(2 Pages - 7%) : PART C: (30%) Constructivism in The Classroom. You Essay Should Consist of The Following Sections
(2 Pages - 7%) : PART C: (30%) Constructivism in The Classroom. You Essay Should Consist of The Following Sections
(2 Pages - 7%) : PART C: (30%) Constructivism in The Classroom. You Essay Should Consist of The Following Sections
c. Write one Lesson plan teaching a topic or subtopic which illustrates the application of the
principle/s of constructivism in the classroom. [You may use the following guidelines].
a) Name of the Topic
b) General objectives
c) Learning outcomes
d) Target audience
e) Prior knowledge
f) Procedure:
Proposed steps in the presentation of the lesson
Questions to be asked by the teacher /instructor
Learning activities to engage students
Materials to be given to students (e.g. handouts, worksheets)
Evaluation [based on constructivist principles]
[5 pages 10%]