Daily Food Recommendations For Vegans
Daily Food Recommendations For Vegans
Daily Food Recommendations For Vegans
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Daily Recommendations
These recommendations address the nutrients which are of more concern in vegan than omnivore diets, but they are not everything anyone needs to know about eating for optimal health. If, in addition to the nutrients that are of more concern in vegan diets, you would like general information on eating healthfully as a vegan, Vegan For Life, by Jack Norris and Ginny Messina, contains a comprehensive discussion and menu planning for vegans. Where suggested below, "synthetic" vitamins and minerals are effective at preventing deficiencies.
Nutrient Recommendations for Vegans
Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamina) Recommendations Follow one of these dose regimens. Age US RDA (g) 2 Doses per Day (g) n/a 0.4 - 1 0.8 - 1.5 1-2 1.5 - 2.5 2 - 3.5 2.5 - 4 2.5 - 4 Daily Dose (g) 2 Doses per Week (g) n/a 200 375 500 750 1000 1000 1000
g = mcg = microgram = 1/1,000 of a milligram (mg) n/a - Not applicable. Infants should be receiving breast milk or commercial formula which contains the necessary amounts of vitamin B12. There is a large difference between amounts taken twice daily and once daily because beyond 3 g (for adults), absorption drops significantly. Amounts much larger than these are considered safe, but it's probably best not to take more than twice the recommended amounts.
These recommendations are for cyanocobalamin only. There is not enough research on other forms of vitamin B12 to recommend specific dosages from supplements. For more information, see Alternatives to Cyanocobalamin: Methylcobalamin & Dibencozide.
Daily Recommendations
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Vitamin D
On days when you do not get enough sunlight: Vitamin D Recommendations Age 0 - 12 mos 1 - 70 yrs over 70 pregnancy lactation
a b
US DRI 10 g (400 IU) 15 g (600 IU) 20 g (800 IU) 15 g (600 IU) 15 g (600 IU)
VH.orga, b 10 g (400 IU) 15 g (600 IU) to 25 g (1,000 IU) 20 g (800 IU) to 25 (1,000 IU) 15 g (600 IU) to 25 g (1,000 IU) 15 g (600 IU) to 25 g (1,000 IU)
VeganHealth.org recommendations. Amounts somewhat larger are considered safe, but it's best not to take more than twice the recommendations without a doctor's supervision.
Iodine Omega3s
75 - 150 mcg every few days Without diet planning, vegans and vegetarians have low omega-3 intakes and blood levels; and in some cases, older vegans have close to no DHA in the blood. It is not clear whether these lower blood levels are harmful (and it is not likely to be well understood any time soon). Because DHA supplements are relatively expensive we suggest two options for vegetarians under Step 1. Step 1: DHA Suppplement Option A If you want your DHA levels to be the same as non-vegetarians, supplementing with 300 mg per day will likely accomplish that. Option B If you just want some insurance that you are getting a source of DHA in case your body isn't efficient at making it, supplementing with 200 - 300 mg every 2-3 days will provide that. Vegetarians over 60 years old should err on the side of Option A. Caution: Too much omega-3s can result in bleeding and bruising. If you have reason to believe you have problems with easy bleeding or bruising, or are already consuming plenty of omega-3s, consult a health professional before following these recommendations or adding more omega-3 to your diet. Step 2: Minimize Omega-6 Oils Do not prepare food with oils high in omega-6 such as corn, soy, safflower, sunflower, most vegetable oil blends (typically labeled "vegetable oil") and sesame oil. Instead, use low omega-6 oils like olive, avocado, peanut, or canola. Only cook canola under low heat and for short periods. Step 3: Add some ALA Add 0.5 g of uncooked ALA to your diet daily (see chart). This would be the equivalent of: 1/5 oz English* walnuts (3 halves) 1/4 tsp of flaxseed oil 1 tsp of canola oil 1 tsp ground flaxseeds *English walnuts are the typical walnuts for sale in grocery stores. They are distinct from black walnuts.
Vitamin A Protein
900 RAEb for men; 700 RAE for women Good sources: carrot juice, kale, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, spinach, carrots, cantaloupe 3 - 4 servings of high lysine foods which include:
Daily Recommendations
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legumes - 1/2 cup cooked peanuts (1/4 cup) beans - garbanzos, kidney, pinto, navy lentils peas - split or green soyfoods - edamame, tofu, tempeh, soy milk (1 cup), soy meats (3 oz) seitan - 3 oz (85 g) quinoa - 1 cup cooked pistachios - 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds - 1/4 cup roasted Iron Cross-sectional studies have found similar rates of iron deficiency anemia in vegetarians as in meat-eaters. Anecdotally, vegan men and non-menstruating women do not have much difficulty getting or absorbing enough iron, but vegan menstruating women sometimes do. Iron tips: Eat foods high in vitamin C at meals to significantly increase iron absorption - citrus fruits, strawberries, green leafy vegetables (broccoli, kale, collards, swiss chard, brussel sprouts), bell peppers (yellow, red, and green), and cauliflower. Do not drink coffee, or black, green or herbal tea with meals; they inhibit iron absorption. Zinc
Good sources are legumes, nuts, seeds, oatmeal, bread, tempeh, miso, multivitamin or zinc supplement.
In foods, B12 is measured in micrograms (aka "g" or "mcg"). 1,000 g = 1 mg. | bThe vitamin A content of foods is now stated as retinol activity equivalents (RAE).