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Message 1
Message 1
law but should also have essential moral values. Today ethics play a crucial role in
society and at Jodhpur Institute of Law we prepare lawyers who can distinguish
between fair and unfair, just and unjust.
With a perfect balance of academics and extra curricular activities we ensure that our
students understand the value of sacrifice, sensitivity and courage to fight for the right.
Having studied professional law, I ensure my students will serve the profession with
commitment, integrity and excellence. I am well supported by the team of highly
qualified faculty members who mentor students at all stages.
I am happy to note that our Institute has successfully achieved triumph in a petite spell
of four years of its existence.
I compliment them and trust our present as well as future batch of students that they
would continue to preserve these glorious accomplishments, constant tradition of which
has been set up by their predecessors.
It is also a matter of pride that from initiation of mere B.A. LL.B. course, we in
succession inducted LL.B. and LL.M. within our domain of Law education.
I assure that all new entrants to our campus would continue to receive the attention and
will be taken care of so that they could conserve this splendid tradition of excelling and
shine in their career. All parents and guardian who trusted and confide us, our
competence as well as abilities, deserve our thanks. We assure them that Institute
treats their confidence as privileged, conferred in trust.
I thank all individual of our Governing Board, Advisory Board, Promoting society & pool
of human resources, who made this happen.