Prediction Lesson Plan
Prediction Lesson Plan
Prediction Lesson Plan
Classroom Strategies:
Independent Activities Lecture
Problem Solving
Curriculum Integration:
Independent Practice:
Students will play a picture game where they will be given a series of pictures and predict what will
happen next. Students will draw a picture of their prediction, and write a sentence about it and then share
with the class about their prediction. We will use the following sentence stem for sharing our predictions:
I think ____________ will happen next because ___________________.
Closure / Culminating Activity:
Students exit ticket will be to tell me one thing about making predictions (why do we make predictions?
What tools help us make predictions? Etc.)
Accommodations: (what YOU will do to modify your lesson)
1. Students who have trouble writing may draw pictures on their sticky notes to record their
prediction and verbally explain their prediction.
Children who finish early can play a making predictions game.
Assessment will be based on student answers and participation.
When students are working in small groups I will check on each group and check for understanding.