Merkel-Cameron Talks Foreshadow Britain-Eu Split: The Trumpet Weekly The Trumpet Weekly
Merkel-Cameron Talks Foreshadow Britain-Eu Split: The Trumpet Weekly The Trumpet Weekly
Merkel-Cameron Talks Foreshadow Britain-Eu Split: The Trumpet Weekly The Trumpet Weekly
A P R I L 2 0 , 2 0 1 3
Why wont the NYT call evil evil? 2
Euro crisis? Record high Chinese investment in EU 6
Dollar crisis? China takes another stab at U.S. 6
Learn the language of terror 8
An elegy for England 10
Merkel-Cameron Talks Foreshadow
Britain-EU Split
see TALKS page 12
ivov1s im..1ic from weekend talks between Ger-
manys Chancellor Merkel and Britains Prime Minister
Cameron reveal the increasingly irreconcilable dierences
in the separate visions that these leaders have for the future
of the European Union.
It has been rather agonizing at times watching the
inevitable unfold in relations between these two nations.
Ultimately, Britain was always destined to either leave or be
thrust out of the European Union. Its just taken a painfully
long time for the inevitable to occur. Yet, last weekends
talks between these two leaders only served to emphasize
the deepening rif between the two. Its just a matter of
time before the bust-up occurs.
Te dierences between the German vision for the EU
and that of Britain run to the core objectives that German
elites have had for Europe since the closing stages of World
War ii. Germanys view of the EU has been as a means to a
clearly identied endthe imperial dominance of the Con-
tinent by Teutonic powerthis time by economic means
rather than, at least initially, by military aggression.
A review of this issue in the Trumpet archive will reveal
that we have consistently publicized its reality, supported by
the views of some of the most articulate secular observers of
Germanys objectives. Indeed, as our mentor, Herbert Arm-
strong, preached, published and broadcast for over half a
centuryfrom the latter years of World War ii to his death
on Jan. :o, :8othe biblical prophecies have declared this
for over three millennia. And it is not possible to break any
Bible prophecy (John :o:,,; : Peter :::). Tey are guaran-
teed to happen, underwritten by the eternal Word of God!
But just as the prophecies demonstrate that Germany is
destined to head one
nal resurrection
German Chancellor Angela
Merkel speaks with British
Prime Minister David Cameron.
APRIL 20, 2013
Record Opium Crop in
TELEGRAPH | April 15
ui Ui1iu Nations early assess-
ment of the :o:, crop found farmers
were planning to plant more poppy
than last year, marking the third an-
nual rise in the drugs cultivation.
UN ocials predict the increase
will push this years crop close to
:oo,s record level and again see
Afghanistan responsible for more than
o percent of the worlds heroin.
Te forecast is a heavy blow for the
British government, which has been
at the forefront of the international
war on opium and heroin since the
Afghan campaign began in :oo:. Hel-
mand province, where British troops
are deployed, is almost certain to
retain its position as by far the biggest
opium-producing region in the world.
High opium prices, coupled with
uncertainty over what will happen
when foreign combat troops leave
and a faltering legal economy were all
persuading farmers to sow more of the
cash crop, the survey found.
Strongmen and warlords are also
expected to use this years harvest to
fund campaign chests as they maneu-
ver for next years presidential election
and a potentially turbulent political
Afghanistans opium economy
makes up around :, percent of the
countrys cuv and anti-drug ocials
fear the country risks becoming a
narcostate if production continues to
grow as .1o troops leave.
Taliban insurgents take some of
the prots from the trade, but many
believe its real damage to Afghanistan
wo ivi1s happened which should send a shiver
down the spine of everyone concerned about the future
of the American Jewish community.
On January :,, the New York Times reported on a series
of virulently anti-Jewish comments Egyptian President
Mohamed Morsi made in speeches given in :o:o. Among
other things, Morsi said, We must never forget, brothers,
to nurse our children and our grandchildren on hatred for
them: for Zionists, for Jews. He said that Egyptian chil-
dren must feed on hatred; hatred must continue. Te ha-
tred must go on for God and as a form of worshiping him.
In another speech, he called Jews bloodsuckers, and
the descendants of apes and pigs.
Two weeks afer the Times ran the story, the Obama ad-
ministration sent four F-:o ghter jets to Egypt as part of a
military aid package announced in December :o:: entail-
ing the provision of :o F-:os and :oo M:-A: Abrams tanks.
Te Anti-Defamation League, .iv.c, the Jewish Council
for Public Aairs and other prominent American Jewish
groups did not oppose the weapons transfer.
With the American Jewish leadership silent on the is-
sue, Israel found its national security championed by Sen.
Rand Paul. He attached an amendment to a budget bill that
would bar the U.S. from transferring the advanced weap-
ons platforms to Egypt.
Paul explained, Egypt is currently governed by a reli-
gious zealot who said recently that Jews were bloodsuck-
ers and descendants of apes and pigs. Tis doesnt sound
like the kind of stable personality we [sh]ould be sending
our most sophisticated weapons to.
Pauls amendment was overwhelmingly defeated, due in
large part to the silence of the American Jewish leadership.
Te Times noted that Morsis castigation of Jews as apes
and pigs was a slur for Jews that is familiar across the
Muslim world. Signicantly the Times failed to note that
the reason it is familiar is because it comes from both the
Koran and the hadith. Te scripturally-based denigration
of Jews as apes and pigs is legion among leading clerics of
both Sunni and Shiite Islam.
It was not a coincidence that the Times failed to men-
tion why Morsis castigation of Jews as apes and pigs was so
familiar to Muslim audiences.
Te Islamic sources of Muslim Brotherhood Jew hatred,
and indeed, hatred of Jews by Islamic leaders from both the
Sunni and Shiite worlds, is largely overlooked by the liberal
ideological camp. And the overwhelming majority of the
American Jewish leadership is associated with the liberal
ideological camp.
If the Times acknowledged that the Jew hatred espoused
by Morsi and his colleagues in the Muslim Brotherhood, as
well as by their Shiite colleagues in the Iranian regime and
Hezbollah, is based on the Koran, they would have to ac-
knowledge that Islamic Jew hatred and other bigotry is not
necessarily antithetical to mainstream Islamic teaching.
Tey are incapable of acknowledging this possibility
because considering it would implicitly require a critical
study of jihadist doctrine. And a critical study of jihadist
doctrine would show that the doctrine of jihad, or Islamic
holy war, subscribed to by the Muslim Brotherhood and its
aliates, as well as by the Iranian regime and Hezbollah
and their aliates, is widely supported, violent, bigoted,
evil and dangerous to the free world.
And that isnt even the biggest problem with studying
the doctrine of jihad. Te biggest problem is that a critical
study of the doctrine of jihad would force liberal institu-
tions like the New York Times and the institutional leader-
ship of the American Jewish community alike to abandon
the reigning dogma of the liberal ideological campmoral
relativism. Moral relativism is based on a refusal to call evil
evil and a concomitant willingness to denigrate truth if
truth requires you to notice evil.
Moral Relativism and Jihad
Caroline Glick, JERUSALEM POST | April 12
APRIL 20, 2013
is feeding the rampant corruption
which threatens to derail any attempts
to build a viable state.
Bombs Kill More Than
30 Across Iraq
REUTERS | April 15
.v nomns and blasts in cities across
Iraq, including two explosions at a
checkpoint outside Baghdads interna-
tional airport, killed at least ,, people
on Monday days before provincial
Te ballot for nearly ,o provincial
council seats will also be an important
measure of Shiite Prime Minister Nuri
al-Malikis political muscle against his
Sunni and Shiite rivals before a parlia-
mentary election in :o:.
A dozen candidates have already
been killed so far in campaigning,
including two moderate Sunni politi-
cians over the weekend.
Iraqi violence has accompanied
a long-running political crisis in
the government that splits posts
among Shiite, Sunni Muslim and
ethnic Kurdish parties in an unwieldy,
power-sharing coalition.
Al Qaeda is regaining ground,
especially in the western desert near
Syrias border, where it has beneted
from the ow of Sunni ghters oppos-
ing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
Islamic State of Iraq says it has
joined forces with the al-Nusra Front
rebels ghting in Syria. Sunni in-
surgents, especially al Qaeda, see
Baghdads Shiite-led government and
Assad as oppressors of Sunnis.
Insurgents are also tapping into
Sunni frustrations. Many Iraqi Sunnis
feel sidelined since the overthrow of
Saddam and the rise of the Shiite ma-
jority. Security experts say al Qaeda is
seeking to use that as a recruiting tool
among Sunnis who see themselves
victimized by security forces.
When Hunger Came to
ASIA TIMES | April 15
cvv1i.s .vi getting hungry. Te
fall of the Egyptian pound to just
oo percent of its :o:: exchange rate
against the dollar has priced every-
thing but bread out of the reach of the
poorer half of the population, and the
bread supply is now at risk.
Te news late last week that Libya
and Qatar may lend s, billion to Egypt
was overshadowed by reports that
Cairo owes s, billion to the oil com-
panies that produce oil and gas on its
territory . Egypts arrears on trade
credits from suppliers of oil, wheat,
and other essential items probably
exceed its s8.8 billion cash reserves,
leaving the country at broke.
Egypts nances have been in free
fall since the mid-:ooos, when prices
for food and other essential imports
soared while export earnings for cot-
ton and other products stagnated. At
soo billion, the countrys trade decit
is a seventh of its gross domestic
product. Te o percent fall in the
exchange rate of the Egyptian pound
from o to the dollar late last year to
8.:, on the black market last week will
raise the cost of imports even further.
Te half of Egyptians that lives on
s: a day no longer eats beans, let alone
milk products.
Te only basic foodstus still
available to poor Egyptians are state-
subsidized bread, sugar and oil. Tat
may change drastically during the next
several months. Te Financial Times
April :: reported that the Egyptian
government will be short , to million
tons of wheat imports this year.
Egypts farmers are unlikely to
ui 1ui U.S. invaded and tore down the statue of Sad-
dam Hussein, there were few that expected Iraq to turn
away from its liberators, and join with radical Iran. Tere
was, however, one man predicting a very dierent outcome.
In the :oo, edition of the Trumpet magazine, editor in chief
Gerald Flurry published an article boldly stating:
Now that Iraq has been taken out of the picture, Iran
is even closer to becoming the reigning king of the Middle
East. It may seem shocking, given the U.S. presence in the
region right now, but prophecy indicates that, in pursuit of
its goal, Iran will probably take over Iraq. At least, it will
have a heavy inuence over the Iraqi people (June :oo,).
Tis powerful article, Is Iraq About to Fall to Iran:,
carried the same headline as an article written on the same
subject back in the December : Trumpet.
Now the mainstream media is coming to accept that
the U.S. mission has failed. As Ernesto Londoro from the
Washington Post said, Today, Americas voice has been
reduced to a whimper.
Te shrinking embassy is a reection of waning U.S. in-
uence in the nation. Only one year ago, there were :o,ooo
workers at the embassy. Today there are :o,,oo workers,
and by the end of the year that gure is set to be ,,,oo.
As U.S. inuence evaporates, so does the inuence of the
Sunni population.
Now we see the current Iraqi administration taking
on more and more of an Iranian appearance. Te Shiite
government is manipulating the political landscape to
ensure the Sunnis cant rise up against the current admin-
As violence in Syria rages, Iraq seeks to stay close to Iran
and the Syrian government to try to contain a Sunni upris-
ing in its own country.
In the New York Times recently, Ramzy Mardini of the
Iraq Institute for Strategic Studies assessed the situation
bluntly: A decade since the occupation of Iraq began,
Baghdad still cannot be considered an ally of the United
States. An alliance today is beyond anyones reach.
U.S. Inuence in Iraq Plummeting
CALLUM WOOD | April 16
APRIL 20, 2013
produce much wheat because they
lack diesel fuel to operate tractors and
to bring their harvest to market. Te
government has just three months
worth of wheat in stockpile and is like-
ly to run short of the countrys main
foodstu by early summer.
Currency devaluation has already
imposed de facto rationing of essential
commodities, and the shortage of diesel,
propane gas cylinders, and other essen-
tial items has imposed energy rationing.
Te question is how long Egyptians
can go hungry before the Morsi regime
loses its capacity to govern.
Pope to Untie Knots
With Israel
.1uiv D.viu Neuhaus, the Jesuit
responsible for the pastoral care
of Hebrew-speaking Catholics in the
Holy Land, said afer a meeting with
Pope Francis that the ponti has the
potential to untie knots in diplo-
matic negotiations between the Holy
See and the State of Israel.
We were presented one by one to
the pope, and when I came to him I
underlined the fact that Im a Jesuit
by saying, Here I am, representing
the Hebrew-speaking communities,
Im a Jesuit among diocesans and a
Jew among Arabs, recounted Father
Neuhaus, who is a convert from Juda-
ism. And he smiled and turned to the
[Latin] patriarch [of Jerusalem] and
said, Oh, another one who has the
virus! And there was a clear sign of
joy in the eyes of the pope to see there
is another Jesuit, out there somewhere
on the margins, trying to serve the
universal church.
Tis is a pope who also had a deep,
deep relationship with Jews in Buenos
Aires, so also from that point of view
of interreligious dialogue he seems to
be very much understanding whats
going on and what the issues are,
Father Neuhaus continued. Relations
between the Holy See and Israel are
complex, the negotiations have been
dragging on for a very long time .
Here again I think Pope Franciss
directness, his honesty, his clear
elaboration of what is going on in
any particular situation might indeed
help untie some of the knots in these
Of course relations with the State of
Israel are intimately connected with re-
lations with the rest of the Middle East,
and we really hope that Pope Francis
will be able to be a bridge to bring the
parties closer together, so that they will
adopt a discourse of respect and under-
standing of each other, so that Chris-
tians in the Middle East can live in an
atmosphere where peace and justice are
part of their daily lives, he added.
Pope Discusses
Spains Economic Crisis
ovi Fv.cis met on April :, with
Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy
Brey of Spain, for a conversation that
centered on that countrys economic
Te economic crisis in Spain
has provoked a serious labor crisis,
involving many families and particu-
larly the young, the Vatican observed
in a statement released afer the Span-
ish leaders visit.
Te talks also covered relations
between the Holy See and Spain, and
the need to preserve the family and
the integrity of marriage.
Hungary to Pay EU
Fines Via Extra Tax
H .U1uovi1iis will pass
on the cost of EU nes through
a tax on its own citizens whenever it
breaches EU law.
Giving details of the new Hungar-
ian initiative, EU justice commissioner
for justice Vivian Reding told euro-
deputies at the Strasbourg plenary ses-
sion on Wednesday (April :,) that: in
practice citizens would be penalized
twice: once for not having had their
rights under EU law upheld and a sec-
ond time for having to pay for this.
Te so-called ad hoc tax was intro-
duced into Hungarys latest constitu-
tional reform in March, its fourth in
the past :, months. Te latest changes
are said to undermine the rule of law
by limiting the power of the constitu-
tional court.
n Muslims and Christians clash in
Clashes between Egyptian Muslims
and Christians erupted early on April o
in a town near Cairo. Security ocials
reported that at least four Christians
and one Muslim died. Police said the
ghting began when young Muslims
drew inammatory symbols on an
Islamic institute and a local mosque.
Christian onlookers began arguing
with Muslims nearby. Soon, residents
wielding guns began ring on one an-
other. Te Muslim Brotherhood, led by
President Mohamed Morsi, condemned
the sectarian strife. Egypts Coptic
Christians have long accused the state of
discrimination. Copts comprise about :o
percent of the countrys 8,million people.
Tey are the largest Christian community
in the Middle East. Egyptian Christians
fear that the new Muslim Brotherhood
leadership gives ultraconservative Islamic
clerics and extremists a freer hand to
attack Coptic churches and property. Ex-
pect violence against Christians to spread
in the Middle East as radical Islam gains
power in the region. Ten look for the
Vatican to step up its defense of Chris-
tians within the region.
Related: The Spark That Lit Egypt
Related: The Coming War Between
Catholicism and Islam
APRIL 20, 2013
Meanwhile, the threat of a Com-
mission ne on Hungary is looming
as Budapest has yet to implement in
practice a November decision by the
EU court in Luxembourg to reinstate
judges who were forced into early
Here we can launch an infringe-
ment as well which could lead to im-
mediate nes, an EU ocial close to
the issue told this website.
Under Hungarys new law, the ne,
if imposed, would be the rst to be
passed on to the Hungarian taxpayer.
n Germany approves Cyprus
Te German Parliament approved the
:o billion (Uss:, billion) bailout to
Cyprus, April :8, 8, votes to :o:, with
:, abstentions. Both Angela Merkels
coalition and the opposition Social
Democrats voted in favor. Tis approv-
al seals the deal, until the next time
Cyprus needs another handout, when it
will be forced to turn to Germany again.
n European Parliament assumes
bank bailout tax
Te European Parliament voted to
impose a cap on the amount of money
bankers can receive in bonuses on
April :o. Te bonus cap interferes
with pay in private companies in a
way that most thought ended with
the fall of the Berlin Wall. A bankers
bonus is not allowed to be any more
than his salary, though this limit can
be raised to twice his salary with the
explicit approval of shareholders. Tis
cap has been in the works for sev-
eral months. Britain has opposed it
at every turn and at every turn been
defeated. Its approval marks a water-
shed moment in Britains relationship
with Europe. Whether or not you
think there is a concerted assault on
Britain, the fact is that for the rst
time in EU history a major country
has been overridden in a eld where
it is the dominant player and has a
vital interest, writes the Telegraphs
Ambrose Evans Pritchard. Te rules
of the game are that Germany is never
threatened on the car industry, nor
France on agriculture. Tis principle
has been breached. It is a declaration
of economic war (April :o). Tis tax
will push nancial services away from
London, and severely damage a vital
part of Britains economy.
viv 1wo decades ago, afer reading the ne print of
the Maastricht Treatythe EU treaty that established
the eurowe deduced correctly that any nation signing up
to the European Monetary Union, for which Maastricht was
the enabling treaty, would be virtually signing over posses-
sion of their national bullion stocks to the EU central bank.
Tis week, Cyprus came under anicndirective, its
wording conrming the Maastricht edict, requiring it
tochannel proceeds of any bullion sales to its coers in
Te German central bank holds the second-largest gold
reserves in the world. It has
not engaged in any form of
large-scale selling. A curious
thing occurred at the moment
in : when :: of the present
:8 EU member nations joined
the European Monetary Union,
signing over their individual
national holdings of gold to the
European Central Bank in the
process. Coincident with the
launch of the euro, Germany
bought bullion in a big way.
Te timing of Germanys
acquisition of huge amounts of
gold was intriguing. [T]he Bundesbank suddenly acquired
massive gold reserves,just as the euro was launched in the
rst quarter of .Te gold amassed, both in terms of its
physical size and of its value (national valuation basis) is
more than enough with which unilaterally to introduce a
gold-backed new deutsche markin contrast to the U.S.
dollar, which iso1backed by gold (Economic Intelligence
Review,March :ooo).
Te late Christopher Story, nancial analyst, posed an
intriguing possible scenario in the event of such a crisis
developing. He wrote in the issue ofEconomic Intelligence
Reviewquoted above, [T]he Germans may have been pre-
paring their greatest coup in history: the sudden, overnight
substitution of a new deutsche mark backed by gold, for
the regrettably failed EU collective currency.
We see the German solution to a bankrupt EU member
country manifest in the demise
of Cyprus as a sovereign nation
and its reduction to the status
of a vassal state of the Rome/
Berlin axis that controls the
European Union.
Seventy years on from the
ashes of World Warii, the
evidence is available for all to
see. Germany is back as the
dominant economic, nancial,
industrial and political force in
Europe. As Herbert Armstrong
prophesied, Germany has un-
derwritten its comeback not by
military force this time, but by sheer economic might!
Te baring of Maastrichts golden fangs is but a harbin-
ger of the baring of the iron teeth of the rising empire of
the biblically prophesied king of the north.
Follow Ron Fraser: Twitter
EUMaastrichts Golden Fangs
RON FRASER | April 15
A paper version of the Maastricht Treaty
APRIL 20, 2013
China Takes Another
Stab at the Dollar
ZERO HEDGE | April 13
i movi domino in the dollar
reserve supremacy regime falls.
China has now launched yet another
feeler to see what the appetite toward
its currency is, this time in the heart
of the eurozone: Paris. According to
China Daily, as reported by Reuters,
France intends to set up a currency
swap line with China to make Paris
a major oshore yuan trading hub in
Europe, competing against London.
Te yuans internationalization and
bilateral nancial cooperation could be
among the main topics during French
President Franois Hollandes visit to
China in late April, the paper said.
Te planned swap line would be the
latest in a string of bilateral currency
agreements that China has signed in
the past three years to promote use of
the yuan in trade and investment.
It followed a similar step by the
uiisi s1.1i-owiu companies are expanding their
inuence in Europe, investing more than s::.o billion
(.o billion) in the Continent last year, according to a study
by the Hong Kong-based private equity rm A Capital.
Te amount represented an increase of about one fh in
comparison to :o::, and was all together larger than invest-
ments in North America and Asia combined. About 8o
percent of the investments were in the service and indus-
trial sectors.
Te study by A Capital is the most comprehensive
investigation yet into Chinese investment in Europe. Te
private equity rm itself counts the Chinese government
among its investors, in the form of the China Investment
Corporation (cic).
Chinese rms have caused a furor in the past for their
partial or complete takeovers of German agship compa-
nies like concrete pump manufacturer Putzmeister, ware-
house equipment maker Kion and consumer electronics
manufacturer Medion.
Many Chinese investors regard Europes current weak-
ness as an opportunity to jump in, said A Capital cio
Andr Loesekrug-Pietri. Teyre looking for technology,
know-how, high-value brandsand they nd them here.
Many European rms are world leaders in sectors like in-
dustrial manufacturing, auto manufacturing, the environ-
ment and health care.
Te Chinese leadership is setting these key sectors as a
top priority in their newest ve-year plan. Te State Coun-
cil is supporting companies expansions abroad with cheap
credit and tax breaks, with , percent of Chinese invest-
ments in Europe coming from state-owned corporations.
Europe has been a largely welcoming place for Chi-
nese buyers. State-fund cic acquired a :o-percent stake in
Londons Heathrow Airport late last year, and a , percent
stake in the French satellite provider Eutelsat. And Portu-
gals government negotiated its largest-ever privatization in
late :o::, agreeing to sell its :: percent stake in the massive
power company Energias de Portugal to Chinas Tree
Gorges. Te sale was Lisbons rst privatization mandated
under its bailout program earlier that year.
Te Europeans see things more pragmatically than
the Americans, said Loesekrug-Pietri. Te economies
of recession-plagued Southern Europe are particularly in
need of fresh capital .
Chinese Investment in Europe Hits Record High
Bank of England to set up a recipro-
cal three-year yuan-sterling swap line
with China.
It appears that France may be
a far more strategic European hub
for China than London: In :o:: and
:o::, the total value of oshore yuan-
denominated bonds issued by French
corporates was nearly , billion yuan
(Uss:.: billion), twice the value of
bonds issued by their British counter-
parts, according to a report by Paris
Europlace, an association that sup-
ports the French nancial industry
and promotes Paris as an internation-
al nancial center.
A survey by the association, the
China Daily reported, also showed
that ,o percent of French companies
have used yuan-denominated prod-
ucts and services.
n Chinas navy makes first port
call in Morocco
A eet of Chinese warships arrived in
the Moroccan port of Casablanca on
April for a ve-day visit. Te event
marks the rst visit of the Chinese
navy to Morocco, and it was led by the
Huangshan warship from Beijings
eet. During the visit, Chinese Navy
ocials held briengs with Moroc-
can authorities discussing an array of
military-related topics, including the
possibility of Moroccan participation
in Chinese military drills. Te port
call was a signicant demonstration
of Chinas expanding global reach
at a time when the global balance of
powers is rapidly shifing. Before the
Moroccan visit, the eet had been
patrolling the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden
and other parts of the Gulf region.
Tis naval activity telegraphs Chinas
presence in the Atlantic Ocean, Medi-
terranean Sea and Gulf area, painting
a stark contrast to the cutback of the
U.S. presence in that region. Expect
demonstrations of Chinese naval
power to become more frequent and
to prod more nations to rally behind
Chinas rise.
APRIL 20, 2013
M.vcu ::, shortly afer assuming the post of
president of the Peoples Republic of China, Xi Jinping
headed o to Moscow to meet with Russian President
Vladimir Putin. What came out of the two leaders
meeting and what does it augur for the future of Sino-
Russian relations:
Tree major areas appear to have been the focus: manag-
ing expectations about the relationship; expanding bilateral
trade in energy and arms; and cooperation on international
security aairs.
Bilaterally, both Beijing and Moscow are looking to le-
verage their relationship to enhance their leaders standing
domestically and maximize their inuence among world
Russia is just the fourth-largest supplier of oil to China,
supplying it with only 8 percent of its total oil imports.
Tere is even less cooperation in the area of natural gas.
Tat may be changing. During the summit a great deal
of fanfare was made over the conclusion of a deal to con-
struct a pipeline to ship natural gas between the two coun-
tries. Tis was followed by an announcement that Beijing
will extend a s: billion line of credit to Russias politically
well-connected natural gas giant, Gazprom, which could
expedite a long-term supply contract.
Conicting media reports suggest that the two sides
may have been discussing the possibility of a resumption
of major arms exports from Russia to China.If such trade
were to resume, it would mark a major breakthrough in re-
lations and possibly signal a return to the days when Russia
was far and away Chinas biggest arms supplier.
Finally, the two sides also appear to have conferred on a
number of issues on which they share common positions or
Warning that each country has a right to determine its
own pathway to modernity and development, President Xi
called on third countries to respect Chinese and Russian
choices and to stay out of other countries internal aairs,
code language for telling the U.S. and European nations
not to comment on human rights in China or Russia.
If Moscow and Beijing are able to consummate the ma-
jor deals begun at the summit we are likely witnessing the
start of a more robust Sino-Russian relationship.
A Russia-China Alliance Brewing?
South Americans Back
Venezuelas Maduro
ui vos1-iiic1io tension in Ven-
ezuela that claimed seven lives on
Monday and led to massive pro- and
anti-government demonstrations
across the country on Tuesday was
not showing any signs of abating on
Wednesday. [P]resident-elect Nicolas
Maduro also sharpened his attack on
the opposition and declined to hold a
recount of votes, which he had agreed
to earlier. Maduro won the election
with ,o.8 percent of the votes against
Capriless 8., percent.
Maduro said on Tuesday that he
will not allow the opposition to hold
a march in the capital to demand a
recount of votes following Sundays
election. Its time for a tough hand,
he said.
In the past two days, Maduro has
been emboldened by the fact that all
South American governments have
backed him. On Monday, Brazil, the
regional power and economic power-
house of South America, recognized
the result of the Venezuelan election
as legitimate. A Brazilian ocial
said on Tuesday that the govern-
ment considers the election result
conrmed by Venezuelas national
electoral council to be nal and that
it doesnt require further review.
Worried about the violence caused
by opposition sympathizers in Ven-
ezuela, all South American govern-
ments have oered their support to
Maduro. Since Sunday, despite opposi-
tion protests in Caracas, messages of
congratulations have been pouring in
for Maduro from Brazil, Argentina,
Bolivia, Ecuador, Cuba and Unasul.
Brazils Foreign Minister Antonio
Patriota congratulated Maduro, reaf-
rming Brazils decision to continue
working closely with Caracas.
Earlier, Brazils former President
Lula da Silva had acknowledged
Maduro as the winner of the elec-
tion and told the U.S. not to interfere.
Americans should take care of their
own business a little and let us decide
our own destiny, Lula said at a rally
in Brazil.
Several other South American
presidents like Bolivias Evo Morales
have accused the U.S. of trying to
engineer a coup in Venezuela.
Morales has said the U.S. is planning
to stage a coup in Venezuela, con-
demning Washingtons questioning of
the Venezuelan presidential election
results as interference.
As illustrated in a Trumpet article from
March 5: Venezuela is deeply divided,
and Chavezs death could usher in big
changes for the government in Caracas.
That change will extend to all of South
America. Read Venezuela: Whats
Ahead After the Death of Hugo Chvez,
to see what the rst changes may be.
APRIL 20, 2013
England Is Drifting
Toward Civil Unrest
Thomas Pascoe, TELEGRAPH | April 15
ivi i1 not for smartphones, Eng-
land would be close to a state of
civil disorder. It is a kingdom divided
against itself, but it has so far lacked
a single point of controversy around
which public discontent can calcify. At
the same time, a generation, drained
of intellectual vitality and moral vigor,
tweets and dgets its way through a
life mediated entirely by the Internet.
Te curious belief that clicking a but-
ton can change the world has, for now,
largely replaced the civil unrest of
earlier generations.
Tis state of aairs cannot go on
indenitely, though. It concerns me
that the outpourings of anger and hate
on the lef in the wake of Lady Tatch-
ers death have been passed o as the
activity of a few dozen oafs. Morons
these people may be, but their ac-
tions are part of a wider phenomenon.
England, always an angry nation, is
seething below the surface.
But where does this anger come
ivvovism is speechspeech that gathers its audience by
killing innocents as theatrically as possible. Accord-
ingly, the Boston Marathon attack, the rst successful ter-
ror bombing in the United States since /::, was designed
for maximum eect. At the nish line there would be not
only news cameras but also hundreds of personal videos to
amplify the message.
But what message: Tere was no claim of responsibility,
no explanatory propaganda. Indeed, was it terrorism at all:
Tere was much ado about President Obamas nonuse of
the word terrorism in his rst
statement to the nation afer the
bombing. Indeed, the very next
morning, he took to the White
House brieng room for no other
reason than to pronounce the
event an act of terrorism.
He justied the update as a
response to what we now know.
But there had been no new
information overnight. Nothing
changed, except a certain trepidation about the original
Te president said that terrorism is any bombing aimed
at civilians. Not quite. Terrorism is any attack on civilians
for a political purpose. Until you know the purpose, you
cant know if it is terrorism.
Sometimes an attack can have no purpose. Te Tucson
shooter who nearly killed Rep. Gabrielle Giords was simply
deranged, a certied paranoid schizophrenic. Or there might
be some personal vendettaa purpose, but not political.
Its overwhelmingly likely that the Boston attack was
political, and therefore terrorism.
Nonetheless, the presidents nonuse of the word was no
big deal. Why then was he so sensitive that he came out the
next morning to correct the omission:
Answer: Benghazi, in which the administration had
been roundly and correctly criticized for refusing to call it
terrorism for so long.
Benghazi, however, was totally dierent. Tere, the word
mattered very much. Tere were two possible explanations
for the killing of the four Americans: a preplanned attack
(terrorism), or a spontaneous demonstration gone wild.
Te administration tried to peddle the spontaneous-
demonstration story in order to place the blame on a mob
incited by a nutty Coptic American who had made an
oensive video. Tis would have spared the administration
any culpability.
To use the word terrorism, meaning deliberate attack,
would have undermined the blame-shifing and raised
exactly the questionsabout warnings ignored, inadequate
security, absence of contingency plansthat have dogged
the administration for months.
In Boston, in contrast [nobody
is] blaming the administra-
tion for inadequate warning or
Here, the linguistic challenge
for the president is quite dier-
ent. What if this turns out to be
the work of Islamists: Te histo-
ry of domestic attacks since /::
would suggest the odds are about
,o-,o, although the crude technique and the unclaimed
responsibility would suggest a somewhat lower probability.
But if it is nevertheless found to be Islamist, will Obama
use the word: His administration obsessively adopts
language that extirpates any possible connection between
Islam and terrorism. It insists on calling jihadists violent
extremists without ever telling us what theyre extreme
about. It even classied the Fort Hood shooting, in which
the killer screamed Allahu Akbar as he murdered :,
people, as workplace violence.
In a speech just last month in Jerusalem, the president
referred to the rising tide of Egypts Muslim Brotherhood
and other Islamists as the rise of non-secular parties.
Non-secular: Isnt that a euphemism for religious, i.e.,
Yet Obama couldnt say the word. Tis is no linguistic
triviality. He wouldnt be tripping over himself to avoid any
reference to Islam if it was insignicant.
The Language of Terror
Charles Krauthammer, WASHINGTON POST | April 18
The mainstream media regularly just go along
with what the president says, even at times
when it can be easily proven false. What is caus-
ing such actions? Without a free and truthful
media, a republic cannot survive! Why arent
more people talking about this dangerous trend?
This is serious beyond measure!
America Under Attack, Gerald Flurry
APRIL 20, 2013
from: It arises because we have lost
all purpose as a nation. We are all
in this together, we are told. But in
what: Te practice of austerity. Why
must we be austere, people ask: To
honor our debts. Debts to whom: To
the nancial markets, a motley collec-
tion including the same groups which
caused borrowing to be so great in
the rst instance. Tis is our national
program. Rally around that.
Te energies the English once
devoted to improvement through
statute they now devote to seeking the
deprivation of others. Right and lef
argue about what should be cons-
cated from whom.
Te result is that England has
turned in on itself. Finding no fault
with our system, no claim to stake in
the wider world, each class attends it-
self to the destruction of the privileges
of others. Without common cause, our
collective energies nd an outlet in a
drive for destruction.
England, as we knew it, ceased to be
sometime in the closing years of the
lastmillennium.No country can be
the same when its principal city and
most of its positions of note are occu-
pied chiey by people who are ignorant
of its history, resentful of its traditions
and who scorn its national religion.
Tese people are not immigrants, but
the English themselves. Trying to
build a new Jerusalem requires a unity
of purpose we now lack. I worry that
we are building a bonre instead.
Obama Admin. Snubs
Thatcher Funeral
Anthony Chibarirwe | April 18
visiui1 Obama did not
send any ocials from his admin-
istration to attend Wednesdays fu-
neral of former British Prime Minister
Margaret Tatcher. Te presidential
delegation to her funeral only includ-
ed the U.S. secretaries of state of the
Reagan and H.W. Bush administra-
tionsthe top U.S. diplomats during
Tatchers premiershipand the cur-
rent charg daaires and the former
ambassador to the United Kingdom.
Such a distinctly low-key ocial
representation to Lady Tatchers
funeral, as the Guardian described
it, is a far cry from normal tradition.
Heads of state and/or high-ranking
government ocials typically attend
funerals of other heads of state, more
so if they were allied together. For
example, Margaret Tatcher herself
attended President Ronald Reagans fu-
neral in :oo, and so did then British
Prime Minister Tony Blair and Prince
About this latest let-down in Anglo-
American relations by the Obama
administration, the UKs Daily Mail
wrote on Tuesday that friends and
allies of Baroness Tatcher expressed
surprise and disappointment last night
as it emerged President Obama is not
planning to send any serving member
of his administration to her funeral.
Te Mail noted that Mr. Obama
announced his presidential delegation
well before the bombings in Boston. So
this ruled out security concerns as an
excuse for the snub. It also ruled out
that President Obama needed to stay
in America to deal with the afermath.
Margaret Tatcher was an out-
standing and principled leader. Atten-
dance of government ocials to her
funeral is a sentimental and diplomat-
ic way of expressing appreciation for
the leadership qualities she displayed.
Te Obama administrations snub
of Margaret Tatchers funeral is
another example of America distanc-
ing itself from the special relation-
ship it has historically had with
Britain both in good and bad times.
As Trumpet columnist Joel Hilliker
i qUis1io Ive heard several times afer the shocking
Cyprus bank raid was, How can a government just grab
money out of its citizens bank accounts: Another common
question is, How long until it happens in America:
For those questioners, its bad news. Its pretty easy for
governments to take peoples money. And its happening
right now.
We all know about ination. A shopping trolley full of
food used to cost s:oo. Now it costs s::o. Te price goes up.
Lets say you set s:o,ooo aside in a savings account at the
start of :oo8. And lets imagine that since then youve re-
ceived interest at : percent a year on your savings. By the start
of :o:,, youd have just over s:o,,oo in your bank account.
But what used to cost s:o,ooo in :oo8 now costs s::,ooo.
You money isnt worth as muchination has eaten away
at it. In terms of :oo8 values, you only have s,,,. Some-
one has taken so of your money!
Teyve done this through money printing. Since the start
of the nancial crisis, the government has been printing
money at a huge rate, as part of something calledquantita-
tive easing(QE). Rather than literally print the money, the
government conjures it up digitally. Quantitative easing
involves the central bank using this new money to buy
government bonds and other debt. This makes it cheaper for
the government to borrow money. But you pay, as you get
next to no interest on the savings in your bank account and
your dollar becomes less and less valuable.
In :o::, the U.S. government spent just over s,., trillion.
Trough QE, the Federal Reserve has printeds:., trillion.
Tats a huge amount of money. Te dollar is being de-
stroyed before our eyes.
Te money gone from your bank account is not the full
amount the government has taken. It is just the trickle of
water that has seeped through the crack in the dam wall.
Soon, the whole wall will break and the dollar will end up
Britains and Americas nancial policies are destroying
their currencies and silently robbing their citizens.
Worried About a Cyprus-Style Raid on Your Savings?
Richard Palmer | April 15
APRIL 20, 2013
wrote in :oo when President Obama
began his presidency by returning
a bust of Churchill back to Britain,
the weakening of the relationship
will only weaken both countries and
make them more vulnerable to being
trampled by ascendant powers.
Worst Four Years of
GDP Growth in History
FORBES | April 12
1 is time America stopped talking
about the recovery and started wor-
rying about the economy.As the four-
year anniversary since the economy
last shrank approaches, we should
focus on its subpar growth.It is time
to ask what impact government has
had on the economy over the short-
and long-term.
Americas economy has not shrunk
since Q: of :oo.Yet, if the Congres-
sional Budget Oces estimates of
just :. percent real cuv growth this
year prove true, America will have
experienced its worst four consecutive
growth years of cuv in the Bureau of
Economic Analysis data going back to
What we have seen over the last
four years is unlike anything during
the last seven decades. Such a dra-
matic break with the past, begs the
question: Why:Does the nancial
crisis alone account for what we are
seeing:For four years, we have sought
to convince ourselves it does. Perhaps
it is nally time we looked harder to
see if the problem runs deeper.
Tere has been a concerted govern-
ment eort to compensate for the re-
cent crisisthrough tax cuts, stimu-
lative spending and historically low
interest rates.It is therefore natural to
look at government actions over the
last seven decades.
In :8, federal outlays equaled
::.o percent of cuv. cno estimates
that they will equal ::.: percent in
:o:,almost doubled.And they have
been far higher of late: ::.8 percent in
:o::, :.: percent in :o:: and :o:o, :,.:
percent in :oo, and :o.8 percent in
:oo8.In :oo,, prior to the crisis, they
were :., percent .
Since :oo8, federal debt held by the
public has more than doubledfrom
s,.8 trillion to an estimated s::.: tril-
lion in :o:,.While its full negative im-
pact is unfelt, because of historically
u.1 w.s so moving, in the end, was that Baroness
Tatcher was buried as a simple Christian. Borne on a
gun-carriage to St Pauls cathedral as a great warrior states-
man, Margaret Hilda went as a humble human soul to meet
her ultimate fate, as must we all.
Te funeral ceremonial was pitch-perfect, solemn but
beautiful and uplifing, and choreographed and staged with
awless precision. Tis afer all is what Britain still does so
well. So much so that some foolish folk have allowed them-
selves to get carried away and claim that this shows Britain
essentially still remains the same great country it always was.
What a short attention span such individuals must have.
Sure, the protests that had been threatened for the funeral,
by people whose gross disrespect for the dead suggests an
equivalent and alarming contempt for the living, were kept
at bay .
But Britain is now a country where behavior that was
once unthinkable is now routine. Where the mob is un-
leashed every minute on social media to make vile remarks,
to bully and intimidate. Where reasoned argument has
been substantially replaced by vilication and insult. Where
so many have been moronically parroting the conformist
whine of the day, that Mrs. T. had been a divisive gureas
if any true leader does not create argument and controversy.
Where young people are so devoid of compassion or re-
spect for another human being, so convulsed by hatred as a
result of their narcissistic incredulity that there can be any
viewpoint other than their own, that they actually gloated
and danced in the streets over the death of a frail 8,-year-
old who had lost her mind. And then they and those
who shared their point of view of Lady Tatcher actually
accused her of making Britain selsh and uncaring!
It is indeed becoming a selsh, brutalized, uncaring
society. But this is the result of fundamental social and
cultural changeslike the fragmentation of the family, the
refusal to transmit a common culture through education,
the balkanization of Britain through multiculturalism, the
victim culture which gives a free pass to certain privileged
groups for their bad behavior.
All these changes owed from the tremendous onslaught
by the lef upon the Judeo-Christian values of the West,
and the replacement of the bonds of duty which keep a so-
ciety together by a rampant hyper-individualism and group
rights which break it apart on the rocks of selshness.
What has also been gradually eroded in this tragic
process are virtues associated specically with England
not with Britain, but with England or Englishness, the
dominant culture within Britain: those knightly qualities
of gentleness and tolerance, lion-hearted decency, stoicism
and emotional self-restraint, innate fairness and a passion
for order.
Our leaders have spent years not defending but willfully
destroying the bedrock characteristics of British national
identity, based on that dominant English culture, in order
to replace it with something entirely dierent.
Yes, we still do these great events incomparably well.
Yes, there are still the decent British who turn out in great
number to demonstrate their attachment to what Britain
once represented. But they are being replaced by younger
generations who in their uneducated ignorance dont even
know what has been lost, let alone care, and who can no
longer even think for themselves to go against the deaden-
ing consensus.
Tats why I felt it wasnt just Lady Tatcher being buried
in London today.
An Elegy for England
Melanie Phillips | April 17
APRIL 20, 2013
afer the bill was passed, calling it a
milestone for equality.
People watching from the public
gallery and some lawmakers immedi-
ately broke into song, singing the New
Zealand love song Pokarekare Ana,
AP news agency reported.
Some opinion polls have suggested
that about two thirds of New Zealand-
ers support the reform, although oth-
ers polls suggest the public are more
Parliamentarians were allowed a
conscience vote, and, crucially, the
reform had
the backing
of both the
Prime Min-
ister John
Key and
leader of
the opposi-
tion David
the nncs
Phil Mercer
in Sydney
the :,th country to legalize same-sex
marriage. Other countries include the
Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada,
South Africa, Argentina and Uruguay.
French and British lawmakers have
also voted in favor of legislation allow-
ing gay marriage, although the bills
have not yet been passed into law.
No other country in the Asia-Pacif-
ic region allows gay marriage.
Australian members of parliament
overwhelmingly voted against a bill
that would have legalized same-sex
marriages in September.
1iv hymnal from :oo believed to be the rst book
ever printed in what is now the United States is going
up for auction, and it could sell for as much as s,o million.
Only :: copies of the Bay Psalm Book survive in varying
degrees of completeness. Members of Bostons Old South
Church have authorized the sale of one of its two copies at
Sothebys November :o.
Its a spectacular book, arguably one of the most im-
portant books in this nations history, said the Rev. Nancy
Taylor, senior minister and cio of the church, which was
established in :oo. Samuel Adams was a member and
Benjamin Franklin was baptized there.
At one time, the church owned ve copies of the o-by-
,-inch hymnal. One is now at the Library of Congress, an-
other at Yale University and a third at Brown University.
Te book was published in Cambridge, Mass., by the Pu-
ritan leaders of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. It came just
:o years afer the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth. Te hymnal
was supposed to be a faithful translation into English of
the original Hebrew psalmspuritans believed selected
paraphrases would compromise their salvation. Te :,,oo
copies were printed on a press shipped over from London.
A yellowed title page, adorned with decorative ourishes,
reads: Te Whole Booke of Psalmes, Faithfully Translated
into English Metre. At the bottom, it says: Imprinted
Te Bay Psalm Book is an iconic piece. Its the begin-
ning of literate America, said [Mark] Dimunation [chief
of rare books and special collections at the Library of
Congress]. American poetry, American spirituality and
the printed page all kind of combine and nd themselves
located in a single volume.
But theres also something much more modest and hum-
ble about this piece, which makes its survival all the most ex-
traordinary, he said, noting that the hymnals were utilitarian
books that were subjected to a lot of wear and tear.
First Book Printed in U.S. Could Fetch $30 Million
low interest rates, once interest rates
return to normal levels, this doubled
debt will have a decidedly negative
economic impact, as private sector
investment is squeezed.
[T]here are inescapable facts in both
the short- and long-term growth g-
ures.Something is very dierent, and
seemingly very wrong.Tis is clear in
the current post-crisis period, but it
really stretches back much further and
could be far more serious than just a
temporary economic slowdown.
NZ Legalizes
Same-Sex Marriage
BBC | April 17
iw parliament has
legalized same-sex marriage, the
rst country in the Asia-Pacic region
to do so. Lawmakers approved the
bill, amending the :,, marriage act,
despite opposition from Christian
lobby groups. Te bill was passed with
a wide majority, with ,, votes in favor
and against.
Hundreds of jubilant gay-rights ad-
vocates celebrated outside parliament
Are you concerned
about where the current administration is
leading this country? Whether the nation
can survive the next four years?
Its worse than you think, and there is only
one solution to this gigantic problem.
To learn what it is, request a free copy of our eye-
opening new booklet America Under Attack.
APRIL 20, 2013
TALKS from page 1
of the old Holy Roman Empire, so the
same source declares that far from
being part of that entityrevealed
under its present cloak of European
unionBritain and its fellow Israelit-
ish nations are destined to be enslaved
by it.
Following the recent meeting between Angela Merkel
and David Cameron, think tank Stratfor mused that in
the long term, the countries conicting goals for Europe
will cause them to push in opposite directions (April :,).
Tis is simply a situation where east is east and west is
west and never the twain shall meet. Whereas the Holy
Roman approach is universalist and collectivist, the Anglo-
Saxon approach is embedded in the sanctity of national
London wants to restore some power to national gov-
ernments in the European Union. Te British government
believes the European project has moved too far from its
original purpose of creating a European common mar-
ket and is now threatening the sovereignty of its member
states (ibid).
Of course the late Margaret Tatcher saw this coming
decades ago. As the Berlin Wall was breached on Nov. ,
:8, Helmut Kohl, the German chancellor at the time,
recalls her saying: We beat the Germans twice, and now
theyre back. She later declared, in the wake of the forma-
tion of the EU, Well, you have not anchored Germany to
Europe, but Europe to a newly dominant Germany. Tat is
why I call it a German Europe.
Given the current scenario in Europe, only the ignorant
would deny that reality.
One interesting aspect of Stratfors analysis of the
Merkel/Cameron meeting relates to the western democra-
cies of Europe that have a close aliation with Britain
ethnically, politically and culturally, and in particular with
respect to their individual monarchies.
Of these EU member nations, Stratfor observes: Were
the United Kingdom to leave the bloc, other countries
particularly the Nordic countries, which have a close politi-
cal relationship with Londoncould follow (op. cit.).
Tat is a pertinent observation and it is directly in line
with the vision of the EU that Herbert Armstrong held.
As we have pointed out in the past, if the prophecy that the
nations of Israel will be enslaved by this northern power in
the future (Daniel ::) is all-embracingthat is, if it includes
the Israelite nations of northwestern Europe in addition to Ju-
dah and the Anglo-Saxon nationsthen, as Mr. Armstrong
showed, the nal :o nations which dominate Europe must be
drawn from the Gentile nations of east and west Europe!
In a co-worker letter dated Sept. :o, :,, Mr. Arm-
strong stated: [I]nstead of the coming resurrected Holy
Roman Empire including such nations of Israelitish an-
cestry as Holland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden, the :o
nations to compose it may include such nationsnow Rus-
sian satellitesas Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania and
Yugoslavia . It does seem that the nations of Israelitish
ancestry, in western and northwestern Europe, would likely
be excluded from the coming -nation Roman Empire
(emphasis added).
To see an observation from a respected think tank
deduce the prospect that Were the United Kingdom to
leave the bloc, other countriesparticularly the Nordic
countries, which have a close political relationship with
Londoncould follow, is very interesting indeed.
Herbert Armstrong gained this understanding from the
biblically revealed identity of the Israelite nations com-
bined with the prophecies for those nations future in the
days just ahead. Stratfor gained it from a simple under-
standing of geopolitics. As usual, Herbert Armstrong was
way ahead of his time.
As Stratfor concludes, the real point isand its one that
underlines the biblical prophecies for these times por-
trayed by Herbert Armstrongin the long run, the United
Kingdoms and Germanys strategies are irreconcilable. As
a result, London and Berlin will continue pursuing oppos-
ing goals, even if some agreements are reached in the short
term (op. cit.).
Tose opposing goals have a ring of history about them.
Since Count Otto von Bismarck accomplished the unica-
tion of Germany in :8,:, those opposing goals have led to
one inevitable resultWAR!
To hide ones head in the sand, as do most foreign-policy
exponents, and deny that this will be yet again the inevi-
table result of the irreconcilable strategies of London and
Berlin, is simply a major denial of reality.
I rst heard Herbert Armstrong prophesy this result
over ,o years ago. I heard our editor in chief reiterate it :,
years ago. For half a century I have studied this phenom-
enon and written multiple thousands of words reporting on
the trend. My bookshelves are replete with the very best of
published analyses on the phenomenon. Now it is becom-
ing a reality, day by day. Yet still its hard to break through
the blinding stupor which seems to prevent the masses, and
in particular the leaders of the masses, from seeing it.
I simply have no truck with those who are willingly
ignorant of the obvious, and continue to state a contrary
case based on an overwhelming absence of knowledge on
the subject.
Te sad fact is that most will feel its terrible eects before
their blindness is removedthe eects of the rule of an en-
slaving tyrant, one more time, before a merciful God inter-
venes to cut short those inevitable eects (Matthew ::::).
Ten will follow a miraculous time. A time when the
nations of Israel will be joined in peace by their old and an-
cient enemiesenemies that enslaved them both in ancient
times and modernold Assyria in its modern garb as the
German peoples, and Israels ancient nemesis, Egypt. Any
previous irreconcilable dierences will simply be elimi-
nated! (Isaiah :::,-:,).
What a time that shall be!
To learn more about the prophecies of that great time of
coming universal peace, read our booklet Te Wonderful
World TomorrowWhat It Will Be Like.
Follow Ron Fraser: Twitter