Vipassana Critique
Vipassana Critique
Vipassana Critique
Mr S N Goenka
Harmanjit Singh
July 20, 2007
1 Introduction
4 The
Selective interpretation of Mr Siddharth Gautams teaching
The Memetic and Cultist aspects in the technique . . . . .
The Technique itself . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Theoretical orthodoxy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Vipassana Organization and Community . . . . . . . .
The so-called Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Conclusion
A Copyright
B Feedback
Ba Khin
Wake up bell
Meditation in the meditation hall (MH) or at
ones own residential quarters (RQ)
Bath and Breakfast
Group meditation (GM) in MH
Meditation in MH or at RQ
Lunch and Rest, or meet with the teacher
Meditation in MH or at RQ
GM in MH
Meditation in MH or at RQ
Tea break
GM in MH
Meditation in MH
Meet with the teacher
Lights out
As one can see, the schedule is quite rigorous and people not used to waking
up early or sitting for long periods can find the first few days quite trying. The
three group sittings (in bold above) are not optional and everybody has to stay
within the MH for the entire one hour. The other sittings are more flexible and
one can either sit in the MH or at ones own residence but one is expected to
be meditating during the designated periods. The breakfast is at 6.30am and
lunch is at 11am. There is tea with some biscuits at 5pm for the new students
(those who are undertaking the retreat for the first time). Old students are only
Day Zero
The students gather in the meditation center office and get registered. They
acknowledge in writing that the course has a rigorous discipline and involves
hard work. There is a light meal at 6pm. Preliminary guidelines about staying
in the center and about the course are given at 7pm. Students gather in front
of the meditation hall and are allotted seats (cushions) as they enter the hall
one by one. At 8pm they undergo some formal vows and undertakings, which
are as follows:
1. The Three Shelters: The students repeat, thrice, in Pali, that they
hereby get sheltered by the three gems (the Buddha (the Enlightened one),
the Dhamma (the noble eightfold path) and the Sangha (the community
of seekers and monks)).
2. The Five (or Eight) vows for the following ten days: New students
take five vows:
(a) To refrain from stealing
(b) To refrain from killing
(c) To refrain from telling lies (in this context, to remain in noble silence,
i.e., to not communicate in any manner, verbal or non-verbal, with
anyone except the administration or the teacher)
(d) To refrain from sexual misconduct (in this context, to abstain from
all sexual activity including self-stimulation)
(e) To avoid all intoxicants
Old students take three more vows:
(f) To refrain from eating after noon
(g) To refrain from any bodily decoration (ornaments etc.)
(h) To refrain from sleeping on high or luxurious beds (however, all students, new or old, get similar accommodation and bedding)
3. The Three Surrenders: The students surrender themselves for the next
ten days to the teacher, the discipline and the teaching.
4. The Request: The students formally make a request to be taught Anapana meditation.
The students are then instructed to focus on the nasal region and to start
observing their breathing as it is naturally happening. At 9pm, all retire to
their individual rooms or dormitories.
Day One
The day proceeds as per schedule. The meditation during the first day involves
observing the breath as it is naturally happening, as one inhales or exhales.
The focus remains on the nasal region and on remaining aware of whether one
is using one or both the nostrils while breathing. The students are advised to
breathe a little hard for a few moments if they are unable to concentrate their
minds or if they are unable to feel the breath.
Day Two
The meditation during the second day involves observing the breath as before,
with the added awareness of where the breath is touching the skin in the nasal
Day Three
Today the awareness of breath includes what sensations one is feeling on the
skin in the nasal region (on the nose, on the nostril rings and below the nose
and above the upper lip).
Day Four
The afternoon group sitting on day four is, unusually, from 2pm to 3pm. Till
3pm the awareness of breath continues, with a further limitation of the area on
which one is supposed to focus and experience the sensations. The new area of
focus is limited to below the nostrils and above the upper lips.
At 3pm, students make a formal request to be taught Vipassana and the
teaching commences forthwith.
The students are instructed to move their focus to the top of the head and
methodically move it through each part of the body till the focus reaches the
tips of the toes, feeling the sensations on each part of the body as they traverse
the body. The students are instructed not to either like or dislike the sensations
and to calmly and equanimously observe them as being transient phenomena.
In the evening GM session, students are exhorted to remain still and not
move their hands, legs or to open their eyes during the entire one hour period
of the three GMs per day for the remainder of the retreat. These three sittings
are now called Sittings of Strong Determination. This facet of the meditation
is not mentioned in the course introduction brochure.
Day Five
Vipassana continues as taught on Day four.
Day Six
Today the traversal of focus through the body proceeds in both directions: from
the head to the toes, and then from the toes to the head. Sensations are to be
observed equanimously with the understanding of their transience.
Day Seven
Today the traversal of focus through the body proceeds simultaneously and
symmetrically through both the arms, both the legs etc. and in both directions
as on day six.
Day Eight
Today the traversal proceeds through as many parts as possible simultaneously
(i.e. through the entire body, if possible, in one go). If the students can shift
the focus easily through the body because of uniform subtle sensations in the
various parts, they are instructed to let the focus flow and after one or two such
free-flows, to again pass the attention through the body part-by-part.
Day Nine
Today the traversal proceeds en masse through the body in a free flow if possible,
and part-by-part otherwise. Those who can feel subtle sensations all over the
body are asked to see if they can feel the sensations inside the body as well
by moving their focus piercingly and penetratingly through the body. Those
who can feel subtle sensations inside as well are asked to see if they can pass
their focus through the spinal cord as well. After this, the students who have
been able to feel their bodies inside out are asked to do spot checks by taking
their focus randomly to a body part and to see if the mind immediately feels a
sensation in the area of focus and if the sensation remains limited to the area
of focus.
Day Ten
After the morning GM session, the students are taught Metta (or goodwill)
meditation. In this, they are instructed to fill their subtle sensations with
love and compassion and to let the subtle sensations permeate the atmosphere.
There are verbal suggestions to forgive and forget, to love all and to distribute
ones merits. After this session, at 10am, the noble silence ends and students
interact with each other but they cannot leave the center yet.
The students can also buy books and audio/visual material on Vipassana
and donate as per their inclination.
A film on Vipassana might be shown at 1pm in the MH. The afternoon and
evening GMs happen as usual. The evening tea and snacks are open for the old
students as well. The discourse in the evening is not followed by meditation.
Day Eleven
In the morning at 4.30am, students gather in the MH for a final video discourse
which continues for two hours till 6.30am. This discourse advises the students
on how to continue the meditation practice at home and concludes with a final
session of Metta, or goodwill.
The students proceed for breakfast, clean up their residences, and leave as
per their convenience in a few hours.
8. The deep mind functions at the level of, and reacts habitually to, bodily
sensations whereas the superficial mind works logically and intellectually.
9. Any sensory or relational experience in life, if interpreted as pleasant,
leads to pleasant bodily sensations and vice versa, which are then reacted
to with craving or aversion, respectively, by the deep mind. (Assumption
particular to the Goenka Vipassana Tradition)
10. The superficial mind should be brought under a semblance of control by
moral strictures (called Sila), it should be focused by a concentration
practice (called Sam
adhi ), and the reactive habit patterns of the deep
mind should be changed by then training the (superficial) mind to become
aware of the bodily sensations and to not react to them but to understand
them as impermanent, full of suffering, and as egoless (this understanding
is called Pragy
a or Pa
a). We should become masters of our minds.
(Buddhist Tenet)
11. As the mind becomes unattached and equanimous towards sensory experiences, it can experience the non-sensory, timeless bliss which will lead to
freedom from the cycle of birth and death. (Belief in the Mystical)
12. This particular technique of practicing Vipassana was part of all religious
traditions but was lost and forgotten over the ages. It was formally rediscovered by Mr Siddharth Gautam2 (circa 500 BC) and was maintained
in its pristine condition by a few people in Burma. (Unverifiable, and
most probably incorrect)
The Critique
Siddharth Gautam is better known as Gautama the Buddha, or just the Buddha
5. As in any institution promising evolution, people quickly organize themselves into a hierarchical and comparative setup and it is quite evident in
6. The benefits claimed to be the results of this technique need to be reexamined.
Thus he abides observing sensations with sensations internally, or he abides observing sensations within sensations externally, or he abides observing sensations within sensations
both internally and externally. Thus he abides observing the
phenomenon of arising of sensations, thus he abides observing of passing away of sensations, thus he abides observing the
phenomenon of simultaneous arising-and-passing-away of sensations. Awareness that, This is sensation remains present in
him. Thus he develops his awareness to such an extent that
there is mere understanding along with mere awareness. In this
way he abides detached, without clinging or craving towards
anything in this world of mind and matter. This is how, monks,
a monk abides observing sensations within sensations.3
Nowhere is starting from the top of the head, traversing the body simultaneously and symmetrically etc., or stopping and focusing at the body
parts which are not having subtle sensations, explicitly training the mind
to remain detached to the sensations by mentally understanding their
transience, etc. mentioned. In short, this technique of dispassionately
observing bodily sensations by a methodical traversal of the body as a
full mindfulness practice is a development independent of Mr Gautams
teaching in this Suttam.
2. Mr Goenka and the Vipassana Research Institute (VRI) give a specific
meaning to the word vedan
a (sensation) used in Buddhist texts to suit
this technique of Vipassana in which one focuses on bodily (as in over and
under the skin) sensations to the exclusion of other sensory and mental
experiences. Body sensations are due to various causes, including the food
eaten, the posture, body ailments, and the external environment. To this,
VRI adds that the sensations can also arise from past conditionings of the
mind (sankh
a s), which is dubitable at best and is not described by Mr
Gautam anywhere in his discourses.
In the chain of dependant origination in Buddhist philosophy, it is said:
Dependant on the six sense spheres, contact arises.
Dependant on contact, sensation arises.
Dependant on sensation, craving arises.4
Here sensation is clearly the sensation which follows a contact with an
external sense object and can be any one of the various sensory experiences
(i.e. sound, vision, taste, smell or touch, or mental processes) , and not
just the sensations on the skin or under the skin as claimed by Mr Goenka
and VRI.
3 Mahasatipatthana
4 Vinaya,
See, for example, the following words ascribed to the Buddha (the boldfaced word feeling is the word vedana):
The six classes of feeling should be known. Thus was it
said. In reference to what was it said? Dependent on the eye
and forms there arises consciousness at the eye. The meeting of
the three is contact. With contact as a requisite condition there
is feeling. Dependent on the ear and sounds there arises consciousness at the ear. The meeting of the three is contact. With
contact as a requisite condition there is feeling. Dependent on
the nose and aromas there arises consciousness at the nose. The
meeting of the three is contact. With contact as a requisite condition there is feeling. Dependent on the tongue and flavors
there arises consciousness at the tongue. The meeting of the
three is contact. With contact as a requisite condition there is
feeling. Dependent on the body and tactile sensations there
arises consciousness at the body. The meeting of the three is
contact. With contact as a requisite condition there is feeling.
Dependent on the intellect and ideas there arises consciousness
at the intellect. The meeting of the three is contact. With contact as a requisite condition there is feeling. The six classes
of feeling should be known. Thus was it said. . . 5
And also, clearly, sankh
a s are not a cause of sensation (they occur later
in the chain of origination). This will be dealt with in more detail later.
Meme is a word coined by Richard Dawkins, an evolutionary biologist, which defines an idea or thought unit whose replication and propagation happen via the
media, the community, various institutions, rituals and practices (just as genes
propagate via DNA). Organized religions and community practices cannot survive without a memetic propagation aspect and Vipassana is no exception. Not
only are memetic and cultist aspects quite visible in Vipassana, the organization
encourages these traits by various subtle and not-so-subtle means.
One may reasonably wonder what compels Mr Goenka to propagate this
technique and engage in such hard work to train the teachers and to teach
thousands of people and maintain a donation-based series of centers. It may
indeed be possible that he is driven by a sense of compassion and altruism. One
may be hard-pressed to find any selfish motives in a free-of-charge meditation
retreat or (say) in a free meal in a Gurudwara or in a Church. But comprehension is made easier if one understands that propagation and acceptance of ideas
one holds dear affords great inner pleasure and joy.
To be sure, Vipassana has fewer cultist aspects than many other communities or new-age practices. But educated and otherwise intelligent people may
5 Chachakka
conclude that there are none, where there are in fact many.
1. Use of Pali language is quite prevalent in Vipassana retreats. Pali is not
a language in common usage anywhere in India at present but it is used
extensively in the Vipassana retreats. Right from the morning chants,
to chants before or after each GM session, to chanting Bhavatu Sabbe
Mangalam (thrice) after every meditation sitting. Mr Goenka fondly uses
the Pali language because, in his own words, it has good vibrations.
2. Use of Buddhist formalities and practices is explicit. Beginning with the
sheltering under the triple gem, an important Buddhist ritual, to chanting
in Pali for the vows and for requesting to be taught the meditation technique, and to all students chanting S
adhu S
adhu S
adhu after the Bhavatu
Sabbe Mangalam, and use of the Buddhist terms of Sankh
a and Pragy
(or Pa
a), these are all remnants of Buddhist traditions. As Buddhism is
one of the minority religions in India, apart from the sense of novelty, the
reviving of an obscure tradition can give a special and exclusivist pleasure
to many people who suffer from rootlessness in the modern world.
The espousal, in the retreats, of a non-material entity called Dhamma is
a strong exhortation for people to propagate this meme. Even though it
is mentioned many times in the retreat discourses that Dhamma means
nothing but the laws of nature and the nature of reality, in actuality,
Dhamma has a very specific meaning from the Buddhist traditions and
means the four noble truths and the noble eightfold path (see for example
the section on Dhammanupassana (i.e. awareness of Dhamma) in the
Mahasatipatthana Suttam). It is disingenuous to give a special meaning
to Dhamma in the discourses and then to chant on the ninth and the
tenth day that May Dhamma pervade every person and atom in the
world. After all, if Dhamma is the law of nature, then it already pervades
3. Maintaining the purity and sanctity of the meme is of great importance to
any memetic group. Mr Goenka lays formidable emphasis on the pristine
maintenance of the technique and practice. Teachers and old students are
strongly cautioned not to practice any other technique for fear of harm or
of pollution to the technique, nor to change even the smallest aspect of
the Vipassana practice. The teachers are trained to play the audio/video
tapes of Mr Goenka as-is and are asked in no uncertain terms not to
indulge in any discourse or to disseminate the technique on their own.
In the Vipassana folklore, it has happened many times that a teacher
has been blacklisted, or a student has been barred from attending a
retreat because of his/her practicing of Reiki or other vibe-oriented newage practices.
4. Vipassana is subtly described as the one true path to liberation. All other
practices and philosophies are described as either incomplete, as superficial
intellectual games or as distant echoes of Vipassana. Due to the special
in the middle. He/she has to first get those belongings back, and the
management insists that the student first get permission to leave from the
assistant teacher. There are various incidents recorded on the internet in
which a student tried to leave a Vipassana retreat because of a health or
other reason, and was treated less than amicably by the management.
9. Like in most cults, the students are not actively asked to donate money.
It is done more subtly, however. On the last day, the students are asked
to donate as per their volition so that others may continue to learn about
the course. If that was all that was said, it would be fine. However,
students are further told that they should not think of the donation as a
fee, but as a good deed which will build good karma for them, and that
they should not demean the the monastery by trying to figure out the
expenses incurred for each student and by only paying only that much.
The students are asked to pay as per their convenience, but they are also
subtly programmed to have guilt if they do not, and to feel good if they
do. They are told in no uncertain terms that this (to propagate Dhamma)
is the best use for their money.
10. The discourses play their own part in propagating the meme. The presentation of ideas in the evening discourses is very carefully planned (the
discourses have gone through various editions to refine their effectiveness).
The discourses happen at the end of the day, when students have had a
hard day, with their minds numb from focusing, and when they are looking
forward to rest. The final discourse happens at 4.30am on Day Eleven.
Not only do the discourses happen at a time when students are tired
or not fully active, the content of the discourses makes them something
to look forward to (they contain many jokes, anecdotes and stories) and
the ideas presented are easily imbibed by the students pliant minds. The
various subjects covered in the discourses are carefully chosen based on the
day of the retreat to have the maximum effect. Various Indian religions
and deities are praised to give a comfort factor to the new students and
to make them feel as if this is their own technique.
It is not true that only the technique is explained in the discourses. Many
arcane Buddhist concepts and ideologies are described, including the repulsiveness of the body, the timeless, formless state of bliss, the four kinds
of enlightened beings etc.
the mental focus through the body, stopping at inert body parts, making
the traversal in different ways. The mind becomes almost numb with this
repeated traversal of the body while looking for sensations.
Mr Goenka understands that this is boring and tiresome. In the retreat,
it still remains somewhat interesting because a new aspect is added every
night to the traversal (see the description of the Days in the last section).
When advising the students to practice at home, Mr Goenka warns them
about this boredom and asks them to traverse the body in different ways
and not mechanically in the same way. It is a telling comment on a
technique which is supposed to teach one about the truths of the mind
and the body that it gets boring so soon.
5. The experiences of inner silence are accompanied by low oxygen supply
to the brain (medically called Hypoxia). The mind becomes very quiet
after the first few days, after focusing on the nasal region, and the breath
becomes very slight. As the oxygen supply to the brain becomes much
lesser than normal, the brain activity simmers down considerably. The
peace experienced by the brain is an artificial peace created by attention
manipulation and mild hypoxia.
Hypoxia can also lead to hallucinations and sleep disturbances, and they
do happen in Vipassana courses. But since the hypoxia is a mild one, the
effects are not lasting.
Mr Goenka, in common with most spiritual teachers, quite openly lambasts the brains nature of random associative chatter (which Anapana
and other concentration practices control to a great extent), without understanding the evolutionary value of this chatter. If the brain is asked to
focus on something which is not perceived to be of intrinsic value by the
brain, the brain will naturally get distracted towards what it considers of
value. Observation of the breath is a goal imposed by someone else and
naturally the brain is not interested.
The unresolved issues in the brain will occupy it during the time it is idle.
The issues may get resolved, they may not. But the inner chattering of the
brain is the brain thinking associatively, productively or not, about the
issues it considers important. A concentrated and calm brain will be able
to think more clearly about a particular issue, and any focusing technique
will be helpful in this regard.
There is another value to the random associative chatter of the brain, and
that is: it may form unexpected connections and make new discoveries.
That is why some out-of-the-box solutions to long-standing problems may
appear while day-dreaming or while dreaming at night when free association is in progress.
I make the unverified claim here that creative people and inventors will
be severely crippled by a non-chattering brain. Their creativity and fresh
ideas can only come from new neural pathways established by random
oxygenation in the blood vessels. The gross sensations are similarly reactions of the body parts to various internal and external stimuli. Mr Goenka
mentions that the mind can experience the subtle and high-frequency (of
the order of 10 to the order of 20) vibration of cells, molecules and atoms
and that is the way one will have a direct experiencing of impermanence.
That might be true in theory.
However, the free-flow experienced while having subtle sensations on the
body in Vipassana is demonstrably that of the flow of blood, its pulsing
and its oxygenation and possibly electrical impulses travelling from the
brain and spinal cord through various nerves to the various body parts.
There is nothing sankh
a -related in any of this. If some body-part suffers
a mild bio-chemical reaction or is in a bad posture, it may experience a
gross sensation of pain or sweat etc. and that may eclipse the subtle
sensations. On one hand Mr Goenka says that the reaction to the body
sensations is what is sankh
a, on the other hand, he clearly mentions in
the instructions on the tenth day that in stage G (as numbered by me),
the very happening of gross sensations (and not the reaction to them) is
due to very deep-rooted sankh
a s and that this manifestation should
be used to root out these very same sankh
a s, which would not otherwise
be possible in earlier states.
In short, the occurance of body sensations have nothing to do with any
eruption of sankh
a s; they are expressions of normal body processes.
Reactions to them are conditioned responses of the brain, and the brain
can be trained not to react in a habitual way to them. This is all there is
to Vipassana, training the mind to not react to bodily sensations.
Assumption 9 from Section 3 is relevant here. It is true that any mental
event (e.g. the excitation of certain neurons or nerves) has a physical
effect. But it is very much debatable whether by training the mind to
be equanimous towards normal body sensations, one gains equanimity to
all experience. Even if one goes by Buddhist philosophy, in the chain
of dependant origination, Mr Gautam clearly mentions that contact and
sensation can arise in any of the six sensory realms (if one includes the
mind as the sixth sensory realm), hence the sensation of touch and the
sensations inside the body are but one of the six realms.
More than that, this is blind equanimity. This is not equanimity with understanding. The Vipassana technique is simple: Whatever the body sensation, observe it equanimously. This does not lead to any understanding
of ones conditioning. This is training the mind to become equanimous
without going into the reasons for ones reactions (the reasons may be
ones upbringing or education, cultural or peer-group conditioning, or instinctual drives).
9. Reactivity of the brain to body sensations, or to other sensory input, is an
evolutionary trait of the human brain. It is an important survival tool for
the human body. As soon as the body experiences pain or heat or intense
cold or any other harmful condition, the brain signals the body to react
appropriately and to adjust so as to get rid of that harmful condition.
For example, sitting for a long time in a single posture might restrict the
blood flow or press some important nerve, so the brain signals the body
to change its position.
While it is indeed true that many reactions are harmful and counterproductive (e.g. egotism, anger, fear, desire, aggression, restlessness, stress),
and these reactive habits and instinctual behavior patterns need to be
obliterated, the autonomic systems of the body have a certain intelligence
of their own which should not be tampered with. Imagine what would
happen if the brain was confused when confronted with the pain of angina
on whether to observe it dispassionately or to react immediately by lying
down and avoid a heart attack.
10. Certain specific neural pathways in the brain are sought to be re-wired by
teaching ones brain to not react to bodily sensations of blood oxygenation
(the subtle sensations) or of discomfort or inertness (the gross sensations)
and this has nothing to do with evaporation of past sankh
a s.
The brain is being re-wired in a meditation practice such as Vipassana.
The re-wiring is happening in a very selective part of the brain, the part
responsible for reacting to body sensations. The conditioning and attitudes of the brain are more than this small part and one should be under
no illusion that one is getting liberated (whatever that may mean) by rewiring a small part of the brain by practicing Vipassana throughout ones
life. All talk of the sankh
a s coming to the surface, getting weak, and
finally getting evaporated is a description of certain neural pathways
being slowly broken and re-wired.
There is a very real risk of epileptic attacks and epilepsy getting worse
by this meditation practice as a specific part of the brain is being tampered with, combined with mild hypoxia, without fully understanding the
11. The high frequency of the subtle sensations and the free flow of the focus
thus obtained is not pleasant per-se; it is pleasant because it is a mark
of progress on this path. The technique values sensational states which
are previously neutral for the brain. For example, the free flow of subtle
sensations is only passably pleasant to a normal human being. It is highly
pleasant to the Vipassana student because it is also an indicator of his/her
progress. Similarly, inert or gross-sensation areas are causes of frustration
and pain not because the sensation is painful, but because the phenomenon
of the sensation being gross or of the body part being inert slows one down
in this journey of experiencing the novelty of subtle sensational realms.
8 Persinger,
M.A. (1993). Transcendental meditation and general meditation are associated with enhanced complex partial epileptic-like signs: evidence for cognitive kindling?
Perceptual and Motor Skills, 76: 168-170
Theoretical orthodoxy
He also believes that people who have practiced Vipassana in past lives will
progress quickly on the path in this life. Though what quick progress
means is left unsaid. It presumably means experiencing subtle free-flows
quite early in the practice. Mr Goenka himself claims to have benefitted
greatly from his past practice and accumulated merits while meditating
in his very first retreat with his teacher.
2. Vibrations, or vibes, are a very important part of this technique and especially of Metta meditation. The traversal and permeation of vibes in the
external atmosphere is also considered very significant. In the meditation
hall, the old students are seated in the center near the teacher, possibly
to build a vibrating center of high energy. Similarly, teachers frequently
mention that the students will have a better meditation because of some
old meditators having a retreat in the same hall, or that a meditator will
get re-charged in his practice if he/she meditates along with others on
a weekly basis.
In Metta meditation, students try to permeate their vibes with good feelings and spread them out in the atmosphere. The vibes are certainly a
fact of the psyche. What is probably not investigated is whether the vibes
and trying to spread them sustains and perpetuates the inner Being/Self
which transmits and feels them at an instinctive level.
3. The cause of ignorance (avidy
a ) is not mentioned in Buddhist texts and
neither does Mr Goenka elucidate upon it. What is observable is that
human beings start suffering from instinctual drives right from childhood.
The cause of the instinctual drives (e.g. anger or lust) is not explained,
they are merely pushed back into the past life as the continuing sankh
a s.
How the sankh
a s began or how the supposed chain of birth and death
started is not explained. In Buddhism, this issue is dismissed as an idle
query not concerned with the immediate fact of suffering. However, unless
one can understand the real cause of ones suffering (or ignorance) how
can one address it?
For example, if it is found out that greed, lust or anger are nothing but
natures way of providing human beings (who have evolved from animals)
with a survival package for ensuring their own longevity and pleasure, then
one can non-spiritually investigate whether the instincts for survival are
still useful or have turned counter-productive in the modern world.
4. In Vipassana, as in most of Buddhism, there is a lot of emphasis on the
suffering in the world, with a disparaging view of human body, sensory
experiences and life. Body is considered an object of disgust (so that the
I can easily get detached from being identified with it). The sorrowful
aspects of life are emphasized to make one a better and more committed
meditator (see for example the section on the Nine Cemetery Observations
in the Mahasatipatthana Suttam). The wonders of the natural world, the
stars in the night, the raindrops and the flowers and the waves in the
Bedi11 s verse in Japji: Thapeya naa jaaye keeta naa hoye, aapo aap
niranjan soye. This verse refers to the experience of bliss and enlightenment which Mr Bedi proclaims to happen without ones volition and
doing. Mr Goenka interprets it to mean the autonomic sensations happening in the body without ones volition. Mr Nanak Bedis verse Aad
sach Jugaad sach, Hae bhee sach Nanak hose bhi sach is interpreted by
Mr Goenka to mean the path of observing the temporal reality as it is,
whereas Mr Bedi is referring here to the timeless Truth (or God) which
he proclaims to be Truth in the past, present and future.
In another context, he posits that the word Ved (as in the Rig Ved) itself
comes from Vedan
a, which is factually false.
8. The transience of sankh
a s (past impressions) is confusedly mentioned
from Buddhist texts. At the end of each strong determination session, one
clearly hears the chant: Sabbe sankh
a anicc
ati. Now if the sankh
themselves are transient, there is no reason to have aversion towards them
also and to try to get rid of them. This issue is sidestepped with a few
verbal acrobatics by Mr Goenka in one of the evening discourses.
9. There is a strong current in Vipassana meditation of accumulating as much
practice and merits as possible in this life, in order to get a favorable next
birth. Mr Goenka describes ten different kinds of merits, including charity
and monkhood. He subtly indicates that one might not be able to achieve
full liberation and happiness in this life but still Vipassana is worthwhile
because it will bear fruit in the next life (or lives) or will help one get a
good station in the next life either on earth or in some heavenly realm
(a clearly Buddhist formulation). There are four kinds of enlightened or
almost-enlightened beings enumerated by Mr Goenka (and in Buddhist
apunn: (one who has experienced enlightenment and who will be
liberated in at most seven lives).
agami : (one who will be born once more on earth)
ami : (one who will not be born on earth again but may be born in
some other world and get liberated there).
Arahant: (one who is liberated while on earth).12
In Buddhist practices and in Vipassana, one is to aim for one of these states
and to wish and work towards a favorable next birth by accumulating the
ten different kinds of merits.
11 Mr
Nanak Bedi is better known as Guru Nanak Dev, the 1st Guru of the Sikhs
Goenka was once asked point blank by a curious student as to which of the above four
states he considered himself to be in. No straight answer was given, the student was instead
told that it would not be proper for Mr. Goenka to judge his own state and an Arahant would
be able to ascertain this.
12 Mr.
1. Vipassana mostly appeals to people who are not too attached to their
religious sects or practices and are seeking a simple, easy-to-understand
meditation practice. In India, mostly secular, educated, middle class,
earning members of society are attracted to this practice as this has superficial claims to being rational, scientific and secular and applicable to
householders while holding enlightenment as the final goal. They like the
novelty of the practice, its mostly non-ritualistic nature, the down-to-earth
personality of the main teacher (Mr Goenka talks in an easy-to-understand
way and he frequently makes humorous self-deprecating remarks towards
himself) and the distinguishing fact that the retreats run on voluntary
donations and voluntary service.
2. When students meet each other, one of the first questions they ask each
other is if the other is a new student, and if not, how many retreats one
has undergone. There is a visible humility in the other if one replies with
a high enough number. Then the next question is where one has done the
retreats. Some centers are considered better (having better vibrations
or management) than others. The highest-ranking centers are in Igatpuri,
Jaipur and Sonepat. There are long waiting lists for Igatpuri and the
Sonepat center is only for old students or for long courses. The Vipassana
enrollment forms also ask this question (the number of courses). 13 They
ask another curious question which will be dealt with hereunder.
3. It is considered significant if someone has done a course under the live
guidance of Mr Goenka or his wife (called respectfully as Mataji). Again,
it might be considered an important factor in ones practice to have been
taught by Mr Goenka and to have received his vibrations and goodwill in
close quarters.
4. There are mainly four categories of members of the Vipassana organization. Teachers, Assistant Teachers, Dhamma workers and students.
Teachers are supposed to be mature and fully qualified to teach Vipassana on their own, even though they also use the audio/video recordings
of Mr Goenka (probably as a practical convenience). Assistant teachers
are appointed on recommendations of existing teachers who ascertain the
dedication of an old student to the technique and to Dhamma and recommend the student and optionally, the spouse, for this role. Dhamma
workers are old students who want to serve in a meditation center to take
care of the board, lodging and the meditation schedule. Students also
have a hierarchy based on the number and duration of courses that they
have undergone.
Each level is increasingly loyal, unquestioning and dedicated to the technique. In fact, students are not admitted to long courses unless they give
13 They
in writing that they are fully convinced that Vipassana is the proper vehicle for their liberation and they have not tried any other technique in the
recent past. Similarly, teachers are selected on both their maturity and on
their dedication to the technique and their unfailing faith in it and their
respect for Mr Goenka.
(e) Freedom is at hand the next day and everybody is looking forward
to getting back to their lives. There are indeed students who want
to do another retreat back-to-back but they are very rare and can be
considered exceptions (I myself have been one of them).
(f) Due to the nature of Metta meditation, people go through a catharsis
of varying degree on the tenth day due to the external suggestions to
forgive everybody, to love all and to share ones merits that one has
earned after the extremely demanding nine days.
3. Any daily or prolonged practice, if combined with a moral aspect will
condition the mind accordingly. Most spiritual disciplines claim a better
moral stature for their adherents. Vipassana meditators turn vegetarian,
teetotalers, stop smoking, try to cut down on sex, and may stop eating
after 12pm. Radhasoami followers claim similar changes in their lifestyle.
Hare Krishna followers start sleeping on the floor. These changes are
not because of any inherent benefit in the new lifestyle, but because it
is considered a first step to inner salvation. It is true that smoking or
drinking can be addictive, but a stricture only makes oneself give it up
because of a moral reason, and not a pragmatic one, and makes one selfrighteous. Mr Goenka gives examples of how people stop smoking or
drinking and start condemning it after having stopped themselves (e.g. the
ex-President of Burma), which is an illustration of a moral self taking the
place of a hedonistic self. A moral self, one which does not allow smoking
or drinking, can be considered better for the body because it encourages
abstinence from these mildly harmful substances, but this abstinence is not
from understanding but from merely following the rules of a community
which are combined with a moral flavor. The self-righteousness and the
feeling of superiority are as much an addiction, and socially more harmful
ones (in my opinion), than any mild consumption of meat, tobacco or
4. The necessity of continuous practice is important in any spiritual discipline
and Vipassana is no exception. Mr Goenka enjoins the new students
to practice regularly for at least one year (after which he says it will
become habitual), to take at least one 12-day retreat every year, to start
a weekly sitting in their locality, and to meditate while going to sleep,
when getting up from bed and whenever one has time on ones hands.
It is this continuity of practice, and the associated discipline, which is
responsible for much of the benefits claimed to accrue from Vipassana. If
someone is sitting silently for an hour in the morning and in the evening,
the stresses of daily living automatically disappear and the mental states
become milder and attenuated. One can practice just sitting silently and
doing nothing, and these benefits will still come (this is from personal
Continuous practice and the weekly sittings also make one a part of the
local Vipassana community and group dynamics come into play. Vipas28
sana becomes part of ones identity and its associated morality becomes a
part of ones life. That happens with almost any spiritual discipline.
5. Vipassana promotes equanimity towards bodily sensations only and does
not help one in examining the instincts and ones psychic structures. Understanding ones own psyche and mental reactions is wholly absent in
As an example, in one of the Vipassana newsletters, there was the testimonial of a woman who received the news of her son having died. She wrote
that as soon as she got the news, she felt a strong emotion and sorrow
but immediately she switched her mind to watching the sweat which was
forming on her hands and her increased heartbeat and faster breathing and
that she came out of the reactivity in a short while. As one can see, the
reaction and its causes are left unexamined and the co-occurring or autonomic body sensations are now being focused on. The causes of the strong
emotion and sorrow, which could possibly be her psychic and emotional
bonding to her son, or her expectations from him, are left unexamined.
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