English Common and Proper Nouns
English Common and Proper Nouns
English Common and Proper Nouns
Lesson Focus
- The focus of the lesson is how the pupils will differentiate between common and proper
Lesson Outcomes
Key vocabulary
common nouns
Proper nouns
Resources/equipment needed
• PowerPoint
• Class Dojo.
• Educational video
• Timmer.
• Online games
Resources & Introduction
Students will: Teacher will:
- Educationa - The students will start the - Teacher will start mention the
l video class by greeting the classroom rules.
- Class Dojo teacher. - Teacher will interduce the lesson
- PowerPoint - The children will interduce by using the PowerPoint.
- The students will be aware
of classroom rules.
PowerPoint - The students will use - Ask the pupils to think in pairs and
(raise-hand) button to what they do know about the
30 minutes answer any questions. nouns.
- The children will do the - The teacher will play a video
strategy think-pair-share about nouns, common and proper
based on nouns. nouns.
- The students will start a - The teacher will explain what the
short activity about nouns common and proper nouns are
(find the nouns). then, she will ask the students to
- The students will start give her examples of common and
their independent activity proper nouns.
(fill out this common and - Teacher will present some of
proper noun chart). different nouns such as, people,
- Children will start writing places and things.
independently (noun hunt) - Teacher will highlight the nouns
- Pupils will shout out a based on student’s answers (find
random noun based on the nouns).
common and proper nouns - Teacher will model the activity for
before you run out the the students (noun hunt).
time. - Teacher will ask the pupils if they
are able to find the nouns in the
The teacher will help low-level students with finishing/ answering the activities.
Middle and high-level group students will finish their work independently.
Differentiation activities (Stretch)
Teacher will use the formative assessment to see the levels of the children, through speaking
and using online games will help the teacher to be able to know if they are on the right track.
Online game - Students will be given 5 minutes to - Ask the children to pay
(using YouTube play a game related to proper and attention to the clip
K12 grade 1 – common nouns. video.
English: nouns.
5 minutes
☐ Observation Student Oral ☐ Peer
self- questionin assessm
assessment g ent
- This is the first time that I taught an online class, it was very nervous at the beginning but the
students got comfortable with me, I remind the pupils of the classroom rules after that I start
to explain the lesson and introduce myself to the children, and they do so. I use a video clip
to introduce the lesson of today as well as using the PowerPoint. They were very
participative with me and responded to each question that I asked, I use Class Dojo to
motivate them. At the end of this lesson, I receive my feedback from my mentor college
teacher Dr. Neil which he was very happy about my teaching strategies and the way that I
taught the pupils. No areas development was mentioned because I follow my lesson plan and
use good reinforcement for the students. This lesson plan will help me in my action research
because I am focusing on English subject.