Interactive Media Assign 2 - Superstar 1

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Leader: Teh Hooi Lene
Chan Sin Yee 0314135
Ho Jing Shing 0314357
Hau Siew Ting
Lim Le Xuan 0314540
Grou name:
Article 1
Find out whats
Summary of the

Co!our "hou!d #e one o$ %our &r"' (on(ern" when i' (ome"

'ime 'o "'ar' %our we# "i'e de"ign

Curren'!% we# #row"er" on!% "hare 21) (ommon (o!our"*

+hen de"igning ,e% e!emen'" in %our we# "i'e %ou "hou!d
"'a% wi'hin 'he 21)-(o!or a!!e'*

Shou!d a!wa%" u"e a #row"er "a$e (o!our when u"ing "o!id

(o!our a" a de"ign e!emen'*

.ed wi!! ma,e" eo!e #e(ome 'ired and $a'igued / 0"ing

%e!!ow (o!our" $or #anner" and ad1er'i"emen'" wi!! re(ei1e
more a''en'ion $rom 'he 1iewer2" e%e*

3o no' ma,e !arge ar'" o$ %our we# "i'e wi'h #righ'

We agree with the articles content.
Colour can control

or afect the look and
feel of the web site.
he importance of colour when
designing a website
Co!our dee!% in4uen(e" 'he o1era!! !oo, and $ee! o$ a
we#"i'e and (an $orm 'he &r"' imre""ion a#ou' a
(oman% $or 1i"i'or"*5 3anie!a 6a,er7 20118
Co!our" (an #e in1e"'iga'ed $ur'her and he! we#
de"igner" 'o ro(e"" 'heir de"ign" in more de'h 'o
a(hie1e 'he de"ired re"u!'"*
The righ' (o!our" wi!! he! we# de"igner" ro1ide
u"er" wi'h (er'ain emo'iona! ima('"*
Co!our" no' on!% ha1e an ima(' on or 1ie"7 'he%
a!"o ro1ide o'her "'ronger "'imu!a'ion"*
Co!our" (an a:e(' 'he reader"; mood" and ro1ide
Co!our i" u"ed 'o ge' %our #u"ine"" no'i(ed and
o"i'i1e!% (onne(' o'en'ia! (!ien'"* 5<m#er Tri7
!ow colour afect a
1.Web#safe colour
+e# Sa$e (o!our"7 a!"o
,nown a" #row"er "a$e
(o!our"7 were
in'rodu(ed man% %ear"
ago7 when 'he we#
wa" in i'" in$an(%* <nd
de"i'e 'he ad1an(e"
in grahi(" (ard"7
moni'or" and
#row"er"7 %ou (an "'i!!
&nd 'he we# "a$e
a!e''e in man%
grahi(" rogram"*
(Sabrina H. DeLay,2014)
$sing a Web Safe colour% should produce a cleaner
image like the one shown on the right.

=>$ %our we# "i'e ha" a "o!id (o!ored #a(,ground7 ma,e i' a +e#
Sa$e (o!our* Tha'2" %our guaran'ee 'he (o!our wi!! no'
em#arra"" %ou when i' di"!a%" on 'he o'her (omu'er
!a'$orm"*?5Gar% +* @rie"'er7 20138 *

+e# "a$e (o!our i" e"e(ia!!% he!$u! when we wan' 'o &!! ar'
wi'h 4a' or "o!id (o!our* Logo"7 (ar'oon"7 and drawing" (an #e
"u"(e'i#!e 'o ug!% di'hering when 'he #row"er-"a$e a!e''e i"
no' u"ed 5<#igai! .udner7 20038*
!ow colour afect a

(rea'e" !o'" o$ new 'ran"i'iona! iAe!"7 (rea'e" a !arger &!e "iBe*

+e "hou!d u"e di'hering i$ 'he image (on'ain" a 'ran"i'ion

#e'ween (o!our" a"
"hown here*
he e(ample on top with no dithering shows banding.
he )le si*e is &.&+. Adding dithering as seen on the
bottom image% smooths the transition.
,. -right Colour

3o no' ma,e !arge ar'" o$ %our we# "i'e wi'h #righ'

(o!our* Cn!% u"e 'hem in area" where %ou wan' 'he
1i"i'or 'o $o(u" on*

>' migh' ge' %our 1i"i'or" a''en'ion #u' 'he% wi!!

ei'her (on"(iou"!% or "u#(on"(iou"!% no'i(e 'heir
e%e" ge''ing $a'igued*

Thi" wi!! ma,e 'hem no' wan' 'o !oo, a' %our we#
"i'e $or !ong eriod" o$ 'ime*

Ye!!ow7 ure #righ' !emon %e!!ow i" 'he mo"' $a'iguing

(o!our* The an"wer (ome" $rom 'he h%"i(" o$ !igh'
and o'i("* Dore !igh' i" re4e('ed #% #righ' (o!our"7
re"u!'ing in eA(e""i1e "'imu!a'ion o$ 'he e%e"*
There$ore7 %e!!ow i" an e%e irri'an'* Eor #e"' re"u!'"7
u"e "o$'er 'in'" o$ 'he hue or "ma!! Fuan'i'ie"*
.. -right Colour #

Good we#"i'e: h'':GGdanHoede"ign*(omG

(!yagga", #. 2014)
(!ag, 2002)
6ad we#"i'e: h'':GGwww*(o!ouriAe!*(omG
( Pe$ %ui&'er(i&) 2003)
6ad we#"i'e:

.ed ha" #een "hown 'o in(rea"e #!ood re""ure

and hear' ra'e* >' in(rea"e" ae'i'e7
re"'!e""ne"" and ner1ou" 'en"ion* Crea'ing a
"i'e wi'h #righ' red i" a 1er% oor ideaI

6righ' red ha" 'he !onge"' wa1e!eng'h* +hen

1iewing 'he"e (o!our" 'he human !en" ha" 'o
adHu"' 'o $o(u"7 and i' 'rie" 'o $o(u" on #o'h*
Thi" 'ire" 'he e%e" 1er% Fui(,!% and wi!! gi1e
'he 1iewer a heada(he*
5* 6righ' (o!our -
1* Da,e "ure 'he image #e!ow &!!" %our (omu'er "(reen*
2* Loo, a' 'he image a' a di"'an(e o$ 12 in(he" or 30 (en'ime're"
$rom 'he "(reen*
3* S'are a' 'he #!a(, do' in 'he midd!e o$ 'he red re('ang!e $or 30
"e(ond"* Jee %our $o(u" on 'he #!a(, do' or 'he 'e"' wi!! no' wor,*
4* <$'er 30 "e(ond"7 "hi$' %our $o(u" 'o 'he #!a(, do' in 'he midd!e
o$ 'he whi'e
re('ang!e* Cn(e again7 %ou mu"' $o(u" on 'he #!a(, do' in 'he
midd!e o$ 'he whi'e
"Fuare or 'hi" wi!! no' wor,*
3id %ou "ee redK @ro#a#!% no'* +ha'
did %ou "eeK
Article &
'ont bore your

< we# "i'e de"ign "hou!d no' #e 'oo (on$u"ing nor "hou!d i' #e 'oo

+hen !oo,ing a' < and 67 %ou "ee 'wo o#He('" 'ha' !oo, !i,e a
(ir(!e and a "Fuare*

+e "ee 'he"e o#He(' #e(au"e human" !i,e 'o re!a'e*

+e ha1e 'he a#i!i'% 'o (rea'e wha' i" no' 'here in order $or u" 'o
re(ogniBe an o#He('*

+e !i,e 'o u"e 'he a#i!i'% 'oo - u"e our mind 'o ma,e (onne('ion"*

+hen !oo,ing a' C %ou "hou!d "ee 'wo 'hing"* The &r"' 'hing %ou
"ee are $our grou" o$ 'wo 1er'i(a! !ine" #e(au"e human" !i,e 'o
grou o#He('" 'oge'her* The "e(ond 'hing %ou "hou!d "ee i" a
(ir(!e #e(au"e human" !i,e 'o re!a'e*

Two idea" 'o ,ee in mind when de"igning a we# "i'e are human"
!i,e 'o re!a'e and human" !i,e 'o grou o#He('" 'oge'her*
Summary of the

+e agree wi'h 'he ar'i(!e* >' men'ioned 'ha'

human" !i,e 'o re!a'e* >';" !i,e 'he we#"i'e;"
i('ure" i" re!a'ed wi'h 'he 'oi( whi(h wi!! earn
more a''ra('ion $rom 1i"i'or 'o a we#"i'e* <nd
grou o#He('" 'oge'her* Eor eAam!e7 Johnn% 3e
and 6rad @i'' are under a('or (a'egor% whi!e Ju"'in
6ie#er and Li(,i DinaH are under "inger (a'egor%*
>';" mean 'ha' "ame 'hing" u' 'o in"ide a "ame
(a'egor%* So 'ha' 1i"i'or wi!! ha1e 'he (!ear
(Jenny, 2011)
(FeaturePics, 2014)

Mi"i'or" need 1er% (!ear and rein$or(ing guidan(e 'o ge'

'hem 'o do wha' %ou wan'*

You need 'o guide 'hem in 'he "ame wa% 'hrough %our age
'o (om!e'e 'he de"ired a('ion* Ju"' !i,e an au'hor who 'e!!"
hi" "'or% in a "eFuen(e o$ ordered (ha'er"7 %ou wan' 'o 'e!!
'he "'or% o$ %our rodu(' or "er1i(e o:ering" in a re-
de'ermined order o$ we# age e!emen'"*

High (on1er'ing !anding age" u"e a 1arie'% o$ 1i"ua! (ue"

and an under"'anding o$ '%i(a! we# age 1iewing ha#i'" 'o
immedia'e!% u' 'ha' !ea"h on 1i"i'or" and guide 'hem
'hrough 'o (on1er"ion*

0"a#i!i'% "'udie" ha1e "hown 'ha' 1iewer" 'end 'o re!a'e 'o
and #e drawn 'o image" o$ eo!e 'ha' ei'her re"em#!e or
aea! 'o 'hem* Tr% 'o "'a% (!ear7 'hough o$ image" o$
eo!e who are o#1iou"!% ro$e""iona! mode!" 5Nngine
.ead%7 >n(* 20148*
!ow to create an
interesting website"
The we#"i'e ha1e (!ear dire('ion and 'he indeA age i"
(a'egoriBed wi'h $ew 'oi(" whi(h i" 1er% 'idine""*
Mi"i'or (an ea"i!% ro(eed 'o 'he !anding age whi(h
'he% re$erred* The i('ure" 'he% u"ed i" re!a'a#!e wi'h
'he 'oi(*
(Fr*st+,*--e,ti.e, 2014)

Good we#"i'e:
Thi" we#"i'e 1er% (on$u"ing and no (!ear dire('ion
$or u"er where 'o ro(eed 'o &nd ou' more* Lo (!ear
and rein$or(ing guidan(e $or 1i"i'or7 1i"i'or (ou!dn;'
iden'i$% wha' i" 'hi" we#"i'e a#ou'* Lo'hing i"
re!a'a#!e and 'he who!e 1i"ion i" #ad*
(/ug*$.,*0, 2007)
6ad we#"i'e: h'':GG%ugo*(om
Article ,
'ont make them

There are man% (omanie" we#"i'e u' 'o-no'(h grahi("

and "ound in'o 'heir we#-age*

Do"' o$ 'he 1iewing in our we# "i'e on a "(reen 'ha' i"

#e'ween 15 and 19 in(he" wide7 (an on!% "ee 21) (o!or"7
and (an on!% down!oad a' 2O*O ,# er "e(ond*

>$ 1iewer need 'o $u!!% down!oaded $a"'er7 'he% rea!!% need
'o (u' down on 'he "iBe o$ 'he age*

Eor a we# age 'o #e "u((e""$u! i' need" 'o down!oad

Fui(,!% and !oo, good* 0"e de"ign more7 grahi(" !e""*
(s"a(n "essinger,2013)
Summary of the
(Mustafa Ziraba, 2013)
+e agree 'ha' grahi(" and "ound wi!! "!ow
down 'he "eed o$ 'he !oading we#"i'e*
Miewer wi'h "!ow "eed (onne('ion wi!! #e
ima'ien' $or 'he !oading age"*
Which kind of website will
0iewer prefer as long as
they do not ha0e a high
speed connection"
Which will loads faster"

The 'eA' o$ 'he age7 an% grahi(" i' (on'ain"7 1ideo

and "ound"7 wi!! #e one o$ 'he e!emen' 'o (au"e a "!ow
!oading we# age"* 5ro#*"(hi$reen7 20128

The mo"' (ommon rea"on $or "!ow we#"i'e"/ 'here are

!o'" o$ image"7 a!! o$ whi(h are $u!!-"iBe and un(roed*

E!a"h and "ound" are grea' 'oo! $or adding in'era('i1i'%

or anima'ion 'o a we#"i'e* Howe1er7 4a"h and "ound"
are a!"o 1er% #u!,% and (au"e" we#"i'e" 'o !oad "!ow!%*
5Sa(hin Ja,ade720138
< "im!e de"igned we#"i'e wi'hou' $an(% grahi("*
Thi" "i'e wi!! #e !oading $a"'er 'han 'he #ad we#"i'e
5on neA' "!ide8 #e(au"e o$ i'" "im!e de"ign wi'hou'
adding man% grahi(" in 'heir we#age*

Good we#"i'e: h'':GG'he(!o(,"mi'h"*i'G

< (om!i(a'ed we#"i'e wi'h !o'" o$ grahi(" and
"ound* Thi" we#"i'e ha" more rominen' in 'he
1i"ua! e:e(' #% ro1iding grahi("7 "ound" and
4a"h* Miewer" wi'hou' a'ien' and !a(, o$ high
"eed (onne('ion ma% #e di""a'i"&ed wi'h 'he

6ad we#"i'e: h'':GGhome*di"ne%*(om*m%G

+e#"i'e !oad 'ime" ha1e

#een iden'i&ed a" a
(ru(ia! $a('or in
mea"uring we#"i'e

>n 200)7 <,amai

e"'a#!i"hed 'ha' 40P o$
on!ine 1iewer $ee! 'ha'
'he mo"' in4uen'ia!
$a('or $or 'hem 'o re1i"i'
a "i'e i" whe'her 'he
we#"i'e wi!! !oad Fui(,!%*

Dore 'han a Fuar'er o$

di""a'i"&ed 1iewer" are
!i,e!% 'o de1e!o a
nega'i1e er(e'ion o$
'he (oman%*
!ow a Slow Website 1mpacts
/our 2isitors
(, 2012)
1. 3ptimi*ed
0no'imiBed image" a" an% image 'ha' (an #e redu(ed in
"iBe wi'hou' 1i"ua! ima(' 'o %our u"er7 a!"o ,nown a"
=!o""!e""? o'imiBa'ion* >mage" 'ha' are o'imiBed u"ing
!o""!e"" me'hod" are 1i"ua!!% iden'i(a! 'o 'heir origina!
image"7 Hu"' "'ried o$ eA'raneou" me'ada'a 'ha' he!"
de"(ri#e 'he image *5 Dar, >"ham7 20138

@LG image &!e" are o$'en need!e""!% !arge* Thi" i" due 'o
eA'ra da'a in"ide 'he @LG &!e "u(h a" (ommen'" or
unu"ed a!e''e en'rie" a" we!! a" 'he u"e o$ an ineQ(ien'
3NEL<TN (omre""or* @LG image" (an #e o'imiBed u"ing
$ree 'oo!" !i,e ng(ru"h 'ha' redu(e 'he "iBe o$ 'he &!e
wi'hou' (hanging or redu(ing 'he image Fua!i'%*

J@NG image &!e" (an a!"o #e need!e""!% !arge $or "imi!ar

rea"on" 'o @LG* 6% u"ing $ree 'oo!" "u(h a" Heg'ran %ou
(an (on1er' J@NG" in'o rogre""i1e!% rendered J@NG &!e"
'o redu(e 'he "iBe o$ 'he &!e wi'hou' !o"ing image Fua!i'%*
&. Stop kowtowing
to Flash.
E!a"h (an #e ro#!ema'i(* Sure7 E!a"h (an #e
imre""i1e* 6u' more o$'en 'han no'7 i';" more
o$ a "how-"'oer 'han a "how"'oer* >$ %ou
need 'o u"e i' a' a!!7 u"e E!a"h in modera'ion7
a" a (omonen' wi'hin 'he age*
(0ini0a-(a-, 2011)
,. 'esign more%
graphic less.

Grahi( image" "hou!d #e a" "ma!! a" o""i#!e 'o a1oid

!onger !oading 'ime*

Jee in mind 'he (o!our #eing u"e a" we ,now 'he more
(o!our we ha1e in a image 'he #igger i'2" going 'o #e*
Eor NAam!e:
Article .

There are man% (omanie" we#"i'e u' 'o-no'(h grahi("

and "ound in'o 'heir we#-age*

Do"' o$ 'he 1iewing in our we# "i'e on a "(reen 'ha' i"

#e'ween 15 and 19 in(he" wide7 (an on!% "ee 21) (o!or"7
and (an on!% down!oad a' 2O*O ,# er "e(ond*

>$ 1iewer need 'o $u!!% down!oaded $a"'er7 'he% rea!!% need
'o (u' down on 'he "iBe o$ 'he age*

Eor a we# age 'o #e "u((e""$u! i' need" 'o down!oad

Fui(,!% and !oo, good* 0"e de"ign more7 grahi(" !e""*
(s"a(n "essinger,2013)
Summary of the

La1iga'ion "hou!d an"wer Fue"'ion" "u(h a" where am >K

+here (an > go $rom hereK <nd where wa" > a!read%*

Lame or !ogo o$ %our (oman% a!ong wi'h a age name

"hou!d #e on 'he 'o o$ e1er% age in %our we#"i'e*

There "hou!d #e no gue""ing o$ wha' %our we#"i'e doe" $or

%our 1i"i'or*

The !in," 'o age" wi'hin %our we#"i'e or !in," 'o an

ou'"ide we#age*

Ni'her wa% o$ u' !in," in (on'eA' or in word"*

Lin," 'i'!e imro1e 'he na1iga'ion u"a#i!i'%*

Summary of the

0"ing (o!or na1iga'ion 'o wor, we!!

0"e #!ue $or un1i"i'ed and ur!e $or 1i"i'ed a" a (o!or

@re1en' u"ing #!ue7 red or #!a(, (o!or

Na"% 'o under"'and 'he @rimar% na1iga'ion i$ 'he we#"i'e

ha1e a' !ea"' 'wo $orm" o$ na1iga'iona! "(heme"
Summary of the
We agree with the articles content.
Navigation is the way to guide readers through a
1. Company logo 6 name on
top of the website

Coman% !ogo R name mu"' #e on 'he 'o o$ e1er% age

in %our we#"i'e*

Coman% !ogo R name "hou!d #e %our !in, #a(, 'o %our

home age*

3o no' !e' %our 1i"i'or gue""ing o$ %our we#"i'e*

7/our logo is an important part of your brand% so
make sure it8s located prominently on your site%
7Also% it8s a good rule of thumb to link your logo back
to your home page so that 0isitors can easily
na0igate to 1t.7
9:ennifer ;onof Schif%&<1,=

Their we#"i'e ha" 1er% (!ear na1iga'ion and when

%ou wan' 'o go #a(, 'o 'he home age7 %ou (an Hu"'
go #a(, #% (!i(,ing 'he (oman% !ogo on 'he 'o o$
'he we#"i'e*

Mi"i'or" (an (!ear!% "ee 'he (oman% name and !ogo

when 1i"i' 'o Yeo;" (oman% we#"i'e*

Good we#"i'e:

Thi" we#"i'e did no' $u!&!! 'he (ondi'ion* 'he (oman%

!ogo on!% aear on 'he midd!e !e$' in 'he we#"i'e

There i" no an% (!earer in$orma'ion 'ha' 'e!! 1i"i'or"

'ha' 'hi" i" our home age*

+hen %ou (!i(,ing 'heir (oman% !ogo7 %ou (anno' go

#a(, 'o 'he homeage o$ 'he we#"i'e*
6ad we#"i'e: h'':GGwww*h%#ridwor,"*HG
&. ;inking

0"er" wan' 'o ,now i$ 'he% a!read% 1i"i'ed a age

Co!or di:eren'ia'ion a" #!ue $or un1i"i'ed and ur!e $or

1i"i'ed a" (o!or "(heme

0"ing o'her (o!or" wi!! Hu"' (on$u"e eo!e

>color is a central part of our li0es. ?eople look at

and react to diferent colors e0eryday. ?eople rely
on colors to con0ey meanings for many things@
9!ye/eon;im% &<1, =.

he research stated that A(perimental support for

the diferentiation of 0isited link colors is
presented% along with analyses of the ad0antages
pro0ided by diferentiating link colors 9im
!al0erson and Anthony :. !ornof% &<<.=.
,. ;inks to pages to
an outside website

Mi"i'or" wi!! a!wa%" wan' 'o ,now =+here (an > go $rom

There mu"' a !in, 'o age" wi'hin %our we#"i'e

he linking na0igation helps people mo0e around

your site when you ha0e a clean na0igation menu
in the sidebar andBor the footer. 1t helps people
)nd the posts and articles you want them to )nd.
9wordpress% &<1,=

'he S'ar#u(," Coman% we#"i'e a!"o "how 'he good

!in,ing na1iga'ion7 %ou (an (!i(, on an% #u''on on
'heir we#"i'e7 'he we#"i'e wi!! au'oma'i(a!!% #ring"
%ou 'o 'he age %ou wan' 'o 1iew and a!"o 'he
ou'"ide we#"i'e !in,ing a" we!!7 "u(h a" $a(e#oo,7

Good we#"i'e:

S'ar#u(,";" $a(e#oo, a((oun' a$'er (!i(,ing 'he

"'ar#u(," i(on in 'heir we#"i'e*

Good we#"i'e:
Gar% +* @rie"'er7 20137 Con"i"'en' Co!or" Eor Your Si'e - <!! You
Leed To Jnow <#ou' +e# Sa$e Co!or"7 HTDL goodie"7 1iewed
on O'h C('o#er 20147 S
(o!or"-$or-%our-"i'e-a!!-%ou-need- 'o-,now-a#ou'-we#-"a$e-
<#igai! .udner7 20147 Eirewor," DX Eundamen'a!"7 @ea(hi'7
1iewed on O'h C('o#er 20147S
<m#er Tri7 20147 Co!or Theor%: The >mor'an(e o$ (o!or in
we# de"ign7 3e"ign and romo'e7 1iewed on O'h C('o#er 20147
S h'':GGwww*de"ignandromo'e*(omG(o!or-'heor%-'he-
imor'an(e-o$- (o!or-in-we#-de"ignG U
3anie!a 6a,er720117 The >mor'an(e o$ Co!or in +e#"i'e
3e"ign7 3e"ignr&A7
1iewed on O'h C('o#er 20147 S h'':GGde"ignr&A*(omGwe#-
Sa#rina H* 3eLa%720147how7 ho'ograh7 1iewed 10 C('o#er
20147 Sh'':GGwww*go1!oo*(omG(ommuni'%G#!ogG!e''ing-go-o$-
Gar%+*@rie"'er720137 EigureT077 ho'ograh7 1iewed 10
C('o#er 20147Sh'':GGwww*h'm!goodie"*(o
need-'o-,now-a#ou'-we#-"a$e- (o!or"*h'm!U*
Gar%+*@rie"'er720137 EigureT0O7 ho'ograh7 1iewed 10
C('o#er 20147Sh'':GGwww*h'm!goodie"*(o
need-'o-,now-a#ou'-we#-"a$e- (o!or"*h'm!U*
Ja% .emer7 20117 <gree 'o di"agree7 ho'ograh7 1iewed 10
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