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Assertion Journals
The purpose of the Assertion Journal (AJ) is to strengthen your
analysis and critical thinking skills, while flling your toolbox with uotes that !ay pro"e useful on the essay portion of the A# Test$ To that end, you will ha"e an AJ due by e"ery ffth class period (you can turn the! in whene"er they are co!pleted, though)$ %our &ob is to choose a uote', and analy(e it in the following !anner) *$ +opy the uote on a page of notebook paper$ %ou !ay choose fro! the list of uotes supplied (following this handout), or you !ay use a uote you fnd in the world (if you so choose, you ,-.T know who said it, and under what circu!stance it was said)$ /$ 0dentify the author1s clai!$ 0n other words, what is the author really saying2 %ou will need to analy(e the words and their arrange!ent to understand the o"erall !eaning, and you !ight ha"e to do a little background research on the author to understand what !ight ha"e inspired the!$ 3$ +o!!ent on how this uote is !eaningful to you$ %ou can relate si!ilar experiences, refute the author1s clai!, or otherwise explain how and why the uote pertains to your life, so!ething you1"e read, or the world in general$ -se specifc exa!ples and reasoning to support your explanation$ This is not an opinion$ %our connection must !ake sense$ 0f your connection isn1t i!!ediately logical, walk your reader (!e) through the logic$ 4ach &ournal entry should be at least half a page long$ ' %ou !ay only analy(e a uote once$ Any repeats will result in a grade of 5$ 6hile 0 will be tracking the uotes you analy(e, you are responsible for keeping track of what you1"e done (thus the check boxes next to each uote7)$ #84A.4 do not ask !e to look up what you1"e done 9 that is your responsibility$ 4xa!ple Assertion Journal 4ntry Any dictator would ad!ire the unifor!ity and obedience of the -$.$ !edia$ : ;oa! +ho!sky, 8inguist and self9proclai!ed 8ibertarian .ocialist ;oa! +ho!sky critici(es the A!erican !edia for its unifor!ity and obedience to the A!erican go"ern!ent$ <e i!plies that the !edia does not in"estigate and report on its own, but prints=airs those things the go"ern!ent and other powers9that9be would ha"e the public know$ <e goes further, though, and suggests that it is not &ust la(iness, but obedience : the willingness, e"en desire, to do what is told$ +ho!sky knows that an unchecked go"ern!ent is liable to slide toward totalitarianis!$ These co!!ents are especially prescient, gi"en the state of the !edia today$ ,ost !a&or newspapers and news organi(ations use the Associated #ress as a !a&or source$ And the A# see!s to !e to parrot the #ress .ecretary and the do(ens of new +(ars in the executi"e branch$ 0n fact, !any !a&or newspapers and going out of business : could it be because they are not reporting news but regurgitating soundbites2 >urther!ore, the !edia has picked up the "ery bad habit of !aking its co"erage of the news, a news story$ ?ne network will refute so!ething another network reports, and the frst network will lash out$ The !edia has beco!e a co!!entary trough rather than a source of ob&ecti"e reporting on the day1s !a&or e"ents$ ;o wonder our go"ern!ent is running a!uck : let1s &ust hope we check the !edia1s check of the go"ern!ent before +ho!sky1s portent beco!es reality$ Assertion Journal model written by Brenda Suchy