Admission Regulations
Admission Regulations
Admission Regulations
., .
Admission in MBBSI BDS Courses
and Conditions for House J ob/
Internship/ Foundation Year
Pakistan Medical & Dental Council
Whereas it is expedient to lay down the conditions for admission in the
MBBS and BDS course and rules for house job in order to ensure uniform
standard of medical and Dental Education in the Country. Hence, in exercise of
thepowers conferred under sub-section (b) of Section 37of the Medical & Dental
Council (Amendment) Act. 2012, by amending sub-section (2) of Section 33 of
the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council Ordinance, 1962(XXXII of 1962), the
approved regulations areas under namely:-
I. Short title and commencement:- (l)These regulations may be called the
"Admission in MBBS and BDS Course and House job! Internship! Foundation
Year Regulations - 2013".
(2)They shall come into forcefor admissions from2013 and onwards.
(3) These regulations shall extend to all medical and dental colleges inthe Country
recognised under the PM&DC ordinance 1962 and all admissions into their
MBBSIBDS courses shall begoverned bythese regulations.
2. Number of Annual Admissions in MBBSIBDS: The number of annual
Council after evaluation of infrastructure and the teaching facilities. The
annual admissions in the institutions shall be strictly as per allocation of
seats by the Council. All quotas/ special seats shall be adjusted within the
approved annual number of seats by the Council for the institution. The
total annual admissions inanMBBS course shall not exceed 350 inapublic
sector medical institution and 150 in a private sector medical institution.
The total annual admissions in the BDS course shall not exceed 100 in a
public sector dental institution and 80 in a private sector dental institution
which are stand alone and 75 BDS in a dental college with a medical
college. These ceilings are applicable even when the facilities in the
institution are more than that required by the PM&DC as per its criteria for
recognition of institutions. In case of any over admission and violation of
annual seat allocation done by the Council, penal action shall be initiated
by the Council against the admitting authorities which may include
derecognition of the college, stopping next year admission or reduction in
next year admission. A repeat offender college will be de-recognized and
legal recourse shall betaken against the admitting authorities.
Rules of the Central Entry Test (1) An entry test shall be mandatory for
admission in MBBS/BDS course in Pakistan and shall betaken of only the
eligible candidates. The eligibility criteria of the candidates to sit in the
entry is given inthese regulations.
(2) The provincial Governments shall make arrangements for holding a
central entry test for admission in MBBS/BDS for both private and public
institution in their respective provinces in order to determine the order of
merit and no admission shall be given to the resident of that Province
without it unless specified below. The Provincial Governments shall by
notification constitute the Central admission authority for admission to the
provincial! NTS authorities. The entry test of oneprovincial authority/ NTS
shall be acceptable for admission in other provinces in private colleges and
public colleges in territories not conducting their own entry tests. The
Provincial Central Entry/ NTS test shall be held as soon as possible after
declaration ofF.Sc. result by the Higher Secondary Education! Intermediate
Boards. The Provincial authority/ NTS shall complete all formalities,
including holding of the entry test and declaration orits result for admission
of public medical and dental colleges before 31
October each year or
within four weeks of declaration of the result of F.Sc. by the Higher
Secondary Education! Intermediate Boards whichever is earlier so that the
fmal merit list of public colleges reaches PM&DC before 31st October. The
Provincial Central admission authority/ NTS shall form the fmal merit for
admission in medical and dental colleges by after giving due weightage to
Matric/ equivalent, F.Sc. Intermediate/ HSSC equivalent and the entry test
marks as given inthese regulations.
(3) Private medical and dental institutions in all provinces shall
advertise for admission of students only after the determination of final
order of merit by the respective provincial testing! admission authorities or
31st October whichever isearlier. They will not conduct their own entry test
and shall form fmal merit by utilizing the Provincial! Government! NTS
test result in their province! territory, however they may conduct the
aptitude test and interview asper theserules.
(4) For admissions in medical and dental institutions located in the
Islamabad Capital Territory, acentral entry test shall be held by the Federal
Government under the arrangements ofNTS.
(5) All admissions for both public and privilte collegesi- shall be
completed by 30
November each year and lists of admitted students shall
be submitted to PM&DC for their registration by PM&DC. Students
admitted after duedate shall not beregistered by PM&DC.
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(6) Entry test conducted by the Government anywhere through NTS in
special cases wilI beacceptable country wide.
(7) The Entry test shall be valid for only that year in the public and
private colleges. SAT and MCAT scores can beutilized within two years.
(8) The pattern of thetest paper of theentry test shall bedetermined and
announced by the Provincial Central Admission Authority/ NTS. There
shall not be any pass marks for the entry test and all marks obtained shall
The admitting authority shall determine the order of merit while
allocating the following weightage to thefollowing marks
Matriclequivalent 10%
PakistanF.Sc.l HSSC/ Intermediate(Pre-medical)/ equivalent- 40%
EntryTest 50%
The admitting authority may allow an institutional aptitude test!
interview by the college which can have a maximum weightage of 25%
from the total value of weightage of the entry test weightage e.g. out of
50% entry test overall weightage 75% is of the entry test and 25% to the
aptitude test! interview.
4. All quotas areto beadjusted within the seat allocations done by the Council
for that institution. Any over admission or violation of this rule shall result
inpenal action against the admitting authorities and over-admitted students
will not be accepted or registered by theCouncil.
5. MinimumAcademicRequirements for Admissioninthe MBBSIBDSCourse:
(1) For admission on merit seats in public colleges:
The candidate who has passed the (F.Sc.) Intermediate Science IHSSC
Examination (Pre-Medical Group) securing at least 60~ marks in
aggregate, unadjusted, from a Board of Higher Secondary Education!
Intermediate/ F.Sc. in Pakistan shall beeligible to take the entry test for
admission in MBBSIBDS. The candidates who are yet to pass any or
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both years of the (F.Sc.) Intermediate Science/ HSSe Examination
(pre-Medical Group) arenot eligible for the entry test.
The candidate who has passed an examination equivalent to (F.Sc.)
Intermediate Science/ HSSe Examination level of Pakistan from a
foreign university or examining body or foreign education system with
three subjects out of which Biology and Chemistry are essential subjects
with 60% marks in aggregate as certified by IDee to be equivalent to
(F.Sc.) The equivalence by IDee in the above terms shall be accepted
in aggregate and the candidate shall be eligible to take the entry test for
admission in the MBBSIBDS course with any study group whichever
theIDee may write.
The candidate who has passed an examination higher than the F.Sc./
HSSe/ intermediate of aPakistani University with Biological Sciences
provided he/she has passed the Intermediate Science (F.Sc.
Examination) (pre-medical Group) where securing at least 60% marks
in aggregate, unadjusted, from a Pakistani University or an equivalent
examination of aBoard of intermediate! higher Secondary Education in
Pakistan and he shall be eligible to take the entry test for admission in
(2) Admission on Merit Seats! Pakistani Seats in Private Colleges and
Foreign Seats/ Self Finance Seats inPublic and Private Colleges:
a. Admission in a private college and in a public medical or dental
college on reserved seats! self fmance! special seats/ quota seats
shall given only to a candidate who has passed an examination
equivalent to intermediate level of Pakistan fromaforeign university
or examining body or foreign education system with three subjects
marks in aggregate as certified by IBCC to be equivalent to F.Sc.l
HSSC/ intermediate. The equivalence by IBCC in the above terms
shall be accepted in aggregate and the candidate shall be eligible for
admission in the MBBS/BDS course with any study group
whichever the IBCC may write.
The candidate shall have to appear in the provincial entry test or in
lieu of the entry test of the admission authority, the candidates is
required to have passed SAT II examination score with minimum
550 marks in each of the three subjects of which two have to be
Biology and Chemistry or MCAT with minimum aggregate score of
24. The candidate is required to present avalid TOEFL or IELT with
aminimum score of 500 or 5.5 only if the medium of instruction of
study two years prior to application for admission!entry test is not
English. An alternate to TOEFL and IELT is a certification by
NUML Islamabad after aoneyear English language course.
b. No admission shall be given in MBBS/BDS course on the foreign
admission! self finance seats or any other such Government or
private scheme, without an entry test or the requisite SAT II
examination score with minimum 550 marks in each of the three
subjects of which two haveto be Biology and Chemistry or MCAT
with minimum aggregate score of 24 and other conditions laid down
in5(2)a above.
c. Upto 15% of seats in college shall be allowed to be foreign
admission! self finance. The foreign admission shall befilled only by
person who meet the Council criteria for admission on such seats. If
foreign admission! self fmance seats are left vacant in any college, a
local student can be admitted on such seat subject to fulfillment of
Eligibility Criteria for Admission on Foreign! Overseas Seats:
A. The principle is to encourage foreign students and ex-pats to explore
and come for their medical and dental education to Pakistan which
offers a wide range of exposure to medical issues and a very cost
effective and time effective completion of medical and dental education.
Countries like India and Far East are rapidly offering facilitation to
students who wish to explore the possibility, a huge Diaspora of
Pakistani origin overseas families wish for their children to get this
education in Pakistan but are forced to look elsewhere because of
various hurdles and restrictions in our system. This deprives the
students the opportunity of pursuing their profession of choice and the
foreign remittance that is so dearly needed to boost our economy. One
classical example is the rigid stance of the IBCC for various subjects
and undue underscoring of individuals coming fromabroad.
B. There are well reputed and well established international examinations
which test the competency of students and are use world over to
determine eligibility for admission to university programs, including
medicine and dentistry. These examinations are significantly superior to
many of our local systems and are much more discriminatory in
identifying high performing students.
Based onthe above points following eligibility criteria arelaid down:
I. All students applying on foreign students quota will be eligible to sit in
the entry test for medical and dental seats if they have any of the
following prerequisites.
a. A SAT-II score of equal or more than 550 in three subjects two of
which should be biology and chemistry, the third may be a science
or of ahumanities subject.
b. A score of greater or equal to 24inthe MCA T exam.
c. IBCC equivalence certificate with ascore of equal to or greater than
2. Such students will sit inan entrance test offered by the institution based
on institutional practice and priorities (these might be composed of
various science subjects, English language and aptitude).
3. The institutes will utilize the scores in the test and the eligibility exams
scores as per their policies to determine the merit order so that the most
deserving candidates areselected.
This option will not be available to students who have completed their
education within Pakistani systems within Pakistan or overseas, who will need to
present their intermediate scores or IDCC equivalence certificate.
d. The following categories of students shall be eligible for admission
on the foreign admissions/ self fmance seats if they fulfill the
following conditions.
\. Pakistani national student who has passed an examination equivalent
to intermediate level of Pakistan from a foreign university or
examining body or foreign education system with three subjects out
of which Biology and Chemistry are essential subjects shall be
eligible to appear in the entry test for admission in MBBS/ BDS. If
they have any of the following:
a. A SAT-II score of equal or more than 550 in three subjects two
of which should be Biology and Chemistry, the third may be a
science or of ahumanities subject. 0
b .
c. IBCC equivalence certificate with ascore of equal to or greater
than 60%
The candidate may also appear intheprovincial entry test.
The candidate is required to present a valid TOEFL or IELT with a
minimum score of 500 or 5.5 only if the medium of instruction of study two years
prior to application for admission! entry test is not English. An alternate to TOEFL
and IELT is acertification by NUML Islamabad after aone year English language
ii. Foreigners and Pakistanis having dual nationalityl resident status of a
foreign country shall be eligible for foreign admissions irrespective
of the place of their premedical study, Pakistan or abroad. The
candidate is required to have passed F.ScJ HSSCI Intermediate from
aPakistan Board or an examination equivalent to intermediate level
of Pakistan after study abroad froma foreign education system with
three subjects out of which Biology and Chemistry are essential
They are eligible to appear in the entry test for admission in
MBBSIBDS. If they have any of the following:
a. A SAT-II score of equal or more than 550 in three subjects two
of which should be Biology and Chemistry, the third may be a
science or of ahumanities subject.
b. A score of greater or equal to 24inthe MCAT exam.
c. IBCC equivalence certificate with a score of equal to or greater
than 60% _
two have to be Biology and Chemistry or MCAT with minimum aggregate score
3' Professional
4 Professional
5 Professional
The candidate is required to present valid TOEFL or IELTS with a
minimum score of 500 or 5.5 only if the medium of instruction of study two years
prior to application for admission entry test is not English. An alternate to TaFEL
and IELTS is a certification by NUML Islamabad after a one year English
language course.
Pakistani students who studied abroad for and have passed premedical
F.Sc.l HSSC/ Intermediate with more than 60% marks fromPakistani Boards from
abroad shall have regulation 5(2)(a) as the avenue for admission in medical and
dental colleges inPakistan.
6. Due to the particular nature and demands of the profession, a candidate
seeking admission should possess adequate mental and physical health to
be able to obtain medical or dental education as prescribed and sustain its
rigors and should be able to practice medicine or dentistry after he/ she has
qualified andregistered asmedical or dental practitioner.
7. There shall beno minimum or maximum age limit for admission inMBBS/
BDS course.
8. Verified Hafiz-e-Quran shall get credit, according to the government
admission policy.
9. TheScheme of the MBBS/ BDS Program and approved as under:
1 1 Professional MBBSPart-I examination Annual Examination
isreplacedby 1"Prof. shall beconductedbythe
Semester 1&2 res ectiveUniversi
2 2
Professional MBBSPart-II do
I (final Professional)
Ist Professional
Annual Examination
shall beconductedbythe
2 2
Professional do
3 3'" Professional - do
4 4'" Professional
The Executive Committeel Council also decided that as under:
"Any student who fails to clear first Professional in four chances availed or
un-availed and has been expelled on that account shall not be eligible for
continuation of medical/ dental studies of the MBBS or BDS and shall not be
eligible for fresh admission as afresh candidate ineither MBBS or BDS.
Any student who fails to clear 2
Professional in four chances availed or
un-availed and has been expelled on that account shall not be eligible for
continuation of medical studies of the MBBS and shall not be eligible for fresh
admission as afresh candidate ineither MBBS or BDS".
A student who has availed the chances to clear the First Professional
examination or part thereof in four chances availed or un-availed and has been
expelled on that account shall not be eligible for continuation of medical/ dental
.studies of the MBBS or BDS course and shall not be eligible for fresh admission
asafreshcandidate in either MBBS or BDS.
10. Fee and Refund of Fee (i) The fee shall be charged annually on year to
year basis only and at the beginning of each year. There shall be no extra
tuition fee for supplementary examination and students repeating the year
shall be charged 25% less for one year only and after that full yearly fee
shall becharged.
ii. No medical
hostel fee, transport fee and the one time admission fee which shall
not bemore than Rupees Fifty Thousand only. Copies of all receipts
shall besubmitted to PM&DC.
111. The fee for foreign admission in private or public colleges can beon
foreign currency and shall not exceed more than eighteen thousand
dollars per annum all inclusive and not even one dollar over this will
becharged onany pretext.
iv. If the student wishes to leave the institution before the session or
within two weeks after thecommencement of classes then there shall
be a 100% refund of all deposit fee except for the one time
admission fee. If the student wishes to leave the institution within
one month of joining or commencement of classes, there shall be
50%refund of all deposited feeand if the student wishes to leave the
institution after one month of commencement of classes then there
shall beno refund. (These arealso criteria of HEC).
v. Any other monetary demand or any other charge/donation on any
pretext other than the annual fee as laid down in these regulations or
any other non compliance of these regulations if reported shall be
construed a major violation and shall make the institution liable for
action under section 22of thePM&DC Ordinance,1962.
II. In strict compliance with the regulations regarding registration of medical
and dental students published in the official gazette vide PART-IX of
S.R.O-07(KE)/2009, Pakistan Registration of Medical and Dental
Practitioners Regulations 2008, all medical and dental students shall be
registered with PM&DC and students who are not registered with PM&DC
.shall not beconsidered medical or dental students.
12. Inlieuof dropout students/ vacant seats inthe first two years, the institution
may admit students in subsequent admission so as to maintain total
that should not be more than 10%of allocated seats per year. The failures/
detained students shall be counted in the strength of the class in this
connection. A dropout student will be a registered student of the college,
admitted after due process and all dropped out students shall bereported to
theCouncil with evidence. The expelled number of students after failure to
succeed in four attempts inthe 1
Year and 2
Year Examination in lieu of
dropout students/ vacant seats in the fIrst two years, the institution may
admit students in subsequent admission so as to maintain total admission
strength allowed to theinstitution inthe fIrst two years only and that should
not be more than 10% of allocated seats per year, Details of all
failures/detained students and dropout students shall be submitted to the
PM&DC office, Once the PM&DC office gives permission and defInes the
number of admission which can be done in lieu of dropouts/ vacant seats
after study of record and upon satisfaction that vacancies existed as per seat
allocation after deduction of retained students, only then new students can
beadmitted till 30
J anuary each year and PM&DC office shall register the
new students. New students admitted without permission or over and above
total allowed strength of fIrst two years shall not be registered by the
PM&DC. A fInal report shall then be placed before the Executive
Committee for information".
EXllmple:- if a college is allowed admission of one hundred seats annually but only 80
students remain including detained/failure. only then the college can admit 10% of the
total allocated number of seats, Vacancies in the third year cannot be filled in a new
admission ".
Study Gap:
13. That .a period of fIve (05) years would be permitted for continuation of
MEBS/ BDS classes after discontinuation of studies by any students for
any reason. The validity for any examination at international level is three
years he I she has to re-take the last professional examination. However,
during the absence of three years hel she has to fulfill the requirements of
training of that year inwhich hel sheleft the class.
The Council also modified the earlier decision of the Council "to the extent
of fmal year drop-out only, irrespective of time and subjects failed in,
provided such person repeat the entire final year class with a minimum of
ninety percent attendance".
14. All rules regarding House job gazatted in the Pakistan Registration of
Medical and Dental Practitioners Regulations 2008 shall continue to apply.
IS. A house job is compulsory for full registration with Pakistan Medical and
Dental Council. Only provisionally registered Doctors shall be eligible for
housejob and house job can only commence after provisional registration.
Any internship done prior to the provisional registration shall not be
acceptable ashousejob towards attainment of full registration .
.16. House job Training shall be carried out in a hospital recognized by the
Pakistan Medical & Dental Council for thehousejob.
17. The institution providing the house job shall ensure that the candidate
possesses avalid PM&DC Provisional registration for house job when the
housejob training slot isbeing awarded.
18. For full registration as a medical practitioner, the house job /Foundation
year shall have following criteria:
For full Registration the medical practitioner shall have the
following modules asshown inthetwo modules;
Modules of Medicine and AUied --------"-- six months
Modules of Surgery andAllied ----------- six months
Each module has to be completed separately, and should be in the
same hospital or some other institution provided that is recognized by the
Regarding the breakup of the modules there is confusion as nothing
is mentioned about other specialties in both the modules (Medical and
allied, Surgical and allied), the break shall be left for the candidate choice
andthe concerned department related withthe said modules.
It was informed that the breakup of the columns of the house job
modules can be deleted and be replaced by the above mentioned
BLS course shall be mandatory during house job if not done during
fmal year.
Assessment exam after completion of house job is also a
requirement to be fulfilled by the institution and the completion certificate
shall beissued tothe doctor after fulfillment of these requirements.
19. House job from Abroad. House J ob from abroad in all the teaching
hospitals affiliated with accredited medical or dental schools recognized for
house job by the Medical Regulatory Authority of that country will be
accepted by PM&DC. House job certificate issued in this regard by such
hospitals and verified by the respective Medical Regulatory Authority of
thecountry will beaccepted by PM&DC.
20. Provisional registration certificate shall be issued for one year and may not
be extended further without a valid reason. Provisional registration shall
only beextended till completion of housejob upto maximum of three years
fromthe dateof passing final year MBBS examination.
21; Foreign medical or dental graduates, after passing registration examination
of National Examination Board of PM&DC shall be registered
provisionally for house job purposes after the Federal
Government and will be required to complete one year mandatory house
job fromthe dateof issue of thePM&DC provisional registration.
22. All Public and Private Institutions will be responsible to provide a paid
house job to their graduates and any graduate of any other college doing
housejob/ foundation year inthe institution. Honorary housejobs in special
circumstances will also beallowed inapproved public sector hospitals if an
applicant and ahospital so desires.
23. Foreign medical or dental graduates, registered as equivalent to LSMF or
LDS after passing registration examination of National Examination Board
of PM&DC shall not be awarded apaid house job, however, they may be
allowed honorary observer ship for three years in an approved hospital ona
request endorsed by thePM&DC office. After completion of this three year
observership/ internship, the LSMF or LDS shall be converted into full
registration equivalent to MBBS or BDS as the case may be.
24. All earlier regulations onthesubject arerepealed.
25. 2003 MBBS/ BDS Regulations are hereby repealed to the extent of
conditions for admission in MBBS and BDS Course and conditions for
house job and all previous decisions of the Council on these subjects in
these regulations no longer hold field.
26. Except for the cohort group of Universities permitted specifically to carry
out! have semester/ modular system of examination and curriculum
delivery, the 2003 MBBS/ BDS Regulations to the extent of MBBS/
BDS examination regulations! rules will continue to hold field for all
27. All orders made, proceedings taken and acts done under the repealed
regulations, orders and decisions shall deemto be and always to have been
validly made or done.
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~Rakistan '
Med ieal i& o r X er l t:al Co u n e l l
, i~i?afu ~bad ' '
TO'prescribe aUniformrnininiums~4,8!;da f ~aur" ses af training far abtaining
TO'pres~be mini1IlU!'ti'*f!Wrem811tS f4rthe content,and duration of courses of
studies fOTdegreeafM-B.,B.S. ,,' " . . . . .
TO'prescribe conditiOnfor admission ~o CouTsesof training fa', the degree of
M.B.,B.S ..
IslamabadMay, 2003,
In exercise of the powers refertedta above these RegUlatiollShave been framed
for regy.1atingthe Medical Education in'~~.Th.~~ Regulations are to' be fallowed
by all theMedical Calleges andUDiv~i\i:F~:with avlew to'attaining thebaSic
minimUmstandard.p'rescribedby theC~~a~~~egu1ations were appraved by the
Cauncil in its (99~ Sessian held0'1129111;& 30t~pri1,2003.. . .
The .Pakistan Medical &,Dental. Counoilis a body canstituted by the Federal
Gavernment under' the Pakistan Medical; & Dental Caunoil' Ordinance, 1962, The
Medical Education in Pakistan is oontrolledp y tlie
Coun~il. One of the main functians af
the Council is to lay down the minimumstancWd of baSic andhigher qualificatians in
Medicine &Dentistiy. The Coimcil under sub-$eotion (1). of Sectian 33 af the said
ardinance has been conferredwith th'epowerst9 fr\ttileR~gulatians;
. .
. '
Evaluation is an essential part of lheeducationpro~s, !hUeshould be regular internal
evaluations, The students'should be evaJ uateinn'8ll3 domairis - cognitive, atI ecrlve and
psychomotor, The principles of internal evaluations should be uniformly applied by all
medical colleges, ' '
The purpose of evaluation should be:
J , To give feed back to the studenis about their undemanding of the coune material.
,This purpose can be achieved by regular internal evaluation of each a.ssignmeot or
2: To certify that the students have successfully completed the training and havc
achieved the objectives of the educational programme,
3, To detennine the success of the teaching programme.
4, To motivate ,and'encourage students to c\ir,ecttheir own learning.
I n order to achieve the objectives it is mandatory to adopt the following processes:
I , Continuous internal assessment consists, o,f appropriate evaluation at the 'end of
each' assignment, term, stage or COUI ll" of the curriculum.' Proper records of
internal evaluations should be maintained, and the scores obtained in these tests
should conlzibute 10% the final total score of. the candidates, Final university
examinations of each subject should",contribute 90% to the tota! score, and the
students should secure passing marksoli the aggregate of the total marks. '
2, Whatever may be the system~'of c!il&.tk418t:foraU examinations throughout the
medical' course the,percent3:ge;ofpass:nilirks in each subject should not be less
than 56 - i.e, 50% in th.eoryand 5()~it!:,p~etical,
3, The first professional exaaiiDlitlon:)liiiiil~~bedivided into 'two parts, oacp to be
conducted by the university~Ariy:st~d~G'who fails to pass the first professional
MBBS Part-l and part.n exainiilation~in'~three 'chances or does', not' avail the
ch.ances'despite beilig e1igibie:forf~{~x~ation' shall cease to pursue further
medical education in Pakistiii: ' ,'- .,- , "
4, No students can be promoted to the higher, classes unI ess'he passes all the subjects
of the previous classes, ,,:,,': :'~,
5, No sludent should be eligible fO,r~a',university examination without having
a~ended 75% of the lectureS, 'demoilstrations, tutorials, and practical or clinic'al
work both in'patients and out-patients. ~\(,al& () .
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No student shall be promoted to the 3'd year of MBBS class without passing the
First Professional MBB~ Part. I arid Pilrt-2 university examination in Anatomy,
Physiology and Biochemistry.
,No grace mark allowed in aily examination. "
There should be nomore than two professional university examinations in a year.
The performance of candidates in all ;evaluations and examinations should be
.carefully, supervised.,' . '" .
Maximuin number of eligible' ~eI S from amongst the teachers' may be
, involved in 'the internal evaluation oxaininations, "
Written examinations should conSist of MCQs, short structured essays, extended
essays etc, . .
Clinical and'llractical el(aminations shQuld include standardized multiple station
examinations wheneverapprefpri: . ' ..
1'l:\e :liilal MBBS examltJ imcln'~ Med~ln~. Sutgery, Obstetric & Gynaecology,
Paediatrics, Ophthalmology and l:tNTSl1oWd notbe further sub-divided, .
The clinical, eJ tarnjn8iib,nln ~bjs#~, Obstetric and Gynaecology,
PaediatriCs, Ophthalmology ~dMi'shOtiliI 'be held in adequately equipped
hospitals. . . .: . .
I n all pr,ofess" ,lOnai ex,ilmI I I a, ',tions,' , ~ _ i ~ t Pm, . ,.',e, should be assigne~ to p~actical
work to test the thOI O~ Of~ "'s,]mowledge and practical skills.
At leaSt lI lree acade.rnic tellrs'sh.\l, , a ', :~~lietwee:n the date.s of passing the
fll'S'! Wo(eS~C?~~aI I I in~~n~~o:fit!Mpr9~ional examination., ' .
The final profesSI onal a .~ ,'is ntrt'to betaken before the' close of the fifth
, academic year of medicaHiudenlll.' " . .
External examinersshoilld' alway~ be lissGcialed with local or internal examiners
for )titten, orlil and practiCal paris!of uhiyersity examinations.
Examiners for all subjects shouldpe aJ ipointed from amoijgst the approved list of
, examiners of the CouncI l. The' nUI liber of external 'examiners and internal
examiners shall be equal. ExtemJ J exillriiners should not be appointed for more
than three eonsecutive years. The number of internal and external examiners
should at least for a group 6 f 100(One Hundred) students,
.. '. -j
The intemalexaminer for vm; subject should be Professor and Head of
Department who have b~n inv6 lved j~ leaehjng of the class being examined for
at least six months and have. lI eliY :tied 50% of the. total lectures. Second
preference is Associate ProressCi,r/As8istant Professor who is involved 'in teaching
of the class and posted there ,filr OI le!year. Tbir<! preference is a recognized
professor of the subject, ExW*al. ~er should also be a: Professor or
Associate ~fessor of a I tC'O~ed! ~ F. :college or al least an Assistant
Professor.Wlth three ,~earr.teaehlptell!!e#ence m th~relevant subject. . .
Preparatory leave should not exceed' one month m the first, seeond and third
professional examina~on. '
The gap between t\'(o consecutive,papers should not be more ,than two,days.
The' result of each examination should be declared within one month of the last examination.' "
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