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AOAC Official Method 999.10
Lead, Cadmium, Zinc, Copper, and Iron
in Foods
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry
after Microwave Digestion
First Action 1999
[Applicable to determination of Zn, Cu, and Fe in a variety of foods
by mi crowave di gest i on and fl ame at omi c absorpt i on
spectrophotometry (FAAS), and Cd and Pb by microwave digestion
and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (GFAAS).
Method is capable of determining these elements at concentrations
above approximately Pb (0.1), Cd (0.01), Zn (4), Cu (0.2), and Fe (7)
mg/kg. Method is not applicable to foods with a fat content 40%.
Not applicable to milk powder. See Table 999.10A for the results of
the interlaboratory study supporting the acceptance of the method .]
Caution: Digestion vessels must cool for an appropriate time be-
fore opening in order to avoid burns from hot and cor-
rosive vapors. Always gently add acid to water.
Maintain safe distance from furnaces equipped with
Zeeman background correction when the magnet is on.
Consult manufacturers instructions to determine safe
distance, which varies for different instruments. See
Appendix B, Laboratory Safety, for safe use of com-
pressed gases, inorganic acids, and atomic absorption
spectrometer. For disposal of 4% acetic acid solutions,
follow local regulations.
Table 999.10A Interlaboratory study results
Metal Sample
Analyte range,
mg/kg Mean, mg/kg n
, % RSD
, %
r R
Pb (GFAAS) Liver 0.1 0.130 11 1 0.049 0.055 37 42 0.14 0.15
Wheat bran 0.155 12 0 0.088 0.091 57 59 0.25 0.26
0.394 12 0 0.063 0.098 16 25 0.18 0.27
Bovine muscle 0.398 10 2 0.086 22 0.24
Fish 0.48 12 0 0.13 27 0.36
Mushroom 1.62 12 0 0.26 16 0.73
Cd (GFAAS) Bovine muscle 0.01 0.0124 12 1 0.0034 28 0.0097
Liver 0.164 13 0 0.025 0.034 15 20 0.070 0.094
Wheat bran 0.171 11 2 0.0078 0.022 4.6 13 0.022 0.063
Fish 0.211 12 0 0.035 17 0.099
Mushroom 0.482 11 2 0.053 11 0.149
0.764 12 1 0.050 0.105 6.5 14 0.14 0.294
Zn (FAAS) Fish 4 4.50 12 0 0.41 9.1 1.1
Milk powder 35.3 14 0 3.3 9.3 9.1
47.8 13 1 1.9 2.5 4.0 5.3 5.4 7.1
Mushroom 56.9 14 0 3.0 5.3 8.4
Wheat bran 73.5 13 1 2.5 3.5 3.4 4.8 7.1 9.9
Bovine muscle 147.3 11 3 2.5 1.7 7.0
Liver 181.9 12 2 2.8 8.8 1.6 4.8 7.9 25
Cu (FAAS) Fish 0.2 0.241 4 0 0.094 39 0.26
Bovine muscle 2.63 6 0 0.17 6.4 0.47
Wheat bran 10.14 10 1 0.44 0.81 4.3 7.9 1.2 2.3
Mushroom 37.7 14 0 2.2 5.7 6.0
63.42 12 2 0.95 1.9 1.5 3.0 2.7 5.3
Liver 107.5 14 0 3.3 4.1 3.1 3.8 9.3 12
Fe (FAAS) Fish 7 7.4 9 0 1.3 17 3.5
Bovine muscle 75.0 12 0 8.1 11 23
Mushroom 105.5 11 0 7.9 7.5 22
Wheat bran 123.1 12 0 3.9 9.9 3.2 8.1 11 28
303 10 2 12 18 4.0 5.9 33 50
Liver 487 12 0 27 31 5.4 6.4 74 88
n = Number of laboratories after outlier elimination. Values for s
, and r are are only available for duplicate or split level determinations.
Simulated diets E and F.
A. Principle
Products are digested with HNO
and H
under pressure in a closed
vessel heated by microwaves. Solution is diluted with H
O. Pb and Cd
are determined by GFAAS. Zn, Cu, and Fe are determined by FAAS.
B. Apparatus
(a) Atomic absorption spectrophotometer.With airacetylene
burner or nitrous oxideacetylene burner for flame (FAAS; see Ta-
ble 999.10B) and a graphite furnace for electrothermal (GFAAS; see
Table 999.10C) determinations, with appropriate background
(nonatomic) correction.
(b) Hollow cathode or electrodeless discharge lamps.For Pb,
Cd, Zn, Cu, and Fe.
(c) Microwave oven.Designed for laboratory use, e.g.,
MDS-2000, CEM Corp., PO Box 200, Mattews, NC 28106-2000
USA. Microwave oven should be regularly checked for delivered
power. If the measured effect does not agree with the specification,
adjust the program: Fill a plastic beaker (polypropylene or Teflon)
with 1.000 kg water (room temperature) and measure temperature
). Place beaker in microwave oven and heat water at full power
for 2 min. Take beaker out of oven, stir water, and measure tempera-
ture (T
). The delivered power in watts:
P = 35 (T
(d) Teflon digestion vessels.100 mL, withstanding a pressure
of at least 1.4 MPa.
(e) Volumetric flasks.25 and 1000 mL.
(f) Funnels.Glass or plastic.
(g) Plastic bottles.e.g., Polystyrene bottles with tightly fitting
lids, 50100 mL.
(h) Drying oven.Or equipment for freeze-drying.
All glassware and plasticware should be carefully cleaned and
rinsed, e.g., with HNO
or HCl , in order to avoid metal contamina-
C. Reagents
Reagents should be of at least analytical reagent grade (p.a.), pref-
erably ultrapure (suprapur) or equivalent.
(a) Water.Redistilled or deionized, 18 Mcm.
(b) Nitric acid.65% (w/w).
(c) Nitric acid.0.1M. Dilute 7 mL concentrated HNO
, (b),
with water to 1 L.
(d) Nitric acid.3M. Dilute 200 mL concentrated HNO
, (b),
with water to 1 L.
(e) Hydrogen peroxide.30% (w/w).
(f) Zinc standard solution.1 mg/. Dissolve 1.000 g Zn in 14 mL
water + 7 mL nitric acid, (b), in 1 L volumetric flask. Dilute to vol-
ume with water. [Note: Commercially available standard solutions
for AAS (e.g., BDHChemicals Ltd., Poole, UK) may be used for all
metal standard solutions.]
(g) Copper standard solution.1 mg/mL. Dissolve 1.000 g Cu
in 7 mL nitric acid, (b), in 1 L volumetric flask. Dilute to volume
with water.
(h) Iron standard solution.1 mg/mL. Dissolve 1.000 g Fe in
14 mLwater +7 mLnitric acid, (b), in 1 Lvolumetric flask. Dilute to
volume with water.
(i ) Lead standard solution.1 mg/mLDissolve 1.000 g Pb in
7 mL HNO
(b), in 1 L volumetric flask and dilute to volume with
(j) Cadmium standard solution.1 mg/mL. Dissolve 1.000 mg
Cd in 14 mLwater + 7 mLHNO
, (b), in 1 Lvolumetric flask and di-
lute to volume with water.
(k) Working standard solutions.(1) For flame analysis.Di-
lute standard, (f)(j), with 0.1M HNO
, (c), to a range of standards
that covers the concentration of the element to be determined. (2)
For graphite furnace analysis.Dilute standard solutions, (f)(j),
with 0.1M HNO
, (c), to a range of standards that covers the linear
range of the element to be determined.
D. Procedures
( a ) Cl e a n i n g p r o c e d u r e . ( 1 ) F o r g l a s s a n d
plasticware.Acid solution: 500 mL concentrated HNO
, C(b), +
4500 mL deionized water, C(a). Wash first with water and deter-
gent. Rinse with tap water, followed by deionized water, then with
acid solution. Finally rinse 45 times with deionized water. (2) For
Teflon digestion vessels.Rinse with acetone, wash with deionized
water, keep vessels covered with 0.1M HNO
, C(c), for at least
30 min, rinse with deionized water, and let vessels dry.
Use separate vessels for different applications, depending on the
concentration of metals. If, however, the same digestion vessels are
used for heavily contaminated products, e.g., sludge, it may be nec-
essary to use a more severe cleaning procedure, e.g., heating vessels
together with concentrated HNO
, C(b). The instrument manual
usually provides detailed instructions for such cleaningprocedures.
(b) Pre-treatment.If product is to be analyzed fresh, proceed to
(d), Homogenization. Otherwise, continue at (c), Drying.
(c) Drying.Dry to constant weight in drying oven at 105C, or
freeze-dry. Freeze-drying is usually preferable because it renders the
product less compact and easier to homogenize. If final result is
based on fresh weight, weigh test portion before and after drying to
obtain water content:
O = 100
where H
O, %=water content of the test portion (%); W
=weight of
the test portion (g); W
= weight after drying (g).
( d) Homogeni zat i on. Homogeni ze pr oduct s usi ng
noncontaminating equipment. Check for leached metals if the appa-
ratus consists of metal parts.
Table 999.10B Instrumental parameters for FAAS
Metal Flame type Wavelength, nm
Zn Airacetylene, oxidizing 213.9
Cu Airacetylene, oxidizing 324.7
Fe Airacetylene, oxidizing 248.3
Fe N
Oacetylene, oxidizing 248.3
Table 999.10C Instrumental parameters for GFAAS
Temperature (C)/ramp-hold (s) Cleaning
out step
(C) Ashing step Atomization step
Pb 283.3 650/15-10 1900/0-4 2500
Cd 228.8 350/15-10 1200/0-4 2500
(e) Digestion.Weigh 0.20.5 g dry material into digestion ves-
sel. If water-containing materials are used, maximum weight is re-
stricted to 2 g, but dry matter content must never exceed 0.5 g. For
example, if product has a water content of 50%, take a maximum of
1 g (= 0.5 g dry matter). If a product has a water content of 95%, take
2 g (<0.5 g dry matter). When unknown products are digested, too
much solids may cause the safety membrane in the digestion vessel
to rupture.
Add 5 mLHNO
, C(b), and 2 mL30%H
, C(e). Close vessels,
place vessels in holder, place vessel holder in microwave oven, and
close door. Set oven program according to the parameters given in
Table 3 and start program.
The program is valid only when 12 vessels are being digested si-
multaneously. If fewer are being digested, the remaining vessels
must be filled with reagent blank. When a microwave oven other
than the one given as an example is used, it may be necessary to use a
slightly different time/power program.
Remove digestion vessels frommicrowave oven and let cool thor-
oughly before opening them. Open vessel and rinse down lid and
walls into container. Transfer solution to 25 mLvolumetric flask and
dilute to mark with deionized water. Then, transfer solution to plas-
tic container. Treat blanks in the same way as tests. One blank should
be included in every set.
(f) Dilution.If test solution needs to be further diluted (due to
high metal concentrations), dilute with 3M HNO
, C(d), in order to
maintainsame acidconcentrationprior tometal determination, (g).
High acid concentration is environmentally undesirable and may
depress the analytical signal. Reduce acid strength by diluting the
test solution
with 0.1M nitric acid and standard solutions
3M nitric acid. The tests and standards are thereby brought to the
same acid concentration. Matching of acid concentrations is impor-
tant when a calibration curve is used.
(g) Atomic absorption spectrophotometry.Use of flame or
graphite furnace technique is determined by the concentration of the
metal to be determined. Flame technique should be used as far as
possible, since this technique is less sensitive to interference than the
GFAAS. The most appropriate wavelength, gas mixture/tempera-
ture program, and other instrumental parameters for each metal are
found in the manual provided with the instrument. Always use back-
ground correction.
Measurements must be within the linear range when the method of
standardadditionis used. Astandardadditioncurve consists of at least
3 points, of which at least 2 are standards. The concentration of the
highest standardshouldbe 35times the concentrationinthe test solu-
tion. The lower standard should have a concentration approximately
half of the highest standard. A simplified version of the method of
standard addition is to use a matrix-matched standard curve, which is
applicable to products with the same matrix: The test and standard so-
lutions are mixed and used to make a standard addition curve. This
curve is then parallel transferred to origin and is used as the standard
curve for the tests that followed and that have been diluted in the same
proportions. The matrix-matchedstandardcurve andthe test solutions
will thus have the same matrix concentration. On most modern instru-
ments, this function is included in the software.
(1) Flame technique.The concentration of Zn, Cu, and Fe are
usually at levels suitable for determination by FAAS. When calibra-
tion curve is to be used, standards and test solutions must have the
same acid concentration.
Since Fe may be strongly affected by interferences from the ma-
trix, use either the method of standard addition or matrix-matched
standards. When experiencing severe interferences, an oxidizing ni-
trous oxide acetylene flame may be an alternative.
(2) Graphite furnace technique.This technique is generally re-
quired for determination of Pb and Cd in foods. Use pyrolytically
coated tubes with platforms. Since the method results in a fairly
large dilution of the analyte, it may frequently be needed also for the
determination of, e.g., Cu. The method of standard addition or ma-
trix-matched standards should always be used unless shown to be
unnecessary (i.e., no significant difference between the slopes of
calibration curves of pure working standard and standard addition
curves of the test product). Measurements must be made in the linear
range when the method of addition is used.
Program the autosampler to deliver a volume that gives as large an
absorbance as possible within the linear range and producing a back-
ground absorbance not larger than approximately 0.5 absorbance
units. Multiple injection may enhance the absorbance at very lowcon-
centrations. Evaluate each newmatrix by means of ash- and atomiza-
tion-curves in order to optimize the graphite furnace parameters.
E. Calculations and Evaluation of Results
Calculate the concentration (C) of metal in the test sample accord-
ing to the formula:
C =

where C = concentration in the test sample (mg/kg); a = concentra-
tion in the test solutions (mg/L); df = dilution factor; b = mean con-
centration in the blank solutions (mg/L); m = weight of the test
portion (g).
If (a b) is lower than the detection limit, DL, then (a b) is replaced
by DL for calculation of the limit of detection in the test sample.
If the test solution has been diluted, the dilution factor (df) has to
be taken into account. If the test portion was dried and the result
should be based on fresh weight, correct according to the following:
= C
where C
= concentration in the test portion corrected to fresh
weight (mg/kg); H
O% = the water content of the test portion (%).
When running replicates, the average of the results should be
given with 3 significant figures.
Detection limit.The DLfor each metal is calculated as DL= 3
standard deviation of the mean of the blank determinations (n =
20). A large number of blanks must be analyzed before DL can be
established. ADL is not static and will need to be re-evaluated from
time to time in accordance with changes in the blank levels.
Reference: J . AOAC Int. 83, 1189(2000).
Revised: March 2002
Table 999.10D Parameters for microwave oven program
Step Power (watts) Duration (min)
1 250 3
2 630 5
3 500 22
4 0 15

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