give each of the
pins a good smack. Make sure the pins
are in the center, and take care not to hit
the surface of the bone. This smack with
the hammer will make the pins swell in the
holes so that they will stay in place as we
grind them down.

Take the side of the knife to the disk grinder
and grind the edges of the pins down to
about as long as the pin is wide. Be
careful not to let the disk hit the bone or the
inside of the liner. With the peen end if the
hammer, gently peen the ends of the pin
down. The secret here is to go slow and
easy. I usually start off by peening the top
surface. Then, as I peen the bottom
surface, the peening will usually pull the
head of the pin on the top surface nice
and tight. Once you get the pins peened,
flat sand the bottom of the liners to flatten
the pin heads and to remove any super
glue or scratches.

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 32
Put the knife back together and grind the
outside edges down for the last time.
What you want to do here is grind the
liner, bolsters, bone, spring, and blade
down flush with each other. I do this on a
320 grit belt. Make sure that the ends of
the knife are rounded nice and smooth.
You will have to remove the blade to grind
the blade end of the knife. Take the knife
apart and flat sand all parts to remove any
burs. We now need to sand the outside of
the spring and the top of the blade. Clamp
these parts up in the vice and sand them
smooth as seen in the second two pictures.

Put the knife together again and make
sure that everything fits up and works
correctly. Use nickel silver pins through
the bolsters, and use a brass pin through
the center of the spring. Cut the pins off
as we did earlier, but you dont have to
smack these pins with the hammer yet. The
pins will stay in place because of the load
on the spring. Take the knife to the disk
grinder and grind the pins down to a length
of about of the pins width. Peen the back
and center pin down as we did earlier, but

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 33
DO NOT peen the blades pivot pin at this time. Make sure that the bolster pin is peened
well and that it completely fills its hole. When we later sand the bolster pins down, you
should not be able to see the pin at all.

Let me start off by explaining whats in
this next picture. The small piece of metal
to the right is a razor blade that has been
broken in half, and I ground a small cutout
into the end of the edge side. The two
metal pieces in the center are scrap
pieces that I use as wedges. Take the
razor blade and work it in between the
blade and the liner. Fit the cutout around
the pivot pin, but try not to get the razor
between the liner and the spring. The
razor will keep us from peening the knife
together and wedging the blade to where it
will not open or close. Put the wedges in
between the liners to keep the liners from
closing up as we peen the blade in. Peen
this pin like we did the other bolster. When
finished, remove the wedges and the razor.
The razor will be hard to remove, so be
careful. I usually have to use pliers to
remove it while I work the blade back and

Use a high grit belt to grind the pins down
and smooth up the bolsters. If the pins
were peened correctly, you should not be
able to see the bolster pins at all after you
finish grinding them. Grind the bone so
that its rounded and has a smooth
transition between it and the bolsters. The
brass pins in the bone can also be ground
down smooth if desired. When you are
finished grinding, take a small file and
round off all of the knifes edges. (Blade

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 34

Take sand paper and smooth the bone
and bolsters. Keep using finer and finer
paper until you are satisfied with the look.
I usually go for a frosted looking finish
because it will not show the scratches that
a mirror polished finish would. I sand up to
about a 800 grit paper. Then I move to a
00 steel wool followed by a 0000 steel
wool. This gives the bolsters, pins, and liner
a nice smooth look, and it really polishes up
the bone.

The knife is almost finished. We just need
to sharpen it and clean it up. I start the
sharpening process off by running the
blade across a 220 grit belt a couple of
times to cut the main edge. Then I take it to
a very fine stone and work it back and forth
until Im satisfied with the results. Ill also
strop it to remove the wire edge. The knife
is nice and sharp now.

How to Make a Slipjoint Pocket Knife by Chris Crawford 2003 Page 35
This is my favorite part: Take WD-40 and
blow out all of the grit and grime that has
collected in and around the knife. Use it to
clean all of the grit out of the blades pivot
area. Wipe the excess oil away with clean
dry cloth, put a drop of lubricating oil in the
pivot area, open and close the knife a few
times, and go show your wife.

The finished knife. I really enjoyed making this knife and this tutorial, but Im glad to be
done with both. As with every knife that I finish, I see things that I could, and would
have, done different. However, these are the basic steps that I take to make a slip joint

I hope the tutorial was informative and enjoyable. Please email me if you have any
questions or comments.

Happy knife making! - Chris

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