The document provides information about upcoming events at Bixby Knolls Christian Church, including Vacation Bible School from July 21-25 and a sermon on July 20 about dandelions. It also shares updates from church members, such as a member inviting a new person in the community to church.
The document provides information about upcoming events at Bixby Knolls Christian Church, including Vacation Bible School from July 21-25 and a sermon on July 20 about dandelions. It also shares updates from church members, such as a member inviting a new person in the community to church.
The document provides information about upcoming events at Bixby Knolls Christian Church, including Vacation Bible School from July 21-25 and a sermon on July 20 about dandelions. It also shares updates from church members, such as a member inviting a new person in the community to church.
The document provides information about upcoming events at Bixby Knolls Christian Church, including Vacation Bible School from July 21-25 and a sermon on July 20 about dandelions. It also shares updates from church members, such as a member inviting a new person in the community to church.
Bixby Knolls Christian Church, (Disciples of Christ) (562) 426-0428
t h e
3..2..1..VBS Weird Animals Blastoff! Something Weird AND Amazing is about to happen as you read this article: Weird (AnimalsWhere Jesus' Love Is One-of-a-Kind) is the name of the program for Vacation Bible School. Amazing is that this will be ready for take-off, set to go from July 21 thru July 25, 9:00-12:00, AND by next Fellowship News... there will be numerous unexpected blessings and God Sightings to share! I know because, "The Lord our God goes before us..." Pretty awesome, right?! Bible stories come to life, unforgettable music, activities that will stir imagination, and a unique time of fellowship, fun, and building faith in the Lord. If any of you would like to volunteer, please let me, Sandy, or Monica know, Prayers for VBS are always much appreciated too! Thank you, Scheri Dubon Dear Church, What is it that keeps rela- tionships strong?... One night last week I sat down and watched a TV show with my sons. Its called The Big Bang Theory, and it focuses on a somewhat eccentric group of scien- tists with high intelligence, social awkwardness, and nu- merous personality quirks. Its the personality quirks that catch my attention. Theyre funny, yes; and yet, for the most part, the char- acters in the show understand one anothers quirks, and are quick to explain them by saying things like, Oh, thats just Sheldon. The ability to say, Oh, thats just Sheldon is key to keeping relationships strong. Theres a little bit of Shel- don in all of us. Recognize that, and we all get along; fail to recognize that, and we find ourselves being upset and offended by every little thing. The same dynamic is displayed in other shows and mov- ies. For example, in the movie Cars, the residents of Ra- diator Springs have learned to form relationships with people who are very different from one another. Con- sider the friendship of Sarge and Fillmore, two charac- ters who are the opposite from one another in so many ways, and yet, somehow, work with one another in building a friendship and a community. They annoy each other, yes, but they also have the ability to shrug their shoulders and say, Oh, thats just Fillmore Oh, thats just Sarge We are a congregation of Sheldons, Sarges, and Fillmores. What a diverse and, dare I say, eccentric group of people we are! We each have our quirks, our annoying habits, and idiosyncrasies. But on top of that, we have love for one another. With all our differences, we have learned how to be in community with one an- other. This week, I am directing a camp of nearly 50 mid- dle school youth at Loch Leven, the camp & conference center owned and operated by BKCC and the other con- gregations of the Pacific Southwest Region. One of the amazing things that happens at camp is the formation of a strong Christian community. Over the course of a week, campers learn to love one another, despite the different churches, communities, and backgrounds each comes from. The annoyance at a fellow campers quirks at the beginning of the week becomes, by the end of the week, an understanding that thats just who that person is. As love grows, we become less annoyed, and learn to appreciate each person for who they are, rather than who we would like them to be. And whether the relationship were talking about is that of a married couple, a group of friends, or a church, that is what keeps it strong. Blessings, Pastor Danny P.S. As you learn to appreciate the quirks of others, it also helps to recognize and laugh at your own quirks as well!
Betty Jo Williamson Phil OLaughlin Sumbal Sardar Keri Clark (daughter of Monica Lanz) Porter Family, Ruthie Atkin (friends of B. Smith) Nargis & family in Pakistan (family of Sumbal Sardar) Keri France & family (family of A. Hillig) Ellis Sparks, Jr., Venus (friends of A. Hillig) Jean Woodward (friend of Becky Carroll) The Holy Spirit likes being around Good Spirits
Dear Church, I praise and thank God for the opportu- nity to share in this wonderfully put together Fellow- ship Newsletter we have. The front cover on the last issue was beautiful, with the flag and fireworks. Job well done thanks to Monica and whoever else that are involved. My special thanks to everyone at church last Sunday, 7/6/14, for welcoming a guest that I invited to our church. As in Psalm 96:3 Tell everyone about the amazing things He does, (GOD). Sunday before last, 6/29/14, I was sitting in my van by the laundromat across the street, studying The Word (Bible) and I saw this lady taking out her laundry from her car parked next to mine. So I got out and handed her my business card and told her, The Lord told me to tell you that He loves you. Here is my number, if you have any prayer requests, call me and well pray for you. I go to that church across the street, and Im about to go there for our bible study that starts at 9:00 a.m., and the service starts at 10:15 a.m. She replies Oh thank you, Im new to the area and Ive been thinking about a church to go to. I will come next Sunday, She barely finished saying next Sunday, and I jumped in excitingly, You promise? She smiled and said yes. Then there was a but. She said she just started a new job, and she hasnt got her schedule yet. Again, I jumped in, dont worry, The Lord will arrange it. Well, praise GOD, she came to church and said she was on call. After service and an awesome sermon by Leo, the mathematician, I invited her to the fellowship hall for coffee, punch and snacks and she told me she felt so good and wel- comed, and she will come again next Sunday. Now this is all the Holy Spirits doings. Im not boasting or taking any credit for this. Pat told me about a lady who lived by a church somewhere, I forgot, that no one invited her to go to their church. This proves that there are many people out there that are waiting for an invi- tation. Thanks again yall.
Peace, Ioane
P.S. I received a call from Ioane, who told me Tangi (his new friend) received a letter from Pastor Danny and was deeply touched by it. Monica Hattie she is doing well and wishes to thank eve- ryone who sent cards and prayers for her recov- ery. My devotional for yesterday reminded me that God can only do for me what he can do through me. I am his instrument in all that I do. Chuck Proud grandmother Betsy says TJ HIl- lig has returned from the Jr. National volleyball tournament where his club volleyball team came in third place. Yes TJ! Your church family says congrats and way to go TJ!! Our own, Alice Hoffman among many honorees were recently recognized for their volunteer service to The Childrens Benefit League. Alice volunteered 40 years towards this non-profit organization that is committed to helping medically needy children.
Happy Birthday! Lauren Dubon - August 2 Ratana Pheng - August 5 TomHillig III - August 14 J ohn Solan - August 18 Marcia Solan - August 18 Becky Carroll - August 19 Grace Kobel - August 24 Marlon Bragg - August 28 Chrysan Naw - August 28 Eleanor Smith - August 29 Sarah Stolze - August 29 Happy Anniversary! John & Marcia Solan August 16 - 55 yrs.
Hazel & Joseph Torres August 18 - 58 yrs . Danny & Ginger Bradfield August 21 - 21 yrs.
Litter pickup: we meet at the front gate every 3 rd Sun- day at 8:15, to pick up litter from our n e i g h b o r h o o d sidewalks & gut- ters. Our prayer circle meets every 2 nd
and 4 th Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. in room 115. Join this dedi- cated group in praying for our church, commu- nity, & world. Help cook food for Christian Out- reach in Action (COA). Every 2 nd
Thursday at 8:00 a.m. in our church kitchen. Pray for Camp! This week, Chi-Rho Camp is taking place at Loch Leven. Please pray for the campers and staff. Pray that they have a wonderful, safe, fun, and spirit-filled week. If youd like to send a note of encouragement to any of our campers/counselors at Loch Leven, your letter should be addressed as follows:
Camper/Counselors Name Camp (i.e. Junior Camp, Chi-Rho, etc.) Loch Leven 36910 Mill Creek Rd. Mentone, CA 92359
Make sure to allow several days for your letters to reach camp.
July 13-19: Chi-Rho Camp (Danny Bradfield on staff; Sevin Pettis, Devin Pettis, Zander Pollock) July 20-26: CYF1 Camp (Samantha Kobel & James Rugh) July 27-Aug 2: CYF2 Camp (Ethan Bradfield, TJ Hillig) July 20 - Matthew 13:24-30 Sermon: "Dandelions" Our shoe drive continues! For the months of June & July, Bixby Knolls Christian Church will be a drop-off location for this shoe drive. Just bring new or used shoes to worship or anytime the church is open, and place them in our large collection box. Perhaps youll even want to ask your neighbors to contribute. Spread the word! Lets fill our box to overflowing and help achieve the goal of no shoeless per- son in the world! Vacation Bible School July 21-25 Grades K-6
We have promotional postcards that wed like for you to share with your neighbors. Please take some home and help us get the word out! VBS is an amazingly fun and spiritual time for the young people of our community, and we need everyones help in letting local families know about this wonderful program.
Summertime and the Livin is easy!!
Or is it? I say YES, or at least really fun! Just look around church and see whats happen- ing. We are getting ready for Vacation Bible School, Lots of rooms and closets and being cleaned and purged and reorganized. Even the purple (cosmos) plants are in bloom from the seeds the kids planted during lent! They have been blooming since Easter and keep on Bloom- ing!!
That is what we hope to be doing. By adjusting to change (Gretchen Rughs sermon) we reap wonderful benefits.
Coming in August are special musicians sharing their talents with us. Glenn, Angela, Yanni, Ken and Leo are all on board. We will also have another youth praise service. August should be a stellar month.
Make sure you come to church on Sunday July 20 th as it is Musician recognition Sunday. We are going to recognize and thank all the unwavering volunteers who help to bring music into our services and our lives. So Ringers, Singers, players, and instrumentlists all need to be present! Come and thank them all for all their hard work!
Several of the youth and I will be going on Singing Safari in August. We will be scouting other churches and places for new and fun music (but only at services that dont conflict with ours!) So if your pre =teen or teenager asks to go to church REALLY early some Sunday, or on a Saturday..this would be why! We will be back in time for 10:15am service!
Carrie Newcomer is coming to Los Angeles! She wrote the new song we are singing Room at the Table. She will be at McCabes store in Santa Monica on Friday August 15 th . Check out for more information.
WEDNESDAY NIGHTS AT THE PARK.several of us have been meeting at Los Cerritos Park for concerts in the park on Wednesday evenings (concerts start at 6:30 and end close to 8pm.) If you dont have time to make dinner usually there are vendors with food right at the park. The concerts are wonderful and fun. If they seem too long feel free to take off at intermission. The second half is the studio section and they have various different types of music during the second half. Bring your friends, kids, dogs etc. Mom and I tend to hang out on the side by the school.look for us opposite the schools flagpole!
Blessings one and all Barb P.
Pastor Daniel Bradfield -Minister Monica Lanz -Church Secretary Barbara Neal-Peebles -Music Director/Organist Christine Perkinson - Church Child Care Suzie Romero - Custodian
BOARD OFFICERS: Ken Brown -Board President Leo Dittemore -Vice President Pat Cohen -Secretary Angela Hillig - Treasurer Chrysan Naw - Financial Secretary
-Church Clerk BIXBY KNOLLS CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ)
SUNDAY SCHEDULE: 9:00 a.m. Sunday School for Adults 10:15 a.m. Morning Worship and Childrens Church
A publication of Bixby Knolls Christian Church of Long Beach (a Disciples of Christ Church) 1240 E. Carson Street Long Beach, CA 90807
The Fellowship News is published twice monthly. Check us out on Facebook website: A Great Purpose There is no circumstance, no trouble, no testing, that can ever touch me until, first of all, it has gone past God and past Christ, right through to me. If it has come that far, it has come with a great pur- pose, which I may not understand at the moment. But I refuse to become panicky, as I lift up my eyes to him and accept it as coming from the throne of God for some great purpose of blessing to my own heart. Alan Redpath
Taken from the Newsletter Newsletter Bixby Knolls Vision Statement To know what the Lord requires of us; to do justice, and love kindness, and walk humbly with our God. (Micah 6:8) Submit your articles for the next newsletter by July 27