Research Projects 13
Research Projects 13
Research Projects 13
Meaningful Technology Integration in Early Learning
Environments located at:
Todays teacher is faced with the daunting task of trying to keep up with the ever
changing world of technology. This quarter you will be learning many new ideas to help you stay abreast of
the changes that are happening almost by the minute. Our children live in a world where communication and
collaboration can happen in an instant. With this in mind you will be conducting a research project on some
type of technology that can help you energize your classroom while taking advantage of the powerful tools
available to us. The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) realizes that
technology is an important element in a childs education. In addition to the article you read above NAEYC
has have developed a new Website where you can add to a Wiki or Blog your ideas. You can find this site at
For this assignment I would like you to begin by going to visiting Edutopia at the following Web address, Then read the article Which Technology Do I Choose? and explore the links
embedded there. This is located at: . Look at some ways
teachers have been able to integrate technology into their programs. At the Edutopia Website you will find
some fantastic videos to view that highlight the integration of technology into a classroom environment.
Once you have explored this site look at options below. You will choose one area to research and investigate.
Your research project must be approved by your instructor.
Blogs, Wikis, and Twitter
Mind Mapping
Google Docs
Movie Maker/IMovie
Social Networking
Web 2.0
White Boards
RSS Feed
Surface Computing
Cloud Technology
Mouse Mischief
Adaptive Technology
Classroom Websites
Digital Cameras
YouTube/Teacher Tube
150 points
Read the NAEYC article and explore the Web sites listed
Choose one area for your research and have it Okayed by your instructor if you have an idea for a
different focus for your project you must clear this with the instructor.
Create a PowerPoint presentation that will introduce the technology to your peers and inform them
on how you might use this technology in the classroom. You need to make sure that your
presentation teaches us about how to use the technology in the classroom. Do not simply introduce
the technology.
Using the template below create a lesson that outlines how you will teach us. List the step by step
process and procedures, and any EALR or Nets that will happen as a result of your training. (Note:
since you are teaching adults the NETS for Teachers is where you will look first.)
You will also create a link to your PowerPoint presentation on your personal class Website so that
students who may have missed the class or simply wish to review the presentation can do so on their
own time.
Save the lesson plan in Word and submit it in the assignment area. Make sure to type the URL for
your personal class Webpage in the assignments comment box type so that your presentation can be
Points Possible Points Earned
Written lesson is present for instructor and presentation is delivered to 20
the class.
Lesson presentation incorporates a sufficient number of slides to
adequately convey the intent of the lesson/activity.
Presenter interacts superbly with the technology used during the lesson 20
Presenter does a superb job in teaching the lesson or leading the
activity in an engaging and easy to understand format. The
lesson/activity has been carefully planned with handout/brochure
Lesson presentation is centered on an appropriate number of academic 10
standards for the grade-level/subject area being taught. The academic
standards are listed at the end of the presentation.
Slide layouts are superior in design and enhance the overall
Slide design is appealing and does not detract from the lesson/activity. 10
Slide transitions are used appropriately and do not distract from, but
enhance the overall lesson/activity.
Slide animations are used appropriately and do not distract from, but
enhance the overall lesson/activity.
Lesson presentation incorporates relevant images appropriate to the
grade-level/subject area and topic
Lesson presentation is connected to the Class Website as a link and the 10
correct URL is submitted via Canvas
Totals 150
Students should note that failing to actually present the lesson results in an automatic loss of 80 points. This
assignment essentially serves as the course's final. There are no make-up opportunities. The presentation
must be given on the date assigned at the beginning of the quarter. No exceptions!
Source Cited:
ELAR and NET Objectives:
Model digital age work and learning.
Introduce and inform my peers about what the KSD Laptop Giveaway and how it works. Also I will
be talking about how this technology modernized the education for children 7-12th grade.
Materials Needed:
There are several materials needed. In this case all you need is a computer that has access to the
internet. Because of KSD new technology if you are interested in the Laptop giveaway program you
can go to the KSD website and check to see if you are able to qualify.
The instruction is short and easy. Step one is to find a computer connected to the internet. Step two
is to go to and type in KSD one to one laptop giveaway. Once you have completed you
have a choice in which language you choose to complete the application. One you have chosen the
language continue to fill out the application then submit the application via internet. Once again you
can see that KSD has stepped up their technology.
Evaluation Procedure:
Once you have completed the application you will be getting a paper in the mail indicating that you will be
getting the laptop on a certain day.
Candy Benteu M.Ed. Revised 2013