Exercise and Ppismp Students
Exercise and Ppismp Students
Exercise and Ppismp Students
a) To identify the hours do the PPISMP students exercise in a week.
b) To recognize how often do the students exercise.
c) To discover the types of sports do the students performed.
d) To find the pace where the students ike to exercise.
e) To cassify the purpose of students to do exercise.
f) To identify the students! reason for not exercising
g) To anayse the student!s view about the statement "#xercise is the key of
h) To isoate student!s opinion that exercise can hep to reieve stress.
i) To recognize the student!s view about exercise as an important roe in weight.
%) To ask the students whether they need to exercise more or not.
k) To detect the benefits of doing exercise.
) To discover the student!s view whether dancing and waking as one forms of
,hen we tak about exercise- we neary aways refer to physica exercise. #xercise
is the physica exertion of the body . making the body do a physica activity
which resuts in a heathy or heathier eve of physica fitness and both physica
and menta heath. In other words- exercise aims to maintain or enhance our
physica fitness and genera heath. Peope exercise for many different reasons.
Some of them are exercising to strengthen musces- optimizing the
cardiovascuar system and to contro bodyweight. $owever- peope don/t
exercise for various reasons. 0 study found that stress eves and cutura
considerations affect how much and for what reasons coege students
exercise. There are three broad Intensities of exercise1 2ight exercise-
moderate exercise and vigorous exercise. &eedess to say- exercise is
essentia for good heath as it tones the musces- strengthens the bones- and
makes the heart and ungs work better.
'eaising that exercise is the keys to heath- we have carried out research about
exercise to 34 students incuding 56 maes and 56 femaes of PPISMP
students.7ased on the survey that we were conducted- we have obtained
numerous views from respondants about exercise.
:irst of a- our group members want to thank to the most gracious 9od as we
manage to finish up this #ngish pro%ect on time. This kind of pro%ect which is
conducting survey on exercise among PPISMP students is usefu for us as we can
recognize whether the students have ead a heathy ifestye or otherwise. To
accompish this survey- we have prepared and distribute paper consist of
;uestionnaires to 34 respondents. Thanks to them for giving us a fu co.operation in
order to carry out this pro%ect. 7esides that- specia thanks to our beoved #ngish
ecturer- Miss +hong Siew +hin for giving us a very cear expanation regarding the
eements that are needed to do this assignment.0so- thank to her because she
aways encourages us in order to finish our assignment perfecty.
(n the other hands- a ot of thanks to our friends that aways hep us to get
more information about this assignment. They aways give supports and
encouragement to us-thus we can finish our assignment exacty on time. They are
aso wiing to expain anything which our group not famiiar with. Thank you.
#ven though we had through so many difficuties during this pro%ect- we faced it with
strong heart. ,e beieved that by doing this assignment- we get much
knowedge about the essentia of exercise. 2ast but not east- a ot of thanks to
anyone who invoved in process of competing this #ngish pro%ect
There is a arge number of respondents doing exercise about one to two
hours in week which is <3.3=. The arge percentage which is <>.>?= pays various
types of sports out of footba- netba- tennis- rugby- dancing- and being an athetic.
0bout 3>.>?= of the respondents ike to do exercises in the fied for the reason to
stay heathy in a daiy ife. $owever- about <3.33= of the respondents do not
exercise when they face aches.
@4= of the respondents think that exercise is the key on heath and a arge
number of respondents agree with the statement that exercise can hep to reieve
stress. The arge percentage which is @>.>?= of the respondents think that exercise
pays an important roe weight contro <3.33= of them agree to exercise more in
order to maintain the heathy ifestye. (n top of that- ??.33= of the respondents
think the main benefit of doing exercise is to make the heart and ungs work together.
7esides- exercise wi hep in bood circuation.
7ased on ;uestion 5A- a thirty respondents agree that dancing and waking
are one of the exercise forms. )ancing and waking invove body movement which
ead to maintain the body stamina. The exercises can make heart beats reguary so
that the transportation of bood can circuate in proper way. Moreover- exercise heps
to burn caories in the peope bodies therefore- the reated diseases such as obesity-
high bood pressure and others can be prevented. )ancing and waking can hep
peope to excrete toxin sweats and to make sure that the body stay fit.