Shipping Company Strategies PDF
Shipping Company Strategies PDF
Shipping Company Strategies PDF
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Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Dr. Dr. h.c. Peter Lorange
President IMD
The Nestle Professor
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Contents v
Foreword ix
A Truly Challenging Industry: Shipping Company Strategies 1
Historical Background 1
Macro Issues 3
Turbulent Conditions 6
LeifHoegh&Co. 11
A.P. Moller-Maersk 18
The Strategic Challenge 22
Shipping Company Strategies: A Model 23
Trade-Specific Impacts on the Major Shipping Markets 26
Coal 26
Steel and Iron Ore 26
Grain 27
Crude Oil 27
Shipping Rate ForecastingMarsoft Example 28
Financial Markets 31
Technological Developments in Ship Building and Ship Design 31
Conclusion 32
Commodity-Based Shipping: Playing the Market 33
Market View 33
The Classic Shipping Segments 36
Tanker Markets 36
Bulk Carrier Markets 37
Container Markets 38
Liner Shipping 40
Shipowners' Classic ResponsesPlay the Markets 42
Chartering 43
Purchase and Sale of Ships 44
Withholding Capacity 45
vi Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Operations and/or Asset Play 46
Understand the Market Better 47
The Marsoft Example 48
Doing Good Even Better 52
Risk 52
Hedging Instruments 54
Some Successful Protect and Extend Strategies 56
The Torvald Klaveness Group 56
Norden 57
Frontline 59
Teekay Shipping Corporation 62
Beyond This"Live With" Commoditization 70
Conclusion 73
The Drive toward Non-Commodity Segments 75
Industry Structure Impacting the Demand Side 75
Demands for Larger "Packages" of Ship Services 76
Integration of Several Value Chain Segments 78
The Investment Size per Ship as a Barrier to Entry 78
Non-Commodity Business Growth 79
Build 80
Leverage 82
Transform 83
Distinctive Innovative Competences 84
Industry Structure 87
Highly Specialized Shipping Businesses 88
Industrial Chemicals Shipping 88
The Specialized Drinks Segment 89
The Cruise Business 89
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) 91
Further Examples of Niche Strategies 93
I. M. Skaugen 93
Farstad Shipping 97
TMT 100
The Torvald Klaveness Group 101
LeifHoegh&Co. 105
Conclusion 107
Contents vii
Portfolio Strategies 109
The Classic Portfolio Model Applied to Shipping 109
Stock Picking 112
Index-based Portfolios 113
A Portfolio Management Work Station 116
Executive Dashboard 117
Cash Flow Dashboard 117
Portfolio Dashboard 117
Performance Dashboard 118
Performance versus Budget Dashboard 118
A "New" Portfolio Model Based on Developing Several Business Platforms
Proactively 119
Very Long Term Time Horizons 122
A Newbuilding Scenario 123
Political Risk and the Portfolio Strategy 124
Examples of Portfolio Strategies 130
Predominantly Commodity-Oriented: Norden 130
Frontline 132
Mix of Commodity and Niche: The Torvald Klaveness Group 133
Farstad 134
I. M. Skaugen 135
Teekay 136
Niche: Leif Hoegh 137
Conclusion 139
Organizational Issues 141
Relevant Prerequisites for Shipping Organizations 141
The Know-How Base 142
Ability to Change 145
Keeping It Simple and Focused 145
Lowest Possible Cost Provider 146
Network-Type Organizations 148
Customer Centric Business Principles: How to Achieve Customer Focus 153
Oldendorff Carriers 15 3
I. M. Skaugen 155
Norden 155
viii Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Torvald Klaveness Group 156
A. P. Moller-Maersk 156
A High Performance Business Culture 157
See Business Opportunities Not Yet Obvious to Others 159
"Meeting Places" between "Problems" and "Solutions" 159
More Experimentation 159
More Systematic Learning 160
Juxtapose Traditional and Radical Business Views 160
Fight "Not Invented Here" 160
The Need for "Internal Entrepreneurs" 161
The CEO and the Board of Directors 162
Diversify out of ShippingOr Not 165
Success Stories 166
Less Successful Diversifications 167
Conclusion 168
The Future of the Industry 169
Unattractiveness for Public Firms 169
Family Firms: Succession Planning, Professionalism 172
Family Members with Different Risk Profiles 174
The Need for Capital 175
Strategic Alliances 177
The Stock Market: "Steel" vs. Shares 179
Change and Stability 180
Three Key Evolutionary Forces 181
Physical Assets 181
Organization 183
The Business Model 185
Shaping the Shipping Company of the Future 186
Short Term and Long Term 186
Local and Global 186
Commodity and Niche 187
Intuition and Discipline 187
Conclusion 187
References 191
Foreword ix
The shipping industry is both special and fascinating. It is special, above all, because of its
truly global nature, the huge discrete investments needed, the highly cyclical markets at play,
and the unique competitive structure, with many determined players. It is fascinating, above
all, because fortunes are madeand lostat a fast pace, with some of the most risk-willing
owners also serving as decision makers.
This book is the result of at least seven forces that have shaped my interest in shipping
corporations and their strategies. The first is purely personal. Early on, my grandfather,
Rudolf Ugelstad, co-founder of the Norwegian shipping company Olsen & Ugelstad,
awakened my interest. In the 1950s and 1960s Olsen & Ugelstad was one of Norway's largest
shipping companies, with a fleet of more than 50 wholly owned ships. I also had many
interesting conversations on shipping strategies with my uncles, Trygve and Rolf, and with
my cousins, Rudolf and Paal. My mother's cousin, Sam Ugelstad, who ran his own shipping
company, S. Ugelstad, also provided me with many important ideas early on.
During my graduate studies in the United States, I met Victor Norman, and we both had a
common interest in shipping management issues. We were particularly interested in the
question of attitude toward risk taking among ship owners. We co-organized a conference on
shipping management and shipping strategies in 1972, which led to an early book on the
topic, Shipping Management (Lorange and Norman, 1973). Previously we undertook initial
research on shipowners' propensity toward risk (Lorange and Norman, 1971a and 1971b).
A third important influence on my interest was my cooperation with Paul L. Eckbo and Arlie
Sterling on the forecasting of shipping market cycles in an attempt to better understand the
development of such cycles, particularly "turning points." This collaboration led to the
formation of the forecasting company Marsoft in 1982. I have thus worked with Paul Eckbo
for approximately 30 years on issues relating to how the ship markets work, and I know the
evolving development of Marsoft and its methodology. Occasionally, I have also contributed
to Marsoft. I therefore feel confident regarding Marsoft and its usefulness, which has been a
major reason for the relatively extensive use of Marsoft as the basis for examples and
illustrations in this book. Marsoft's approaches must, of course, be complemented with other
approaches, above all judgmental inputs. The owner and his/her feel for the market is critical.
Marsoft can only provide simulations that give the owner better confidence in the end that
he/she is well adjusted to the market. Today, Marsoft is, arguably, the world's leading ship
market forecasting company. Over the years I have had stimulating conversations with many
of Marsoft's staff, including Paul L. Eckbo, Arlie Sterling, Paal Monsen, Tasos Aslidis,
Costas Bardjis, Kevin Hazel and Evangelos Efstathiou.
x Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
A fourth important influence on my interest in shipping was a number of assignments as
director on several shipping company boards:
Olsen & Ugelstad, Oslo, Norway: I served as a director from 1974 until the discontinuation of
business in 2003. It should be noted that this company ceased operations in 1980, as a result
of the worldwide shipping crisis at the time. Here, I would like to point out that Olsen &
Ugelstad never went bankrupt, but merely ceased to operate. Kristoffer Olsen, Ole Lund, as
well as the many Ugelstads already mentioned, all influenced my understanding.
Jebsens, Bergen, Norway: I served on the board of this company, which specializes in smaller
bulk carrier ships, from 1990 to 1993. Jebsens' dynamic CEO, Atle Jebsen, has been a great
source of inspiration to me.
Knud I. Larsen (KiL), Copenhagen, Denmark: I served as board member in this publicly
traded company from 1994 to 1998. KiL focused on contained feeder ships, gas carriers and
smaller special-purpose tankers. I learned important messages at this Danish firm, particularly
from KiL's chairman, Jan Erlund, from board members Steen Krabbe and Jens Christian
Lorentzen, and from CEO Finn S. Larsen.
Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines (RCCL), Miami, Florida: I served as a director of this
company from 1995 to 2000. RCCL is the world's second largest cruise company, now with
14 large cruise ships operating worldwide. Being on the board was tremendously stimulating
and provided a lot of learning, particularly from the major shareholders and board members,
Arne Wilhelmsen, the late Jay Pritzker, and Samuel Ofer; the chairman/CEO, Richard Fain;
and fellow board members Kaspar Kielland and Thor Arneberg.
Fifth, I have benefited from deep discussions with leading practitioners in the shipping
industry. Here I would like to mention in particular Tom Erik Klaveness, Morits Skaugen, Jr.,
and Jens Ulltveit-Moe.
The final, and perhaps the most important, industry-specific source of influence for my
interest in shipping strategies comes through my involvement on the ownership side with the
ship owning company S. Ugelstad, founded in Oslo, Norway in 1929. I inherited 50% of the
company in 1987, and subsequently purchased the remaining shares. The company now owns
and operates a fleet of four platform supply ships (PSVs) for the offshore industry as well as
one reefer ship in worldwide trade. I have been influenced by several sources here:
The board of directors, in particular the stimulating cooperation with Hans G. Haga,
Thure Svensson and the late Kaare Wikborg.
S. Ugelstad's leaderswith its managing director Odd Settevik, my son, Per F.
Lorange, and Per Lindsethhave been critically important in developing my own
understanding of the shipping business.
Foreword xi
The relationship with ship brokers, particularly R. S. Platou. Here, Per Engeset has
played a major role. My understanding of the offshore supply shipping business is
largely a function of all my discussions with him.
The banks, in particular Nedship Bank. Here, I have gained important insights through
discussions with Jan Hjellestad and Oyvind Holte.
This brings me to the last and most general reason why I think I might have something to add
to the subject of strategic management of shipping companiesnamely, more than thirty
years of academic work in the area of strategic management. My three decades of teaching
and researching strategy have given me an exposure to many of the current theories in
strategy, organizational behavior and finance. They have also given me a chance to discuss
various industry-specific strategic challenges in broader contexts with colleagues at leading
academic institutions with which I have been affiliated, such as the Sloan School of
Management (MIT), the Wharton School and IMD. Over the years I have studied and
discussed many industries, many companies and their key leaders. In this book I have drawn
on my years of thought, reading, research and discussion around the theme of growth in
organizationseither you grow or you stagnate, even die. Particularly important here has
been my work with Professor Bala Chakravarthy.
The rationale for the book, in a narrower sense, is understanding the success of global
shipping corporations, i.e., how to become a winner in this industry. As such, it is relevant to
those active in shippingpractitioners and academicians alike. In a broader sense, the book is
also about how to manage in the face of global turbulence. Understanding how to deal with
the growing forces of instability will be key, not only for executives from the shipping
industry but also for many executives from a wider set of industries and corporations.
In Chapter 1 we shall briefly set out some key strategic challenges of a shipping corporation.
A conceptual model for developing strategies in shipping companies will be developed,
illustrated by a historical expose of the successful, but turbulent, evolution of two leading
shipping companies, A. P. Moller-Maersk and Leif Hoegh & Co.
The next three chapters deal with the specifics of strategy formulation and implementation in
shipping firms In Chapter 2 we shall discuss commodity-based shipping strategies,
underscoring how the shipping firm must adapt to volatile market conditions to proactively
take advantage of movements in the market. Speed and flexibility will be critical here. In
Chapter 3, we shall discuss the move toward niche strategies, where the shipping firm
attempts to position itself away from the commodity markets and instead to develop services
vis-a-vis specific customers, which in turn may allow the firm to charge higher prices and
secure stable returns. In Chapter 4, we shall discuss the overall portfolio strategies of the
shipping firm, where the key challenge will be to put a set of chosen business strategies
together in a deliberate way to create a better balance. These may be commodity-based
business approaches and/or niche business approaches. The key is to develop an overall
xii Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
balance that provides an acceptable overall risk profile and overall better long-term stability
for the firm.
In Chapter 5 we shall discuss several organizational issues, largely to do with the
implementation of the shipping firm's flexible strategies. After all, it is people, working
together in organizational teams that make strategies happen, particularly in today's turbulent
world. We shall thus discuss how the shipping firm might choose different strategic forms,
depending on the types of strategies it wishes to pursue. The role of key players and
personalities, including the owners, the chief executive, the internal entrepreneurs and the
board of directors will also be discussed.
Chapter 6 deals with the ownership side, with particular emphasis on whether the shipping
firm can benefit from being public, or whether it might have a better opportunity as a
privately held corporation. We note that privately held firms are still rather prominent the
shipping industry. The pros and cons will be discussed. Perhaps heavy risk-taking and coping
with extreme turbulence can be better handled in privately held firms? Finally, we discuss the
future of the industry and outline the contours of the shipping company of tomorrow. Focus
on speed, agility and flexibility will be key hallmarks.
Many people in addition to those previously mentioned have provided specific inputs to the
book, including: Terje Andersen, Eric Andre, Per-Ola Baalerud, Gerhard Binder, Michael
Bonner, Lars-Erik Brenee, Didier Cossin, Sean Day, Jan-Erik Dyvi, Sverre Farstad, Richard
Fain, Arvid, Grundekjon, Thor Jorgen Guttormsen, Robert A. Ho, Leif Hoegh, Westye
Hoegh, Kevin Irvine, Maersk Mc-Kinney Mailer, Bjorn Moller, Carsten Mortensen,
Nobuyoshi Norimoto, Henning Oldendorff Oscar Rosendahl, Tor Stale Moen, John
Syvertsen, Tonny Thorsen, Sigurd Thorvildsen, Felix Tschudi, Alex Wilhelmsen, and others.
Lindsay McTeague edited the manuscript, supported by Gordon Adler. Eva Ferrari and
Annette Polzer typed the many versions of the manuscript. I would like to thank all of the
abovementioned people. And there are many others I cannot mention here for lack of space,
but who have, nevertheless, made significant, if anonymous, contributions. I hope that this
book will not only offer insights that are practically relevant but also lead to the stimulation of
new strategies and further breakthrough research in shipping.
Peter Lorange
Lausanne, Switzerland
August 2004
Foreword xiii
This book is dedicated to
Maersk Mc-Kinney Mailer, outstanding leader and entrepreneur,
in recognition of his outstanding contribution
to the development of the field of shipping strategy.
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A Truly Challenging Industry: Shipping Company Strategies 1
Strategy is to be prepared; strategy means choice. Lorange, 1980
When the shipping industry began, first during the era of the great sailing ships and then with
the advent of steamships, the captain was, in essence, an independent entrepreneur. He
undertook the chartering of the ship and ran the commercial operation around it. Often, the
captain also owned a significant share in the ship. So it follows that, in those early days of the
industry, most shipping companies were relatively smalltypically one ship, or a few at
most. And, significantly, entrepreneurialism was a key to success. We shall argue that it still
is! (Walton, 1987)
With the advent of new technologies for hulls and engines, such as, initially, steel ships, and
then steam engines, internal combustion engines and turbines, the capital intensity of the
shipping industry increased drastically. This evolution in technologies led to a major
consolidation, and with it, the "death" of many traditional players. At the same time,
opportunities for new shipping players emerged, and several important "modern" shipowners
("entrepreneurs") came to the fore (Christensen, 1997).
It is probably fair to say that the competitiveness in the shipping industry is extreme, and that
it has always been very competitivea true approximation of a worldwide "perfect"
competitive market situation. It is also global (Bhagwati, 2004; Wolf, 2004) and there is a
strong competitive transparency and high connectivity, in the sense that ships can be used in
most trades and by most shippers in a fully interchangeable way. Further, the industry is
highly capital intensive and highly cyclical (Der Spiegel, June 7, 2004).
As we can see from Exhibit 1.1 the degree of concentration, measuring the four largest
owners in each major segment within the shipping industry, is generally very small. This
underscores the fact that the industry is highly competitive. We shall discuss this in Chapter 2.
2 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Exhibit 1.1: Market Share of the Four Biggest Owners Relative to the Group of the Ten
Largest Owners in Particular Ship Segments
Market Share
Ship Segment
Container > 3,000 TEU
Chemical Tankers
Suezmax Tankers
LNG Tankers
Aframax Tankers
Container < 3,000 TEU
Panamax Tankers
Panamax Bulkers
Handimax Bulkers
Handy-size Bulkers
Product Tankers
Source: Marsoft, 2004
There are two exceptions:
Niche segments: When one can "own" the consumer, such as in the cruise business,
with heavy branding; in the container business, with link-up with overall logistics for
the customer, including door-to-door logistics services, etc., i.e., when it comes to
particular niche businesses, as we shall see in Chapter 3, there may be relatively less
competition, at least for a while. It should be noted, however, that niche businesses
can almost always be copied and that, therefore, they soon tend to be competitive too.
Commercial consolidation, primarily through pools. We have seen more development
of pools as of late. This means operational consolidation. It should be noted that this
does not seem (yet) to be ruled out by anti-trust/anti-competition ruling bodies in the
US and Europe. The pools give the owners a chance to enjoy operational scale without
the risk of owning the entire fleet, since the ownership side will be split among the
pool participants. The pool thus provides larger units, for negotiation purposes, on the
supply side.
Examples of important pools on the tanker side would primarily be Tanker International for
VLCCs (very large crude carriers), the Connecticut pool for Aframax tankers, with particular
focus on the Caribbean trade, and the Dorado pool for product tankers. In the dry bulk market,
examples of major pools would be the Klaveness pool, as well as Starbulk (Westfal-Larsen
and Grieg).
A Truly Challenging Industry: Shipping Company Strategies 3
Consider now the challenging issues facing the modern shipping industry today, which lead to
the realization that we must cope with increasing turbulence, more volatile competitive forces,
such as unexpected movements in the stock market, abrupt macroeconomic swings, severe
political issues and so on. Let us briefly discuss these macro trends, and then ask how our
shipping business might be exposed when it comes to all of this.
Macro Issues
A number of macroeconomic factors drive the development of shipping markets. In addition,
several specific trade issues have an impact on various niches/trades. Taken together, they
tend to have an important influence on the overall markets. Part of this is the financial
markets, which should be specifically mentioned and which are, of course, intertwined with
the shipping markets. And lastly, developments in certain technological factors typically have
significant impacts on shipping markets as well.
The level of economic growth in the world, the development of trade worldwide, in short, the
economic health of the world economic system has an impact on shipping markets. As we
know, economic development goes in cyclesoften described as worldwide booms and
depressions. There are, of course, also differences from one geographic area to another. And
political factors influence the shipping market, too. Major global political crises, as well as
more localized political crises, can have a critical impact. Typically, shipping markets tend to
strengthen during a political crisis, yet they tend to react adversely to a weak economic
Extremely high growth, beyond normal expectations, tends to go hand-in-hand with very high
profitability in shipping, through high market conditions. Normally, however, when growth is
not high, the industry tends to be extremely unprofitable. Growth is, therefore, fundamental
for determining the positive swings in shipping markets and a given for the snipping sector's
ability to "produce" strong financial returns. Today, for example, much of the global shipping
boom stems from growth in China, particularly from raw material imports to support Chinese
manufacturing and infrastructure growth. Shipping growth is also being fueled by growth in
container line shipping that supports the export of products manufactured in China (Hale and
Hale, 2003).
It should be noted that China today is the only country with (a) aflat demographic position, in
contrast to all other developing countries, which face heavy demographic growth; (b) strong
macroeconomic growth, with a 7% to 8% GNP growth per year; and (c) with a relatively
efficient political structure, i.e. one political party which can get things done, and fast {World
Competitiveness Yearbook, 2003).
Not only the economic but also the political stability of each country is, of course, important.
Here the major countries, such as the US, Japan, the European Union (EU) and China play
increasingly critical roles. Above all, a slowdown in the US tends to have negative effects on
developments in the shipping market. Emerging countries, such as India, Brazil, etc., also
4 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
play increasingly important roles. Local political uncertainties, such as the ones experienced
recently in the Middle East, can also have a significant effect on the development of shipping
Source: Marsoft, 2004
More specifically, China's economic development is important for the world's shipping
markets. China is a relatively easy country with which to do shipping business, and much
foreign-registered tonnage has been employed there. Still, the Chinese are becoming more and
more self-sufficient. In terms of relationship marketing, it may thus become harder to break
into China. They now have their own networks and do not really need non-Chinese
participation. They have also built up an impressive national shipping industry. For the
owners and managers of shipping companies, a long-term view of China is, therefore,
probably a vital element of successful strategy. Seaspan, for instance, is taking a long view
with its container ship fleet on long-term charter to China Ship Owners' Corporations.
Skaugen is taking a long-term view with its barge business on the Yangtze River. To handle
relationship marketing with major clients, Oldendorff has a small office in Shanghai and
Klaveness has one in Beijing.
Iron ore and steel imports to China will continue to be critical for developing the dry bulk
market. Only five years ago, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD) countries dominated the steel trade; China was a minor player. In 2002 and 2003,
China began emerging as a key force, and the OECD's role started shrinking. Over the next
few years, Chinese trade growth is likely to dominate in steel, which will be essential for
strong growth in dry-bulk market demand. Exhibit 1.2 provides an interesting picture of how
steel consumption (per capita) rises as countries become richer. China clearly has a long
development ahead. Exhibit 1.3 provides a picture of how steel output drives freight rates,
again underscoring the importance of steel and China.
Exhibit 1.2: Steel Intensity Rises as Countries Get Richer
A Truly Challenging Industry: Shipping Company Strategies 5
Exhibit 1.3: Steel Output Drives Dry Cargo Rates
Source: Marsoft, 2004
As far as the demand side goes, in reality, it is rare for only one factorChina's importsto
be decisive in determining the entire world's market levels for dry bulk. This applies directly
to Panamax ships, but "trickles down" to smaller ship categories, too. How can we find out
more about the development of this truly critical demand-side factor? Perhaps we could send
people to the various steel plants, to better understand their plans, their ordering activities,
their inventories, in short, their outlooks. It is important here to remember that this sort of
macro-analysis in the specifics is probably more valuable than looking at aggregated official
economic statistics numbers.
Additional issues here would deal with getting a clearer understanding of Chinese
infrastructure project developments, particularly how long they can be expected to go on (it is
likely to be many years), and harbor capacity developments, expansion plans, congestion
problems, etc. Further, it is important to understand Chinese shipping itself, as well as the
country's shipbuilding. According to The Economist, in the 15
century China was a big
maritime power. It roamed the Pacific with ships six times larger than those of Christopher
Columbus (The Economist, February 19, 2004). China's five-year plan calls for it to become
the world's leading shipbuilder by 2015, displacing South Korea and Japan. It is already a
leading builder of simple dry cargo ships. And it is starting to build more complex vessels,
such as tankers and container ships.
Waigaoqiao, a shipbuilder in Shanghai, has orders for more than 25 heavy bulk carriers, each
of 175,000 deadweight tonnes (dwt), the most yet for a Chinese-built ship. It will next begin
work on an oil tanker. By the end of 2004, Shanghai shipyards expect to have increased
production by two-thirds over the year before. China State Shipbuilding Corporation is
constructing a shipyard that will be able to produce 8 million dwt of ship per year by 2015,
6 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
making it the largest such yard in the world. In 2003, Chinese shipyards accounted for one-
tenth of world output. In 2003, Shanghai and Shenzhen (near Hong Kong) became the world's
third and fourth busiest ports, trailing only Singapore and Hong Kong {The Economist,
Turbulent Conditions
Violent Political Forces
There is no doubt that the geopolitical scene is changing. Things are becoming more
turbulentnot lessafter the collapse of the former Soviet Union and the emergence of the
United States as the sole superpower. A major reason for this has to do with increased
regional geopolitical instability. Consider, for instance, the tensions in the Indian
subcontinent; China and its relationship with Taiwan; KoreaNorth and South; the Israeli-
Palestinian conflict; Iran-Iraq; the many gruesome local and civil wars in Africa, conflicts in
Central America; the Balkan situationwith several years of terrible wars just behind us and
tensions still continuing... We could go on and on.
Terrorism is another dimension, heightened after the September 11, 2001 attacks in the US.
Despite the efforts of many of the established world powers, it seems to be difficult to limit
this threat of terrorism, whether it be in Russia, the Arab world, Spain, the USanywhere.
An immediate sense of violence and political instability is the result.
China and India are becoming increasingly important players in today's global economic
scene. The question that many ask is: Are these countries politically entirely stable? China is
run by what many see as an authoritarian regime, although it is certainly more and more
pragmatically liberal in its views on economic matters, but still not a democracy. Will the
present balance last? Are we talking about a rather feeble stability here? Similarly, India
being the world's largest democracyis still fraught with tensions. Can relative stability
remain in this enormous country? Will the path toward more economic liberalism continue?
We could go on speculating about the political forces that are currently at play, or are latent.
Clearly, this has an impact on the business order. Political stability is a condition for
economic stability and prosperity, as well as for investment attractiveness and meaningful
economic value creation by each particular firm (Courtney, 2001).
Truly Global Competition
Markets seem to be becoming larger and largerand trade barriers seem to be becoming less
distinct. This is, to some extent, a function of multinational, multilateral agreements, creating
larger homogenous trading blocs, such as the European Union, covering large parts of Europe;
NAFTA, covering North America; ASEAN, covering Southeast Asia, etc. Also, competition
is becoming significantly more global due to the migration of economic activities to low cost
A Truly Challenging Industry: Shipping Company Strategies 7
areas, such as manufacturing to the former Eastern Europe, India and China, development of
software to India, service activities such as call centers and accounting to India, etc. All in all,
markets are becoming more global. It is certainly increasingly hard to find a sustainable local
niche in this global world.
Again, the paradox seems to be that volatility is becoming more extreme. We have strong
economic ups and downs within each trading bloc, for instance. In Europe, for example, the
"locomotive" Germany has experienced problems maintaining its economic dynamism. The
same can be said of the second largest economy in Europe, France.
In North America, the entire economy has gone through large swings, with extended periods
of depression and so on. Again, the true globalization of competition seems to call for global
adaptation by corporations, but it also seems to imply exposure to local ups and downs in
various parts of the world, at various points in time. When things are good in one place, they
are not so good elsewhere, the global portfolio strategy of corporate activities being rather
volatile (Fischer, 2004).
Increasingly Capital Intensive
Many industries are becoming more capital intensive. Partly this is driven by the need to
maintain physical plants that are becoming larger and larger, and more and more
sophisticated, to secure the necessary economies of scale to be cost competitive. Many such
plants now cover vast regions of the world. Global sourcing and reconfiguration of the
manufacturing-based part of the value chain seem to be high on the agenda. The days when
plants were focused on each national economy seem to be largely gone. One consequence is,
of course, that the investment requirements per installation are becoming higher.
Similar arguments can be made when it comes to research and development (R&D)
investments. They typically call for more substantial commitments of resources in order to be
able to come up with new products and/or processes that increasingly can have a global reach.
R&D today seems to be a matter of going for larger gains and a global scope, but also with
larger financial commitmentsand risks!
Similarly, developing global brands costs a lot of money. Corporations will increasingly have
to allocate funds to such global brand development. Multi-local is simply not good enough
any more for leading companies in many industries.
This pattern of resource intensity is further accentuated by the fact that most industries are
experiencing even more rapid obsolescence. Technologies are changing faster, which calls for
ongoing modification of plants, even total obsolescence. R&D is leading to new
developments all the time, calling for shortened life cycles to recuperate the R&D
investments. Brands are evolving, requiring more resources to be allocated to the maintenance
and development of a dynamic brand presence, etc. More abundant financial resources are
necessary to cope with the increasingly rapid changesand indeed more turbulence!
8 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Global Capital Markets
Corporations are increasingly able to tap global capital markets. Capital is available at more
or less similar rates everywhereand the cost of capital has come down. It is increasingly
difficult for individual nations to implement their own fiscal policies, for example, by
imposing schemes for rationing capital, or increasing interest rates and the cost of capital to
limit inflationary spending, etc. Further, capital seems to be rather abundantly available. If a
project is good, then the capital can generally be found.
The consequence is that it is relatively easy for new entrants to an industry to come on the
scene. From a financing viewpoint, a new corporate entity can easily be established to push a
particular new strategic project, as long as the basic business rationale and the managerial
capabilities are there. This again means that there might be less and less "protection" built
around an already installed capital base. Smaller competitors can come in all the time and can
be rather effective in competing with the larger corporations, now that they enjoy more or less
the same cost of capital as the larger ones. This results in more effective competitionbut
again also in more turbulence!
Government Actions
We have already pointed out that individually driven governmental fiscal policies seem to be
less and less possible to carry out. The EU, for instance, is regulated so that fiscal policies
cannot be used to transfer "economic burdens" from one country to another. Interest rates,
inflation, and the like are more or less determined for the entire union. Budgetary fiscal
soundness is called for, to ensure balance in each country's national budget. Still, there are
some government opportunities for impacting the conditions that industries and corporations
face. The primary one perhaps relates to taxation. Corporate tax rates differ widely from
country to country. And some industries are also granted particular tax preferences within
given countries. Further, personal tax rates, wealth taxation, inheritance taxes, etc. can differ,
making some industries more attractive than others because the executives needed to run them
face lower taxes in some geographic locations.
Subsidies are also still quite prevalent in many industries. They can take the form of
investment subsidies for large new projects, or of so-called investment stimulants such as
more favorable financing, guaranteed lower interest rates, introductory tax breaks, etc.
Finally, customs barriers are still prevalent. Countries are still using trade tariffs to attempt to
boost their own economic regions, of course at the expense of other countries.
Even though there seems to be general agreement among nations on a world order base to
minimize local idiosyncrasies, there is no doubt that these still play a very important role,
which is perhaps even increasing in importance. This can impact business in significant ways
and can be critically important for some types of corporations and can even affect their
potential success or failure. Again, turbulence seems to be a factor to cope with here too.
A Truly Challenging Industry: Shipping Company Strategies 9
Timing Is AllIts Value as a Competitive Dimension
Time to market is increasingly a key dimension for competitive success. When a corporation,
or an industry for that matter, has developed a unique new value proposition, it now typically
takes less and less time before alternatives are available in the marketplace. There is typically
a shorter and shorter period of "grace."
Similarly, timing investment decisions, say, when it comes to capacity expansion, seems to be
becoming increasingly critical, so as not to "invest" out of sync with the economic cycles.
Timing relative to the economic cycles is more and more becoming a key factor for success.
To enter certain markets ahead of others, but also to be able to cash in, or even exit, while on
top seems critical.
With the emerging changes in world patterns of manufacturingwith much of it now being
relocated to so-called low cost countries, of which China is perhaps the premier examplethe
issue of trading also becoming even more important. To develop trading capabilities to be
able to make long or short positions when it comes to procurement and supply is becoming
increasingly vital.
Risk management is also linked to all of this. "Value-at-risk" is becoming a standard
way of looking at investment portfolios for asset management companies. The so-called
Basel II convention for management of risk in financial lending corporations is
gradually being phased in. Risk management is a central part of the management
function today.
All in all, this again means volatilityand of course also new ways for agile management to
secure success through better timing! (Grove, 1997; Strebel, 1992).
Global Human Resource Management
Companies and industries are certainly becoming less and less nationally based. To succeed
globally today, it is no longer sufficient to have a national corporation and, say, a number of
local subsidiaries internationally. The company itself needs to become truly global, seeing
itself more as a network of activities, drawing on human resource talents from all over the
globe, without being confined to having a dominant group of people from a particular
headquarters location and country of ownership. We may thus be talking less about host
country dominance in human resource management today. Rather, we may consider
welcoming all types of human resource talents, irrespective of where they come from, as long
as they can do the best possible job.
In this sense, we can talk about the emergence of the "stateless corporation." The
consequence is, of course, that human resource policies are also becoming more adjusted
to this global reality. Performance, not cultural or geographical preferences, seems to
dominate more and more. One might say more turbulence! (Evans et al., 2002).
10 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Strong Leadership Is Key
To lead these emerging flat, networked corporationswhich typically tend to be less
hierarchical, more project orientedrequires charisma and drive from the top. The leader
today will have to have global appeal. He or she will need to have impeccable stakeholder
acceptance and a profile that creates broad bonding with various talent groups worldwide.
Leaders from the old national orders seem to be less effective. It is key that today's leaders
are truly inspirational, not tied to a particular narrow national tradition.
Headquarters organizations similarly seem to be rather small and highly professional. The
firm seems to be being restructured in a different way, along important project initiatives
and ad hoc temporary organizational units. The modern corporation is perhaps more and
more built around being "large" and "small." Rather autonomous smaller entities are being
created to safeguard entrepreneurialism and drive. They are, however, often supported by
"shared services" in order to take advantage of the size and scale advantages of larger
The net effect of this is again more flexibility and ability to deal with change. There will be
less stability in formal organizational structures. Net effect: More turbulence!
Extreme Volatility in Value Creation
Interestingly, huge fortunes are being created today with remarkable speed. Similarly,
established fortunes are being wiped outalso rather regularly and at amazing speed! The so-
called rich are often "newly minted," while the established, traditionally wealthy individuals
and families are tending to become relatively less important. Again, we see quite a lot of
turbulence here, with new players coming on the scene, typically self-made, representing a
brand of professionalism applied to the new opportunities that have arisen worldwide
relatively recently. The bottom line again is a pattern of increased turbulenceon the
ownership side!
Now consider this. Shipping is one of the few industries that would be faced with all of
these mega trends. My claim is that more and more other industriesand thereby also more
and more corporationswill become exposed to an increasing number of the above factors.
Turbulence and global shipping go together. Hence, it may be valuable not only for
shipping executives to try to comprehend the factors behind this. Executives more generally
might benefit from analyzing the global shipping industry carefully to learn from successful
strategies here. Understanding the shipping industry is thus not only a matter of those
executives who are particularly drawn to this rather unique industry being prepared for
success in this arena; it is also a much broader challenge for executives active in other
business arenas. Understanding key lessons from the shipping industry will be vital in order
to be prepared to manage turbulence and dynamic change more generally. The shipping
industry can lead the way toward a better understanding of how to handle turbulence for a
broad range of executives.
A Truly Challenging Industry: Shipping Company Strategies 11
Let us now consider the examples of two shipping firms that have survived through turbulent
times by focusing on both the markets and niches. Entrepreneurship has been part of their
success throughout. The two firms are Leif Hoegh (Oslo, Norway) and A. P. Moller-Maersk
(Copenhagen, Denmark). Since their beginnings, both companies have grown into
multinational corporations, and tracing their ascent is a good way to understand the major
trends and developments of the global shipping industry from the early days of the 20
century to the present. And this understanding can serve as a platform for considering the
strategic, organizational and ownership issues that today's shipping companies face.
Leif Hoegh & Co. was founded in 1927 (Hoegh, 1970; Bakka, 1997). At first, the major
emphasis was on chartering out crude oil tankers to oil companies on long-term charters.
Timing-Fudging the peaks of the freight marketwas, of course, important, but so was
financial management. Leif Hoegh's focus on long-term charters was not unusual, since a
significant segment of the industry at that time aspired to long-term charters and financing
ships with as much financial leverage as possible. With this double focus, several shipping
companies built up their asset bases in spectacular fashion. Among them were industry giants:
Aristotle Onassis, Stavros Niarchos, Andreas Sohmen-Pao, and several Norwegian
companies, including Bergesen and the so-called Bjorge Group (Olsen & Ugelstad, Meyer,
Berg and others).
In the late 1920s and early 1930s, long-term charters also offered a significant plus for the oil
companies: By using long-term charters, an oil company could enter into off-balance sheet
financing for significant parts of its crude oil transport, offering the shipowners in return a
"guaranteed" return on investment (ROI), typically around 8%. It is interesting to note that,
since then, oil companies have realized that they can squeeze the shipowners even further by
demanding shorter charters, or even no long-term charters at all, thus relying on the shipping
industry's typical extremely elastic supply (there will always be new owners, available capital
and thus new ships to step in).
By the mid-1930s, diversification had become the name of the game for shipping companies.
Some went into tramp shipping, others into liner services. From 1936 onward, Leif Hoegh, for
instance, seeing liner shipping as counter-cyclical to tankers, and thus complementary, started
its liner activities. After a decade of diversification, following World War II the shipping
industry entered into what turned out to be several decades of boom conditions. These years
of strong growth in shipping ran in parallel with decades of worldwide economic growth,
which should not surprise us since, according to research, shipping markets tend to show
strong returns"beyond expectations"during periods of strong overall economic growth.
During the boom decades, there were several constraints on building new ship capacity
worldwide. Shipyards were generally old-fashioned and often run down. For Leif Hoegh, this
constraint meant taking a more opportunistic approach to shipping, an approach that consisted
of finding market-oriented niches, such as in overseas liner services (geographic expansion),
12 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
and "playing" the commodity markets more systematically. This constraint was further
accentuated by Leif Hoegh's dedicated investments in large tankers. Although this marked the
company's return to its founding strategy, it nevertheless continued to recognize the
importance of the markets, the timing and the commodity orientation of most shipping
Starting in the 1960s, many shipping companies began managing themselves more
professionally. They hired analytical executives who focused more sharply on the financial
dimension. They also brought in professional ship engineers, who added much-needed
technical expertise. The pattern here was clear: Shipping companies were trying to add new
competences to their existing bases, perhaps in order to be able to bring into practice their
own, unique strategies. By adding new competences and looking to realize unique strategies,
many shipping companies thus ended up focusing more on niches, where they could apply
their competences from a "platform" of thorough analysis, stricter performance hurdles and
more stringent efficiency targets. It would not be outlandish to claim that the era of unilateral
opportunistic capitalism was now on its way out, and that professionalism, often around
several diversified, more tightly focused niches, was on the way in.
Many shipping companies, both old and new, tried to take advantage of the boom years,
but by the late 1970s and early 1980s, most were saddled with massive over-investments.
As we know, in the early 1980s, the industry slid into a slump that lasted ten years. Many
of the "new" shipping companies went out of business. A good number of these had, as
indicated, been running on a model best described as "professionalism within traditional
niches," and it turned out that, with their commodity base, they lacked the robustness to
withstand the recession. So, for many shipping firms, the 1980s meant finding a survival
strategy. So it was with Leif Hoegh, which finally reached an agreement with its creditors
in 1987.
Strategically, Leif Hoegh has thus gone from being a diversified shipping company to
becoming a highly focused one over the last decade. Several key strategic choices have been
made. In the past, commercial activities were present in a broad range of segments, such as
tank, OBO (ore-bulk-oil), RoRo (roll on, roll off), RoroHual (Hoegh Ugland Auto Liners),
open hatch bulk carriers, Hoegh Lines (including West Africa Lines), LPG (liquid petroleum
gas), LNG (liquefied natural gas), traditional bulk carriers, reefers, and a large stake in the
Norwegian America Line Cruise business. As noted, this old strategy was based on being
engaged in several different shipping segments in order to spread the risk. The focus over
time became to develop activities in a specific area, and then split this off, typically as a
separate firm and with its own board. There were several examples, with Leif Hoegh owning
various percentages:
Bona Shipholding42% ownership; operated tankers and OBOs.
HUAL50% ownership; RoRo segment.
A Truly Challenging Industry: Shipping Company Strategies 13
Cool Carriers75% ownership; reefer.
Hoegh Lines100% ownership; open hatch.
Gorthon Linesmajority ownership; paper transport.
This structure made it easier for Leif Hoegh to subsequently spin off these holdings, as well
as giving the company more flexibility regarding timing.
The new strategy started with the purchase of 50% of HUAL from Ugland, for US$390
million. This was the biggest investment in Leif Hoegh's history. This in turn led to a further
optimization of the firm's resources:
Financial resources were more focused, for growth
Scarce leadership resources had fewer business activities to concentrate on
More profitable segments within the shipping industry were targeted
Let the investors balance their own risk profiles. This finally led to the privatization of
the company in June 2003, with only two family owners holding shares, and other
family members pursuing their own investments.
Ultimately, this led to a focused strategy, based on only two segments, RoRo and LNG, which
we shall discuss further in Chapter 4. The focused strategy involved several important steps:
1999 saw the sale of Bona Shipholding to Teekay, initially in Teekay's shares, which
were subsequently sold. In retrospect, one might speculate whether perhaps Leif
Hoegh might have been able to utilize the stock market more aggressively in
connection with its merger of Bona, which it controlled with Teekay. It might perhaps
even have established a stronger ownership share in Teekay, based on its well-
established ownership position, when Bona was merged into Teekay rather than
Cool Carriers was soldthe software to J. Lauritzen and the 13 ships asset by asset.
Hoegh Lines was sold to Oldendorff in 2001the part that served Indonesia/India to
the US West coast.
Gorthon Lines was sold in 2001.
All the remaining open hatch ships were transferred to Saga Forest Carriers, a free-
standing company dominated by Leif Hoegh, but with its own structure, so that Leif
Hoegh could have more flexibility in disposing of it or making other strategic moves
involving this entity later.
14 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Today, HUAL represents 70% of the firm's turnover. It gives critical mass within this
segment and allows the company to develop a global service network. Leif Hoegh is pursuing
three sub-segments in this business:
New cars
Used cars (POW)
Tall and heavy vehicles.
Several recent strategic moves have been made at HUAL, including the acquisition in 2001 of
Kiwi Car Carriers for the transportation of used cars from Japan to New Zealand. It also
ordered five huge PCTCs (pure car and truck carriers) in Korea in 2002 and 2003, entered a
joint venture with Louis Dreyfus for a RoRo carrier to Airbus, and took on five more new
PCTCs on ten-year time charters from other owners in 2003.
Leif Hoegh has thus shown a strong willingness to follow its fundamental beliefs regarding
the development of the various shipping markets, and then to take the consequences of this by
getting out of several types of shipping activities and focusing primarily on the automotive
transportation segmenta market its board and management truly believe in!
Today the global automotive industry is opening up more, and there is strong expansion.
There is also much more trade, with car models being shipped worldwide. There is thus a
strong expansion in the trade of cars globally.
The implication for Leif Hoegh is that it can invest more or less whatever capital it has
available in this one segment, given its strong growth. This was not the case, say, some eight
years ago, when the automotive industry segment was not growing much at allabove all due
to restrictions within the industry. Then the industry was less global in its trade patterns; it
was also more focused on specific automotive manufacturers using only one shipping
company, i.e., tighter links between shippers and producers. Now, by contrast, the global
brands are "crisscrossing" more between the various shipowners, with less tight links between
the automotive firms and the shipowners. It has become a more attractive segment over time
for the owners, as the global automotive industry has prospered.
In the LNG segment, Leif Hoegh won a 20-year contract for two LNG ships from
Statoil/TotalFinaElf (TFE) for carrying gas from the Snovit field in the Barents Sea off
Norway. This contract was run together with Mitsui Lines.
There are important historical lessons here. One is that, in a predominantly commodity-based
industry, timing is essential. Another is that shipping companies always need to understand
the "worst case" scenario, for only with this understanding will they have enough resources to
withstand an extended economic downturn, whenever it happens. Further, shipping
companies need to have good personal relationships with the financial marketssomething
the relatively few companies that survived the painful decline of the 1980s appear to have
A Truly Challenging Industry: Shipping Company Strategies 15
had, i.e., a cooperation between the financial sector and the shipping sector. And, finally,
focus means everything. A simple, robust strategy seems to be important. "Strategy means
choice" (Lorange, 1980). This can be summed up in Exhibit 1.4, which compares the financial
results of Leif Hoegh before and after the significant refocusing strategy. One can see that by
concentrating on a few business segments, the company indeed achieved much stronger
Exhibit 1.4: Leif Hoegh & Co. Results
Operating Profits
Owned Ships
(old strategy)
490 m$
64 m$
23 m$
(new strategy)
670 m$
160 m$
88 m$
Source: Guttormsen, 2003
The Country of Location: ExampleThe Norwegian Maritime Charter
It is interesting to see how the general economic development in certain shipping companies
has led toperhaps unintendedshifts toward more speculative shipping. Let us take the
case of Norway. Norway has always been a large shipping nation, with a considerable part of
the global shipping fleet controlled by Norwegian shipowners, and with many sizable globally
successful shipping companies headquartered in the country. During the years after World
War II, the wages of Norwegian seamen were relatively reasonable, even on a worldwide
comparative basis. Over the years, wage levels grew rather rapidly, however. This applied not
only to direct wages but also to the accompanying social costs as shown in Exhibit 1.5
(Seland, 1994, p. 163).
As wages increased, the economic returns for the Norway-based shipowners thus gradually
diminished. In order to "compensate" for these added costs, many Norwegian shipowners
gradually entered into more short-term, market-based speculation for its ships. The overall
composition of the Norwegian fleet was increasingly determined by "asset play" rather than
long-term relationships with shippers, which had in large part been a basis for the initial
success of the Norwegian shipping-based industrial sector. With more asset play and more
focus on short-term market conditions, the risks were, of course, also higher. The result was,
indeed, the economic collapse of many traditional Norwegian shipping companies. Only
16 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
relatively few maintained a strong focus on market relationships and a systematic, long-term
market-based focus.
Exhibit 1.5: Norwegian Price and Salary Development 1954-1966
Source: Seland, 1974
At the same time, it is interesting to see that the wages of Norwegian white-collar workers seem
to be relatively low on a comparative basis. It is thus still relatively inexpensive to run the
headquarters functions of global shipping companies from Norway. One can attract capable
executives to staff the international shipping firm, operated out of Norway. It would be
relatively much more expensive to run such firms out of many other world economic centers,
for example London, New York or Tokyo. One must underscore the importance of strong
investments in the human resource development function in countries such as Germany,
Denmark and Norway, not least in order to "compete" for the talents. It may thus be impossible
to attract experienced ship officers and white-collar talents without stimulant public sector
supported investments in such countries' human resource strategies (Wilhelmsen, 2004).
A Truly Challenging Industry: Shipping Company Strategies 17
Exhibit 1.6: The Norwegian Maritime Cluster
Source: Ullring, 2003
Exhibit 1.6 illustrates the key interrelationships in the Norwegian Maritime Cluster. Norway
has 0.1% of the world's population and represents approximately 1% of the world's economy
(GNP), yet it accounts for around 10% of the world's seaborne transportation. As one can see
from the exhibit, one postulates that there is strong positive reinforcement between the
various activities in the Norwegian Maritime Cluster. Such clusters can be a source for
enhancing a country's competitiveness.
It should be pointed out that many of the ships controlled by Norwegian shipping do not
actually fly a Norwegian flag, but may sail under various "flags of convenience," including
that of the Norwegian International Ship Registry (NIS), which provides a number of
advantages when it comes to taxes, crewing, etc. Thus, a major issue has to do with the
maintenance of the Norway-based headquarters for various shipping companies. A key
problem here has to do with the personal taxation of owners and senior executives. Without
liberalization here, it may be doubtful whether the Norwegian Maritime Cluster will continue
to exist in its present dominant form.
This has been demonstrated through research done by Michael Porter of Harvard Business
School (Porter, 1998), and has also been applied to specific countries, for example
Norway (Reve and Jakobsen, 2002; Jakobsen, 2003b). Another way to illustrate the
Norwegian Maritime Cluster is through Exhibit 1.7, which lists the various players in a
different manner.
18 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Exhibit 1.7: The Norwegian Maritime Network
Source: Reve and Jakobsen, 2002
A. P. Moller-Maersk
The steamship company A. P. Moller-Maersk, as the name suggests, was founded by A.P.
Moller and his father in Svenborg, Denmark, when they established the Steamship Company
Svenborg in 1904. Moller established another steamship company eight years later (Steamship
Company of 1912) because he did not feel entirely comfortable with the input from his board
of directors of the first company. Both companies grew into enormous shipping giants that
were merged during the spring of 2003 under the new name A. P. Moller-Maersk Corporation,
to form one of the largest shipping companies in the world (Hornby, 1988).
A. P. Moller-Maersk started business in a modest waymostly small steamships in the tramp
shipping business. With personal flexibility and prudence, A. P. Moller himself was able to
build up the organization and take advantage of the turbulent environment of World War I.
After the war, the company was an early adopter of diesel-powered vessels and added many
newbuildings to its fleet, particularly from A. P. Moller's own yard, Odense Steel Shipyard.
Through this link with his own yard, Moller was able to have ships built when there was a
need for them. This was vertical integration, with the company gaining control over a large
part of its value chain, which thus allowed it access to new ship capacity when needed and
A Truly Challenging Industry: Shipping Company Strategies 19
also offered more stable employment in the wider "Danish ship industry cluster." In 1928,
A, P. Moller-Maersk added a tanker business, built mainly around long-term charters, and a
liner service. Thus, the more stable liner and tanker services complemented the traditional
tramp business, with its heavy short-term exposure.
After World War II, A.P. Moller-Maersk expanded forcefully, ordering many large liner ships
and several new tankers. These were largely built at the company's new yard, Lindoe, opened
in 1959 as a new division of the old Odense Steel Shipyard. The vertical integration was not
always a success, however. The series of large, double hull VLCC tankers built at Lindoe
were technical wonders, but commercial disasters. In retrospect, it seems that these ships were
built ten years ahead of their time. Ironically, with today's call for double-hull ships as
protection against potential spills, Moller's first double-hulled tankers would be just the right
tonnage; but ten years ago, this was not so. The company also expanded into other non-
shipping activities, such as oil and gas exploration, and production, as well as various
industrial activities.
A. P. Moller-Maersk has since diversified into a number of areas in the shipping value chain,
including IT services, and consolidated its own position in others. Its Maersk Sealand is the
largest container shipping operation in the world, with a capacity of more than 800,000 TEU
and employing more than 30 POST PANMAX, so-called mega-ships, all built at the Lindoe
yard; it is now the cornerstone of the group (Der Spiegel, June 7, 2004). This also includes
ownership in terminals, trucking, IT support, etc., i.e., an integrated global transportation
services concept. A long-term view clearly drives the build-up of all of this. Gas carriers, car
carriers, VLCCs and product tankers, as well as offshore supply vessels, drilling rigs and a
number of other types of vessels are all part of a fleet of more than 250 vessels, with a total
deadweight of approximately 12 million tons. By 2003 the group had more than 60,000
employees in over 125 countries.
Looking back over A.P. Moller-Maersk's one-hundred year history, it is interesting to note
that the pragmatic business focus of the group seems to have prevailed, leading to repeated
commercial success through the decades. Still, even outstanding performers like A.P. Moller-
Maersk make mistakes. For example, the fleet of geared Panamax ships did not seem to work
out. The fleet of small gas tankers bought from Westfal-Larsen was ill timed. And the double
hull VLCC tankers were also ill timed, as noted above.
The shipping industry is, of course, full of examples of ill-timed decisions, and it is easybut
not constructiveto be overly "insightful" in retrospect. A valuable insight, however, seems
to be that success in the shipping industry stems, to a large degree, from a willingness to take
risks, to make specific moves, so that ship assets are in play when opportunities arise. But
with the willingness to take risks, of course, comes the risk of making the wrong decision,
too. At the same time, however, the willingness to take risks needs to be backed up by well-
Today, A. P. Moller-Maersk seems to be taking a rather opportunistic approach to its VLCC tanker ownership.
In 2004, for instance, it sold four of its 1990s double-hull ships to Greek owners. In December 2003 it was
reported to have ordered three VLCCs from Chinese shipbuilders (TradeWinds, 2004).
20 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
thought-out, conservative financial policies. This prudent, focused approach is captured well
in a letter from A. P. Moller to his son, Maersk McKinney-Moller, on December 2, 1946:
"My old saying: no loss should hit us, which can be avoided with constant care, this must be a
watch word throughout the entire organization." (Hornby, 1988).
The company has consistently pushed for the development of larger and more advanced ships.
The way it competes in the offshore supply businesswhere it is one of the world's leaders
can serve as an example. A. P. Moller-Maersk is here primarily focused on the anchor
handling tug segment, particularly the very large ones. It has traditionally been seen as one of
the leading companies in developing bigger and more powerful ships. The company takes
pride in going for size and state-of-the-art equipment, defending its market dominance
through more advanced ships. This is clearly a large, aggressive organization with its own
culture, and the competition can at times find it hard to understand A. P. Moller-Maersk's
pricing decisions. For the company, however, securing a competitive position is important,
even at the cost of having to settle for a relatively modest rate at times. During peak periods
the company, with its size, will always benefit.
As we know, after the slump in the shipping industry in the 1970s and 1980s, the early 1990s
saw the return of stronger shipping markets. The markets have of course fluctuated since then,
as they are bound to do: There have been upturns, followed by extended downturns, although
never of the same length and depth as those that hit the industry in the 1980s. By the 1990s,
many shipping companies, including Leif Hoegh and A. P. Moller-Maersk, were again
benefiting from the upside in the market, enjoying strong financial returns from their basically
commodity-oriented strategies. It was a welcome period of consolidation, indeed.
As noted, today A. P. Moller-Maersk is No. 1 in the world in container ships over 3,000 TEU
(11% of world capacity), No. 4 in container ships under 3,000 TEU, and No. 7 in VLCCs.
The company thus not only is big in each of the various segments where it operatesso that it
can enjoy scale and cost efficiencybut also has the ability to serve large oil company
customers when it comes to their various demands, i.e., it has a customer focus. This is
similar to Teekay, which has the size to be efficient and also the customer focus to meet its
customers' needs.
Looking retrospectively at the ups and downs in the shipping industry since the early 20
century, as well as at the shipping companies' response, it seems safe to say, in summary that
until the early 1990s most shipping companies had a predominantly commodity-oriented
focus. This meant that when the market stayed down, they had relatively few corporate-driven
options. In many ways, the market dictated their options. Further, much of the technology in
the industry was 30 years old by the end of this periodsince the 1960s there had been only
marginal improvements. The industry was low margin; short-lived peaks in rates, associated
with peaks in economic growth, did not change the picture.
For many shipping companies, including Leif Hoegh and A. P. Moller-Maersk, the last
decade and a half have thus involved trying hard to find specialization niches. Searching
A Truly Challenging Industry: Shipping Company Strategies 21
out and taking advantage of such niches has meant that shipping companies have had to try
to leverage their strengths in new geographic markets and add "bolt-on" technologies to
their established base of strength. Much of this leveraging and bolting on has also led
shipping firms to focus for the first time on building their businesses on truly independent
business "legs." In other words, many are now following a portfolio strategy. In the past,
the so-called commodity strategy collapsed because all of a shipping company's businesses
sank when the shipping market fell. Shipping companies now appear to be basing their
portfolio approach on the assumption that the robustness and cyclical independence of the
separate business legs gives them a strength they lacked when they focused almost
exclusively on the commodity side of the business. The niche focus means that the
independence of the various business legs may well now be more of a reality than ever
For shipping companies, it would be good if this history of shipping being a fundamentally
low margin business did not repeat itself. Nevertheless, there seems to be strong evidence that
strong shipping markets depend on strong trade growth in general. Thus, without growth in
worldwide trade, shipping markets tend to be down. It is only truly exceptional growth
beyond what the majority of players in the industry expectthat leads to exceptional, positive
shipping market rates.
Traditionally, the bulk of the world's shipping activities was led from Europe and, to some
extent, from the US. But have the changes in shipping company strategies and the patterns in
world economic growth over the last decade resulted in any new region of the globe coming
to dominate the shipping markets? There has, in fact, been a marked shift toward the Far East.
Japan has played a critical role for several decades, and its growth has dramatically funneled
the strengths of shipping markets in the early to mid-1990s. Similarly, Korea, Taiwan and
Southeast Asia have played key stimulating roles. Today, China is particularly critical, being
a major source for funneling economic growth worldwide, and with a positive impact on
world shipping markets.
Let us also consider that, today, new shipbuilding capacity is high, so owners can rapidly
order and receive new capacity, essentially in all niches of shipping. Commoditization of
all niches has accelerated. Further, the access to cheap financing has never been easier.
One significant financing option is so-called limited partnership capital
(Kommanditgesellschafts-kapital), available to private investors in Germany and some other
countries (Norway and Denmarkkomandittselskap, or KS), which provides considerable
tax advantages for individuals. See Chapter 3 for further explanation. Thus, a shipping
project can actually yield a negative return, while the return to the investors can still be
positive. This "dream" of hitting on a project with positive returns fuels the rapid evolution
in the shipping industry toward commodity, from niche to niche. In general, the shipping
industry is mature, with relatively poor returns, except for those rather rare, often short,
market cycles when the market truly skyrockets and offers exorbitant returns. As noted
earlier, these relatively atypical cycles tend to coincide with periods of economic growth,
either globally or, more specifically, within a particular industry or geographic segment,
22 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
such as in the past when the world economy was faced with crude oil shortages (which has
happened several times), and in the near future when the rest of the world will have to
contend with China's economic upswing.
Looking at the cyclical nature of the shipping industry and the importance of timing, it
seems reasonable to ask why forecasts and scenarios, such as those supplied by Marsoft, are
valid at all. Markets are, of course, always hard to predict. What companies like Marsoft,
which provides strategy, risk management, investment advisory and market analysis
services to the maritime industry, can do is to give a spectrum of forecasts. These are based
on the best data available, regarding both the aggregate supply sidesuch as supplies of
goods based on developments, say, in the availability of ships of various typesand the
demand sidebased on, say, demands for oil transportation or bulk cargo handling services,
etc. The value of this approach is that it complements the judgment of the individual
decision-maker, by providing analysis, as far as it can be taken, regarding market
developments and turning points.
What lessons about strategic challenges can we draw from the history of ocean shipping in
general over the last century, as well as from the specific histories of Leif Hoegh and A. P.
Moller-Maersk and the like? Although we will explore these challenges more profoundly in
later chapters, here are four tentative conclusions that will also serve as the basis of the later
discussion in the book:
Cyclically and turbulence characterize much of the shipping industry, but successful
shipowners see these two forces as an opportunity, not a threat. Taking advantage of the
opportunity, however, requires understanding how to execute an effective commodity
strategy. Successfully executing a commodity strategy rests on three principles:
Right timing is everythingshort term (spot) and long term. In and out!
Cut the lossesrun with the winners.
Squeeze the margins out of the business.
There are opportunities for carving out niche strategies in shipping, i.e. for identifying market
segments where the competition is unlikely to be very strong, and where adding the right
unique competences will allow a shipping firm to serve a set of customers more or less alone.
Thus, the drive for non-commodity niche strategies also seems to be an important part of the
successful shipping company's overall strategic menu.
Strategic niches tend to create only short-lived bonanzas. Other shipowners tend to "copy" the
initial niche pioneers, which causes a general move toward commoditization of niche
strategies over time.
A Truly Challenging Industry: Shipping Company Strategies 23
A shift toward professionalism has occurredclear and strongwith financial analysis, better
market insights and consistent risk-taking approaches now prevailing. Nevertheless, to succeed,
today's shipping company must still have the old entrepreneurial Leitbild. There is still an
abundance of strong-willedoften even flamboyantindividuals who set their imprimatur on
this business, perhaps more than in any other industry. It seems clear that "power" at the top
through decision-making ability is critical. This leadership style must, however, encompass a
clear vision, clear creativity and a clear ability to be consistent over time.
Our brief historical analysis of shipping markets and the shipping companies' responses to them
has thus led us to four key lessons about the strategic challenges in the shipping industry. With
these key strategic challenges in mind, let us now push further to analyze the context for good
shipping strategies. More specifically, let us look in more detail at a model of shipping company
strategies. Once we have established a working model, we will explore key macro issues, a few
trade-specific issues and key characteristics of the financial markets as they relate to shipping
strategies. This brief overview will end with a short review of the major relevant technological
developments, important contextual realities for how shipping strategies can be shaped.
Shipping Company Strategies: A Model
Exhibit 1.8 depicts a model for business development in shipping companies. Professor Bala
Chakravarthy and I developed this conceptual scheme to shed light on the internally generated
growth process in industrial corporations (Chakravarthy and Lorange, 2004). As we shall see,
the model is easily adaptable to shipping companies' strategic challenges.
Exhibit 1.8: A Conceptual Model for Shipping Strategies
Source: Chakravarthy and Lorange, 2004
24 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
As noted, we can characterize shipping markets as typically consisting of established markets,
such as the classical tanker markets, containers, liners and/or bulker markets. Here, perfect
atomistic competition prevails (we shall discuss this more in Chapter 2). Alternatively, we can
think about new shipping markets within highly specialized shipping segments, such as
special-purpose bulkers, heavy lift ships, certain types of supply ships, special-purpose
tankers, etc. Here, we might expect more specialized markets, imperfect competition, less
atomizationindeed, what we would call niche markets (we shall say more about this in
Chapter 3). The horizontal axis of Exhibit 1.8 picks up on this aspect of specialization, when a
company specializes by (potentially) adding proprietary competences, know-how and
But we can also think about distinctive competences applied to the core activities in shipping.
Typically, a shipping company will cover the core activities relating to running ships in the
atomistic marketplace. This means not only the technical side but also having the prerequisite
competences in-house to have an understanding of the market mechanism at play. The bottom
left square of Exhibit 1.8 reflects this.
Alternatively, a shipping company can add new activities, such as new market insights, more
intimate contacts with specific shippers, new technologies for loading and unloading and for
understanding how to operate highly specialized types of ships, etc. The vertical axis of
Exhibit 1.8 reflects these options.
Think about developing a model for shipping as making choices between four potential
The Protect and Extend category (lower left quadrant of Exhibit 1.8, as already
noted) is for doing the atomistic business "as usual," which is essentially a commodity
strategy. It is key to attempt to identify successful examples of a Protect and Extend
strategy where there is a good link between, on the one hand, market contacts and
appropriate know-how and, on the other hand, the shipping firm's ability to deliver on
The Leverage Business category (upper left quadrant) is for entering new ship market
segments, based on repeating a success strategy already developed under Protect and
The Build Business category (lower right quadrant) is for adding new technologies to
an already successful strategy developed under Protect and Extend.
The Transform Business category (upper right quadrant) is for adopting both new
technologies and new market segments together. This can typically be rather
speculative. According to Chakravarthy and Lorange (2004), this study is often
associated with failure.
A Truly Challenging Industry: Shipping Company Strategies 25
Leverage business, Build business and Transform business are niche strategies.
Unfortunately, in classical shipping, the opportunities for entering these categories of business
development are typically rather small. A main focus will thus always have to remain on
Protect and Extend, where the atomistic market will be in full play. What does this mean?
Simply that, under most circumstances, following a commodity strategy well is key. There
will often be relatively few opportunities for unique new markets and/or unique new
distinctive competences (we will look at this again in Chapter 3). The commodity nature of
the Protect and Extend business, to be discussed extensively in Chapter 2, more or less
delineates the classical strategic arena where much shipping business plays out.
Some time ago McKinsey undertook a study for the Norwegian Shipowners Association and
the Norwegian Science and Technology Research Council (McKinsey, 1985, 1989). They
proposed a model for different types of shipping companies, pursuing different types of
strategies, which would be based on the significance of achieving economies of scale, as well
as on an ability to achieve a degree of specialization/differentiation. Exhibit 1.9 gives an
overview of their proposed strategic archetype map. As one can see, these would be special
shipping, contract shipping and industry shipping.
Exhibit 1.9: McKinsey's "Shipping Map" for Shipping Firms
Source: McKinsey & Co., 1985, 1989
26 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
The McKinsey model has several similarities with what we have proposed in this book.
Above all, it stresses the importance of commodity shipping versus other types of shipping.
The key difference, however, is that the differentiation dimension proposed in their model
has been developed further in this book, where we have introduced both a technology
dimension and a customer dimension. The economies of scale dimension proposed by
McKinsey is, by contrast, not seen by us as being typically all that significant. Clearly we
recognize, however, that barriers to entry do now and then exist, as will be discussed in
Chapter 3. For commodity shipping the most critical success factor is developing a clear
strategy regarding second-hand asset play, according to McKinsey. Thus, while
emphasizing the "in/out" strategic dimension, the "long/short" chartering dimension seems
to be less heavily emphasized in their model.
For complex segments McKinsey emphasizes "industrial" shipping strategies, combined with
asset play. There are many similarities here with what we propose.
As an overall factor for success, McKinsey recommends, organizationally, strong analytically
based strategies, combined with a managerial bias for action, a recommendation we
wholeheartedly agree with.
At the extreme, it seems safe to conclude that each trade will set its own market. There are, of
course, strong interdependencies between freight rate markets, but for all practical purposes,
the major trades tend to be the market setters for what can be seen as their own broad shipping
freight rate markets. And all of these major shipping markets can be classified as commodity
markets. There are, nonetheless, observable differences.
Coal is an important commodity. It is, in particular, a major driver of the development of bulk
freight rates. Factors such as stock building when it comes to steam coal can, for instance, be
important. It might make sense, therefore, to monitor this development. Micro factors, such as
for instance the temporary closing of Japanese nuclear power plants, can also play an
important role in the potential revival of the coal trade. Other factors, like lower imports
intoand any exports fromChina, can be important, too.
Steel and Iron Ore
Here, as noted, an increase in, for instance, China's iron ore imports can play an important
role in the development of shipping markets, since iron ore is a key raw material in
China's steel production. In other words, there are close links between iron ore and steel.
A Truly Challenging Industry: Shipping Company Strategies 27
Increased shipbuilding in countries such as China and South Korea can thus also play a
role. Direct steel products imports into South Korea and China can, of course, further
impact the bulk ship freight rate market.
Grain, another commodity, can have a significant effect on the bulk freight rate markets.
Trends show that grain imports into Russia, for example, have strong effects on the shipping
market. Natural factors such as drought in Australia can also play an important role. Changing
trade patterns, such as relatively more imports from South America and Australia, versus
relatively lower imports from the US, say, into Eastern Europe and Russia or, say, into China,
means longer shipping legs, or routes, and can also have important effects on the shipping
market. The relative length of the shipping legs can change, and the bulk shipping rates will
change accordingly (the longer the shipping legs, the higher the bulk shipping rates).
Crude Oil
A key driver for this will be a number of factors that have an effect on the supply side for oil,
such as the policies of the Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries (OPEC) and other
producing countries, or factors relating to geopolitical events, like the impacts of restrictions
caused by threats of war (or actual acts of war). In the long run, oil exploration will, of course,
fundamentally also affect the supply side. Consider Exhibit 1.10.
Exhibit 1.10: Correlation between Middle East Output and VLCC Spot Rates
(Monthly, Dec 1999-Oct 2003)
Source: R.S. Platou Economic Research, 2003
28 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
This exhibit indicates a correlation between Middle East output and VLCC tanker freight
rates. One sees that when crude oil production is up, freight rates also tend to go up. It is,
however, generally not only the supply side, but rather the demand side that above all
determines oil tanker freight rates. Here, local consumption in the various industrialized parts
of the world will be important. Equally important will be the effects of meteorological
developments, such as low temperatures that result in higher consumption of heating oil. The
general economic climate in various parts of the more industrialized world will also have an
impact on oil consumption. In total, the pattern of factors that determines the freight levels for
oil tanker services will thus be different from those that have an impact on the freight levels
for the bulk carrier segments. Nevertheless, it will be true for both that the freight rates tend to
be volatile and it will thus remain difficult to predict with any degree of certainty or
exactitude how they will develop.
Shipping Rate ForecastingMarsoft Example
Forecasting alternative scenarios for the development of various shipping markets is, of
course, very difficult. Nevertheless, a number of organizations are in the forecasting business,
and one of the leading ones is Marsoft. Marsoft provides regular alternative scenarios for each
of the main bulk size categories, the main oil carrier categories and the main container ship
categories. Here's an example: For a Cape-size 150,000 dwt ship, the spot rates between
Brazil and Rotterdam for iron ore, Marsoft offers three alternative scenarios, a base case, a
low case, and a high case.
Base Case
Economic growth in the US will pick up over the next 12 months.
Chinese steel output will increase by 10% per year.
The steam coal trade will grow strongly.
Low Case
European Union (EU) growth will diminish to 0.5% per annum in 2003 and 2004.
EU steam steel output will drop 2% relative to the base case.
Grain exports from the former Soviet Union will pick up quickly (which will have a
negative impact on freight rates due to the impact of shorter voyages).
High Case
Chinese steel output will grow by 13% per annum.
A Truly Challenging Industry: Shipping Company Strategies 29
Total Chinese dry bulk imports will rise by 15% per annum (please compare this with
a rise in imports of 22% in 2002).
Based on these general forecasts for supply and demand, as well as on these three scenarios,
Marsoft forecasts the rate developments for the Cape-size 150,000 dwt ship, spot rates
Brazil/Rotterdam (see Exhibit 1.11).
Exhibit 1.11: Cape 150,000 dwt Spot Rates (Brazil/RotterdamIron Ore)
Source: Marsoft, 2003
One can question the accuracy of Marsoft's forecasts. For instance, one might compare
the forecast given in early 2003 (Exhibit 1.11) for the freight rates of a 150,000 dwt
Cape-size ship going from South America to Holland, and the same forecast given a year
later (Exhibit 1.12). We see here that Marsoft's initial forecast was far too conservative.
We see that the two forecasts provide dramatically different pictures regarding the
scenarios. For example, the absolute height level that the freight market reached is much
higher in the latter case. This is above all a reflection of the key assumption relating to
the Chinese economy. We can also infer from this that the second-hand value for large
bulk carriers turned out to be much larger that initially forecast by Marsoft. When it
comes to the development of the market from the peak around January 2004, we see that
Marsoft does expect a drop in the marketand this is under both scenarios. The key, as
we see, is to be able to come up with reasonable key assumptions behind the forecasts.
30 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Exhibit 1.12: Cape 150,000 dwt Spot Rates (Brazil/RotterdamIron Ore)
Source: Marsoft, 2004
It is useful in this respect to distinguish between the basic model, the underlying assumptions
that go into the model, and the forecasts thereby being generated. The assumptions will drive
the model and determine the specific outcomes for the forecasts. Thus, to set meaningful
assumptions is critical. As we shall see, Marsoft did not set entirely realistic assumptions
regarding the development of the Chinese market. This turned out to be a major reason for the
less accurate forecast. However, subsequent testing of the basic model by Marsoft, putting in
the correct assumptions regarding China on a post facto basis, confirmed the basic Marsoft
model was indeed rather good.
Consider now the assumptions as they relate to the China-based market situation. In early
2003, the bulk carrier fleet was highly utilized worldwide, say, at a level of around 96%. The
expert assumptions indicated that China's economy would, in all likelihood, slow down, and
that one would not get the continuation of the growth in China that one had previously seen.
Instead, the opposite happened. The effect of this was that the overall bulk carrier utilization
rate went up by another estimated 3.5%. In addition, there was an effect of delays in Chinese
ports, which would mean another estimated 3%. To counterbalance this, however, there was a
shift from oil tanker to bulk carrier utilization for the worldwide OBO fleet, which meant 1%
less overall utilization, due to this added capacity. On top of this, there was less scrapping,
meaning another 1% less utilization.
The net result was that the overall utilization of the world's bulk carrier fleet went up 4.5%,
i.e., to full utilization, an absolute maximum. This is in contrast to the original assumption
A Truly Challenging Industry: Shipping Company Strategies 31
which indicated that the utilization would be expected to go down. As we know, the result
has been an exceptionally strong dry bulk market. Marsoft missed this!
The issue of developing key assumptions is, therefore, a critical one. Marsoft utilizes leading
analysis houses worldwide, various economic experts and available resources from a broad set
of sources. This is the basis for their assumptions setting.
Financial markets can also have a direct effect on freight rate markets. For instance,
currency rates can directly impact shipping rates. They can also have an indirect effect
through an impact on major commodities, such as oil prices. Further, currency rates can
have important effects on shipbuilding pricesthey can potentially stimulate or dampen
newbuilding activities, which, in turn, can have an impact on freight rate markets. Interest
rates can have many of the same effects. In short, understanding the developments in
financial markets, particularly currency and interest rate fluctuations, has become an
increasingly integral part of understanding how freight rate markets develop. For instance,
since many shipping transactions are consummated in US dollarsincluding newbuilding
and second-hand prices for shipsa general appreciation of the dollar relative to other
currencies tends to lead to a lowering of shipping rates. Further, when interest rates go up,
shipowners incur higher overall costs, and this may lead to an increase in freight markets to
Technological developments can also have an important influence on shipping markets.
Despite the fact that shipowners are often conservative here, a number of broader
developments in technology have had an impact on the shipping industry. For instance, the
price of building new ships has steadily gone down. The replacement cost of vessels has, in
general, thus also come down, not just because shipbuilding has become more cost efficient
but also because of various kinds of government subsidies. Thus, the asset values of ships
have, at times, declined above and beyond the normal depreciation effects of aging. For
instance, over the last ten years, there has been a 33% decline in replacement value for
building new ships of most types (I. M. Skaugen Annual Report, 2002). This decline has
been accentuated by the increase in new shipbuilding capacity, which has led to both lower
shipping freight markets and higher depreciation costs for shipowners which, in turn, has
dampened the newbuilding activities that many traditional owners can afford. Instead, new
owners with "fresh" capital have entered the industry aggressively. The design of the ships
themselves has led to higher speeds and lower fuel consumption as well. All these factors
have been leading to downward pressure on the ship freight rate markets, with both a
capacity effect and a productivity effect setting in.
32 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
In this chapter we have drawn an overall picture of the shipping industry, with its strong
global focus and the fierce competitive forces. We illustrated the evolution of successful
shipping company strategies with two case studiesLeif Hoegh & Co. and A. P. Moller-
Maersk. We then introduced our conceptual model for developing strategies in shipping
companies. As we shall see, this represents one of the cornerstones of this book. And finally
we discussed the challenges of rate forecasting, using Marsoft as an example.
In the next chapter, we shall examine in more detail how shipping companies may develop
strategies for competing in commodity markets. We shall see that a keen understanding of
freight market developments, particularly having a feel for the turning points, can provide the
basis for commodity-based shipping strategies. Key strategic decisions on how the ships
might be employed will be in/out decisions, as well as long/short decisions. We shall also see
how important a consistent profile of risk will be, including strong discipline. The need to
keep costs at an absolute minimum will also be discussed. Commodity-based strategies
represent the backbone of most shipping companieshence, the discussion in Chapter 2 will
be important and detailed.
Commodity-Based Shipping: Playing the Market 33
The art of prophecy is very difficult, especially with respect to the future. Mark Twain
The shipping market is so volatile and margins so uncertain that consistent success in
chartering and investments demands is a very disciplined decision-making process.
Dr. Arlie Sterling, Lloyd's List, May 6, 2003, p. 7
Shipping is a hot topic because the world is short of ships.
Financial Times, March 12, 2004, p. 12
For a long time it has been almost a truism in shipping that supply and demand for shipping
activities should ideally be more or less in balance. Too much supply, i.e., too many ships
available, causes the freight markets to fall. Too much demand relative to supply causes the
ship market to go up. Demand rarely exceeds supply over a long period, however. Rather,
there tend to be relatively short peaks in the freight market. Shipbuilding technology has
exacerbated this phenomenon: Huge capacity is available for building new tonnageand fast.
The high capacity thus further tends to shorten the peak periods for ship freight rates. Finally,
ample financing tends to be available. Banks appear to be eager to give loansthey can,
indeed, often be seen as rather effective drivers of new shipbuilding activities, which in turn
also tend to dampen the freight rates. In general, this is unfortunate for the shipping industry,
since supply generally tends to outstrip demand. The result is long periods of rather depressed
freight markets (Stopford, 1997).
Well-consolidated companies typically have the luxury of going anti-cyclical. Because of
their financial strength, they can be less dependent on the banks. Often companies in this
category become bigger and bigger until, perhaps, greed kicks in. It is in general hard to be
small and to play the market successfully at the same time.
We should remind ourselves here that the visible volatility of the market, as reflected
when the swings in the time charter rates are be plotted, would be a function of the time
34 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
horizon. The volatilities are much more extreme when observed over short-term, spot
market conditions; the average evens out over longer time periods (hence also the more
"average" freight rates for long-term charters). The overall "mean" for the charter
market's moves will, of course, remain the same. Note, however, that market plots of
charter market rates are normally skewed toward the low end, reflecting the fact that
charter markets tend to go through relatively long periods of low freight rate levels,
combined with some extreme, positive peaks. This bias toward the low end is, of course,
highest for the spot market.
The forecast for the freight rate developments for the spot rate, iron ore Brazil/Rotterdam for
a 150,000 ton deadweight (dwt) Cape-size ship was given in Exhibits 1.11 and 1.12, and the
corresponding historical rate distributions are given in Exhibit 2.1, illustrating the tendency to
be "skewed to the left."
Exhibit 2.1: Historical Rate Distribution of Spot Rates 1990-2003. Cape 150,000 dwt
(Brazil/RotterdamIron Ore)
Source: Marsoft, 2003
A cumulative probability distribution can be developed out of this, which provides a measure
for evaluating likely rate developments in the future, based on the historical rate performances
(as indicated in Exhibit 2.1), as well as for future expectations, as indicated in one's forecasts,
such as the ones given in Exhibits 1.11 and 1.12. This same picture of the cumulative
probability distribution can be seen in Exhibit 2.2.
Commodity-Based Shipping: Playing the Market 35
As Exhibit 2.2 shows, there is a 50% chance that we shall achieve a spot rate of US$8.20.
There is a 95% chance that the spot rate will be less than $8.43. And there is a 5% chance that
the spot rate will be as low as $7.95 or less. This means that when we are calculating a certain
spot rate expectation, we can easily go in and see how this equates with past history and
future forecasts.
As noted, shipping markets tend to be atomistic markets; they exhibit more or less perfect
competition. The price offered for the freight service determines (in large measure) who gets
the dealthe lower the offer, the better the chance. There tend to be many suppliers, with
very little concentration in the shipping industry structure. Further, there tend to be many
sources of demand for shipping servicesagain with relatively little concentration on the
demand side of the industry. All in all, these tendencies add to an atomisticor highly
fragmentedpattern, with both many suppliers and demanders. Finally, the various ship
typesbasic oil carriers as well as bulk carriersare usually more or less similar, i.e.,
interchangeable, which adds to the pattern of commodity orientation that is typically used to
describe shipping markets and services. There are, of course, various types of ships when it
comes to size, speed, age, etc. Nevertheless, there tends to be a strong correlation between the
freight rates for these various types. For instance, a falling market for very large ships also
tends to push down the freight rate markets for categories of smaller ships, although typically
with a lag. Also, rates for newer ships tend to fall, along with rates for older tonnage of
similar type.
Exhibit 2.2: Future ExpectationsCumulative Distribution of Spot Rates
36 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Let us now discuss more specifically the major shipping markets. There are typically
different general markets for tankers, as opposed to bulk carriers, container ships or liner
shipping, each of which will be analyzed in more detail below (Zannetos, 1966, 1999).
Tanker Markets
In tanker markets there appear to be cycles, not trends, and these cycles seem to be
pronounced. Over the long term, however, there seem to be neither clear upward nor clear
downward general trends. The long-haul trade mix relative to the short-haul trade mix is also
important, as noted. Presently, there seems to be a relative decline in the long-haul trade side
in tankers, not least due to the emergence of several large-capacity pipelines. What is truly
important here is the owner's ability to secure back haul business.
Within the tanker category, there are at least four major sub-marketsall, as noted, somewhat
VLCCs (very large cruise carriers)ships with more than 200,000 dwt capacity
Suezmax marketships typically of around 100,000 to 125,000 dwt
Aframax/Panamax marketships of 60,000 to 80,000 dwt
Product tankers/Handy-size marketships typically around 30,000 to 45,000 dwt.
Tanker regulation is now an issue. In the European Union (EU), tankers will have to have
double hulls by 2005brought forward from the previous deadline of 2010and they
already have to have double hulls to enter US ports. The EU has already imposed a ban on
single hull tankers carrying heavy oil shipments to EU ports. This came into effect in July
2003, after the sinking of the Prestige, a 26-year-old Greek-owned tanker, in Spanish waters
in 2002. Furthermore, if a single hull tanker is more than 28 years old, it cannot operate in
European or US waters. The EU is also interacting with the International Maritime
Organization (IMO), which regulates world shipping, to adopt these EU guidelines for
phasing out single hull tankers.
The cost of complying with the new regulations will be high for shipowners. A case in point
is Teekay Shipping Corporationthe world's largest tanker owner. It recently stated that it
would write down the value of its fleet by about $50 to $60 million because of the required
phasing out of some of its single hull tankers. This non-cash write-down stems directly from
the IMO's decision, on December 9, 2003, to bring forward the phasing out of single hull
tankers. Nineteen of Teekay's tankers are affected by the new rules {Gulf News, December 15,
2003, p. 45). The salient questions are: Will other countries adopt these rules? And will the oil
Commodity-Based Shipping: Playing the Market 37
companies prefer the newer, better maintained ships, or will they go for the lowest rates, when
it comes down to it? The latter largely seems to be the case so far.
The new IMO regulations are scheduled to come into effect in April 2005. They impose a
more rigorous inspection regime for all tankers, and ban the carriage of heavy oils on single
hull tankers. A majority of the non-double hull tanker fleet would be phased out by 2010 as
a result. The immediate effect is that approximately 32 million dwt, or 10% of the existing
world tanker fleet, is expected to be banned from worldwide trading when the regulations
come into force. A further 87 million dwt, or 27% of the world tanker fleet, are expected to
be excluded from the majority of oil tanker trades by 2010. This accelerated phasing out
schedule could lead to increased commercial discrimination against older, non-double hull
tonnage, thus helping to maintain the tight balance between supply and demand (Teekay
Annual Report, 2003, p. 19).
The phasing out of single hull tankers can significantly affect the crude tanker freight
marketand most likely lead to improvements.
Bulk Carrier Markets
The dry bulk carrier market can be broken down into three major segments:
Cape-size bulk carrierscomprising ships of more than 80,000 to 100,000 dwt
Panamax markettypically comprising ships of around 55,000 to 80,000 dwt
Handy-size markettypically comprising ships of 25,000 to 35,000 dwt.
Ship safety is a concern here, too. Regulations for bulk carriers are thus also being tightened.
The IMO has decided that from 2007 bulk carriers must be built with double hulls, but the
phasing out of single hull vessels has not been addressed yet (Whittaker, 2003).
The three major iron ore producers (Companhia del Vale Rio Doce (CVRD), Brazil; BHP,
Australia; and Rio Tinto, UK) are accelerating the introduction of more iron ore
production capacity. Indeed, they have a higher concentration in this trade than OPEC
ever had. Hence, they could be able, hypothetically at least, to push the prices up, which
could have the effect of reducing global trade and lowering shipping markets. Today's
superpowers do not seem to mind, however, that the receivers of the goods, in this case
primarily China, seem to have to pay, and that this country's (and others') economic
growth might be negatively affected by this. The ore producers' expansion projects have
speeded up significantly in response to the heavy demand in growth in general and, as
noted, in particular from China. The result: More iron ore in international trade and higher
freight rates.
38 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
As noted in Chapter 1, the closure of 17 Japanese nuclear plants in the Tokyo area represents
an example of how short-term discrete events may further drive the freight markets up, in this
case due to higher coal imports. Five plants are now back in operation; the rest are not meant
to come into operation again until later, but the closures resulted in a 15% to 20% increase in
coal imports to Japan.
How much further up can bulk shipping markets go? What are the turning points? How can
we manage the risk of exit and/or long-term charter fixing at this point? Historically, the
market peaks have been short, and the downturns brutal. Ore imports to supply the Chinese
steel industry seem to be the key to understanding the overall market cycle this time. As with
electricity, the critical importance of shipping is easily forgotten until there is not enough of it.
Industrial uses of ships, for example by oil companies, mining companies, steel mills and
power utilities, fostered a belief that shipping would always be readily available at low cost,
and many companies decided not to take longer-term cover for their shipping needs. "The
industry became highly transactional, and short-term thinking prevailed." {Financial Times,
March 12, 2004, p. 12).
While the tanker markets and bulk freight markets tend to be largely independent of each
other, there are of course also interdependencies here, above all due to the effects of
newbuilding activities in the shipyards. The yards tend to deliver the type of capacity in one
of the two ship types that happens to be the most advantageous for the yards at a given time in
terms of the price that they can ask for a newbuilding. This, again, is a function of the freight
rate outlook as seen from an owner's eyes. This expectation regarding the likely development
of freight rates for the ship type will thus impact the owner's appetite to place orders, and also
his willingness to pay the yard a reasonable price for the ship. This, in turn, tends to lead to
too much newbuilding ordering in this particularly popular category of ships. Further, over
time, this tends to bring the freight rate down in this category, now making other ship
categories relatively more attractive for the owners, thus evening out the long-term
differences between tanker rates and dry bulk shipping ratesindeed, in general, between any
types of ships.
Container Markets
Container shipping has revolutionized the shipping industry and transformed the shipping
business over the last decade and a half. In the past we had break-bulk liner activities.
Emerging containerization, which started some 25 years ago, has, however, dramatically
changed the liner business, and has also strongly affected the reefer business (because of the
adaptation of reefer plugs in the container ships, allowing them to carry refrigerated
containers), as well as large segments of the classic bulk shipping business.
The impact of containerization on the shipping business cannot be overestimated.
Traditionally, containerization led to spectacular growth in this shipping segment, coupled
with strong development of the technology behind the container ships. The segment has also
been highly profitable. At the same time, the size of ships has gone from around 1,000 TEU to
Commodity-Based Shipping: Playing the Market 39
more than 8,000 TEU for so-called mega ships. The speed has also increased. Initially, the
container shipping business could be seen as a specialized niche business; today, it has many
of the characteristics of a commodity business. A growing fraction of container ship capacity
is today run in the open market, on either short-term contracts or time charter/bare boat
charter contracts, as opposed to being part of a specific liner business' operations.
China, with strong exports of manufactured goods, is coming into play very strongly in the
container market, too. Low Chinese labor costs are critical for locating manufacturing there,
with a marked migration of manufacturing from Japan, the US and other sources.
Shipowners' response to this general upturn in container ship freight rates has, however,
followed traditional patterns: aggressive new building contracting. Today, a significant
proportion of new container ships has been built on speculation, not based on the specific
demands of liner companies, which was traditionally the case.
What would a downward, worst case scenario for the container shipping segment be? The risk
of acts of terrorism in a major consumer country, such as the US, might lead to a downward
adjustment of consumers' activities, and with it, a corresponding slowdown in imports to the
US, particularly from China. In the end, it will be the overriding developments of the final
consumption patterns in industrialized countries that could represent the biggest sources of
vulnerability for the container business.
Container lines are also attempting to be cost efficient, above all by operating larger container
fleets to achieve economies of scale and also to integrate forward into port operations,
storage, even door to door trucking delivery. The trend in container lines is thus generally one
of going for larger and larger ships, often with higher and higher speeds, complemented by
smaller feeder ships, warehousing, door-to-door activities, etc., and building a strong brand to
support this. Competition among the various players is fierce. A. P. Moller-Maersk has
approximately 11% of the world's capacity for container shipsover 3,000 TEUfollowed
by MSC and Evergreen.
According to Marcus (2003), one can perhaps distinguish between three tiers of container
liners, based on a number of factors:
The first tier carriers, which would be the industry leaders, offer a differentiated
product, based on price and/or service with large container ships, modern terminals,
worldwide information systems, and a number of add-on value-creating possibilities
through warehousing, trucking, etc. Maersk Sealand is No. 1, as noted, with an
overall capacity of more than 800,000 TEU; MSC, from Switzerland, is No. 2
(500,000 TEU); and Evergreen, from Taiwan, is No. 3 (440,000 TEU) (Der Spiegel,
June 7, 2004).
The third tier of carriers, by contrast, are very much focused on narrow market niches,
where they go for specific cargo types, often bringing in chartered vessels with
specialized technology and having close relationships with the shippers. Shallow draft
40 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
ports are often a reality, calling for tailored, special-purpose ships. Thus, typically
these third tier carriers operate in isolated geographic locations. An example of this
might be the Norwegian firm Lys-Line.
The second tier carriers, in between, seem to represent a rather vulnerable group. They
would be highly at the mercy of general market conditions, having to play to a mass
market focus, but with limited resourcesoften with suboptimal ships and restricted
inland servicesand also with limited information services. Perhaps an example of
this might be Hapag-Lloyd, which is ranked No. 15 in the world, with a capacity of
160,000 TEU (Der Spiegel, June 7, 2004).
Thus, strategy means choice and an ability to have the resources to back up one's choices
within the container liner industry.
Interestingly, one of the shipping industry's largest groups of players, the Norwegian
shipowners, are largely absent when it comes to this segment. Why have Norwegian shipping
companies not entered the container shipping segment in a significant way? From a historical
point of view, Norwegian owners largely seem to have stuck to pallets as a transportation
solution. Also, several Norwegian players focused heavily on RoRo ships. Norwegian owners
thus seem to have got "trapped" in these transportation concepts, and have thus largely missed
out on the booming growth in the container market.
Liner Shipping
The liner shipping business has traditionally been a basically non-commodity market, where
new ship designs, speed, tonnage increases, etc. were important. Have we, however, seen
more commoditization here, too? Recall that in this segment we have high capital costs,
long ship life and highly effective operators. Price wars are not uncommon. To gain/defend
market shares, liners might give much of their margins away. As soon as they gain
efficiency, they will thus have to turn much of this over to the customer because of the need
to protect their own market share.
The liner industry thus seems to have more or less disappeared in its classic form. It was
heavily based on the so-called liner conferences, which attempted to set an elaborate system
of pricing for the different participants in the various liner trades, thus in effect restricting
competition by stipulating rates. A number of "new" types of liner activities have now,
however, emerged:
Container lines are based on a scheduled service, from various ports to various others,
with high speed and regularity. It thus allows shippers a high degree of convenience
and predictability.
Special chemical carriers are also often run as liner operations, with scheduled
departures within a fixed pattern of tradingfrom a certain number of locations to
Commodity-Based Shipping: Playing the Market 41
another number of locations. Often each shipping company will have its own storage
tanks ashore. Branding is key!
Car carriers are also typically run according to fixed schedules and through a global
pattern of operations, indeed a liner operation. Again, branding plays a role here too.
As we have already noted, liner shipping in the past was largely a non-commodity business.
For many years, liners competed on the design of the ships, the size, the speed, different
cargo, handling capabilities, cellular layouts, etc. Today, the ships are basically the same.
Costs are absolutely key now. To gain cost advantages, bigger ships are coming on line all the
time. They are often supported by container ship "feeders," which are generally chartered in.
All in all, there are lower barriers to entry, which "invites" price wars.
Is the structure of the liner industry changing? The industry leaders seem to be growing bigger
and bigger. The second tier liner firms are, however, seemingly becoming neither big enough
nor small enough. The third tier companies might be in even greater need of becoming more
focused, and so on. The degree of commodity orientation would be inversely related to this.
The big winners are the global giants Maersk Sealand, Evergreen, etc.
In general, modern liner operations are based on developing strong brand names, with a focus
on getting close to the customeroften in fact integrating one's own services with the
logistics value chain of the customer. It is thus more a value chain concept that is driving the
modern liner operation, rather than the classic "conference"-based liner concept, which limits
As indicated, there are clear interdependencies between the various ship categories within
each of the bulk carrier, tanker, container and liner ship markets. Hence, executives
active in any of these markets must follow the specifics of all, in the sense that they can
explore shorter-term differences. Companies such as Marsoft accordingly provide
specific rate development forecasts for each of three general market categoriestankers,
bulkers and containersand with specific rate forecasts for various ship sizes within
each major type.
It is key that we consider the dynamism of shipping strategies here. One can thus think about
acquiring a position (say, a second-hand ship, an order for a new ship) now, in order to be in a
position to make meaningful market-based moves later, say, in six months' to a year's time,
when the shipping market has, one hopes, gone up. For instance, one can contract a
newbuilding order now, and then enter into a time charter or a bare boat charter 6 to 12
months from now, when the shipping rates are higher. Similarly, one can buy a ship now, and
then run it in the spot market for a relatively short time, and then sell it and/or charter it out on
time charter/bareboat charter when the market is higher.
Effective shipping strategy thus depends on anticipating the "turning points" and having a
reasonably good feel about when to build up the appropriate tonnage to be in a position to do
42 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
business at higher freight rate levels later. It is of course nerve-racking for some people to
have to make moves that may involve large commitments of investment funds without a
corresponding fixed income stream, to have to pay financial charges without having a
corresponding revenue stream associated with these commitmentsin essence, merely to
have an "open" position for later on. For effective shipping company strategies, this kind of
positioning is, however, critical. It goes without saying, nevertheless, that a shipping
company's ability to expand along these lines via proper timing and positioning tends to be
limited by what the banks are willing to provide in financing, given the fact that, when
acquiring a ship, there will be no secure cash flow associated with the position taken for a
certain period of time, until the ship is later fixed or sold.
Let us refer again to our conceptual scheme initially articulated by Chakravarthy and
Lorange (2004) for developing strategies in shipping companies, as illustrated in Exhibit
1.8. The specific challenge in the shipping industry is to develop a realistic strategy for the
commodity segment: Protect and Extend. This is conceptually illustrated in Exhibit 2.3.
Exhibit 2.3: A Model for Commodity Strategies
Source: Chakravarthy and Lorange, 2004
Commodity-Based Shipping: Playing the Market 43
The message here is that the aim is to improve marginally on one's position, squeezing the
margins, via a better understanding of the marketsin/out and long/shortand to have
superior distinctive competences in cost and efficiency performance. One might say that this
is to attend to the core business for many shipping companies (Zook, 2001) and to maintain
an open, innovative mind when it comes to this core business (Rigby and Zook, 2002). A
number of examples illustrate this strategy well.
The first example is Fairmont Shipping, Hong Kong, which focuses on the Handy and
Handimax bulk sectors. Fairmont follows a very focused strategy in the bulk carrier
segment. It has relatively low debt per ship, seeing high liquidity as a clear objective with
its shipping activities. Each ship is financed individually and is "ring fenced" as much as
possible. Some ships are on long-term charters, but most are on spot or very short term
charters. Fairmont Shipping is part of a family-owned conglomerate, with heavy emphasis
also on real estate, which tends to be less liquid and require longer holding periods than
most shipping activities. It also has a shipyard and crewing activities through other
affiliates. Fairmont has activities in five countries and is thus not overly dependent on the
Chinese regulatory or political situation. Its shipping activities are deliberately focused on
the commodity-based markets; it achieves its portfolio strategy through other means.
The way that Fairmont Shippingand many other shipowners for that matterhas
traditionally responded to the classic atomistic shipping market conditions has been to
try to detect and utilize imperfections in these markets in order to, for instance, make
better timing decisions in chartering, new ship orders, second-hand sales and
purchasing, etc. Above all, there could well be a "battery" of decision parameters for
Fairmont and other shipowners to consider in order to effectively operate with classic
shipping strategies:
Chartering: In/out; long/short
Purchase and sale of ships
Withholding capacity
Operations and/or asset play
In chartering, timing decisions (cycle management) are vital to success. When it comes to
market cycles, one has to consider when to get in and when to get out, and also whether to
go long or short in the market cycle. In/out and long/short considerations are the key to
timing decisions. Exhibit 2.4 gives an overview of how cycle management can be
44 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Exhibit 2.4: Cycle ManagementThe Right Positioning Changes with the Cycle.
Getting It Right Requires Anticipation, Flexibility and Action
Source: Marsoft, 2003
Specifically, one initially needs to determine whether to go for the spot market, or whether to
enter into longer-term charters, typically time charters, but also bare boat charters and/or
contracts of affreightment (CoA). The key here is to go for the short-term spot market when
the market is going up, and then to fix the ships on longer-term charters when the market is
high, in order to achieve higher rates when the spot market subsequently falls. In falling
markets, the smart strategist always tries to achieve longer-term charters, although the lower
the market falls, the more necessary it is to anticipate a market swing back upward.
Throughout the cycle, the timing of decisions can be easy to misjudge. For instance,
Klaveness took over a "portfolio" of 11 ships with contracts of affreightment from A. P.
Moller-Maersk during the summer of 2001. This turned out to be ill timed and was, indeed, a
major factor in the actual net loss of the entire Klaveness group in 2002. Later, howeveras
we have seenthis decision proved to be excellent, since it allowed Klaveness to benefit
from the strong upturn in the bulk market in 2003. It also gave Klaveness significant access to
the Chinese bulk market, including the takeover of A. P. Moller-Maersk's former office in
Purchase and Sale of Ships
Newbuilding contracts are critical, and the timing is key here as well. Newbuilding contract
prices tend to fluctuate wildly, depending on the backlog in newbuilding orders and general
freight rate levels. The appropriate timing means achieving favorable ship purchase prices and
financing, as well as having the new shipwith its new capacityenter the market when the
general freight markets are high.
Commodity-Based Shipping: Playing the Market 45
One challenge with newbuildings, as noted, stems from the deflation in newbuilding prices.
When newbuilding prices fall, there could be a problem with the cost of capital for an
individual ship investment, as well as for the portfolio/fleet. Even though the cost of capital of
the newest ship will be lower, the average cost of capital for the fleet will be higher. A
traditional LNG (liquefied natural gas) ship, for instance, used to cost $250 million to build.
Now one can be had for $150 million. This potentially represents a huge "loss'Vadded cost of
capital for the owners of existing ships.
As far as newbuildings go, many yards, particularly in Korea and perhaps also in China, seem
to push hard for volume by always attempting to have full order books. They may not be as
focused on price alone, which perhaps seems to contribute significantly to pressing the
newbuilding market downward toward further commoditization. This aggressiveness may be
tipping the balance between supply and demand, particularly in light of the huge new
shipbuilding capacities that are being added in these countries.
The purchase of second-hand tonnage is also very important. When freight markets are high,
second-hand ship prices are, of course, also high. The successful purchase of second-hand
tonnage thus tends to occur when these ships are relatively cheap, i.e., when the market is
down, but when a turnaround in market rates is expected to come relatively soon.
Timing the sale of ships is equally critical. The trick, of course, is to sell when the market is
high. Unfortunately, many shipowners end up selling their ships when the market is down.
Partly they can be influenced by a generally pessimistic outlook and "lose their nerve." Partly
they can be pressured by financial lendersgiven the general economic conditionsto ease
up on their overall financial commitments and exposure, get their debt financing more under
control, and sell old ships to make room for newbuilding programs, etc. Successful
shipowners tend to be good at timing decisions for the sale of second-hand tonnage, however,
and generally resist selling under such price distress.
Withholding Capacity
Shipowners can decide to lay up their ships, thereby withholding capacity. Given the
atomistic nature of the shipping markets, one shipowner's decision to lay up a ship does not,
of course, impact the freight rates per se. The decision parameter for the shipowner is thus
simply whether the costs of running the ship are higher than keeping the ship idle. Fuel costs,
insurance and crew costs are the most important variables here. It is expensive to lay up a
ship, and it costs money to reactivate it later on. Laying up decisions are, therefore, often
difficult to make (Mossin, 1968). A variation on the laying up decision is the decision to go
slow speeding. Again, given the atomistic nature of the markets, the impacts on the freight
rates are negligible here. The major saving will be in bunkers' fuel consumption costs.
Finally, scrapping can also be important. When a ship is old, scrapping may be the best
alternative, depending on what scrap price can be obtainedtypically based on tons of steel
in the shiprelative to the running costs of the ship, and also whether it is worthwhile to wait
46 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
for a future upturn in ship markets. Keep in mind that the economic life of a ship is finite,
often no more than 25 years. Beyond this, several costs can become excessive: rapidly
increasing ship classification fees, repairs, replacement of steel plates and parts, insurance,
fuel inefficiencies due to technological semi-obsolescence, and the shippers' general
insistence on newer tonnage. The decision to scrap a ship is, in the end, usually driven by the
scrapping prices one can obtain. These prices are indeed cyclical, too, depending on the
supply and demand for ships to be scrapped, as well as on general steel prices, which are, at
least in part, a function of the freight markets. Here again we see the interconnectedness of the
shipping markets.
Operations and/or Asset Play
The decision to focus primarily on operations or on asset play is perhaps the fourth
dimension shipowners need to think about when they consider implementing classic
shipping strategies. To make profits out of operations, the shipowner must run a particularly
efficient operations department, with a clear focus on the costs of running each ship. The
choice of which flag to run the ship under, above all to get the crewing costs down, the
choice of nationalities of the crew, etc., matter here. Typically, ship operations have moved
away from high cost areas, such as Scandinavia and Europe, to lower cost areas, such as the
Far East, and/or to flags of convenience, such as Liberia, the Bahamas, etc. Many high cost
countries have reacted by establishing their own international ship registers, which tend to
give the owners more flexibility on crewing, while allowing them to fly perceived "high
quality" flags.
Asset play, by contrast, simply means that the owner tries to make the bulk of the money on
the purchase and sale of ships. Clearly, the right timing is indispensable here. The holding
period, when the ships need to be operated, would of course still be managed as economically
as possible. Still, in an asset play strategy, one could even conceive of incurring losses when
it comes to the periods of operations. Typically, an asset play strategy means that the ships
tend to be on shorter-term charters or operating in the spot market. Operations type strategies,
on the other hand, often tend to imply longer-term charter strategies.
In general, the classic strategic choices under atomistic conditions in a classic shipping
market will call for a close focus on understanding the markets better, above all,
anticipating the turning points, and "doing good even better" in operations. But what does
this mean in the context of a model for business development and growth strategy
assessment in shipping companies? Simply that there are two major categories of activities
that shipowners will have to focus on. First, as noted, they must understand the market
better. This means having as clear a notion as possible of the relevant timing decisions and
trying to establish a clear understanding of what the potential turning points in the
developments of the various markets might be. This is in line with what has already been
discussed, as illustrated in Exhibit 2.4. In the next section, we shall go into even more
detail on this.
Commodity-Based Shipping: Playing the Market 47
Second, they need to do good even better. This means, when it comes to running the firm,
always trying to marginally improve one's operating position, with more efficient ships for a
given commodity trade. This might mean taking a broader viewpoint than focusing on only
each specific ship. Other elements might be includedfor example, improving transportation
offerings, say, through new unloading equipment that reduces the time needed for unloading;
marginally strengthening existing competences when it comes to operations; implementing
better managerial capabilities, say, by more extensive use of IT in chartering, etc. In other
words, "squeeze the margins out of the business!" Exhibit 2.3 illustrates how this translates
into a Protect and Extend commodity-type strategy. Let us now discuss each of these two
classes of factors in more detail.
Let us move to several brief examples. Suisse Atlantique in Lausanne, Switzerland, has
operated for more than 60 years as a ship management company and shipowner. It is a fully
integrated management company working for different shipowners, including Swiss
registered firms with Swiss flags on their ships, and bases its shipping strategy on the old
trading expertise of the former Andre trading company. This is seen to be an asset. The
company has seven conventional Panamax bulk carriers, as well as two Panamaxes on charter.
It also has three Handy-size bulk carriers on charter. It has further taken delivery of three
container ships (2,800 TEU). These ships are chartered out on three- and five-year contracts
respectively. Suisse Atlantique has four more container ships of a similar type on order, for
delivery in 2005 and 2006. These ships are, in effect, analogous to very large container feeder
ships. According to Suisse Atlantique, there is an interesting market for these "super container
feeders." This ship size can be relatively volatile when the ships are employed in liner
services, but relatively less volatile when they are employed as feeders for liner operations,
particularly with the basic liner ships getting bigger and bigger. To what extent remains to be
seen. Anyhow, a good understanding of the underlying markets is neededfor both bulkers
and container ships.
SKS OBO is registered in Bermuda; it is 60% owned by Jebsen Gearbulk (which has 67 bulk
carriers of its own) and 40% by a Chilean partner, Companhia Sud Americana de Vapores
(CSAV). The company has 12 OBO (ore-bulk-oil) ships. The company's management asserts
that a minimum fleet of at least, say, 10 OBOs is necessary to be able to establish an efficient
trade pattern, which can then provide "tight" logistics for running the ships. The SKS OBO
group focuses on cargo from shippers that appreciate that reliability and speed should be
honored in the value chain, rather than only going for price. SKS OBO group focuses on the fast
turnaround of its cargoes. This implies, for instance, that it does not freight grain, which would
take too long to load and discharge, not to mention the time required for cleaning the holds. The
building up of special ships and competences around this complex array of shippers cum
customersdry and oilcan perhaps be seen as a Build strategy. Still, the fundamental links to
the commodity market are clear. SKS OBO must be on top of the basic bulk markets and act
thereuponsucceeding in making the commodity-oriented strategy work.
48 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
The shipowner Arne Blystad seems to follow a highly opportunistic strategy with respect to
exposure to freight markets and financial markets, but with a strong focus on a healthy risk
profileand a strong analytical focus also. He has made several good timing decisions,
including the purchase of Team Shipping in 2002.
To shed more light on what might constitute an effective commodity-based Protect and
Extend strategy, an interesting comparison would be between John Fredriksen's
Frontline operationrunning out of Oslo, with branches in Stockholm and Nicosiaand
Teekay Shipping Corporation, which runs out of Vancouver. Both companies will be
discussed in detail in sections 5.3 and 5.4 of this chapter, respectively. Fredriksen has
concentrated on amassing a huge fleet of larger VLCC tankers, generally with relatively
high exposure to the market. His fleet is rather heavily leveraged, and one might say that
he is relatively highly exposed to the market risks of the oil freight market. Teekay, on
the other hand, has focused more on the Aframax tanker segment and has tried to
develop a more specific market dominance here, with initial focus on the Southeast
Asian market, trading from Indonesia and Australia to Japan and China, in particular.
More recently, its focus has also expanded to the Caribbean, Venezuela and the US East
Coast. One might argue that Teekay, by dominating these more niche-oriented markets,
has a somewhat lower market risk than Fredriksen. The VLCC market, on the other
hand, in which Frontline is the world's largest player, would represent one of the most
perfect atomistic markets in the shipping industry. Both Teekay and Fredriksen claim
that they have very low operating costs, both running some of the largest tanker
shipping fleets in the world.
The Marsoft Example
As indicated, the key to success for shipowners operating in the classic atomistic shipping
markets is to better understand the importance of timing in their decisions, and above all,
to learn to anticipate turning points in the freight rate market. Thus companies that
provide forecasts for the freight rate markets, particularly when they have a focus on
forecasting the turning points, would be in high demand. One such company, as noted, is
Marsoft Inc. Others are Maritime Strategies International (MSI) and Drewry's. Marsoft,
the world's biggest shipping forecasting consulting firm, will be our concern here.
Marsoft's main aim is to give its clients good, dispassionate information about discrete
shipping transactions, thus allowing these clients to make better decisions on their own,
i.e., with better insights into possible, realistic market developments. Marsoft thus focuses
on each ship transaction and tries to come up with sophisticated analytical approaches for
understanding the alternatives for every ship. The emphasis is on discipline, particularly a
clear link between ship market decisions and finance decisions. Marsoft's aim, therefore,
is to help its clients continue to be successful with their dual strategy of investments and
chartering. Another key focal point for Marsoft is the composition of a shipping firm's
entire portfolio of activities. This will, however, not be the topic heresee the further
discussion in Chapter 4.
Commodity-Based Shipping: Playing the Market 49
A starting point in Marsoft's analysis is thus, as noted in Chapter 1, to create market
scenarios. They provide the firm's best possible outlook for a particular shipping market,
taking a multitude of factors into account, which shape both the supply side and the demand
side. A range of scenario outlooks are giventhe so-called base case, high case and low
Why do we create market scenarios, such as the one given in Exhibits 1.11 and 1.12 (Cape
150,000 dwt, spot rates, Brazil/RotterdamIron Ore)? The key is to get a better
understanding of the rates we can obtain in various markets, with the turning points for these
rate developments, thus also factoring in the risks involved.
Forecasting is, of course, always difficult. Not unexpectedly, Marsoft has thus also been off
the mark several times in its market predictions. For instance, in retrospect, one might claim
that during mid-2003 Marsoft was not bullish enough on its dry bulk forecasts. As noted in
Chapter 1, this can, for instance, be seen from comparing Exhibits 1.11 and 1.12, where the
actual rates and long-term freight trade levels turned out to be much higher than Marsoft's
upper scenario forecast.
On ship values prediction, Marsoft might also in retrospect have been off the mark in mid-
2003. For instance, the four Handimaxes that Oldendorff carriers bought were each worth
$5 to $6 million more than purchase price six months later, several million higher than what
Marsoft predicted. This can also be inferred by comparing Exhibits 1.11 and 1.12.
Acceptable risk depends on the risk taking propensities of the decision-maker. He can, for
instance, respond to spot market exposure by more use of time charters. He can also hedge by
using derivatives, buying insurance, etc. A realization is that these approaches require
liquidity; playing the market requires a lot of funds and liquidity. With scenarios it is also
important to try to understand the possible downside, which is important in communicating
with the financial markets and banks. To raise equity capital from investors one should, on the
other hand, of course, convince them of the potential upsides, another area where "objective"
analysis of the sort provided by Marsoft can help.
Marsoft's inputs can thus also be useful for scenario planning as part of the process of
budgeting and planning vis-a-vis one's banks. A key issue will be the downside or, posed as
a question, Can we survive the potential downside? The answer will be found in the
shipping company's liquidity pattern. Another important use of scenarios is to try to get the
timing of ship purchase and sale decisions right, given that ships are always depreciating,
and also fluctuating in value with the market, and thus, that the timing of the market turning
points is crucial. In the end the questions are: What do you believe in? Can you survive a
downside? What is the upside? And, how do you plan to handle the risk, including
chartering actions.
During project financing, scenarios can help the shipowner understand the particular project
better, particularly its timing in the cycle. It should also be noted that in corporate fleet
50 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
financing, scenarios can help the firm to understand the "robustness" of the fleet's position,
above all during a downturn. This will be discussed in Chapter 4. Scenarios must be part of
the judgment of the individual decision-maker; they are not mechanical. Scenarios should
be used to help the firm meet the hard targets concerning a ship, for example, that the cash
situation is robust, and that the firm can also pay its dividends based on contributions from
the deal, etc.
Scenarios might lead ultimately to the construction of probability distributions, with a high
case, base case and low case. The decision-maker must not, however, treat the base case as
the equivalent of a certainty, a fundamental "mistake" decision-makers often make. Stress
testing the scenario is also key. Here a relevant question is: How can the firm operationalize
the probability distribution so that it is easy to communicate, easy for decision-makers to
understand, and easy to distribute internally and externally?
So, with all this said and done, the key decision parameters to consider in making a particular
shipping decision are owned or chartered ship, newbuilding or second-hand ship, and whether
to have it predominantly equity financed or predominantly debt financed. Marsoft's angle
here would be based on developing computer-based forecasting scenarios, in the form of
decision support systems, for explicit, systematically developed market and risk policy
statistical inputs; specific decision rules for determining the overall strategy, tactical moves
and implementation steps; and systematic benchmarking regarding one's performance and
assessment of one's performance relative to internal budgets, as well as relative to external
targets, including competitors. To "deliver," Marsoft offers several computer-based packages.
(Marsoft, 2003, 2004).
The first is its Timing and Risk Management System (TRMS), a data platform that has been
under continuous development and incrementally improved since 1985. TRMS provides a
common market view as part of a clear strategy for the specific cycle-position given a
particular shipping market. The focus is thus on understanding the turning points or, as
mentioned earlier, the breakpoints. Marsoft focuses on the interaction between workstations
and the more conventional data and management processes within the shipping firm, an
attempt to build on and get better leverage from internal market expertise. Use of an often-
impressive wealth of internal know-how and expertise on shipping markets and cargo runs
is clearly important for achieving even better forecasts. Marsoft tries to develop more
transparency regarding this interplay between the data provided by the firm and the know-
how coming from the shipping organization itself.
The Marsoft approach also allows the setting of risk levels by specifying specific risk
parameters, both for a single transaction and for the portfolio of ships/transactions (more in
Chapter 4). The benchmarking and measurement of performance will hopefully also lead to
improved learning in the organization. This quick reporting of results should highlight
deviations and tracking of performance, thus also setting the stage for triggering
ameliorating decisions, as needed.
Commodity-Based Shipping: Playing the Market 51
Marsoft has two other complementary databased packages, which have an application at the
level of specific ship decisions. The first is the Marsoft Decision Support System (MDSS),
which tries to provide specific freight market monitoring, thus helping the decision-maker
to time his chartering and purchasing/sales decisions. The specific focus of MDSS is on the
freight rate cycle timing, i.e., trying to identify turning points or breakpoints. MDSS also
allows the shipowner to undertake specific strategy analysis, doing simulations of the
effects of various types of chartering or newbuilding decisions ("what i f analysis). The
second forecasting package, Shipping Risk Management (SRM), helps the decision-maker
manage risk more actively. It goes even further through the "what i f analysis, and thus
gives the decision-maker a better feel for the potential payoffs of various risk exposures.
This aim is further supported by the insistence on a standardized financial reporting system,
so that the discipline toward risk taking can more easily be maintaineda key challenge
when more than one decision-maker is involved in a given transaction.
An important challenge for Marsoft's researchers has been dealing with the cognitive
limitations of decision-makers. Things tend to become very complicated rather easily. In
practice, it is hard for a decision-maker to deal with more than one, or at most a few, critical
decision factors at once. To enhance the ability to deal with complexities, Marsoft has
developed the concept of "dashboards" to get all the relevant factors displayed together on
one computer screen, to display in one screen frame all the relevant interrelated data and
information for the decision-maker. As noted, most of the various market-related issues in
shipping hang together, and the dashboard attempts to give a visual picture of this immense
multiple equation set. Two such dashboards are particularly relevant for making today's ship
decisions: the Market Evaluation Dashboard and the Voyage Simulation Dashboard. The two
dashboards can be used actively together for, say, negotiating a deal for the shipowner with a
particular freight demander.
The Market Evaluation Dashboard is particularly useful for chartering, since it comprises
historical time charter rates, as well as vessel specific forecasts based, as noted above, on three
scenarios: (1) the base case, (2) the high market rate case and (3) the low market rate case. These
forecasts are further broken down for specific main trades. All in all, the Market Evaluation
Dashboard is meant to provide a clear overview of the types of market conditions the decision-
maker can expect, as well as a clear picture of recent and potential future market developments.
The Voyage Simulation Dashboard attempts to display all pertinent information relevant for
evaluating a specific contract of affreightment. It tries to simulate how one can build up
roundabout routes for each ship by putting together various legs, combining various contracts
of affreightments.
Marsoft has had considerable success with its models for assisting shipowners to make better
shipping decisions. This approach has clearly allowed shipowners to better understand the
market, so that they can better execute a strategy that utilizes market imperfections through
correct timing in the atomistic world of shipping markets.
52 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
The main area where "good can be done better" is on the cost side of operation. Shipping
companies must aim for the lowest possible operating costs, while at the same time offering
strong services. Operating costs can partly be a function of the configuration of the ship's
engines, propeller, underwater design, etc., with the main objective being to get bunker costs
down and the speed up. They can also be a function of operating routinesonboard and
ashorefor practicing good operating competences. Often much more can be done to save on
operating costs through better preventive maintenance, avoiding breakdowns, saving on spare
parts by implementing preventive routines, saving on food and other operating costs, etc.
Information technology can also have an important cost-reducing effect. For instance, the
interface with the customer can now be handled in a more cost efficient way, also adding a
strengthened service component. For instance, both I. M. Skaugen ("Skaugen-online") and
Norden have strong IT links with their customers, 24 hours a day, not least to get the costs of
operations down, while maintaining superior service.
Ship designs and configurations themselves can have important cost elements associated with
them. The size of the ships, for instance, can play an important role in reducing cost per ton
freighted. A large VLCC tanker is, of course, much more cost efficient per ton freighted than
a handy-size tanker. A large offshore supply ship is more cost efficient than a smaller one, in
terms of cost per container freighted as well as cost per liquid unit freighted in its tank
systems. Since turnaround time is important, more sophisticated unloading systems can also
get the costs down, and more can be saved here. The new series of six liquid gas carriers just
being built for I. M. Skaugen are of such modern design that the ships are expected to feature
the lowest breakeven costs from operations of any ships of this type. Their ability to liquidify
(cool down) the gases that are being freighted rapidly is particularly key.
All in all, shipping operations must pursue a relentlessly professional focus on "making good
even better," of course complementing management focus on understanding the markets. In
order to achieve success in the classic atomistic shipping markets, these two factors go hand
in hand. The costs must be at a competitive level, and the "feel" for the market must be
strong. Doing good even better thus involves coming up with better managerial practices and
capabilities for operating the fleet more economically and dealing with the battery of
interrelated complexities in shipping more consistently.
Let us now turn to another, increasingly important, aspect: How to handle financial risks.
Handling financial risk is perhaps more critical today than ever. The Danish shipping
company Norden has, for instance, developed a Value at Risk (VaR) approach that attempts to
assess risks relative to expected returns for a given deal or, conversely, the expected return,
given the risk level, acceptable for a specific deal. It has also tried to develop probability
Commodity-Based Shipping: Playing the Market 53
distributions for the returns expected at various risk levels. This has been inspired by best
practices in investment banks, which use VaR to measure market risk. As Henry Paulson,
CEO of Goldman Sachs stated: "No one likes trading losses, but they are a feature of our
business. In fact, it is our willingness to tolerate such occasional, sizeable losses that enables
us to earn attractive returns over time." (Goldman Sachs, Annual Report, 2003).
VaR measures the potential loss in value of trading positions as a result of adverse market
movements over a defined time with a specified confidence level. If VaR were $1 million at a
one-day, 99% confidence level, there is only one chance in 100, under normal conditions, for
a loss greater than $1 million to occur.
As a predictor of trading results, VaR has historically worked well in stable markets and less
well in volatile and illiquid markets. VaR has many other limitations: It is based on historical
data; it often uses a one-day time horizon and so might miss the market risk of positions that
cannot be liquidated or hedged in that time; confidence levels have to be chosen but limit
potential losses beyond that figure; and because it is computed at the close of business, it
misses intra-day exposures (Pretzlik et al., 2004).
A shipping firm faces many types of risks. Some have to do with developments in the
shipping markets, and the given firm can, of course, not impact these types of risks.
Managerial response can, however, affect the risk exposure, which must be handled with
managerial competence and professionalism. Dealing with currency risks, for instance, is
often of critical importance. It is, for example, becoming more and more important to build
currency term options into many transactions. Interest risks are also important, even critical,
particularly in ship financing. Interest rates represent an important cost element for ship
newbuilding projects, particularly when the projects are large. Thus, interest rates are key for
many successful shipping companies today. Interest rates have fallen dramatically over the
last few yearsan important cost advantage element, which has made fleet expansion more
feasible. A stable, low level interest rate outlook has become an important critical success
factor for many shipping firms. Increasingly often, interest rate swaps are being built into
deals. Managing currency risks and interest risks underscores the importance of a shipping
company's having a strong finance group. According to Henning Oldendorff, a strong dollar
does not necessarily lead to lower freight rates. Also, higher interest rates may typically not be
passed on to the shipper/charterer through higher freight rates. Thus, the shipowner typically
carries the currency rate and the interest rate fluctuation risks.
One key area for the financial professionals to deal with is credit risk This is the possibility
of loss occurring due to the financial failure to meet one's contractual obligations. It would
include the probability of default, as well as the size of the losses given the default. Credit
risk in shipping companies has to do with the exposure arising out of chartering
transactions. If the charter party agreement turns out to be insufficient to support the debt
burden involved, there is a credit risk. This is particularly so in many cases when a ship is
on the spot market and the income generated is insufficient to cover the financial
54 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Other credit-related issues also need to be managed, such as the perception of credit
worthiness of shipping companies, Basel II, anti-money laundering laws, the war on terror,
etc. All of these risks would be part of a risk management approach and need to be
systematically followed up by the company. This is the "discipline for living with the
possibility that future events may have nasty effects; or risk management is the ongoing
process of identifying, quantifying, planning for, tracking and controlling risks."
(Bischofberger and Rybak, 2003).
Although we have discussed market risks already, suffice it to add that decision-makers can
now deal with them in entirely new ways, with freight volume hedging, bunker hedging,
freight rate hedging through long-term versus short-term time charter exposures, credit risk
hedging when it comes to payment from major freighters, etc.
Hedging Instruments
Strategic positioning, as part of more dynamic freight rate cycle management, can provide
increased operating flexibility, where one might take advantage of the opportunities from
hedging and thus improve performance. Hedging instruments are thus becoming an important
part of the professional management approach in shipping companies.
Basic bulk and crude oil shipping represent large global commodity markets. Both the tanker
and dry cargo shipping markets are in transition toward becoming large financial derivatives
markets. Shipping freight derivatives trading is now also an established market, which is
showing strong annual growth. There is a great need for an exchange as this market matures.
IMAREX was launched in November 2001 and has captured a position as the only viable
exchange in this market. IMAREX provides an exchange for trading and freight derivatives.
Its aim is to offer transparent online trading. It is based on the same principles for trading
solutions that have been successfully launched in other commodity markets, such as electrical
power, oil, etc. IMAREX provides a market broker desk to facilitate such trades and offers,
above all, a clearing solution. It also makes trading data available, i.e., a forward data curve,
which forecasts the markets. IMAREX's view is that the main segments of the shipping
industry will grow into a highly liquid financial derivatives market, similar to what we have
seen in other marketsoil, electrical power, several metal types, above all. Financial
derivatives will become integrated in many of the trading and asset allocation decisions, just
as in other commodity markets (oil, electricity, money markets, aluminum, etc). IMAREX
aims to be the leading marketplace in this ship commodity derivatives market.
Derivatives are becoming integrated in the commercial management of many shipping
companies. In line with this, it seems as if the commodity markets for the most part are becoming
more spot oriented. Derivatives for hedging are becoming key in these commodity spot markets,
often replacing physical contracts. Significant growth of derivatives trading is related to these
commodity markets, certainly when it comes to oil, coal, grain, etc., but now also bulk and crude
oil shipping. The derivatives for trading in basic commodities themselves also have spillover
effects in the related shipping markets. Many of the larger shippers have developed risk
Commodity-Based Shipping: Playing the Market 55
management capabilities, which then also tend to set new standards for the management of
shipping exposures. Further, industrialization of the shipowning community seems to be creating
a shift in management practices in favor of modern risk management practices.
A common dilemma with such an approach would be whether the actual trading parties would
live up to their commitments, or whether there would be a risk that one might "walk away,"
say, if the outcome turned out to be less favorable than anticipated. To attempt to ameliorate
this credit risk, each transaction party might be okayed by the IMAREX exchange. It can
further remove credit risks through a central clearing house for the trades, where the various
parties come together, and where there will be daily off-setting settlements. These are based
on established industry standard quotes, and thus the determination of the market levels.
Important players are active in this market, both in dry cargo freights and tanker freights,
including coal importers, shipowners, financial institutions, energy traders and oil companies.
This freight futures market does, indeed, hold significant potential, but it should be pointed out
that derivatives are still in their infancy relative to more developed markets, such as the various
stock markets. However, we have seen other commodity futures markets boom. The oil futures
markets have been developing extensively for many years. The Nordic electric power market has
also been developed for a while. Now it seems that the freight futures market is on its way, too.
As noted, one important task of an exchange like IMAREX is to provide clearing solutions,
which are becoming more important. IMAREX provides facilities for such clearing. This
means that, motivated by the pressure put on the performance of energy companies such as
Enron and others, credit approval is now more strictly monitored and set. Due to lack of
transparency, it can become increasingly difficult to judge whether shipping companies are
bona fide counterparts in trades. Often, smaller companies enter the market with volatile
earning patterns. Some of these firms would not even be qualified to get credits from the
major oil companies. Hence, strong credit approval procedures and enforcement are key. The
clearing possibility, however, increases the probability of matching deals, and thus increases
liquidity for the derivatives business. In short, derivatives trading and arbitrage have become
important elements of understanding risk management through a more dynamic cycle
management approach toward the strategic positioning.
There are also a few clear disadvantages that firms trading on the IMAREX market can
experience, particularly when one finds oneself with a "short" position in a rising market. One
will then, of course, have to inject additional funds. One might thus have to have considerable
liquidity reserves to stay in during such a rising market.
In total, all of these risks must now be managed. The approach to follow here is "good must
always be done better." As indicated, a critical part of this managerial competence
increasingly comes from one's own financing department. For leading shipping companies it
is becoming indispensable to have the capabilities to undertake these many types of hedging,
i.e., explicitly managing the risks that can be related to a hedging function, particularly,
perhaps, interest rate developments and currency rate swap developments.
56 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Let us now consider in some detail four particularly successful examples of executing Protect
and Extend strategies in the commodity-based, atomistic shipping markets: Klaveness,
Norden, Frontline and Teekay.
The Torvald Klaveness Group
Klaveness is attempting to win through a better understanding of the markets, and by
managerially and operationally "making good even better." The company operates in the bulk
transport segment, providing maritime services, mostly through relatively standard tonnage. A
recipe for Klaveness is to go for reasonably large volumes, to get freight incomes from own
tonnage and to get a management fee for tonnage operated on behalf of other owners through
its pool. The fleet of ships provides flexibility and reliability for the customers, which many
seem to value highly. It is key to operate this fleet of ships on a pattern of contracts of
affreightment, so that the overall fleet ship pattern in terms of ton/mile costs are optimized.
Here Klaveness has a strong track record (Klaveness, 2003).
On top of these efficient operations, Klaveness emphasizes optimal selling and purchasing
strategies; in other words, it follows an asset play strategy to complement its operations
strategy. A few factors seem to bolster Klaveness' success. First, the standard tonnage
business is increasingly becoming a commodity business, with relatively small and seemingly
shrinking margins. There may be a more and more short-term focus by the freight demanders;
customers often demand shorter deals. This comes on top of the shorter macroeconomic
cycles that seem to be emerging as well. Above all, the periods when the freight markets are
relatively comfortablethe "window of opportunity" for entering into good contract of
affreightment dealstend to be shorter and shorter.
There seems to be almost total information transparency in this market. Shipping companies
generally know what customers want. Klaveness, like all the other major players in the
market, will tend to have a reasonable feel, more or less, for what their competitors will
supply in terms of rates (all characteristics of an atomistic market). Risk management is
becoming more and more critical, and so is clear management of the overall portfolio when it
comes to risk management. Consistent risk profiling propensities in all Klaveness executives
is thus key. Professionalism is also being taken to other levels. For instance, contracts are
becoming increasingly standardized in order to avoid any unintended loopholes, derivatives
for freight trade are becoming more common, and so on.
Klaveness' aim is to be a dominant pool actor in selective segments of the atomistic bulk
markets. Its own ship investments are part of this pool. It is seen as critical for the credibility
of the pool that Klaveness itself owns assets in the pool. The challenge is to come up with a
satisfactory long-term result for all owners, including Klaveness. For such a pool to work,
there can of course be no bias toward any particular owner.
Commodity-Based Shipping: Playing the Market 57
So, clearly, improving the pool product itself is essential for further success, not only
technologically, say, through innovative onloading/offloading gear, but also managerially,
say, through more hedging as part of this strategy. Even the most innovative technological
efforts can misfire, however. One example would be the so-called PROBO ships that can
carry both liquid product cargoes and bulk cargoes, in fact, a smaller, more versatile, flexible
version of the conventional OBO carriers. These ships, while technologically a great triumph,
have not seen much commercial success.
Norden is active in two commodity business segments: dry cargo and tankers. In dry cargo,
the concentration is on the Handimax deadweight segment (around 57,000 dwt), but also with
some presence in the Cape-size segment (170,000 dwt) and the Panamax segment (70,000
dwt). Ships are owned and/or taken on short- or long-term time charters. Norden aims to
develop an overall portfolio of contracts/charter deals, with both long-term and short-term
time chartering and contract of affreightment elements. The trend seems, however, to be
toward developing a stronger focus on relatively long-term charters (Norden, 2003).
Within the tanker segment, the concentration is on the Handimax product tanker area, in the
size range of 30,000 to 32,000 tons. There are also activities in the Aframax crude carrier
segment in Norden's portfolio. Again, the focus increasingly seems to be on more longer-term
charter contracts, thus shifting the balance toward more in-depth relationships with the
customers. Having long-term charter vessels is an alternative to owning vessels for Norden.
The vessels are typically chartered in for five to eight years. They are painted in Norden's
colors and bear Norden's name. Furthermore, Norden has the option to acquire the ship assets
at prearranged prices. Hence, Norden is protecting its downside by securing assets to very
competitive charter tonnage rates, while still being in a position to enjoy the asset market.
Norden has expanded its physical presence by establishing offices in the US, Singapore,
Shanghai and Rio de Janeiroabove all, probably, in order to be closer to clients and to be
active in the key bulk markets. These clients and markets are selected based on whether
Norden can build and maintain barriers around their activities here, i.e., actively participate in
the value chain of the customers. Developing an overseas organization has also been driven
by the need to recruit and retain key people, again a prerequisite for becoming closer to each
key customer's value chain. The company thus operates according to the principle of being
both local and global.
The Singapore base was set up in 1997 as a tanker office and subsequently, in 2001, used as a
bridgehead for an aggressive dry cargo expansion in Asia, with the Shanghai office
commencing operations in 2002. The US office was opened in 1999 primarily to cater for
American dry cargo clients. The office in Rio de Janeiro was opened in 2003 to cater for the
potentially large dry cargo market in Brazil. The aim is probably to try to add a dimension of
non-atomism to Norden's strategy.
58 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Norden has put a lot of emphasis on developing its business systems. As already noted, risk
management is key. Further, it has developed an extensive human resource management system
based on executive trainees. Information technology has also been "pushed hard" in order to
develop a closer relationship with its freight shippers and to be better able to effectively serve
longer-term contracts. This might also add an element of non-atomism to Norden's strategy.
As a brief digression, Andreas Sohmen-Pao, CEO of World-Wide Shipping, Hong Kong,
says, "Shipping has always been global in a way that few other businesses are. The assets are
built in diverse places, they trade to diverse countries, and they are operated by diverse
nationalities. If we accept that shipping is a fully globalized industry, then what is the
relevance of local shipping communities? Local communities provide a platform from which
to attack global markets. They are a source of information and innovation that can give
companies an edge. The combination of a local support network with global orientation can
be very powerful." (Sohmen-Pao, 2003). Sohmen-Pao has also been a consolidator in the
large tanker ship industry segmentWorld-Wide Shipping took over Nordstrom & Thulin
Argonaut and, most recently, Bergesen.
Norden's strategic picture is given in Exhibit 2.5. We see that its two basic business
platformstankers and bulkerscan both be seen as falling into the Protect and Extend
category. Norden is, however, making strong attempts to "extend" these positions by a
Leverage element through operating with its own marketing subsidiaries in key markets, as well
as by pushing toward Build via aggressive use of IT and entering into longer-term contracts.
Exhibit 2.5: Norden
Source: Author
Commodity-Based Shipping: Playing the Market 59
Frontline is the world's largest shipowner in the VLCC oil tanker segment, with a fleet of
38 VLCCs, as well as 19 Suezmax tankers and 8 OBOs. It has 9.3% of the world's VLCC
tanker fleet and 10.5% of the Suezmax fleetNo. 1 in the world in both categories. This
totals a capacity of more than 16 million dwt.
John Fredriksenthe majority owner of Frontlinehad a distinctive management style,
characterized by:
An assertive willingness and ability to take decisions.
A strong base of knowledge regarding pertinent details of shipping markets, perhaps
stemming from his initial background as a shipbroker.
An impressive "feel" for the key driving forces of the tanker markets.
A strong sense of memory, being able to relate back to specific transactions that might
be relevant for a specific new business deal.
Exhibit 2.6 summarizes Frontline's strategic position, largely in the commodity market.
Exhibit 2.6: Frontline
Source: Author
60 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Frontline entered into a pool arrangement with OMI, a large operator of Suezmax tankers
based in New York City, in 1998. It involves 14 Suezmaxes from OMI and the 19 Suezmaxes
belonging to Frontline. Frontline takes care of the chartering for the alliance when it comes to
Europe and all markets east of the Suez Canal; OMI takes care of all chartering for the US.
The effect of the alliance is, therefore, a joint, coordinated marketing of a Suezmax fleet
totaling 33 ships.
In 1999 a large pool of VLCC tankersTankers Internationalwas established. It included
all of Frontline's VLCC tankers, as well as those of A. P. Moller-Maersk, OSG,
Bossimar/Exmar and Bergesen. Frontline withdrew from the alliance in 2002, when a large
chartering arrangement with BP was under consideration, and Frontline felt that there was
perhaps too much slow going in the decision-making process within the pool.
Frontline's operations are very much focused on each individual ship, with strong emphasis
on the efficient running of the ships, including a heavy concern with safety and on delivering
quality to the users of the ships. To keep its own organization small, entrepreneurial, focused
on its key oil transportation business, and cost efficient is seen as key. Thus, when it comes to
operations, the Frontline fleet is outsourced to four ship management companies: V. Ships
(Glasgow and Oslo), International Tanker Management (ITM), Wallen, and Thome.
The company's management feels that this allows them to extract maximum performance
from the subcontractors for operating the various ships. It is also able to benchmark one
operations company against the others, and thus obtain even better performance. Frontline has
its own in-house quality management group complementing this. Much emphasis here is put
on overall staffing onboard, long-term focus on the technical condition of the vessels
including planning for dry dockingas well as a heavy focus on safety measures. The
management feels that they can develop the most cost efficient operating structure in the
industry through this approach, while simultaneously safeguarding safety and performance,
all of which are so critical to the users of the ships.
With so much of its operations outsourced, the issue for Frontline is how to achieve a sufficient
image of quality vis-a-vis the market, when it does not have most of the key management
functions in-house. Brand building will also be more difficult, given that the human capital
functions employed in Frontline will fall within a more narrow band of competences.
Frontline and BP have been working together since July 2002. Through their arrangement
Frontline has a contract of affreightment for all the VLCC cargoes BP needs worldwide. It
involves approximately 80 cargoes per year, which BP is paying for at market rates. For
Frontline this means that the company has secured a large amount of steady work. Under
the arrangement, Frontline has also taken over BP' s four VLCCs on long-term charters.
Frontline also has six VLCCs chartered to Shell, covering all of Shell's VLCC requirements.
There is a floating market rate formula established here, which also involves profit-splitting.
Again, this ensures employment for a large part of Frontline's fleet.
Commodity-Based Shipping: Playing the Market 61
The strategy shaping Frontline evolved into its present form in 1996 when Fredriksen,
through his own private company Hemen, decided to establish a sizable public shipping
company based on VLCCs and Suezmax tonnage. Several acquisitions followed, including
acquiring a major share in the Swedish company Frontline. Since then a number of generally
smaller entities have been integrated into Frontline, many of them paid for with shares.
Another big acquisition was made in 2000, when Frontline took over 13 tankers from Golden
Ocean Ltd, which then went out of the tanker segment.
Historically, Fredriksen's strategy might be characterized as "playing" on the freight markets,
i.e., opportunistic. Frontline has taken all of its eight OBOs out of the oil transportation
market and put them into the dry bulk market, where the dry cargo freight rates are now
higher than for crude oil. Four of these ships are on long-term contracts, while the other four
have relatively shorter contracts. This flexibility thus allows Fredriksen to take maximum
opportunistic advantage of market developments.
Fredriksen's view was to act as a consolidator within a highly fragmented industry. He would
provide charterers with a more flexible and reliable transport alternative through access to a
large modern fleet. This should also be done so as to be cost minded with a flexible third-
party ship management structure. The company's large modern tanker fleet should be
professionally managed and operated in all respectsif any delays should happen, Frontline
would be able to swap ships and also cooperate with the shippers regarding any short-term
changes. It should thus have a flexible ship nomination procedure, coupled with competitive
Regarding operating philosophy, each vessel would be in the center. The ship manager would
be responsible for the daily technical operation of the vessels. Frontline would, however, look
after the management of the vessels more from a bird's-eye point of view, monitoring
operating performance, dry docking, etc. It would also undertake to monitor the safety audit,
on a bi-annual basis for the double U tankers and on an annual basis for the single U tankers.
Thus, Frontline would guarantee uniform safety standards on all tankers, for all its customers.
Frontline has a market intelligence set-up for monitoring the freight markets that is quite
similar to those of other leading firms in the tanker segment, such as Teekay. It specifically
monitors each of the approximately 600 tankers operating in the VLCC and Cape-size
segments, in terms of spot market employment, time charter, to whom (the name of the oil
company), the historical patterns of employment, the specific position of each ship, etc. This
allows Frontline to be quite aggressive in its chartering and often to achieve higher prices,
given that it knows the supply picture from all of the other ships that might conceivably be
able to bid for a job. Fredriksen has an extreme "broker" profile and an outstanding track
record in judging the market.
A new corporate structure was developed in 2004. Operations activities and shipowning
activities have been split into two separate companies. The operations company charters
vessels from the shipowning company, allowing the operations company, Frontline Ltd., to be
62 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
fully focused on market activities, with a relatively shorter-term focus. It also allows the
shipowning companies to be financed on a long-term basis and to take longer-term points of
view. Thus, a more consistent time horizon has been established for the various companies,
which have also now been introduced to the stock marketwith a good. Focus that is easy for
the market to understand seems to be a key driver.
Teekay Shipping Corporation
Today Teekay Shipping Corporation is the world's No. 1 transporter of crude in the Aframax
segment, No. 3 worldwide in Suezmaxes and No. 5 in Panamax tankers. It has more than 160
ships in operation, either owned or chartered. The company was started by Torben Karlshoej
in 1973. The first phase of the history spans the time from the start until the death of Mr
Karlshoej in 1992. During this period the company was a typical founder/owner enterprise.
One of Mr Karlshoej's partners was originally an oil trader, and most of the initial efforts of
Teekay were directed at the Indonesian oil trade, employing Aframax tankers to ship oil from
Indonesia. Already, the company was focusing on having many ships of the same dimensions
and specifications employed in the same geographical trade and area. Thus, it was possible for
the company to have interchangeable ships, so that it could serve companies with the freight
demand better, and probably also have a more effective way of coordinating back haul cargos.
An important step for Teekay during this period was to charter, at a reasonable price, many
Aframax ships from the defunct Japanese shipping company Sanko.
This brings us to the beginning of the second phase of the company's history, coinciding with
Karlshoej's death. The financial situation was precarious then, and from 1992 to 1998 the
company focused on cleaning up the financial difficulties and "repairing" the balance sheet.
Axel Karlshoej, the founder's brother, was then the chairman of the board. This period saw a
successful initial public offering (IPO) in 1995 and set the stage for the present and third
phase of the company's history.
In 1998 Bjorn Moller was hired as Teekay's new CEO, and Sean Day joined the board.
Subsequently Day took over as chairman of the board from Axel Karlshoej. A major strategic
aim for Teekay at the beginning of this period was to move away from the huge spot market
exposure that its fleet had, in order to dampen the effects of the freight market cycles.
Teekay's vision changed to go from spot market heavy exposure to become an integrated
logistics provider, with a larger part of the fleet on longer-term charters. Subsequently, this
vision was restated to become a "mid-stream" logistics provider, meaning that while the oil
companies are upstream, and the users of the oil are downstream, Teekay defines its role as
developing a link between the two. This would involve all aspects of oil transport, offshore
storage, lightering transportation, etc.
It was also felt that it was relatively hard to be a small publicly traded company. The need for
growth was seen to be critical, both to be able to be more efficient in the capital market and to
create a meaningful interest in and liquidity for the company's shares. This was further
accentuated by the observation that the oil companies were consolidating fast, and it was
Commodity-Based Shipping: Playing the Market 63
necessary to have a sense of symmetry in size with the oil companies in order to match this. It
was also felt that it was critical to have enough stock market muscle, and capital market
muscle, to have access to the capital market during the low points of the freight market cycle
as well, so that one could always make the strategic moves one would intend to pursue.
There is a "supercycle" which encompasses the convergence of four critical factors:
The end of the technical life of the 1970s built single hull ships.
The new IMO rules.
The under-investment in large crude oil tankers over the last ten years.
The exceptional demand issue for oil these days, and with very high crude oil prices.
The oil tanker business now seems to be in year four of this supercycle, and it is perhaps not
likely that it will continueafter all, no upturn cycles continue forever! It is therefore
important for Teekay not to make "big" mistakes at this point in time, say, by making the
wrong timing decisions. The issue is one of discipline.
For instance, Bjorn Moller feels that the time for meaningfully ordering new ship assets
destined for the spot tanker market has generally passed. A couple of years ago, an Aframax
tanker newbuilding could be ordered for, say, $39 million per tanker. Now the price is around
$50 million. The same general comment can be made about second-hand cyclical assets. It
should still be noted that Teekay has 18 ships on order, and the orders were all placed during
the earlier down cycle time. In addition, Teekay ordered four ships from Korean yards in
January 2004, which it got at an exceptionally good price and which could be seen as
abnormal relative to the general price picture as it relates to the cycles.
Teekay can be seen as pursuing two parallel employment strategies for its ships, i.e., being in
two related businesses: Seeing the ships as cyclical assetstrading them on the spot market
and being in the long-term charter business. In terms of ships as cyclical assets, in the mid to
late 1990s, the major oil companies came to focus relatively more on quality and reliability,
etc. Before that, they had seen the shipping function more as a commodity. Long-term
opportunities, based on the oil companies' gradually increasing willingness to pay for quality,
then arose. Teekay, with its ability to achieve a scale effectwith many similar tankers in
each specific segment affording a good operating cost effectcoupled with its reputation as a
high quality ship operator and its strong balance sheet, was thus able to compete meaningfully
in this emerging long-term charter business.
Torben Karlshoej, Teekay's founder, had a particularly good sense for the spot market and the
"right" timing. His focus was also on developing similar types of ship assets, in order to
achieve scale through a relatively high market share on key routes. This also gave Teekay
more flexibility. He also chartered in a number of ships. At one point he became too
optimistic, however, and Teekay went into a difficult financial situation.
64 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
The shift toward emphasizing the long-term charter business to complement the short-term
focus on the spot market is relatively recent for Teekay. For instance, in 1998 the company
received no cash from fixed long-term business; all was on the spot market. In contrast, in
2004 Teekay received a cash flow of approximately $400 million per year from the long-term
charter business. This business now represents 50% to 60% of Teekay's cash flow, based on a
typical mid-cycle tanker rate environment, and the return on equity is highly satisfactory
more than 20% of ROI. These long-term charters are on average seven years in length. They
enable Teekay to become even more robust in the down part of the cycles, i.e., to become even
stronger in a countercyclical sense. Importantly, the growth in Teekay's long-term business
does not seem to have come at the expense of its large spot tanker business. Rather, it seems to
have been built in addition to the spot tanker business. Both businesses have thus grown.
The strategy of being an integrated logistics provider has thus evolved. A major dimension
became to develop a strong customer orientation. This was implemented through a heavy
focus on measuring the customers' response and following up where signals from customers
indicated that there were areas that could be improved on, i.e., "walking the talk."
The development of Teekay's organization was also evolving accordingly. For instance, 15
offices were gradually established around the world, so that the customer could be served
locally, in a time efficient manner.
Teekay is thus attempting to have an organization that is both entrepreneurial, to take
advantage of the opportunities to make good timing decisions based on a better understanding
of the freight rate cycles, and process oriented, based on internal discipline. It is important
that the latter is institutionalized. In line with this, Teekay is attempting to be "the world
leader in marine service to the gas and oil industry by year 2010." The challenge now is to
manage added complexity, since Teekay is getting into more trade segments, has acquired a
number of businesses, which has taken it into new segmentsincluding shuttle tankers and
LNGand has also entered into joint ventures, such as the one with Skaugen. The
organization has been realigned accordingly into four units, and these implementation efforts
seem to be working well. The four units are:
Spot chartering.
Upstream/shuttle tankers/offshore.
Marine operations, including brand building and execution. This unit acts more as a
service unit to the other three units.
The CEO, Bjorn Moller, does much of the market analysis himself, to signal his hands-on,
pragmatic focus on the business. He has also written a booklet on Teekay's internal culture
and strategy. It is important to note that he himself did it. This is similar to Tom E. Klaveness'
Commodity-Based Shipping: Playing the Market 65
delineation of his business strategy in his "little green book." In general, it seems critical that
the CEO himself delineates and communicates the key strategy clearly, particularly when
operating in such a competitive business as shipping.
There was almost no outsourcing, say, of ship management services. On the contrary, Teekay
attempted to develop its own organization as much as possible, by controlling all elements of
its delivery of logistics service, ashore and on board. This contrasts with other leading crude
oil shippers, such as Frontline.
Teekay has thus always been ship product focused, namely primarily in the Aframax tanker size
segment. In addition, it is also customer focused, i.e., vis-a-vis the big oil companies. The key is
to be both product focused and customer focused. In order to do this, it must have both the
physical size, i.e., be big enough to get the scale benefits, and enough legs and trade routes to
offer meaningful diversity to customers, so that the customers feel they can get what they want.
It is thus critical that the company be large enough to have a minimum size in the segments in
which it chooses to be active. A. P. Moller-Maersk has perhaps also done this wellbut
perhaps not entirely consistentlyin that it does not operate its tankers to the US.
Teekay's strategy would then be one to pull customers in, and thereafter to push the tonnage
on the customers. A complete logistics link is necessary in order to play this role as a link
between the upstream and the downstream. Teekay sees itself as the "mid-stream" company.
Developing a global brand was seen as critical, with the same quality of service wherever one
was, with whatever freighter one was dealing with. Another good example of this global
branding approach would be A. P. Moller-Maersk. The focus on service, to develop both
systems and people, involved more heavy investments, and the company might be seen as
thus being geared up for even more growth. Continuous improvements, employee focus and a
realization that the people are the most important asset also led to an increased level of
spending on training and people development per ship.
Teekay can thus clearly be seen as building a brand strategy that is focused on delivering
value to the customers via its own organization, its own people, its own "software." This
includes a "project ability" where Teekay is able to bundle various services to deliver more
fully fledged project support to its customers. Perhaps the other main proponent of this type of
strategy would be A. P. Moller-Maersk. And, it might possibly be in contrast with companies
such as Frontline, which perhaps focuses more squarely on its ships per se, in order to achieve
low operating costs for each one. It runs each of these ship assets very efficiently, based on a
lot of outsourcingindeed more of a virtual organization compared with Teekay, which has
all of the functions necessary to run a shipping company in-house. The customer-focused,
service-driven brand building at Frontline would perhaps be less deliberate than at Teekay.
It was seen as important that no national identity seems to dominate Teekay. It is
headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, but the executives come from all over the world, as so
66 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
do the seafarers. The advantage is that anybody can feel comfortable in Teekay. There is no
dominant nationality, which is so frequently the case in many other shipping companies.
Teekay has the freedom to operate in the world without cultural impediments. In the best
sense, it is therefore "stateless."
In order to further strengthen the organization after a number of large acquisitionsincluding
Navion, Statoil's wholly owned shipping companythe company was reorganized into four
operating groups, each with its own president reporting to the CEO:
Tanker Services, consisting of all the conventional tankers predominantly, Aframax tankers.
It also included Navion's conventional tankers, both crude oil and product tankers.
Shuttle Tankers, built around the bulk of Navion's organization and headquartered in
Stavanger, Norway, with a heavy emphasis on the North Sea.
Gas and Offshore, which would include the LNG activity of the recently taken over
Spanish company, Tapias, with its four LNG carriers.
Marine Services, including ship management.
Except for Navion's shuttle tanker business, all of the other three groups were headquartered
in Vancouver. Exhibit 2.7 summarizes Teekay's strategic positioning. As one can see, it is a
mixed exposure, partly to the commodity market, partly to non-commodity niches.
Exhibit 2.7: Teekay Shipping Corporation
Source: Author
Commodity-Based Shipping: Playing the Market 67
How does Teekay manage the market cycles? Discipline is key here, not "brilliance." It is key
to understand the basics, i.e., that:
A low market will always turn higher.
A high market will always go down.
Teekay does a lot of analysis of data received from key research houses in the business,
including Clarkson. The company tracks tonnage lists to understand historical patterns and get
a better feeling for both the spot business and the medium-term cycles. This includes such
details as specific fixtures for specific ships, the types of cargoes, the specific name of the
ships, and in what market segments. This means that Teekay can have good execution
regarding its specific chartering activities. It has a reputation for being relatively tough on the
rates accordingly.
Teekay's management feels that one of its biggest challenges would be around having
sufficient belief in its own analysis to take significant forward market actions in the direction
indicated by the analysis. In a cyclical business one would never get a 100% clear reading
about the future direction, not least because of the many variable involved. They feel that it is
more a matter of weighing up probabilities and then acting on theminstead of waiting for
"proof," by which time the opportunity would probably have gone. This was one of the
strengths of the founder, Torben Karlshoej, who took definite views regarding the market's
development and acted decisively on them. The company has had a fair amount of success in
predicting the cycles since Mr Karlshoej's death, but management feels that it can do even
more to develop a fundamental belief in a given market scenario. Such a scenario might even
be quite dramatic. The key is then to be willing to actually do what this scenario implies.
A good example might be the problem that Teekay's management feels it faces today: Given
the traditional wisdom of the regular tanker cycles of the past, one might expect the tanker
market to go downin fact, in a historical context this is perhaps already overdue, they feel.
However, a number of market indicators point in the opposite direction. Could the market go
up even higheror at least remain at the present high level for some time to come? Teekay's
management is wondering whether there might be too much of an opportunity loss by being
too constrained by "conservative" discipline. Will one forgo such opportunities if the market
should go even higher? Mr Moller sees it as a challenge for Teekay to maintain sufficient
entrepreneurship to be able to meaningfully assess such questions, without defaulting to
"conventional wisdom"but at the same time not dismissing the lessons of the past.
Teekay is now also working on the derivatives markets. The issue here is to hedge, by buying
"shelf space" vis-a-vis the consumers. This allows Teekay to lay off risks and to lengthen the
long positions and shorten the short positions. Teekay uses IMAREX on this. With the tanker
business being less of a commodity, it has been more challenging to develop an efficient
derivatives trading market, according to Mr Moller. He feels, however, that there are signs
that a market may finally be emerging. Sean Day, who used to be part owner and president of
68 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
the dry bulk company Navios Corporation, did very well on his derivative strategies before he
sold the company.
Another challenge associated with ultra high growth for Teekay is related to the further
development of its people capabilities. While it may be relatively easy to develop the top
layer, it is key also to cultivate the middle layer of management and particularly to identify
the high-potential managers early. This applies to both the people at sea and those on shore;
one attempts to create a common team spirit. Further, one attempts to keep "silos'Ybarriers to
a minimum, and break them down whenever they appear. It is also important that everybody
consistently understand the vision of the company.
Teekay has elected not to be in the bulk carrier business. Partly, this is justified through the
argument that Teekay has done just fine in the tanker business segment, and a clear focus is
important in order to provide true service in a particular segment: Strategy means choice. It is
also felt that the strong upswing in the dry bulk freight market may perhaps be somewhat
more short term.
Teekay has two OBOs which it may attempt to sell or put on a long-term charter to someone
else. It has already sold the eight OBOs taken over from Bona Shipholding in 2003. It is
realized that Teekay could have made more money on these ships now, but a policy decision
was made that the company did not want to operate 21-year-old ships, since this would be
inconsistent with its top quality policy.
This focus on "sticking to the knitting" can perhaps be contrasted with Frontline's strategy,
which is less based on long-term values, and much more on an entrepreneurial, opportunistic
focus. The heavy emphasis on the customer is much more accentuated in the long-term
strategy of Teekay than in the short-term strategy of Frontline. Teekay is thus, as noted, long-
term focused, with relatively little emphasis on in/out decisions and short-term market play on
a more opportunistic basis, as long as they would be seen as inconsistent with the overall
long-term strategy. This is thus true when it comes to Teekay's ownership of vessels and its
building of long-term customer relationships. At the same time, Teekay attempts to maximize
the benefits of shipping cycles, for example by chartering in short-term vessels at appropriate
times to supplement its fleet. Further, it attempts to be disciplined over the timing of the
purchase and disposal of owned assets and seems to have been successful in acquiring ships at
or below mid-cycle prices and disposing of them at or above mid-cycle prices.
Acquisitions have played an important part in the company's development. Teekay has seen it
as key to make acquisitions when the market goes on. In 1999, for instance, it took over Bona
Shipholding from Leif Hoegh & Co. Teekay has the financial strength to take over other
companies in any such situation. The most recent acquisitions include:
Navion: It was more important for Statoil when it decided to sell that the acquiring
company have a strong quality profile than that it be a Norwegian company. Teekay
was checked out extensively by Statoil and found to be fully acceptable on all
Commodity-Based Shipping: Playing the Market 69
dimensions. There was a strong fit between Teekay and Navionthe oil storage
loading ships were part of the service that Teekay's clients were demanding, i.e., a
focus strategy.
Tapias: This acquisition, which gives Teekay a platform in the LNG business, took
place in 2004. Tapias has two existing LNGs on long-term charters; and another two
are under construction and long-time charters for them have already been secured.
Thus, Teekay is able to create immediate credibility in the LNG market, based on
these safe, high quality, long-term charters.
Here, Teekay wanted to grow in this segment and was in fact prequalified to participate in
several LNG projects. It again made sense, therefore, to buy into a company with an already
established position. Teekay's own low cost of capital made this further feasible. Finally, the
acquisition created stronger access for Teekay to the Spanish/Latin American shipping
business sphere, i.e., a geographically driven acquisition move.
As further illustration of the important role of acquisitions when it comes to Teekay's
geographic moves, in 1998 the company took over Caltex's Australian fleet of tankers. It
thereby gained access to the Australian tanker market by extending its already established
competences in Aframax tankers elsewhere. It also extended its Australian geographic focus
to Perth and the Australian West Coast, where it had two Aframax tankers converted on long-
term contracts. Finally, it entered into a joint venture for the management of BHP's fleet,
largely out of Australia.
There were also several other examples of geographic spread, notably in Canada, the North
Sea and, as noted, Spain/Latin America.
Although strategic alliances have been rarewholly owned strategic moves have been the
preferred routethere is one recent notable exception: the Skaugen PetroTrans (SPT)
alliance. Teekay had concluded that it wanted to be in the lighterage business for three
It is profitable.
Teekay wanted to offer a full range of services to its main oil company customers,
including lighterage.
There would be a strong synergy with Teekay's Aframax tankers in the Caribbean,
linking them up with lighterage on the major US rivers.
The question was then whether to go it alone or in a joint venture, and it was decided to
attempt a joint venture with Skaugen PetroTrans for the following reasons:
Strong cultural compatibility with SPT. Operational excellence.
70 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Market leader. SPT was seen as the first choice by the consumer.
Avoid head to head competition, and thereby also a potential rate war. Further, it was
important to save time and get instant ability to the top people who knew this
particular business in SPT.
SPT lacked a global presence. It was focused almost exclusively on the US. Teekay
could add a global presence. A successful 50:50 joint venture was established in
2003the key people running the joint venture are those who previously ran SPT.
Klaveness, Norden, Frontline and Teekay are all examples of shipping companies
successfully following strategies that are essentially well suited to the classic atomistic
shipping markets. And there are many more stories of success. Still, a recurrent question is:
Would there be ways to avoid the commodity "trap"? Can one develop strategies that are
more exclusive, less atomistic, less commodity oriented? Let us now start to consider trends
in this directionwe will come back to this theme in more detail in Chapter 3.
There are several trends toward what might end up leading to less commoditization, less
atomism in various segments of the shipping industry. Most of these are admittedly "weak"
trends. Let us, however, review these exogenous factors here, since we intend in Chapter 3 to
discuss how the shipping firms' own managerial actions might lead to more niche-oriented
As indicated earlier, the more or less free access to capital has, perhaps more than anything
else, had the effect that main bulk shipping markets have remained highly competitive, highly
atomistic. Nevertheless, it is worth looking at some trends toward more restrictions on the
capital inflow to this industry.
The availability of risk capital, particularly for smaller firms, could become more costly and
harder to get. At one time the existing capital accord agreement (Basel I) seemed to
harmonize capital regulation very successfully. This regulation is, however, no longer in tune
with current banking practice. The deficiency with Basel I is the fact that the framework it
provides and the risk ratings are rather crude, and also risk management development is not
considered. The new regulation, Basel II, seeks to regulate complex banking business, using
generally acceptable rules in a banking world that is not simple and heterogeneous. Here,
once again, the aim is to reinforce the stability of the financial system.
The importance of a stable financial system to national and global economies may justify the
major expense imposed through this additional regulation. It was proposed in 1999 and will
come into effect by the end of 2006. Commercial banks in countries that take on this accord
under their national law will need to evaluate all credit for its individual risk within a rating
system. This rating system is set out as indicated in Exhibit 2.8.
Commodity-Based Shipping: Playing the Market 71
Exhibit 2.8: The New Basel Accord (Basel II)
"Basel II"
New Basel Capital Accord
Source: Fueglistaller and Halter, 2003
For instance, the Basel II convention requires that all banks must more systematically assess
the decision to give ship credits, in accordance with predetermined, more rigorous criteria.
Their dealings with shipowner clients will thus become much more standardized. This
regulation for lending within banks will involve all banks. All banks must set aside a certain
reserve (i.e., de facto "dead" capital) for every lending amount it commits to a particular
project as a loan. Top management in a bank will therefore typically "allocate" quotas to each
business sector, and make sure that each sector then optimizes its sub-portfolio of projects
within its area, in order to go for the best return for the bank. There is likely, thus, to be
"competition" between sectors within the bank, so that the most lucrative projects are favored.
This means that, in most banks in the future, shipping projects will probably have to yield
higher returns and lower risks in order to successfully compete for capital. The net result: The
cost of capital for shipowners is likely to go up. One can even question whether there will be
enough availability of financing at all. Some smaller shipowners may be squeezed out of bank
financing altogether, or at least be severely restricted. This might in the end lead to less
overall capacity increase, although it cannot be expected to lead to significantly higher
industry concentration.
Adoption of risk assessment procedures for banks and other lenders is becoming more and
more standard. Outside data forecasting companies, such as Marsoft, play an important role
here. Marsoft's emphasis is to provide a standardized approach for the banks to develop a
credit rating matrix based on a risk profile customized for shipping lendingall, in turn,
based on Marsoft's market outlook forecast. The net effect may be more prudence in ship
financing, fewer excesses in making low cost capital available and, in the end, a better ship
supply/market demand balance.
72 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Another potentially difficult issue facing the shipping business has been shipyard subsidies.
Traditionally, national governments in many countries have subsidized shipyards heavily to
stimulate local employment by making the local yards more competitive. Shipyard subsidies
are no longer allowed within the EU. The OECD is also heavily restricting shipyard subsidies,
which is putting pressure on countries such as Korea to abandon its ship subsidies. China may
also have to abide by this strategy over time. All in all, this may further lead to more realistic
practices in newbuilding policies, i.e., more restraint on the availability of newbuilding
capacity and, in the end, a more even balance between supply and demand.
Aging of the world's fleet of particular types of ships, and built-up demand for renewing the
fleet due to infrequent new ships ordered in the past, is another key trend. For instance, within
the offshore supply ship industry, one can consider the platform supply vessel (PSV) segment,
which freights supplies to offshore drilling platforms and offshore drilling ships operating in
deep ocean waters. There will always be a basic demand for this type of shipafter all, the
platforms need constant support. It turns out that the demand tends to be particularly robust
for the "Volkswagen" types in the PSV segment, namely medium-sized ships with good tank
efficiency, exemplified by the ship type connotation UT755. The return on investment of
these ships turns out to have been, on average, higher than the return on investment of more
expensive PSV ships. The demand is more robust within this more versatile sub-segment of
the PSV ship market on an average basis. The same argument can be made when it comes to
large anchor handling tug supply vessels (AHTS). This can be seen from the world's fleet
composition and corresponding possibilities for new ship investments, now perhaps with less
commodity-oriented contexts, as illustrated in Exhibit 2.9.
Exhibit 2.9: World Offshore Fleet Composition
Source: Andersen, 2003
Commodity-Based Shipping: Playing the Market 73
Another example of such niches with higher demand might be RoRo ships for freighting
automotive equipment, such as followed by companies like Leif Hoegh & Co. and
Wilhelmsen/Wallenius. The demand for cars in the overseas export segment is relatively
stable, which creates a relatively stable business. Traditionally, bulk carriers with extra
temporary decks installed used to serve this segment. New technology has, however, created a
less commodity-oriented segment.
Another example might be the large LNG ship business. Here, contracts will typically be
based on long-term charters. Japanese companies, such as Mitsui OSK Lines, K Line and
NYK, as well as Leif Hoegh and Bergesen have been particularly active here. The long-term
financing element plays a strong component in these essentially stable "banking" deals.
Perhaps this segment might thus be seen more as "banking" than as "shipping."
In this chapter, we have seen how modern shipping firms tend to be exposed to global market
swings; they are competing in an atomistic context of more or less perfect competition. It is,
of course, key to find ways for the shipping firms to come up with effective ways to compete
in this contextusing effective commodity strategies. Also, however, many leading shipping
executives have been fascinated by the potential to move their companies away from this
intense competition to find more specialized niche strategies. This will be the focus of the
next chapter.
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The Drive toward Non-Commodity Segments 75
It is key to enter into niches where you get paid. Shipping industry proverb
Many shipping segments have experienced large market swings, while the markets for Ro-Ro
and LNG transportation remain on a stable level, with a good balance between supply and
demand. [...]The Ro-Ro segment is based on long-term customer relationships and flexibility
regarding phasing in services and products in the value chain. [...] The LNG activities will
continue to be based on long-term engagements with solid contractual partners.
Thor Jorgen Guttormsen, Managing Director, LeifHoegh & Co.
ASA Annual Report 2002, p. 1
A high innovation pressure, being close to demanding customers, equals a high degree of
innovation. We must keep an innovative culture.
Simon Eidesvik, Offshore Supply Shipowner
Several companies have withdrawn from, or are de-emphasizing, classic shipping segments.
LeifHoegh & Co. has withdrawn from, or is on its way out of, four of its businesses: Cape-
size dry bulk business, reefers, open hatch forest products bulkers, and liners business (sold in
two parts, in 1998 and 2001). And we saw, summarized in Exhibit 1.4, that this has had a
positive impact on its results. I. M. Skaugen was also involved in a number of shipping
segments. Generally one could say that the company had relatively poor control over the
various activities. The necessary cash flows were simply not there. Running costs were
enormously high, and there was a lot of off-hire. Much of this was not even realized by the
leadership of the company. In 1989/90 Skaugen diversified even further, and bought two
VLCC (very large crude carrier) tankers at the top of the market, in addition to the two
VLCCs it already had. This led to a loss of 1 billion Norwegian Kroner. The financial
situation became acute, and the company was more or less bankrupt. Since 1992 Skaugen has
refocused and is now in only two segments gas and lighterage.
76 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
A. P. Moller-Maersk has withdrawn from the basic bulk business and also from some other
commodity business segments. As noted, the group sold its portfolio of Panamax bulk
contracts involving the Far East to Torvald Klaveness Group, including its marketing office in
Beijing. Thus, an initial modification of a shipping company's overall portfolio to gain
simplicity, focus and clarity may be advantageous. This may emphasize segments that are
perhaps somewhat less volatile toward the atomistic markets. Withdrawing from the more
volatile segments could also be a strategic choice. Choosing basic segments, which have an
element of robustness in them, seems key. But these strategic moves are common-sense
moves toward improving the classic strategic position through Protecting and Extending.
Nevertheless, the classic shipping business remains highly dependent on the markets. One can
perhaps move a little bit away from the most heavy commodity orientation by making
choices, by focusing. A non-commodity strategy requires focus, and often an even more
fundamentally radical approach, which is the theme of this chapter.
Three major trends have an impact on the industry structure and the demand side for ship
services, and they may offer shipowners an opportunity to move away from "extreme
commodity" business, by adding focus. We shall discuss these first. This means that the
specific owners will be striving to find more niche opportunities "before they are obvious to
everyone else": (1) the demand specifications of some major shippers that ask for entire fleets
of ships, often taken on longer charters, aiming at a "one-stop relationship" with shipowners;
(2) the trend toward broader coverage of the entire value chain by shipowners, again primarily
as a consequence of the demands made by shippers such as major industrial companies; and
(3) the investment size in particularly specialized ships, calling for a concentration in the
shipowners' ranks, again primarily as a consequence of the need to invest in more
sophisticated, more capital intensive ships, as demanded by some shipowners.
Some companies that demand ship services may, in essence, be trying to simplify their
relationships with shipowners. Essentially they are trying to streamline their supply chains.
Rather than working with a number of shipowners, they prefer to have a one-stop contractual
relationship with one owner, who administers a larger fleet of ships for the shipper. Consider
the oil company ConocoPhillips and its demands for offshore supply ships worldwide. The
company has issued a tender for 70 offshore supply ships to cover its needs worldwide,
broken into several packages, each package to be bid on by one or more shipping companies,
with each package being between 10 and 15 ships.
One package, for instance, deals with ConocoPhillips' needs for ocean supply ships in the
Norwegian sector of the North Sea; another deals with its needs in the British sector of the
North Sea; a third deals with its needs off Brazil, etc. Previously, the company dealt with
many shipowners. Typically, each owner would bid for a particular time charter for a
particular ship. Thus, ConocoPhillips' needs were covered through a complex web of
relationships with many owners, ship by ship, on separate time charters. Its present intentions
The Drive toward Non-Commodity Segments 77
are to simplify all of this by offering entire "packages" to one firm, which would then provide
all the required offshore supply ship services. In the Norwegian sector, for instance, there
would be a requirement for ten ships, as noted, which the shipowner would need to offer en
Another interesting feature of ConocoPhillips' new approach would be that it seems to
depend on the establishment of a computer-based bidding system to set the time charter
rate for the entire block of ships. Each shipowning company that wants to participate
would hand in an initial rate. Each could then elect to lower this rate during the computer-
based auction, but no one could go up. They would know the rate levels that the other
shipping companies were quoting, but not the names of these companies. Under this
system, the role of the traditional shipbroker would indeed be different, or even
Major industrial shipowners may increasingly insist on compliance with safety standards,
environmental emission policies, more systematic crew training procedures, and "best in
class" procedures for comparing operating performance between the various ships
employed. While these initiatives, of course, often tend to be good in their own right,
they also imply added costs in resources and funds. Some of these requirements can
probably be met by administering a larger fleet of ships, perhaps offered to the shipper
together, in a coordinated manner. Concentration on the shipowner side will clearly be on
the cards.
All in all, there could well be a shift toward more power in the hands of the larger shippers, who
would be able to increasingly apply their purchasing power muscle. The corollary of this would
be a relative decrease in the power of the smaller shipowners. In the future, it is not hard to
imagine that only larger shipowners will perhaps be able to match the needs of the large shippers.
What are the rate effects of all of this? The large shippers may believe that the rates will
actually come down. A strong argument can be made to the contrary, however, in the sense
that only a few shipowners will now de facto be able to bid. The atomistic nature of the
supply side is therefore broken. It is much more likely that a sense of discipline will now
prevail among the bidders, when only three or four of them will go after a specific deal. The
net result may therefore be a move away from the classic commodity business in the
direction of a long-term relationship business. This might seem to be fair, but it may also
mean higher shipping rates in the long run, now that a market with less perfect competition
has been established. The large shippers will often have large, complexeven
compartmentalized and bureaucraticorganizations. A particular executive responsible for
a logistics function may become more of a hero in his own company by simplifying the
supply chain, rather than by practicing shipping "the old way." Technocrats rather than
classic shipping executives may be on their way in, with the risk of loss of a true "feel" for
shipping issues. Higher rates, at least on the average, may be the result, through the creation
of a less atomistic supply structure by the major shippers.
78 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Some industrial shippers may demand a more coordinated transportation service, not only sea
transportation but also, perhaps, land transportation of containers that have been freighted by
sea; warehousing; support with some of the paper work for the goods shippedfrom the door
of the shipper to the door of the final receiver of the shipped goods, which is essentially total
outsourcing of the transportation function by the shipper.
Consider a few examples. The world's biggest liner corporation, Maersk Sealand, a division of
A. P. Moller-Maersk, provides not only ship services but also extensive warehousing in its own
port terminals, extensive trucking services over land, and also support for computer-based
tracking of the containers and automated paper work on behalf of the shippers. Maersk Sealand
has entered into several all-inclusive contracts to handle the logistical function of major
industrial shippers worldwide.
DFDS, based in Copenhagen, Denmark, is another example. DFDS operates in the North
European transportation segment, again not only with shipsprimarily in the North Sea and
inter-Scandinavian watersbut also with truck services, warehousing, etc. This is a similar
concept to Maersk Sealand's, although more local.
The results of such shipping arrangements will be an all-inclusive "package" contract for
shipping freight. The contract will be between an industrial shipper and the shipowner, which
has now transformed itself into a total transportation provider. The freight rate levels in such a
contract will be set based on one-to-one negotiations, not under market-based, atomistic
perfect competition. Again, the result will probably be somewhat more stable, but probably at
higher rates than under the conditions of perfect competition.
As noted, in many segments of the shipping industry, there is a tendency toward increasingly
specialized, highly capital intensive ships. In the offshore supply ship segment, for instance,
there has been a shift toward demand for larger platform supply ships, which, however,
require more extensive investments by the shipowner. Extensive add-ons would come on top:
dead positioning (DP), firefighting equipment (FiFi), oil recovery equipment (Oil Rec),
methanol tanks, tank-cleaning equipment, and so on.
Another new segment in the offshore ship area would be seismic ships, which are highly
capital intensive in terms of investments needed. These ships are in increasing demand from
shippers, oil companies, oil exploration companies, etc. It goes without saying that only a
much smaller number of shipowners can afford to participate in these more capital-intensive
niches. The effect will therefore again be less atomism, and therefore less perfect competition,
which increases the likelihood of more negotiatedand in the end more balancedfreight
rates. Still, we should have no illusions: Higher returns also tend to lead to more new
The Drive toward Non-Commodity Segments 79
shipbuilding contracting and, in turn, more capacity, which again will lead to record deliveries
of new ships, and then lower rates and lower yields on return of capital.
There is indeed another snag in this development, which represents a "downside" for the
shipowner. The markets for these highly specialized ships will, of course, be much "thinner" than
for standard, normal ships. There will simply not be the same need for a large number of such
specialized ships. Thus, in conditions where there would be no demand for these ships, or a large
oversupply of such ships, a breakdown in specialized ship markets could occur, with extremely
depressed rates and even the laying up of a number of ships and the obvious consequences. Thus,
it might be advisable to build more standard, popular ships that will always be in relatively high
demand. The tradeoff here is that the "Volkswagen" type ship will compete under more atomistic
perfect conditions, with often lower freight rates, while the more specialized ships will compete in
more "exclusive" niches, often with higher freight rates, but with perhaps higher downside
potential. But the prerequisite for the latter is, of course, that a market exists at all.
Chakravarthy and Lorange (2004) have, as noted, developed a model for growth in industrial
companies (referred to in Exhibit 1.8) which emphasizes the need to develop new niches, based
on the already established strengths that companies might have, pushing these into areas where
there would be less commoditization and more growth potential. Chapter 1 provided a brief
outline of this overall scheme for developing strategies in shipping firms; Chapter 2 dealt only
with the part of the model that focuses on the strategies that utilize the basic established
strengths in the commodity-shipping segment, Protect and Extend. Let us now expand on the
model to include non-commodity niches for growth, i.e., the Leverage and/or Build strategic
niche position in Exhibit 3.1 below.
Exhibit 3.1: A Framework for Niche-Based Internally Generated Growth
Source: Author
80 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
The starting point will be to consider the particularhopefully uniquestrengths of a
company. Is there, for instance, one area of shipping where a company has a particularly
strong track record, a concentration of ships with a supporting base of market know-how as
well as a technological base to run these ships, etc.? This would be the Protect and Extend
business segment. Here, one would have established competences in a given market, with
proven distinctive technological and other competences in place. The challenge here would
be to maintain one's position by continuously improving what one is offering in the market
through natural product extensionssay, by offering more modern shipsas well as
evolutionary, new product offerings like better cargo handling. Offering more efficiency,
more service, adding more computer-based support, etc. can also strengthen existing
competences further. The key will always be "to make good even better." We have
discussed this extensively in Chapter 2. The question now is: Can this basis of strength
established in the context of rather atomistic, perfect competitionbe the basis for
expansion into other niches characterized by more growth, less atomistic competition, and
higher freight rates?
The key is to be able to see the growth opportunities, and to go after the high potential niches,
particularly those that might offer exceptional growth. One must see the opportunities before
they are obvious to any one else. Timing is thus critical in developing niche-based creative
business models. For a shipping company that wants to pursue niches, it must have the
necessary resources available to be able to take the opportunities when they arise. Strategy is
thus to be prepared. Key resources for being prepared would primarily be in the brains of the
executives in the firm, i.e., organizational capabilities, rather than in the "steal" itself. Team-
based eclectic resources are key, rather than relying on freestanding "prima donna"
executives. The firm with the best team is probably the winner.
One such step would be to add distinctive new competences to the present base business.
We would call this a Build business. This can, for instance, consist of building new
competences by, for example, including other segments of the value chain. We have already
indicated how a company like Maersk Sealand, the container ship division of A. P. Moller-
Maersk, has added competences in warehousing, harbor terminal handling, land
transportation and computer-based support in order to possess the technology and
competence base needed to offer a broader set of transportation services over a broader
range of the value chain.
Other examples might be the development of highly specialized ships. One might, for
instance, add cable laying technology capabilities for normal offshore supply ships. Or one
might add conveyor belt offloading technology for Handy-size bulk carriers so that offloading
can take place as a closed system, which would drastically decrease the amount of
contamination and pollution. Companies such as Jebsens, Thunbolaget, and Canadian
Steamship Lines have pioneered this self-unloading ship system (SUS).
The Drive toward Non-Commodity Segments 81
Jebsens has the only sizable independent fleet of smaller SUS belt unloaders today, each ship
with a capacity of up to 28,000 deadweight tonnes (dwt). Further Jebsens has pioneered the
market for efficient self-unloading for "cheap" products, such as aggregates, ores of various
types, China clay, coal and fertilizer. It can be said that Jebsens has indeed "revolutionized"
the transportation of these types of products in Northern Europe, through its very efficient
discharging system: up to 3,000 tones per hour. Jebsens' SUS ships have made the aggregate
export business from Norway to the United Kingdom and the European continent, for
instance, competitive relative to exports from other countries.
The SUS shipping business is clearly a niche business. It is also the foundation for the
development of Jebsens' logistics, in both Europe and Australia. By using SUS as the most
efficient means of transportation, also on short distances, the company has developed a
distribution system right through to the customer. Jebsens also uses its Panamaxes and
Handy-size ships to feed this distribution system.
Jebsens thus also has heavy exposure to the classic commodity-driven shipping businesses
and has used this as the basis for developing several niche strategies. It has approximately 40
Panamax bulk carriers chartered in at each time. In addition, it owns approximately 15
Handimax bulk carriers, some of them in partnership with other owners. Jebsens' long time
efforts to develop the SUS bulk carrier business have, however, led to a broadening of its
focus to cover port handling in a wider sense. It has three large port handling facilities in
South & East Australia where it does bagging and distribution to end users of fertilizers, grain
and/or coal products. Further, it has the exclusive port handling activities at the Norwegian
Arctic island Svalbard, where a considerable amount of coal is exported every year during a
short summer period from July till November, when the harbor in Svea is ice free. Jebsens has
its own tug facilities, and support to deal with all the port handling here. This is another good
example of a Build strategy, first by pioneering the self-unloading concept to keep the cargo
cleaner and avoid dust and pollution, etc., and then taking it one step further into port
handling activities.
Seaspan Container Group, Vancouver, part of Washington Marine Group, is another example
of a good Build strategy. The company is part of a larger group, the Washington Group of
Companies, which has interests in a variety of areas: construction, local Canadian shipping,
barges, tugs, rail services, real estate, mining, etc. The controlling owner, Dennis Washington,
is a multibillionaire who lives in Missoula, Montana, US. (Miller et al., 2003, p. 57). As far as
strategy goes, Seaspan has 12 ships on long-term charters (ten years) with China Shipping.
These are container ships. Five 4,250 TEU vessels are in service; five more are under
construction. Further, two huge 8,100 TEU container ships are being built. Similarly, it has
nine ships on ten-year charters to Canadian Pacific. The fleet is thus all large container ships.
The 8,100 TEU ships are in the very large class. The 4,250 TEU ships are the east/west
"workhorses" of the container trade.
Seaspan's strategy is to fix its ships on very long-term charters, with strong charterers, and to
finance the ships at high leverage with 80% to 90% long-term financing. The financing is
82 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
done for the entire fleet. Seaspan views its strategy as providing long-term fixing of charters
for sister vessels with very strong and reputable charters that allow it to finance efficiently. In
addition, the similarity of its vessels allows its in-house technical and crew management
operations to become very efficient in managing this class of vessel. All the 4,250 TEU
vesselsall built at Samsungare similar. Seaspan has used its repeat purchases from
Samsung to allow it to achieve increasing economies of scale in the inputs for the vessels and
their ongoing operations. In total, this is a Build strategy, with new competences applied to
the technology of the ships, the financing, and the market relationships with the charterers.
The result: economies of scale. Long-term charters further allow the company to have an
exceptionally high debt rate on its balance sheet. As such, Seaspan contrasts starkly with
many other container shipping companies.
Tschudi & Eitzen, Oslo, Norway, has several VLCC single hull tankers. It was able to
upgrade them by strengthening the hull infrastructure around the tank areas, so that they
can now be certified to operate in certain areas, including South African ports. The
effective life of the ship has thereby been extended. This is an example of a Build
Viking Supply Ships, Oslo, Norway has traditionally operated a fleet of offshore supply ships.
It used its technology to build combined icebreakers and supply ships, which were used as
icebreakers in the Baltic during the winter on long-term contracts to the Swedish authorities,
and then as platform supply ships in the North Sea during the summer. This is also a clear
Build strategy.
Although it may generally not be all that easy to find new technologies and new competences
to add to one's base in shipping, so as to in essence create a Build niche, it is still possible
with determined effort and hard work. And the prize is that it offers less competition and
normally higher rates.
Another opportunity for niche strategy-building would be to use one's established strengths
in other markets. We call this a Leverage strategy. One example would be entering new
industries, where one would offer transport services, cover new product categories or focus
on new geographies. Several shipping companies have established activities in mainland
China, and I. M. Skaugen will serve later in this chapter as an example. Entering container
ships in the so-called reefer shipping market, by offering reefer containers supported by
reefer plugs installed in the container ships, is another example. Such container ships can
now offer refrigerated containers, allowing for much more flexibility in the handling of
products and taking away the market for classic reefer ships. The RoRo company Aug.
Bolten, based in Hamburg, Germany, developed a strong link with Volkswagen for
freighting cars. Later it used this acquired know-how to co-establish TT-Line, a RoRo
service for cars, trucks and passengers in the Balticanother clear Leverage strategy.
The Drive toward Non-Commodity Segments 83
A fourth category of new niches would be the so-called Transform niche, which entails both
entering new markets with new competences and applying new technological competences. Our
experience calls for a word of caution here, however, based on our research in industrial
companies. It will typically be difficult to go directly from one's established base to a
Transform nichea direct "leap" will normally be unrealistic. Rather, a more realistic case
would entai\first going into, say, a new market, in other words, developing a Leverage strategy.
Once established in this new market, the company can subsequently look for new technologies
and other know-how modifications to add, thereby eventually ending up in a Transform niche,
via an indirect, two-step process. Analogously, a shipping firm could add new competences
initially, ending up in a Build situation. When this niche has been established, the company
could take this into new markets, again developing a Transform strategy.
Credit Lyonnais has developed a strategy for serving the shipping sector where it goes from
banking to insurance (Leverage). From there Credit Lyonnais could go to direct selling
(Transform), and also enjoy higher fees. It (and other banks, too) has acquired various retail
businesses, with new competences for the shipping market (a Build strategy). Credit Lyonnais
is also focusing primarily on financing LNG and container ships. It has developed an advisory
capability vis-a-vis shipping companies in these trade segments (a Build strategy). It also
went into government financing in these areas in Japan (bonds with higher ratings), a
Transform strategy. This Transform strategy has been extended, with Credit Lyonnais now
advising the government of Oman on its financing of an LNG fleet.
FedNav, Montreal, enjoyed a strong base in the Great Lakes, US/Canada. From there it
diversified into land-based terminals, a Build strategy. From land-based terminals around the
Great Lakes, it then went into land-based terminals on the US East Coast, a Transform
strategy. Further, it created a strong concept of parcel service for its Great Lakes-based bulk
carriers, to be more customer oriented, which happens to be a Build strategy. It could also be
seen as a Leverage strategy, in the sense that new customer segments were approached. From
there, FedNav acquired Panamax ships, but transferred the parcel concept to the Panamaxes, a
Transform strategy: Panamaxes with parcel features!
Tschudi & Eitzen had a strong position in Handimax bulkers in trading with India, including
the Bombay area, where it also developed a crewing activity, i.e., a broader local presence, a
Leverage strategy. It then became apparent that it needed to handle heavier transportation. So
it installed large grabs in various Indian ports, initially to handle its own ships, but then also
for other shipowners to hire. This is a Transform strategy.
In 1985 Fairmont Shipping, with its crewing activities, was operating four schools to educate
seafarers in the Philippines. During a downturn, Fairmont decided to go more broadly into
human resource management, by Building a crewing organization to serve other firms as well.
Today, it has 520 ships under management and 20,000 people in its crew organization,
serving many other shipping companies. This can be seen as a Build strategy. Fairmont has
84 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
now moved this crewing concept into other countries, such as India, Croatia and China
indeed a Leverage strategy. It is now developing uniforms, a mail order service for the
families of the crews, etc., a Transform strategy.
Bergesen has developed a strategy to expand based on the same customer base, as it
exemplified with its relationship with the oil company Total (now TotalFinaElf). Through this
customer relationship, it has over a long time developed a strong position when it comes to
crude tankers. It has also subsequently developed a strong position vis-a-vis Total with LPG
ships, as well as LNGs. Most recently, it has introduced storage ships serving Total's offshore
exploration activities. Thus, Bergesen has developed a growth platform based on a specific
customer relationship: First by growing a Leverage position, then by introducing a number of
new Build-type ship transportation solutions, thus ending up with a Transform business!
Bergesen has thus been attempting to play a role of giving total service vis-a-vis Total. It was
perhaps, however, too small in many of the segments it entered. In light of this, since
Bergesen may not have had sufficient scale in each segment it went into, the diversification
into all of these segments may, perhaps, have represented too much diversity.
Let us look systematically at some of the more distinctive competences shipping companies
might add. First, the option of developing distinctive technical competences. One well-known
feature is the so-called double hull technological innovation in crude oil tankers. After a series
of disasters with major oil spills, the law now requires crude oil carriers to have double hulls
in most waters. This requirement was pioneered by the US, but has now also been adopted by
the EU. Initially, this was a clear Build niche. A. P. Moller-Maersk, for instance, introduced
double hull tankers some 15 years ago. While, as noted, the company lost a lot on these ships
during the first several years, it is now well positioned to reap the market, which now calls for
double hull ships much more broadly. Over time, this has increasingly become a "must," and
double hulls are now de facto part of the more atomistic, perfectly competitive main niche for
crude oil tanker supplies. Another technological advantage is the so-called shallow draft crude
tankers that ply seas like the Baltic and other select areas. Again, this is a relatively small
niche, where technology typically led to higher rates, until more ships of this type were
I have already mentioned the closed conveyor belt unloading systems (SUS) that have been
developed for certain types of Handimax bulk carriers in order to diminish contamination of
the cargo and dramatically cut down on pollution. As indicated, Jebsen, Thunbolaget and
Canadian Steamship Lines were pioneers in developing this niche, followed later by
Klaveness and others. I have also already mentioned the many technological innovations that
have been developed for PSVs, such as DP, Fifi, Oil Rec, etc.
The so-called heavy lift ships, initially developed by Tschudi & Eitzen and Jan-Erik Dyvi,
include a technology where the ship itself is largely filled with water, thus allowing for large
The Drive toward Non-Commodity Segments 85
infrastructures, such as offshore drilling jack-ups, to be floated on top of the ship. The heavy
ship is then emptied of wateralmost like a floating dockand the infrastructure can then be
transported on the "back" of the heavy lift ship. Others have further perfected this technology,
with Dockwisethe Dutch transport companynow the leader. The development of this
technologyin effect creating a brand new segment within the shipping industryis so
interesting that we shall discuss it in some more detail.
The semi-submersible deck carrier concept seems to have been initially developed by Tschudi
& Eitzen (Lloyd's List, 1982), which had one of its bulkers converted to this purpose. This was
the tanker Venture Espana, which was converted into what ultimately became a heavy lift ship,
the Sibigthe world's first submersible heavy lift ship conversion. It was then further
operationalized by John Nielsen, working as part of the shipping company, Jan-Erik Dyvi
(Jeannet, 1985). This new ship was, as noted, to be semi-submersible so it could "ballast down"
to place its deck underneath the floating rig, with legs jacked up. For the voyage, the ship would
de-ballast to lift the cargo out of the water. Nielsen believed that the new ship design offered
advantages over traditional tug/barge operations. Transportation time could be reduced by
increased speed, and insurance rates could be cut due to improved safety (Jeannet, 1985, Case
A, p. 3). This case is symptomatic of the development of niche businesses in shipping.
In 1985, Nielsen was looking back on almost two very successful years of operation
following the company's introduction of the two semi-submersible deck carriers. Both ships
had been fully employed during this time. However, several competitors had now entered the
market with similar vessels, and this was resulting in lower freight revenues. Another five
ships were to be delivered soon; Jan-Erik Dyvi ordered two of them. There were already nine
ships in operation worldwide. Competition had reacted quickly, just as Nielsen had expected,
and brought into service eight deck carriers. However, the tug/barge operators were not the
only ones to order these carriers. Jan-Erik Dyvi ended up competing with several new firms: a
Dutch company, a Danish shipping firm and two Norwegian operators (Jeannet, 1985, Case
B, pp. 1 and 3).
All in all, one could see that this was a great shipping concept offering a unique service, with
unique properties for the shippers, and also commanding a clear advantage in terms of setting
strong freight rates. Interestingly, however, one can also observe how quickly and
aggressively this niche was then pursued by a number of competitors, and thus grew from one
supplier to five, and from two ships to fourteen. The niche market was quickly becoming
commoditized. To develop sustainable advantages via purely technological features is
normally difficult indeedcompetitors can copy technological advances. However,
discretionary, "softer" know-howin the hands of lead experts in the shipping companies
will typically be more difficult to copy.
Let us look at the Dutch owner Heerema, which is a strong proponent of this type of niche
strategy. The company is heavily exposed to the heavy lift ship market through its majority-
held firm Dockwise (Wilhelm Wilhelmsen owns 21%), which now owns and operates around
19 such ships. Strong links, marketing wise, with key shippers is key to Dockwise's strategy.
86 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
It is this closeness to the particular market that seems to make a difference. Here it should be
pointed out that Dockwise was awarded one of the highest fines ever given to a company in
this industry by the EU regulatory authorities for price fixing, collaborating with another
shipowner. This, perhaps, underscores the dilemma one can face when cooperating
extensively with customers and with other industry players. Specialization calls for
networking and cooperation. Current competition regulation does perhaps not reflect this
Heerema also has four huge crane ships. In this market segment there are only five such ships
in the world, and Heerema operates three of them. These are unique ships for taking
extremely heavy lifts, and they represent very heavy investments. They represent a significant
part of the world's super heavy lifting capacity. As noted, the capital investment is
considerable. The market is highly specialized, with strong links to the construction, harbor
development and offshore oil exploration businesses. The strong links between this highly
specialized firm and the appropriate construction contractors is critical for the successful
marketing of this serviceits organizational culture is focused on this accordingly.
Heerema also has two cable laying ships and has recently invested in one large oil pipeline
laying ship, which can operate in water depths of up to 3,000-meters and is equipped with
eight thrusters and dead positioning via satellite connection. This highly advanced ship
represents a huge investment. There is only one other remotely comparable ship available, a
highly specialized, but also highly capital intensive, segment driven by technological
innovation. Once more, however, the dedicated marketing organization supporting this highly
specialized niche is key.
More examples of technology-based innovations that lead to more or less effective Build
strategies will come later in this chapter. Beyond technology innovations, shipping companies
can also add intangible distinctive competences. Most prominent, perhaps, would be
dedicated marketing support, computer technology that can be used to dramatically strengthen
service to clients. For instance, IT is an essential part of Maersk Sealand's and DFDS's
extension of their transportation services along a broader set of value chain elements, as
previously discussed. Shipping companies that wish to qualify as effective logistic suppliers
need to be able to track goods. I. M. Skaugen, Norden and others have followed a similar
heavy emphasis on IT, all attempting to add distinctive, net-based competences to serve the
customers better, perhaps with the aim of adding an ability to support the customers well
worldwide and 24/7. Added closeness to the customer is the result, which also amounts to
establishing a Build strategy. Without this distinctive competence, these firms could not have
transformed themselves into what are, in effect, logistics suppliers.
But what about entering new markets, primarily through geographic expansion to create a
Leverage niche? The Danish shipping company Norden, previously discussed, has done just
that. In 1996 Norden established its Singapore office to be closer to the shippers in Southeast
Asia. In 2000 Norden added its US office, initially to be able to better market its new series of
35,000 dwt double hull product tankers there. These had been ordered the year before and
The Drive toward Non-Commodity Segments 87
were tailor-made for the US market. In 2002 Norden established an office in Shanghai, again
to be closer to the China-based shippers. A clear pattern emerged. Norden was establishing
local offices to be closer to the local customers, in the spirit of acting locally but thinking
globally. To establish a deeper relationship with the charterers, really knowing them seems
important. One might, of course, say that this could be handled via modern
telecommunications, but only up to a point. Ultimately, the face-to-face dimension of local
presence through geographic expansion is often key.
I. M. Skaugen similarly has found that it is critical to have local offices to be able to serve the
customers more intimatelybeing where the customer is, including working on the same
time zone as the customer. Consequently, as of 1994 Skaugen had established its own offices
in Houston, Singapore, Shanghai and Dubai. In 1996 it opened an office in St. Petersburg,
primarily as a hedge against sole reliance on China when it came to providing a base for cost
efficient crews.
Farstad has also pursued geographical expansion. From an initial base in Aalesund, Norway,
it established an office in Aberdeen, Scotland, and then entered into joint ventures in Australia
(1997), Brazil (1999) and most recently West Africa (2002). It is interesting to see that
Farstad made use of local partners in these joint ventures, in order to gain more effective
market contacts. This, above all, probably saved Farstad a lot of time, given that it takes time
to develop one's own local market links from scratch.
With the development of more know-how, as well as technical, commercial and IT-based
geographical expansion, one would expect to see the possession of a larger resource base
by the shipping companies to be viable, i.e., larger firms, more concentration in the
industry, larger fleets controlled by fewer players, to leverage the added investment in
prerequisite know-how. One trend would be toward developing pools, whereby many
shipowners would band together to develop a joint set of capabilities and to spread the
costs of covering these built-up marketing capabilities among the many shipowning pool
participants. In the reefer business, for instance, four large pools basically cover most of
the global reefer market today: Seatrade from the Netherlands, with close links with Green
Reefer; J. Lauritzen from Copenhagen, with close links with Cool Carriers; Swan Reefers;
and K-Line from Japan.
In addition, there are some smaller groupings, primarily spin-offs from the larger pools. The
common feature of all these pools is their capability to develop a joint marketing effort, with
more "investment" in specific customer relations. Another effect of this concentration is that
the supply side now consists of four big suppliers, rather than a large, atomistic set of
suppliers, thus shifting this niche away from a structure with more perfect competition. Here
we can observe a tendency toward building up more full-blown competences in the larger
shipping companies, primarily when it comes to adding service competences, not only in
88 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
chartering but also in technical and financial areas. A more professionalized, formal
management approach for the large shipping companies is thus emerging.
This, however, opens up a potentially interesting niche for the smaller, often privately held
shipping company that can perhaps be more opportunistic, move faster, avoid the often
inevitable slowdown of having to involve a board of directors and several management levels.
The build-up of organizational "silos" and culture clashes between the so-called professional
managers and the original "pit of the stomach" shipping executives can only add to this. The
small firm thus has the speed advantage. The industry concentration might lead to less speed
and less flexibility, as is the general trend. This would thus mean a potential competitive
opportunity that smaller firms can utilize. Above all, we have seen this when it comes to the
emergence of highly specialized shipping firms.
There are a number of examples of highly specialized shipping business segments in which
shipping companies have been able to create niches with imperfect competition. We have
already discussed the SUS self-unloaders and the heavy lift and crane ships. Other examples
include industrial chemicals shipping, the wine business, the orange juice market, the heavy
lift crane business (take out), the cruise business and LNG.
Industrial Chemicals Shipping
The industrial chemicals shipping business is characterized by having ships with a large
number of so-called segregations, meaning that various types of chemicalstypically from
different specialty chemicals procedurescan be transported in separate tanks and pipe
systems on the same ship. These so-called parcel tankers thus serve several customers at once,
each with its highly specialized products. The parcel tankers typically follow trading patterns
between large terminals, also typically owned by the shipping company, where specialized
tanker capacity is available to store the specialized chemicals on behalf of the various
chemical companies. These can then be picked up by trucks, either organized by the shipper
or the shipowner. For the shipping company there are thus huge investments in the parcel
tankersnot least due to the unique needs for multiple systems of stainless steel tanks,
excessive piping and pumping arrangements, instrumentation, well as heavy
investments in terminals to serve the specialized chemicals businesses.
Three Norway-rooted companies are among the four market leaders in this segment: Odfjell
and Jo Tankers, both in Bergen, and Stolt-Nielsen in Greenwich. (Tokyo Tankers is the
fourth.) The organizational culture in these firms reflects their extreme closeness to the
chemical companiesalmost part of their value chains. It should be pointed out that the
"temptation" to collaborate on price fixing between such a small set of players might be high.
Indeed, in this industry we have seen investigations by US auditors, executives from
The Drive toward Non-Commodity Segments 89
companies have gone to prison for price-fixing, and there is also an investigation by the EU
regulatory authorities, to mention a few examples.
The Specialized Drinks Segment
The wine business has been pioneered by shipping companies such as Seatrans of Bergen,
Norway, and Groupe Ermeva S.A. of Geneva, Switzerland. The business was initially started
as wine transporting companies sent wine in railroad tanks. Then it was decided to put
railroad cars on ships at the docks and transport the entire rolling stock. The next step was
then obvious: Create special-purpose tankers to transport the wine. A key basis for this was
large exports from the various Mediterranean countries to all over the world. Subsequently,
however, several factors eventually created a downturn in this market:
The emergence of bottles as a key sign of quality for wine and thus also the demise of
bulk wine.
The emergence of global producers in countries around the world, such as Australia,
Chile, Argentina and the US West Coast, all with a strong focus on bottled wine and
the relative demise of the bulk exporting Mediterranean area.
The collapse of the former Communist markets, a big taker of bulk wines, calling
subsequently for higher quality wines.
A niche market such as this was developed initially to grow. It then collapsed because of
structural factors totally outside the supply and demand factors normally found in the
shipping business.
The orange juice market goes primarily from Brazil to Florida. It is highly specialized, with
one main operator, V. Pavesic, located in La Tour de Peilz, Switzerland. Again, this trade is
characterized by heavy equipment in refrigeration, stainless steel tanks, piping and pumps.
The Cruise Business
The cruise business combines traditional shipping and the consumer business, with
similarities to the hotel industry. It involves heavy consumer marketing. It is a booming
business, with the bulk of the capacity highly concentrated among a few owners. The two
dominant groups by far are Carnival (including Princess Cruises, Cunard, Costa and Holland
America Line) and Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines (including Celebrity). The ultimate critical
success factor and key know-how behind this business is consumer marketing, focusing on
how to reach the vacation/leisure consumer business. In a sense, there are many similarities
between this business and running vacation estates or even hotel chains. Brand building is
critical. Much of the marketing involves direct advertising in several forms, telephone
marketing and working through the travel agency channel.
90 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
As can be seen from Exhibit 3.2, the cruise industry is extremely concentrated, with three
groups controlling 80% of the market. The barriers to entryheavy investments needed for
each new ship (more than US$1 billion to build a large cruise ship) and for marketing,
operations, etc.make it difficult for other players to enter this industry.
Exhibit 3.2: The Largest Cruise Ship Companies in the World: 2003
Carnival Corporation
Royal Caribbean Cruises
Star Group
(incl. Norwegian Cruise Lines, NCL)
No. of Ships
in Fleet
No. of
No. of Passengers
per Year
Source: Aftenposten, 2003
The large cruise lines are continuously striving to develop cruising as more of a niche
business, i.e., they are trying to distance themselves as much as they can from a conventional
commodity business. They are, for instance, developing their product through innovations,
particularly technical developmenti.e., a Build strategy. Exhibit 3.3 illustrates this for Royal
Caribbean. Innovations can be linked, at least in part, directly to each ship. Every ship in
Royal Caribbean incorporates the incremental improvements from the previous ship. These
innovations fall into four broader waves or classes, as can be seen from the exhibit, and one
such class of general ship delineation typically spans a decade.
Exhibit 3.3: Continuous Product Innovation, Royal Caribbean International
Source: Richard Fain, first reported in Lorange, 2001, revised 2004
The Drive toward Non-Commodity Segments 91
Cruise lines are also now beginning to retrofit older ships with some of their most recent
innovations in order to create greater brand consistency. For example, Royal Caribbean
International is retrofitting all of its ships with rock climbing walls and is opening specialty
restaurants on some of its ships that were originally constructed without them.
Although service- and product-based innovations may be somewhat more difficult for
competitors to replicate than the hardware-based innovations in Exhibit 3.3, cruise lines have
been investing heavily to distinguish service and product delivery as well. Princess and
Norwegian Cruise Lines (NCL) led the industry in developing and promoting a deregimented
cruise experience through more flexible dining and, to a lesser extent, entertainment. Celebrity
launched a number of new product amenities under its brand rejuvenation and Concierge Class
programs, and Holland America Line is on a similar path with its Signature of Excellence
program. While many of these programs may not seem significant in isolation, collectively they
may drive greater brand differentiation and create brand equity.
One may also see greater innovation through strategic partnerships. For example, Celebrity has
formed an alliance with Cirque du Soleil to focus on better entertainment and is able to leverage
Cirque's brand equity when promoting the Celebrity brand. Cirque gains greater exposure for
its brand among Celebrity guests. Similarly, Cunard provides a Canyon Ranch branded spa
experience aboard the Queen Mary 2 and has a partnership with Oxford University to provide
enrichment programs. One might see a greater range of these brand partnerships in the future.
Innovation can also extend beyond the ship. For example, cruise lines are looking at ways of
creating unique, exclusive excursions for their guests. Further, certain forms of innovation can
create competitive advantage even if they do not directly touch the guests. For example, Royal
Caribbean has launched Partner Insight, a new information tool for travel agents, which enables
them to manage their booking information much more efficiently and effectively.
The geographical expansion dimension has been important in the cruise ship business. Initially,
much of the cruise business concept was developed in the Caribbean market. Then the so-called
Panama Canal market was added, leading to trips between the US East and West Coasts and vice
versa. Subsequently, the so-called Alaska market was developed, typically initiating from the US
West Coast or Western part of Canada. The Mediterranean market was also developed, as was
the around-the-world market and various niche markets. All of these markets required their own
marketing, their own consumer communication and their own land-based infrastructureindeed
a way of opening up new business opportunities, based on taking the same basic "technology"
into different geographical areasclear examples of a Leverage strategy.
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
The LNG market has become an important niche market. Until now, it has not been dependent
on the open market. The investment in such ships is huge, and traditionally they were ordered
and built against very long-term charters, which also allowed for long-term competitive
92 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
financing. Some say, indeed, that this business has had more similarities with investment
banking than with shipping. However, some LNG ships are now being built on speculation,
although long-term charter contracts, with corresponding long-term financing, generally still
seem to be the rule. This business is thus becoming exposed to the spot market, too. A. P.
Moller-Maersk Group, for instance, is reported to have ordered a large LNG ship in 2001,
without a contract with a freighter. Only later was it possible for it to obtain a 25-year charter
agreement for the ship, with Qatar's Ras Laffas Gas. A second LNG tanker was ordered in
2003 based on contract to the same charterer. Four LNG tankers were ordered in 2004; so far
without charter contracts.
Japan is a major consumer of LNG, with 50% of the ocean-shipped world consumption. Stable
supply is key for LNG consumption. Hence, long-term contracts have been the trend. Given
Japan's power, this trade has been heavily dominated by Japanese owners. The value chain in
the LNG shipping segment has four elements (with approximate costs in parentheses):
Initial gas production at the oil/gas field ($l-$2/m
Liquefication plant, where the gas is cooled ($2-$3/m
LNG shipping ($ l-$2/m
Receiving and regasification, at a terminal at the consumer end, linked to a consumer
pipeline grid ($0.4-$ 1/m
With a total cost of $4-$8/m
, we can thus see that an overall "system" for LNG gas is
expensive. It is important to consider the overall value chain in LNG shipping, not only the
shipping portion. In general, there now seems to be a trend in LNG shipping toward relatively
shorter contracts, with the financial risk shifting more to the owners. The spot market seems
to be developing; the market may become increasingly commodity-oriented. This trend seems
to be accelerated by the shipowners' being willing to take the risk and order new ships on
speculation. Still, there will be high barriers to entry, primarily the price. A question will also
be whether the banks will be willing to finance ships on speculation rather than on long-term
contracts. Finally, the newbuilding price deflation may be an issue. A new LNG ship costs
approximately $150 million today, in contrast to $250 million ten years ago.
The myth that LNG is a complicated and difficult shipping segment to be in, from an operating
or technical/safety point of view, is perhaps overstated. The perpetuation of such a myth might
have played a role, in effect, in creating a barrier to entry in this shipping segment.
These niche businessesand undoubtedly many othersoffer good examples of innovation
through developing distinct competences and/or accessing distinct new market segments. The
reward seems to have been the ability to move away from the classic case of perfect
competition toward enjoying more exclusive niches, with accompanying higher freight rates.
And, to a varying degree, it seems to have been relatively difficult to copy what has been
offered. This may be particularly true when the core know-how is primarily in the heads of
The Drive toward Non-Commodity Segments 93
key people. A focused organization with a customer-oriented culture, combined with cutting-
edge technological know-how adapted for a given specific niche, is advantageous.
Let us now look at four examples of shipping corporations that have done well in building niche
strategies, all initially based on their basic strengths in the more commodity-oriented segments:
I. M. Skaugen, Farstad Shipping, TMT, The Torvald Klaveness Group and Leif Hoegh & Co.
I. M. Skaugen
As noted, I. M. Skaugen has gone through a major restructuring since Morits Skaugen took
over as CEO in 1992. It was a turnaround strategy, by necessity! Ships were sold and
charter parties were terminated. All activities were reduced as much as possible. Much of
this was done by negotiating with a large number of banks, so that the restructuring could
take place. A key element in the restructuring strategy was to attempt to choose those
strategic initiatives that would have a future. Only two strategic engagements were
The gas business
The US lighterage business
The lighterage business was rather small at that time, but Skaugen decided that it wanted to
try to build the business, which was in fact a "diamond in the rough." The key was a direct
customer relationship, which had been established vis-a-vis the oil companies. This could be
developed further and was a major reason why the lighterage business was chosen as a
strategic area of commitment. The same could be said of the gas business, i.e., it represented
an area where there was a direct relationship with the customer.
During the 1990s a lot of focus remained on driving the financial side of the firm. There was
an upturn in the gas business in 1995, which allowed the company to get more of its cash flow
to be managed managerially, i.e., "kept away from the banks."
In order to develop the link with the customers even further, several offices were
established, as noted, in the early 1990s, enhancing the direct contacts. Before this Skaugen
had been too dependent on brokers and thus did not have the direct access to customers that
it felt it needed. The ability to provide direct service to the customer was seen as key. At the
same time, a strict focus on costs was initiatedaimed at technical operations and crewing.
Exhibit 3.4 gives a view of Skaugen's strategy, focusing on the need both to differentiate
on the service side and to provide lower costs. The organization therefore had to perform
on both dimensions. From Exhibit 3.4 we can see where Skaugen was positioned, and
where it wanted to go.
94 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Exhibit 3.4:1. M. Skaugen's Low Cost/High Service Positioning
Source: I. M. Skaugen, 2003, p. 5
Skaugen is pursuing several specialized shipping strategies, each based on offering reliability
and flexibility vis-a-vis the customers, as well as on strict cost discipline, but without letting
the service suffer. The company has a strict discipline of being both cost leaders and service
leaders within its fields of operation. Skaugen was initially a highly diversified shipping
company, with activities in classic bulk carriers, all sizes of crude carriers (VLCC to
Aframax), crude tankers, the ferry business in Northern European waters (Color Line), and in
the specialized smaller gas ship segments. This latter activity led to the development of the
Norgas poolone of the three areas in which Skaugen is active today. The company realized
the need to focus its resources and to stay focused on a few areas of its key core competences.
The classic LPG gas ship market is volatile and has been turned into a commodity business by
the competitive environment. A low cost position is key! It is also critically important to have
a strong service component vis-a-vis the customers.
It is equally important to have transportation solutions with ships that can achieve a low
breakeven point, above all with the most efficient gas refrigeration plants. Skaugen has
recently developed a series of six new gas carrier shipsall built in Shanghai and with state-
of-the-art technology and also able to get operating costs down even further. This should
allow the ships to operate at least at breakeven levels, even under the most difficult market
conditions. With a weak balance sheet, Skaugen would have to pay more for the financing.
Low operating costs and low ship acquisition costs have therefore alsolatelybeen critical.
It was seen as critical to have ships that were efficient enough from a cost point of view that
one would not go bust even in a poor market.
The newbuildings were key in getting the costs down. This created strong pressure on the
competition alsoperhaps one of the reasons why A. P. Moller-Maersk was willing to
cooperate with Skaugen! As mentioned, in 2003, Skaugen formed an alliance with the A. P.
The Drive toward Non-Commodity Segments 95
Moller-Maersk Group to enhance the semi-refrigerated gas carrier operations of the two
companies by the creation of a new revenue sharing pool, Maersk Norgas Gas Carriers
(MNGC). Skaugen has 19 ships in the pool and A. P. Moller-Maersk has 18. It specializes in
serving the petrochemical and LPG industry, particularly freighting ethylene gas.
Skaugen is also active is in the so-called SPT (Skaugen PetroTrans) segment, which consists
of several Aframax crude tankers supported by an extensive system of lighterage, i.e., with
tug boats and support units. Here is the business model: The Aframax ships offload the freight
of crude oil from larger vessels and into the refineries at the narrow point on rivers, such as
the Mississippi Delta and other major US rivers. A total of 14% of the USA's crude oil
imports are handled via this system. The key here, above all, is to provide a hassle-free, on-
time performance system. It is thus run as an industrial service, with close contact with the
customers. The customers are willing to pay a small premium for strong industrial service
performance, including punctuality, safety and reliability. Exxon, Chevron, etc. are willing to
outsource this service, based on Skaugen's focus on service leadership. Because of the
volume that Skaugen built, it developed a scale advantage, thus keeping the costs down and
being able to deliver services at reasonable costs.
As previously discussed, in September 2003, Teekay of Vancouver purchased 50% of
Skaugen's ownership in SPT. The company will continue to run as a freestanding business
entity, as before, but now with two large owners. It was felt that SPT would be strengthened
through Teekay's backing, above all since Teekay is the world's largest owner and operator of
Aframax tankers. This is a highly specialized business, which offers more stable return on
investment, say, than the gas business. It offers a system in which customers are prepared to
pay a higher price for better service and where Skaugen, due to its efficiencies, can schedule
the vessels and assets to achieve a margin that would otherwise only be available in an
environment with less than perfect competition.
Skaugen's strategy when it emerged from its business and financial restructuring in 1993 was
initially to cut overheads and to get the losses in the gas business sector under control. Then, in
1996, Skaugen entered China. Why China? It represented low running costs, using Chinese
crews and operations; ships could be repaired at low cost; spare parts could be sourced at low
cost. Thus, the move into China was initially more for cost saving than for exploiting China as a
market in itself. This early move into China did, however, have a strong positive impact on
Skaugen's ability to take advantage of the market later. Today, as we have seen, China's
economic development represents immense business opportunities for shipping.
The third area in which Skaugen is active is in freighting liquefied gas via barges on the
Yangtze River. This is a rare example of a Transform business strategy. At first Skaugen
entered the Chinese market by running a number of liquefied gas carriers along coastal waters
in China, based on an already established business base, the so-called Norgas pool. This was a
clear Leverage niche extension. Later, Skaugen added the technology from its SPT lighterage
business to its China business. This is coupled with a geographic base established in Shanghai
96 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
through a 49:51 joint venture with a Chinese partnerHubei Tian En, a local oil and gas
distribution company in Hubei province.
The barge concept led to low variable costs, allowing Skaugen to compete well against its
rivals, but the fixed costs were high. In November 2003 Skaugen obtained a permit to
operate in oil and gas distribution, allowing for expansion of this business into other areas.
Skaugen was in head-on competition with the government, and this was initially not
approved by Beijing. However, the Hubei provincial government was always very
supportive. The strategy to focus on the less "popular" parts of China, namely the interior,
led Skaugen to develop its concession to be a general distributor of oil and gas products.
Most of the other operators and the government had focused on costal areas. Skaugen is
now building its competences in China to stay closer to the customers and to keep costs
down, i.e., following the basic strategy that has worked so far. It sees keeping fixed costs to
a minimum and trying to build the variable costs component as important.
Exhibit 3.5 depicts the development of I. M. Skaugen's growth strategies. The company's strategy
was to stay away from the tops, i.e., a counter-cyclical strategy. We can find examples of all four
strategic segments here: Protect and Extend (the basic Norgas business through the MNGC pool
and the basic Aframax tankers, part of SPT); Leverage (the expansion of Norgas (MNGC) into
China); Build (the North American lighterage support business, SPT); and finally, Transform (the
river lighterage support transportation of liquefied gas on the Yangtze River, China, with Hubei
Tian En. Thus, all of Skaugen's commercial activities are now executed via strategic alliances.
The alliances in the MNGC pool and in SPT (with Teekay) have enabled Skaugen to enhance its
two businesses into a "No. 1 position" as the market leader in both.
Exhibit 3.5:1. M. Skaugen's Growth Strategy
Source: Author
The Drive toward Non-Commodity Segments 97
Farstad Shipping
Farstad, based in Aalesund, Norway, is active in two related offshore supply ship
segments: large AHTSs (anchor handling tug supply vessels), with engine capacity of more
than 10,000 horsepower, and the large PSVs (platform supply vessels), with more than
2,000 dwt carrying capacity. Both these segments represent rather specialized shipping
niches, even though both have some degree of atomistic, perfect competition associated
with them.
For both types of businesses the intent is to have direct contact with customers, as far
as possible, and also to attempt to enter into longer-term freight contract arrangements when
possible. This strategy for Farstad Shipping has been more or less clear since 1986. The
company's few deviationsowning a product tanker and a few standby supply ships, etc.
did not have good results. Focus has thus become critical"Strategy means choice!"
Exhibit 2.9 gave an overview of the offshore supply fleet, pointing out that approximately
1,800 to 1,900 vessels are smaller than Farstad's. Many of them are also typically older.
There is general pressure toward going after larger and stronger ships, and Farstad has been
in the lead here. Even today, only approximately 25% of the world's fleet can be found
within the size/power segments that Farstad operates in.
Farstad has not entered into other types of offshore segments, which often have highly
specialized technical features, such as ships for seismic surveying, diving support ships,
cable laying ships, etc. In Farstad's opinion these specialized ships may often find
themselves without large markets, and the shipowners can thus find themselves squeezed by
the operatorsforced to become a supplier/subcontractor within a larger project. Farstad is
not comfortable with subcontractor roles. Instead, it has developed strong technical and
commercial competences in the two niches in which it operates.
Initially, until 1986, Farstad exploited the North Sea as a single market, for the Norwegian
sector as well as the British one. Then the company established its own subsidiary in
Aberdeen, initially based on a local joint venture. Here, the management is local, with only
a few Norwegians employed. The UK operation runs its entire feet for the British sector,
including market contacts.
In the offshore supply business, Farstad was initially part of a pool with several other
Norwegian shipownersStad Seaforth Shipping. It became clear to Farstad that a pool
arrangement meant that direct corporate contact with the users of the ships would not be
developed. The market knowledge would rest with the pool organization, not with Farstad.
It thus withdrew from the pool in the mid-1980s. The firm then made two key acquisitions
to get into a viable size category to be on its own. It bought the offshore supply ship fleet
owned by Wilhelmsen10 shipsas well as a few supply ships from the banks. It also
bought Loch Offshore Shipping in Aberdeen.
98 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Farstad's strategy has therefore primarily been to go after new geographic marketsto try
to identify growing markets and attempt to penetrate them. The demand for offshore supply
ships has grown globally, and Farstad has taken advantage of this. The margins in various
newer offshore markets have been better than in the traditional North Sea market, where
Farstad started. The emphasis has been on adapting to each of these markets, without
technological "overkill." There must always be an alternative usea second-hand market
for the ships that the company orders.
To summarize, a strategy based on four elements was developed:
To focus on the top segment of the industry, as indicated in Exhibit 2.9.
To be international, going after the growth segments where they could best be
identified, such as Australia/Asia, Brazil, West Africa, etc.
To be publicly tradedit was felt that this would add transparency and discipline.
To have the necessary focus on R&D in the two ship segments that the company had
decided to pursue.
The ownership side within the company was consolidated into a publicly listed company in
1988. Previously there were several KS firms (komandittselskap). Here, separate ships are
typically owned by separate KS firms. The investors own specific parts of each given ship.
They are jointly responsible for the commercial results of the ship. The Farstad family
presently controls about 52% of the shares.
The resource situation had been critical, sometimes making it necessary to say no. For
instance, Farstad declined to participate in the highly capital intensive cable-laying segment.
The realization that the relevant key human resources had been a limiting factor has been a
guiding factor. The financial situation had also been critical. It was felt that the debt ratio
relative to equity should be less than 50%. This had to do with the fact that since the
offshore supply shipping business is highly cyclical, a reasonable debt/equity ratio and
strong liquidity are key. One must have flexibility in order to go after the truly good
opportunities when they come. One must, however, also be willing to take the time to
consolidate. These considerations must be kept in mind when it comes to assessing two of
Farstad's strategic movesthe acquisition of P&O's offshore shipping activities and the
further global expansion in Africa.
The strategic alliance with P&O has developed well over a period of time. P&O, through
its Australian office, has Australia/Asia-Pacific market contacts. In 2003 P&O agreed to
sell its 50% share in the strategic alliance to Farstad. This represented a considerable
investment for the Norwegian company37% increase of its turnover and also taking over
more than 400 new employees. There were nearly 20 ships in the former joint venture's
fleet. For Farstad to evolve to wholly owned from the previous strategic alliance was
The Drive toward Non-Commodity Segments 99
important. It meant closer market contacts, better coordination between the parent and the
(now) Australian subsidiarya more coordinated focus within the entire group.
Regarding geographic expansion, the growth markets were increasingly seen to be in Brazil,
the Far East and West Africa. Farstad has been active in the Brazilian market since 1985,
when it opened a management office there. It has had several different joint ventures with
local partners. It has also been out of the Brazilian market for a short period of time. The
emphasis has above all been to focus on large AHTSs for the Brazilian offshore market.
Brazilian staff carry out most aspects of the operation. The market development side, in
particular, is critical, with strong links with Petrobras, The Brazilian state oil company. For
Farstad it has been particularly important to find the most appropriate local partners to
cooperate with in this regard.
Farstad developed a joint venture in Angola in 2002, with the aim of developing a base for
further business expansion in the country. A similar approach has been taken in Nigeria,
where the company is attempting to develop a business base with another local business
partner. Farstad has assigned special managerial competences to building the African
business. This is a high priority, but it is also recognized that it requires considerable
Other potential geographic markets might be Sakhalin, in the eastern part of Russia on the
Pacific Ocean rim, as well as in the Caspian Sea. But so far Farstad has not gone into any of
these markets.
Farstad has also pushed the technological side. Many of its PSV ships now have larger
deck areas and more tanker capacity, as well as more segregation between the various tank
subsystems. The AHTS ships have greater winch capacity. Fifi, DP and Oil Rec are
common. Thus, by upgrading the ships, Farstad can stay away from the more commodity-
oriented markets. A special AHTS was developed for the Asian market, taking advantage if
both its geographic and unique technical know-how, indeed, a Transform business.
Finally, a strong emphasis on safety and non-emission policies, coupled with building up a
professional land-based organization, add up to an additional advantage for Farstad.
Further advantage stems from Farstad's own market brokerage activities, dealing directly
with the major customers, as well as a highly professional financial management
organization. All in all, Farstad has been able to develop strong focused capabilities that
tend to distance the company from the more commodity-oriented business segments by
allowing it to pursue a more niche-oriented strategy, in both the Leverage strategy segment
and the Build strategy segmentand even in the Transform strategy segment. Exhibit 3.6
gives an overview of Farstad's growth strategy.
100 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Exhibit 3.6: Farstad Shipping's Growth Strategy
Source: Author
TMT is headquartered in Taipei and has small offices in Shanghai, Tokyo and Seoul. The
company follows a general strategy of purchasing well-maintained second-hand ships and
then adds organizational competence to operate these older ships effectively. Its shipping
activities are concentrated in five areas:
Wood chip carriersfive ships, with a tonnage of approximately 45,000 tons each.
Marketwise, these carriers are conceptually quite similar to LNG ships80% of the
fleet is dedicated to long-term contracts with major pulp and paper manufacturers, and
only a few are built and operated on speculation. This would be a Build niche
Cement carrierssix ships. These form an integral part of the cement companies'
long-term supply chains and operate in a niche between Taiwan, Korea, Japan and
China. A cement carrier can last up to 50 years. This would be another Build niche.
RoRo carriers for car transportationfive ships. This is also run as a niche business
operating between Japan and China; it is also a Build business.
Panamaxten ships. This is a global commodity business.
Cape-size bulk carrieronly one ship. This is a commodity business.
The Drive toward Non-Commodity Segments 101
The central organization has around 40 people focusing on running older ships, maintaining
their efficiency through preventive maintenance. Although this can be expensive, it is clearly
feasible. All TMT ships are paid for in cash. The company has no debt. It does not deal with
any banks. Some ships are 1970s vintage, others are 1980s, and still others 1990s. The
company's strategyto buy ships at low prices at the right time and upgrade themseems to
work. These ships can last for another 30 years or more with proper care.
Although successful, TMT still faces key challenges. One is regulation. How long will older
ships be allowed to operate? Macroregulations do not make a distinction between a well-
maintained ship and a poorly maintained onethey only stipulate an age limit. The same can
be said of major industrial shippers. It is thus key to find niches in this respect, where the
shippers appreciate that the older TMT ships are well maintained. Specialized markets are key
here. Another challenge is keeping a good, stable operating organization, with experts
actually running older ships. Exhibit 3.7 provides a summary of TMT's strategy.
Exhibit 3.7: TMT's Growth Strategy
Source: Author
The Torvald Klaveness Group
Klaveness operates a large pool of bulk carrier ships. The company typically invites several
independent owners and their various ship assets to take place in a co-investment arrangement
with Klaveness. Klaveness has a policy of never owning more than 50% to 75% of any of the
ship investments in its pool, but this is not always achievable. Strategically, this model would
fall within the Protect and Extend area; Klaveness calls it "Maritime Services." A large part of
the company's success here has stemmed from continuous, although in general marginal,
productivity development efforts combined with achieving volume targets, thus gaining scale
102 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
advantages. Managing the various backlogs efficiently is critical. The overall portfolio of
contracts of affreightment is therefore optimized. It is thus important to have a mix of ships
on contract and operating in the spot market.
The company presently enjoys a strong market, and China is playing a particularly important
role too. Heavy emphasis is thus being put on analyzing the Chinese market, for instance,
employing a senior Chinese macroeconomist to provide hands-on assessments of how that
market is developing. As noted, Klaveness backs all of this up with a sophisticated hedging
strategy, focusing on swaps and futures trading for parts of its cargoes.
Klaveness is, however, also pushing another business strategy hard, namely that of developing
business activities in the Leverage and/or Build segments. It refers to these activities as
"Maritime Logistics" and emphasizes developing new discretionary capabilities to set them
apart from the more commodity-oriented business. The focus here, above all, is on innovative
cargo handling, particularly self-unloaders. Know-how is focused on superior bulk cargo
handling technology, as well as on broader logistics solutions. These often involve several steps
in the value chain, backed up by extensive use of IT. There is more investment in the Maritime
Logistics segment, which is more long term, than in the Maritime Services segment, which is
more opportunistic. The overriding aim is to try to develop an in-depth understanding of
customers' needs. And the driving force is to find solutions for customers that tend to reduce
their costs. Klaveness measures its own performance in terms of return on capital, profit
margins and outright fee levels. Following this maritime logistics strategic approach, Klaveness
seems to be enjoying good margins for ship services with such specialized capabilities.
Projects are very much part of business development processes at Klaveness. The company has
a project competence that has been developed over a period of 40 years. The Leverage/Build
business, which has a long-term focus, is run by Trond Klaveness. The company was strong
when it came to this type of business in the 1960s through the 1980s, but it had a weak period in
the 1990s. It is now building up this Leverage/Build business again, but recognizes that it takes
time. It is realized that it is necessary to have staying powernot only financially but also
mentallywithin the organization, i.e., not to become disappointed and to be able to take
setbacks. The issue is very much how to marginally improve on projects as one goes along,
never taking an apparent failure as a failure, but rather as a "license" to learn. This can of course
be difficult, not least when it comes to an organization's ability to handle unfavorable news.
The company's top managements' view is therefore that if there is more good news than bad
news in a year, they are on the right track! The special projects controller is also critical here.
He has an independent role within the organization and is mandated to ask critical questions.
The CEO, Tom Erik Klaveness, also has the role of posing critical questions.
Klaveness appears to have been able to take advantage of several trends that characterize the
way some of the major industrial shippers/industrial customers seem to want to move. The
first trend is for major corporations to outsource major logistics functions, so that they can
focus on their own core business activities. The second trend is developing door-to-door
logistics approaches, which involves adding onshore activities such as warehousing, harbors
The Drive toward Non-Commodity Segments 103
and container transport, as well as taking a role in managing the information flow around the
overall logistics chain. In this respect, Klaveness' strategic approach seems to have many
similarities with that of companies such as Maersk Sealand.
In fact, Klaveness bought 13 Panamax bulk carriers from A. P. Moller-Maersk in 2002. The
idea was to strengthen the pool, i.e., to make use of the ships in the Protect and Extend business
area. Klaveness offered these ships to its various pool partners, but in the end they declined to
commit to this new investment, even though they had initially signaled a positive interest.
Klaveness was therefore left with the 13 ships. Even though the first year led to significant
losses for the company, strong additional earnings resulted later because these ships were
perfectly positioned to take advantage of the strong market that developed in 2003 and onward.
As already noted, part of the A. P. Moller-Maersk ship acquisition also involved taking over
an office in Beijing, which has also become very attractive. In this connection, Klaveness has
closed its offices in Hong Kong, Jakarta and Singapore to develop the Beijing office more
fully. The Beijing office helped to foster the company's understanding of China, whose
impact on sustaining global growth was indeed a new dimension for Klaveness.
In CEO Tom Erik Klaveness' opinion, the A. P. Moller-Maersk project was never ill timed. Top
management had a clear conceptual vision regarding the need for such a project, namely to
strengthen the pool with more tonnage. It was thus strategically prepared to make a move when
the possibility of acquiring the A. P. Moller-Maersk fleet came along. Klaveness was mentally
ready! However, by November 2002 "all brakes were on." The market was still depressed and
very few new projects were being pursued. But the positive outlook from the China market led
Klaveness to change to an offensive strategy. It saw the positive development of the China-
based freight market sooner than most of its competitors. Thus, on the macro side, Klaveness
saw the opportunity for China to become the "growth engine" very early on.
Klaveness at times even purchases standard shipping services from others, letting them run
the more basic ship segment activities, thus lowering the overall costs of the total value chain
logistics service it can offer. The cost efficiency of the entire value chain further depends on
factors such as standardization of the technology (loading/unloading equipment, types of
ships, managerial routines) and systems (above all IT). It is also key to have consolidation of
volumesso that each ship can run fully loaded, combining cargoes from many shippers.
This requires capacity planning and advanced information handling. IT is thus becoming more
and more important for Klaveness. It has entered into a strategic alliance with Cap Gemini to
develop new IT solutions for its strategic needs. This alliance with Cap Gemini has led to
even more momentum in the development of IT support. Note that the savings that are
achieved commonly need to be "split" between the key customers and the key investment
partners. Here, a partnership approach, rather than an adversarial competitive approach, seems
to be a key driver. A mature perspective must be in place!
Klaveness has been actively expanding its geographic bases and introducing technological
innovations to go with this. As early as the 1960s, it played a major role in transporting cement to
104 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
the US East Coast, as well as to the Arabian Gulf (Abu Dhabi) and the west coast of Africa
(Ghana)in the latter two cases through the transport of half finished products (clinker for the
cement industry).
In 1966 Klaveness started shipping caustic soda to Africa for Pechiney, in connection with its
alumina operations. The return freight was refined alumina Thus, it became clear that there was a
need for ships that needed to carry botliwet cargo one way and dry cargo the other. The Probo
ship project was developed based on this insight. The Probos were delivered in the late 1980s,
having been ordered earlier in the decade. They ran into a large number of technical problems,
which led to a relatively poor return on investment for the projects. However, looking at the returns
after the technical problems had been resolved shows that the Probo ships had a satisfactory turn.
The so-called CABU (caustic soda bulk) ships followed the Probos. They have been highly
successful. Thus, the strong technological development that was put into the Probos was further
refined when it came to developing the CABUsindeed, an example of a Build strategy.
Klaveness also developed a business with self-unloading ships operating on the US East
Coast. It took this technology to the Persian Gulf, where it had Cape-size bulk carriers
arriving with iron ore. The Cape-size size bulk carriers could not, however, enter the Persian
Gulf harbors. They were therefore emptied via self-unloaders, which were then sent into the
appropriate harbor. Thus, the technological insight of self-unloaders was utilized to develop a
business in another geographic area, migrating from the US East Coast to the Persian Gulf.
As we can see from Exhibit 3.8, the Klaveness strategy, with its customer-focused
organization and its industrial marketing culture, is becoming relatively more focused on the
brain dimension than on owning ships.
Exhibit 3.8: The Torvald Klaveness Group's Growth Strategy
Source: Author
The Drive toward Non-Commodity Segments 105
Leif Hoegh & Co. has traditionally been present in many bulk shipping business segments.
For several decades it operated extensive liner operations (sold in 1998 andto Oldendorff
in 2001). It has also had extensive activities in the crude oil carrier business, which it spun off
to form the crude oil carrier company, Bona. This company was publicly listed, but Leif
Hoegh retained a controlling interest in Bona from 1990 to 1999. All shares in Bona were
then acquired by Teekay Shipping in Vancouver, Canada, paid for in part by new shares in
Teekay. The main reason for spinning off the oil tanker business was the perceived reliability
risk (potential oil spills) and the need therefore to isolate this business from the rest of the
firm, particularly given the intention to operate effectively out of US territorial waters. The
Leif Hoegh's response to the risk of operating tankers in the US was to operate double hull oil
carriers, as well as to create a freestanding operating entity.
Leif Hoegh was a pioneer in developing the so-called open hatch forest product carriers
through a long-term chartering agreement with Weyerhauser in Portland, Oregon. These ships
are also now being sold. The company is also de-emphasizing basic bulk carriers, its
investment in the reefer business. In 1995 Leif Hoegh took over the Swedish reefer shipping
company, Cool Carriers, which was then subsequently sold to J. Lauritzen in 2001 (only the
"software" side); the ships were still owned by Leif Hoegh but were run by J. Lauritzen and
later sold). In 1996 Leif Hoegh also acquired Gorthon Lines, a Helsingborg-based specialty
paper carrier company, which was, however, subsequently sold in 2001. The firm's
management feels that when it comes to these last two deals, although the financial returns
were ample, the transactions were erratically opportunistic. In retrospect a more fundamental
strategic approach might have been pursued.
Leif Hoegh has been involved in a broad set of shipping activities, many in the classic
commodity-type atomistic business segments. It has successfully developed market-based
strategy implementation approaches over the years, but success has not come without hiccups.
Leif Hoegh was in a deep financial crisis during the 1970s due to overextension in the classic
business segmentswith too much debt, coupled with heavy operating costsin a market
that was exceptionally depressed, and for an exceptionally long time (Bakka, 1997). For
instance, it ordered a series of 10 large OBO carrierswithout chartersand this nearly
bankrupted the firm.
Today, however, the company does have a clear strategy, focused on two main segments:
RoRo and LNG, as previously noted. According to the company, these segments depend less
than others on atomistic market fluctuations, so they might provide better payoff for the high
level of competences that Leif Hoegh is adding, and also allow for the in-depth development
of competence-based systems and logistics solutions for each business platform. Finally, they
allow for the linking of long-term transportation solutions with long-term customer
relationships. A separate, disciplined organization is created, accordingly, for each of the
businesses. All of this tends to take these business segments away from basic commodity
businesses toward niche ones.
106 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
As far as RoRo goes, cars were initially transported via conventional liner ships. Then
specialized bulk carriers were developed for the car transportation business. These ships had
removable decks fitted in the cargo hulls and the cars were lifted aboard by cranes. Over time
the roll on/roll off (RoRo) car carriers were developed. These ships had several fixed decks,
which allowed the automobiles to be driven on board over the ships' ramps under their own
power. These first-generation car carriers, so-called PCCs (pure car carriers), represented a
huge technological improvement. A second generation of car carriers, the MPCCs
(multipurpose car carriers), is now coming into service. They have several decks that can be
adjusted for height hydraulically, and in general they have more height between the decks and
can take heavier loadstrucks, earth-moving equipment, buses, locomotives, etc. in addition
to the cars. They thus offer more flexibility in serving shippers. Above all, they offer a greater
possibility to develop back-hole runs, so that the ships do not return empty.
Note that the car and automotive transport business is increasingly based on close
communication with customers via IT, a desirable development given the high value per item
transported. Transit time, seen as part of the overall logistics operations, must therefore be
kept to a minimum.
The RoRo business has also gone into geographical market expansions in new segments. For
instance, in 2002 Leif Hoegh acquired Kiwi Lines, specialized transporters of second-hand
cars between Japan and New Zealand, a relatively protected market given that both have the
steering wheel on the right-hand side. Leif Hoegh also entered into a contract with Airbus
Industries in Toulouse, France, to transport airplane components between Airbus's various
European sites, using so-called short sea special transportation. This has certainly added
prestige. To stay out of the commodity segment, the RoRo business has evolved.
Now to the LNG shipping segment. This is based on long-term contracts with major LNG
operators, and here, the financial dimension is critical in putting these types of deals together.
We are talking about, say, 20- to 25-year long-time charters here, and the ships are specially
built for these long-term services.
There are interesting technology developments in the LNG segment, too. Leif Hoegh has
developed the so-called SRV (shuttle and regasification vessel) system. Ships are stationed
offshore and regasification takes place on board while the ship is being loaded. When one
ship is loaded, it moves the gas to the nearest port, where it can hook up with a gas carrying
pipeline grid for the consumer market, while another ship takes over at the offshore gas
source. Upon reaching port, the gas can be transported directly in available pipelines. There is
no need for a land-based terminal for regasification. And there is no need for an underwater
pipeline to take the gas onshore from the offshore field. This saves considerable amounts in
capital costs and leads to less operating complexity for the gas operating companies. For this
immense innovation, even a company the size of Leif Hoegh might have capital restraints
and there might also be problems with lack of free access to available pipeline hook-ups,
which might be controlled by the oil company managers. Exhibit 3.9 gives an overview of
Leif Hoegh's present growth strategies.
The Drive toward Non-Commodity Segments 107
Exhibit 3.9: Leif Hoegh & Co.'s Growth Strategy
Source: Author
There are many examples of successful niche strategies in shippingdeveloping Leverage
niches, Build niches and even Transform niches. Such strategies, as we have seen, are often
typically difficult to develop. A diligent effort to open up new markets, coupled with
developing distinctive new competences, is key. Remember, however, that other companies
can typically easily copy the shipping companies that have developed their own niches. A
niche advantage is therefore not necessarily going to last for too long, particularly if the
unique feature in question is based largely on physical technical propertieson the ship
alone. Human-based know-how properties can, however, be more difficult to copy. To
develop a focused, market-driven organization to serve the given customers in a particular
niche is therefore key.
It is fair to say that one can hardly ever see real long-term barriers to competition.
Commoditization takes place sooner or later. More entrants tend to be attracted to niches
that have exclusivity associated with them, and the particular segment's structure tends to
degenerate sooner or later, eventually becoming overcrowded. Even the most attractive
niches eventually end up losing their charm. Obviously, the huge need for capital and new
investment can create an effective barrier. A good example here is Maersk Sealand's
development of the world's biggest integrated container shipping businessindeed, the
world's preeminent container logistics business, with a worldwide scope. Another good
example is Heerema's huge investment in four large crane ships, which gives it close to a
virtual monopoly. But even in these two examples, there are critical human resource-based
know-how components that complement and supportand this adds to the Protection of
108 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
each niche! People, not steel alone, make the key difference. So now, the question of a
shipping firm seeing various growth nichestogether with more commodity-oriented
nichesin an overall portfolio context for the firm as a whole becomes critical. In the next
chapter we shall discuss such portfolio strategies in more detail.
Portfolio Strategies 109
Would you invest all your money [in one type of shipping asset]? Probably not; putting all of
your eggs in one basket in such a manner would violate even the most basic notion of a
diversification. But what is the optimal combination of...asset classes? And how will the
opportunity to invest in other asset classes...affectyour decision? In short, is there a "best"
solution to your asset allocation problem?... [How do we] achieve the best tradeoff between
portfolio risk and rewards... How should one measure the risk of an individual asset held as
part of a diversified portfolio? Can [portfolio managers] outperform simple investment
Bodie et al, 2004, p. 129
Before we apply the classic portfolio theory from finance, note that many experts have argued
that the investor, not the firm, should diversify. This argument is consistent with building a
stock portfolio, analogous to investment theory. Investors in principle will always have the
right or privilege to diversify so that their portfolios carry the levels of risk that match their
propensity for risk. They should thus also be able to pick various ship company shares with
various risk profiles. It follows, then, that publicly traded shipping companies should try to be
relatively focused, with clear risk profile characteristics. The investor himself should hedge,
not the shipping company. The shipping companies should be efficient in their particular
niches. However, publicly traded companies must aim for predictable cash flows and
dividends; hence, there is an argument for some diversification.
If investors can diversify cheaply, there might be no reason at first for corporations to do so
a convincing concept of classic finance. Nonetheless, in some cases diversification may make
sense. For example, it might allow for higher leverage with the same risks, such as when a
corporation may be able to create extra tax shields that are valuable to investors without
increasing its cost of debt financing. This might work particularly well when diversification
does not create any negative managerial transaction cost value. For example, when
managerial expertise is similar in the areas of diversification considered, one would not create
any negative synergies. In shipping there are many examples of such diversification in order
to take advantage of tax shelters.
110 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
The predictability of cash flows creates value for shareholders and investors in general.
Financial analysts typically prefer predictable cash flows, but they are not shareholders and do
not necessarily represent sophisticated investors' thinking. When predictable, cash flows could
help create value, above all regarding management of tax shields through time, possibly
through budgeting investments with financial market uncertainty. Further, however, we easily
come into situations where management might prefer predictable cash flows (because it makes
their lives easier), while shareholders may prefer risky cash flows, where the risk is clear.
Hedging strategies of gold mines come to mind. Many mine executives hedge for gold prices,
while investors tend to buy these stocks for gold price exposure. It was found that hedging was
done more to satisfy management's own needs than investors' needs (Tufano, 1996).
But this is theory. The reality is, of course, that the discrete size of each ship investment is
such that it may be difficult to apply the principle of portfolio diversity strictly.
Nevertheless, let's see what happens when we apply the classic portfolio selection challenge
to shipping decisions. The broad portfolio planning questions relate "to the shipping
company's choice of involvement between different types of shipping activities. To start with,
a sequential approach is suggested for an overall planning and decision-making conceptual
scheme within bulk shipping firms. The scheme is portrayed as a 'decision tree' with three
major sets of acts [see Exhibit 4.1]." (Lorange and Norman, 1973).
Exhibit 4.1: The Portfolio Decision in Shipping Companies
Leverage decisions
Source: Lorange and Norman, 1973
Allocation across trades Allocation within trades
Looking at Exhibit 4.1, the three parts of the portfolio decision problem are: (1) deciding on
the amount of Leverage (choosing the debt-equity ratio), (2) deciding on the distribution of
capital across trades, and (3) determining a chartering strategy for each trade, to set guidelines
Portfolio Strategies 111
for the capital allocation within the trades. In principle, the shipping company must make
these three decisions simultaneously in order to reach a corporate maximum maximorum
(from a strictly theoretical view, the problem is not "decomposable"). However, if we assume
that there is a maximization of a utility function with rather specific properties, the most
important of them being assumed risk aversion and the quadratic form (or, alternatively, a few
other non-quadratic forms), the problem becomes decomposable. Working from this
assumption will lead to an algorithm for setting "shadow prices" to operationalize the
decomposition. Portfolio decisions deal with how to decide on financial structure (Leverage)
and not only asset allocation. This interconnection is major. The problem is interconnected
and is thus not decomposable, unless you assume some form of utility function, which of
course simplifies the worldbut it does create a basis for analysis!
For each of the separate businesses we need to know the expected future earnings, the
variance of these earnings streams, and the co-variance with other earnings stream. This then
helps set up the problem as a classic finance formulation, and we can then calculate the
overall portfolio's expected earnings and variance. Recent works in finance recognize that
expected values and variances do not define risk completely enough. Technically, normal
distributions are fully defined by expected values and variances, and most modern finance,
notably Markowitz's work (1991) on portfolio management, is based on normal distributions.
But many assets today are not normally distributed, notably when it comes to hedge funds and
credit risk. For example, in hedge funds, a key aspect of risk is what we may call tail risk: the
risk of a rare but extreme event that will hurt the portfolio strongly. Even when it comes to
equities, the normal distribution assumption might be challenged: The probability of a stock
market crash, such as the one of October 19, 1987 (Black Monday), has been shown to be one
in thousands of years, with a normal distribution assumptionsomething few people will
accept as reasonable. When it comes to shipping markets, these arguments also seem to apply.
The difficulty of dealing with tail risk, kurtosisor with skewness, the idea that upside risk
may differ from downside riskis something that is not recognized by dealing with
expectations and variances only. As the normal distribution is symmetric, it is hard to accept
the general results on portfolio management, based on this assumption. We have a tool to help
to deal with this: Value at risk is now used extensively in banking, and it can help us to
address these issues.
Those with portfolio responsibility should undertake a systematic revision of the portfolio
regularly, in light of the company's overall objectives. Due to the well-developed second-
hand markets, it will, indeed, be possible to change a portfolio rather rapidly. However, the
portfolio may also, often more easily, be adjusted through the Leverage decision rather than
through the ship sales decision. Due to the imposition of the risk-aversion requirement, the
actual search for the best portfolio can, in practice, be limited to a search for efficient
portfolios. The number of alternatives to be considered thus drops significantly.
Lorange and Norman point out that the portfolio approach does not replace traditional
planning for each ship and trade. Their claim assumes that we operate as efficiently as
possible within each business, i.e., under the forces of profit maximization in the traditional
112 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
shipping sense. The portfolio planning scheme, on the other hand, offers a way to "put it all
together." (Lorange and Norman, 1973). The original portfolio selection problem comes from
the field of investments in corporate finance, and these have been extensively researched over
the past 45 years (Mossin, 1973).
Returning to the similarities and differences between portfolio management in classic stock
markets and portfolio management in shipping markets, let us draw the following
observations. In stock markets there seem to be two general approaches: the stock picking
approach toward portfolio management and the index-based portfolio approach. These have
analogies in shipping.
Stock picking is exemplified by investment managers like Warren Buffett, who would pick
five to ten stocks, based on thorough analysis of the firms in which he takes a position, and
then hold these stocks for a very long term. Typically, he buys more stock in these firms
during market downturns. In the long run, he tends to outperform the market. Buffett is
perhaps not a pure stock picker. He also influences management, for instance, by joining
some of the boards of the firms he is investing in, rather than staying a pure outsider. Peter
Lynch, for instance, may thus be a better example of a pure stock picker. The index-based
approach, by contrast, tries to come up with a Pareto-optimal portfolio, based on risk/return
considerations. Further, there will be a point of maximum maximorum on the Pareto-optimal
curve, which indicates the optimal portfolio, given the particular investor's propensity toward
risk. But how do these two approaches apply to shipping?
Stock Picking
Stock picking probably does not apply to commodity-type shipping per se (although it might
be relevant to niche shipping). Remember: A ship is a ship, and you get more or less the same
rates for any ship, depending, of course, on its size and configurations. There would be little
to no premium associated with the shipowning company per se, or the claims that some
owners make that they have "better" ships. Thus for investments in commodity-exposed
ships, you probably cannot pick shipping companies the way Warren Buffett picks stocks and
expect to get a better longer-term return. The shipowner can thus not develop a portfolio
approach a la Warren Buffett, with the ship as the basic unit, in the sense that the "steel" is
exposed to the commodity market, without any differentiation premium.
Further, ship values tend to stay stable, or even go down in the longer run. A major reason for
this, as noted, is the fact that newbuilding prices on average tend to come down. A
newbuilding LNG today can, for instance, be bought for, say, US$150 million, while eight to
ten years ago, the same ship would have cost $250 million. Inflation can perhaps
counterbalance this to some extent; still, a long-term, "stock picking" strategy applied to
commodity shipping seems unreasonable. We have pointed out that ship newbuilding prices
often go down in value and may have an analogue with regard to impact in classic financial
portfolio management. The idea is that we have a similar issue with bonds, notably high
coupon bonds. One would not agree with our earlier statement that inflation can perhaps
Portfolio Strategies 113
counterbalance this to some extent. If prices go up with inflation, real values do not. Hence,
this is not modified with inflation. That said, the inflation differential between types of
shipping will certainly influence portfolio issues. This underscores the importance of what we
might call the term structure in finance, i.e., the structure of values through time.
Index-based Portfolios
When we speak about index portfolios in the context of shipping, we are talking about finding
a "best" portfolio, based on risk/return considerations. It is important here to look at all of the
ship assets in one's commodity-based portfolio, in the sense that they are all exposed to
market-driven risk/returns. This means that bulk carriers, tankers and container ships would
be part of the portfolio. Marsoft has done an assessment of returns on portfolio strategies,
based on these three types of ships, with various holding periodstwo years, three years and
five years. We can see the relevant return versus risk (measured in terms of standard
deviation) given as examples in Exhibits 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 respectively for the three holding
In the short run, investments in bulk carriers and, to some extent, container ships seem to be
more attractive than investments in tankers. In the longer-term, however, the relative
attractiveness of investments in tankers seems to increase. The message here is that, given the
volatility of shipping market outlooks and changes in returns, one needs to continuously re-
configure one's portfolio. This approach to index-based portfolios thus differs from classic
stock-based index-based portfolio management, where, for instance, the composition of
indexessuch as the Dow Jones with its composition of firmswill not change very often.
Shipping market portfolios will, however, be much more volatile, and the portfolio content
will need to be reworked continuously, as opposed to index-based portfolios in the stock
market, which tend to be relatively more robust.
Exhibit 4.2: Two-Year Holding Period
Source: Marsoft, 2003
114 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Exhibit 4.3: Three-Year Holding Period
Source: Marsoft, 2003
Source: Marsoft, 2003
Let us address the term structure of risk for tankers. In the longer term, the relative
attractiveness of tankers seems to increase, as we have seen. Hence, there will also be a
decreasing term structure of risk. This important point deserves our attention.
Index-based portfolios can be interesting, but with a caveat: Our definition of an index would
not typically correspond with what a stock index is. An index might be seen as the "best"
portfolioan "optimal" portfolio, according to financial theory. In our mind, an index might
be seen as a way to comprehend a market, to reflect its evolution, but this does not correspond
with a financial theory definition. There is, for instance, nothing about optimality in our
concept of an index. And indeed, there are now indices for many different sectors of the
market (small caps, large caps, hi-tech, etc.). Of course, many investors see indices as an
optimal way to trade in the markets because they offer a well-diversified approach to
investing, typically not easy to manipulate by managers, and because they minimize the
transaction costs that make many active management styles underperformers for the investor.
Exhibit 4.4: Five-Year Holding Period
Portfolio Strategies 115
This is what we call passive investing and this might be preferred, notably for transaction cost
reasons. The question is then whether passive investment should have a bearing on an index
and which index. This relates also to where the value is created by investment management.
We can differentiate between risk selection, asset selection and market timing. Risk selection
(which comes not only from asset selection but also from leverage) defines the return one
should expect to obtain if one performs normally. Asset selection consists of picking stocks
that have positive alphas, meaning stocks that overperform. Many professionals spend most of
their time doing this, but more and more doubt the value of such asset selection. It is indeed
unproven academically. Hence, also the trend for passive investing. Finally, market timing
refers to the major impact on portfolio performance of being in the right market at the right
time, i.e., in small caps versus large caps, or in bonds versus equities. This can affect
performance strongly. These issues are, of course, interesting if one considers specific ships
as entities in one's portfolio. However, each finite ship would clearly represent too large a
finite entity to represent a meaningful unit in a portfolio. Perhaps the above issues will take on
a more practical meaning when we consider portfolios of stocks in shipping companies,
One implication is that if you intend to implement a portfolio management approach, you
need to establish very clear performance criteria, with explicit and consistent articulation of
the acceptable levels of risk, and the levels you require. Companies must apply this approach
consistently across decision-makers. Also, the company must set clear "stop-loss" criteria for
exiting. The problem here, however, is that, in practice, ships are after all less liquid than
stocks, and it might be hard to exit when you wish, keeping in mind that even commodity-
based shipping markets may be difficult bases for executing asset transactions when the
markets are down.
The asset play in shipping, associated with shipping portfolio strategies, must be seen
together with the operating strategy, which is in effect when one is holding the ship. In
general, the financial costs for older ships relative to new ships will be lower, typically
tending to generate higher operating income during the holding period, at least for ships that
are in reasonably good shape and not excessively old, with running and maintenance costs
that are not too high. New ships tend to have heavy financial holding costs associated with
them, even though the strict cost of running and maintaining them might be relatively lower
than the running and maintenance costs of older ships. However, the "amplitude" of the
selling prices tends to be much larger for younger ships than for older ones. Thus, you can
develop successful portfolio strategies, for both older and younger ships, as long as you go
for consistency and apply a portfolio strategy that is sustainable from an economic
risk/return point of view.
The delineation of a portfolio model with various types of ships, various types of charters,
various types of debt-to-equity ownership considerations might be made according to a
theory, a formula. It is, however, probably safe to say that in real life you can never determine
an optimal strategy once you have set the parameters, not even in a deterministic, passive
way. This is the theory!
116 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
I shall argue that a more active view of portfolio strategizing might be appropriate. Let us,
however, conclude that it will nevertheless be important to have all the above information
available, in order to assemble a rough approximation of a portfolio, i.e., in order to better
understand what an optimal ship portfolio actually might mean. How we can actually push
our understanding further in this regard is the subject of the next section.
Let us consider the Oslo-based firm Western Bulk. It was traditionally a combined
shipowning and pool organization, operating a large contingent of own and chartered in bulk
carriers. It ran into considerable financial problems around the turn of the millennium, and the
various ship holdings were sold off. Today it thus operates solely as a pool, with chartered in
tonnage. One can praise Western Bulk's focus on the "brain driven" side of the bulk shipping
strategy, by splitting the management functions and ownership functions. It should, however,
be pointed out that this strategic development was largely a function of the poor economic
performance of the group in previous years. This was further accentuated by differences
between two owner groups, which both held large positions in the group. Achieving a
turnaround was not without difficulties. For instance, there has been a certain element of
controversy over the fact that the firm defaulted on the contracts for four large bulk carriers
on charter from Japanese freighters.
Over time, the marketing organization around the bulk carrier pool organization has
evolved. In parallel, traditional shipowning has been de-emphasized, and in 2003, the last
ownership positions in its own bulk carriers were sold. Western Bulk is thus now an entirely
no-steel, all "brain-driven organization"active in shipping without actually owning any
ships. As such, it is perhaps particularly important for Western Bulk to have a clear
understanding of its portfolio strategy. This would include an overview of the various types
of business segments it is engaged in, as well as how the various types of ship contracts
might fit togetherpotentially leading to aggregate cyclical or counter-cyclical behavior for
the entire portfolio.
Interestingly, the senior management of Western Bulk, together with a financial consultant
retained by the company, and also working with Marsoft for the market inputs, have
developed a comprehensive set of analytical tools and information displays that provide an
aggregate picture of how the portfolio strategy of a shipping company can be formulated
and improved on. The market forecasts from Marsoft form the basic elements in this. The
development process has, however, been highly interactive, with many resource people and
executives being in dialogue, on an iterative basis. The result is that the approach has
become unique to Western Bulkit "owns" it! For a firm that provides decision support,
such as Marsoft, this will thus probably represent a case where its inputs become
particularly effectivethrough interaction and iterations its role becomes less visible, and
the approach itself becomes internalized at the user organization, in this case Western Bulk.
Portfolio Strategies 117
The entire fleet is part of this modeling approach, including the overall set of contracts of
affreightment (CO A) held, as well as the set of all charters that have entered into time charters
and bare boat charters. The firm's open tonnage is part of the model as well. Expected
revenues and expected costs are aggregated to the portfolio level, i.e., building up the
activities from each ship to a comprehensive overall picture of the firm as a whole. Several
"dashboards" display the pertinent aspects of the overall portfolio. The dashboard concept
was conceived by Western Bulk's top management, aided by Marsoft. They felt strongly that
they needed a relatively simple comprehensive display of all the truly critical factors relating
to the portfolio, seen in one frame on the computer screenanalogous to the way the driver of
a car sees all of the critical factors relating to the car's performance on its dashboard.
Executive Dashboard
The executive dashboard can thus be seen as a visual tool that provides information on
operations at several different levels in the organization. An executive dashboard helps
structure the data, supports analysis of the data and its presentation in an inclusive manner to
management, so that all of the required information is available, in one or a few frames on the
computer (to get around the cognitive overload issue).
The executive dashboard tried to help steer the business according to established decision
rules, to measure the impact of changes and to benchmark these against pre-set (budgetary)
targets. Many companies manage their activities through historical results only, typically
accounting data. With the executive dashboard, the intention is to allow more of a future
orientation, giving the ability to look constantly at decision alternatives relative to pre-set
standards, and to quickly benchmark the way things seem to be working out relative to these
pre-set plans.
The Cash Flow Dashboard
The cash flow dashboard provides expected cash flows on an aggregate basis for the fleet as a
whole. Needless to say, this must always be up to date in a firm such as Western Bulk and is
thus provided on a weekly basis, as part of the portfolio management workstation. This is
based on Marsoft's three forecastsbase case, high case and low casefor the relevant
markets in which the firm is active (see Exhibits 1.11 and 1.12).
Portfolio Dashboard
The portfolio dashboard provides an overview of the tonnage in the fleet, categorized into
"long period tonnage" and "short period tonnage." The dashboard also projects how the
tonnage is divided between the Pacific and Atlantic basins. A further breakdown of main
trades within each basin is also available.
118 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Performance Dashboard
The performance dashboard reports on the expected financial performance of the current
portfolio. Profitability is reported for both the long period tonnage subportfolio and the short
period tonnage subportfolio. Expected profits are reported on each of the three forecast
scenariosthe base case, the low case and the high case. The dashboard simulates
profitability patterns by allowing decision-makers to change the composition of the portfolio
Performance versus Budget Dashboard
This dashboard reports the performance dashboard information juxtaposed against pre-set,
stated budgetary objectives. A manager can see how he is doing relative to the budget, at any
moment. Specific deviations can be analyzed, and the composition of the portfolio can be
adjusted when appropriate and, of course, when it is doable.
In general, the Western Bulk approach provides an overall database for a company's ship-
related activities portfolio. It is a handy vehicle for simulating various options for the
portfolio, with an interest in incrementally improving on this portfolio when feasible. The
forecasts for the base, low and high cases project how the overall performance of the
portfolio, including the profitability and cash flow, might be expected to develop.
The Western Bulk approach is thus intended to allow the decision-makers in the firm to
develop a consistent view of decisions that have an impact on its portfolio. It allows decision-
makers to apply their own relevant shipping business know-how so that they can improve the
overall quality of the portfolio. Building on the in-depth market competences of Western
Bulk's own team of shipbrokers, with their detailed market insights, is critical. The modeling
approach is meant to support this, not to supplant it, i.e., to "make good even better." The
computer-based portfolio approach can play a role as a vehicle to counterbalance potential
individualistic, cognitive myths of individual traders.
As noted, it is particularly critical for a company such as Western Bulk to have a clear
understanding of its overall portfolio. Owning no ship assets, and thus not being able to lean
on large physical reserves to "bail it out" if necessary, the firm cannot support an overall poor
portfolio implementation well. A detailed, comprehensive view of the business is necessary. It
is not enough to manage each shipthe portfolio is key.
Let us recall that the specific business judgment around each ship-based commercial move
will, of course, require a good understanding of the industry. In the end, it is the decision-
maker, not the model, that will have to decide on the in/out, long/short and other related
decisionsthe models can only provide support. The decision-maker's point of view will
now be discussed.
Portfolio Strategies 119
It is thus basically a "trial and error" approach, where you will be looking for ways to
improve your strategy more or less via random "let's try it outs." Obviously, the overall
strategy of the firm is thereby no more or no less than the result of this incremental trial and
error simulation approach.
There are cognitive limits to using Marsoft's dashboard tool. For one, it is complicated
perhaps too complicated for the traders and decision-makers to use in their day-to-day work,
in order to reach consistent decision-making and consistent corporate-wide risk profiles.
Western Bulk therefore splits the dashboard into two autonomous components. This rather
passive approach, while clearly very useful, may not be enough. Let's now discuss how we
can further develop overall portfolio models even more proactively.
We have argued, particularly in Chapter 1, that a shipping company can develop various
"growth platforms" to capitalize on its various business segments. I suggested that the
shipping firm should take as a starting point a particular strength that it might have in a given
business segment, building on its so-called Protect and Extend base. It could then expand on
this by, say, projecting its established market strengths into new marketsa Leverage
strategyand/or by taking its distinctive competences and adding relevant new onesa
Build strategy. Indirectly, by first Leveraging and then Building or, alternatively, by first
Building and then Leveraging, a shipping company can ultimately reach a Transform strategy.
A more proactive view of portfolio management might thus start out by stating that the
amount of business emphasis we want to put on each of these business strategiesi.e., the
relative mix, or balance, between the four archetypes in our modelwould be an issue of
portfolio balancing. In other words, we would consider a portfolio as the aggregation of the
shipping business segment strategies that the company is engaged in. How much, for instance,
would the relative emphasis be on the Protect and Extend strategic activities compared with
the Leverage strategy part of the business? What would be the relative role of the Build part
of the business? How much emphasis should be put on Transform? We can argue that a
proactive, growth-oriented portfolio for a given shipping segment is one where we would
have relatively more emphasis on the mix of capabilities, particularly new ones compared
with established ones, i.e., Leverage, Build and Transform rather than the more mature
Protect and Extend. Conversely, a more commodity-oriented portfolio for the firm would
have a relatively heavy emphasis on simulating the various Protect and Extend options. This
view of the shipping firm's portfolio gets to the competence factors, the know-how, that
shape its strategy, i.e., a preamble to the Marsoft-type portfolio analysis that should
subsequently be undertaken.
As implied, a shipping company can elect to pursue several business platforms. It can be
actively involved in several business segments with different know-how bases. Examples
120 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
might be bulk and tank segments, as in the case of Norden, or car carriers and LPG, as in the
case of Leif Hoegh & Co. We can thus develop a portfolio overview dimension relating to the
unique features of the portfolio by looking at the combined effects of the various growth
platform strategies. Thus, the portfolio strategy would consist partly of having a clear picture
of each growth platform, each major business segment, and then also having a portfolio
picture of the overall mix of the various growth platforms. This picture would "show" how
the various business segments fit together.
This approach would allow for a more active view of the developing growth in given business
segments. It would allow senior executives to think through how they can Leverage the basic
strengths of their firm to push for more growth by utilizing these basic strengths to develop a
less commodity-oriented profile in each business segment and, as a result, for the whole firm.
This approach would also afford a clearer understanding of how each business segment might
complement another, more specifically, showing where the top-line growth is coming from, as
opposed to where the bottom-line results are secured. Further, it would probably also allow
for "a healthy respect for complexity." From a managerial and cognitive point of view,
pursuing more than, say, three or four business platforms in one corporate portfolio would
probably be very difficult. Rather, the trend seems to be for firms to focus on fewer and fewer
portfolio elementssay, one, two or maximum three. Companies like Leif Hoegh and
I. M. Skaugen, for instance, have dramatically narrowed their approaches to diversity by
cutting out a number of their classic business shipping trades. Strategy means choice!
An active view of how to change one's portfolio strategy will be critical. Top management's
attitude and willingness are, above all, critical here. Two brief examples can illustrate this.
The large Ofer Brothers Group, based in Israel, owns and operates the country's largest
privately owned shipping enterprise and has been active in shipping for almost 50 years. The
group's fleet consists of more than 30 vessels, including containers, car carriers, reefers, bulk
carriers, tankers and multi-purpose ships. The group, through Israel Corp., owns Zim Israel
Navigation Ltd., the 12 largest container fleet in the world.
Ofer Brothers has shifted the point of gravity of its portfolio with remarkable smoothness
from a more conventional bulker and tanker portfolio of ships to a relatively heavy
commitment in containers. There has thus been heavy growth in the container ship market for
Ofer Brothers, and they have Leveraged this position through long-term charters. The Ofer
Group's container ship fleet, Zodiac Shipping, has grown rapidly, as a comparison of its size
in November 2000 and in May 2004 shows. In 2000 it operated 17 container ships with a
capacity of almost 22,000 TEU, while in 2004 it had 31 ships, with a capacity of almost
98,000 TEU. A further five large container ships are on order. (Fairplay Register, May 2004
and November 2000). The group's unique shift in portfolio seems above all to have been
feasible because of strong inputs from the top. As part of this, the company has developed
strong financial discipline for engaging in new shipping deals. It couples this discipline with a
strong focus on maintaining the lowest possible operating costs. The group seems to be able
to run ships at a profit for virtually any major type of ship, and in depressed market
conditions. A clear fleet portfolio logic seems to be at play (Ofer Brothers Group, 2004).
Portfolio Strategies 121
The Teekay Shipping Corporation in Vancouver (discussed in more detail later in this
chapter), under the able leadership of CEO Bjorn Moller and chairman Sean Day, has
transformed what was primarily a ship-by-ship asset-based commodity business portfolio into
one that is now much more based on scale and market power. Teekay acquired Bona
Shipholding, Navion, and others, which were active in the VLCC and Aframax oil tanker
segments. By concentrating on providing outstanding service to its clients, it created
considerable market power for the company in this traditionally commodity-based segment.
The focus has been on building critical massa unique strengthin the Aframax tanker
segment, and trying to further build geographic strengths in this segment as it applies to the
Venezuela-Caribbean-US trade, the Southeast Asia-China trade, etc. As an extension of this,
Teekay bought 50% of I. M. Skaugen's US lighterage business in 2003 to consolidate its
position in the trades of the US. Again we can detect a clear portfolio strategyand with a
customer focus! Teekay, with offices in 12 countries, now transports more than 10% of the
world's seaborne oil.
The London-based owner John Angelicoussis has a relatively large exposure in VLCCs,
organized under the name Kristen Navigation. It is ranked No. 6 in the world among VLCC
operators, with a total of 13 vessels in its fleet, including a huge 360,000 dwt VLCC just
delivered from Korean shipbuilders. Another three VLCCs are on order. (Trade Winds,
Angelicoussis has now, however, also entered the LNG market. Maran, his LNG carrier ship-
owning unit, has three LNG newbuildings on order, all fixed to Qatar's LNG gas development
authorities on long-term charters. Based on this, Angelicoussis ordered a fourth LNG carrier,
also to be chartered to the Qataris. These large LNG carriers have a capacity of around
200,000 cubic meters of gas, and the newbuilding price, from Korean shipbuilders, is around
US$210 to $220 million per ship. (Trade Winds, 2004).
What are the portfolio advantages here for Angelicoussis? First, he establishes two "growth
platforms" that would not typically be perfectly coordinated, since the crude oil and LNG
shipping markets tend to move in different cycles. Of course, there will be some overlaps, not
least due to the general interrelationship between all ship freight markets and because of the
newbuilding capacity effect and, in this case, also because both growth platforms are in the
energy area. Second, the LNG platform allows Angelicoussis to enter a new area, where he
can find opportunities for long-term contracts later, and long-term financing also, independent
of the opportunities he would find in the VLCC segment. He thus finds another set of
stakeholders that he can interact with as part of this second growth platform (TradeWinds,
How can major shifts in the portfolios take place? Clearly, several issues are at play here, all
primarily driven from the top. Cognitive limitations will thus typically be real: How much
complexity, for example, can top management critically handle? Here are some of the factors
that a particular top management group can elect to "play" on:
122 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Purchase of second-hand tonnage.
Newbuilding programs.
Systematic trading in second-hand ships, selling and buying in order to evolve one's
portfolio as desired.
Systematic work with one's target customers, to develop relationships on which one
can build the new portfolio.
Development of internal systems of portfolio monitoring and control, to ensure that
the new direction in the portfolio is actually implemented.
Very Long Term Time Horizons
Some shipping firms, typically privately held, are applying very long term time horizons to
their activities. A good example is Knutsen OAS Shipping in Haugesund, Norway. It has built
an important shipping company operating in the shuttle tanker segment, with 17 ships, LNG
carriers (3 ships) and chemical tankers (10 ships). Typically there is relatively small equity
capital per ship project, having received long-term time chartersoften up to 10 years in
lengthas a basis for this. While the return on each project would generally not be very large,
the firm puts heavy emphasis on the residual value of a ship, when the debt would be paid
down or significantly reduced. Knutsen's growth is clearly linked to the Norwegian offshore
oil industry. The company sees it as an advantage to be based in Haugesund, which offers a
strong seafarers' competence base. Close attention to the operations of the ships is seen as key.
The small, privately held, offshore supply firm S. Ugelstad has also primarily attempted to
follow a strategy of obtaining long-term employment, say, through time charters, securing a
reasonable building contract, and then gearing the investment fairly heavily through long-term
borrowing. At times the ships might have to be ordered before the long-term time charter
contract could be achieved. Still a fairly heavy financial gearing could thereby be achieved.
Even for relatively small companies like S. Ugelstad, whichuntil recentlyhad a fleet of four
PSVs (platform supply vessels) and one reefer ship, the issue of too much complexity in the
portfolio comes in. The PSV business segment provides a good business platform, where the
Protect and Extend strategy has offered a good basis for moving into new markets, such as the
British sector of the North Sea and West Africa. The reefer ship, on the other hand, became
more of a de facto distraction. To follow this market as well, in addition to trying to be on top of
the PSV market, was difficult for S. Ugelstad's management, particularly in light of the firm's
necessarily modest managerial staff. This thus did not turn out to be a good basis for developing
a new growth platform, nor did it simplify S. Ugelstad's managerial tasks. Accordingly, the
reefer was sold in 2004. This strategy, with two growth platforms, one of which did not really
provide a basis for breaking out of the commodity cycle, was too complicated for this small
firm. Exhibit 4.5 gives an overview of the S. Ugelstad's overall portfolio strategy.
Portfolio Strategies 123
Exhibit 4.5: S. Ugelstad's Portfolio Strategy
Source: Author
From Exhibit 4.5 we get a preliminary picture of the "portfolio" strategy by considering both
the growth versus maturity tradeoff for each business segment and how these business
segment "portfolio" elements fit together into an overall corporate portfolio. But it should be
noted that this view of the "portfolio" is a rather limited one. It does not reveal much about
either political risks or cash flow risks, for instance. In the next section we shall therefore
develop a more full-fledged concept of a portfolio (see also Exhibit 4.6).
The decision to order a new ship will, of course, be part of the portfolio decision, i.e., often an
important implementation step. Reflecting on the management challenges, when S. Ugelstad
tried to decide on a newbuilding order, it followed several stages in its decision-making
process. In March 2004 it then ordered a new large, modern PSV ship. Because there are so
many steps, implementing a change in the portfolio strategy can often take a long time, or
may not happen at all.
A Newbuilding Scenario
Japan was for a long time the most cost efficient place to build new ships. Then, Korea
gradually developed its capacity and capabilities, typically becoming approximately 20% less
expensive than Japan. More recently, China has developed its capacity and capabilities, again
typically undercutting Korea by up to 20% on price. Most recently, however, the trend for
newbuilding prices has been that they are stabilizingor even going up, due to the generally
tight freight market.
Investing in new ships is a must, but it needs to be done in a way that leads to the lowest
breakeven costs. New ships must lead to lower breakevens. This also has a signaling effect
vis-a-vis the competition. I. M. Skaugen's new gas carriers, as noted in Chapter 3, had better
124 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
cooling technology and were thus able to cool the gas faster, thereby saving time for the
customers. It was also able to operate these ships with fewer people. Skaugen made a
calculation in terms of how much it felt it could pay for each ship. It was able to find a yard in
China that was able to deliver to this price. It is critical to purchase new ships at a low price.
If a ship is not bought at a low price, the result will be that it has a cost disadvantage
throughout its lifetime!
Let us now go through a set of key steps regarding this critical decision:
Step 1: Why make a newbuilding order any way? Why live with more risk exposure? Why
not take it relatively easy instead, and live with the less stressful, existing portfolio, with its
financial ramifications, including among them, less financial Leverage? The counterpoint
would be that ordering a new ship would mean another "card" to play actively, to be in a
better position to do future deals, when the market will then be right.
Step 2: The timing of the newbuilding contracting will be particularly critical. In this respect,
it is worth asking: What is the cost of the newbuilding? Have the costs come down, i.e., is the
timing right vis-a-vis the yards? A difficult point for the owner is to realize that newbuilding
prices often tend to fall in general, not least due to the higher productivity of the yards, thus
implying a lower cost of capital for the newer ships, but leaving the shipowner with a
relatively higher cost of capital for the old ships in the fleet. This can make ordering a
newbuilding psychologically "painful."
Step 3: What is the market outlook? How long, say, will the market stay down? Is there a
turnaround in sight? How can one avoid ordering overspecializedand extremely
expensiveships, perhaps "pushed" by one's own technical organization, which generally
wants rather sophisticated ships? Keep in mind: The market typically does not pay for such
extra sophistication.
Step 4: How heavy can the financial gearing be? How can the financing be organized so that
some of the marginal risk is taken up by, say, the shipyard? It could be that the yard will
guarantee some of the debt, and it might also allow for a grace period when it comes to down
paymentseven interest payments on the last tranches of debt. It could also be that "cut the
losses" tactics will have to be worked out for the newly ordered ship, so that the ship can be
sold under the scenario of an extended depressed market, without major impact on the rest of
the company's ship engagement portfolio, except for the loss of the equity capital put into the
ship itself by the shipping company.
The previously discussed dashboard approach developed by Western Bulk can be very useful
in portraying the financial consequences of a portfolio. The argument for developing a
portfolio, however, is based on having a more proactive front-end view of how such a portfolio
Portfolio Strategies 125
should be shaped, and then doing the necessary financial documentation of what the portfolio
might look like, say, through using a dashboard-type approach.
Let us now look at the portfolios of several additional companies, returning to those we have
already analyzed in Chapters 2 and 3: Norden, Farstad Shipping, The Torvald Klaveness
Group, I. M. Skaugen, Leif Hoegh & Co., Frontline and Teekay Shipping Corporation.
However, now we will add other types of risks that I will broadly label "political risks."
So far, I have argued that the portfolio strategy dimension is heavily based on the number of
"business platforms" that the shipping company is engaged in, and the interdependence (or
lack of it) between these platforms. There is, of course, another important dimension too,
namely the time dimension embedded in the portfolio of shipping activities, and exemplified
by howas they expireone's various bare boat charters/time charters and openness vis-a-
vis the ship markets reflect the next set of business cycles. The time dimension will be key;
the in/out, long/short balance, as already discussed, but also for the entire portfolio of ships as
it will have to be managed. To recap from the discussion so far in this chapter, cycle
management and risk management will thus be critical in developing a strong portfolio
strategy, based on the fact that the real exposure of the portfolio will, of course, be a function
of the underlying pattern of in/out, long/short positioning of each ship vis-a-vis the market,
but now "adding them all up" into an overall portfolio pattern. Western Bulk's approach
exemplifies how a shipping company might handle this.
We also pointed out that currency risks can play an important role in a shipping firm's risk
exposure, and thus also in the portfolio exposure that a shipping firm takes. Some currencies
are over- or undervalued relative to others. Often an overvalued currency will have a lower
interest rate associated with it. Thus, a shipping company can decide to go for a lower
operating cost of capital by going into more high-valued currencies, while, of course, also
having to pay relatively more to get into a specific deal, say, the purchase of a ship. Running
shipping transactions in, say, Swiss francs is an example of thisyou pay more for the ships,
but will face lower interest charges. If going for an undervalued currency, on the other hand,
one will, at the same time, be taking the risk of having a substantial part of this initial benefit
wiped out by a later appreciation in the value of this currency.
As noted, a shipping company's portfolio consists of the aggregation of the various business
platforms that the shipping company is engaged in. The aggregation of the various ship
segment activities will thus have a clear financial dimension. The degree of risk taking can be
designed for the overall portfolio and can often be adjusted by modifying the specific
activities in one or more of the specific business niches where the shipping company is active.
Portfolio algorithmic support and analysis can help in this.
This is not all when it comes to risk in shipping, however. Political factors typically also play
significant roles. In Chapter 1, we already made it clear that political factors have traditionally
played an important role in the overall risk taking in a shipping company's portfolio. These
factors can be directly linked to political issues, such as political instability, even war, change
126 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
in political regimes, disruptions that such changes might cause in economic activities in a
given country, etc. Further, the ramifications on economic growth can play an important role
in determining, in effect, political risk. Some countries grow faster than others, which leads to
more business opportunities. Clearly, due to the uncertainties of these growth outlooks, there
are risk factors here. IMD International Institute for Management Development in
Lausanne, Switzerland, has assessed the world competitiveness of 60 countries and regional
economies, which can hint at the attractiveness of each. Conversely, this ranking can be
interpreted as a manifestation of political instabilityand thus risk exposurefor countries
that are not competitive {World Competitiveness Yearbook, 2004).
In the following we have tried to combine what we see as the most critical political risk
factors into a notion of political stability assessment. The overall assessment of political
stability can thus perhaps be rated subjectivelyfrom unstable to stable. Let us take this to
indicate one new dimension of a fleet portfolio model, as seen on the vertical axis of Exhibit
4.6. On the horizontal axis we have mapped financial stability.
Exhibit 4.6: Fleet Portfolio Model
Source: Author
A subjective, judgmental assessment of financial stability is, as noted, captured on the
horizontal axis, this being a function of the type of niches the shipping firm is in. The more
commodity-oriented Protect and Extend position might typically lead to more unstable cash
flows, while in contrast, a more niche-oriented position, such as Transform or Build, might
typically lead to rather stable cash flows, as outlined in Chapters 2 and 3. The positions re
"hedging" via chartering (long versus short), and thus currency position will play a role as well.
Also, the interplay between the various platforms can lead to more stability if these platforms
are exposed to counter-cyclical market cycles oralternativelyto less stability if the
Portfolio Strategies 127
platforms are exposed to the same market cycle. See also the discussion of how to estimate cash
flows as part of the firm's risk management function at the beginning of this chapter.
In Exhibit 4.6, we have attempted to label various types of portfolio archetypes. "Worldwide
Markets" would have a relatively stable political situation because the ships can easily be
sailed away from an area of political turbulence, or be additionally insured, but it is combined
with a more unstable cash flow situation characterized by worldwide Protect and Extend
shipping activities. In an "Exposed" portfolio position, by contrast, political stability is low
and the cash flow from the businesses is also relatively unstable, characterized by commodity-
type shipping, often in particularly turbulent geographical areas, such as bulk shipping in the
Middle East/Arabic Gulf area or in Chinese waters, in circumstances where one would not be
able to withdraw the ships easily. In an "Exposed Niche" there would be a relatively stable
cash flow from the businesses, say, due to long-term contracts or charters, but the political
risk exposure remains unknown. The gas carrier barging activities of I. M. Skaugen on the
Yangtze River in China would be an example. Finally, a "Protected Niche" portfolio position
would be one in which both political stability and the stability of the cash flows are judged to
be relatively high. An example of this could possibly be Leif Hoegh & Co.'s RoRo business.
How have these assessments specifically been made? We have subjectively calculated a
political stability index and a stability of cash flow index in Exhibits 4.7 and 4.8, respectively,
for the seven firms discussed in Chapters 2 through 4.
Exhibit 4.7: Political Type Risk/Stability
Source: Author
Regarding the political stability index (Exhibit 4.7), we have listed various geographic areas
and assigned a macropolitical risk score, an economic growth risk score and a currency
devaluation risk score to each one, with our subjective assessment of low risk as Weight 1,
medium risk as Weight 2 and high risk as Weight 3. The author has thus assigned these rates
subjectively. We could, of course, develop more sophisticated risk weight assignments, based
128 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
on more systematic underlying research. For the purpose of illustration here, this is
unnecessary. A given shipping company needs to develop its own understanding of which
factors should be considered as part of its political stability assessment for its overall
portfolio, and how it would assign these risks.
We have thus made a subjective assessment for each of the seven case companies we have
Klaveness: two business platforms (commodity and niche)
Norden: two business platforms (tank and bulk)
Farstad: two business platforms (PSV and AHTS)
Leif Hoegh: two business platforms (RoRo and LPG)
I. M. Skaugen: three business platforms (gas/MNGC, US/SPT, Yangtze River/Hubei
Tian En)
Frontline: two business platforms (tank and OBO)
Teekay: four business platforms (Aframax, shuttle tanks, SPT and LPG).
We applied the risks assigned to each geographic area to each of these business platforms,
depending on whether this particular business platform would be heavily exposed to a
particular geographic area or not. Take note, however, that the author does not have full
access to the actual geographic exposures for each of the business growth platforms; he has
tried to make a subjective assessment based on information available in annual reports.
We have added the various subjective scores and divided the total by the number of entries,
for all business segments of each firm, to normalize the political risk score for each.
Accordingly, we have thus subjectively determined that Norden, Teekay and Farstad have a
relatively low political exposure; Klaveness and Leif Hoegh a somewhat more medium-
oriented position; and Frontline and I. M. Skaugen have the highest political exposure, i.e.,
might be facing the lowest political stability.
Three comments are in order here. The first deals with Norden, which is active in world
tankers and world bulker operations. The fact that these business platforms are both relatively
heavily exposed to the worldwide political situation is key. If a crisis should break out
somewhere, then, as noted, there will always be other activities in the worldwide trading
patterns where Norden might employ its ships. Unless a ship happened to be "stuck" in a war-
stricken area, alternativenow less riskyemployment activities can be activated. The fact
that the ships are potentially constantly mobile is thus a good way to control the riskany
particular ship can be pulled away from a crisis area. Also, for Frontline, a huge exposure is
toward the world's oil producing sectornot known for its political stability.
Portfolio Strategies 129
For I. M. Skaugen, the heavy exposure to specialized, dedicated markets, such as the river
barges with liquefied gas in China and the crude oil lighterage in the US, represents a
relatively large political instability. China, with its Communist leadership, may not be
considered among the most stable countries politically, certainly not in the long run. The
US, with its huge foreign debt and its potential problems with economic growth and
stability, may also represent a somewhat larger risk exposure than traditionalists might
Exhibit 4.8: Stability (Risk) of Cash Flow
Protect & Extend
No. of businesses
Cash flow risk
Cash flow risk category
1. M. Skaugen
Diversification effect and I
Source: Author
ish flow volatility: Low = 2 99 and below
Medium - 3.00 to 3 70
High - 3.71 and above
Let us move to the subjective calculation of an index for the stability of the cash flows, also
key for the overall portfolio model of the shipping firm (see Exhibit 4.8). Here, we have
listed the various types of business niche positions for each firm, as presented in Chapter 3.
Protect and Extend is the position that represents a commodity-type situation, with
normallya correspondingly relatively volatile cash flow. Leverage and Build represent
somewhat more specialized niches, with correspondingly relatively more stable cash flows.
Transform represents a rather stable niche, withnormallya correspondingly relatively
stable cash flow. We have further assessed the degree of correlation between the
developments of cash flows from the various growth platforms of each company, for
instance the relationship between Klaveness' commodity and niche businesses, where we
felt that there was some element of correlation, although not total. In a company like Leif
Hoegh, on the other hand, we felt that there was no correlation between the RoRo segment
and the LPG segment. We thus assessed these cash flow volatility exposuresas well as the
diversification effect exposuresas low, which we assigned the subjective rating 1. We
then added these ratings up and divided by the number of businesses to reach a figure for
cash flow risk. We here reached the subjective conclusion that Teekay, Farstad,
I. M. Skaugen and Leif Hoegh seemed to enjoy a relatively low exposure to cash flow
fluctuations, with rather stable cash flows on an overall portfolio basis. Klaveness and
Frontline might be expected to have a medium type stability of cash flows on a portfolio
basis. Norden, perhaps the most heavily exposed to the commodity markets, thus had
relatively high instability of its cash flows on a portfolio basis. Exhibit 4.9 finally provides
the combined corporate portfolio scores for our seven case companies.
130 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Exhibit 4.9: Corporate Portfolio Scores
Source: Author
Norden would be positioned in the Worldwide Markets portfolio strategy segment, i.e., with a
relatively stable political risk, but with relatively unstable cash flows. Farstad and Teekay would
be positioned as being in a Protected Niche, with a relatively stable political situation and also
with a relatively stable cash exposure in a portfolio senseindeed an enviable portfolio strategy
position. Klaveness would be focused in the middle, with both medium political stability and
medium cash flow stability in its overall portfolio. Frontline would also be positioned in the
middle when it comes to stability of cash flows, but with a higher degree of political exposure
than Klaveness. I. M. Skaugen would have relatively high political exposure, while the cash flow
stability would be scored in the medium category, again as seen as an overall portfolio. Finally,
Leif Hoegh would be in a medium political position, with a stable cash flow position.
When we combine these assessments with the analysis done previously in this chapter, we
discover that the various business growth platforms can lead to rather different corporate portfolio
strategy delineations. This is the subject of the next section, in which we shall look further into the
portfolio strategies of Norden, Farstad, Klaveness, I. M. Skaugen and Leif Hoegh in more detail,
in each case seeing these as the aggregation of the business strategy platforms.
Predominantly Commodity-Oriented: Norden
Exhibit 4.10 provides a picture of Norden's overall portfolio strategy. It consists, as noted, of
two commodity-oriented business platforms, tankers and bulk carriers. The tankers are broken
Portfolio Strategies 131
down into Aframax and product carriers. The bulk carriers are broken down into Cape-size,
Panamax and Handimax.
The tankers were initially positioned for the US market, particularly the double hull product
carriers. Today the tanker business is characterized as a worldwide trader, focusing on safety
and being a customer-driven niche player. Still, we could probably characterize Norden's
tanker business platform as rather commodity-oriented, although perhaps less so than we
would find in a typical tanker company.
For the bulk carrier business platform, one can also see a geographic expansion, into North
America, South America, Southeast Asia, China and Europe. Here too, Norden's extensive
use of IT and its shift toward longer-term contracts has Transformed the bulk carrier segment
into a less commodity-oriented one than what we would commonly find in a typical bulk
carrier commodity operation. Norden sees itself as a customer-driven company. Further,
Norden has intended its introduction of a comprehensive IT support system to stay in close
contact with each shipper, combined with its emphasis on longer-term contracts, to develop
the "tankerk" businessesboth tanker and bulkinto less commodity-oriented ones.
Exhibit 4.10: Norden's Portfolio Strategy
Source: Author
Looking at the overall portfolio, we can also see interplay between the two bulker and tanker
growth platforms, both, however, being rather commodity-oriented. The overall portfolio will
thus have to reflect these two relatively commodity-oriented sub-positions, which must be
carefully monitored in terms of interrelationships between themboth when it comes to
interrelationships regarding risks, i.e., the resulting overall portfolio risk, and particularly when
it comes to the interplay between the market cyclicality of the tanker platform versus the bulk
carrier platform. Norden was, as noted, one of the first owners/operators to introduce Value at
Risk (VaR), a concept well known from the banking business. It consistently attempts to
132 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
monitor the overall position of the company when it comes to the risk exposure of its portfolio.
Here it is interesting to notice that Norden has decided to keep strong liquidity reserves,
presumably precisely to be able to withstand an extended period with weakened cash flows.
Exhibit 4.11 shows Frontline's portfolio strategy, which places heavy emphasis on crude oil
carriersthe bulk of them VLCC carriers. A significant number of them are employed on a
special arrangement with BP, which utilizes Frontline for all of its crude oil transportation
requirements. Frontline also has a number of other long-term contracts, and a significant part of its
fleet is also on short-term or spot market contracts. Frontline further has a somewhat smaller fleet
of Aframax tankers, which are partly employed on long-term contracts, partly on short-term/spot
market contracts.
Additionally, Frontline has eight OBO carriers. These have recently been shifted from
employment in the crude oil trade to the dry bulk market. Four have been chartered out on
long-term contracts, while the other four are open.
Overall, John Fredriksen's portfolio strategy is based on heavy focus on the commodity
segments, particularly on large crude oil transportation. His strategy is opportunistic, with
great emphasis on a strong sense of timing, in terms of in/out as well as long/short. Fredriksen
is widely known for his keen understanding of the markets. In addition, Frontline has a strong
emphasis on financial management, with a relatively low cost of capital and a healthy
financial profile. Although Frontline's corporate portfolio can be seen as somewhat risky
when it comes to exposure to political factors, it is, on the other hand, not particularly risky
when it comes to the stability of its cash flows.
Exhibit 4.11: Frontline's Portfolio Strategy
Source: Author
Portfolio Strategies 133
Mix of Commodity and Niche: The Torvald Klaveness Group
Klaveness' portfolio strategy, depicted in Exhibit 4.12, consists of two separate growth
platform segments: Maritime Services and Maritime Logistics. The Maritime Services
segment is relatively more commodity oriented, built up around a large number of more or
less conventional bulk carriers, operating in a pool. Strong marketing, strong customer
relationships, better know-how regarding unloading equipment, strong IT support, etc.
represent the backbone of this business. Klaveness also employs extensive hedging and use of
freight derivatives to dampen the potential effects of commodity exposure. All in all,
therefore, the degree of commodity orientation of the maritime services business is probably
less than we would find in conventional bulk shipping pools.
The Maritime Logistics business segment, on the other hand, is focused on developing new
logistical capabilitiesthrough Leveraging by entering new industries, product categories or
geographies, such as Beijing, and/or by Building new competences through the value chain,
such as moving onshore by adding more value chain activities to the overall logistics services
offered (warehousing, trucks, etc.). Overall, the maritime logistics growth segment is
therefore clearly non-commodity, probably more like a Transform type strategic business
platform on an aggregate basis.
Exhibit 4.12: Klaveness' Portfolio Strategy
Source: Author
For Klaveness, the overall portfolio will emphasize the interplay in cyclicality of the more
mature maritime services business against that of the much less mature maritime logistics
business. The political risk exposure, based on the interplay of risks, is also key. The relative
importance of the maritime services relative to the maritime logistics will also be part of the
portfolio. As of today, the former plays a much more dominant role. One can expect that the
cyclicalities of the maritime services business are more volatile than those in the maritime
134 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
logistics area, which can be seen as much more stable and growth-oriented. The same is
probably true of the risk exposures.
Exhibit 4.13 gives a picture of Farstad's portfolio, which also, as noted, consists of two
platformsone for PSVs (platform supply vessels) and the other for AHTSs (anchor-
handling tug supply vessels). For both types of platforms Farstad has made a geographical
expansion, into the Brazilian and Australian markets. Farstad has also upgraded ships: larger
size, greater power and more sophisticated equipment (FiFi, DP, Oil Rec, etc.) in general.
Thus, the PSV and the AHTS segments are probably less commodity-oriented than we would
otherwise expect. In addition, the firm has developed a special purpose AHTS by first going
into new Asian geographic waters, then modifying the designindeed, a Transform strategy.
Exhibit 4.13: Farstad's Portfolio Strategy
Source: Author
A key overall portfolio issue, again, has to do with the relationship between the two growth
platforms, the two business segments. The PSV segment tends to be based more on long-term
contracts, supporting the ongoing activities regarding offshore supply platforms and drilling
ships that are producing oil. The AHTS platform, on the other hand, tends to support oil
exploration activities, for example by moving the anchors of the drilling rigs that are being
repositioned to drill hole after hole, searching for new oil. This segment tends to be more
volatile, going up and down much more as a consequence of the drilling budgets of the oil
companies, which again is largely determined by world oil prices, as well as expected oil
price outlooks. Thus, the two segments only seem to be correlated relatively moderately. For
Farstad, this means a relatively conservative portfolio strategy, when it comes to both cash
flows and risk outlooks.
Portfolio Strategies 135
I. M. Skaugen
Exhibit 4.14 gives a picture of I. M. Skaugen's portfolio strategy. Note that the company
bases its overall portfolio strategy on three business segment growth platforms previously
Exhibit 4.14:1. M. Skaugen's Portfolio Strategy
Source: Author
The first platform is the Norgas gas carrier pool. Here, the ships are employed in worldwide
gas trade with the petroleum industry, some in fulfillment of longer-term freight contracts that
the pool might have obtained, and some operating in the open market. Even with the pooled
results of all this, I. M. Skaugen will be heavily exposed to the cyclicality in the world
markets. An expansion into the Chinese-based gas trade business has taken place as noted,
with the establishment of an office in Shanghai and also with the construction of six state-of-
the-art newbuildings in China, all with high technical capabilities. All in all, the Norgas pool
is a relatively mature business, although less so than if one would compare with freestanding
independent operators of gas shipsin the Protect and Extend segment. As noted, A. P.
Moller-Maersk Group has purchased 90% of this business from Skaugenthus lessening, on
a relative basis, the effect of this business on Skaugen's portfolio.
The system of Aframax crude tankers unloading crude oil cargoes (lighterage) off the coastal
ports in Texas and Louisiana, which then can be transported up the Mississippi River as well
as other large US rivers (Missouri, Ohio), represents a second growth platform for Skaugen. It
is now 50:50 owned with Teekay. While the standalone Aframax crude oil carrying business
would typically be a mature business, the technology behind the combined value chain and, in
particular, the lighterage support is clearly unique. The overall focus of this business would be
more of a Build strategy, more stable relative to the exposure to the world freight rate cycles
than what we found in the Norgas business. The overall portfolio effect from this business
has, of course, also been lessened due to the 50% dilution to Teekay.
136 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
The third growth platform would be gas transportation on the Yangtze River in China.
Here the river transportation technologies from the US barging operation, as well as the gas
transportation technology from the Norgas operation, are being combined with the know-
how obtained through the geographical positioning already developed in China via Norgas.
This thus provides for a new growth platform, which probably falls in the Transform
business area. This would be largely independent of both the ocean freight rates that the
Norgas pool is exposed to and of the market swings of the US lighterage business.
All in all, Skaugen's overall portfolio presents a rather diversified picture, with a relatively
low likelihood of interconnectedness between the three business areas. Norgas would be
the most volatile in market exposure, followed by the US barge business, with the Yangtze
River gas business being the most stable. In terms of size, the Yangtze business is, of
course, still relatively small, and Skaugen needs to build it up.
When it comes to political risk exposure in each business, we could perhaps argue that this
"ranking" should be reversed, with the Yangtze business being the most risky. Indeed, the
overall portfolio picture of Skaugen's businesses reflects an interesting view of the political
exposure side. Clearly, here we can expect that the US barge business, which depends on the
political context of the US, would be rather different from the Yangtze gas business, which
depends on the political context of China. From a political risk point of view, these two
businesses might therefore complement each other. The Norgas business would be exposed to
world political conditions, including both China and the US. Overall, we can perhaps
conclude that, from a political risk point of view, the Skaugen businesses seem to be rather
well balanced.
Teekay's portfolio strategy, summarized in Exhibit 4.15, is based on four business
elements. As such, it is a relatively complex strategy. The major part of Teekay's portfolio
consists of crude oil tankers, primarily in the Aframax segment, where the company is the
biggest in the world. Many of these Aframax tankers go on long-term contracts, but others
are shorter term. The Aframax fleet is employed worldwide to safeguard against too much
political exposure in one particular area. The oil storage shuttle tankers operate primarily in
the Norwegian sector of the North Sea, but some operate in the British sector also. They
are employed on long-term contracts, typically ten years, by the oil companies and
represent a very stable business. The LPG segment is relatively small within Teekay, and
represents a new platform for growth. The company's intention is to make sure that the
LPG ships will be put on long-term contracts, similar to the shuttle tankers, to secure a
relatively risk free, stable business. Finally, SPT, the barge business on major US rivers,
50:50 jointly owned with I. M. Skaugen, is a relatively stable business. Many of the
shipping activities are based on preferred relationships with key users of transportation
services, such as the major oil companies.
Portfolio Strategies 137
Exhibit 4.15: Teekay's Portfolio Strategy
Source: Author
Teekay's overall portfolio is one of relatively little exposure, to both political risk and cash
flow riskthe former due to the extreme diversification of activities within the Teekay group,
and the latter to the conservative nature of Teekay's portfolio when it comes to financing.
Teekay makes a point of being able to cover its entire debt payment servicing through the
long-term charter proceeds it receives, i.e., it is able to operate the ships that go in the spot
market independently of any financial exposure, as long as they cover their operating costs.
Down payment of debt servicing for the ships in the open market is thus covered by those
ships in the portfolio that are on long-term charters. All in all, Teekay has a somewhat
complicatedbut still focusedportfolio, which enjoys both political robustness and cash
flow stability.
Niche: Leif Hoegh
Leif Hoegh's portfolio strategy, depicted in Exhibit 4.16, is based on two business growth
platforms, the RoRo segment and the LNG gas carrier segment. Regarding the RoRo segment,
the classic PCCs (pure car carriers) are typically chartered out to a relatively small number of
car manufacturers. Typically, there would be a long-term relationship with them, which is
certainly not a commodity strategy. But there are also interesting geographical developments
here, both in terms of the acquisition of the Kiwi fleet (freighting used cars from Japan to
New Zealand) and the CETAM strategic move (freighting aircraft components for Airbus
Industries between its European locations). We also see a strong technical development, with
the emergence of the so-called PCTC ships, which can take a variety of rolling cargo, thus not
only further underscoring Hoegh's long-term relationships with a few automotive shippers but
also allowing it to more actively develop back haul business.
138 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Regarding the LNG growth platform, we have noticed that these ships are typically tied into
very long term charters to major gas producers. These deals, with 20- to 25-year charters
being the norm, thus tend to be highly finance oriented, with the freight streams being stable,
non-commodity oriented. A technological development within this businessthe innovative
SRV conceptmight further strengthen the long-term relationship with the gas producers.
With SRV, natural gas can be deliquefied offshore and then transported to land stations
without having to build extensive pipelines along the sea bottom or having to have land-based
de-liquefication terminals. All in all, the LNG business clearly seems to be a Build business.
Exhibit 4.16: Leif Hoegh's Portfolio Strategy
Source: Author
From an overall portfolio viewpoint, Leif Hoegh has a RoRo business that we can perhaps
classify as a Transform segment, and an LNG business we can perhaps classify as a Build
business. In many ways, we should not expect these two strategies to be related to each other:
LNG is highly stable and long term, but RoRo is highly relationship-oriented and based on
strong links with a few car manufacturers.
Leif Hoegh's portfolio strategy is perhaps the most niche-oriented we have seen (by corollary,
the least commodity-oriented). It is important to keep in mind, however, that until very
recently, Leif Hoegh was heavily committed to commodity-type niches, with heavy
commitments in both the liner business and in tankers, in several bulk carrier business
segments and in reefers. To some extent, the company is still exposed to some of these
businesses, although it clearly states that it is on the way out of them, if not out already.
Exhibit 1.4 gave, as we recall, the financial results of Leif Hoegh's operations during 1999, as
exemplified by the old strategy, and during 2002, as exemplified by the "new" more focused
portfolio strategy. We can see from this that the results are dramatically improved by
focusing, by concentrating and by practicing "strategy means choice."
Portfolio Strategies 139
In this chapter we have discussed the firm's portfolio strategies. We have seen that it makes
sense to pursue a focused diversification for the shipping company. However, we have also
seen that it is up to each shipping company to execute in a superb way whether it wants to
focus on market-based shipping strategies (commodity) and/or whether it wants to focus on
more customer-driven niche strategies. We saw that the political risk and the cash flow risk
associated with a particular strategy do not necessarily have to do with whether a company
chooses a commodity strategy or a niche strategy. Either can be combined with appropriate,
modest risk exposure, politically as well as cash flow-wise. What it comes down to, therefore,
is effective portfolio diversification, with an element of focusnot least from a managerial
point of viewand also as much simplicity as possible. A well-run portfolio strategy implies
less exposure to risks, whether it is based on a commodity focus, a niche focus or a
combination of the two.
It is important to have a consistent overall portfolio strategy. Partly, the shipping company
needs to develop the portfolio in such a way that it is likely to have at least some counter-
cyclicality between the various cash flow and risk exposures, and that it mightgiven the
aggregate risk exposure the company has takenresult in a reasonably robust overall
economic outcome. Most portfolio strategy approaches tend to look at this issue as one of
more or less mechanically undergoing "trial and error" simulations in order to heuristically
come up with a better portfolio, perhaps even attempting to come up with an algorithm that
would maximize the likelihood of a strong return relative to risk portfolio.
We have argued in this chapter, however, that it is probably relatively more useful to develop
a prior view of what might lead to the true robustness of a portfolio strategy based on a deep
understanding of each of the several separate business segments involved. Each of these
segments needs to be developed in such a way that it represents a reasonable balance between
mature and less mature growth-oriented subsegments. We have also argued that the overall
portfolio then will depend on how the various cash flow and risk exposures of each business
platform fit together, above all, when it comes to the counter-cyclicality of freight rate cycles
and risk balancing.
A sound portfolio strategy will have to be based on developing a clear portfolio picture
within each business platform, as well as an overall portfolio picture consisting of how the
business platforms fit together. A Western Bulk-type data support algorithm will, of course,
be highly beneficial here, because it can ensure a consistent, fully transparent set of
dashboards of the relevant aggregate data and forecasts for the entire fleet portfolio. In
addition, the political risk dimension needs to be complemented to this "market exposure
only" view of the portfolio.
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Organizational Issues 141
Organize People for Objectives and Customers. Objectives: What do we want? What are our
goals? [To satisfy] customer needs/problems.
Tom Erik Klaveness, The Art of Business, 2003, p. 5
It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the most
responsive to change.
Charles Darwin
Nothing is for ever, except change. Buddha
In this chapter we will look at four prerequisites for any modern shipping organization to be
competitively viableto be a winner. But first, let's first briefly summarize what shipping
companies need to have in place in order to improve their economic performance, from an
organizational, strategy-independent point of view. Basically, shipping companies need:
To put together a competent organization by attracting, keeping and developing the
best possible team of executives that they can find. Although this sounds like a
straightforward issue, it is in practice, of course, perhaps the most difficult challenge
facing any top management, not only in shipping companies, but in corporations in
More emphasis on corporate governance, i.e., effective roles of the board of directors,
the management and the staff. (See also Chapter 6 for more on this in the context of
family-dominated companies.)
Effective processes for consistently setting and managing risk/return targets, seen as
an organizational implementation issue. Here, it will be important to have a common
view in the company regarding the market and scenarios. This view must be
consistent among all key decision-makers. Reaching a common view can be a real
issue when several decision-makers are involved, say, in managing a fleet of up to
several hundred vessels (see Chapter 3).
142 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Tschudi & Eitzen, for example, has followed a strategy of acquiring a number of
shipping companies over the last 15 years. Five of these companies were privately
held and four were stock listed. The geographic spread of these acquisitions was
relatively broad: four in Denmark, one in Estonia, one in Singapore, one in Holland,
one in Sweden and one in Norway. An interesting effect of this is that Tschudi &
Eitzen was able to develop a strong organization more or less from scratch, through
these acquisitions. Interestingly, while the shipping companies were priced based on
their ship assets, there was little or no price premium for the organizational
"software." Thus, the company was able to assemble an effective international
organization without huge expenses, and in a relatively short period of time. It should
be further noted that the company felt that the best place to manage the bulk of its
operations would be out of Denmark, but with strong subsidiary organizations in
Estonia, Holland and Sweden. To maintain its organizational momentum(s) was a key
factor in this decision. The headquarters of Tschudi & Eitzen, by contrast, is small and
located in Oslo, Norway.
Consistent rules and policies, etc., similar to those that credit lending banks use. This
must be tailored to the particular shipping segment that the firm is in.
Consistent measures, benchmarks and procedures for learningin effect, to "make
good even better." Wallenius Wilhelmsen, for instance, undertook a comprehensive
internal program focusing on total quality management (TQM), a project that lasted
several years. (Both of these two issues have also been discussed in Chapters 2 and 3.)
With these five sets of policies and processes in place, what are the prerequisites for success
in a modern shipping company? Simply stated, the modern shipping firm needs to have its
own top-notch organization in place. This means it needs to possess the relevant base of
know-how, it needs to be able to change, it needs to have a penchant for keeping things
simple and focused, and it needs to be the lowest possible cost provider. Let's consider these
characteristics one by one.
The Know-How Base
The shipping organization needs to have the relevant know-how for pursuing a given strategy.
Thus, it is strategy that determines the know-how requirements of the modern shipping
company. The requirements of particular growth platforms determine the know-how
requirements. If, for example, a shipping company pursues several growth platforms, it needs
a multitude of know-how bases. Leif Hoegh & Co., for example, has developed entirely
different business organizations for its car transportation and LNG business platforms. To
state the obvious: With several growth platforms, the shipping firm may face great
complications and find it almost impossible to mobilize the necessary know-how spectrum.
For each platform, the strategy, the structure and the processes must be clear and consistent
the value drivers must be dominant.
Organizational Issues 143
It goes without saying that a shipping company can, or even must, meet its know-how needs
by outsourcing. The general principle, as we shall see later in this chapter, will be that the
firm may want to outsource the know-know that is not of key strategic importance. Whatever
is absolutely necessary for success in supporting a given growth platform must, however, be
kept in-house, or at least be part of a network organizational concept with reasonably high
control over the relevant strategic know-how. Above all, the know-how necessary for
supporting a given business platform has to do with the capabilities to execute the given
strategy. An eclectic approach will typically be called for here. Thus, often it is an issue of
combining several professional cultures within one shipping organization.
It is absolutely critical to maintain a clear market focus competence, often provided, on the
one hand, via executives who have been trained in-house in the shipping industry from an
early age, without necessarily having received much formal education. These executives
with their key market understandingare critically important. On the other hand, alongside
these experience-based executives there will often be highly professionally trained executives,
say, from finance or technical areas, who may have a strong, formal university education, and
who may provide equally important professional inputs to the shipping organization. How can
these two cultures work together, symbiotically and positively? How can one avoid an "either
or" culture, which perhaps ends up with too much weight on the "practitioner only" approach
or, alternatively, a "too professionally oriented" approach. While cross-cultural organizational
issues have been studied extensively, when it comes to differences between nationalities and
their impact on organizational culture (DiStefano and Maznevski, 2003), relatively little has
been done in terms of studying cultural differences based on different professional
backgrounds (DiStefano and Ekelund, 2002).
Typically, there are four key know-how typesfour culturesthat need to come together in
the successful shipping firm:
A market culturethe know-how necessary for pursuing a classic, market-based
strategy, as delineated in Chapter 2. The body of this know-how will primarily be
based on "understanding the market," i.e., a keen understanding of the relevant
market(s), such as a particular segment of the bulk market or a particular segment of
the tanker market, with a good feel for eventual turning points in the dynamics of
these market(s).
An operations culturean ability to "make good even better." This means possessing
the necessary know-how for executing the relevant aspects of the operations of a
given ship, the relevant know-how for financing, for human resource management,
etc., all focused on delivering the best possible transportation service at the lowest
possible cost. Being able to deliver an integrated product will be key.
A business analysis culturethe know-how necessary for pursuing various types of
niche-based strategies, along the lines if what we discussed in Chapter 3, and moving
144 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
away from commoditization, as described in Chapter 2. Here, the necessary know-
how for executing each niche growth platform strategy will be key.
Some of this know-how may, for instance, have to do with geographical expansion.
Often it can take time to build up the requisite know-how here, and alliances can
represent a "short cut": we saw earlier in the book, for instance, how Farstad Shipping
expanded into the Australian market, supporting offshore drilling activities in the Bass
Strait. Farstad's approach to acquiring relevant know-how here was by going into a joint
venture with P&O. This gave Farstad, above all, quick access to an already developed
set of customers. Subsequently, Farstad was able to acquire P&O's part. Farstad also
went into the Brazilian offshore market with a 50:50 joint venture, once more gaining
fast access to the necessary local geographic market know-how. Torvald Klaveness
Group bought the fleet of geared Handimax bulk carriers from the A. P. Moller-Maersk
Group and inherited the latter's office in Beijing as part of the deala veritable flying
start! For companies like I. M. Skaugen, it has taken a significant time to develop the
relevant know-how bases necessary to operate out of Shanghai and Beijing. Skaugen
built its gas barge transportation business in inland China with a 49:51 strategic alliance
with Hubei Tian En, to ensure access to key stakeholders, above all political authorities.
Afinancial culturethe ability to manage the financial flows and budgets, and to deal
with currency issues, interest rate developments and, increasingly, new instruments
and derivatives as they relate to futures freight market trading.
It is, of course, typically true that it will be necessary to develop new competences for
expanding a particular growth platform into a Build mode. Know-how here might have to do
more with acquiring IT, developing particular technical solutions, know-how for breaking into
new segments of the value chain, such as warehousing and trucking. A few shipping
companies, including Klaveness, A. P. Moller-Maersk and DFDS, have done this,
successfully changing their entire know-how bases into logistics support delivery
organizations. In total, the various specific know-how's to support a given growth platform in
a shipping company's portfolio must be in place. This includes the required in-house
chartering capabilities and customer relationship capabilities to pursue a realistic, growth-
based, non-commodity strategy for each growth platform.
Finally, a shipping company often needs specific portfolio strategy know-how. This know-
how will have to do partly with understanding the financial implications of the overall
portfolio, as exemplified, for instance, by the "dashboard" analyses of portfolio management,
like the approach developed by Western Bulk (outlined in Chapter 4). Overall cash flow and
portfolio performance measures are particularly important here. Obviously, finance often
plays an increasingly critical role. Active use if the futures markets, through hedging,
derivatives and other financial instruments accentuates this trend. It is thus essential that in-
house financial management is strong enough in modern shipping firms. Equally critical will
be the know-how for understanding the various types of risk exposure that operate within a
particular portfolio configuration, again calling for expertise in the corporate finance area.
Organizational Issues 145
Ability to Change
In most segments of the shipping industry today, the critical underlying success factors are
evolving very fast. To some extent, this evolution is a function of macroeconomic turbulence;
most segments are not becoming any less volatile. But above all, this evolution increasingly
has to do with the speed of evolution in the shipping companies' customers' views on
logistics; their requirements for transportation support are shifting continuously and rapidly.
The configurations of their value chains are evolving, it seems, continuously. Technological
factors add to this, and so do trends toward outsourcing and value chain management. On top
of this, the drive to seek out new non-commodity niches never ends. It is therefore also
critical that a shipping organization sees itself as truly dynamic; it must prove its ability to
create value every day, and typically in rapidly changing contexts. Shipping organizations
should, therefore, see themselves as going through a never-ending process of organizational
change. Change must be seen as vital, never-ending and fun.
It goes without saying that network organizations might often be particularly appropriate for
meeting the need for such dynamism and change. For instance, having a network organization
might help avoid the emphasis on developing shipping activities more or less in order to
maintain certain activity types and activity levels, in the end simply to keep the organization
busy. In many traditional shipping companies it was, for instance, seen as important to run
ships just to keep the operating organization intact, and simply to maintain a stable of officers
and sailors. This heavy emphasis on human resource management stability, based on a set
operating model, often led to strategies that, in the end, made little sense from an evolutionary
commercial shipping view.
Keeping It Simple and Focused
In many shipping organizations, the respect for complexity seems to have increased. In the
past, many shipping companies were active in rather large numbers of shipping trades. They
often employed a diverse variety of ship types, but without necessarily having the requisite
competences to effectively and realistically serve the dynamic growth platforms comprising
each of these trades. In contrast, focusing on one or a few growth platforms seems to be the
key to success today.
Leif Hoegh, for instance, has significantly reduced its organizational complexity by
withdrawing from the liner business, by spinning off the tanker business (into Bona
Shipholding, where it subsequently sold its 35% minority share to Teekay Shipping
Corporation), by exiting (or being in the process of exiting) various "classic" segments of
bulk shipping (Aframax and forest carrier open hatch ships, the liner business, including
selling Hoegh Lineswith its trade from Indonesia/India to North Americato Oldendorff,
etc.) in order to concentrate on car carrier (PCC) shipping and LPG gas. We have seen the
financial results in Exhibit 1.4. Under these new conditions, Leif Hoegh now needs an
organization that is dramatically different. The trend is toward having more in-depth
146 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
capabilities in a relatively smaller number of niches. Accordingly, the firm has built up in-
depth freestanding organizational competences in each of these two segments.
Lowest Possible Cost Provider
Shipping companies must keep their costs at a competitive level. After all, shipping is, to a
large extent, a mature, commodity-like business. Costs must therefore be fully under control.
A shipping firm cannot expect to be sustainable if it has a higher long-term cost level than the
Costs will be partly related to the ships themselves. I. M. Skaugen, for instance, has just
completed a newbuilding series of six new liquefied gas carriers, each with an extremely low
breakeven point for operating cost. The refrigeration capabilities are particularly unique
allowing the gas to be liquefied through refrigeration exceptionally fast. Skaugen claims that
its new ships have the lowest operating costs in the industry and that they should yield
positive contributions even under rock-bottom freight market conditions. Keen attention to all
aspects of costs is part of Skaugen's culture.
Crew costs are also very important. Here the country of nationality of the crew is key.
Norway, for instance, has relatively high seafarer wages, and, on top of this, relatively high
employee benefit costs, compared to neighboring countries such as Sweden and Denmark.
Many of the more reasonably priced crews now come from former Yugoslavia, Russia, the
former Eastern European countries, and the Philippines. A response by many traditional
shipping countries has been to give their seafarers tax relief, even total freedom from taxes in
some instances (Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark).
A virtual network organization may have a better opportunity to create lower costs. It allows
the various operating entities in the network to minimize their own cost base by controlling
the ships to minimize recurring costs and by registering them in a reasonably low-cost
country. Also, of course, a network organization might allow the shipping company to
maximize its advantages by cutting out duplication of effort for each business platform.
When it comes to white-collar labor it is interesting to see that a country like Norway still
seems rather competitive. Much general shipping know-how resides in Norway. Basic white-
collar salaries are reasonably competitive. Since shipping enjoys reasonably high prestige in
Norwegian society, the shipping industry is reasonably successful in competing for talent.
Also, by adopting a network-type organizational structure, many of the previous "silos" can
be eliminated, which increases motivation in shipping organizations. It should come as no
surprise, therefore, that Norwegian shipping executives seem to be comfortable. Above all, it
is perhaps because of the relatively high competence levels in Norway that we see quite a
number of shipping companies headquartered there and running on a network basis.
Organizational Issues 147
Studies have been done of the so-called Norwegian maritime cluster, using Michael Porter's
methodology for assessing "the competitiveness of nations" where he claims that business
clusters are critically important. Exhibits 1.6 and 1.7 gave a picture of the maritime cluster in
Norway. The Norwegian maritime cluster is relatively "complete," which causes the author to
conclude that Norway should be relatively well positioned to be competitive in the shipping
industry. It is, however, pointed out that the cluster is still both mature and fragmented, and is
thus under some sort of "disintegration pressure."
Perhaps the issue is much more one of each shipping company creating its own cluster, with
its own links to the relevant environmental stakeholders for its particular strategy. This would
involve the relevant suppliers in light of the types of ships, the specific ship trades, and
particular customers, etc.; the relevant financial partners in light of a particular shipping
company's strategy, etc. Thus, the Norwegian maritime cluster, for instance, could perhaps
therefore better be redefined to come up with a headquarters culture in Norway, where the
various headquarters of Norway-based shipping companies can benefit from all being located
in a selectively small area with a common professional shipping culture, all within the same
industry, and enjoying common respect in society. This must also allow individual executives
to enjoy the necessary financial benefits from being located, say, in Norway, making
individual tax burdens less harsh, etc. The rest of the cluster for each company, outside of the
headquarters locations, would then be global and company-specific.
Like Norway, Singapore has a similarly favorable set-up for high-performing shipping
headquarters, which are often parts of networked organizations. A. P. Moller-Maersk has a
huge operating base in Singapore. Ofer Brothers Group runs the bulk of its operations from
here. Westfal-Larsen has moved its bulk shipping operations to Singapore, too (consisting of
50% of the Star Bulk Shipping group, open hatch ships, particularly well suited for the
transportation of paper). Areas such as New York, London and even Shanghai are becoming
more expensive as headquarters bases and are perhaps not very competitive as bases for
network-centered organizational activities either.
In a study of the European maritime industry, it has been pointed out that when comparing the
share of revenue invested in competence development, i.e., in the human resources strategy
for shipping companies, Norway scores the lowest out of five European industrial nations,
while Germany scores the highest. This sophisticated outlook regarding human resource
strategies is perhaps an indication that in a diverse labor market, high-cost country such as
Germany, it is particularly important to have a strong human resources function, i.e., to create
an approach where one can compete for the talents, and where the issue is one of "brain-
driven value creation" above all. To attract the best people in the highly competitive German
white-collar labor market, calls for an accentuated human resources strategy. For a small, less
diversified labor market, such as Norway's, by contrast, the challenge for the shipping
industry to be competitive may be less accentuated (see Exhibit 5.1).
148 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Exhibit 5.1: Company Competence and Human Resources Strategy
bn Euro
Source: Mortensen, 2003
When it comes to performance, network-type organizations may be particularly well suited
for meeting the four sets of requirements outlined at the beginning of the chapter. In the end,
this is all about human capital issues. The organization must attract top talent, and that talent
must be given highly demanding, meaningful jobs, calling for the highest degree of
professionalism. Charterers, for instance, must be highly disciplined, in order to be consistent
over time in dealing with key assumptions, such as risk taking.
At the same time, the network organization must be cost efficientan efficient shipping
organization outsources many of its less needed organizational tasks. Flexibility is, of course,
also critical, and it is probably more easily attainable in a less permanently configured
network-type organization. Above all, the shipping organization must avoid duplication of
effort wherever and whenever possible. This has the valuable side effect of creating more
interesting job challenges and more variety. Executives typically work in project teams and
often have several assignments at the same time. In other words, they wear many hats.
Responsibility is broader than formal authority.
As we shall see in a moment, there are many types of network organizations. One
dimension the firm might need to determine would be how many core capabilities it needs
to keep inside and how many it can outsource. A second dimension might have to do with
what type of decision-making would be most effective, given the type of strategy that the
network organization is supposed to execute. Here, the degree of complexity of the
strategy is probably critical. Too much strategic complexity could imply too complex a
network organization.
Organizational Issues 149
When the need to have more internalized capabilities is relatively strongfor example, when
pursuing a non-commodity growth platform or several growth platforms, the firm may need to
have more critical capabilities in-house. Take a look Exhibits 5.2 and 5.3, which contrast the
organizational charts of two companies, both operating in the offshore supply sector: Farstad
Shipping and S. Ugelstad. Farstad, with a fleet of almost 50 ships, and the largest shipping
company in the offshore supply ship segment in Norway, as noted, operates two full-blown
business growth platformsPSV (platform supply vessels) and AHTS (anchor handling tug
supply vessels)and is also established in the UK, Australia and Brazil (through a strategic
Exhibit 5.2: Farstad: A Heavily Internalized Organization
Source: Farstad Shipping, 2003
Quite a lot of Farstad's functions are heavily internalized. The company's size allows it to
perform all the key functions of such a firm on its own. It is thus felt at Farstad that there
must be a team that leads the company, based on two integrated functionsoperations and
the market focus. The chairman of the board, Sverre A. Farstad, is actively involved, but
in a non-executive role. The operations and market focus is carried out by a four-person
group consisting of Terje Andersen, as president/CEO, a CFO and two senior operating
officers residing in Australia and Aalesund respectively. Developing an enthusiastic
organization and avoiding bureaucracy are seen as critical. Many of the activities are
therefore maintained in the various geographic areas, with as little as possible run out of
Aalesund. No energy should be wastedfocus should be on key issues, not organizational
politics, according to Terje Andersen.
150 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
In contrast, S. Ugelstad operates in only one growth platform, the PSV segment. Ugelstada
small firm by any standardshas many fewer vessels than Farstad in this business segment (4
versus 24) and it is not geographically diversified, since it focuses on the Norwegian sector of
the North Sea only. S. Ugelstad's organization is highly networked. The key reason, of
course, is that it will not have the scale needed to internalize the many key tasks to be
performed. To be cost efficient, networking is key.
Exhibit 5.3: S. Ugelstad: A Heavily Networked Organization
Source: Author
In general, we can argue that when a company is relatively small and focused, and pursuing a
focused strategy of, say, a Protect and Extend type, then shipping firms can probably
undertake relatively more external outsourcing and, hence, more networking. But the working
mode in the two organizations differs. While there will be relatively more well defined, often
more specialized, organizational tasks in Farstad, everyone must be prepared to perform a
broad spectrum of tasks in S. Ugelstad.
Bringing this discussion together graphically, Exhibit 5.4 provides a classification of various
types of network organizations, including portfolio, constellation, franchise and cooperative,
with examples of the companies discussed in this book so far.
Organizational Issues 151
Exhibit 5.4: Network Models
Source: Harbison et al., 2003, p. 12
On the horizontal axis, we have made the distinction between whether there is a strong need
for one lead decision-maker or one dominant organizational entity, which would typically be
the case when the firm is driving a more complex strategy to get the job done. If the strategy
is simpler, on the other hand, we could expect that more decentralized decision-making and
more organizational entities will do, opening up a more full-blown network, allowing a more
wide-band involvement, while still getting things done.
On the vertical axis we have made the distinction between whether there would be a need for
several core capabilities and competences to support the strategy, or whether there would be a
need for only a few capabilities to support the strategy. The former would apply when a firm
pursues several less commodity-oriented, more specialized niche strategiesseveral growth
driver business platforms. The latter would apply when the firm focuses on Protect and
Extend, i.e., one commodity-oriented business platform.
We can then identify four archetypes of strategies, each networked to a differing degree. The
upper left quadrant typically has a "Portfolio" type strategic structure, and this would
typically not be heavily networked in terms of outsourced activities. Examples might be
Farstad (Exhibit 5.2) and Norden. The upper right quadrant has what we might call a
"Constellation" organizational structure. This would typically be more heavily networked,
and one example would be S. Ugelstad (Exhibit 5.3). The more central networked activities,
such as a relationship between S. Ugelstad headquarters and operations, as well as a
relationship with the bank(s) and the shipbroker(s), would be part of the so-called inner
network. A number of other relationships, such as those with the ships, with the charterers,
with the auditors, and with legal network entities would be part of an outer network.
152 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
The bottom right quadrant consists of a network one might call a "Cooperative." Here,
virtually all the network relationships would be part of the inner network. There would be
relatively few relationships. The Dutch Seatrade pool organization is perhaps an example;
here, the (open and close) relationship between each pool participant and the center of the
pool would be the same for all family members. Finally, the "Franchise" network organization
is seen in the bottom left quadrant. The relationship that Klaveness has with each of its
investors may be an example of this, with Klaveness treating each investor with some distance
and in a more or less standard way, offering more or less similar service to each, indeed more
of a similarity to a franchise-type operation.
Overall, the key to successfully running any of these networked organizations is for the firm
to organize its people so it can best meet its objectives of serving customers. In most
shipping organizations this typically means heavy emphasis on projects. Network
organizations tend to be well suited to such project organizational work. It is also important
to emphasize that for network organizations to function, a cultural maturity must have been
established, where, as noted, the informal authority must be larger than the former
hierarchical position-based responsibility. Network organizations tend to be flat, not
hierarchical, and everyone must thus live up to the dictum "when in doubt do the right
thing." Professionals tend to work best in such settings when inspiredit is not a
"command and control" culture.
Focusing on the franchise-type organization in the bottom left quadrant of Exhibit 5.4, it is
interesting to observe that a company like Klaveness has a policy not to hold more than 50% to
75% ownership in any specific ship venture partnership, although this may not always be
achievable. It sees itself as having to sell its own ideas to others, and not force its own ideas on its
investment partners via legal ownership clout. This is all in line with the true spirit of networking.
Focusing once more on the left-hand column of Exhibit 5.4 (Portfolio form and Franchise
form), one can observe that one person, or a relatively small group of decision-makers, will
typically make the final decision here. The relatively complex strategy that such organizations
follow will call for this. It would probably be unrealistic to execute a complex strategy with
too much of a diffuse, networked-based organization. Often in shipping one person does,
indeed, make the final decisions. In classical shipping firms, which are diversified over a large
number of trades, this "final decision by one person"typically also the owneris common.
Considering the complexity of many shipping strategies, it will be key that final decision-
making can take place fast and be centralized. In the past, Leif Hoegh was an example of such
an organization. A. P. Moller-Maersk, Farstad, Norden, Klaveness, I. M. Skaugen, Frontline
and Teekay seem to have vested final decision-making in the hands of one or very few people,
such as: Maersk McKinney Moller, former chairman (who stepped down from this role at the
end of 2003), and Jess Soderberg, CEO of A. P. Moller-Maersk; Terje Andersen, CEO of
Farstad; Steen Krabbe, president of Norden; Tom Erik Klaveness, president and CEO of
Klaveness; Morits Skaugen Jr., CEO of I. M. Skaugen; John Fredriksen, CEO of Frontline;
and Bjorn Moller, president of Teekay.
Organizational Issues 153
Decisions often also come about by evolution, through extensive evaluation of a project's
merits over time. This will often imply incremental moves, simulations of how to best evolve
a strategy based on analysis of facts as they become available, i.e., through know-how-driven,
not belief-driven decision-making. When it comes to the timing of decisionsso key in
decision-makingthe organization must live with the issues until it sees the decisions as
natural. Of course, any good decision has to be accompanied by a basis of "feeling." After all,
there is an element of "art" in practicing good shipping strategies. Perhaps this element of
feeling is particularly important when it comes to network organizations, where all the
networking entities must be expected to participate according to their professional
capabilities, know-how and factsnot on loose beliefs. Again, a culture based on integrating
multi-disciplines will be key, as just discussed (see DiStefano and Ekelund, 2002). This
brings us to a more extensive discussion of what may perhaps be the most critical
dimensiona central focal pointin all shipping organizations, namely how the customer
must be handled.
Oldendorff Carriers
Founded in 1921 and based in Liibeck, Germany, Oldendorff is managed by its principal
owner, Henning Oldendorff, as chairman and Peter Twiss as president/CEO. The company
follows a strategy focused on bulker ships that range in size from Panamax and down. It is
ranked No. 4 in the world in Handy-size bulkers and No. 9 in Panamax bulk carriers. The
group has approximately 215 ships, 75 of which are owned. The remaining 140 are chartered
in from large Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Italian and Danish operators and/or owners. The
fleet consists of bulk carriers, container belt self-unloaders, multipurpose ships and open
hatch box-shaped vessels, but the majority is bulk carriers.
The company focuses heavily on building relationships with clients, trying to develop them
over the longer term. The major competition seems to come primarily from large Japanese,
Chinese and Korean shipowners. Oldendorff has an office with seven people in Shanghai. The
company has an integrated chartering and purchase/sales strategy. For instance, the reasoning
behind buying four five-year-old Panamax bulk carriers in mid-2003 was that it can do better
by owning these ships than by chartering them. It then plans to sell these four ships. This thus
calls for a close integration between the chartering and purchasing/sales organizations. In
many shipping organizations, these entities are too separated. Cross-cultural integration will
be key to making this operational (DiStefano and Ekelund, 2002).
It became obvious in the 1990s that a relatively small shipowner might not have enough
critical mass to serve the large cargo clients as a one-stop service provider. The question was
therefore: Could Oldendorff carriers grow by offering other owners pool participation? Or
154 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
could it form itself into a larger integrated owner/operator organization, with a portfolio of
owned assets, as well as medium- and long-term charter vessels?
The firm, under the leadership of Henning Oldendorff, chose the latter option. The group is
today exercising the long-term strategy of becoming one of the leading bulk shipping
operators, including focusing on offering bulk parcel and unitized cargo services. The
philosophy is that shipping is all about patient, long-term positioning, combined with
impatient quick decisive action when the turning points are there. The aim is to create a
focused organization with no more complexity than necessary, not easily sidetracked by
fringe activities relative to the strategy. Volume, market penetration and a strong position
within the few strategic core trades chosen were seen as key.
How can one serve the larger cargo customers in the best possible way, especially in a strong
market? The typical small operator, who might lack tonnage that would be available for longer-
term periods, may be reluctant to offer freight services on a long-term contract of affreightment
(CoA). He will not know what he will have to pay in charter party-wise for a ship that he will
need to charter in to perform the CoA. Maybe he will also be too small to be regarded as a safe
option by the shipper, who wants performance and security of supply. A large pool manager, in
a similar way, might not really be in a much better position. The ships that he operates in a
larger pool will also be working on fluctuating rate bases, which follow the market. Ships can
also leave the pool on short notice. The large pool operator will thus have no fixed time charter
costs as a base for his calculations regarding what would be acceptable freight levels. This will
thus not help him to lock in a margin, while simultaneously enabling him to offer a necessary
discount to the shipper for the long-term employment. It would only be the large
owner/operator, with a large fleet at his disposalbought or chartered in on a long-term basis
that can be a meaningful contract partner in this situation. A large owner can offer a reasonable
long-term ship service package, which might also provide the shipper with a discount.
In addition to its bulker shipping activities, Oldendorff has also owned Flensburger Schiffbau-
Gesellschaft yard since 1990, and it has shown a profit every year since then. The yard now
focuses mostly on building RoRo ships and is run totally at arm's length from the shipping
part of the group. It is rare for Flensburger to build ships for the group's shipping company.
Oldendorff feels that its organization must be open; there must be a fluid exchange between
all decision-makers, and the organization must run on a non-hierarchical, flat basis.
Accordingly also, Oldendorff s headquarters office is an open space, with "no walls."
Management values the company's independence, as quick decision-making without having
to ask "outsiders" may be vital in the cyclical shipping industry. This might mean more
effective market cycle management. Oldendorff further believes that decision processes in
shipping companies must be both top down and bottom up (macro and micro).
In micro terms, it is critically important that the various operating people, above all the
charterers, have a good focus on the various micro issues, including trip assignments, single
trip charters, clear understanding of positioning of one's own ship relative to the competition
in various trades, etc. To complement this, as far as macro aspects go, Oldendorff expects its
Organizational Issues 155
top management to have a firm grasp of the overall "map" of the broad development of the
markets, including a good view of the turning points. At the micro level, this picture will
typically look rather detailed, "nitty gritty," even confusing, with many conflicting inputs, at
times even creating an almost "chaotic" picture. Clearly, it is essential that top management
keep a more robust macro view of the market outlooka Leitbildl Further, the top must
"pump" energy into the micro activities, i.e., make sure that the operating organization does
not get bogged down in too much detail, etc., operating in line with the top-down vision that
the top management wants the firm to achieve.
In summary, top management must understand the macro picture of the industry, the
dynamics and the major trigger points. Top management must be comfortable with the in/out,
long/short decision pattern in the broader sense, and be ready to insist on execution. The
organization's bottom up component will consist of experts who understand the specific
markets, are very close to them and see their specific developments. They are, however, so
close to the markets that they "might not see the wood for the trees." It is only dialogue
between the two dimensions that creates a commercial success. Again, a multidisciplinary
culture will be keyto add glue to the integration of the levels in the firm (DiStefano and
Ekelund, 2002).
I. M. Skaugen
According to Morits Skaugen, it is critical to have a dual focus in the organization:
On the one hand, the market focus must be there, with direct access to the customers,
providing a service dimension to the customers that is real. To be the preferred
supplier is key!
On the other hand, it is equally important that a strong cost focus is there. One must
be the lowest cost producer, with strong cost discipline. This means heavy emphasis
on budgets and on performance monitoring relative to budgets, on both the revenue
generating side and the cost side. With the focus on strategic alliances, with all of
Skaugen's businesses now being in strategic allianceswith Teekay, A. P. Moller-
Maersk and Hubei Tian En budgetary control perhaps becomes more difficult. It is
now an issue of reconciling processes and systems on both the partner side and the
Skaugen side. A real problem is that this can lead to lack of transparency, lack of
focus and delays.
Norden states that its key customers must see the company as having:
Reliability: Norden must deliver on its promises. Here it is seen as key to think long
term and never become too keen to "squeeze" the last dollar and cent out of the
customer, say, during a period of freight market upturn.
156 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Flexibility: To satisfy the customer, Norden must match timing, location and
handling. To come up with logistics solutions that are innovative and reliable is
importantfor example, in one instance, the company found a way to ship cement
from Southeast Asia to the US during the Asian economy slump.
Empathy: Norden must respect the local culture and traditions of the customer.
In total, the key customers will hopefully feel they want to work with Norden!
The Torvald Klavcness Group
To reinforce a customer-centric focus, Klaveness' principles for its organization are: To
remain close to the customer, to be the customer's "first choice." This is quite analogous to
what we found in Norden and is based on:
Longer-term commitment and relationships.
The Klaveness organization is thus built to leverage long-term relationships and partnerships
with customers. To make this happen, Klaveness tries to build the future from today's
strengths, with heavy emphasis on innovation benefiting the customer.
Tom Erik Klaveness is consensus-seeking, but in the end realizes that he will have to decide.
He spends a lot of time talking with others, both within the organization and outside, before
final decisions are made.
A. P. MoIIer-Maersk
A. P. Moller-Maersk's organization is built around a senior executive committee consisting of
five people, including the CEO, Jess Soderberg. The former chairman, Maersk McKinney
Moller, also used to be on this committee. One member is responsible for the oil and gas area,
one for the liner shipping area, and one for tankers and tramp shipping, including crude
products, gas and bulk. Each of the five members of the executive committee is responsible
for several organizational responsibility centers that report to them. There are more than 40
such operating units.
With its enormous size, A. P. Moller-Maersk must clearly have a rather decentralized structure.
This is achieved by having clarity of focus regarding the many operating units and how they each
report to a member of the senior executive committee, with the operating activities clustered
Organizational Issues 157
under each. The geographic dimension is also well reflected in this organizational form. For
instance, there are large regional headquarters for the container liner businessin which Maersk
Sealand is clearly No. 1 in the worldin both Singapore and New York, which are located in the
center of the main markets. The overall portfolio issues are dealt with at the top, through the five-
member senior executive committee, in which each member has the title "shipowner."
A. P. Moller-Maersk draws its own organizational chart in an unusual way, as a circle (see
Exhibit 5.5), to emphasize both clarity of responsibility through autonomous decentralized units
and that it all is interrelated, through the five shipowners at the top of the firm, led by the CEO.
A. P. Moller-Maersk is a highly professional organization, run in a clear, consistent,
performance-driven mode. In many respects, it sets a benchmark within the shipping industry!
Exhibit 5.5: A.P. Moller-Maersk's OrganizationOver 40 Operating Units & 5 Shipowners
Source: A. P. Moller-Maersk Group, 2003
It is interesting to observe how commercial success can also lead to organizational problems
in companies in general, and in shipping companies in particular. This can be manifested in
several ways:
An increasing emphasis on "silos" or "kingdoms." Various departments within the
organization can increasingly take on their own life, focusing on what is going on
inside the silo and without enough cross-fertilization regarding interfaces with other
functions, meeting new business opportunities, etc. The result can be business
performance that is less than strong enough. It can also lead to a lack of overall
portfolio management. Finally, an inconsistent implementation of risk management
can also be the result. Success can thus lead to more sub-optimalization, through
158 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
increased tendencies toward fragmentationhardening of siloswithin the
Bureaucracy and internal politics can also increase. They are related to the silo
phenomenon. Individual executive status may become more important, to conform
with the norms of the organization. Addressing the key question of how business can
best be created may get lostdealing with internal norms for performance, rather than
the actual realities, can become the "norm"! For instance, in one instance we saw a
shipping company which claimed to be managing its business according to tight
professional financial control procedures. When this company entered into a joint
venture, it turned out that the financial control was slow, fragmented and did not fully
capture what went on in the business. It was, however, difficult for the management of
the company to face up to this discrepancy between reality and its own perception of
being a sophisticated financial entity. It was politically smarter for the shipping
executives in this type of organization to "deny" the reality. To do things "the right
way" for the given culture becomes less critical.
In line with this, one can observe that in these types of organizations, although credit
for success often tends to be taken at the top, blame for failures often tends to be
directed at the bottom of the organizational hierarchy. This can easily create a risk
averse culture, or even an uncommitted organizational culture, where nobody is really
willing to stick out their neck to achieve extraordinary performance.
A general requirement for the management of any shipping firm, therefore, will be the ability
to alleviate potential problems with success. One step might be to "translate" some general
policies into practical decision rules. Although it may be quite easy to "declare" an intent to
be customer-centric in principle, it will be much harder to actually have one's organization do
this in practice. Above all, this implies managing the total portfolio in terms of a customer-
centric focus. Every individual transaction must be evaluated this way, in the context of the
overall portfolio, not as a freestanding project. Management must also ensure effective
leverage and/or utilization of the firm's own resources vis-a-vis all middlemen to achieve
customer-centricity. Above all, shipping companies should perhaps be aware of brokers'
transaction biases, which might not necessarily be consistent with a customer-centric view.
The shipping manager must have a strong ability to say "no"the broker is often wrong, but
never in doubt!
It is also important to differentiate between "winners" and "losers" among executives in shipping.
The criterion of being able to effectively serve the customer will be key here. This means that
executives' performance must be open to evaluation. All transactions must stand up to scrutiny
and meet targetsalso relative to this criterion. For this, all execution must be effective and
efficient. A potential challenge in the shipping organization is the fact that key talents and key
brains tend to be too mobileit may be hard to keep them. And since customer-centricity
typically requires continuity and a long-term focus, a dilemma can arise. Hence, fair performance
assessment relating to customer satisfaction, as well as incentives, when justified, will be key.
Organizational Issues 159
See Business Opportunities Not Yet Obvious to Others
To be part of the marketplace and stay close to the customer, the shipping firm depends in the
extreme on having at least several key executives who keep a broad, external focus. It
probably also means that this part of the shipping organization must be eclectic, typically
international, in order to maintain a broader perspective, to generate truly new ideas on how to
see business opportunities. In short, the dynamic shipping organization must "lead the
market," not "be led by the market" (Kotler, Kumar and Scheer, 2000). This can perhaps be
particularly difficult in shipping, where the market mechanisms themselves play such an
important role. It can be a trap for shipping organizations to say, "the market dictates it all,"
so there is nothing for us to do in terms of creating non-commodity niches. On the contrary,
the customers are individuals also, and they do mattera proactive vision, not a "me too"
attitude is critical. The firm has to find new ways of thinking "out of the box." How can it do
this? How can it better understand what customer-centricity truly means? There are several
"Meeting Places" between "Problems" and "Solutions"
It is key to have extensive dialogues between executives in an organization who have
"problems" with a customer, say, in finding a better logistical approach, and those who might
have "solutions," say, new insights regarding innovative unloading equipment to better
integrate a broader part of the value chain into transportation approaches. Non-obvious
outside sources, such as shippers who might have particular transportation needs, might be
brought into the discussion. And the dialogue could also involve the shipping company's
technical experts, who might "see" solutions. The key here is to bring a broad set of people
from both sides of the table together to listen to each other, to truly try to understand each
other. Brainstorming without a set agenda is a good way. Clearly, this can best happen only
where solid relations already exist, based on trust. Non-intuitive solutions can often then
For the shipping company it is important to be able to argue for solutions that have clear
anticipated value for the client. In order to maintain the trust, it seems critical to keep a level
of sophistication that is "appropriate" for a given customer. Here, it is particularly important
for the shipping organization to be humble, not arrogantto work with the customer
effectively, not in effect to belittle the customer. But how can the shipping company actually
do this?
More Experimentation
It is important here to aim to try far-reaching solutions and to attempt to bring them to light
far more rapidly, perhaps through more innovative prototypingby trying faster, so that one
can also learn faster, even from initial setbacks! The dynamic shipping firm must therefore
make decisions based on creativity and personal interaction, so that experience building can
760 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
also can take place faster. One must practice "fail early to succeed sooner." Or, as Tom Erik
Klaveness says, "Put one toe in the water at a timenothing is called failure." It is key here
to create pressure on one's own team by doing, which is probably also going to mean trying to
simplifyto be sure that the central, often more difficult, issues are grasped. Simplification
probably also implies avoiding excessive data analysis and market tests ad absurdum. The
excessive use of software support packages, with their strong analytical capabilities, can in
fact become a barrier here, in the sense that it can induce a senseless "trial and error" attitude.
Instead, how can more systematic true learning take place? Let's find out.
More Systematic Learning
As indicated, there should be nothing called failureeverything should be called learning.
Andas also indicatedlearning must be generally based on gaining experience through
action. Top management must encourage the organization to actually try, to take action and to
learn from it. Top management must avoid stigmatizing particular executives associated with
occasional setbacks. Initiatives must be praised, not lead to punishments if they do not work
out as intended. The style of the CEO will thus be central here for building a learning
organization. As the head of the bulk shipping division of Norden says, he left a leading
shipping firm to join Norden and finds his present tasks truly stimulating because he is given
full support and "space" to be creative by the CEO. To give positive reinforcementpraise
will be vital (and very hard for many). This would also call for the development of curiosity
and a willingness to try unconventional new approaches. The question is how.
Juxtapose Traditional and Radical Business Views
This is related to the "meeting place" approach, discussed earlier. Both are key for thinking
"out of the box." Shipping is often traditional, some would even say largely non-intellectual.
As we have said, the heavy emphasis on the "laws of the markets" can easily dry out
unconventional thinking. Established truths of the industry must, however, be challenged.
There can be no sacred cows. Unfortunately, in many shipping companies, the opposite is at
times the case: "We are used to doing things our way here." In deriving inspiration from
unconventional sources, it is above all key to come up with non-intuitive solutions that are
inspired by lead customers. It is key to listen to these lead customers, not to treat them
arrogantly, or as distant. Openness and willingness to try what they might suggest, based on
humility, are important.
Fight "Not Invented Here"
As already noted, it is key to avoid a "we know best" attitude. The organization must avoid
specialized silo thinking in organizational "kingdoms." Homegrown or home-biased
organizational cultural structures and processes must not get in the way. In shipping
companies it may be particularly crucial to make sure that the project-based nature of the
value creationlinked to the customeris preserved. This implies not isolating, say, the
Organizational Issues 161
charterers from the operating organization. All key members of the organization should be
part of the team that meets the customers. Leif Hoegh does this for each of its two business
platforms, and so do others. Local information must not become a power base. For instance,
the chartering department must not "own" the relevant information vis-a-vis the customersit
should belong to the entire organization. To find new ways to serve the customer depends on
a broad sharing of information within each business area.
All in all, the above six principles should help to create customer-driven, commercially
focused shipping organizations. One must learn to see shipping organizations in this light by
actively developing a customer-centric, commercially focused culture. Nevertheless, a better
organizational culture alone will not, of course, generate dramatically increased commercial
results. For this, there will also be additional needs, particularly to ensure that key executives
with decision-making initiatives are in place. This is the topic of the next section, first in
terms of pointing out the importance of "internal entrepreneurs" in the shipping organization
and then discussing the roles of the CEO and the board of directors as key initiative takers for
creating economic value in the shipping organization.
Shipping companies need people who possess a special initiative for commercial value
creationthose who are willing to go the extra mile, beyond the customer-oriented and
commercially oriented organizational culture. Culture is, of course, important, but not enough.
Research from other contexts has shown that the internal entrepreneur needs to possess, above
all, three interrelated characteristics (Chakravarthy and Lorange, 2004).
First, the internal entrepreneur needs to have the ability to see opportunities in the
marketplace. As noted, he or she needs to have a close relationship with the customer and a
well-developed network of outside market contacts. And he or she must be able to approach
this with an analytic mind. This is in line with what we have discussed in the previous section.
Second, the internal entrepreneur needs to be able to identify the relevant competences that will
have to be put together to pursue a particular business opportunity. These competences might
come from inside the organization, as well as from outside sources. A clear network
understanding of where various sources of competences can be found is therefore necessary. This
implies a well-established set of relationships, not only inside one's own firm but also in the
shipping industry, as well as knowledge of other relevant areas where competences can be found.
This might include universities, technically driven classification organizations, consultants, the
government side, etc. Curiosity characterizes the mind of the internal entrepreneur!
Third, the internal entrepreneur must be able to implement, by mobilizing the organization,
and lead by providing inspiration and confidence building. The internal entrepreneur must, in
particular, be comfortable with the project-based network approach. He must lead by
"walking the talk," by inspiration, and not through hierarchy and formal titles.
162 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
The internal entrepreneur clearly needs to work closely with the CEO. But there is a dilemma
here. On the one hand, the internal entrepreneur does not want to be so close to the CEO that
he or she in fact loses the necessary freedom to create business actions. On the other hand, the
internal entrepreneur needs to be close enough to the CEO to make sure that the CEO can
maintain support for the initiatives that he or she raises, i.e., to back them up with resources.
A workable top-down/bottom-up relationship would be needed, as discussed before. Let us
now discuss the role of the CEOand the board of directorsin the economic value creation
process in some more detail.
In the past, the CEO of the traditional shipping firm was often also the majority owner, and he
would often have more or less all the say in the shipping organization. Many classical
shipping companies were built up around strong owner-CEOs, who ran their organizations
more or less dictatorially (Hoegh, 1970). Today, the CEO needs to be catalytic, less directive.
It is important that he or she is able to unleash the creative thrust of the entire organization in
a top-down/bottom-up dialogue. What are the key inputs from the CEO in such a dialogue?
First, the CEO needs to be a stimulator of visionary global thinking. As we have seen several
times earlier in this book, this is perhaps best exemplified by Henning Oldendorff. This means
that the CEO needs to demonstrate an open mind, true curiosity and an ability to get excited.
Above all, the CEO must also take the time to be with the organization, to participate in
potential new business projects. The CEO needs to "walk the talk" to demonstrate a readiness
(and ability) to contribute"let us sit down and think together." The CEO builds credibility
with his own key talents in this wayand this adds to the decision-making resolve in the firm.
Second, the CEO needs to push the key people in the organization for more speedy action,
and a good way is by allocating additional strategic resources to specific strategic project
initiatives. The CEO thus acts as a "pumping station" by making sure that key people talents
and funds are available. This is, for instance, what Thor Jorgen Guttormsen, the CEO of Leif
Hoegh, did when it came to the development of the SRV liquefied gas carriers. Here, the key
is to keep a keen eye on the timeline associated with the planned roll-out of a strategic project.
The CEO needs to ask: Can these milestones be passed even faster? Can I allocate more
resources to this project to speed it up and thereby increase its chances of success? It should
be pointed out that all of this contrasts starkly with typical budget-based resource allocation
when the CEO tends to ask his organization to "do more with less." When it comes to these
strategic programs, in contrast, it is important to recognize that innovations typically need
Let us now turn more specifically to the board of directors of the shipping company. It seems
important that the board in a shipping company be able to provide broad guidelines for the
various risks that the company should be taking, based on a thorough discussion of which
Organizational Issues 163
business platforms the shipping company should be in. Thus, the board must determine the
overall rudiments of the company's portfolio strategy. In a shipping company, strategyfrom
the board's perspectiveis prepared by mapping out the general direction that it would be
desirable to follow. At the same time, it is important that the board does not hold up specific
decisions. A shipping company can only thrive if decision-making is fast. The board must
give management enough leverage to act aggressively and independently within the overall
guidelines that the board has set, including which areas to be active in, which niche platforms
to pursue, and the risk levels to take, financing, leverage-wise, chartering-wise, etc. The CEO
and the top management can then appropriately "push" for decisions within this overall
As Pearce and Zarha point out (1991), there has to be a balance between the power of the
board and the power of the CEO. If one of the two entities dominates too much relative to the
other, then there will be a dysfunctional relationship.
Let me illustrate this with two cases where I have been involved myself:
Relatively too much power for the CEO. In this company, a large publicly traded
corporation, the CEO fortunately had a very strong command of the business,
understanding many of the details better than the board members, who all came from
other professions and industries. It turned out that he came to dominate the board
meetings, with long presentations and monologues, emphasizing that he felt things
were going in the right direction and how the good momentum could continue.
Because of his dominance, there was little dialogue on the board and consequently
little sensitizing at board level to potentially negative developments that might hurt
the company, and which would not be seen or recognized by the CEO.
Another example demonstrates the opposite, i.e., too much dominance by the chairman.
In this publicly traded company, primarily in the container business, the chairman
became too associated with the specific business activities of the firm. The CEO was
relatively weak and the chairman hence felt that he had to step in to make sure that
decisions were executed. He came to associate himself more and more with the CEO as
a result, and thus was increasingly tainted by the poor decisions made by the CEO,
because he was seen as having been rather close to them. Again, there was not a good
balance between the board and the CEO.
At Farstad the board is active when it comes to the strategy development of the firm. It meets
once per year to review the strategy, and also on an ad hoc basis when it comes to all major
investments, such as newbuilding contracts. The board also played an important role when it
came to the investment in P&O, when the company took over the remaining 50% of the
Australian operation. There seems to be a good balance at the top.
At Teekay, the board is composed of ten members, with strong, diverse competences and
coming from various geographic areas. It is seen as a source of know-how, to be drawn on by
164 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
top management for advice, perhaps particularly when it comes to key stakeholder issues
relating to major business contract moves, major financial moves, etc. The board is attempting
to implement strict governance practices. It is felt that the relatively strong stock price
enjoyed by Teekay, as well as its ability to raise significant amounts of public funds for
financing, are all positively related to the fact that the board is professional and follows strict
governance practices.
It is recognized that many decisions will have to be taken fast within shipping. The board
therefore focuses on the key strategic directions, allowing specific decisions to be taken fast
when needed. Here there is a strong working relationship between the CEO, Bjorn Moller,
and the chairman of the board, Sean Day. This strong relationship is seen as critical in making
the broader interaction between the board and the professional management a positive reality.
Needless to say, the close relationship here works due to the professionalism at all levels and
positions, which is in contrast to what we saw in the rather "incestuous" relationship between
the board chairman and the CEO of the container company, discussed above.
The board might, for instance, deal with the following agenda (Lorange, 2004):
The delineation of which business platforms the firm should aim to be active in, and
the risk/return target issues here. Are these particular business strategies realistic
and are the desired return targets realistic?
The downside scenario: Can the company survive an extended low case scenario of
the shipping markets when it operates cash-wise? What about the planned dividend
issues under various market scenarios?
The performance of the CEO and the upper management must be systematically
addressed, and the administration of effective management incentives must be
There will always be weak owners and shy managers who might tend to say "yes," for
example, to brokers. The board can play an important role here, to insist on
professional handling and review of projects.
Getting the right composition of the board is also essential. Should it consist of the
principal, the family, shipping experts and external experts? It is important here that the
external experts are not seen or treated as "hostages," but as true additional resources. At
Leif Hoegh, for instance, the board is clearly dominated by the family, which also has 100%
ownership control, as discussed before. Still, there are several outside members on the
board, including a former senior executive from a major oil company, with his expertise in
gas and energy issues, and a former senior executive from another major shipping company,
who can add a perspective on freight market developments and organizational issues, etc.
Transparency, independent information, monitoring of target execution, etc. are essential for
an effective board.
Organizational Issues 165
It goes without saying that the role of the board in shipping companies will be different than
what one would find in many industrial companies or banks. In the latter cases, the board
would be more directly involved in the specific asset commitment decisions, the specific
projects. This would probably not work too well in shipping companies, however, because
speed is of the essence. The board will therefore provide the overall guidelines, set the overall
parameters, create "preparedness" and then allow management to carry them out. Top
management must, of course, be totally loyal to the board. The fact that the board can be seen
as rather hands-off is, of course, an illusion. The reality is that the board exercises its "power"
by setting the frames within which the top management can operate, while not being directly
involved in specific projects to the same extent as in many other companies.
Let us now discuss how the know-how base developed in a particular shipping company
might be used by this organization to diversify into other industries. Some examples have
been successful, while others have turned out to be less successfuleven disastrous. It is
important to keep in mind that a healthy respect for complexity is key here. Many
companies have "diversified and died." Keep in mind, on the other hand, that many classical
businesses have kept their traditional business focus for too long, and thereby eventually
gone out of business. They have failed to see new opportunities in the market. It is therefore
important to constantly redeploy one's relevant competences in a concerted effort to seek
new business opportunities. The question, however, is how far one should go at any point
(Levitt, 1975).
In the shipping industry, we certainly have many examples of large companies not adapting to
new opportunities and eventually going out of business. We saw this a long time ago during
the shift from sailing ships to steamers, and then later from steamers to diesel ships, as well as
when it came to the switch to larger, more sophisticated ships. Companies that dominated
particular areas typically more or less went out of business later on, often largely due to their
inability to see how to redeploy their relevant competences in emerging new niches.
The Mallorys of Mystic, Connecticut, are a good example (Baughman, 1972). The Mallory
family started out in the whaling business. Based on this competence, the company soon
diversified into running commercial sailing ships operating worldwide. When the era of steam
ships came, the Mallorys were quick to enter into various steam segments too. The company
did not, however, follow up on the subsequent technological developments. It did not convert
into diesel ships or larger ships, and it failed to run ships under more competitive flags than
the US flag. All of this eventually led to the demise of this once very substantial company.
Let us return to the example of S. Ugelstad Shipping Co., which was founded in 1929, and
was involved in various types of tramp shipping, both tankers and bulk. One of the earliest
tankers was bought from British Petroleum the year the company was founded and became
the basis for further growth and specialization within the tanker segment. At one point in time
166 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
(1951), the company owned the then biggest crude oil carrier tanker in the entire Norwegian
commercial fleet. The company was, however, unable to expand into very large crude
carriers, perhaps due to lack of capital. Eventually the company more or less faltered, through
its focus on smaller, less and less competitive crude oil tankers. S. Ugelstad eventually
utilized what remained of its relevant competences to diversify into the supply ship market,
which emerged when oil was found in the North Sea, off Norway, in the mid-1970s. This led
to an eventual withdrawal from the tanker business and expansion into the offshore supply
ship business segment. The company was thus able to survive, but barely, due to a too slow
rate of adaptive response.
Let us now take a look at some successful examples of shipping competences leading to
diversificationimpressive adaptive responses! Following these successful examples will be
a few less successful ones.
Success Stories
District Offshore is active in both the offshore supply ship business and the trawler fishing
business. The seafarer capabilities it pioneered in the fishing industry were subsequently
utilized in the offshore supply business. Many of the offshore supply ship companies are
in fact based in the western part of Norway. The availability of all seamen here, brought
up with experience in the fishing fleet, is one of the key success factors. Clearly, there is a
positive competence interchange between fishing ship activities and offshore supply ship
activities. This is an example of so-called clusters, where, as already noticed,
commercially viable competences are built up through a focus on several related areas
this would for instance also include shipbuilding and ship equipment (Reve and Jakobsen,
Fred Olsen and Smedvig were both active in the tanker business. Based on this, they
diversified into the offshore oil platform business, above all semi-submersibles. They
subsequently developed these offshore semi-submersible platform businesses into large
organizations on their own, a successful diversification indeed. Smedvig eventually withdrew
from the tanker business.
As pointed out earlier, several shipping companies have diversified into land-based activities,
using their competences in logistics and their understanding of broader value chain issues.
Maersk Sealand has, for instance, diversified into harbor terminals, warehouses and the
transportation of containers via truck. Klaveness has also diversified into land-based activities
for some of its specialized businesses and with the bulk carrier-based know-how at the core.
Jebsen operates several harborswith rugs, storage facilities, quays and all. When it comes to
chemical tankers, companies such as Stolt-Nielsen, Oddfjell, Joe Tankers and Tokyo Tankers
have diversified into land-based specialty chemicals storage terminalsalso successful
strategies. Broadening the value chain has been the driving force behind all of thisto serve
the customer base even better!
Organizational Issues 167
Less Successful Diversifications
Several other shipping companies have diversified into land transportation, but without
seemingly creating strong competence-based synergies here, and without much success.
Initially, the Norwegian shipowner Ludvig Braathen ran a successful tanker shipping
company. He then diversified into air transportation and eventually withdrew from shipping.
The air transportation companyBraathenswas eventually taken over by SAS. It was never
a huge success. Fred Olsen, a major Norwegian shipowning company, also diversified into the
airline business. His companyFred Olsen Airlineswas never successful either. He then
bought Sterling Air, with which he has had some success. A. P. Moller-Maersk created the
company Maersk Air. This company has never had the commercial success that most of the
rest of the A. P. Moller-Maersk Group has enjoyed. All in all, the diversification into air
transportation does not seem to have created long-lasting successes. The customer base that is
being served here is indeed not the same as in shipping.
Many shipping companies have also diversified into shipyards. To cite the A. P. Moller-
Maersk Group again, this company diversified into the Odense Steel Shipyard in 1917/18,
which subsequently became the Lindoe Verft. This yard has developed a series of ships for
A. P. Moller-Maersk. It has been claimed that this gave the company an initial time advantage
over its competition, when it came to introducing new, innovative types of ships. For instance,
as noted, a series of double hull crude oil tankers were developed in the late 1980s, creating a
pioneering niche for A. P. Moller-Maersk. More recently, a series of more than 30 POST
PANMAX container vessels were developed for Maersk Sealand. These ships gave its liner
business an advantage over the competition of several years. All in all, the link with the yard
has given the group a definite strategic advantage. Recently, however, the shipyard has run
into large problems, due to the lack of profitability. As already noted, the Egon Oldendorff
group has owned the Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft since 1990. It has turned a profit
every year, but has largely not built ships for the parent group. It is thus not strategically
related to the group's shipping activities, although successful.
There are many other examples of commercial, unsuccessful links between shipowners and
shipyards: the J. Lauritzen Group and Danyard; Fred Olsen and Aker; Bergesen and
Rosenberg; Brostrom and Eriksberg; etc. These links between shipping and shipyards have
turned out over time to be unproductive commercially. Perhaps this reflects a lack of
realization that, although for many years the capacity side was criticali.e., the option to get
new tonnage fastand control over one's own yard capacity was an advantage, today there
has been a shift toward more solution-oriented, door-to-door activities. The challenge now is
perhaps not to extend the value chain much more into ship capacity, but to extend it into
better understanding the customer via more tailored, door-to-door solutions.
There are many examples of non-related diversifications too. As we have seen, some of the
Asia-based shipping companies have gone into other activities, such as real estate. The
A. P. Moller-Maersk group in Copenhagen has diversified extensively into a number of
industrial holdings, such as making plastic-based products (Rosti) and supermarkets (Dansk
168 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Supermarket). Some of these diversifications seem to be going well. There are also many
examples, however, of ill-advised non-related diversifications. S. Ugelstad, for instance,
diversified into a yard spinning business (Dokka Bomuld Spinneri) with poor results.
In conclusion, as far as the core requirements of shipping organizations are concerned, we
have emphasized the need to develop the necessary human resources to pursue a particular
strategy, and where the focus to achieve this has been very much built around developing
network organizations, reflecting the typical project-based, flat organizational reality
associated with projects within the shipping industry today. Driving all of this is a clear
customer orientation, a clear commercial focus in the organizational culture, and an emphasis
on initiative takers, both from internal entrepreneurs and from the level of the CEO with the
board of directors.
We have thus discussed several issues relating to a shipping company's organization. From an
asset value point of view, the headquarters organization of a shipping company tends to be
very small. Similarly, when looking at the number of employees in such a company, the bulk
of them are employed on the ships, with only a few at the headquarters. We have also seen
that many shipping companies are managed by strong, charismatic leaders, some of whom
also have a significant ownership stake in the firms they lead. This all represents challenges
when it comes to organizational design and achieving organizational effectiveness. We have
given several guidelines for coping with this.
It seems key that a strong leader is particularly critical in the shipping firm. He or she must of
course be entrepreneurial and business focused and must have a strong bent toward achieving
consistency. We have repeatedly seen that focus and simplicity seem critical. Above all, this
means that the organization can probably only effectively cope with a relatively small number
of markets and similarly serve a relatively narrow group of customers.
The Future of the Industry 169
Ownership in shipping is not so different from any other industryyou get some companies
with strong individual owners running the business with strong personal control, others with
private owners but relying on profess ional management teams, and still others with diverse
public owners which includes money managers, pension funds, and grandmothers. I mention
this because there seems to be a lot of focus on the traditional image of the ship owner rather
than on the shipping company and its central role in this economic sector.
Sohmen-Pao, 2003, p. 4
From old traditions to future innovations.
Tom Erik Klaveness, Annual Partnership Speech, January 2003, p. 37
We think globally and act locally.
Damskips Selskapet Norden AS, Annual Report, 2002, p. 22
The decision-making structure in private shipping firms may differ significantly from that in
public shipping firms. To secure proper valuation, public firms must be structured
appropriately for the financial markets. There will be a heavy burden on management to
comply with a number of reporting rules, which can delay decision-making significantly.
Private firms, however, can take advantage of quick decision-making. But they must have a
dynamic organizational structure to allow for this speed. Formality and reporting constraints
can be less rigid, but the board of directors must then be dominated by the private owners. By
contrast, if top management has relatively free hands, without clear, long-term targets set by
the board, then it may not make that much of a difference whether a company is private or
There are, above all, five characteristics of the shipping business that tend to make the
shipping industry, on average, less attractive for investors on the stock markets. (These
characteristics can, however, represent opportunities for private shipowners who can
effectively adapt to and tackle these rather difficult characteristics.)
170 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Insufficient liquidity, due to the typical capital intensity and long-term nature of this
type of business.
Family/owner combinations, often combined with minority shareholder conflicts, that
create confusion on the ownership and management side, as well as a great deal of
potential instability and discontent.
Insufficient possibilities for creating economies of scale: "A ship is a ship" and "there
is no economy in this."
Accepting too low returns, often backed up by the availability of "subsidized capital,"
such as the German Kommanditgesellschaft (KG) market. This is similar to the
Norwegian komandittselskap (KS), which was explained in Chapter 3. The German
KG market continues to be strong. In the past, this was primarily driven by benefits
due to depreciation and tax effects. Now it is linked to benefits investing in ship
tonnage, again linked to tax effects.
Persistent overinvestment, analogous to what can be found in the airline industry.
Major airline carriers, such as Lufthansa, British Airways, etc., are not providing
sufficient returns to their shareholders and investors. There are, however, examples of
very lucrative airlines, such as Ryanair and Southwest Airlines. The key is to develop
shipping companies that fall into the same high-performing category.
Many shipping business projects are inherently long term, lasting, say, five to ten years. The
charters involved are typically longer term, and normally at relatively low rates, which allows
for long-term financing and higher gearing. The value creation dimension in such projects is
typically based on the residual value of the ship after the ten years. During these ten years,
perhaps there would be no more dividend or surplus payout, i.e., effective return on equity,
since all funds generated would be applied to paying the loan. For a publicly owned company,
it may be difficult to participate in these types of deals, given that such a company will always
want to maintain a relatively steady, more short-term oriented performance to allow it to keep
its dividend payments and its stock price up. Entering into long-term, relatively low margin
dealsnot uncommon in shippingwill typically have the effect of lowering the short-term
performance of a company and might thus be difficult for a publicly held firm. There is thus
an opportunity niche for privately held firms to enter in a more long-term way. Privately held
firms do not need to worry about steady dividend payments, thus financial long-term
structures can make good sense. Several privately held firms have been built up based on
longer-term charters, through long-term accumulation of equities. Bergesen, for example,
based its initial growth on long-term charters from major oil companies. Short-term earnings
dilution is thus a first factor that can give the privately held firm an advantage.
The typical shipping project deal can also seem rather risky to many investors. As Tom
Erik Klaveness states, "Some people say that shipping is the same as any other business,
but with a couple of extra zeros. The stakes and volatility in this business are very high."
(Ward and Lief, 2002, p. 1). Thus, it might be easier to enter into such deals when the
The Future of the Industry 171
decision-making power and the ownership side are combined. In such cases, the decision-
maker can assess whether the riskiness of the deal is in line with the risk propensity of the
owner, which will now be the same as the decision-maker's. When ownership and
decision-making are split, and when ownership is fragmented, it may be more difficult to
reach consensus regarding propensity toward risk in decision-making. The privately held
firm can probably be more effective in such business settings. The ability to follow the
firm's risk profile more consistently might thus be a second factor that makes life for the
private firm easier.
Shipping projects may also often need fast decision-making. For the publicly traded firm with
professional leadership and a board of directors, all, of course, need to be involved. The result
can be back-and-forth interactions and iterations. This can result in a longer-term, more
cumbersome decision-making process than would be characteristic of the privately held firm,
whereas notedthe owner and the senior decision-maker are often one and the same.
Speed of decision-making is thus a third factor than can make the family firm more readily
effective. For the family-owned firm this assumes that its board of directorstogether with
the owner/manageractually exercise control, set clear, long-term targets, insist on
professionalism, etc.
Finally, the potential problem of too much bureaucracy in the large, publicly held firm can be
devastating for innovation and business-based value creation. A "lean and mean" family firm
can have an advantage here (Hamel and Valikangas, 2003). Research carried out by Denison,
Lief and Ward (2004) indicates that the well-managed family-owned firm can indeed
outperform the publicly traded firm. Their data show that the culture in the family-owned firm
can be more performance-oriented when the firm is run in a highly professional way.
Henning Oldendorff characterizes his father as having been conservative and bold at the same
time, cost conscious down to the detail, but generous when he sensed a rewarding business
opportunity: "He had the courage to go his own way and did not listen to the faint-hearted.
But he was cautious enough to steer a prudent course for the long-term benefit of the
Company and his employees. All of us, whether aboard or ashore, will continue to live up to
the founder's standards of commitment and responsibility, which had always been high."
(Oldendorff, 2004).
I. M. Skaugen is publicly traded and sees the benefits of being public by having transparency,
a clearly articulated strategy and fast reporting to the markets. The fact that the company is
public makes for additional discipline, which is seen as good for the business. At the same
time, the family-owned part of the business provides a sense of stability. In Morits Skaugen's
opinion, the company would never have been able to turn around in the 1990s if it were not
for the family backing. In theory, the publicly traded firm would also allow family members
to exit from the business. In practice, this has not been possible, in the sense that the values of
the shares typically would be far less than the underlying value of the firm. All Skaugen
family members have thus elected stay in.
172 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Farstad Shipping also feels that it is beneficial for the company to be publicly traded. Again,
this sharpens its ability to show transparency in all financial matters, as well as to be able to
better communicate a financial strategy and the underlying basic strategies. The Farstad
family owns approximately 52% of the shares; a large part of the remaining shares are in
foreign hands. Farstad has not, however, used the stock market to raise additional capital for a
long time. Presently it feels that this might lead to too much dilution, given the relatively low
stock price compared to the underlying asset values. Debt financing, coupled with internally
generated funds, has therefore been the basis of the firm's expansion.
"What he [Torvald Klaveness, founder] feared the most was having children who would
waste everything that he had built up. You can read that clearly in the shareholders'
agreement. In his time, shipowners were 'Mr. Big,' but he saw the families [of many of them]
disintegrate. He saw the values disintegrate. And that he did not want. He had a clear identity
for his company." (Ward and Lief, 2002, p. 4).
To safeguard the proper evolution of the family-based company, there was a shareholder
agreement at Klaveness that regulated management succession. Among other things, it
stipulated that the aim was to preserve decision-making in the company, to promote
individual professional growth of those active in the firm, and to protect the accumulation of
assets and wealth in the firm as a going concern. Those family members who held the
ownership also had to work actively in the company. And only one family member from each
of the two owning branches of the family could be active in the firm. This meant that other
family members from each branch had to be bought out. The issue of "watering down" and/or
fragmenting the family ownership side is thereby addressed, maintaining a certain
concentration of ownership in the hands of the active members of the family.
At Leif Hoegh & Co. the family ownership is held in a few handsinitially by the founder,
and until recently by two brothers, and now by two sons, one from each side, i.e., two cousins.
All other members of the family have been bought out. The owners had to borrow funds to do
thisa clear sign of commitment. The "pruning of the family tree" thus seems to have the
effect of adding focus and commitment on the part of the remaining owners. At Leif Hoegh
the owners are not active in running the firma professional management team does this. The
owners exercise their influence via an active board presence.
At Tschudi & Eitzen, founded in 1883, there has been one partner from each family side since
the start. Today the fifth generation is working together. Interestingly, a decision has now
been made to split the ownership between the two sidesperhaps to more fully allow each
family side to follow its own strategy.
Many shipping companies go under because of bad succession planning. The next generation of
the family may simply not have the talent needed to run a complex, modern shipping company.
The Future of the Industry 173
They may thus end up taking the firm down. At the same time, one must of course allow talented
family members to participate in the company. The question is how to allow such family talent to
maintain a role in the family firm, while pursuing and maintaining professionalism.
As noted, in family-oriented companies, such as Leif Hoeghas well as A. P. Moller-
Maersk, Farstad and othersnon-family members have taken over as president/CEO. The
role of the family here shifted to that of playing roles on the board of directors, typically with
a family member serving as chairman. This means that the family-owned firm will
compensate the owners through dividends, rather than having the more active family members
compensated via salary. In cases where the less active ones have to rely on dividends but the
active ones are paid a salary, the possibility of friction and conflict can arise. Non-active
family members might easily see the active family members as "milking the firm" (several
examples exist). This underscores the importance of having a way to "prune the family tree,"
as seen at Klaveness, Leif Hoegh and Tschudi & Eitzen.
It goes without saying that the dynamics of families themselves often tend to lead to more and
more family owners, with some owners taking up interests other than shipping in each
generation. It therefore follows that it can be important to develop an exit structure for those
who are not involved in shipping or, alternatively, to develop an ownership structure that a
broader set of the family membersideally allcan accept and be happy with.
One way to do this is through following a rather "liquid" strategy for the shipping company.
An example is Fairmont Shipping, based in Hong Kong, which follows a strategy with an
exclusive focus on Handy-size bulk carriers, where various ship assets can easily be sold
without having a significant impact on the overall operations of the group. This means that
non-interested family members can be bought out for cash. Unfortunately, there are many
examples of shipping companies where this would be difficult, simply because the capital
should be kept in the firm to maintain the firm's viability and competitiveness. In the liner
business, for instance, there seems to be a tendency toward investing to winor disappear. It
will then be dangerous to take too much cash out of such firms, given the fact that size and the
capital base will be critical for the firm's viability.
There may be two options here. The firm can develop a long-term dividend payment strategy.
This, in turn, requires a shipping strategy that allows for the generation of enough free cash
flows to allow for the dividend payments. Or the firm can diversify to afford the owners
"risk/portfolio protection," normally undertaken by the individual owner-cum-investor
himself. An example of a company in this category is the A. P. Moller-Maersk Group. It is the
largest shipping company engaged in the worldwide liner shipping business, and is becoming
excessively capital intensive. In addition, A. P. Moller-Maersk has diversified into a number
of other shippingand non-shippingareas, such as oil, shipbuilding and industrial
activities. The company has a multi-platform shipping business strategy and a diversified base
that allows it to pay a steady dividend stream. The interests of the various owners should,
therefore, be covered, even though none of the next generation is actively involved in the
shipping company, except for on the board.
174 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Another example would be Suisse Atlantique in Lausanne, Switzerland, which is dominated
by the Andre family. This company is diversified, as noted, into the conventional Panamax
bulk carrier segment and the 2,800 TEU container ship segment. It has three of the latter plus
two on order. It turns out here, too, that it would be difficult to sell off ships to allow some
owners to exit, since to be "viable" the company needs to have a certain minimum size, not
least when it comes to its container ship fleet. Again, a steady dividend policy would be the
It seems as if the succession in family firms works best when it is based on one or two
principles: Either the ownership side is closely held, and typically combined with active
management so that non-active family members in the firm are bought out by those who
remain active in the firm, or the family members withdraw from active participation in the
management of the company, and instead play their role as members of the board. Examples
of the former are Klaveness, Tschudi & Eitzen and Oldendorff (Henning Oldendorff). At
Tschudi & Eitzen, the fourth generation of family members is now managing the company,
one from each side of the family. Other family members were bought out, and it is stipulated
that only one active manager/owner should participate from each family. Examples of the
latter are Leif Hoegh (Westye Hoegh, chairman; Thor Jorgen Guttormsen, president/CEO)
and Farstad (Sverre Farstad, chairman; Terje Andersen, president & CEO).
We have already discussed the potential problem that can arise when owners and managers
have different risk profiles. When there are several family members on the ownership side
who have different personal risk profiles, it may also be difficult to reach decisions in the
shipping area. For instance, the Lemos family of Greece had several bulk carriers, but the
eight family members who owned the company were not able to agree on a long-term policy
for operating the ships. It became clear that they had different attitudes toward risk. Marsoft
was asked to manage the ships, with the mandate to sell them at the right time, rather than for
the company to continue. For family-based companies, differences in propensities toward risk
can be such a difficult issue that the only way out is to liquidate the firm. Or, as in the case of
Tschudi & Eitzen, to split the firm into two autonomous parts, where the two families part
A study by Lorange and Norman (1971a) found that many independent shipowners indeed
had a risk neutralor even in some cases a risk-pronepropensity toward risk taking. We
would normally not expect this to be rational behavior, in the sense that we would
typically expect risk aversion or, at most, risk neutrality. Interestingly, most of the
shipping companies reviewed in that study have since gone out of businessperhaps not
surprising, given the risk propensity of the decision-makers. As noted, many Norwegian
shipowners changed to more asset-play dominated strategies when their operating costs
went up relative to those of owners in many other countries. Perhaps this turned out to be
too risky for many!
The Future of the Industry 175
The need for capital is becoming greater and greater in the shipping industry. It may therefore
be difficult for the privately held firm to raise sufficient capital to participate in many emerging
shipping projects. The need for additional capital has led several shipping companies to go
public to gain access to cheap capital on the capital market, and thus be able to continue to
growhopefully at a faster rate. Several of these firms have, however, kept large blocks of
stock in the hands of the founding family. In Farstad, for instance, the family owns more than
52%; and in District Offshore the dominant ownerSimon Mogsterowns more than 50%.
This heavy family influence in publicly held firms can lead to a substantial "discount" in the
stock price, relative to the underlying values. This is due to a number of factors. First,
everyone knows that these "quasi-family" publicly traded firms can probably never be taken
over without the consent of the family. There is thus not so much upside in the stock price
because a potential takeover raid or bid from an outside source is unlikely. Second, the
volume of freely traded shares will often be rather limited, given the large family involvement
and the resulting high fraction of illiquid stock. This may also limit the growth of the stock
price. Third, external communication is key. This should be ample and clear. Many shipping
companies, particularly when dominated by family owners, may be lax in their
communication with the financial markets, which again, may lead to lower valuations. The
Fred Olsen dominated publicly traded firms "Ganger Rol f and "Bonheur" come to mind,
which are known to be rather secretive, with only the sparsest information disclosed to non-
family investors {Aftenposten, October, 29 2003).
If such a firm, therefore, wishes to tap the capital markets for capital through publicly floated
stocks, it will be important to create a strong sense of trust vis-a-vis the financial markets
through full transparency, consistently applied over time. This implies that a shipping
company must not, for instance, keep potentially more "interesting" deals private, for itself,
while assigning the more risky shipping deals to the publicly traded part of the firm.
Realistically, one cannot do private business in the context of a publicly traded company. All
business opportunities must be placed in the same corporate entity. This is a prerequisite for a
strong stock market-driven strategy.
Frontline, under the leadership of John Fredriksen, has succeeded in obtaining a far better
pricing of its shares in the financial market than any other family-dominated firm. It has given
the financial markets a clearly focused company, i.e., in VLCCs (very large crude carriers)
and Aframax oil tankers. This is transparent and easy to understand. In addition, Fredriksen
has three other publicly traded companies, all focused on a very specific industry:
Nordic Offshore
Nordic Oil: oil production.
176 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
The stock market seems to appreciate this focus, as reflected in the pricing of the shares. This
could perhaps be seen in contrast with companies, such as Bergesen (before it was sold to
Worldwide Shipping) and Leif Hoegh (before it was taken private) and Fred Olsen's "Ganger
Rol f and "Bonheur."
Fourth, the shipping communityfairly or unfairlyis often perceived as providing a low
return on investment, with an associated low stock valuation. The Oslo Stock Exchange,
above all, tends to provide lower valuations than, say, New York. Fifth, it is important to
have outside members on the board. In order to get a proper valuation for the stock, there
must definitely be good outside board members and transparency. Sixth, it is preferable for
managers to put in their own money, thus showing that they are committed. In this regard,
managers must lead. And, finally, the strategies that the firms communicate must be clear.
Such communication must include the strategy, the risks, the projected cash flows, etc.,
even quantitatively. A shipping company must prove to the capital market that it does have
control, that it is well organized, that it is transparent, that it has a robust strategy, etc.
However, managers can often miss the strategy and the big picture; owners can often miss
the reality. For several firms that have ultimately gone private, the development of their
stock price has been rather disappointing. There has thus been a discernible trend for the
controlling families of several of these companies to take them private againas evidenced
by Leif Hoegh.
Exhibit 6.1 gives an overview of the development of the share price in Leif Hoegh & Co.
from April 2000 until April 2003. Note that the share was generally rather depressed. The
book value of the ships was, in fact, around 120 NOK per share. One might thus buy shares at
a significant "discount."
Exhibit 6.1: Leif Hoegh & Co. Offer Price vs. Share Price (NOK)
Source: DnB Markets, 2003
The Future of the Industry 177
Leif Hoegh's decision to go private took place in several stages. One can expect that some
shares, belonging to particularly "friendly" ownership groups, would be acquired immediately,
hi Leif Hoegh's case, this meant that the ownership share for the family increased by another
17%. We do not know the share price for this additional 17%, but it may have been less than the
offer price for the remaining finally outstanding shares of 17%, which was set at NOK 124.
Anyhow, the family acquired the remaining share, and now, as noted, it owns the company
outright. The family enjoyed a "hidden arbitrage effect" in the sense that the valuation of the
firm would now be, say, the equivalent of 125 NOK per share, while the stock market price was
dramatically less. In addition to the more proper valuation, the company's being private also
significantly simplifies the decision-making processes, as well as lessening the requirements of
compliance with public governance requirements, reporting rules, etc.
In further examples, Awilco was also taken private by the Anders Wilhelmsen family. Bergesen
was not taken private, but was sold, in 2002, by the controlling owners, Morten Bergesen and
Petter Sundt, to Worldwide Shipping in Hong Kong, another privately controlled firm, with
Helmut Sohmen-Paothe son-in-law of the late Y. K. Paoin charge. One probable reason
might have been that the stock price for the owners could never be achieved by maintaining the
"quasi- family" semi-public status, thus allowing the majority owners to realize the true
underlying values more extensively by selling out to a group willing to pay for their firm's true
value, not least due to the synergy between the seller's and the purchaser's firms.
Another contrast between the family firm and the publicly traded firm is the degree of long-
term focus on developing relationships with key customers. The privately held firm can
perhaps develop long-term "partnerships" with key customers more easily than the publicly
traded company. The pressure toward consistent bottom-line results may mean that the latter
simply cannot afford to "invest" in long-term customer development approaches. This
"conflict" turned out to be one of the key drivers leading to the split between Leif Hoegh and
Ugland, when the former bought out the latter from the HUAL car carrying business, which
was previously held 50:50 by the two companies and involved the joint ownership of a large
fleet of specialty car carriers. As long as Ugland was a private company, things seemed to
develop smoothly; yet, when Ugland became publicly listed in London, a more financially
driven strategic focus emerged. This led to a conflict between the two owning groups and
made it more difficult to take a long-term customer-oriented "partner" view. By buying out
Ugland, Leif Hoegh was thus able to maintain what it considers a more effective longer-term
partnership strategy with key customers.
Strategic alliances represent another way for the shipping firm to get access to more capital.
There are many types of strategic alliances, as evidenced in Exhibit 6.2, ranging fromon the
one handone-time, very short, arm's-length contracts, typically representing a shorter,
smaller type of strategic alliance, toon the other handa complete merger or acquisition,
typically representing a longer-term "strategic alliance" (Contractor and Lorange, 2002).
178 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Exhibit 6.2: A Spectrum of Cooperative Arrangements
Source: Contractor and Lorange, 2002
One way to raise capital for the privately held firm can be through close partnership between
a few private people around specific ship deals. The so-called Kommanditgesellschaft, as
noted, is one way of raising such private capital, widely used in Germanyand in Denmark
and Norway with its KS variation. Having outside investors in particular ships is also a rather
common practice. Klaveness, for instance, takes the following approach: "We still avoid
owning more than 50% to 75% in partnerships..." (Ward and Lief, 2002).
Following this exhibit, we can, on the one hand, look at alliances that are focused on joint
ownership in one ship, such as co-investing in a particular ship asset. Alternatively, we can
think about pools, where various shipowners cooperate with their ships during a joint
commercial "regime." For instance, looking at The Torvald Klaveness Group, we can see
examples of both! We have a split equity capital behind the ships under direct Klaveness
control, as given in Exhibit 6.3.
Exhibit 6.3: Equity CapitalThe Torvald Klaveness Group, Controlled Ships in 2002
Source: Klaveness, 2003
Further, one can see from Exhibit 6.4 that the various pool participants come from a variety of
countries, with 25 partners. It should be noted that Klaveness has typically invested in the
ownership side of most of these ships too.
The Future of the Industry 179
Exhibit 6.4: A Spectrum of Cooperative Arrangements in The Torvald Klaveness Pool
Source: Klaveness, 2003
We can also think about joint ownership in a particular business platform, such as the 50:50
ownership in the US oil lighterage business that I. M. Skaugen developed and subsequently
sold 50% to Teekay Shipping in Vancouver. Further, one can think about major shareholding
positions in public companies. The Pritzker family of Chicago and the Anders Wilhelmsen
family of Oslo each own approximately 25% of the shares in Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines.
Indeed, this is a strategic alliance in the sense that the two families, through stockholder
agreements, control the board of RCCL.
A second dimension of alliances has to do with the "psychology of stakeholders." Several factors
are important here. The first is transparency. Everyone must feel that all data are available to
each partner, and that each partner is being treated fairly relative to the others. This may be
particularly important in cases of part ownership in one ship, pool arrangements, etc. Second,
economic performance is critical. If economic performance falters, we would expect more
adverse relationships between the partners. This may be ironic, but it seems as though strong
economic performance is virtually a "precondition" for successful strategic alliances. And third,
the chemistry between the partners, in terms of broad sets of friendships, say, between family
members on both sides is important. A good example here is Jebsens' partnership with the
Aboitiz group in Cebu, the Philippines, where a strategic alliance to operate shipping activities in
Asia has been in effect for more than 25 years, with positive economic results for all but one of
the years. The strong relationship, indeed, close friendships, between many family members on
both sides is claimed to be a major reason for the stability of the alliance.
A shipping company does of course not necessarily need to put all its investment into the
ships or "steel" itself. It could also consider investing in other shipping companies' stocks and
thus be a participant in the shipping industry via holdings of shipping company stocks. One
180 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
example of this is Awilco, owned by the A. Wilhelmsen family of Oslo, Norway. Awilco
today has two traditional business platformstankers and offshore supply platforms for the
accommodation of crews, i.e., commodity and niche respectively.
In addition, it follows a more untraditional mode of investments in stock listed companies
all, however, within the shipping and offshore segments. For this, it utilizes its knowledge
about the underlying shipping markets and decides where it can get the best return, i.e., steel
(owned) or shares. Awilco has invested in several companies exposed to the containerand
dry bulkmarkets. Its experience has been that it can take positions in these companies
before the majority of the institutional investors discover that the underlying markets are
performing well. There are relatively few investors worldwide with in-depth knowledge of the
shipping and offshore business. As result, the major investment banking houses have perhaps
not dedicated their best analysts to follow this sector.
Each prospective publicly traded shipping company needs to be carefully analyzed, also
taking into consideration the unsystematic risk. Awilco feels that this is a platform for
the company, and also for other privately owned shipping companies with expertise in
the financial markets. One important criterion for success is to combine this with being
an owner of "steel" as well. One tends to get more information this way, for instance
about movements and trends in the offshore markets through discussions with
customers, etc.
In thinking about the future of the shipping industry, we can safely assume that there will be a
number of changes, and some of them are likely to be dramatic. We can probably expect a fast
evolution that may even border on a revolution. At the same time, certain universal success
factors and some universal dilemmas will remain in the shipping industry. Some of them have
always been there, and many will remain.
What are the key critical success factors that seem to have universal validity? It goes without
saying that this book has already taken a look at them most of them. But as a kind of brief
recap, critical success factors for shipping companies are many and varied, but perhaps
particularly salienttruismswould be: To secure good positions for each ship within the
portfolio; always to take advantage of markets; to have a clear market understanding,
manifested through both each deal and a portfolio strategy.
More specifically, the shipping organization must develop a keen commercial cost and benefits
culture. The needs of the business, not the need to maintain an organization itself, must drive
the set-up of the organization. The board and other relevant stakeholders must reinforce this.
Remember: The ignorance of some stakeholders can have a detrimental impact on the overall
direction, the Leitbild. Bankers, brokers, major shareholders and family members must all pull
in the same directionany one of them can derail the firm. All of these parties can provide
The Future of the Industry 181
"advice" that can compromise and dislodge the overall strategy that, in the best case, should be
driven by the CEOeither in the person of an active owner/manager or a professional.
The modern shipping organization needs to have the right type of organizational development
principles. It needs to be a "flat" organization, with strong horizontal and lateral communication.
These principles should include strong focus and commercial organizational values, including the
definition of clear targets. The shipping company will need keen awareness of what it wants to
achievethe organization must be driven! This drive should include the push to create an
organizational culture where "reasonable" mistakes are admitted and accepted and serve as
opportunities for organizational learning. There must be a positive value-creating purpose!
But, as stated, there are also universal dilemmas that characterize the shipping industry, and
shipping firms will need to reckon with them. Let us take a very brief look at three key
evolutionary forces in the industry before covering four major dilemmas.
Physical Assets
Traditionally, the ownership of ships lies at the center of what a shipping organization stands
for. The very essence of successful shipping companies has been linked with the number of
ships under management and the amount of tonnage that the company owns. However, there
is now a marked trend away from owning the steelto controlling the deal. We see a shift
toward focusing on the commercial side of the deal making (and, of course, reaping the more
wide-ranging benefits). This probably means more emphasis on managing the entire value
chain, with heavy outsourcing of the more commodity-oriented aspects of the chain activities,
including at times the ship transportation element itself.
We also expect a more finance-oriented focus, often again leading to a relative de-emphasis on
owning the ships. Rather, a favored ownership structure for the future may include taking ships
in on bare boat charters with a purchase option. This means that the organizational entity that
controls the deal has the ship at its disposalfinanced, however, by the owner. The controlling
organization will typically have an option to purchase a ship at the end of the bare boat charter,
and thereby reap the bulk of benefits from the value creation that may have taken place as the
ship is being repaid and written down. The economic life of such a ship is often much longer
than the financial write-down and repayment schedule; hence, in many instances there will often
be a nice residual value for the controlling organization. For the owner the benefits will come
from return on its invested equity capital and from the agreed-upon residual value of the ship.
An interesting question is whether one might simply invest in shipping company stock
rather than directly in the ships cum physical assets themselves. In order to gain positive
benefits from the fluctuations in the shipping markets, one might purchase shares when the
shipping market is down and then sell the shares when the market is high. Again, there may
182 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
be a trend away from actually owning the ship to owning stocks in shipping firms. The
emerging tendency toward more "paper market" trade in shipping, in terms of derivatives
and futures (IMAREX), falls into this evolutionary pattern. Clearly, it is easier to enter and
exit the stock market and/or futures market than to purchase and sell actual ships. Further,
the size of the deal can be smaller, and one can invest in many shipping companies, which
spreads the risks further. With the evolution toward more highly focused shipping firms,
discussed in Chapters 2, 3 and 4, we should now be able to find shipping company stocks
that truly represent particular niches, allowing the investor to diversify the risk on his or her
own, rather than investing in shipping company stocks where the risk diversification has
already taken place in the firm. A counter point to investing in shipping stocks has to do
with the fact that many shipping firms are family controlled, as noted, and thus do not
necessarily yield maximum value in the stock price. As previously discussed, this may be
further reflected in the rather limited open trading volume that many such stocks in family-
controlled firms will have.
Let's look at examples of market-driven organizations that exclusively focus on using the markets
for deal making by chartering in and chartering out. Western Bulk has 67 ships, all chartered in
and no ships owned. The company has worked extensively to develop state-of-the art know-how
regarding certain markets within the bulk shipping area. The assets are thus the human capital
"brains, not steel." Trading and timing competences are key. Hedging and derivatives market
competences are also key. Understanding efficient route patterns, including how to utilize the
back hauls efficiently, is essential. Jebsen has around 40 Panamax bulk carriers, all on charter,
none owned. J. Lauritzen's entire fleet of bulk carriers is chartered in, etc.
Coeclerici is an Italy-based company that owns no ships, but focuses exclusively on
commercial management, in many ways similar to an industrial conglomerate. It has many
contracts of affreightment to and from Italy, covering a large part of this country's imports
and exports. Interestingly, but not central to the argument here, the ships that the Coeclerici
Group uses are for the most part owned by Ceres.
The Dutch shipping organization Seatrade provides another example of an "asset free"
shipping company. Seatrade operates approximately 125 reefers in a pool, with its major
asset being its worldwide market organization. Marketing, strong relationships with
shippers worldwide, and a good understanding of the logistical chains of shipping
companies are at the heart of this company's operation. Contracts of affreightment play an
important part in their strategy, together with conventional time charter and spot chartering.
As pool operator, Seatrade gets a margin on its ships' results in the pool, as well as an
upside if the pool's overall results are good. In a sense, Seatrade has taken over a major part
of what would have been the individual owner's marketing-based activities. It would, of
course, be difficult for an individual owner to have the same level of depth in marketing
capacity as Seatrade.
In all of these cases, we are talking about a strong emphasis on being a "people make the
difference" business, without owning any "steel" at all.
The Future of the Industry 183
We have already discussed Awilco's successful diversification into a portfolio of ship stocks.
A variation on individual investments in shipping company stocks would be establishing
specific funds for investing in shipping, with asset play in mind. Marsoft, for instance, took
the initiative to invest in the so-called Diogenes Fund in 1995, with Lehman Brothers being
the key financial underwriter, and the Harvard Investments Trust being the major investor.
With the aim of leveraging investors' desire to make money in a promising shipping market,
the self-liquidating US$75 million Diogenes Fund was born. It targeted tankers as investment
vehicles, and successful asset playsexecuted between 1995 and 1998led to a high degree
of success for the fund. Marsoft withdrew in 1998 and most of the fund was liquidated then.
To echo one of the mantras of this book, in order to successfully achieve the asset play
objective, timing decisions are, of course, critical for both entering and exiting. A market
outlook, with a particular focus on the market's turning points, can be particularly useful here.
One might ask whether the dry cargo bulk and oil businesses are going from "small"
commodity businesses to "large" commodity businessesas we have seen in the development
of oil itself as a commodity and the emergence of global oil trading with a heavily developed
derivatives market. It should be pointed out that oil was essentially becoming a "large"
commodity between 1975 and 1980. At that time, major investment houses, under the
leadership of companies such as Phillips Brothers, Salomon Smith Barney, Goldman Sachs
and Morgan Stanley, significantly increased their interest in oil as a commodity. As part of
this, oil, which had previously been traded in big shiploads, typically in volume units similar to
that of a VLCC (very large crude carrier), was now broken into smaller units for easier trading.
A critical success factor was to understand the commodity nature of oil, with cost and volatility
being absolutely essential. (Eckbo, 1976; Verleger, 1999).
Today, the major financial houses seem to be developing a similar interest in the paper market
for shipping, derivatives, hedging, etc. We can perhaps take this added activity as an
indication that commodity-type shipping is going from a "smaller" commodity focus into a
"truly" commodity orientation, i.e., "large" commodities, similar to what we saw in the oil
industry in the late 1970s.
It should be pointed out that in the dry bulk markets there seems to be a similar, but perhaps
not so accentuated, pattern. When it comes to the use of futures and derivatives, the big
industrial charterers seem to be more dominant here. For instance, the big grain houses
(Cargill, Dreyfus, Bunge and others) are all extremely active in futures trading in the dry bulk
market. There are, however, relatively fewer players in this market, which is thus perhaps still
more a situation of a "small" commodity not a "large" commodity.
As we have already discussed in Chapter 5, the classic hierarchical shipping organization
based on functions and major trade involvementsis probably not going to be as prominent
as before, particularly when shipping firms pursue relatively simple and clearly focused
184 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
shipping strategies. Here, the network organization will emerge instead. Increasingly, network
organizations will probably be based around specific "brains and talents" that meet the key
value-creating needs of the strategy the shipping organization is pursuing. The rest may be
outsourced more and more, i.e., linked up with the core of the organization through a network.
We already discussed the non-shipowning shipping firms as an example.
The network driven organization has become widely known already. Frontline, for instance,
the world's largest tanker fleet owner, with 27 Suezmax tankers and 39 VLCCs under its
control, has no operating organization. Operations are all outsourced. Frontline is small and
networked, focusing on timingthrough chartering, financing and asset play. Not only are
the costs thus kept low but also, more importantly, the flexibility and speed of execution
remain very high. We can increasingly expect to see the classic, often more internally
focused, hierarchical shipping organizations disappear.
The use of middlemen has always been prominent in shipping, including regular shipbrokers,
project brokers for specific initiatives, financial brokers focusing on fundraising, insurance
brokers, etc. Experts now expect a trend away from the use of middlemen toward more direct
contacts between the shipowners and the shippers as well as other principal actors. There are
many reasons for this.
As noted earlier, "the broker is often wrong, but never in doubt." A key question therefore
is: Why are some brokers successful, others not? A strong broker relationship can be very
important, such as the relationship between R. S. Platou and S. Ugelstad, in the
development and execution of the company's strategy. In the relationship with brokers,
the shipping firm should try to avoid transaction volume biases, i.e., keep in mind that
residual values might often be systematically overvalued by the broker, so that a project
may look "too" good, according to his proposal. Further, back haul rates tend, at times, to
be overestimated, so the project would again look better than it actually is. All of this is
done so that the calculations for a particular project can work out well, thus paving the
way for a transaction that is, in the end, perhaps unrealistic. Brokers can "sin" here. But,
in the end, it is up to management not to fall into these traps.
Middlemen can be expensive too, at times levying rather heavy commissions. This
represents funds that the owners themselves might benefit from, perhaps to be split with
the shippers. Standard brokerage is now increasingly done over the Internet, thus
gradually eliminating a segment of previously extensive brokerage services by brokerage
Owners may, understandably, want to build their own relationships with key market contacts
to develop their own intelligence vis-a-vis their customers. They may hope to have a better
dialogue with them, understand their needs betterin short, to be partners with their
customers. We see the development of extensive in-house brokerage organizations in such
shipping companies, for example, A. P. Moller-Maersk, Norden, The Torvald Klaveness
The Future of the Industry 185
Group, Leif Hoegh and Farstad. These organizations tend to deal directly with the
customers/shippers, not via brokers.
As we have seen, it is important to be able to differentiate oneself vis-a-vis one's competitors,
i.e., to develop one's organization to focus on the customer. This is positive differentiation, hi
contrast, by working through brokers, it is the broker who will need to differentiate his or her
offering to the customer, and so for him or her it is important that the customersthe
shipownersare all more or less of the same type, all substitutable. There is therefore a potential
built-in conflict between brokers and owners, in the sense that while the owners will wish to
differentiate themselves, the brokers will want to keep the owners' services as standard as
possible. The brokers will want to do the differentiation on their own hands. As Morits Skaugen
states: "To have a direct access to the market is key, and the brokers can only hamper this."
A major dilemma with brokers has to do with the fact that a broker cannot easily work for
only one shipping company. Brokers need to work with several shipping companies. It can
therefore be difficult to establish "Chinese walls," i.e. for each customer firm to keep
confidential and exclusive data. When the shipbroker gains access to particularly
interesting commercial opportunities, he or she will often face a dilemma regarding which
particular shipping company on his or her list of clients to offer this deal to. In theory, all
new potentially commercial deals should be offered to all of the shipbroker's clients; in
practice, this is often not the case. A shipbroker therefore becomes a "deal router." Many
of the benefits from the middleman functioncreating a more perfect marketare lost.
When we work with commodity-type deals, the question of exclusivity is not typically a
big issue. And, as indicated above, basic commodity-type deals appear increasingly to be
handled directly over the Internet. The problem of exclusivity can, however, be
particularly difficult with unique niche deals, where the very nature of the information
around the commercial aspects of the deal requires one-to-one handling, not a broad
sharing of information. The dilemma is that the traditional broker function thus easily
becomes compromised.
The Business Model
The business model of the successful shipping company may itself change in the coming
years. We have touched on these changes in the previous chapters, but this is a good
opportunity to look at three additional major trends we believe are likely. The first would be
for the company to move from more or less complete dependency on market fluctuations for
each ship toward more and more proactive management of the entire portfolio composition.
This is already the case in many of the examples we looked at in previous chapters; it is,
however, perhaps most clearly seen in Norden's strategy. Norden's business model is firmly
rooted in the major markets for bulk carrier services and short-term trading, but the
company's model is now increasingly long-term relationship oriented. Thus, the portfolio is
more stable, while at the same time offering opportunities to take advantage of short-term
positive market developments.
186 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
Second, shipping companies will abandon many of the old traditions and modes of working,
so prevalent in many companies in the sector, and move toward future innovations and more
dynamism, more "can do." This means that shipping companies may evolve away from being
traditional industrial shipowners to being more maritime logistics partners. They may evolve
from being basic ship transportation suppliers to being integrated service providers for
customers. All in all, this means a much stronger focus on coming up with new ways to serve
the customer, rather than executing the business model in one set way. Understanding how to
innovate across the entire spectrum of the supply chain will become key. In bulk shipping, for
instance, the initial move toward offering more sophisticated cargo loading equipment has
been followed by an emphasis on the entire harbor function, on warehousing and even
trucking, i.e., from shipping to logistics.
Third, one would expect that the classic pool manager role of the shipping company might
fade, and the shipping company will instead become a tonnage administrator. The classic
pools might tend to provide a bias in the networked relationship, perhaps somewhat favoring
the pool manager. We can expect that shipowners will resist this, so in future pool
arrangements tonnage is much more likely to be administered in a common network.
Let us now turnlastlyto another four dilemmas in our discussion. These represent strong,
lasting characteristics of many shipping firms and we expect them to continue to shape the
shipping company of the future.
Short Term and Long Term
The first dilemma is that we can expect to continue to see shipping companies trying to
balance long-term and short-term focuses in dealing with the markets. This means that they
will depend on the spot market and on developing longer-term customer relations and
alliances. In the latter case, there might also be a sharing of benefits as well as risks between
the shipowners and the shippers.
As noted, in many of the case studies analyzed thus far, we have seen a tendency for a gradual
shift away from unilateral short-term market exposure toward a build-up of longer-term
relationships, but in a way that would still maintain reasonable flexibility to reap short-term
market development benefits. It was perhaps most accentuated in the case of Norden. Thus,
the very essence of success in the shipping company of the future will probably be based on
long-term and short-term focus to take maximum advantage of stability and market swings.
Local and Global
A second dilemma that will continue is to think globally and act locally. The reason for this
dilemma is that the shipping business is essentially a global business, operating in global
The Future of the Industry 187
markets, with global competition. Thus, the shipping company must take a global point of
view when it considers how it operates and acts. At the same time, the shippers are often
local; they have their own traditions, their own values and their own organizational styles. It
is important for the shipping company to operate locally vis-a-vis shippers, with a strong
ability to listen without hubris, i.e., to act as a local organizational entity itself. This dilemma,
thinking globally while at the same time acting locally, will continue to characterize the
successful shipping company.
Commodity and Niche
A third dilemma that will continue is the emphasis on commodity-type shipping and niche-
type shipping business activities. As pointed out in Chapter 2, a large part of shipping
businesses will be commodity-oriented, with close to perfect, atomistic competition
prevailing. At the same time, there will always be opportunities for developing new, niche-
oriented businesses. In Chapter 3, we saw many examples. The emphasis in the modern
shipping company will be to focus on both commodity and niche shipping.
It should be pointed out that there will probably always be a very strong tendency toward the
rapid commoditization of what initially might be good niche shipping opportunities. It
generally takes only a short time for competing shipowners to build tonnage that can enter
into the niche shipping areas, which creates more competition, a more fragmented industry
structure on the supply side and, as a result, increasing commoditization of what was
previously a lucrative niche. Thus, the shipping company must always look for new niches as
it continues to excel in the more atomistic, commodity-sized business areas. This is again a
dilemmaalways to be on the lookout for new business opportunities while excelling in the
existing businesses. The new business development function and the ship market trading
function must be actively in place and working in an organizational symbiosis.
Intuition and Discipline
The final dilemma is this: Shipping is very much based on strong intuitive decision-making
and increasingly disciplined decision-making, based on facts, analysis, discipline and data.
Again, the dilemma is that intuition and discipline must go together in successful shipping. It
is not either/or\ Experience and heuristics must go hand and hand. Although the modern
shipping firm will clearly have to be professional to succeed, it must also maintain the
perspective of "the old salt." In many shipping firms this has become a source of tension.
Hopefully, the future might bring more respect for both.
We can of course, continue to speculate about the future of the shipping industry. For
instance, there are clear cases for and against family-held versus publicly held firms in the
shipping industry. Needless to say, however, the rather unique nature of shipping has led to a
188 Shipping Company Strategies: Global Management under Turbulent Conditions
relatively stronger profile of privately held firms in the industry. Still, a perhaps
uncomfortable fact remains: This industry has become less and less part of the central focus in
the overall world of economic value creation, has less and less of a central function in the
large integrated industrial companies, and also has less and less social status in the
professional world and society at large. As such, we may perhaps conclude that the shipping
industry has become more and more marginalized.
This book is meant to raise arguments against this. It is meant to show that the shipping
industry is full of challenges, with ample opportunities for creativity, professionalism and
upside economic value creation potentialeven at levels many other industries would find
hard to challenge. For instance, we have pointed out that the industry offers unique
opportunities for the development of sophisticated commodity-based strategies, with unique
upside opportunities. Similarly, one can see that the industry also offers great potential for
"spotting business opportunities before they are obvious to everyone else" through the
development of unique niches. Thus a broad, eclectic variety of competences and viewpoints
are called for in order to succeed in this industry in its modern form.
Still, in the end, it is, of course, a matter of whether the industry is able to attract its fair share
of the cutting-edge human brains that go toward business. My impression is that other
industries are picking up more of the key talents. Shipping is not seen as "hot." Can the trend
be reversed, to allow shipping to rebuild its status? How?
There is a need for more research on modern shipping, both to raise the level of
professionalism in our general understanding and to develop more in-depth curiosity for key
issues, above all with regard to a better understanding of the shipping markets. Shipping is
perhaps not as unique as has previously been thought when it comes to the markets. The trend
toward more emphasis on derivatives, futures and new instruments for tackling the shipping-
based commodity business elements is only a start.
The growing research on the value chain largely seems to have "missed" the ocean-shipping
dimensionand many interesting business opportunities can probably be investigated further
through more of a research focus. For instance, we have seen earlier in this book the
enormous importance of the macroeconomic growth of China. This assumes, however, that
ports, inward and outward logistics to/from China work efficiently, etc. The entire shipping
sector is probably much more central to the macroeconomic growth of China than has often
been assumed. This is more broadly a logistics challenge than a shipping company challenge,
however. And this is related to the entire reconfiguration of where large manufacturing-based
firms might be sourcing from in the future!
Also, more theory is needed to understand how shipping organizations should work, as an
interesting "business model." The flat, project-based organization is key here. The research
and broader dialogue should probably focus heavily on how to utilize the relatively small size
of shipping company organizations to allow their key talents to relatively rapidly get into
positions where they can truly create value, truly have an impact, truly take a holistic view.
The Future of the Industry 189
This would be in contrast to the more silo-oriented, often hierarchical, bureaucratic, large
industrial and financial organizations. More research on the innovative organization, as well
as a closer link to human resources management in general, would be needed, in order to
emphasize the positive work environment that the shipping organization can provide. This can
only be further accentuated through the shift toward "brains rather than steel" that we see.
This should then impact the way the industry can attract and keep new brains, while evolving
the strong industry-based competences that will be needed to succeed.
My hope is that this book will thus representin essencean argument for seeing the
shipping company as an intellectually challenging arena for professional talents and cutting-
edge managerial work. I realize, however, that it is clearly only a modest argument in this
direction. My hope is that business school curricula, for instance, can include shipping firm
issues more directly, seeing shipping as a true basis for "global meeting place" learning and
professional development, indeed as an example of the practice of broader modern intellectual
value creation for international business. We have a long way to go to make the shipping
industry more attractive. Hopefully, this book can make a modest contribution toward a
positive evolution here.
This Page is Intentionally Left Blank
References 191
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