Ethan Vorly Multi Dimensional Being PDF
Ethan Vorly Multi Dimensional Being PDF
Ethan Vorly Multi Dimensional Being PDF
MultiDimensional Being
Alchemy Realm Publications
Copyright 2006 Ethan Vorly
Before reading this book it is advised that you have read Metaphysics, Tantric
Secrets and Past Life Regression. Some of the knowledge contained herein is
based on the expectation that a certain metaphysical understanding is already
present. Also the practices here are advanced and require a familiarity with the other
books. If you have not read them please do so before continuing.
The information in this book was channeled from Ra, spokesperson for the Pleaidian
Emissaries of Light. The practices for activating the Light Body were received during
meditation from Ra and written out in my own words.
Ra Begins
I am Ra, Pleiadian Archangel. The reason for the coming work is the Awakening of
the human lightbody. We Pleiadian Emissaries of Light are activators of such energy
structures for the Human race. We come from the Pleiadian star system of which
your planet is a part and where we have resided for millions of years in dimensions
from the 2nd to the 9th. There are many Pleiadian races and beings who inhabit the
various dimensions throughout the Pleiades and it is a specific group of these beings
that will be working with you during the practices learned in this book. This group is
referred to as the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light. There are quite a few channels of our
knowledge at the present and Ethan is but one of these. We are working through
Ethan for this book as we would like more people to begin the work of activating
their lightbodies and it is true that the people who have found this book are those
who desire such knowledge and technique.
The Pleiadian Emissaries of Light reside in a dimension primarily made of light
structures. Unlike your 3rd dimension which is grounded into the lower dimensions
and as such presents itself as being a dimension of material substance our dimension
is not so impacted into the lower dimensions although it does have ties with them.
Our dimension can be seen as an intermediary between the lower dimensions of
dense and slow vibration and the higher dimensions of light and consciousness. We
are somewhat like a bridge between the high and low dimensions but we do not
really reside in the lower dimensions. As a consequence we do not get involved in
the worlds of substance and can retain a clear view of the various dimensions of
reality both high and low. Being that we are in a dimension of light we are in great
contact with the higher dimensions and we do not get involved in the worlds of pain
and pleasure which you all experience. We are always in communion with the higher
dimensions and indeed our own immortal souls.
We have been involved with the human race since its beginnings here on earth and
we were also involved although not to such a degree in the various communities you
have been a part of on other planets. Indeed the Pleiadians could be seen as a big
brother who watches over his younger siblings while not interfering past a certain
point. You have all chosen lives on earth and in the before mentioned other planets
for specific reasons and it is beyond our purpose to control your world in any way.
The most we can offer is spiritual advancement to those who desire a swift
transformation both alchemical and interdimensional.
Until around 20 years ago we were not overly involved even in this pursuit and were
only observing your various predicaments. Lately however we have been asked to
become involved and to help with the activation and incarnation of your lightbodies.
We have an intimate knowledge of your subtle bodies and are in the perfect position
to help you activate some energies that you have lost contact and familiarity with.
We hope to perform this function for those who desire our help and to get them to a
point where our help is no longer needed. For sure you all have a higher dimensional
light body and you should all have control over it and its functions just as you have
control over you 3rd dimensional body. When this lightbody is activated and brought
into alignment with your physical body it opens the gateways of perception and
experience to a massive degree.
Many visions, memories and experiences of consciousness can be provoked into your
conscious mind by following the practices here. If you do not wish to have some
experiences of consciousness which may change the way you see the world it is
suggested that you put this book away and do not continue. It is also important that
those who choose to follow the practices to be familiar with regression techniques as
the activation of light structures within your body can release large amounts of
unconscious memory and repression. When this occurs it is very important that you
have a way to deal with these lower astral energies and to successfully clear them
and move forward. The regression technique is one of the most effective ways to
achieve such a clearing of astral energies and it gives the added benefit of helping to
awaken vision and interdimensional consciousness.
Origins of Conflict
The presentation in Metaphysics and Past Life Regression of the structure of the
Astral body and the way it contains samskaras from previous lifetimes is essential
understanding for the deconditioning of the human mind. By removing these
rudiments of internal conflict the individual is freed from much emotional pain and
confusion. Another thing that occurs as a result of such a deconditioning of the more
gross layers of the astral body is the realization that there is another layer of
conditioning which is more subtle and which forms an even more rudimentary base
for further conditioning. This layer I speak of is a layer of impulses and conflicts that
do not originate from your personal experience. The samskaras which are dealt with
in past life regression are a result of your own traumatic experiences during
incarnations but this deeper layer is a collective of experience and it permeates all
humans who live on earth.
This layer has been referred to as the collective unconscious or the archetypal realm
among other similar names. It is a layer of astral substance but it is very fine and is
actually very close to being a part of the lower dimensions of light. What I want you
to understand here is that this layer is full of conflicts which have arisen as a result
of life and civilizations all over the universe. Many of these conflicts have nothing to
do with you personally but nevertheless do make up a part of you while you are
incarnated on earth. Unlike samskaras which will travel with you between lives the
collective unconscious will not. Whoever incarnates on earth, whether they have
been here before or not will be permeated by this layer and affected by it while
incarnated. For example, one of the greatest conflicts within this collective
unconscious is between men and women. Even if you have never been incarnate in a
dimension where male and female conflicts exist, when you incarnate on earth you
become a part of this conflict which is a part of the human collective unconscious.
Many of the conflicts which are a part of this collective layer have been present on
other planets where you and many humans have incarnated in the past. Other
conflicts which are a part of the layer come from other planetary systems where
humans have never incarnated. These conflicts arose as a result of life in a specific
culture and the beings who were a part of it were unable to resolve the conflict. As a
result the conflict was copied into the collective unconscious of humans in the hope
that you might succeed in resolving it. In a sense it is like taking on the Karma of
others and trying to neutralize it. So the collective unconscious is filled with conflicts
which come from all over the universe and which have remained unresolved so far.
Any being who incarnates as a human has agreed to be a part of this collective and
to try to resolve the various conflicts that are a part of it.
The biggest conflicts that are being dealt with on earth are ones that you have all
been a part of on other planets. Yes the human race has been around for a while and
you have resided in many different cultures on other planets. The samskaras formed
as a result of these cultures for each individual were somewhat cleared between the
death of the old culture and the start of the new. The clearing process was done for
individuals so that they could be free to a certain extent from their past and reorient
themselves in a new and fresh way. These samksaras were then woven into the
collective unconscious of the new culture but in a very subtle manner. In this way
the conflicts created within individuals were shared between the entire group so that
all could help in their resolution. It was hoped that by doing this great understanding
would be created and conflicts could be worked out on a large scale. When a culture
succeeds in working out a conflict all others in the universe can benefit from the
Another possibility however is that when all beings of a civilization have been
traumatized in a similar way the reformed collective can have very large conflicts.
Instead of being lessened by the reweaving process the conflicts can become much
larger as all beings in a culture are dealing with the same issues. This is very much
the case at this time on earth where the collective has become very dense and the
conflicts have become amplified for all. Because of the amplified collective
unconscious the individual subconscious (astral body) has become even more erratic
and structured which has lead to quite a negative state for many humans. All in all it
is accurate to say that the unconscious of human beings both collective and
individual is at a point where clearing is absolutely essential.
When it comes to the collective unconscious it is only possible to be free from its
impulses by activating and incarnating your lightbody. By doing this your individual
subtle bodies are raised in vibration to a point where the collective layer does not
permeate them and so you are not affected by their impulses. Your subtle bodies
instead become like a purifier of the collective layer and actually begin to clear the
collective. The collective unconscious as stated earlier is in fact a layer of light or
astral substance which is imbued with impulses or conflicts. This substance is
transformed by its interaction with the activated light body and so each human who
incarnates their light body begins clearing the collective unconscious for all. By doing
this it will become infinitely easier for others to begin clearing their individual
subconscious (astral body) as the weight of the collective is lessened. I am sure you
can see the compound effect that could occur and indeed it is this effect that we are
striving for. If your world is to change and people are to be freed from the tyrants
who have enslaved them then people must begin clearing their subconscious and
activating their lightbody. We are here to help.
In the past when your civilizations have moved between planets and set up new
societies the clearing of samskraras was done for you. It was us Pleiadians among
others who performed this clearing for you while your energy bodies were in a
cocooned state. During this time we simply removed the largest samskaras out of
your energy and weaved the removed energy into the astral layers of the new
planet. By doing this the samskaras become a part of the collective unconscious for
whoever incarnates on the planet.
Although the collective unconscious and also individual astral bodies are in a worse
state now than they have been on other planets or in other civilizations that you
have been a part of this type of clearing will not be done this time. On earth now you
have all reached a point where your numerous incarnations into negativity are
coming to an end. The need to remain separate from your higher self and indeed
your lightbody is over and it is time for you to remember who you are and why you
incarnated into these often negative states. This time the clearing will be done by
yourselves although we will be here to help you in certain areas. The main area we
will help with is in activating and incarnating your lightbodies. Once this work has
been done to a certain point you will not need our help as you will gain control over
your lightbody and other interdimensional aspects of your self.
to you to explore the collective as well as your own astral body to clear all illusion
and incarnate higher forces of consciousness to create yours and your planets future.
greed to come about. Greed is basically selfish desire at the expense of others, so to
be greedy is to take more of what is available to escape your own lack while leaving
others lacking even more. Certainly where one is greedy others will be in poverty.
Power and powerlessness really go together although I must specify that the power I
speak of revolves around power over others and not just yourself. In the
environment where everyone has what they desire and they consciously create their
reality all have power over themselves and their reality. In an environment where
there is lack as described above power will be applied to other people because it is
realized that nobody has full power over their reality. When beings dont feel that
they have full power over their reality they either become powerless or try to gain
power over others. One type of person realizes that to get what they want the only
way is to control others and the other type just feels powerless and allows others to
control them. Indeed you cant have one without the other. The greedy ones would
fail completely if others did not give up their power.
So within the collective unconscious there is an archetype for both the greedy, power
hungry tyrant and the helpless victim. Both of these archetypes are impulses that
can affect any human living on earth. You are all connected and permeated by the
collective and so these archetypes are very well known to you. In fact most people
operate on one of these archetypes in an unconscious manner but may also shift
between the two depending on the situation. The victim allows themselves to be
used by the greedy power mongers without even realizing that it is themselves that
have allowed this to occur. Of course from the victims point of view they are stuck in
a world where they can be either the greedy elite or the victim and they dont really
have a choice which one they are. They were born into their situation and have no
power to change it.
The victim always blames others for their predicament and therefore further hands
over their power to others and makes more concrete their own belief in being
powerless. The greedy ones succeed in getting more of what they want such as
money and power and so their belief system becomes more solid as they are proved
right by experience. So whichever side you are on experience will continue to prove
you right until you change your belief system. As I am sure you can see this entire
conflict is created from the basic feeling of lack. This feeling of lack is part of the
collective unconscious of humans on earth but is not reality. Reality is that everyone
can have whatever they desire as all are creators. If someone could change their
belief system and believe that they can have whatever they want by simply creating
their reality, they would begin to create whatever they want. The problem here is
that the feeling of lack is so dominant and the collective unconscious as well as your
astral body are so permeated by it that changing the belief completely is very
There are some gurus around mainly from America who teach that all you need to do
to be rich is believe that you create your reality and to begin imagining what you
want with the knowledge that you will get it. Now these people are on the right track
but the problem is that the subconscious and collective unconscious do not believe
this to be true and so the positive thoughts and attempted creation is often thwarted
by the unconscious negativity and false belief. By simply trying to be positive results
will be achieved but they will never be close to what is possible when the astral body
is cleared and the light body incarnated. The lightbody and its connections to
multidimensional levels and higher consciousness are vital for manifestation
techniques to really work and for you to consciously create your reality. Most people
unconsciously create their reality as the negativity and false beliefs in their astral
body and the collective unconscious are in control.
All false ideas and beliefs which reside in the collective unconscious can be overcome
by the incarnation and activation of your lightbody. The way creators create is
through dreaming. Not the asleep type of dream but the type of dreaming that
children do. Some people still daydream but many lose this ability as they grow up.
The more negativity and structure that fills the astral body the less ability one has to
daydream and if one with dense and negative energy tries to create through
dreaming they will often end up creating more negativity or at least things that they
thought they wanted but didnt really. For successful creation of your future to occur
you must first be positive and know what you want. Being positive does not mean
simply trying to think positive but being positive. Positivity comes from the lightbody
and indeed the lightbody must be activated for someone to truly be positive.
Knowing what you want must also come from higher consciousness as many base
desires come from the lower astral realms. If what you want will affect anybody else
in a negative way then it is not what you really want and it is not coming from your
higher self. When someone is positive and knows what they want they will naturally
dream their future and therefore create it.
Creating your reality is the most natural thing in the world as you are all creators.
Any apparent lack of ability is due to the collective unconscious and your chaotic
astral body blocking the activation and incarnation of your lightbody. If you want to
have power over your life and your future then begin with the following techniques
for activating and incarnating your lightbody. The earth needs you to create a
positive future more now than ever before and it is through your individual creative
powers that great change will occur.
Previously I was speaking about the collective unconscious and how it is time for the
human race to clear this layer of what has become quite a negative substance. It
effects people in many ways and in effect keeps them asleep and under the influence
of false beliefs and dogmas. Indeed most people have a belief system that is far from
the truth and as a consequence they have trouble gaining inner knowledge or
creating their reality. Many belief systems have been created throughout the last
10000 years of life on earth and all are misleading. People have truly become
disconnected from their higher selves and it is time to undo this matrix of falsity.
The collective unconscious works like a shroud covering earth and blocking higher
dimensional light. Because of this people have great trouble connecting with higher
dimensions even during meditation. This has been the case for a long while but now
it is time to clear this shroud. The way for this to be done as I have previously
mentioned is by people actively clearing their astral bodies and incarnating their light
body. Due to the collective unconscious shroud it is necessary to cultivate the
column of metaphysical substance which extends both above your head and below
your perineum and passes straight through your body. By cultivating this column
upwards you can create a portal through the collective shroud and into higher
dimensions. This column becomes impermeable by astral forces and creates a clear
channel into higher realms. Once this has been achieved it becomes possible to have
much deeper meditation experiences and for higher energies and beings to begin
working on your subtle bodies from above. By cultivating the column below your
body you are able to connect with the lower dimensions and with the core of the
earth. It is these lower dimensions that are essential in both grounding the higher
dimensional forces from above and also in actively creating you reality. These lower
dimensions have the greatest effect on the healing of the physical and etheric
bodies, your sexuality and on creation in the third dimension.
As well as the column we must deal directly with the chakras. These are like
gateways into different dimensions of consciousness and by awakening them and
incarnating their forces into the body your astral body will be thoroughly purified and
cleared. The merkaba is another structure of the lightbody which must be activated
for the incarnation of the chakras to be fully sustained. The Merkaba is a bit like a
huge Chakra which surrounds your entire body and incarnates the rest of the
lightbody into the third dimension. The Merkaba and Chakras are supposed to be
spinning structures of light but in most humans they have become dormant and do
not spin in the proper way to allow for the incarnation of higher consciousness. The
astral body and collective unconscious impede the lightbodys incarnation and
prevent its structures from working the way they should.
From where you are you can work directly on the physical, etheric and astral bodies
but most have difficulty working on their lightbody precisely because the astral is in
the way. For this reason we Pleiadians can help you from the other side so to speak.
You work on clearing the astral and reaching up for the lightbody and we will help by
sending the light further into the astral realm from above. By doing this the astral is
broken up and transformed by the light so that eventually the lightbody may shine
through into the 3rd dimension with clarity. During this process it is important for you
to keep on clearing the astral from your side and to also begin trying to gain control
of your lightbody. By doing this you are opening yourself to the light and allowing it
to help dissolve and transform your astral body.
The Following Techniques are all aimed at activating and incarnating the lightbody
into the 3rd dimension. When you practice any one of these techniques we will be
helping from the higher dimensions of light. You will probably feel our presence
tangibly and you will have experiences of your lightbody very soon. It does depend
on your level of experience with meditation etc as to how tangibly you will see us
and feel the work we will be doing from the other side. Many of you will feel it very
tangibly straight away but for others it may take time.
All Practices can be done with or without The Meditation Solution. The Meditation
Solution puts your brain in the required state for deep meditation which can make
the practices easier. For more information please go to:
The cone of light creates an upward pull on your energy and is helpful for the
clearing of energies released during the practices. It is a spiral of light which pulls
negative astral energies upwards and out of your energy field. Whatever goes into
the cone of light is transformed into a higher dimensional energy and so becomes
positive once again. The cone of light on its own can have a large effect on your
energy and can clear quite a lot of astral dross. Its upward pull affects the entire
astral body and the Chitta so it may amplify some emotional repression and negative
energy that needs to be released. For this reason you may not want to use the cone
of light for long periods at the beginning.
The techniques here which are designed to activate and incarnate the light body are
quite advanced and will speed up your progress significantly so it is important to
proceed at a pace you can handle. If you find it too much or too intense you can do
less of the lightbody work and concentrate more on the astral body with the
regression technique. Of course by using both together youre clearing and
transformation will be faster but sometimes the work can be quite intense. If it does
become too intense just slow down and work at a pace you can handle. At the
beginning you should only use the cone of light during meditation or other practices
and ask for the cone to be removed before continuing with your day. Later on you
may like to keep the cone active all day. Its up to you.
LightBody Alignment
Lightbody alignment is a simple process which is done during sitting meditation.
After invoking the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light and the Interdimensional Cone of
Light you can begin to align yourself with the lightbody. The purpose of this practice
is to align your physical body with the lightbody which always maintains perfect
posture. The lightbody holds the form that your physical body is meant to follow and
is always perfect. During life the physical body gets pulled out of alignment due to
emotional repression etc which is caused by the astral body and the collective
unconscious. Indeed any posture of the body that is less than perfectly aligned is due
to the astral bodies grasping effect. The emotions in the astral grasp the etheric
which in turn begins to pull the physical out of shape. Of course physical injuries can
also distort the physical but even these would not cause nearly as much
misalignment without the astrals effect.
With lightbody alignment you become aware of your lightbody and bring it into the
physical body. You remain receptive and allow it to show you the perfect alignment
that should be held in your body. You can actually feel its effect on your subtle and
physical bodies as it begins to heal the holding patterns in the body. When you can
feel the lightbody you can feel how your body should be perfectly aligned and begin
to move into the correct position.
All you have to do is ask for the lightbody to come into the physical and show you its
perfect alignment. Once you have entered the space of the third eye and invoked the
Pleiadians you can tell them you wish to align with the lightbody. You then feel the
space around you and feel for the lightbody. You will soon feel the presence of your
lightbody and how its posture is perfect and how straight the back is held. Allow it
into your body and move your body to align with it. Depending on how bad your
posture is you may be able to easily align with the lightbody or it may be quite
difficult. If it is hard then it will take practice and some yoga or stretching may be
needed. Chiropractic can be very useful as can back braces to try to regain perfect
posture. It is up to you to gain perfect posture in the physical so that you can align
with your lightbody. By doing this practice every time you meditate (in a sitting
position) you ensure that you are moving towards perfect posture and alignment
with your light body. Indeed for your entire meditation session, no matter what other
practice you are doing you should maintain an awareness of the lightbodys posture
and try to align with it.
I have seen many long term meditators who obviously neglect alignment and do not
even realize it such as Buddhist monks sitting for days, meditating with rounded
shoulders and a very bent back and neck. These were very experienced meditators
who had been meditating for 10 or even 20 years and their posture was shocking.
Alignment with their lightbody was non existent and so its activation and incarnation
had not begun. It is true that some monks are really trying to escape from reality
and themselves which is why they go off to meditate. Instead of striving for
enlightenment and confronting their subconscious head on they are merely trying to
escape and do not reach deep enough states to clear their subconscious. By doing
this they avoid the world and themselves and their meditation is more like a sleep
than a clearing of the mind. If these people did begin to align with their lightbody
they would release huge amounts of fear and emotional repression which is why they
continue to meditate in such a poor position.
By aligning with the lightbody during meditation your physical body will begin to
remember how it should be held and you will find your posture during everyday life
beginning to change. It will always be in the back of your mind and you will find
yourself spontaneously stretching parts of your body. It is like doing yoga but not by
following a teacher or a book but your own body and its intuition. You may be
standing in the kitchen waiting for the stove to heat up and just be compelled to
stretch in some manner that you have not done before. This is the way animals stay
in alignment. If you watch a cat you will see them often stretching themselves during
their day. They dont need to think about it or do a yoga routine it just comes
naturally because their body knows how it should be aligned.
Using this practice will begin to bring you back into alignment naturally. If your
posture is terrible yoga is a good idea to speed it up and as I said Chiropractic and
back braces can also help. The lightbody alignment method does not make yoga,
stretching etc redundant but gives your body an inner knowledge of how it should be
aligned. With this inner knowledge your body will begin to align itself naturally and
also begin to draw the lightbody into the physical body naturally. The physical body
needs to remember how to align with and hold the lightbody and this practice will
remind it very quickly.
This practice should be easy and come naturally. If you have trouble at first do not
give up as this practice is very important to gain perfect alignment. Without such
alignment the Column, Chakras and Merkaba cannot incarnate properly and will
remain blocked.
The Column
Clearing the Column with Kundalini
The column is a structure of light which stretches from the lowest all the way
through to the highest dimensions. It goes straight through the middle of your body
from the perineum to the crown of the head and is the axis along which all of your
Chakras are located. It is somewhat hollow and allows for interdimensional energies
to flow through it. By following the column above or below you can become aware of
parts of yourself in higher and lower dimensions and also communicate with other
beings in these dimensions. It is one of the most important structures of the
lightbody as it is the vertical connector between dimensions.
The above diagram shows the part of the column which goes through your physical
body. It is this part of the column that is blocked because of your astral body.
Blockages continue up and down the column a little way above and below the body
due to the collective unconscious, the layer of astrality covering the planet. Indeed
all negative astrality can damage and block the columns light structure. As the
column is the main vertical axis through which higher energies incarnate into your
physical body it is vital that it be clear of blockages and damage. When the column is
blocked and damaged it is extremely hard to gain knowledge from higher dimensions
and so connection to the higher self and interdimensional aspects is greatly
The first practice that will begin to clear and align the column is the lightbody
alignment practice described above. Perfect posture is vital for energies to flow freely
through the column. The next practice activates earth Kundalini which flows through
the column and thereby clears it of astral dross.
The Practice:
Ground yourself, seal the aura and enter the space of the third eye.
Call in the Pleiadian Emissaries of light and ask them to help in the clearing of
your column.
Align yourself with the lightbody. Try to get your posture as perfect as
Now imagine a large star of white and gold light above your head. This star is
quite a way above your head and sends light straight down through the top of
your head, all the way through the middle of your body, out the perineum
and continuing all the way down into the center of the planet. (Begin
visualizing the star around 100 feet above your head, you can also move it up
and down and feel the effect this has on your energy).
At the center of the planet you see a huge red crystal which absorbs the light
from above.
When this crystal has absorbed some of the light it begins to erupt with red
light which travels straight up into your body via the perineum, through your
body and out the top of your head continuing upwards and meeting the star
of light.
This flow of energy continues and as it goes through you it clears out the
column of all blockages.
You can continue with this practice for as long as you like.
Do more than just visualize this light, you can actually feel it going through
you and clearing blockages through the column.
When you are ready to finish simply visualize the energy flow slowing down
and coming to a stop. The earth energy goes back into the crystal and the
stars energy goes back into the star.
This practice uses cosmic kundilini which comes from above and Earth kundilini
which comes from the iron core crystal at the center of Earth. These Kundilini forces
are quite strong and they can have a huge effect on your subtle bodies. When it
comes to clearing out the column nothing is as effective as Kundalini. You can do this
practice as often as you like but keep in mind that it can have a very powerful effect.
Like the interdimensional cone of light you may want to slow down if things become
too intense. On the other side it is ok to leave the kundalini flowing all day if you
like. Its up to you and your level of experience.
The Kundalini flowing through the column does more than just clearing out astral
mess it also heals damage that has been done to the actual light structure of the
column. The Pleiadians will also be helping with the healing of your column which is
necessary for clear communication between you and the other dimensions. The part
of your column that goes through the layer of collective unconscious must become
strong and sealed from these negative astral energies. Some people who have
damaged or cracked columns above their head receive far too much astral energy
from the collective unconscious and this can cause confusion and lethargy among
other things. Chronic fatigue is a condition brought on by too much astral energy
entering through the top of the head. This practice along with the next column
practice can be very helpful for sufferers of this condition. Indeed by healing the
column and thereby stopping the influx of negative and dense astrality, chronic
fatigue may very well disappear.
as you learn to use it and control it. Any light structure that is not used will become
weak and ineffective just like a physical muscle that is not used will become weak
and atrophied. The lightbody and its structures cannot properly incarnate to any real
degree unless they are used and thereby integrated into the 3rd dimension. You must
practice using your lightbody structures if they are to remain activated and incarnate
properly, otherwise they will become dormant once again. So spiritual work does not
end when you reach a certain point although it does become much easier, you must
continue to use your new abilities or they will be lost. When you exercise a muscle
and get it strong it becomes very easy to keep it strong but if you stop using it, it
will rapidly become weak.
The practice of ascending and descending the column is very simple and can be done
with or without invoking the Pleiadians although at the start when your column may
have damage and need healing you should always invoke the Pleiadians.
As always you should start by grounding, sealing the aura and entering the
space of the third eye.
You should also align with the lightbody and get your body as straight as
possible. Without a straight and aligned body it is very difficult to move out of
your body and into the column.
You can perform the Kundalini clearing practice described above if you like
but it is not essential.
Now you simply take your awareness up or down the column. Do not try to
force anything or make it happenit is more of a letting go and allowing
yourself to be gently pulled up or down. Try to work with one direction at a
time. People who lack grounding and have sexual issues may have trouble
going downwards and others may have trouble going upwards. Whether you
find it easy or hard with practice you will become proficient at moving both
Keep in mind that you are not trying to astral travel and leave the body. You
stay grounded within the physical at all times but take your awareness up or
down. In a sense you are leaving the body but not with your astral body. The
astral stays incarnated and you just take your awareness up or down. By
doing this you get a much clearer vision and feeling of the various dimensions
as you are getting away from the astrals influence at least to some degree.
When you succeed in moving up or down the column you will receive visions and
feelings from the dimension which you enter. You will experience a very tangible
change in consciousness and you will have access to amazing resources of
knowledge. The higher up you go the higher the dimension of consciousness you will
experience. Once you have ascended the column you can explore questions and
realities from the point of view and consciousness of the dimension that you have
accessed. This can be very interesting because answers can be different depending
on which dimension they come from. Indeed the reason for this series of books is to
give you access to your own sources of knowledge from higher and lower dimensions
and from various beings that you have connections with. We do not intend to explain
all the details of metaphysics or answer all your questions for only you can find real
answers. Any knowledge gained from books or other people is not yours until you
experience its truth for yourself.
By going up or down the column you enter into dimensions which contain many and
varied beings. As well as aspects of yourself being available to answer questions you
can gain much knowledge from the beings inhabiting the various dimensions. In
general the higher up you go the more clear and expanded the consciousness and so
the greater the view of reality. When you go down the column the energy becomes
denser the further down you go and the feelings become more physical. To get an
idea of this feel the difference between the feelings in your head and the feelings in
your belly. Try tuning into both, separatelydoes it make your energy feel denser or
lighter and more expanded. Its a bit like comparing air to water.
You will certainly have amazing and mind opening experiences by ascending and
descending your column and you will realize your amazing multidimensionality. You
are a multidimensional being and the column is the part of you that traverses
through all of the dimensions and allows you to start living with a multidimensional
awareness. The only reason people believe the truth about life and death to be
unknowable is because they have lost their multidimensional perceptions and
connection with parts of themselves that reside throughout the dimensions. When
you gain control over your column, it is cleared of blockages and healed of damage
you will gain experiential knowledge of your multidimensional nature and the truth
about death will be known without any doubt. The physical body is simply a part of a
much larger being who has incarnated part of itself into the third dimension. In fact
it is this larger being who has shaped and manifested the body into existence in the
first place.
lightbody has incarnated and the astral has been cleared. It could be looked at from
the point of view of maturation and gradual incarnation. It is natural for beings to
incarnate gradually into the physical body as it grows up and matures. On earth
however the process is retarded by the collective unconscious and chaotic astral
body which prevent further incarnation of the lightbody and therefore the spirit. On
Earth much spiritual work is necessary to overcome this retardation caused by the
astral realms. A thorough clearing of the astral body and an incarnation of the
various structures of the lightbody must be achieved for the full maturation of a
human adult to take place. Tantric sex practices will also prove to be vital as the
sexual issues and improper flows of sexual energy and other lower dimensional
forces are also in a state of retardation and chaos. Indeed humans must strive for
full incarnation and will need proper techniques and knowledge to be able to achieve
this. On other planets the full maturity of a being includes the incarnation of the
lightbody and this occurs naturally over a set period of time. They do not need to
strive for spiritual transformation as it simply occurs naturally and effortlessly. For
more information on Earth and the reason for this retardation of maturity please go
Its time to begin activating your Chakras and Incarnating them into the 3rd
dimension. For these practices the Pleiadians will be of enormous help as they can
help you work on the Chakras from the dimensions of light. It can be hard to work
on the Chakras on your own at least at the start because they are located in the
lightbody which may be hard for you to access and control. As humans are so
enshrouded by the astral layers it can take much effort and deep meditation just to
feel the higher dimensional aspects of the Chakras. With the help of the Pleiadians
the activation of the Chakras and your experience of them will be sped up to an
enormous degree.
Solar Plexus Chakra (Yellow Octahedron)
Crown Chakra (Violet Stellated Icosahedron)
The Chakras are all geometric structures of light as shown above. The colors shown
are the general colors of the particular Chakras but when they are spinning and
active they each contain many colors. The geometric structures shown are accurate
and these form the core of the Chakra. In each Chakra however there are numerous
identical and overlaid structures of light which (when active) spin in different ways,
so when a charka is active it will not look like the pictures above. In fact when a
Chakra is spinning properly it creates a gateway into another dimension which looks
like a vortex.
The following practice can be used for any of the Chakras and will activate the
Chakra and anchor it in your body. The way most peoples subtle bodies are
structured at the moment the Chakras are barely anchored into the 3rd dimensional
body at all and often remain a fanciful idea even for many spiritual seekers. Although
many know about the Chakras few have succeeded in actually activating them and
anchoring them into the physical which is why they remain fairly vague in many
publications. Often people write about the Chakras based on what they have learned
intellectually and not on actual experience. Here we are interested in activating your
Chakras which will lead to actual experience and first hand knowledge. You will be
able to write about them yourself and will not require explanations about their
functions or attributes.
The Practice
This practice can be done either sitting or lying down flat on your back. Lying down is
fine for the initial exploration of the technique but using this technique in a sitting
position will have a more powerful effect and make the anchoring process faster. I
will describe the practice for sitting meditation, if you wish to do it lying down initially
you can adapt the technique by taking out the alignment and column parts and going
straight to the Chakras
First Part
Close your eyes, ground yourself, seal the aura and enter the space of the
third eye.
Call in the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light and ask for the Interdimensional cone
of light.
Align with the lightbody, try to get your posture as aligned as possible.
Second Part
You are now ready to begin activating and incarnating the Chakras. The rest of the
process is the same for each Chakra although the structure and colors used will
differ. At the beginning you should only work on one Chakra at a time but as you
gain experience you can begin working on more than one or even all of them
together. It is up to you which Chakra to work on first and in what order to work on
them. Use your intuition to decide which one to work on or ask the Pleiadiens or your
higher self to guide you. If you cannot decide which Chakra you should awaken first
in general it is a good idea to start at the bottom (Base Chakra) and work your way
Ask the Pleaidians to help you activate whichever Chakra you choose to work
Now visualize the structure and color of the Chakra as shown in the above
diagrams. At the same time as visualizing you should take your awareness to
the area in your body where the Chakra is located.
When you take your awareness to the area you are not trying to feel for the
samskaras located around it. The feeling of samskaras is much grosser than
the Chakras and is not what you are looking for. You are trying to feel the
subtle energy of the light structures. If you do feel samskaras and astral
blockages just try to take your awareness deeper to bypass the astral realm
and take your awareness into the realm of the lightbody.
Many of you will experience the visualization of the structures very tangibly as
you are actually tuning into something that is there. You are not just
imagining these Chakras but looking at them.
Once you have a clear picture of the Chakra just watch it and see if it is
damaged, whether it is spinning at all and in what ways. Allow it to move
freely and feel how it feels.
When you get a really good feel for the Chakra and what state it is in allow it
to begin spinning in its natural way. Dont try to do anything, just ask the
Pleiadians to activate the Chakra and make it spin in whatever way it should.
Watch the Chakra and see what happens. You will probably see it begin
spinning in different ways and speeding up quite rapidly. Keep in mind that
there are more than one structure overlaid on top of each other and they may
spin in different directions. Also the structure may spin in any direction such
as vertically, horizontally or anywhere in between and the axis of spin can be
moving as well. The spin of the Chakras can be quite complicated so it is
important to not block its movement at all with your minds prejudgments.
Just watch the Chakra and allow it to be activated.
While the Chakra is moving you should continue to feel it with your
awareness. This is not just a visual exercise. Feel the spin and the forces of
consciousness within the spinning Chakra. Allow it to speed up and function in
its proper manner while feeling its effect on your subtle bodies and on your
state of consciousness. Also allow the colors to change and watch what is
happening to the colors. When a Chakra is spinning many colors can be seen
and not just the ones shown in the above diagrams.
You can do this for as long as you like and when you decide to stop
meditating do not stop the Chakra. Allow it to continue, ground yourself and
then open your eyes and go on with your day.
Now that you have activated the Chakra and have a good feel for it you can
check on it at anytime. It is amazing how tangible it can be and you may
even have trouble not seeing and feeling it. If this happens dont worry, you
will get used to it fairly quickly.
Thats the practice for activating a Chakra. When you check on your Chakras once
they have been activated you can use the image of the Chakras structure and color
to easily tune into it but you should make sure that you are checking on how it is
moving and not slowing it by visualizing a stationary Chakra.
Once activated the practice evolves into checking on them and when you do this you
may find that they have slowed down or they are not moving freely the way they
should. If this is the case just ask the Pleiadians to help and allow the Chakra to
activate again. Once a certain amount of experience has been acquired you will
realize that you can activate them or allow them to spin easily yourself. At this point
you will have gained control of them directly through your own lightbody and it
indicates that they have been anchored and incarnated to a certain degree. This is
the goal of the technique and the assistance of the Pleiadians is only necessary in the
beginning because you have lost contact and control over your lightbody. As the
Pleiadians are in full control of their own lightbodies they are able to easily activate
structures in your lightbody but they may only do this if asked by you. They respect
free will and will never activate your energies without your permission.
Keep in mind that without perfect posture and lightbody alignment it is extremely
difficult to anchor the Chakras into the body. If your alignment is poor you may have
great experiences with the Chakras during meditation but when you return to normal
consciousness you may lose contact with them and have trouble checking on their
state. When someone has fully incarnated and activated all the Chakras, they
become aware of them at all times and can feel their effects in any state of
consciousness. The physical breath will naturally connect with the spin of the
Chakras which is the final stage of activation. This will occur naturally as a part of
your process and you will see for yourself that the in breath draws energy, light and
consciousness through the vortex of the Chakra from other dimensions into the 3rd
while the out breath keeps the structures spinning freely in the proper manner. It is
an amazing state of multidimensional being when the Chakras connect and work with
the breath of the physical body.
The truth about the Chakras can only be known by experience. There are many
books which try to describe what each Chakra does and their various attributes but
without actually activating and incarnating them into your body their knowledge will
always remain intellectual which is not really knowledge at all. Only by direct
experience can true knowledge of the Chakras be claimed. If you would like a brief
description of each Chakra please see Metaphysics or you can find numerous books
on the subject at any metaphysical book store. If you want to know the Chakras by
experience however they must be activated.
The activation of the Chakras can be extremely powerful and when they are
activated before the astral body has been cleared they can cause the release of a
huge amount of subconscious material. Their action on the astral body can be quite
intense as the spinning light structures begin to break up and transmute the dense
astral blockages and samskaras. This is why it is important for all who use this
technique to be familiar with regression as it will be very helpful in clearing the astral
body. If you have already cleared much of your astral body you may not experience
any problems and you will probably activate your Chakras easily and painlessly. If
you have not cleared the astral body it does not mean you should not activate your
Chakras but you do need to be aware of what can happen. The Chakras being
activated will certainly speed up the clearing of the astral body but when this is done
too fast it can be very intense and hard to deal with. As always you need to be your
own guide as to what you are ready for. If you feel apprehensive at all about
activating your Chakras then you should wait and for the time being concentrate on
clearing your astral body through regression and meditation.
Another interesting point is that for those who are ready to activate their Chakras
this technique will be easy and the effects will be extremely tangible very quickly.
For those who are not ready they will probably have trouble with the technique
anyway as their astral body may be too gross to allow for the practice to work
properly. It is an advanced practice and if you have trouble with it you are probably
not ready for it yet. Do not be put off by this as all practices help to cultivate your
subtle perception and in time you will be ready to activate your lightbody. Be patient
and practice, practice, practice!
The MerKaBa
Like the Chakras the Merkaba is a structure of light that should be spinning in a
certain way but is dormant in most humans. The Merkaba when spinning creates a
vortex into higher and lower dimensions and allows for the incarnation of higher
consciousness. Without the Merkaba being activated the Chakras and column cannot
fully incarnate or be under full conscious control as it is the merkaba that holds these
structures in place and in alignment with the physical body. Although it is quite
possible to become spiritually aware and to activate and incarnate various structures
to a certain degree without the merkaba, for full control and incarnation of the
lightbody to occur the merkaba must be activated.
Male Merkaba
Female Merkaba
The MerKaBa is comprised of two Tetrahedrons, one pointing upwards and the other
pointing down. The one that points up is referred to as the sun tetrahedron and the
one that points down is called the earth tetrahedron. The way these two
tetrahedrons are situated differs between males and females. Take a close look at
the two pictures above and you will see that for males it is the sun tetrahedron that
points forward while the earth tetrahedron points back. This is reversed for females
with the sun tetrahedron pointing back and the earth tetrahedron pointing forwards.
These two pictures show the exact size of the star tetrahedron (the two tetrahedron
form what is called a star tetrahedron) in comparison to a human and exactly where
the two tetrahedrons cross over. The overlap/center is at the height of the base
chakra. Also the bottom of the sun tetrahedron passes close to the knees and the
earth tetrahedron passes the solar plexus. Both the tip of the sun and the earth
tetrahedron are about a hands length above the head and below the feet. It is
important to get a good idea of exactly how the merkaba relates to your body for
when you visualize it. See diagram below.
The column goes straight through the middle of the tetrahedrons passing through
the top and bottom points of the merkaba.
The first practice in activating the merkaba is to become aware of its shape and to
see what sort of condition it is in.
1st Stage
Ground yourself, seal the aura and enter the space of the third eye.
Align with the lightbody and try to make your posture as perfect as possible.
More than just visualizing you are feeling for the tetrahedron and tuning into
it. The visualization of its structure is used to help you to tune into it and see
it in its reality.
Once you can see it clearly check to see if its shape is correct and if there is
any damage. Many people find that their tetrahedrons are the wrong size or
distorted in other ways. Every edge of both tetrahedrons should be the length
of your arm span from finger tip to finger tip. Here you want to check on its
Once you have seen its condition you should try to visualize it in the way it
should be as in the diagram above. Once you have a connection with the
tetrahedron you can begin to heal it by visualizing how it should look. While
doing this also visualize gold light pouring into the tetrahedron from the
column above. Visualize a sun or star pouring light down into the tetrahedron
and filling it up.
Once you get the sun tetrahedron to the right shape and size and filled with
light you can check on the earth tetrahedron in the same way.
Once you can see the earth tetrahedron clearly begin visualizing it in the
shape and size it should be and begin visualizing the gold light filling it up
from above just like you did with the sun tetrahedron.
Once both tetrahedrons are full of light you can allow the light to pour out the
bottom of the earth tetrahedron, down through the column to the iron crystal
in the middle of the earth.
Allow this visualization to go on for as long as you like with a constant flow of
light filling the star tetrahedron from above and exiting through the bottom to
the middle of the earth.
This practice will begin clearing and healing the structure of the Merkaba. You can do
this practice as often as you like but you should not move on from here until the star
tetrahedron has the right shape and size, with both tetrahedrons being the same size
when you check on it. By doing this exercise daily you will quickly heal your Merkaba
and get it ready for activating its spin.
2nd Stage
Once the first stage becomes easy and you feel that you are ready to begin
activating the Merkaba you can follow on here.
Follow the first stage practice until you have a constant flow of light running
through the merkaba and down to the middle of the earth.
Now allow energy from the earths core crystal to ascend up the column and
into the merkaba collecting in the belly region. At the same time allow the
light coming in from the column above to collect in the navel and mix with the
energy coming from below.
Allow this energy to form into a solid ball of gold light in your belly.
Connect this flow of energy into the ball with your breath. On the in breath
energy comes into the ball and on the out breath the ball becomes more
3rd Stage
Now that you have connected the breath with the incoming energy from above and
below its time to activate the spin of the merkaba which is done by connecting it also
with the breath.
Before I explain how to spin the Merkaba you should understand that its structure as
shown above and what you have visualized is actually made up of three star
tetrahedrons. These three are exact duplicates of each other and are overlaid over
each other just like the Chakras having multiple layers of spinning light structures.
One relates to the mental body, one relates to the emotional body and the other
relates to the physical body. Just like the astral body is the emotional body and the
Chitta is the mental body of the astral realm these two star tetrahedrons are the
mental and emotional bodies of the light realm. The third star tetrahedron relates to
the physical body and does not spin. The mental and emotional star tetrahedrons
spin in opposite directions and create the vortex that allows for the physical
incarnation of higher and lower dimensional forces. Without the Merkaba spinning
none of the other structures of the lightbody can be fully anchored into the 3rd
dimension. Depending on how fast the Merkaba spins it will anchor into a different
dimension. The spin we want to activate is the one that will allow it to incarnate into
the third dimension and therefore incarnate your lightbody into your physical body.
The speed required for this is 9/10ths the speed of light.
The mental and emotional star tetrahedrons spin in opposite directions and also at
different speeds. Difference in speeds is based on a ratio of 34 -21. The mental body
star tetrahedron spins a complete rotation 34 times for every 21 times for the
emotional body. This ratio is that of a Fibonacci spiral which is found in numerous
natural phenomena. The picture on the cover of this book is a star system spinning
in this manner creating what looks like a spinning merkaba field. The mental body
star tetrahedron spins to the left and the emotional body to the right.
Once you have completed the first two stages and you have connected the
breath with the energy coming in from above and below it is time to start
spinning the Merkaba.
When you first get it moving it will probably be moving quite slow and may
not be smooth. Just continue to connect it with the breath and keep it
Now ask the star tetrahedrons to spin at a ratio of 34 -21 for the mental and
emotional bodies respectively. You should see it speed up a little and begin
spinning at different speeds. Make sure you spin the mental at 34 to the left
and the emotional at 21 to the right. Keep in mind that there is still one star
tetrahedron remaining stationary. It is important to get this correct.
Now ask the star tetrahedrons to speed up to 2/3rds the speed of light and
continue connecting it with the breath which gives it a push on each out
breath. When it gets to 2/3rds the speed of light you will see a disk shoot out
from the base Chakra which extends for around 22 feet in radius around your
body. This is the merkaba, but at this point the disk may not be very stable.
See the above diagram for how the spinning merkaba looks.
Now ask the merkaba to speed up to 9/10ths the speed of light and watch the
disk of light become more stable as the merkaba increases in speed.
Continue to watch and feel the merkaba spinning while connecting it with the
breath. The in breath draws energy in from above and below and into the ball
in the belly while the outbreath keeps the merkaba spinning.
Continue watching the merkaba and feeling it for as long as you like.
Thats the practice for activating the merkaba. Each time you come to do the practice
you should check to see what its doing. In the early stages it will probably stop
spinning and remain dormant throughout most of the day. You can check on it
whenever you like. When it has been activated fully which could take weeks, months
or years depending on the current state of your subtle bodies you will be aware of it
at all times. You will gain full control over it and your breath will remain connected
with it throughout the day.
Important Points
The first stage of activating the Merkaba where gold light is used to fill the
tetrahedrons is only needed at the beginning when the merkaba does not
remain activated. When you check on the merkaba, if it is not moving you
should always start with this practice. As you gain experience in this the
colors may change on their own. When you begin visualizing the gold light
you may see other colors and patterns. This is fine and you should go along
with whatever you experience. This is a signal that the tetrahedrons are
beginning to activate and connect with interdimensional energies and light.
Once the merkaba is spinning properly you can allow the energy that is being
collected in the belly to move out into the merkaba field along the axis of the
The collection point being in the belly is for activation and incarnation of the
merkaba into the 3rd dimension. By moving this collection point upwards into
the heart chakra you will raise your energy towards the 4th dimension. This
alone will not take you into the 4th dimension but if coupled with the correct
increase in speed of the merkaba you would be taken into the 4th dimension,
physical body and all. The human race is in fact making a leap from the 3rd to
the 4th dimension and in the near future you may use the merkaba to traverse
across the gap between the 3rd and 4th dimensions. For now however you can
simply move the collection point up to the heart Chakra which will raise your
consciousness into a higher level. By doing this you will become aware of 4th
dimensional phenomena and begin to become accustomed to higher
dimensional experience. This raising of the collection point should only be
done once you have activated and stabilized the merkaba. You will know
when you have done this because whenever you check on your merkaba it
will be spinning properly and you will have incarnated much of your lightbody.
Always remember to follow your inner guidance. Your inner guidance will also
let you know when it is time to increase the speed of the merkaba and how to
achieve this.
Ground yourself, seal the aura and enter the space of the third eye.
Align with the lightbody and try to make your posture as perfect as possible.
It is important to have a straight back as the Kundalini will be activated to
travel up the spine and out the top of your head.
Now take your awareness into the coccyx. Get a feel for the energy inside
the coccyx. (Please note that for those who have not cleared sexual issues
you may have trouble getting your awareness into the coccyx. If this is the
case you can still follow the practice but success may be limited until you
clear some sexual blockages. (The combination of Tantric techniques and
Regression will be very helpful here)
Now visualize a ball of red light at the coccyx. This ball of red light is like a
chakra and has multiple identical overlays. Visualize these balls spinning in
all different directions at enormous speeds. The spin creates a vortex into a
very dense dimension of red light. Its like an infinite universe of red light.
You go into this vortex and see this universe of light and feel the infinite
force of creation within.
Get a good feel for the force in this dimension through the vortex and then
allow a beam of this force to blast out of the vortex up your spine and out
the top of your head. The beam continues up for as far as you can see.
As always dont just visualize it but feel it as well. You are doing more than
visualizing you are controlling interdimensional forces.
Ra Concludes
Spiritual transformation refers to the complete clearing of mental and emotional
conditioning which then allows for the incarnation of Spirit. As the human is a
multidimensional and metaphysical being, spiritual pursuits must lead to a thorough
exploration of these many facets or very little can be gained. Many of your churches,
religions and priests lack true understanding of these realities and have been
enshrouded by darkness and lies for thousands of years. This made it very hard for
the lay person to gain any real information about spiritual or metaphysical things and
so they were easily brainwashed and used as sheep in a society devoted to the rich
elite. Many people assume that this has certainly been the case in the west but that
the east held a true spiritual knowledge. They assume this because when they are
introduced to the eastern religions and philosophies they see the richness and color
that the western churches often lack.
Unfortunately the eastern traditions are also enshrouded in lies and misconceptions
and actually succeed in keeping people weak and basically as slaves to the rich just
like the west. The concept of Karma born out of the Hindu philosophies is perfect for
getting people to accept their lot in life and to make it impossible to change their
reality. Indeed the Hindus took Karma and created the cast system which made it
illegal for someone of low cast to move up. Many western people who discover the
law of Karma and reincarnation are attracted to it because it is far closer to reality
than what they were taught at Sunday school. They have an inner knowing of these
deeper truths and so assume the Hindu guru or the Buddhist monks are the way to
the truth.
Well the law of Karma is surely a law but there are greater laws which can make
Karma look like something of very little concern. In fact Jesus went to earth to show
people these greater forces and to awaken your minds to your own powers of
redemption and creation. It is true that your higher self and your higher
consciousness can eradicate your Karma and that you can create the future you
desire. Cast and creed are unimportant. If you clear the astral body of past
conditioning and incarnate higher consciousness there is no need for Karma to teach
you lessons as you will have already learned. Anyone, no matter what they have
done in the past has the opportunity now to change themselves and in effect change
their Karma. The law of Karma can only be all powerful in a universe of one
dimension. Because the universe is actually multidimensional and all beings are
multidimensional, Karma can be easily changed. If you have access to other
dimensions of reality and you exchange forces between these dimensions the Karma
cannot remain as a constant which it must if it is to work the way most people
Karma is actually part of the collective unconscious which higher forces have the
power to clear and transform. Your lightbody can actually clear the part of the
collective unconscious that has your Karma imprinted upon it. Your higher
consciousness is a creator just like all other beings in the universe and with it you
can create whatever you desire. The time of being a pawn is over, its time to take
control of your life and your future. I know that many people feel powerless over
their lives but this can be changed through the work of spiritual transformation. To
hold your powers of creation you must clear your subconscious of all negativity,
remove yourself from the lies and false beliefs of the collective unconscious and
incarnate your lightbody along with all of its structures and gateways to
multidimensional forces. With these forces which belong to you and always have you
may create your future and transcend the games of the elite.
It is up to you to do the work and transform your energy. The lightbody holds the
keys to all metaphysical knowledge and complete power over your future but without
its incarnation and the clearing of the astral layers that distort your reality you will
remain in illusion and disconnection. So get to work and we will see you in the space.