d. objects
e. abstract classes
7. Service is another name for _____.
a. attribute
b. class
c. abstract class
d. operation
e. object
10. If a student signs up for a class, which type of relationship would you use to
model the relationship between the two?
a. generalization
b. association
c. aggregation
d. subsetting
e. vague
11. CRC cards are used to document the responsibilities and collaborations of a(n)
a. class
b. relationship
c. object
d. attribute
e. operation
12. A(n) _____ formalizes the interactions between a client and server object.
a. relationship
b. contract
c. abstract object
d. concrete object
e. abstraction
Ans: c
Response: See page 216
19. A class diagram is a(n) _____ model.
a. static
b. dynamic
c. evolving
d. obsolete
e. none of the above
20. A public attribute is shown in a class diagram with the symbol _____ before the
b. #
c. *
d. +
e. /
1. A structural model is a formal way of representing the business activities in a
business system.
2. Abstract classes are used to create objects.
3. Aggregation relationships can be useful for both aggregation and decomposition.
4. Association relationships are used for the relationship between instances of two
classes when the relationship is not specific enough to be considered a
generalization or an aggregation relationship.
5. CRC cards are used to capture all of the relevant information associated with a
6. The responsibilities of a class can be divided into knowing and doing types.
7. A contract formalizes the interactions between one client object and other client
8. Role-playing an instance of a class is a good way to develop CRC cards.
9. A class diagram is a dynamic model that shows how the classes and relationships
change over time.
10. The symbol for a class in a class diagram contains the name of the class, a list of
41. In the textual analysis of a use case, the use case name suggests possible classes
while the verbs suggest possible operations.
42. In textual analysis of a use case, a doing verb implies an operation.
43. A pattern is a group of collaborating classes that solve a recurring problem.
44. Common object lists technique identifies candidate objects for a structural model
by analyzing the text in the use-case descriptions.
45. Common object lists technique identifies candidate objects for a structural model
by analyzing a list of objects that are common to the business domain.