3D Tool Wear Lab : Using Archard'S Model
3D Tool Wear Lab : Using Archard'S Model
3D Tool Wear Lab : Using Archard'S Model
3. Import geometry
4. Generate mesh
5. Material definition
6. Initial temperature
Problem Summary:
This lab will demonstrate how to set up the model data for tool wear computations in a
typical cold extrusion process. The objective is to understand the tool wear behavior of extrusion
punch. Tool wear is mainly dictated by process conditions and materials used. This model
illustration assumes that the coefficients used have been calibrated under steady wear conditions
for a given process involving a set of die and work piece materials. These coefficients should be
used with caution and for qualitative evaluation only when applied to any other process or material
conditions. Currently DEFORMTM system has Archards model and Usuis model apart from the
user routine support. Typically Archards model is widely used for forming applications and
Usuis model is used for machining applications to compute insert wear. Archards model can used
with either isothermal or non-isothermal runs. On the other hand Usuis model can be run only be
used with non-isothermal run as it requires interface temperature calculations as well. For both of
these models the die (or insert, in case of machining) should be meshed, with appropriate boundary
conditions and inter-object relations defined. This lab will glance through the complete problem
setup with emphasis on tool wear part of the data and assumes user is familiar with the typical
problem setup procedures.
3. Import geometry
We now add two more objects define punch and die. Click on the
icon twice to define
these objects. We can retain the default names for these objects as top die (for punch) and,
bottom die (die). Now click on the object tree select the work piece, and click on the
Geometry icon to load the geometry for the work piece. In the Geometry menu, click on the
Import Geometry menu and load the file Tool_Wear_Lab1_Workpiece.STL from the Labs
folder. Repeat the same sequence of geometry importing for the punch by loading
Tool_Wear_Lab1_Punch.STL and Tool_Wear_Lab1_Die.STL for the die.
4. Generate mesh
After loading all the part geometry files, select the work piece from the object tree. Now click
on the Mesh icon. Define 25000 elements for the work piece with default settings and click on
Generate mesh. Repeat the same meshing process for Top Die (punch) with 35000
elements. For accurate tool wear computations it is recommended to have finer mesh in the
contact region. As we are not performing any tool wear computations on the bottom die, it is
not required to have any mesh in this model.
5. Material definition
Select the work piece from the object tree, and click on the General icon. From the Library,
select the category Steel and select the material AISI-1010,COLD and click on pull down
button and select AISI-1010 COLD to assign material to the work piece (see the following
figure for the location of these menu items). Repeat the same procedure and assign AISI-H-13
steel from the Die-material category to the top die.
6. Initial temperature
For all the three parts leave the default initial temperature as 68F. If a different initial
temperature is needed for a given part, select the part from the object tree, click on General
and click on Assign Temperature to set a different temperature.
gure: 7: Defining material hardness in Pre