Grade level (s): 3-6 Medium: Construction paper Suggested Time: 2 forty-five minute class periods
Instructional Objectives (2-3): 1) Students will use tools appropriately and safely (KS) 2) Students will recognize and accept diverse cultures and art. (KS)
Elements of Art (1-3) In this lesson we used: color, shape, and space.
Principles of Design (1-3) In this lesson we used: balance, contrast, and unity.
Materials and Equipment: 1) Many colors of 8x11 and 4x11 construction paper 2) White School glue 3) Pencils 4) Erasers
Art Production (based on Madeline Hunter model) 1.anticipatory set 2. state objectives 3. Input: art history, instructions 4.demonstration, modeling 5. check for understanding 6. guided practice 7. independent practice 8. closure
1) Bring in African mask and display how it is used. Pass it around(Use best judgment.) 2) Today we will be making a symmetrical African mask Discuss objectives (above) and show example. 3) Show images in books/videos/media of masks in use. 4) Demonstrate making the mask step by step.(Modeling) a. Explain how facial features need to reach the left edge of the small paper. b. Demo drawing of the face c. Demo cutting out facial features d. Demo glue process. 5) Ask if they understand after every demonstration. While they are performing the step, walk around and check. 6) After each step let the students perform the step themselves while you walk around and check. (Guided practice) 7) Once all of the step by step parts are finished, let the students cut, glue, and add any final touches as they wish with the remaining time before clean up. (Independent practice.) 8) Have the class show each other their masks by holding them up or volunteering to talk about his/her mask. Ask about favorite part of the process. Offer a sneak peak of the next class period and next project. Art History / Resources (2-4): Have books on all of the tables with examples of masks for students to gain inspiration from. Include here books title and author. Also consider adding a video as an example of a mask ceremony. Link would also be included here.
Aesthetic Questions (1-2): Philosophical questions go here. Ex: Why do we wear masks on Halloween? Are masks art? Are functional things art?
Art Criticism / Analysis Questions (3-5): Look an ask questions about the pieces of art. Ask about the process. What they do/do not like about it. Offer your own constructive opinions.
Evaluation Criteria (should relate to objectives):