Implementation of An Improved HCI Application For Hand Gesture Recognization

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International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

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Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014

ISSN 2278-6856

Implementation of an Improved HCI

application for Hand Gesture Recognization
Miss. Medha Joshi1, Prof. Sonal Patil 2

PG Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, G.H.Raisoni Institute of Engineering and Management,
Shirsoli Road, Mohadi, Jalgaon. 425002, Maharashtra

Asstt.Proffesor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, G.H.Raisoni Institute of Engineering and Management,
Shirsoli Road, Mohadi, Jalgaon. 425002, Maharashtra

Human Computer Interface techniques provided us with
interfaces which are able to interact virtually and help in
gradually replacing the traditional input devices such as
mouse and keyboard. This technique also increased the
interaction types with the computer. The hand gesture
recognition system can be used for interfacing between
computer and human. In this paper we have specified a
computer vision based improved HCI i.e. a mouse, which can
control and command the cursor of a computer or a
computerized system using a simple web-camera and hand
gestures. A simple web-camera is used to track the hand
movements made by the user. In order to move the cursor on
the computer screen the user simply moves the hand on a
surface within the viewing area of the camera. The video
generated by the camera is analyzed separately on each frame
using computer vision techniques based on the skin detection.
After proper processing the events which are generated are
used to move the cursor according to hand movements on the
computer. The project is all about mouse cursor movement
and click events based on skin detection technique. The system
is a real time system hence this computer vision based mouse
does not require any predefined datasets for recognizing the
meaning of the hand gestures made by the user in front of the
camera. The improved HCI is developed in a very cost effective

Keywords: Human Computer Interface, computer vision

technique, web-camera, hand gesture recognition, skin
detection technique.

Recently, Computer is used by many people either for their
work or in their spare-time. As the computer technology
continues to grow up, the human computer interaction
importance is increasing enormously. Every new device
can be seen as an attempt to make the computer more
intelligent and making humans able to perform more
complicated communication with the computer. For
making the communication easy between computer and
human different types of special input and output devices
have been designed over the years for that purpose. Now-adays most of the mobile devices are using a touch screen
technology. However, this technology is still not cheap
enough to be used in desktop systems. Hence an alternative
way for touch screen in a cost effective compare to touch
screen is to create a virtual human computer interaction
device such as mouse or keyboard using a webcam and the

Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014

computer vision techniques [1]. The idea behind is to make

a computer understand speech, facial expressions and
human gestures and develop a user friendly human
computer interfaces (HCI). With the development and
realization of virtual environment, the peoples interacting
requirements cannot be satisfied to a great extent by the
current user-machine interaction tools and methods
including mouse, joystick, keyboard and electronic pen. As
the Virtual reality technologies which give humans the
feeling of being involved in computer world, it has been a
popular research field. At present, the traditional
Graphical User Interface (GUI) is the main humancomputer interaction mode where the mouse is the primary
means of computer operations. The mouse is only 2
degrees of freedom input device, difficult to fulfill the
peoples requirement as skillfully as compared to the hand
operating which are practiced in natural life to humancomputer interaction to minimize the cognitive burden of
the interaction, and improve the efficiency of computer
operations [2]. With different types of improved HCI
techniques, it is now possible to interact with computer
beyond the traditional input devices interactions. Gesture
and Gesture recognition terms are heavily encountered in
human computer interaction systems, but question arises in
mind that what do you mean by term Gesture?
Gestures are the non-verbally exchanged information
where particular messages are communicated by the visible
bodily actions. At a time a person can perform
innumerable gestures. Gestures allow individuals to
communicate a variety of feelings and thoughts i.e. gesture
acts a medium of communication for non-vocal
communication in conjunction with or without verbal
communication which is intended to express meaningful
commands. The important aspect of hand gesture
recognition system is the psychological aspects of gestures
based on hand. As human gestures being major constituent
of human communication and are perceived through
vision, it is a subject of great interest for computer vision
researchers which serves as an important means for human
computer interaction. A statement can only be limited to a
particular domain of gestures; due to its wide variety of
applications it is very difficult to settle on a specific useful
definition of gestures. The meaning and the significance
associated with different gestures have much impact of the
language and culture i.e. they differ very much with

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Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014
cultures, language and environment having less or
invariable or universal meaning for single gesture [6].
Scientifically gestures are categorized into two different
categories: static and dynamic. A dynamic gesture is
intended to change over a period of time whereas a static
gesture is observed at the spurt of time. A waving hand
means goodbye is an example of dynamic gesture and the
stop sign is an example of static gesture [5]. To interpret all
the static and dynamic gestures over a period of time is
necessary to understand the full message. This complex
process is called gesture recognition. In section 2 the
proposed system is described. The system architecture and
the working of the system are described in section 3. The
section 4 describes the result of the system and conclusion
is described in section 5.

ISSN 2278-6856

The above flowchart of the proposed system is shown for

the single frame which is captured. The system is a real
time system so the flowchart is a continuous process for
each and every frame that is captured by the web camera




The following figure shows the setup required for the

proposed system

The proposed system is a real time application system
which is depended on real time video processing. This
system will replace mouse, one of the traditional input
device so that by using simply the hand gestures the user
will be able to interact naturally with their computer. The
basic block diagram of the overall proposed system is as
shown below in the figure.

Figure 2 Proposed system flowchart

Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014

Figure 3 System Architecture

The USB web camera used is INTeX IT-305WC is
mounted on the system facing towards the user in order to
capture the hand movements which are made by the user.
The web camera can be connected to any of the USB port
which is available free. The video captures the frames up
to 30 fps and supports up to 16 mega pixels. As stated in
the objective the proposed system is to find out the
alternative for the traditional input device mouse. The
working of the project is carried step by step. The camera
drivers are installed for the proper working of the camera.
The image of hand is captured as the camera is facing the
user and the captured image is displayed on the camera
window which is provided. The pre-processing of
converting the captured image from RGB color space to
YCbCr color space as the image captured is in RGB format
is carried out. The common RGB representation of color
images is not suitable for characterizing skin color as in
the RGB space, the triple component (r;g;b) represents not
only color but also luminance. In other words the RGB
components are dependent to illumination conditions. For
this reason skin detection with RGB color space can be
unsuccessful when the illumination conditions change.
Luminance may also vary across a persons hand due to
the ambient lighting and it is not a reliable measure in
separating skin from non-skin region. Luminance can be
removed from the color representation in the chromatic
color space. Therefore the input image which is RGB
format is converted to YCbCr color model. Here Y is the
luminance component and Cb and Cr are the blue and red
chrominance components. The transformation simplicity
and explicit separation of luminance and chrominance
components makes this color space attractive for skin color
modeling. The transformation of the RGB to YCbCr is
done as follows [4]

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Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014
After converting image to YCbCr color space the obtained
image is transformed to gray scale image using Gaussian
distribution is done as follows.

After converting image to YCbCr color space the obtained

image is transformed to gray scale image using Gaussian
distribution is done as follows.
Mean calculation

Calculating the covariance matrix

Where m is the mean of x, C is the covariance matrix [4]

With this Gaussian model, the probability of any pixel
belonging to the skin in an image can be obtained in the
following manner. Given a pixel with a color value (C1,
C2), the probability that this pixel is a skin, is calculated as
follows [4]
The skin color samples were collected and from that it is
seen that the skin color vary widely, because of intensity
and not because of chrominance. A survey was made by
collecting the skin samples of all possible types and from
that we concluded that: 30% of the world population has a
black skin color, 30% of the world population has a white
skin color and 40% of the world population has brown skin
color. These calculations are used in Gaussian mixture
model. In this case we have calculated the three
probabilities for each pixel, the first for the Gaussian
model of black skin (p_ black) , the second for the
Gaussian model of brown skin (p_ brown), and the third
for the Gaussian white skin (p_ white) . After calculating
the three probabilities i.e. we have summed all this
probabilities by multiplying it with the percentage of
occurrence. The formula is as follows.
This Gaussian Mixture model has transformed a color
image which is transformed from RGB color into YCbCr
color space to a grayscale image where the value of each
pixel corresponds to its probability of belonging to the
skin. This Gaussian model can detect and convert more
skin pixel as compared to the single Gaussian model. With
a dynamic thresholding (where the threshold is the mean
of the grayscale image), images in gray level can then be
converted into binary images showing areas of skin and
non- skin regions. Since the regions of skin are brighter
than other parts of the image, these regions can be
segmented by thresholding the rest. It then produces a
binary image on which the "1" represent the skin color
pixels and "0" for other pixels. To extract the features it is
necessary to locate the hand. For localization of hand we
find boundary contours of the hand in the image. The
scanning of the obtained image is started from left to right.
The first white encounter is treated as the left side of the
hand. Then we start the scanning of

Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014

ISSN 2278-6856

image from right to left. The first white pixel from this
side again which is encounter is set as the right side of the
hand. Now the scanning is performed in horizontal
direction within the vertical boundaries which are defined
earlier from left to right and top to bottom. The first
encounter white pixel is set as top of the hand. As the hand
extends from the bottommost part of the image, there is no
cropping required for locating the end of the hand [3]. After
localization of hand in the image, we implemented edge
detection technique for finding the edges of the hand
where the sharp change in the brightness is considered.
For detection of boundary edges of hand object, after
scanning the image pixels whose value changes rapidly
from 0 to 1 are extracted. After finding the edges of hand
calculating the centroid is done via image moment, which
is the weighted average of pixels intensities of the image.
The centroid can be calculated by first calculating the
image moment using this formula.

where Mij is image moment, I(x, y) is the intensity at

coordinate (x, y).
are the coordinate of centroid and M00is the area
for binary image. After the centroid calculation the peaks
which are used to represent the tip of the fingers are to be
detected on the entire boundary matrices of hand object
segmented earlier. The vertical hand image and horizontal
hand image are processed differently for finger region
detection. In horizontal image, we consider the x
coordinate of the boundary matrices. When after the
increment we get the x-boundaries starts decreasing we
mark this point as a peak value. In vertical image, we only
consider the y coordinates of the boundary matrices. When
we get the values of y-boundaries starts increasing after the
decrement in the y-boundaries values it is fixed as a peak
value or a peak. After marking the detected peaks the
highest peak in the hand image is detected using the
Euclidean distance which is used to calculate the distance
between all the tip of the fingers (peaks detected) and
centroid. The formula for calculating Euclidean distance
is [3]
where a represents all the boundary points and b is the
reference point which is centroid itself. Euclidean distance
is calculated in order to map the circle. The figure 3 shows
the extracted features

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Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014

ISSN 2278-6856

This section shows the comparative analysis of our
proposed approach with the already existing approach. For
experimental results we have taken reading for detecting
skin pixel values under different illumination conditions
and from the result it was observed that luminance has
great impact in skin detection technique. The following
shows the result of skin pixels of six conditions for
different light conditions at different instances.
Condition 1:

Figure 4 Extracted features

The resize the input image is carried out for mapping
between the camera co-ordinates to screen co-ordinates as
the camera co-ordinates and screen co-ordinates vary a lot.
The mapping of the co-ordinates is done using a simple
technique by finding out the ratio. The technique is as
described below:
Step1: Assuming a Web Camera Resolution
Step 2: Give the margin to get more prominent workable
capture area.
Step 3: Calculate Cab x & Cab y for the calibrated area as

[Subtracting the margin the calibration captured resolution

is obtain which will be the calibration area of the camera]
Step 4: Finding the percentage of Calibrated co- ordinates
in calibrated area as follows

Condition 2:

Condition 3:

Step 5: To find display screen co-ordinates % Cab x and

% Cab y are used as follows

Step 6: The X & Y co-ordinate of Display screen is

achieved in term of Mx and My. These co-ordinates are
the actual position of cursor on the projected screen.
Step 7: Utilized these Mx& My as per the application.
Captured X = X co-ordinates of web camera resolution.
Captured Y= Y co-ordinates of web camera resolution.
Cab x = X co-ordinates of Calibrated operational area.
Cab y = Y co-ordinates of Calibrated operational area.
After calibrating the screen the action like right click,
double click, left click are performed due to which the
system is able to replace the mouse.

Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014

Condition 4:

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International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

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Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014

ISSN 2278-6856

Condition 5:

Condition 6:

Figure 6: Comparison of the conditions

From the above results it is clear that the available/existing
Gaussian model gives very poor result as compared to the
proposed Gaussian Model for skin detection. Finding the
average of the values for the proposed Gaussian model and
Available/Existing Gaussian it is found that the efficiency
of the proposed system skin detection rate is 94.282% and
available /existing Gaussian Model is 77.588% for
different luminance condition and at different instances.

The following table shows the percentage of the total skin

pixels recognized by the proposed model and the existing
model for six different conditions
Table1 Results for skin pixel detection
Gaussian Model g Gaussian Model
Value for skin
Value for skin
pixel detection
pixel detection
Condition 1
Condition 2
Condition 3
Condition 4
Condition 5
Condition 6















The graph for the above values is shown below where the
y- axis represents the percentage of the skin pixels detected
and x- axis represents the instances for which the values
are calculated.

Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014

A new technique has been proposed to control the mouse
cursor and implement its function using a real time camera
to recognize the hand gestures and control the
computer/laptop according to those gestures.This system is
based on computer vision algorithms and can do all mouse
tasks such as left and right clicking, double clicking and
starting the applications using the gestures like notepad,
paint, word etc. A new virtual HCI vision-based interface
is designed, which is sufficiently robust to replace a
computer mouse and extend the interaction capabilities in
a cost effective manner. This system realizes the function
of the mouse gestures very well. This technique gives the
skin detection rate up to 94% which can further be
improved by eliminating the environmental challenges
which is mostly a tough part. Further by reducing the
luminance effect and the requirement of plain background
to detect more skin pixels the system if updated will in turn
give more accuracy. More features such as the zoom-in and
zoom out can also be implemented to make the system
more efficient and reliable. This system can also be further
implemented in the mobile where using pointing devices
like mouse is difficult.

[1] Abhik Banerjee, Abhirup Ghosh, Koustuvmoni
Bharadwaj, Hemanta Saik (2014)Mouse Control
using a Web Camera based on Colour Detection
International Journal of Computer Trends and
Technology (IJCTT) volume 9 number 1, ISSN:
2231-2803, March 2014.
[2] Rong Chang, Feng Wang and Pengfei You(2010) ,A
Survey on the Development of Multi-touch
Technology IEEE 978-0-7695-4003-0/10 , DOI
10.1109/APWCS.2010.120 2010.

Page 130

International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

Web Site: Email:
Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014

ISSN 2278-6856

[3] Meenakshi Panwar, Pawan Singh Mehra (2011) ,

Hand Gesture Recognition for Human Computer
Interaction, Proceedings of the 2011 International
Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP
2011) 978-1-61284-861-7/11/$26.00 2011 IEEE
[4] Baozhu Wang, Xiuying Chang, Cuixiang Liu (2011)
Skin Detection and Segmentation of Human Face in
Color Images International Journal of Intelligent
Engineering and Systems, Vol.4, No.1,pp 10-17.
[5] Sanjay Meena A Study on Hand Gesture Recognition
Technique Masters theses ,Department of Electronics
and Communication Engineering ,National Institute
Of Technology, Rourkela , Orissa ,2011.
[6] Siddharth S. Rautaray, Anupam Agrawal Vision
based hand gesture recognition for human computer
interaction: a survey DOI 10.1007/s10462-012-93569, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht

Medha Joshi has received her degree in
computer science and engineering form Sant
Gadge Baba University, Amravati 2010. She
is currently perusing her Masters of
Engineering in Computer Science and
Engineering from G.H.Raisoni Institute of Engineering
and Management, Jalgaon under North Maharashtra
University, Jalgaon. Her area of interest in research is
Image Processing.
Sonal Patil received B.E. degree in
Computer Science & Engineering from
S.S.B.T.S COET,Bambhori from North
Maharashtra University in 2008 and
M.Tech In CSE From TIT,Bhopal from Rajiv Gandhi
Prodyogiki Vishvavidyala in 2012.She is currently
working as a Assistant Professor in G.H.Raisoni Institute
Of Engineering & Management,Jalgaon. She has
published 7 articles in National & International Jornals
and 17 papers in National & International
Conferences.Member of ISTE

Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014

Page 131

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