Its On Us Final
Its On Us Final
Its On Us Final
Nick Ramsey
Jack Dario
Ryan Hurley
In an effort to thwart sexually violent attacks the Obama administration will be
launching a new campaign titled Its On Us, with the attention of bringing attention to,
and ultimately helping to solve, the number of sexual assaults that take place. Its On
Us will have a particular focus on college campuses, and its main objective is raise
awareness, promote prevention, inspire positive action. The Center for American
Progress, as well as over 200 colleges across the country, will help in the launch and the
implementation of the campaign, which will focus on promoting students themselves to
be leaders in causing positive change in concerns to sexually violent situations that take
place at college parties, in dormitories, at bars, and anywhere on college campuses. One
main focus of Its On Us will be spreading knowledge about sexual assaults to young
men. According to a recent CDC report bystander intervention is one of the most
effective ways to help decrease the number of sexual assaults on college campuses, and
Its On Us will have a focus in promoting bystander intervention, especially among
young men.
The first goal of the campaign is to increase awareness of sexual assaults on
college campuses. In increasing awareness, students will be far more likely to be attentive
to their surroundings and the behavior of their peers, as they will know the potential
dangers many social situations in college can cause in concern to sexual assaults. Many
students are unaware of the number of sexual assaults on their campuses, causing a dont
ask, dont tell complex in which people are afraid to speak out, and speak up against
sexual violence. In promoting awareness of the issue, the Its On Us campaign hopes to
educate college students to the point where they feel comfortable enough to not only
report sexual assaults, but also be able to step in and stop them when they are going on.
We believe awareness is the first step to solving these issues.
Our second goal is to increase the reporting of sexual assaults across college
campuses. Our second goal ties in directly with our first, as awareness is the first step in
increasing reporting. By raising awareness of sexual assaults on college campuses, it is
our hope that students and college employees will feel more comfortable and less afraid
to report any malicious sexual behavior they witness to the authorities. In increasing
reporting it will be easier for authorities to zone in on particularly dangerous individuals
and situations, and take measures to prevent future attacks from taking place.
The third goal of the campaign is to promote bystander intervention. This goal
directly ties in to our focus on engaging men. Many men feel uncomfortable concerning
the issue of sexual assault. In providing young men with information and statistics, as
well as facilitating and promoting discussion, it is our hope that men will feel
comfortable enough to speak out when they see a sexual assault taking place. Though
mainly focused on men, this goal involves young women as well, and we hope to
promote young women intervening as well, by providing them with the same information
and promoting discussion.
While sexual assault is a large issue in the United States in general, one of the
primary places where sexual assaults take place is on college campuses. As a result, the
Its On Us campaign is specifically targeted at reducing sexual assault on college
campuses around the country. According to, the main sponsor of the
campaign, one in five women suffer from sexual assault while they are in college. For the
most part, these assaults happen while college women are in their first or second year on
campus, and only 13% of victims report their case.
With this in mind, the target audience for the campaign is sexually active college
students ages 18 to 25. Because this is such a large market, the campaign is targeted
specifically to several smaller target audiences. First, the campaign is directed at college
men to reduce the number of overall assault cases. Second, the campaign is targeted at
college women who are potential victims of sexual assault, specifically freshmen and
sophomore women. Third, because this is an online campaign, Its On Us is directed at
students who have an active online and social media presence. Fourth, the campaign is
targeted at male and female students who are uninformed or under informed on the
definition of sexual assault. Finally, the campaign is targeted at members of Greek Life.
The campaign is targeted specifically at college men because according to the
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, nine out of ten victims of sexual assault are
women. This shows that men are almost always the accused rather than the victim. By
demonstrating the severity of this issue, the campaign can reach out to college men and
discourage them from sexually assaulting women,
The campaign is targeted at college women, especially freshmen and sophomores,
in order to encourage them to be aware of the issue, and avoid situations that could lead
to a sexual assault. Because women are usually the victims of assault, it is important that
the increase their awareness of the issue.
As an online campaign, Its On Us is targeted at male and female college students
who are active online and on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
If the campaign can reach out to these students, they can spread the message to their
peers who are not as active online.
The campaign is also specifically targeted at students who are uninformed or
under informed on the issue and definition of sexual assault. Many students think of
sexual assault only as rape, when in reality there is much more to the issue. One of the
main goals of the campaign is to increase awareness of the issue on college campuses,
and the campaign can accomplish this by targeting students who are uninformed.
The final target audience of the campaign is students involved in Greek Life.
According to, Research has shown that fraternity men are at greater
risk for committing sexual assault due to their alcohol consumption, sexual outlook and
group attitudes toward women. In addition, a study done by the National Institute of
Justice showed that almost one in four sexual assaults victims in college are members of
a sorority. Another large factor relating sexual assault to Greek Life is alcohol
consumption. Harvards School of Public Health did a study on college alcohol, finding
that 75% of students in fraternities and sororities are heavy drinkers, compared to only
45% of students living in non-Greek housing. Sexual assault and alcohol consumption are
often highly correlated. As a result, the Its On us campaign is targeting members of
Greek Life as a major audience in preventing sexual assault.
Timeframe for Measurement
The White House will launch the Its On Us campaign on September 19th, 2014 as
a nine month campaign ending in May 2015. The campaign will last this long to cover the
basic academic calendar year for most colleges around the country and accomplish its
goals of increasing awareness of sexual assault cases, increasing reports of sexual assault
cases, and promoting bystander intervention.
We plan to measure social media and online activity on a bi-weekly basis for five
months from January 2015 to the end of the campaign in May. We plan to measure the
campaigns social media activity every other Sunday in that five-month period. We will
measure activity every other Sunday because it will allow us to monitor our data for
every two-week period.
We chose to measure online activity every two weeks instead of every week
because the campaign might not have as many participants as other large campaigns, and
there will be more activity to measure on a bi-weekly basis.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Goal: Increase awareness of sexual assault cases.
With more mentions and shares online, the campaign can be spread to
more people in more places. By increasing the number of mentions we
have, we can direct more traffic to our website and social media pages.
With more traffic, we can increase our SEO, engage more users online,
and increase awareness of sexual assault cases.
Currently, only 13% of sexual assault cases are actually reported to police
or school officials. We can collect data from campuses around the country
to measure how many incidents occur, and how many are being reported,
and compare that data to the current statistics. If the campaign is
successful, victims will feel more comfortable reporting their assault, and
there will be an increase in the number of cases reported.
Again, a large objective for this campaign is to increase the reach for our
content, especially for promoting bystander intervention. If external
sources and individual users are posting links to any of the campaigns
social media sites or website, more people are going to see our content and
receive our message. By measuring how many inbound links are posted
online, we can determine how many people are viewing our content. In
addition, we can increase our SEO by having more inbound links.
Bystanders will be more likely to intervene in a sexual assault if they are
YouTube Video Views: Increase the number of average views for individual
celebrity videos to 50,000 by the end of the campaign, and increase the number of
average views for general PSA videos to 3 million by the end of the campaign.
Ideally, the general PSAs promoting the campaign and bystander intervention will
have many more views than the videos of individual celebrities promoting the
cause. We would like for our audience to see the longer, more informational PSAs
Campaign Mentions:
o Facebook: 90% of mentions should be positive by the end of the campaign
o Twitter: 75% of mentions should be positive by the end of the campaign
o YouTube: 80% of comments should be positive by the end of the
and sharing.
Percentage of Sexual Assaults Reported: Increase number of sexual assaults
reported by 17% by the end of the campaign. As mentioned earlier, only 13% of
sexual assault cases are reported on college campuses. If our campaign is
Retweets and Shares About Bystander Intervention:
o Twitter: 15 Retweets per tweet, 25 favorites per tweet
o Facebook: 300 likes per post, 100 shares per post, 175 comments per post
Not every post on the campaigns social media sites will be about
bystander intervention, which is we are predicting that there will
be less engagement on these specific posts than the total number of
posts. Again, we hope to receive more engagement on Facebook
than Twitter.
YouTube Views on Bystander Intervention Videos: Increase the number of
views by 75% by the end of the campaign. With YouTube and video content being
one of the largest components of our campaign, we hope to dramatically increase
the number of video views on all of our videos, but especially PSAs about how to
intervene in sexual assault as a bystander. Promoting these videos will be
university websites.
Number of Return Visits: Increase the number of people revisiting the
campaigns webpages by 10% by the end of the campaign. Not everyone who
sees our content will return to our webpages for a second time. However, with
increased reach and engagement of our content, we can increase the number of
people who are returning to find out more.
Measurement Tools
It is very important for the campaign that we are able to analyze our success as we
implement our campaign across the country. The amount of people we are able to reach
directly correlates to the success of our campaign, therefor figuring out the most efficient
and effective ways to reach the masses is imperative. In order to do so we will utilize
multiple sources that will enable us to keep track of how we are doing in engaging the
public, and keeping them engaged.
In order to measure our success as a campaign, one of the most important tools
will be Google Analytics which will help us assess the performance of our website, Google Analytics will help us in a variety of ways, all of which will be
imperative to measure the success of our campaign. Through using Google Analytics
we will be able to count our page views, our unique visitors (people who visit the sight
only one time), the bounce rate (people who leave the site quickly), and traffic sources,
which will help us discover which keywords people are searching to find our website. We
will also use Google Alerts to measure all mentions of the Its On Us campaign online.
In order to assess inbound links or how people are reaching our website, we
will utilize It is very important for us to understand how people are
getting to our website so we can understand how to further our reach and impact more
people through the Internet.
In order to find out valuable information concerning statistics about sexual
assaults on college campuses we will utilize our partner, The Center for American
Progress, as well as the Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network for Campus Safety. We
will use these resources to retrieve data on what is going on concerning sexual assaults on
college campuses, as well as information for specific schools.
We will utilize Facebook Insights to help us gage our presence on the ultrapopular super network. In measuring our presence on Facebook (likes, shares,
comments), we will be able to decide what we can do to engage a larger number of
people through the site.
In order to gage our presence on YouTube we will be able to directly use the sight
to access views and likes. YouTube Insights will enable us to discover whether or not
people are speaking of our campaign in a positive light through YouTube comments.
Twitter will also play an important role in our campaign, as we hope to receive a
substantial amount of attention, as well as activity, on twitter. In order to analyze our
performance on twitter we will use, which will help to enable us to
know the number of people who are being reached by our tweets, and whether or not our
twitter is having a positive effect on our overall campaign.
In concern to our pledge on we will be able to analyze the amount
of people who have taken the pledge directly from our website, with the goal being at
least 35 per week.
The Its On Us campaign has three goals, and it is imperative that we reach each
one in an effort to decrease the number of sexual assaults on college campuses. If we are
able to succeed in reaching these goals than college campuses will be safer environments
with less instances of sexual assault and higher positive response rates by bystanders. We
will be able to tell the success of our campaign after 5 months by looking at the impact
we have had on social media, specifically by the number of people we are able to reach
with our campaign.
Our key performance indicators will enable us to find out which aspects of our
campaign are the most successful, as well as which are struggling to make a strong
impact. For example, if we notice in our findings after 5 months that their has been a
large increase in the number of people watching our YouTube videos we will know that
YouTube is an important method of reaching the public, and to increase our presence on
the site.
Likewise, if we are receiving a number of negative comments on a Facebook post
we will know that we either need to change our Facebook presence, or figure out a new
route to reach the public. By assessing how our campaign is doing in reaching and
impacting people we will be able to properly assess what is working and what is not
working and be able to tailor future campaigns around this information so that they may
be more successful than the last. The success of our internet campaign depends directly
on the amount of people it is able to reach and impact in a positive way, and by using
tools such as Google Analytics and we will be able to distinguish
between what is successful and what is not, and tailor our campaign accordingly in order
to make it as successful and impactful as possible.
Campaign Goal
Indicator (KPI)
Increase Awareness
for Sexual Assault
Increase in page
views to Its On Us
Google Analytics
Increase in video
views on the Its On
Us YouTube page
YouTube Insights
Increase followers,
fans, and subscribers
on Its On Us Twitter,
Facebook, and
YouTube pages
Increase by 25%
Twitter Analyzer
Facebook Insights
YouTube Insights
Google Alerts
Its On Us campaign
mentions online
Celebrity Videos:
PSAs: 3 Million
Twitter: 10 per week
Facebook: 40 per
YouTube: 50 per
Number of people
who take the
pledge on Facebook
and Twitter
Facebook 90%,
Twitter 75%,
YouTube 80%,
Website 75%
35 per week
Increase Reporting of
Sexual Assault Cases
Number of cases on
college campuses
Decrease by 25%
Increase in
comments and user
generated content by
target market on
social media
Twitter Analyzer
Facebook Insights
YouTube Insights
Percentage of sexual
assaults that are
reported on college
Promote Bystander
Number of Retweets
and shares on posts
about bystander
Twitter Analyzer
Facebook Insights
Number of views on
YouTube videos
promoting bystander
YouTube Insights
Increase reported
assaults by 17%
Twitter: 15 Retweets,
25 favorites
Facebook: 300 likes,
100 shares, 175
Increase 75%
Number of inbound
links to all Its On Us
pages about
Increase by 30%
Google Analytics
Increase by 10%
Number of return
visits to Its On Us
intervention pages
Plan Matrix