DNA Polymerase As A Molecular Motor and Pump
DNA Polymerase As A Molecular Motor and Pump
DNA Polymerase As A Molecular Motor and Pump
Department of Chemistry and Department of Bioengineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, United States, and
Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Maine, Orono, Maine 04469, United States
DNA polymerase is responsible for synthesizing DNA, a key component in the running of biological machinery. Using uorescence correlation spectroscopy,
we demonstrate that the diusive movement of a molecular complex of DNA template and DNA polymerase enhances during nucleotide incorporation into
the growing DNA template. The diusion coecient of the complex also shows a strong dependence on its inorganic cofactor, Mg2 ions. When exposed to
gradients of either nucleotide or cofactor concentrations, an ensemble of DNA polymerase complex molecules shows collective movement toward regions of
higher concentrations. By immobilizing the molecular complex on a patterned gold surface, we demonstrate the fabrication of DNA polymerase-powered
uid pumps. These miniature pumps are capable of transporting uid and tracer particles in a directional manner with the pumping speed increasing in the
presence of the cofactor. The role of DNA polymerase as a micropump opens up avenues for designing miniature uid pumps using enzymes as engines.
KEYWORDS: enzyme . DNA polymerase . catalysis . diusion . nanomotor . chemotaxis . pump
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* Address correspondence to
Received for review November 18, 2013
and accepted February 27, 2014.
Published online March 06, 2014
C 2014 American Chemical Society
Figure 1. Schematic overview showing nucleotide incorporation on a DNA template by a DNA polymerase motor.
Figure 2. Diusion studies of the DNA polymerase molecular complex. The diusion coecient of the wild-type polymerase DNA molecular complex in the idling!turnover
mode showed an increase of 46% in the presence of 5 mM
dATP (substrate nucleotide) and Mg2 ions (cofactor) in the
buer over the diusion coecient of the DNA polymerase
(exo-) complex. The increase in the diusion coecient of
the molecular complex was lowered in the absence of Mg2
ions in the buer. The three diusion coecients are
signicantly dierent from each other with a signicance
value of P < 0.015. Error bars represent standard deviations.
The means and standard deviations were calculated for
10 dierent measurements.
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Figure 4. Collective migration of an ensemble of DNA polymerase complex molecules in response to a concentration gradient
of substrate nucleotide. (A) Plot of mean normalized (1 corresponds to the maximum, and 0 corresponds to the minimum)
uorescence intensity (a.u.) prole as a function of the lateral position along the width of the channel shows a 9 m shift for
an ensemble of DNA polymerase molecular complex toward 10 mM dATP (red; right side of the plot) as compared to buer
with Mg2 ions (blue; right side of the plot) when viewed 40 mm down the channel and at a ow rate of 400 L/h. The shift in
the plot (red) to the right corresponds to a shift toward the dATP channel. (B) Plot of mean normalized uorescence intensity
(a.u.) prole as a function of the lateral position along the width of the channel shows a 4.5 m shift for an ensemble of DNA
polymerase molecular complex toward 10 mM dATP (red; right side of the plot) as compared to buer with Mg2 ions (blue;
right side of the plot) when viewed 40 mm down the channel and at a ow rate of 800 L/h. The shift in the plot (red) to the
right corresponds to a shift toward the dATP channel.
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Figure 7. Fluid pumping in a DNA polymerase complexpowered micropump. The pumping speed of a DNA polymerase complex-powered pump increased with increasing
the dATP concentration from 1 to 10 mM in the presence
of Mg2 ions. Fluid pumping is highly attenuated in the
absence of Mg2 ions. No uid pumping was detected in the
absence of dATP. Error bars represent standard deviations.
The means and standard deviations are calculated for 30
tracer particles. The pumping velocities at dierent dATP
concentrations and in the presence and absence of Mg2
are statistically dierent (P < 0.01).
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Figure 8. Fluid pumping in upright and inverted micropump setups. The direction of uid ow monitored with
both positive and negative tracers reverses direction relative to the glass surface when the pump setup is inverted (B)
as compared to an upright setup (A). The uid ow switches
direction relative to the glass surface in the upright
and inverted micropump setups due to a density-driven
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Preparation of Fluorescent-Tagged DNA Sample. Fluorescentlabeled DNA primer oligomer (MW = 4402.2, TM = 53.8 !C,
100 nmol, HPLC purified, 50 -/5Cy3/TCG CAG CCG TCC A-30 )
and DNA template oligomer (MW = 6,127, TM = 62.2 !C, 25 nmol,
purified by standard desalting technique, 50 -AAA CCC TTG GAC
GGC TGC GA-30 ) were purchased from Integrated DNA Technologies. Using a UV!vis spectrophotometer, the concentrations
of stock solutions of primer oligomer ( = 122 100 M!1 cm!1)
and template oligomer ( = 190 700 M!1 cm!1) were measured
as 56.92 and 91.61 M, respectively. The absorbance was
recorded at 260 nm at a path length of 1 cm. From the stock
solutions, 10 M solutions of both primer and template oligomers were prepared in 10 mM Tris, pH 8.0 buffer. The mixture
was incubated at 65 !C in a water bath for 3 min and allowed to
cool slowly to room temperature. The resulting fluorescenttagged DNA sample was stored in aliquots of 50 L at !20 !C.
Wild-type T4 DNA polymerase was purified as previously described77 and stored at !80 !C. Both the DNA and DNA polymerase samples were thawed on ice before experiments were
Single-Molecule Diffusion Measurements with Fluorescence Correlation
Spectroscopy (FCS). See Supporting Information for detailed FCS
measurement conditions.
Microfluidic Device Fabrication. The microfluidic device was cast
in polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS, Sylgard 184, Dow Corning)
using standard soft lithography protocols.78 A 100 m deep
master pattern, which contains the inverse-shaped microfluidic
device, was created on a silicon wafer (Silicon Quest) by spin
coating a thin layer of positive photoresist, SPR-220 resist
(Microposit). The wafer containing the photoresist was treated
and structured by using photolithography methods. This was
followed by deep reactive ion etching (DRIE, Alcatel Speeder
100 deep silicon reactive ion etch) to generate the master
stamp. The master silicon wafer was exposed to 1H,1H,2H,2Hperfluorooctyltrichlorosilane (Sigma Aldrich) in a vacuum desiccator to minimize adhesion of PDMS to the wafer during the
peeling step. The PDMS was prepared by thoroughly mixing the
PDMS base polymer and the curing agent in a 10:1 (weight/
weight) ratio. The mixture was then degassed in a desiccator for
about an hour and baked at 60 !C in an oven for 30 min. The
PDMS was then cooled and peeled off. Pinholes acting as inlets
and outlets were drilled open with a drill press (Dremel Model
220 WorkStation), a rotary tool (Dremel 300 Series), and drill bits
(Drill Bit City). To ensure permanent bonding between the
PDMS and the glass substrate, the device was sealed to a No.
1 glass coverslip (VWR) with a high-frequency generator (model
BD-10AS, Electro-Technic Products, Inc.). Polyethylene tubing
(Becton Dickinson and Company) was inserted into the inlets
and outlet of the microfluidic device. Fluid flow through the
microchannel was generated by syringe pumps (KDS 200 and
220, KD Scientific).
Fluorescence Imaging Setup. Collective migration of DNA polymerase complex molecules in the presence of a dATP concentration gradient was characterized using fluorescence imaging.
The optical setup comprised an inverted microscope (Zeiss
Axiovert 200 MAT) with a halogen lamp (12 V max, 100 W).
Excitation light was passed through the appropriate filter cube
(Zeiss) depending on the excitation/emission wavelengths of the
fluorescent tag. It was then focused on to the sample through
a 20# objective (EC Epiplan-NEOFLUAR 20#/0.5 HD DIC /0,
Zeiss). Fluorescence emission was collected by the objective,
passed through interference filters, and finally detected by a
high-sensitivity Flea 3 CCD camera (FL3-U3-32S2C-CS, Point Grey)
with a resolution of 2080 # 1552 pixels at 60 frames per second.
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