Issue 1 Knowledge Forum Quiz Assignment

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Issue 1: Creation of Learning Resources Using New Technologies


Welcome to this topic on creation of learning resources using new technologies. As we are aware Post
Covid many new technologies became available to educators which allowed us to create design more
engaging lessons! In order to use these technologies more effectively, let’s look at the bigger aims of
education. We will start by reviewing the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its call
for more inclusive and equitable education for all. Adopted in 2015, this agenda provides a shared
blueprint for peace and prosperity, with SDG 4 focused on ensuring quality education. This requires
removing barriers and improving access to learning for disadvantaged populations.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles align with these goals, aiming to maximize learning
through flexible designs suited to diverse learners. The three principles of UDL are: providing multiple
means of engagement, representation, and action and expression. Applying UDL allows learners of
different backgrounds and abilities to access, participate in, and demonstrate learning. It promotes
equity by reducing barriers. With sound UDL design, we can help achieve the UN's vision of inclusive
and quality education. To achieve the bigger UN agenda, we as teacher trainers need to train teachers
to use new emerging technologies effectively.

Emerging technologies are transforming how instruction and learning resources are designed and
delivered worldwide. AI-driven adaptive learning platforms tailor content and activities to individual
students' needs and abilities. Immersive technologies like augmented and virtual reality allow learners
to engage with digital content in new interactive ways. And collaborative online tools facilitate
knowledge sharing between students and educators across geographical boundaries.

We will explore examples of these technologies in action, and examples include from personalized
math apps helping students in India to VR experiences immersing medical students in anatomical
simulations. You will see how technologies are making education more accessible, interactive, and
globally connected. When thoughtfully implemented, they hold great potential for furthering the UN's
2030 Agenda by improving educational equity and quality.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this topic, you should be able to:

1. Identify emerging educational technologies for developing engaging learning materials and
2. Utilize multimedia authoring tools, learning management systems, and open educational
resources to create accessible and engaging learning materials.
3. Apply appropriate educational technologies to develop learning resources tailored to
content needs and instructional contexts.

Emerging Educational Technologies


In this topic, we're going to explore some of the latest and greatest educational technology tools that
can help you create great learning experiences for your students. I know it can be intimidating with
new technologies coming out all the time, but I’m going to break it down into bite-sized pieces so you
feel empowered to integrate these into your teaching in meaningful ways.

Multimedia Authoring Tools

Let’s start with multimedia tools like Adobe Spark and Canva. These make it super simple to take
content like text and images and turn them into eye-catching infographics, presentations, and posters.
The key is to think creatively about how you can use these to provide information in visual and
engaging ways that reinforce your learning outcomes. For example, after a lesson on the history of
education, have students make their own Canva timelines or PowerPoint highlights about key figures
and events. This allows them to showcase and apply their knowledge.

Check out this Canva tutorial for teachers [1] and this video on using Adobe Spark in the classroom

[1] Welcome to Canva for Education | Getting Started with Canva for Education course - YouTube

[2] Adobe Spark in the Classroom: Create Videos, Graphics, and Web Stories in Minutes - YouTube

Immersive Technologies

Now let’s talk about immersive technologies like AR and VR. These can literally add new dimensions
to learning by letting students interact with digital models and simulations. As a UDL strategy, you
could have students' team up to explore an AR/VR experience and then create a short video or
presentation explaining what they learned.
To try it out, explore this resource with a collection of augmented reality and virtual reality videos [1]
or this teacher’s guide for integrating AR/VR technologies in the classroom [2]:

[3] 10 Free Virtual Reality Apps for Education – | AR & VR Education Technology

[4] Using AR and VR in Education: The Next-Gen Learning Tool (

AI-driven Tools

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is making learning more personalized by tailoring content and activities to
each student's needs and skills. The key is using it purposefully to complement your teaching. If you
notice some students struggling with a concept, have AI tools help give customized and relevant
feedback to help you as a teacher help them work through their problems. See how Google Bard [5]
can help give customized feedback to adapt to student needs through this guide [6].


[6] How to Use Google Bard for education as a teacher - Geeky Gadgets (

Collaborative Platforms

Lastly, digital tools like Padlet and Flipgrid foster community and collaboration. Have students post
reflections in a Padlet and comment or ask questions on each other’s posts. Or use Flipgrid for video
discussions on a lesson topic. These platforms give students creative ways to learn together. Check out
these creative Padlet boards [6] and Flipgrid topic galleries [7].

[7] What's Padlet? - YouTube

[8] The Ultimate Teacher Guide to Flip - YouTube

Online Forum Discussion Question

Discussion Prompt: How could you implement one of the technologies mentioned in a way that
applies UDL principles of multiple means of representation, engagement, and expression? Share your
ideas and suggestions!

Q1. Which tool allows users to create engaging infographics and presentations?

a) Padlet

b) Flipgrid

c) Canva*

d) Dreambox

Q2. What technology immerses users in interactive 3D environments?

a) Augmented reality

b) Virtual reality*

c) Adobe Spark

d) AI tutoring platforms

Q3. What does AR stand for?

a) Artificial reality

b) Augmented reality*

c) Alternate reality

d) Advanced reality

Q4. Which digital tool fosters online collaboration through video discussions?

a) Canva

b) Padlet

c) Dreambox

d) Flipgrid*
Q5. Which technology adapts learning content and activities to individual students' needs?

a) Virtual reality

b) Multimedia authoring

c) Collaborative platforms

d) AI-driven tools*

Developing Educational Resources Using Multimedia Authoring Tools


In this topic, we will learn how to use different multimedia authoring tools to create engaging and
effective learning resources. We will cover a variety of tools, including Canva, Adobe Spark, AR/VR,
Google Bard, Padlet, and Flipgrid. The way we will do this is to go through each tool step-by-step and
try to see their capabilities.

Multimedia Authoring Tools


1. Go to and create a new account before logging in to your account.

2. Click "Create a Design" and select "Infographic" as the template style.
3. Browse Canva's template options and pick one you like as a starting point.
4. Search for and drag in graphics, icons, charts and text boxes to customize your infographic.
5. Add a title and short blocks of text to explain a concept from your course content.
6. Resize, rearrange, and modify elements to organize your infographic.
7. When finished, click the green "Download" button to save your creation as an image or PDF
that can be shared with students.

Adobe Spark
1. Go to and create a new account.
2. login to your account
3. Click the purple "Start a new video" button.
4. Browse the video style templates and select one to use.
5. Upload any visuals you want to include and add text boxes for key points.
6. Click the microphone icon to record audio narration for your video, explaining a lesson topic.
7. Use transitions and zoom effects to make your video more dynamic.
8. When done, click "Share" to export the video for students.

Try to spend equal time on both tools. Use the tutorials linked in the lesson for help. Share your
creations with peers for feedback!

Immersive Technologies

Augmented Reality

1. On your smartphone, open the Google Lens app.

2. Tap the camera icon and point your camera at a text document or handwritten notes.
3. Google Lens will scan the text and convert it to digital text that can be copied or heard as
4. Consider how this AR could assist struggling readers or visual learners.

Virtual Reality

1. On your phone/tablet, go to

2. Search for "virtual reality" and filter by 360-degree VR videos.
3. Select a 360 VR video like a nature walk or museum tour.
4. Click the VR headset icon in the YouTube player to enter VR view.
5. Explore the VR environment by moving your device.

YouTube has a massive library of educational 360 videos that can provide engaging VR learning
without any special equipment. Consider having students produce their own 360 videos on tour-style
AI Tools

Google Bard

1. Go to
2. Click on the Bard icon that looks like a conversation bubble.
3. Type an academic or course-related question like "Explain Newton's laws of motion to an 11-
4. Review the short explanatory answer provided by Bard.
5. Try asking follow-up questions and continue the dialogue.
6. Notice how Bard provides helpful links with its answers.
7. Consider making a Bard study guide by prompting it with questions to summarize key course
8. Think about how you could utilize Bard as an AI tutor to provide extra support for struggling
students. It allows them to ask questions and get explanations at their own pace.
9. Explore the settings cog icon to change Bard's tone, speed, and other preferences.

Spend the time chatting with Bard about your subject area and brainstorming use cases in your
classroom. Share any ideas or takeaways with peers!

Collaborative Platforms


Explore Padlet's User Interface:

1. Visit and create an account.

2. Familiarize yourself with Padlet's user interface.
3. Explore the different layouts available for Padlet boards.
4. Experiment with different post types, such as text, images, videos, and links.
5. Examine Sample Padlet Boards:
6. Browse through the Padlet library to find sample boards created by other educators.
7. Analyze how these boards are structured and organized.
8. Observe the types of posts and interactions that occur on these boards.
9. Identify creative ways to utilize Padlet for collaborative learning activities.

Navigate Flipgrid's Platform:

1. Visit and create an account.

2. Explore Flipgrid's user interface.
3. Understand the different components of a Flipgrid topic, such as the discussion question,
video responses, and text comments.
4. Investigate Sample Flipgrid Discussions:
5. Browse through the Flipgrid library to find sample discussions initiated by other educators.
6. Analyze the types of discussion questions posed.
7. Observe the quality and range of video responses from students.
8. Identify effective strategies for fostering engagement and meaningful discussions on Flipgrid.

Assignment: Apply Appropriate Educational Technologies to Develop Learning Resources


In this 2-part assignment, you will have the opportunity to apply multimedia authoring tools to create
engaging and effective learning resources and reflect on the process of developing and using these

Part 1 (60%): To be done in pairs

Apply appropriate educational technologies to develop learning resources for an existing lesson plan
that you have. You will create supporting learning resources using at least two of the given

Part 2 (40%): To be done individually

Reflection on your learning: Compose a 2-page reflection paper explaining your choice of
technologies, the process of developing the resource, and how you will use it in your teaching.
Part 1

1. For the selected lesson plan, select at least two technologies (from list below) that you have
learnt to create learning resources that will engage your learners:
a. Google Bard: Create a personalized learning experience by tailoring content and
activities to each student's needs.
b. Padlet: Foster community and collaboration by having students post reflections,
comments, and questions on a Padlet board.
c. Canva: Design engaging presentations, infographics, and other visual aids to enhance
d. AR/VR videos on Google: Create immersive learning experiences using augmented
reality and virtual reality videos.
e. Flipgrid: Spark video discussions on various topics to encourage student engagement
and peer-to-peer feedback.
2. Develop Learning Resources: Create engaging and effective learning resources using the
selected technologies.
3. Integrate Resources: Seamlessly integrate the developed learning resources into your lesson
plan, ensuring a cohesive and impactful learning experience.
The following rubric will be used to assess Part 1 of your assignment:

Criteria Exceeds Meets Needs Below

Expectations Expectations Improvement Expectations
(100%) (75%) (50%) (25%)
Technology Seamlessly Effectively Integrates one or Struggles to
Integration integrates two or integrates two or two educational integrate
more educational more educational technologies into educational
technologies into technologies into the lesson plan, technologies into
the lesson plan, the lesson plan, but their use is not the lesson plan, or
maximizing their demonstrating a fully aligned with the use of
potential to clear learning technology is
enhance learning. understanding of objectives. inappropriate or
their affordances. ineffective.
Learning Creates learning Develops learning Creates learning Produces learning
Engagement resources that are resources that are resources that are resources that are
highly engaging generally somewhat not particularly
and motivating for engaging and engaging for engaging for
students, fostering motivating for students, but they students, and they
a deep level of students, could be more may not
involvement in the promoting active effective in effectively
learning process. participation and capturing and motivate or
interest in the sustaining stimulate interest.
material. attention.
Content Learning Learning Learning Learning
Alignment resources are resources are resources are resources are not
consistently generally aligned somewhat aligned aligned with the
aligned with the with the lesson with the lesson lesson plan's
lesson plan's plan's learning plan's learning learning objectives
learning objectives objectives and objectives and and content
and content content standards, content standards, standards, and
standards, but there may be but there are some they may lead to
providing students some minor noticeable gaps or confusion or
with a clear discrepancies or inconsistencies. misconceptions.
understanding of areas for
the key concepts improvement.
and skills.
Creativity and Demonstrates Exhibits creativity Displays a Presents learning
Innovation exceptional and innovation in moderate level of resources that lack
creativity and the design and creativity in the creativity and
innovation in the development of design and innovation,
design and learning resources, development of relying primarily
development of employing fresh learning resources, on conventional
learning resources, perspectives and incorporating methods or
showcasing a unconventional some original borrowed ideas.
unique and techniques. elements or
original approach. approaches.
Technical Demonstrates a Exhibits technical Shows a basic Struggles to use
Proficiency high level of proficiency in understanding of the chosen
technical using the chosen the chosen educational
proficiency in educational educational technologies
using the chosen technologies, technologies, but effectively,
educational producing there may be some resulting in
technologies, resources that are technical errors or resources that are
ensuring that generally well- limitations in the poorly designed,
resources are well- developed and resources. contain errors, or
crafted, error-free, functional. are difficult to use.
and easy to use.

The following score chart will describe mark allocation:

Score Description
100-90 Exceeds Expectations
89-75 Meets Expectations
74-50 Needs Improvement
49-25 Below Expectations

Part 2: Individual Reflection (40%)

Compose a 2-page reflection paper/video/or PowerPoint presentation explaining your choice of

technologies, the process of developing the resource, and how you will use it in your teaching.

Ensure that your assignment addresses the following aspects:

1. Technology Choice: Provide an explanation of the rationale behind the selection of

educational technologies, highlighting their alignment with learning objectives and their
potential to enhance student learning.
2. Development Process: Offer a comprehensive account of the resource development process,
including challenges encountered, decisions made, and lessons learned. Reflect on the
effectiveness of the chosen technologies and identify areas for improvement.
3. Communication Effectiveness: Effectively communicate your reflection through a well-
structured and engaging format, using appropriate language, visuals, or multimedia elements
to enhance understanding and convey your message effectively.
4. Depth of Reflection: Demonstrate a deep and thoughtful reflection on the learning resources
development process, revealing a genuine commitment to professional growth and continuous
improvement. Reflect on your personal strengths, areas for improvement, and implications for
future practice.

Format of paper:

1. Font type: Times New Roman

2. Font size: 11 pt
3. Line spacing: 1 1/2

The rubrics below will be used to assess your personal reflection:

Criteria Exceeds Meets Needs Below

Expectations Expectations Improvement Expectations
(100%) (75%) (50%) (25%)
Reflection on Provides a clear Explains the Describes the Fails to provide a
Technology and insightful choice of choice of clear or
Choice explanation of the educational educational convincing
rationale behind technologies in a technologies but justification for
the selection of well-structured may lack a clear the choice of
educational manner, explanation of educational
technologies, demonstrating a their technologies,
demonstrating a reasonable appropriateness or raising questions
deep understanding of alignment with about their
understanding of their potential learning goals. suitability for the
their affordances applications. intended purpose.
and alignment
with learning
Reflection on Offers a Provides a clear Describes the Struggles to
Development comprehensive and informative resource provide a clear
Process and detailed description of the development and coherent
account of the resource process in a account of the
resource development general manner resource
development process, but may lack development
process, including highlighting key specific details or process, leaving
challenges milestones, insights into gaps in
encountered, challenges challenges and understanding and
decisions made, addressed, and decisions. failing to reflect
and lessons valuable insights on challenges or
learned. gained. lessons learned.
Reflection on Articulates a well- Presents a clear Describes a plan Fails to provide a
Implementation defined plan for and well- for implementing clear or
Plan integrating the structured plan for the developed comprehensive
developed implementing the learning resources plan for
learning resources developed but may lack integrating the
into the teaching learning resources, specific details or developed
practice, outlining their strategies for learning resources
demonstrating a intended use and maximizing their into the teaching
clear potential benefits effectiveness. practice, raising
understanding of for student questions about
their pedagogical learning. their practical
value and impact. application.
Communication Effectively Communicates the Communicates the Struggles to
Effectiveness communicates the reflection in a reflection but may communicate the
reflection through clear and lack a consistent reflection
a well-structured organized manner, structure or effectively, with
and engaging utilizing effective use of unclear
format (paper, appropriate visuals, potentially organization, poor
video, or language and affecting clarity language choices,
PowerPoint supporting visuals and engagement. or inadequate use
presentation), to enhance of visuals.
using appropriate understanding.
language, visuals,
and multimedia
Depth of Demonstrates a Shows a Provides a basic Fails to engage in
Reflection deep and thoughtful reflection on the a meaningful
thoughtful reflection on the learning resources reflection on the
reflection on the learning resources development learning resources
learning resources development process but may development
development process, indicating lack depth of process,
process, revealing an understanding insight or demonstrating a
a genuine of personal meaningful lack of self-
commitment to strengths, areas for connections to awareness or
professional improvement, and personal growth commitment to
growth and implications for and professional professional
continuous future practice. development. growth.

The following score chart will describe mark allocation:

Score Description
100-90 Exceeds Expectations
89-75 Meets Expectations
74-50 Needs Improvement
49-25 Below Expectations


1. Submit your assignment: Upload your completed assignments to the assignment links in

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