Preamble NPE PDF
Preamble NPE PDF
Preamble NPE PDF
end of a particular stage as these are long term targets of the Curriculum i.e. abilities, attitudes, values, etc. Learning Indicators along
with the pedagogical processes will help achieve these curricular expectations. The learning indicators have been developed for each
class i.e. at the end of each class from class I to class VIII. The learning indicators need to lay down the essential levels of learning
as postulated by the NPE; The Learning Indicators help in a number of ways by:
The present exercise is aimed to clarify some misconceptions or confusions related to these areas. With the implementation of CCE,
teachers are using CCE as a pedagogic tool. They are expected to regularly assess childrens progress as per their pace of learning and
provide feedback. Research is consistent across countries, content area and age groups- show that using assessment for learning
improves all student achievement more than external texts or educational reforms.CCE also provides opportunities to teachers to use it
as an assessment tool so that childrens knowledge, understanding, various skills, attitudes, values, etc could be developed over a
period of time. Children construct their knowledge and have different learning styles. Thus learning process needs to be seen as a
continuum. As we all know in teaching-learning paradigm whatever we plan (inputs) for expected learning of a child, must be
translated and reflected in the childs behaviour. However, the path Teaching learning strategies have to be planned according to the
needs of the children. For children with disabilities, sign language, audible books, tactile maps and the likes are required. The teacher
will have to determine the needs as she/ he interacts with the child, while drawing her paln from curricular expectation to transaction
and from transaction to attainment. Without identifying learning indicators it is even more difficult for a teacher or a system to move
further or improve learning levels. So there is a need to develop well defined learning indicators to meet the curricular
Teachers cannot think in isolation to achieve these curricular expectations. Pedagogical interventions that are required to achieve these
expectations have also been given for each curricular area. These pedagogical processes provide examples which would help the
teachers and other users to understand the extent and the nature of learning on the part of the children related to each curricular area.
The present exercise would also encourage the States to lay down learning indicators and learning outcomes through a joint effort of
the Centre and States. The States have the full liberty to adopt/adapt these indicators/ outcomes as per their needs. This proposal is
made in view of the fact that an important objective of planning in our country has been removal of disparities in achieving the
objectives of educational and pedagogic planning.
All children up to the elementary stage irrespective of their abilities/disabilities, social-economic ethnic background or gender, have
right to education. Our school education needs to support our children to develop their knowledge, understanding, range of skills and
dispositions to act in the future life as productive citizen. Children have variations in their abilities, dispositions and personal social
qualities. Some children have special needs i.e. physical, communication, sensory and/or emotional needs that affect their learning.
Some disadvantages may influence their learning such as gender discrimination at home, development delay, limited experiences in
early years. Providing appropriate and enriched experiences and modifying the teaching learning strategies help meet the identified
learning needs of our children. Inclusive approach not only addresses the diverse needs of children but also provides opportunities to
learn from each other. School programmes/activities should coordinate with the community services so as to meet the social,
emotional, physical and learning needs of all children including those with special needs.