Kawalla Newsletter January 2010
Kawalla Newsletter January 2010
Kawalla Newsletter January 2010
Scripture z
“.. but hearken unto the words of the Lord, and ask the Father in the name of
Jesus for what things soever ye shall stand in need. Doubt not, but be
believing, and begin as in times of old, and come unto the Lord with all your
heart, and work out your own salvation...”
Mormon 9:27
Elder Mitch Coleman (Germany Munich) something that helps me find peace and comfort and helps me
Lommelstrasse 7 be a good example to my family and friends who are not of our
81479 Munich church. Remember the invite Christ gave to his brothers and
GERMANY sisters Venite a me! Remember how the apostles help bring
Birthday: February 15th each other to him. Come see for yourself. This should be our
invite to everyone we meet. Do as i am doing come see for
Hey everybody!!! I hope Christmas was way good for all of yourself and follow Christ. This is my goal. Looking forward
you!! For Christmas we had a eating appointments for the 3 to hearing your goals. Love you all Anziano Gibbons
days, so Christmas is 3 days long here and on Christmas day
there were 8 of us elders and we played games and called Elder Ryan Swayt (Missouri Independence)
home before we went to our eating appointments it was 517 W. Walnut
awesome!!! My goals for my mission are to keep going Independence, MO 64051
strong and not too slow down. To use my time in the best way Birthday: October 31st
possible. I am so thankful for everything I have learned so far
out here. I am loving it. I love you guys!!! Love GUS Hey Elders,
I just wrote a huge email to all of you and it failed to send and
Anziano Tyler Gibbons (Italy Catania) got erased so here goes the short version...
Via G. Corsaro, 84/7 (Parco Inglese) First I love all of you. I loved Christmas and have an even
95030 Sant’ Agata Li Battiati (CT) stronger testimony that Christ lives and has his hand in this
ITALY work. I spent 10 months in my last area and got transferred
Birthday: December 12th right before Christmas. It was way hard to leave but I am
serving with my MTC comp again. We are way good friends
Hey Elders, i am doing well. Christmas was amazing really a and have been wanting to serve together our whole missions.
good humbling experience. My goals for this year are to put So life is great right now! One of my goals this year is to read
everything i have learned in the last 22 months and put it into the Book of Mormon in the first 60 days of the year. We are
practice to help my investigators to baptism. I also will use doing it as a mission, I can't wait. Another goal is to have these
what i have learned on my mission in my life when i get home. last 4 months be the most successful months of my entire
I understand more fully now the atonement of Jesus Christ then mission. I want to be crazy about this work until the last day of
i have ever before. I want to help bring souls to Christ it is my mission, and then be crazy about being a member
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missionary! I have to run but I love you Elders! Work Elder Dallin Schwendiman (TN, Nashville)
HARDER! Don't let up! The Lord will bless us! Love, Elder 105 West Park Drive Suite 190
Swayt Brentwood, TN 37027
Birthday: January 6th
Elder Greg Metcalf (Louisiana Baton Rouge)
12025 Justice Ave. Holy Smokes Kawallas! Happy New Year!
Baton Rouge, LA 70816 How the flip is it already the new year. I swear we just started our
Birthday: April 19th missions. This Christmas was one of the best i have had yet. Its
was so much fun. early morning we got up and had the fattest
Hey all ya'll, Well i had a great Christmas and i hope all the breakfast known to mankind. Sausage(jimmy Dean)(2),
Elders of the kawalla's had a good one. We were invited from Bacon(large rack), Eggs(12), Toast(8), Milk, Cereal, it was so
some investigators to come over and spend it with them. We way good. After that we took turns opening our stockings which
were about the only ones not drunk but we still had a good time we filled for each other. That was so fun watching someone
and had some awesome southern food. I got to talk to the best opening something that you bought them. I love that part. Then
family in the world. Im grateful for the family i have and the after that we played monopoly for hours on end. I got my hine
support they give me. I am also grateful for the friends i have. parts kicked. I sucked way bad but i got free parking all the time
Well for the new year goals, i would like to finish the mission so it was fun. So in the afternoon we went over to our friends the
strong and have no regrets and learn as much as i can while i Neuhaus' they are such a cool family. they are about to have their
have the spirit with me so much and have such great leaders to 9th kid here in a couple of months so their house was such a
teach me. I would just like to help people change their lives party. I got to talk to my family which was way sweet. it gets
and make this world a better place. But i love ya'll and hope funner and funner everytime i talk to them. we played basketball
your tearin' it up out there scattered around the world. Man its with the kids and we played air hockey and a bunch of other
crazy to think about how were so far apart but still doing the games with them as well. that night we went to the Rankins'
same work! Love ya'll do work peace. which are my favorite family in the ward. 4 kids in the fam,
Allison, Natalie, Ben, and Jonathan. We started our own band
with them called "Sacrament Distractions" its way sweet. So we
went over to their house and played catch phrase, bananagrams,
and last word(such a loud game)perfect for us k-dubs! so
Christmas for me was Too legit! I guess some of my goals for
the rest of my mission are to break down Preach my gospel, and
study the guts outta it. Then i wanna get thru the Book of
Mormon just one more time. I wanna get to the point where i can
practice anything to the point where i can't get it wrong, but right
now, im not even close. We Kawallas ya'll are the bomb sheezy! I
love ya'll tonz and cant wait til we meet like Alma and the sons
of Mosiah! thats gonna be sicky! This pic is "Sacrament
Distrations" Straight out of A Nashville Living Room! GOD
BLESS Elder Schwendiman
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Hermano Landan Gollaher (Mexico Chihuahua) work! Christmas Eve we took once with a member familia in
Calle Ojinaga #2210 A, Antes Morelos the ward here in Viña. We ate some meat, puré and a fruit thing
Colonia Cuauhtemoc for desert. Christmas day all 7 of us elders that live together
31020 Chihuahua, Chihuahua had a chilean BBQ up at our apartment. It was sweeet! There
MEXICO was some helicoptor that flew over like 5 times to fill itself up
Birthday: April 20th with water from the pond right in from of our pad cause there
was a huge fire on the other side of our hill. It flew right by us
HEY KAWALLAS whats up, Man this was a great chill relax it was TIGHT!!! Then we all went down to the office and
christmas. i found out my sis is having two babies. its going to called the family at about 5 and we got to talk for 30-40
be weird. ha so this christmas basically we worked all day. minutes. It was so great to hear the families voice! With this
Then i talked to my family at like 6 then i went to a dinner at new year I decided to go all out with the New Years resolution.
seven and in the dinner bullets were falling on the house haha My main goal is based on the scripture found in John 17:3. I
so the owner was like what is that. he opened the door and saw have gained so much love for our God and Savior and want to
bullets and was like its better i don’t go out. cause a stray bullet continue growing that love so that is why I picked that it. Also,
will fall on me ... haha then i got back to the house and called my other New Years resolution is to finish the mission strong
home again. haha. i love my family and all of you guys. i cant and to stay focused until the very end. I´m so stoked to get out
wait to see you all again. we really for real have the sickest of the office and be able to work normal. I´m gonna baptize the
group of friends. well my new years goal is.... hmmmm.. serve world!!!!!!!!! A special goal that I have set and am excited to
serve and serve. be one of those people who is always ready to achieve is planning out the man I want to become. By the end
help in what ever it is. i love you guys. there is no other way to of this year, I want to have on paper the man I want to be so
greater happiness then to serve others as Jesus taught. as we that I can set the needed goals in order to become that man. I
have done it unto the one of the least of these my brethren ye know that God blesses us with revelation in order to reach our
have done it unto me. KAWALLA SHOUT OUT.. happy new goals and I know that He will make our weaknesses strengths
years homies. t mix landan if we humbly set goals and rely on His help to achieve
them(Ether 12:27). Elder Owen Misión Chile Viña del Mar
Elder Brent Larsgard (Georgia Macon)
5082 Forsyth Road Suite A
Elder Kurtis Roberts (NY New York South)
Macon, Georgia, 31210
85-69 60th Drive
Birthday: February 11th
Elmhurst, NY 11373
Hello Elders, Birthday: August 25th
Christmas was wonderful. I read the Book of Mormon all day
and then we went out to proselyte at 6 p.m. It was pretty neat to Hey Gang,
The Holidays have gone way too fast. Between October and
spend a portion of Christmas with random people we didn't
know. It's too bad on that day of the year is when what most of Now has just flown. Christmas was great I hope all of yours
was great as well. I got to talk with the fam, which was really
would be cold hearted people change for a season; I wish
they'd stay that way. I'm not too fond of New Year's nice. They are the best, cant wait to see them again. On
Christmas for dinner we went out to Plainview (Long Island)
resolutions; however I'm very excited to contribute my all for
the missions' goal of 1000 convert baptisms in 2010. What a to Benihana, the best restaurant in the world. it was a pretty
chill day. we got to use our cell phones this year so we didnt
wonderful time in our lives we're in. In 2010 I'm going to
continue to do what I did in 2009; give it my all. I pray even have to leave our pad. Im Still in Staten Island. Its still
slow as ever, but i like it a lot. The members are the best. That
everyone else will too. I love you Elders. ~Elder Larsgard
doesn’t mean im not ready for a new area tho. ha Transfers are
Elder Sean Owen (Chile Vina Del Mar) in 3 weeks and im probably out of Staten. My goal(s) for the
4 Norte 1112 new year.. hmm.. I guess just don’t die as a missionary, just
Vina Del Mar keep workin hard & and make the Big Finish. Thats probably
CHILE my biggest goal. We all know it gets discouraging but miracles
Birthday: May 19th happen if you just work hard, ive learned that for a fact. I hope
you all are doing good. love ya doods. PEACE Kurtamir (P.S.
¡¡FELIZ NAVIDAD Y BUEN AÑO NUEVO de Chile!! everyone talks so much halo smack, i guess i'll just have to
HEEEY!!! What´s up everyone? I was so filled and am still remind you all who really is the master chief. ME K-ROB!) 9
filled with so much Christmas spirit that I´m just pumped to Mo Months! y'all'll be cryin like babies!
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Zhang Lao Chris Weinberger (Taiwan Taipei) Jordan Gerber (Peru Arequipa)
Floor 4, No. 24, Lane 183 Peru Arequipa Mission
Jin Hua Street, Taipei Cassilla de Correo 1884
Taiwan Arequipa
Birthday: August 16th Arequipa
Well what we did for Christmas? My companion and I had Birthday: February 11th
some extra pancake mix...Yes I know pancake mix in
Taiwan!.... But we tried to make breakfast as elegant as we Trey Maxwell (California Los Angeles)
could. It didn't really work out but we tried. Opened presents 1591 East Temple Way
talked to the family! We tried the whole caroling thing to find Los Angeles, CA 90024
investigators. Like we went and knocked doors and before they Birthday: June 24th
could say no we just started singing Christmas carols........ It
didn't really work. Some people actually got pretty upset with Sup Kawallas. I was sick on christmas eve so that was cool. On
us. Caroling in Taiwan I guess doesn't bring the warm fuzzy Christmas day we went to a homeless shelter and gave out food
welcoming like it does in the states. It was kinda funny though. and slippers. it was alright. I had my new companion for
We had a couple lessons one being with a Jehovah's Witness. Christmas, he is straight from home. No Mtc. Its freaking weird
Another shout out to you boys in the south! You guys are man, but Christmas was good. Talked to the fam and that was
awesome. All I am going to say about the lesson is that my just about the best thing ever. As for 2010 and goals.... I am not
Patience Was Tested ha ha:)! I was able to get through with no much of a goal setter you all know that. I will probably think up
arguments. Just kinda bit my lip the whole time. Well for most some real quick this week tho. right now I will say a couple
the time. For dinner my companion and I just went out to a goals right off the top of my head. Ok I want to be happier in my
restaurant. We spent alot of time outside contacting. On the mission, and I want to learn Spanish better. Its so easy to slack
way we were able to set up two more people for appointments. on Spanish here. Also I want to get a better beard for when I get
One of them being a Family! Then the night ended with us home. thats my goals. Thanks for everything schwendimans,
teaching a community english class. It wasn't what you call a your the bomb dig. Love you all.
"Traditional Christmas". But the feeling of sacrifice was well
worth it! My goals for next year are simple. Like Elder Elder Andy Tucker
Bednar's talk I wanted to be Saturated and Sealed! I want to 9562 South Cobalt Circle
turn everything I have over, and having the end of my mission Sandy, UT 84094
and the work done be sealed by approval of the Holy Ghost! Birthday: March 8th
Leaving it all on the field!
Love you all. The gospel is true. **New Callings
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