The United Nations Internet Assignment 2
The United Nations Internet Assignment 2
The United Nations Internet Assignment 2
General Assembly
Assesses world problems and sends their
conclusions to the security council
They are all members of the United Nations
Security Council
Addresses the issues given to them from the
General Assembly.
There are 5 permanent members and 10
temporary members.
Economic and Social
Coordinates the economic and social work of
the United Nations and the UN family of
The Council has 54 members, elected by
the General Assembly for three-year terms.
International Court of
Justice (World Court)
to provide means of resolution of disputes
between individuals and groups of individuals
and specifically between individuals and
established national governments on the basis
of truth, honesty and justice, to protect all
people on earth from any form of violence and
injustice inflicted on them by others and
specifically by established national
governments, and to set standards are elected
of objectivity, impartiality, and formal judicial
reasoning for the presently existing legal
15 judges are elected by the general
assembly and the security council.
An international staff working in duty stations
around the world carries out the diverse
day-to-day work of the Organization. It
services the other principal organs of the
United Nations and administers the programs
and policies laid down by them.
Work includes research, translation, and
media reactions.
Trusteeship Council
one of the principal organs of the United
Nations (UN), designed to supervise the
government of trust territories and to lead
them to self-government or independence
Made up of 5 permanent security council