Russian Current
Russian Current
Russian Current
Dr. Mohammed TA Omar
Russian Current
Physical Characteristics of
Current Frequency
: 2.500Hz ( 25KHz).
Duty cycle;
Duty cycle is the proportion of on time to the summation
of both the on and off time expressed as percentages.
For example 10:50 sets up a duty cycle of =10/ (10+50)x
The Russian current produced with duty cycle of 50%.
The total number of bursts delivered per second, (not the total number
of pulses within each burst) is determine the magnitude of the
physiological effects induced at the peripheral nerve level as each
burst of pulses is seen as a single pulse at the nerve/muscle membrane.
Russian current
Medium frequency modulated sinusoidal current
Depolarization of sensory and motor nerve fibers
Synchronously, motor nerve depolarization induce activation of
fast type II motor units