Recovery Dice
Recovery Dice
Recovery Dice
Recovery Dice
5th Edition
Written by: Mark Hart
Additional Content by: Brian Berg, Rick Cox, Nathan Sherrets
Editing: Michael Ritter
Cover Design: Brian Berg
Layout: Brian Berg
Cover Artwork: Eric Lofgren; Interior Art: Felipe Gaona, Eric Lofgren, Brett Neufeld
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Published by Total Party Kill Games, LLC. 1st printing, April 7th, 2017.
Resurgence Survivor
Spend a Recovery Die as an action to You can spend a Recovery Die to avoid
temporarily ignore a condition. The suffering the effects of thirst or
amount you roll on the die is how starvation. You do not regain Recovery
many rounds you can ignore the Dice spent in this fashion until after
condition’s effects. This applies only to you’ve received food and water and
the following conditions: charmed, have taken a long rest.
frightened, paralyzed, or exhaustion.
During this time, you do not continue Swift Healing
to roll saving throws to end the effect. You can regain hit points by spending
Once the benefit ends, the condition Recovery Dice as a bonus action, rather
resumes. than following a short rest. You regain
hit points equal to half the amount
As an option, the GM may rule that rolled (rounded down).
this option doesn’t cost an action.
Consider limiting this option to
Rub Some Dirt on It barbarians, fighters, and possibly
As a bonus action, expend one or more paladins and rangers.
Recovery Dice to gain the result as
immediate temporary hit points. Do Sympathetic Healing
not add your Constitution modifier to You can expend one or more Recovery
this total. These hit points are lost Dice during a short rest to help heal
following a short rest. another creature. You do not regain hit
points, but rather the recipient regains
Still Standing hit points equal to half your roll. Do
When you take enough damage to drop not add your Constitution modifier to
you to 0 hit points, you can spend a this healing.
Recovery Die as a reaction. This allows
you to remain standing with one hit Take a Breather
point. For each round you wish to Expend a Recovery Die to regain the
continue standing, you must spend use of a feature that normally requires
another Recovery Die as a reaction. If a short rest to recharge.
you choose not to do so, you fall
unconscious with 0 hit points at the Twist of Fate
end of that round. If you receive As a reaction, expend one Recovery Die
healing of any sort during this time, to reroll a saving throw. You may use
this option after you roll the save, but If you become poisoned, as a
before you know the results. You must reaction you can spend a Recovery Die.
accept the reroll. You can ignore the poisoned condition
for a number of rounds equal to the die
Unflinching Awareness roll. During this time, you continue
You know something terrible is about attempting saving throws to end the
to happen, and you are ready for it. As effect, but during this time, you don’t
a reaction, expend one Recovery Die to suffer penalties for being poisoned.
gain advantage on your next initiative
roll. This benefit (and the spent
Recovery Die) are lost if you do not roll
for initiative in the next ten minutes.
Silent Runner
You stalk your foe with preternatural
If you spend a Recovery Die, you
DICE OPTIONS can add the result of the die roll to your
The options below are divided among
next Dexterity (Stealth) check to
the various character races. These
determine success.
options can help differentiate between
characters of different races, further
highlighting their varied natures, Uncanny Aim
strengths, and weaknesses. Your senses extend beyond the natural
and into the supernatural, allowing
you to see things normally hidden.
Dwarf If an enemy creature is within
range of your weapon or ranged spell
Iron Fortitude attack but obscured or behind
Your body can soak up poison with anything less than total cover (i.e., you
impunity. have line of effect, but not line of sight,
When an attack or effect will cause
to the target), you can spend a
you to suffer poison damage, as a
Recovery Die to make the attack
reaction you can spend and roll a
without disadvantage. You must still
Recovery Die. You gain temporary hit
attack the creature’s true location—if
points against poison damage equal to
you attack the wrong location, you
the result of your die roll. These
automatically miss. The target still
temporary hit points only apply
gains the benefit of cover.
against poison damage, but otherwise
operate like normal temporary points.
Sheer Willpower Blessing of Lady Luck
It doesn’t matter how much poison is
Luck flows through your veins,
pumping through your blood—it isn’t
allowing you to succeed by the seat of
going to stop you from chopping
your pants.
someone’s head off.
At any time during the adventuring When you fail a saving throw to
day, expend and roll a Recovery Die as resist or avoid being charmed,
an action and record the result. For the frightened, paralyzed, exhausted, or
next 24 hours, this value represents poisoned, you can spend a Recovery
your luck pool. Each time you make an Die to gain an immediate reroll of the
ability check, attack roll, or saving failed save.
throw, you can add +1 to your roll.
Doing so depletes your luck pool by 1
point. Once the luck pool is empty, you
Human Resolve
cannot use this option until after
You possess a well of great resolve
you’ve completed a long rest. Any
thanks to your deep burning desire to
unused points in the pool are lost once
When you fail a die roll by 5 or less,
you take a long rest.
you can spend a Recovery Die as a
reaction to add half its result (rounded
Danger Sense down) to your roll result.
You possess a keen sixth sense that
keeps you alive.
If you are surprised, you can spend
Quick Witted
a Recovery Die to not be surprised.
You think fast on your feet, finding
unorthodox solutions when everyone
else has given up.
Fool’s Fortune You can spend a Recovery Die as a
You hate to push your luck, but reaction to change the ability involved
sometimes you have to beg the Lady for your next saving throw or ability
for more than your fair share. check to an ability that better favors
You can spend a Recovery Die as a success. For example, if the GM calls
bonus action to gain momentary good for you to make a Dexterity saving
fortune. When you do so, you can force throw against an incoming bolt of
an enemy you can see to reroll a saving lightning, you instead choose to base
throw, ability check, attack roll, or the saving throw on your Constitution.
damage roll. You can only use this
option once per enemy action. The When you choose this option, you
target creature must use the second must provide an in-game explanation
roll. You use this ability after the for why you have a chance of pulling
creature makes its roll, but before the this off. Describe how using your
GM announces the results of that roll. Strength instead of your Wisdom (for
example) looks in the scene. If the GM
accepts your story, you make the roll
Human with your chosen ability. Once you’ve
made this choice, you cannot change it
Fierce Determination back.
When your comrades need you the
most, you’ll do whatever it takes to
save their sorry asses.
immune to your Draconic Presence for
Dragonborn the next 24 hours.
Draconic Presence
The full fury of your draconic Unleashed Breath Weapon
ancestors emanates from you. You draw from your body’s strength
When you spend a Recovery Die as and vitality to supercharge your breath
a bonus action, you temporarily gain a weapon attack.
fraction of your draconic ancestry’s For each Recovery Die you spend,
Frightful Presence ability. As an action, up to a maximum equal to your
you activate this fearful aura. Each Constitution modifier (minimum of 1),
creature of your choice within 30 feet you can add the result of the roll to the
and aware of you must succeed on a damage your breath weapon inflicts.
Wisdom saving throw (use the same
DC as for your breath weapon). Any
creature that fails this saving throw
becomes frightened for a number of
rounds equal to your Charisma
Brilliant Tinkerer
modifier (minimum of 1). A creature
Your clockwork devices are like your
can repeat this saving throw at the end
children, each one special in its own
of each of its turns, ending the effect
If you spend a Recovery Die as part
on itself with a success. Once the
of the construction of a clockwork
creature makes this save, it becomes
device, the device has 5 hit points
(instead of 1), and it continues
operation for up to 48 hours without
needing repair. If you spend a second
Recovery Die as part of the
construction, that device does not
count against your limit of devices
active at one time (i.e., you can have up
to four devices active at one time).
Gifted Illusionist
Your illusions seem almost real.
When you cast minor illusion, you
can spend a Recovery Die to increase
the spell’s duration to a number of
minutes equal to double your
spellcasting ability modifier.
you do so, you are not considered to
Half Elf have actually used the Relentless
Endurance trait.
The raw magnetism of your human
heritage combines with the unearthly Tiefling
nature of your elven heritage.
You can expend a Recovery Die to Infernal Gift
gain advantage on one type of In times of desperate need, you accept
Charisma-based skill check for the next and embrace your infernal legacy.
10 minutes. You must choose the skill You can spend a Recovery Die as a
(i.e., Deception, Intimidation, bonus action to enhance one of the
Performance, or Persuasion) before spells provided by your Infernal Legacy
any dice are rolled. trait. If you do so, all target creatures
suffer disadvantage on saving throws
to resist the effects of these spells.
Fey Blooded Starting at 5th level when you cast
Your elven heritage protects you from darkness, the spell’s radius increases to
charms and sleep magic. 25 feet when you spend a Recovery Die
If you fail a saving throw against
as a bonus action.
being charmed or put into a magical
sleep, you can spend a Recovery Die as
a reaction. Roll the die and add the
result to your saving throw.
Half Orc
Destructive Savagery
The sight of your enemy’s blood only
drives you to strike harder.
If you score a critical hit, you can
spend a Recovery Die to reroll one,
some, or all your damage dice,
including the extra die provided by
your Savage Attacks trait.
The rage building within you refuses to
let you die—at least not until after
you’ve tasted the blood of your enemy.
If you make use of your Relentless
Endurance trait, you can spend a
Recovery Die as a reaction and add the
die roll to your current hit points. If
these suggestions can work together,
Palpable Evil while others are exclusive of one
You radiate an intense aura of evil, another.
drawn from deep within your tainted
By spending a Recovery Die as a Bard
bonus action, you can imbue your
physical presence with a touch of the Impromptu Talent
infernal. Your eyes glow blood-red, You’ve never tried this before, but you
wisps of brimstone waft off your saw someone do it once before. How
hands, tendrils of shadow snake hard can it be?
around your arms and shoulders, and When you make an ability check using
so forth. In doing so, you gain your Jack of All Trades feature, expend
advantage on Intimidate checks for the a Recovery Die and add the result to
next minute. In addition, you gain your skill check. This benefit lasts until
advantage when attempting Charisma you complete an ability check.
(Persuasion) checks while dealing with
evil-aligned creatures, but you suffer
disadvantage when dealing with good-
Improvisational Magic
aligned creatures. While this You push your skill in arcane magic to
transformation remains in effect, you the breaking point in pursuit of new
(falsely) register as a fiend to a paladin’s and mysterious magic.
Divine Sense feature. You can end this You can gain temporary access to a
effect as a bonus action. bard spell that is not on your list of
known spells. To do so, expend a
Recovery Die to add a spell to your list
of known spells. At the same time,
choose a known bard spell of equal
level that you lose access to as long as
this option remains in effect. Until you
The following Recovery Dice options complete a long rest, the temporary
are broken down by character class. In spell replaces one of your known
some cases, one or more options could spells.
work well with more than one class,
especially with regards to certain types
of spellcasters. Your GM has final say Surge of Inspiration
as to whether a character of one class Your comrades need your inspirational
can gain access to the Recovery Dice words more than ever.
options provided for another class. Spend a Recovery Die to regain one
of your expended Bardic Inspiration
A number of these options also include dice.
suggested ways for the GM to limit, Options:
expand, or otherwise modify the You can regain a number of
benefits a character gains by expended Bardic Inspiration
expending Recovery Dice. Some of dice equal to how many
Recovery Dice you spend, to Options:
a maximum equal to your Spend a Recovery Die to
proficiency bonus. reroll one of the damage dice
You can expend a Recovery of a critical hit. You must
Die to grant yourself a Bardic accept the reroll.
Inspiration die whenever you If you use a Recovery Die to
grant another ally an boost a critical hit, you gain a
Inspiration die. level of exhaustion.
Overcharged Spell
You throw everything you’ve got into a
spell, raining death and destruction on
your foes.
When using the Empowered Spell
metamagic feature, you gain one
additional die of damage for the spell.
have a spell slot of the appropriate
Warlock with which to do so: augury,
clairvoyance, speak with dead,
Arcane Secrets divination, or commune. The casting of
You call upon your pact boon to give this spell expends the spell slot and
you a flash of insight into the secrets of requires 10 minutes to complete.
magic. The knowledge fades quickly.
Spend a Recovery Die as a bonus
action to gain access to a cantrip from Wizard
the warlock spell list that you do not
Several of the following options
know. You lose access to this bonus
provide considerable flexibility to the
cantrip at the end of your next turn.
wizard. This can run the risk of
encroaching on and diluting the
Borrowed Invocation sorcerer class’s features. If your party
Your patron hears your request and includes both a wizard and a sorcerer,
gives you a momentary surge of arcane keep a close watch on how these
power. Recovery Dice options affect game play
You can gain access to an between them.
invocation you do not know when you
spend a Recovery Die as a bonus
action. You must still meet the
Advanced Arcane Preparation
You’ve learned a number of mnemonic
invocation’s prerequisites in order to
tricks and techniques to improve your
use it. You know this new invocation
spell memorization.
until you end a long rest.
While preparing your spells for the
day, spend a Recovery Die to treat your
Eldritch Charisma Intelligence modifier as if it were 1
The dark mysteries of your patron point higher, thus allowing you to
infuse your aura with supernatural prepare one extra spell for the day. This
charisma. improvement has no effect on
By spending one Recovery Die as a spellcasting otherwise.
bonus action, your Charisma modifier
increases by 1 for the purposes of your
spell attack modifier and spell save DC
Experimental Magic
Against everything your master taught,
until the end of your turn.
you attempt a spell outside of your
Insight of the Ancients As a bonus action, you can expend
With the proper measure of fear and a Recovery Die to cast a spell that is not
trembling, you call upon your patron on your list of known spells. The spell
for answers. must still be on your class’s list, e.g.,
You ask your patron for you cannot use this option to cast a
information about a pressing problem. bard or cleric spell.
By spending a Recovery Die, you can
cast one of the following spells if you
Options: If your Arcana check
When using Experimental succeeds and you cast the
Magic, you are limited to spell, you gain one level of
casting a spell one level exhaustion.
lower than your maximum (if You can only use this option
you can only cast 1st-level once between long rests.
spells, you are limited to You must choose the spell
cantrips). you wish to cast before you
Casting an experimental expend the Recovery Die.
spell first requires a Thus, you can’t “save” the
successful Intelligence slot to use in future without
(Arcana) check with the DC having the specific spell
equal to 10 + the level of the planned. The GM may limit
spell being attempted + 1. If which spell you can select,
you fail this check, you burn and he may also limit how
the spell slot but fail to cast many different spells you can
the spell. have access to.
You suffer 1d6 of necrotic
damage for multiplied by the
Forced Casting level of the slot you force
You reach past the limits of your
cast. Resistance and other
knowledge and skill and attempt to
factors cannot reduce this
cast magic beyond your grasp, despite
the risks.
You can attempt to cast a spell of The cost in Recovery Dice is
one level higher than you are allowed equal to the level of the spell
to cast. In order to do so, you must first slot you attempt to cast;
succeed at an Intelligence (Arcana) force casting a 6th level spell
check, with the DC equal to 10 + the costs six Recovery Dice.
level of the slot you wish to cast + 1. If
you fail this check, you expend a Infused Magic
Recovery Die without benefit. If you You infuse your spell with a surge of
succeed, you can cast the higher-level arcane power, casting it at a higher-
spell. level slot.
For example, if a 3rd-level wizard When you spend a Recovery Die,
can attempt to force cast up to a 3rd- you can cast a spell you have prepared
level spell. The DC for this Arcana at one level higher effect without
check is 14. If the wizard succeeds, they costing a higher-level spell slot. For
can cast a 3rd-level spell. instance, if you cast sleep at 2nd-level of
Options: effect, it still only costs a 1st-level slot.
If you fail the Arcana check, You cannot infuse a spell to a higher-
you gain two levels of level slot than you can cast.
Options: they can’t recover a 3rd-level
You can only apply Infused slot.
Magic to a number of spells, You gain one level of
selected ahead of time, equal exhaustion for each level of a
to your Intelligence modifier spell slot you recover. Since
(minimum of 1). You can six levels of exhaustion
change this list after a long equals death, this option
rest. For example, a wizard limits you to regaining 5th-
with Intelligence 14 can level spells.
select two spells he can You can only regain a spell
empower, doing so when he slot to cast a spell you’ve
prepares his spells for the already cast in the past 24
day. hours.
Other spellcasting classes Recovering a spell slot in this
gain access to Infused Magic fashion first requires a short
(although there is no benefit rest.
to the warlock, since he casts You can only use this option
all his spells at a set level of once between long rests.
At the GM’s option,
Empowered Magic is a feat
you must take in order to
gain its benefits.
Inner Mana
You draw upon your reserves to power
your magic.
As an action, spend one Recovery
Die to regain one spell slot level. You
can regain a higher-level spell slot if
you expend a die for each level of the
The maximum level spell slot
you can recover in this way is
one less than your
maximum, with a minimum
of a 1st-level slot. For
example, a 5th-level wizard
can expend one Recovery Die
to regain a 1st-level slot, or
they can expend two dice to
regain a 2nd-level slot, but
he may only want to track Recovery
Spell Swap Dice loss for solo monsters or major
When you need it the most, you can NPC villains. Because most monsters
recall the proper incantation for a spell don’t necessarily use Recovery Dice,
you don’t have prepared. this option affects characters more
In exchange for expending a
than it hurts the monsters, and as such
Recovery Die, you can swap one of
represents an increase in the game’s
your currently prepared spells for one
of your known spells you don’t have
prepared. This swap remains in effect
This option may have the side effect of
until you once again prepare spells for
making players reluctant to expend
the day, or spend another Recovery Die
Recovery Dice for other things,
to make another swap.
balancing some of their great effects.
All hyperlinks to the PFSRD provided with permission by John Reyst of, copyright 2010.
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15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, LLC.
System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James
Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Recovery Dice Options ©2017 Total Party Kill Games; Authors Brian Berg, Rick Cox, Mark Hart and Nathan Sherrets.