Greg Stolze - How To Play
Greg Stolze - How To Play
Greg Stolze - How To Play
Whats Gaming?
Heads you win, tails you lose. Bingo. Fair, impartial, and easy to
understand. Lets tell our story!
Its like Cops and Robbers, only with dice and rules to curtail the
endless round of I hit you! No you didnt! disputes.
The only problem with this is that, if youre telling a story like
Thats one standard explanation, but its really only the thin edge
of the wedge. Its the rst step into the territory, but it merits
some expansion.
detailed than the generic cops or robbers who run around the
yard shooting each other. The characters in RPGs are more like
are reasonable.
time, they have tastes and history and quirks and motivations.
They exist, not only to do things, but also because theyre inter-
RPGs are games built through, and around, stories. The story
on the porch saying, Tommy, you cant hit him! Hes around the
corner and bullets only go in straight lines! Or, in our hobbit
and there isnt a board, but there are dice and rules... a radical
departure from standard Cops and Robbers.
The stated reason that most games have all these rules, with dice
RPGs are more complicated than Cops and Robbers because the
characters and roles are more involved, and the setting is more
who understands the rules best. The more complicated the game,
Okay, Ill try really hard not to be overblown and pompous here.
But RPGs come with their own little worlds, an imaginary map
on which the characters move. But this isnt just a map of physical
places, its a map of events and people and governments and
starships and beliefs and magic spells and battle tactics and... well,
effort into his game. If only there was some way to harness that
told in the real world, because the real world is taken up with our
I got off on a tangent there. I was talking about dice and impar-
setting and the way events turn out. The game EVERWAY settles
with a treasure map and a plan can unearth troves of rubies the
conquer (or learn from, if thats your bag). In a horror game, the
action movie (where the hero can survive falling off a hotel if
he lands in the pool) or the physics of horror ction (where, no
Does the beggar nd the rubies? Which alien race triumphs? Can
matter how fast the heroine runs, the shambling zombie is always
the undead terrorist be stopped? The rules and dice are there to
there are some features that most of the games written have in
horse with the best record on muddy track or you fold instead of
and testing your judgment against them is neat, and thats part
have these things because all these things entertain. In one way or
this statement, you probably dont need the rest of this section
All right, for all you skeptics: Inhabiting another role is enter-
teenager instead of acting the way you always do, because its
right or expected or youll get red if you dont, you get to act
all in fun, all in the game, all in a made-up world, it doesnt count.
let them get away with it. Your character might need to give up
true love for honor... or for peace or just for political advantage.
Players like this need to understand that they dont call the shots,
that the group isnt there to serve their pleasure at the expense
of their own, and that its okay for selsh, odd-duck characters
players who damage the collective are actually those who get too
to grow and change so that they work better with the rest of
the party.
This can take two forms. The rst is someone who gets too solidly
The other problem thespian player is the one who may work very
rest of the group. Say, for example, four of your players create
hardy merchant sailors who are going to roam the seas trying to
particularly care for sailing she gets seasick, in fact but signs on
out of greed or simply because she needs to get out of town until
This contrast can work, if the player is willing to let her character
entirely of meanderers and for them, that works. They can have
grow into being a sailor with the others. The contrast can actually
a problem.
problems arise when you get more typical players who have a
heavy interest in plot and mechanics, and who see the in-character
noodling as pointless. Theyre not out of line. In his own way, this
interest in it. She wants to get back to her port town and work
freak, but in this case the x is much simpler. The GM just has
her intrigues and have the ships crew serve as her patsies and
scope of the plot. Ideally, these chances let him contribute to the
the joy of thinking through the tough stuff with the joy of
and its a lot easier to drag the courtroom down to a brawl than
stand. If you think youd enjoy having your proxy in the game
manners and your character looks like an oaf. You fail in battle
of his mighty axe, you probably get it and dont need a lecture on
But maybe you do need that lecture. Maybe you think ghting
group? If you dont have a ready answer, it may be you. The good
RPGs arent about winning, arent about getting the most power-
ups, arent about being the toughest, and arent about hogging
of the setting. Hes going to ignore that stuff and get to ght
the spotlight. These games work best when players are working
scenes, which he will win, so that he can get some form of power-
half for their own characters, and half for the good of the game as
when the other characters can ght, he seeks out means to hog
the game is about his characters prowess and glory, full stop.
long as the players rally around that idea and theres enough
like combat all that much and are more into characterization or
player, you can be a great t with players who couldnt care less.
All you have to collectively do is understand when you need to
step back and let the expert do his job. For them, thats solving
one your GM has ample justication to give him the boot. Honest.
overarching master plan for world domination. For you, its when
Tell her I said its her sovereign duty to expel him for the good of
diplomacy fails.
players who arent jerks. But really, it should almost never come
to that.
view of cooperation, and then they perceive it, pursue it, and
are willing to take turns with the spotlight. Those who cant are
annoying you are. Quick, whos the most irritating player in your
probably real crybabies and your games better off without them.
like them. Strategy is fun. Chess has been popular for centuries.
Furthermore, guring out a complex set of rules is, for many
players, very engaging. Its interesting to try and optimize a
the Star Trek universe, but more typically its something custom
Why, though?
of these can be dealt with, and advice for such dealing is in the
Chess doesnt need a setting, nor does Cops and Robbers. But
TV and movies. I love the tube and the theater as much as the next
needs to invest some energy and thought into the party and push
doing and have at least a sketchy rationale for why hes doing it.
Maybe the person who puts the pepper in the recipe is your GM.
The lazy gamer, however, just goes with the ow. He likes to hear
known for a reason, and that reason is that it works... kinda. Its far
If you are having fun and keep showing up, dont worry that you
from optimum, but its better than having a game atline due to
terminal apathy. Many GMs, rather than see that happen, put the
ought to do.
As a player, youre there to have fun, but you also have a respon-
others have fun is, itself, fun having your creativity appreciated
The problem arises when you get a whole group of passive players.
discuss them until they pick, then they roll dice to see how it turns
practice. After all, its all imagined, and the only repercussions are
again the next Sunday for another. Most games go from session
glimpse into a future that will never be, while historical revisionism
offers an alternative past that never was. Comic book settings let
what you missed, and get used to plots that focus on the people
If you like gaming but your schedule just wont let you commit
to your group, there are a couple ways around it. If the plot and
character while youre away, expecting her to play it safe, not take
big risks, and not depict him getting drunk and fathering a slew
and rather passive tour the regions, hear the neat descriptions,
you want). Alternately, you can let your fellow players run your
with them. Theyre not obsessed with nding the optimum killing
Pay Attention
You cant expect to be spoon-fed the joy like you can with passive
media. Gaming is interactive: If you dont respond to whats
Your Mission,
Should You Choose to Accept It
With all that stuff about character, system and setting in mind,
just what are your duties as a player? When you play, what are
Show up
Not only does this keep you from dragging the pace of the game
effective since you actually know what she can and cannot do.
afternoon, and well play the game until 5:00 or so, then meet
More than that, follow the script. Pay attention to what the GM
Its not just character problems that can stick in your throat,
character suffers as the result. Let it go. Every pro ball game has
some bad calls, and GMs arent perfect. Many great GMs sacrice
be invested.
Let It Go
because she needs to have some authority to run the game. Even
if she admits it was wrong, dont hold a grudge and dont demand
few bum rolls, your character dies. Or goes insane or breaks his
some kind of redress. Just accept that bad calls happen to good
characters and hope that the next fumble goes in your favor.
book, talk it over with your GM after the session. Nothing makes
be philosophical.
characters. If your GM is doing her job, you get your time to excel
and look like a champion, and so do the other players. One very
get in some cool last words like Tell Martha I always loved her
You roll badly and the villain makes you look silly. Your character
instead of being suave and cool, your character looks like a ninny.
tures have involved nding evidence to link Gharst with the plot
to poison the queen, and now Xanthar (the good looking and
you may enjoy the setback as comic relief. Failing that, you can
battle of wits.
youre a good player, you sit back and let him have his moment in
the sun. If youre a bad player, you have your stuttering barbarian
and obsession with it, you can groove on the highs and shrug at
attack Gharst so that it degrades into a big ght scene (thats the
the lows.
In the spirit of aiding Leon and Xanthar, learn how to contribute
to the game. The more you put into it, the more enjoyment
youre going to get out of it, and that doesnt just apply to your
character. If youre seeking ways to make other characters look
good, their players just might return the favor. If you look for
ways to make the GMs job easier, everybody benets as the game
runs more smoothly. If you show up planning to accept whatever
youre given, you get something. If you show up wondering how
you can make the game cooler for everyone, you get more. If
everyone shows up focused on making the game great with their
characters, instead of making their characters powerful in the
game, you can get something spectacular.