Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
Dr. Armah
The patient is an elderly man who appears tired haggard and
underweight. His complexion is sallow.
He coughs continuously. Sitting in a chair, he leans to his right
side, holding his right chest with his left arm.
Vital signs are as follows: blood pressure 152/90, heart rate
112/minute and regular, respiratory rate 24/minute and
somewhat labored, temperature 102.6F.
Examination of the neck reveals a large, non-tender hard lymph
node in the right supraclavicular fossa.
Following a chest x-ray revealed an acute pneumonia in
the right middle lobe, the patient was treated with
antibiotics as an outpatient.
During the 10 days of treatment the patient's fever
abated and he felt somewhat better.
A post-treatment (follow up) chest x-ray reveals a right
hilar mass.
Sputum cytology demonstrates atypical cells.