Schelly jpc84
Schelly jpc84
Schelly jpc84
Transient conductance decrease has recently been observed during E-jump relaxation kinetic studies of adsorption-desorption
processes in several colloidal suspensions. A theoretical analysis of these observations is given and an interpretation is described,
where electric-field-induced increased adsorption of ions is shown to be responsible for the apparent negative second Wien
effect. A dipole model system is discussed, which exhibits a true negative second Wien effect. It is suggested that such
a dipole mechanism may provide an interpretation for the hitherto unexplained negative second Wien effects in homogeneous
solutions, which had been observed previously.
In relaxation kinetic studies2 of fast rate processes, an equilibrium system is perturbed by a small, rapid, stepwise (transient
or jump methods) or periodic (stationary methods) variation of
a thermodynamic variable, followed by the measurement of the
rate and amplitude of the subsequent reequilibration, by monitoring a physical parameter that is proportional to the concentrations. During the perturbation, energy is introduced into the
system. For a reversible exchange of energy between a system
and its surrounding, the total differential of the Gibbs free enthalpy
G, in general, is given by3
dG = COj dFj - A dC;
ni dpi
? dl?
(a In Ka/ait)p,T= A ~ * / R T
where K, is t_he thermodynamic equilibrium constant of the reaction and AD* is the change in the macroscopic electric moment
of the system per mole equivalent transformation of reaction
Wiens experimental observations of conductivity increases upon
the application of high electric fields to both strongig and weak20
electrolytes are now referred to as the first and second Wien
effects, respectively. Onsager, Kim, and Fuoss have provided
theoretical interpretations for both types of deviation from Ohms
law. It was found that the major effect of the field on strong
electrolytes21is the acceleration of ions to such an extent that they
are able to break away from their surrounding ion atmosphere,
which leads to increased mobilities. For weak
the dissociation is described by eq 5, the major effect of the electric
ion pair
=A + + Bk2A
l o
Figure 2. Schematic representation of the several different transient
for publication.
(18) Hachiya, K.; Ashida, M.; Sasaki, M.; Kan, H.; Inoue, T.; Yasunaga,
T. J . Phys. Chem. 1979,83, 1866.
(19) Wien, M. Phys. Z . 1928, 29, 751.
(20) Wien, M. Phys. Z . 1931, 32, 545.
(21) Onsager, L.; Kim, S. K. J . Phys. Chem. 1957,61, 198. Fuoss, R. M.;
Onsager, L. Ibid. 1957, 61, 668.
(22) Onsager, L. J . Chem. Phys. 1934, 2, 599.
(23) DeMaeyer, L. In Methods of Enzymology; Kustin, K., Ed.; Academic Press: New York, 1969; Vol. 14.
signals observed or expected for the models discussed in the text and their
temporal relationship to the perturbation square pulse (a), that is triggered at time t = 0 and terminated at t l . (b) Typical conductance
increase caused by the second Wien effect for a weak electrolyte. (c)
Solid line: Typical signal observed in the suspensions discussed (ref
16-18). The initial conductance decrease is due to the sorption of ions
on the colloidal particle dipoles induced by the external field 8. The
relaxation time and the amplitude of the decrease are dependent on E .
The subsequent conductance increase is caused by the simultaneous
second Wien effect on the surface of the particles. Dashed line: Expected
signal for a system where only the sorption of ions on the induced dipoles
occurs, in the absence of the second Wien effect. (d) Expected signal
for a system where polarization is the only effect. In contrast to (a), (b),
and (c), the time scale for the period between t = 0 and t l has been
expanded by about a factor of 10 in this figure.
Figure 3. Schematic representation of the models discussed. The dielectric constant e and conductance u of the medium (1) and the particles
(2) are valid for all pictures. (a) A positively charged particle at equilibrium with the electrolyte solution in the absence of an external field.
(b) Maxwell-Wagner polarization of an uncharged particle for the case
u1 > u2. (c) Illustration of the quantities relevant for surface. conductance
us. (d) Bound and diffuse layer polarization of a positively charged
particle at steady state in an external field. Charges in the double layer
represent excess local charges.
During the perturbation, the dissociation field effect increases the
conductivity of the sample cell, resulting in a typical relaxation
signal given in Figure 2b.
Physical Model. To interpret the transient conductivity decrease (Figure 2c) observed in colloidal systems, let us consider
one of the spherical particles of colloidal size (radius r > 100 A)
carrying a free charge Q, suspended in a medium of conductance
ul and dielectric constant t l between the plates of a capacitor
(Figure 3a). The particle itself has a conductance of u2 and a
dielectric constant c2. The medium is a dilute electrolyte, and the
overall system is electrically neutral. In the absence of an electric
field, the Coulombic interaction between the particle and the ions
will be balanced by their thermal motions after the formation of
an electrical double layer around the particle. At equilibrium,
the net fluxes of both positive and negative ions toward the sphere
are zero, J* = 0. If the charge Q of the particle is due to
chemisorbed ions, the double layer may be broken down into two
portions.25 The dense part at the sphere surface is the layer of
tightly bound (chemisorbed) ions, which essentially determines
is done on the system (cf. (2)). Besides the negligibly small, very
rapid electronic and atomic polarization of the particle, the relevant
polarization mechanisms are all migratory in nature;26 Le., they
involve the movement of ions over one or more molecular distances
or lattice sites. The most important polarization mechanisms are
the Maxwell-Wagner (interfacial) p o l a r i z a t i ~ npolarization
by surface cond~ctivity,2~
and bound layer30 and diffuse layerz5
Maxwell-Wagner polarization occurs if the conductivity of the
medium is different from that of the particle (cf. Figure 3b). If
ul < a2,charges arrive from the particle interior faster than they
can be carried away toward the electrodes through the solution.
If u1> u2,charges arrive from the solution at the interface faster
than they can be transported through the solid. In both cases a
charged interface results, with charge accumulation at the two
polar regions of the sphere facing the electrodes. For the systems
under investigation a1 > az is the case, resulting in a situation
depicted in Figure 3b. The relaxation time of the polarization
process is given by3
= 2a1
(where u denotes the volume fraction of the spheres), and the final
effective induced dipole moment pMwbyz5
+ 2u,d/r
rMws = a2 + 2A,/r
+ 2tl - U ( 2 -
- al)
( ;+ ; :7)
p = po + p , = qr3E - -
= r2/2DJ4
hf = 1 + Z + z - ( Z +
+ Z-)Kpb/co
3 = [e~p(e,+~/ZkT)+ 3m exp(eo{/2kT)]/~r
m = el(kT)2/6~qDeo2
Figure 4. Schematic representation of the sorption of ions on an induced-dipole particle (positively charged). Charges in the double layer
represent excess local charges.
+ = ( Q / 4 i ~ e ~ q ) ( r-~r2-l)
+ +
>> I, eq 21 reduces to
+ = 2Q1 cos 0 / h r 2 e o q
Since the potential energy of an i-type ion with charge zpo is just
E, =
ion pair
+ A-
[bound ions]
[free ions]
in which the reaction is, at least physically (in case sometof the
free ions in the solution are different from those in (26)), but
possibly also chemically, coupled with the reaction
+ A-
CiNo- NdciNb)
(36) Spinnler, J. F.; Patterson, A., Jr. J . Phys. Chem. 1965, 69, 500.
(37) Cole, D. L.; Eyring, E. M.; Rampton, D. T.; Silzars, A,; Jensen, R.
P.J . Phys. Chern. 1967, 71, 2771.
S?-C-A + (Sf-C+.**A-)
ion pair
+ A-