Word Study Lesson
Word Study Lesson
Word Study Lesson
The student I assessed in the knowledge assessment is in second grade, and her
name is Sarah. In the knowledge assessment, I found that Sarah is in late within
word pattern at the elementary level. She really understands blends and how those
sounds are put together. She also has mastered the long vowels, even the harder
long vowels with -igh. She needs some more practice with other vowels, especially
-er and -ew. She understands how the vowels sound and would fix the word
accordingly. For example, chewed she spelt chude. The -ew makes the U sounds and
she knew to make a U sound she needed to add an e at the end. Close, but not quite
there. She also struggled with inflected endings. Overall she did a great job and can
understand why she spelt certain words the way she did passed on prior knowledge
of spelling. Her instructional needs are to work on word sorts and how to sort rObjectives for week: Students will sort the r-influenced u word sorts. They will
spell words like cure, church, and search. Students will use the their knew
word knowledge and practice using their word study words to create a story
and play games.
SOLs for week:
2.5 The student will use phonetic strategies when reading and spelling. a)Use
If planning that child would use word study notebook, show would each page from
your assignment would look like for each day.
All materials, including word sort for week, any games, etc. should be included with
materials turned in.
Im Out Game
This card game is a favorite for two to five players; three is optimal.
Materials: Prepare a set of at least 30 cards from a unity of study such as -ure, -ur,
-ear. Write the words at the top for easy visibility as students fan them out in their
1. Deal all the cards so that each player gets the same number. The person to
the right of the dealer begins.
2. The first player places a card down, reads the word, and designates the vowel
pattern to be followed - for example, cure - ure.
3. The next player must place a card down with the ure pattern and read it
aloud. A player who does not have a word with the ure pattern or reads a
word incorrectly must pass.
4. Play continues around the circle until all of the players are out of the
designated pattern.
5. The player who played the last pattern card beings the new round. This
player chooses a different card, places it in the middle, and declares what
vowel pattern is to be followed.
6. The object of the game is to be the first player to play every card in his or her
r-Influenced u