Educ 450 Professional Self Assessment Form 1
Educ 450 Professional Self Assessment Form 1
Educ 450 Professional Self Assessment Form 1
Yvette Collins-Haili
Grade Level (s)/Subject Area(s) Fifth Grade (English/ Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and
Social Studies)
Instructions to the teacher candidate: Please reflect on your professional performance, and
respond to each of the following prompts.
In terms of the ADEPT Performance Standards, what are your professional strengths?
How have you built on these strengths so far, and how do you plan to do so in the future?
In terms of the ADEPT Performance Standards, what are your professional challenges?
How do you plan to meet these challenges?
Describe your students overall progress and achievement. What insights have you
gained into ways to improve student progress and achievement?
I have seen a tremendous amount of improvement amongst students throughout this semester.
Students have been worked diligently in all areas relative to improving their academic and
character skills. It is clearly evident that students continue to demonstrate constant growth in the
areas of English/ Language Arts, mathematics, science, and social studies, through the use of
formal and informal assessments. A few of the insights gained as far as improving student
progress and achievement include the ability to monitor and adjust lessons, with a positive
emphasis on chunking information for students who learn a bit slower than others. Another
insight I gained as related to providing the best instruction possible included the ability to be bit
more flexible in meeting the needs of all learners, to include students of other ethnic
How will you use the knowledge you have gained through this professional selfassessment to promote your continuous professional growth and collaboration?
In applying the knowledge gained throughout this professional self-assessment, I can promote
continuous professional growth and collaboration by continuing to attend professional
development trainings offered inside and outside the district, by sustaining a positive partnership
with parents/ families, and by meeting students, based on where the individual needs are.