Paper 8905
Paper 8905
Paper 8905
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)
Abstract: Gesture recognition is a technology that uses computer algorithms to interpret human gestures
as commands for a computer or other device. A virtual mouse and keyboard project that uses gesture
recognition would involve creating a system that can recognize specific hand or body movements and
translate them into actions on the computer, such as moving the cursor or typing on a virtual keyboard. The
abstraction for this project would involve developing the algorithms and programming necessary to detect
and interpret the gestures, as well as designing the user interface and integrating the system with the
computer's operating system.
Gesture recognition technology is becoming an increasingly popular way for people to interact with their devices. In
this project, we propose to develop a virtual mouse and keyboard using gesture recognition technology. The system will
be able to recognize specific hand or eye movements and translate them into actions on the computer, such as moving
the cursor or typing on a virtual keyboard. The goal of this project is to design and implement a gesture recognition
system that is accurate, responsive and easy to use. We will be using visual gesture recognition, where the system uses
cameras or other imaging devices to detect and interpret hand or eye movements. The project will involve researching
and evaluating different image processing and computer vision techniques, as well as developing and testing a user
interface that is intuitive and easy to use. Once the gesture recognition system and user interface have been developed,
the final step will be to integrate the system with the computer's operating system. The end result of this project will be
a virtual mouse and keyboard that allows users to control their computer using natural hand and eye movement .
Gestures- Common in personal communication. Computer technology has tremendously grown over the past decade
and has become a necessary part of everyday live. The most natural and intuitive technique for HCI, that is a viable
replacement for the computer mouse is with the use of Eye Movements and Keyboard with hand gestures . This project
is therefore aimed at investigating and developing a Computer Control (CC) system using Eye Movements and Hand
Gestures. Gives a wide scope in developing a unique way of Human-Machine Interaction.
[2]A recognition system, which can be helpful for a blind person. Hand gesture recognition system and face recognition
system has been implemented in this paper using which various tasks can be performed. Dynamic images are being
taken from a dynamic video and is being processed according to certain algorithms. In the Hand gesture system Skin
colour detection has been done in YCbCr colour space and to discover hand convex defect character point of hand is
used where different features like fingertips, angle between fingers are being extracted. According to gesture
Recognized, various tasks can be performed like turning on the fan or lights. While in face recognition, Haar Cascade
Classifiers and LBPH recognizer are being used for face detection and recognition respectively. With the help of
OpenCV, The research has been implemented. Various hand gestures and human faces have been detected and
identified using this system.
[3]Solutions to the problem of accuracy and it presents a combined hand gesture recognition system that uses a hand
detector to detect hand in the frame and then switches to gesture classifier if a hand was detected. The paper illustrates
the proposed combined algorithm. Descriptions of used hand detector and gesture recognition algorithms also are given.
Equations for the evaluation of potential performance increase and experimental results are presented. The proposed
system is tested on publicly accessible gesture bases and on video sequences prepared by the authors. The experimental
results are consistent with theoretical estimates and demonstrate the benefits of the proposed gesture recognition system
[4] The visualization of the 3D models is a scorching topic in computer vision and human-computer interaction. The
demands for 3D models have been increased due to high involvement in animated characters, virtual reality and
augmented reality. To interact with 3D models with the help of mouse and keyboard is a very hectic, less efficient and
complex process because of multiple types of operations required by the models to view properly in all sides. So it is
essential to improve the user interaction with the 3D system. In this paper, a new method is introduced by using the
Microsoft Kinect v2 to detect the human body and joints. First, we trained the Kinect to understand the specific
gestures, and then recognize to perform the specific task on an object in the proposed environment.
[5]presents the maneuver of mouse pointer and performs various mouse operations such as left click, right click, double
click, drag etc using gestures recognition technique. Recognizing gestures is a complex task which involves many
aspects such as motion modeling, motion analysis, pattern recognition and machine learning. Colour caps have been
used for fingers to distinguish it from the background colour such as skin colour. Thus recognizing the gestures various
mouse events have been performed. The application has been created on MATLAB environment with operating system
as windows.
[6] We can measure the eye movement activity using eye tracking technology. Eye tracking gives us information about
where do we look? What is ignored and how the pupil reacts to different stimuli. The eye tracking concept is basic but
its process and interpretation can be very diverse and complex. ET measures the gaze points generated by our eye
relative to the head. Eye trackers are available in either remote or mobile forms. It tracks and records where do we look
and how we move the gaze. One can analyse, visualize and interpret this information with the help of software. We
have gone through the common use of fingerprint analysis and applications, eye tracking also would be a great
biometric tool for analysis in various applications. In this paper they discuss eye tracking technology and its various
applications. Now days, ET is being employed in almost all field including psychology, human computer interaction,
marketers, designers, academics, medical, research and many more.
[7]Using, system transformation algorithm which converts the coordinates of the fingers from webcam screen to
computer window then the fingers are detected and according to that by recognizing the gestures further action will be
done .
[8] And now finally we are going to do the computer vision based virtual mouse system with eye movements.In this we
are using Linear Regression Algorithm and Haar cascade algorithm and addition we are doing virtual keyboard feature.
operating system. The system could also include data storage and analysis module for performance improvement over
This paper is proposing a system to recognize the hand gesture and replace the mouse and keyboard function. That
includes the movement of the mouse cursor, the drag and click with the keyboard features like printing alphabets and
other keyboard functions . The process of skin segmentation is utilized to separate the colour/image of hand with its
background. In general, the proposed algorithm can detect and recognize hand gesture so that it can operate mouse and
keyboard features and also create a real world user interface. 3d printing, Architectural drawings and even doing
medical operations from anywhere to everywhere.
We would like to express our gratitude to the researchers and publishers for making their resources available. We also
appreciate the guidance and feedback provided by the reviewers and thank the college authorities for providing the
necessary infrastructure and support throughout the research process.
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