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Published May 2015

Preliminary Report
Accident on 24 March 2015
at Prads-Haute-Blone
(Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France)
to the Airbus A320-211
registered D-AIPX
operated by Germanwings

This is a courtesy translation into English by the BEA of the Preliminary Report on the Safety
Investigation. As accurate as the translation may be, the original text in French is the work

Bureau dEnqutes et dAnalyses

pour la scurit de laviation civile

Ministre de lEcologie, du Dveloppement durable et de lEnergie

The BEA is the French Civil Aviation Safety Investigation Authority. Its investigations are
conducted with the sole objective of improving aviation safety and are not intended to
apportion blame or liability.
BEA investigations are independent, separate and conducted without prejudice to any
judicial or administrative action that may be taken to determine blame or liability.
This document is a Preliminary Report and has been prepared on the basis of the initial
information gathered in the course of the investigation, without any analysis. Some of
the points covered may evolve with time. Nothing in the presentation of this document
or in any of the points raised therein should be interpreted as an indication of the
conclusions of the investigation.


This is a courtesy translation into English by the BEA of the Preliminary Report on the
Safety Investigation. As accurate as the translation may be, the original text in French is
the work of reference.

D-AIPX - 24 mars 2015

Table of Contents


1.1 History of Flight

1.2 Injuries to Persons


1.3 Damage to Aircraft


1.4 Personnel Information


1.4.1 Captain
1.4.2 Co-pilot


1.5 Aircraft Information


1.5.1 Airframe
1.5.2 Engines
1.5.3 Maintenance
1.5.4 Cockpit door locking system
1.5.5 Communication from the passenger cabin to the cockpit


1.7 Telecommunications


1.8 Flight Recorders


1.8.1 Type of equipment

1.8.2 Opening and readout operations
1.8.3 Synchronization of recordings
1.8.4 Previous Flight
1.8.5 Work carried out on the Quick Access Recorder (QAR)


1.9 Wreckage and Impact Information


1.10 Survival Aspects


1.11 Organizational and Management Information


1.12 Additional Information


1.12.1 Testimony
1.12.2 Previous Events
1.12.3 EASA Safety Information Bulletin






D-AIPX - 24 mars 2015


Audio Control Panel


Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System


Aero-Medical Examiner


Air Traffic Control


German Federal Bureau of Aircraft Accident

(Bundesstelle fr Flugunfalluntersuchung)


Spanish safety investigation authority (Comisin de Investigacin de

Accidentes e Incidentes de Aviacin Civil)


Cockpit Voice Recorder


French general civil aviation directorate (Direction Gnrale de

lAviation Civile)


European Aviation Safety Agency


Flight Control Unit


Flight Data Recorder


Ground Proximity Warning System


International Civil Aviation Organisation


German civil aviation authority (Luftfahrt-BundesAmt)


Minimum Equipment List


Pilot Flying


Primary Flight Display


Pilot Monitoring


Quick Access Recorder


Medical certificate issued after review procedure

D-AIPX - 24 mars 2015


Controlled descent on autopilot, collision with terrain

Date and time
Type of flight
Persons on board
Consequences and damage

Airbus A320-211 registered D-AIPX

24 March 2015 at 09 h 41(1)
Prads-Haute-Blone (04)
Public transport
Captain (PM), co-pilot (PF), 4 cabin crew,
Crew and passengers fatally injured, aeroplane

Except where
otherwise indicated,
all times in this report
are UTC. One hour
should be added
to obtain the legal
time in metropolitan
France on the day
of the event.


On 24 March 2015, at around 10 h 15, the Marseille en-route control centre informed
the BEA of the accident to an Airbus A320, registered D-AIPX that had occurred while
overflying the French Alps. In accordance with the provisions of European regulation
(EU) n996/2010 of the European Parliament and Council of the 20 October 2010 on
the investigation and prevention of accidents and incidents in civil aviation, a Safety
Investigation was immediately initiated by the BEA.
A team of seven investigators from the BEA travelled to the accident site on the
afternoon of 24 March. In coordination with the authorities in charge of the judicial
investigation, and with helicopter transport provided by the Gendarmerie, the safety
investigators were able to access the site the following day.
The CVR was found on the afternoon of 24 March 2015 and transferred the following
day to the BEA for readout. After reading out the data, it appeared to the BEA that
an act of unlawful interference was probably involved in the accident. European
Regulation (EU) n996/2010 and the advance arrangement relating to Safety
Investigations between the French ministry of Justice and the BEA of 16 September
2014, specify that, in such a situation, the relevant elements gathered during the
Safety Investigation must be communicated immediately to the judicial authorities,
and the BEA can decide to continue the Safety Investigation, which it did.
The BEA associated the following foreign counterparts with the Safety Investigation,
which then appointed Accredited Representatives:
the BFU (Germany), the aeroplane being registered in Germany and operated

by a German airline. This made it possible to obtain the assistance of technical

advisers from Germanwings;
the CIAIAC (Spain). This made it possible to obtain information relating to the
aeroplanes stop at Barcelona and data from the Spanish ATC service.

D-AIPX - 24 mars 2015

The BEA also associated technical advisers from EASA, the DGAC, Snecma (on hehalf
of CFM) and Airbus.
The Safety Investigation is organised with three working groups in the following
areas: aircraft, aeroplane systems and operations. The Accredited Representatives
and the technical advisers were divided between the three groups.
At the time of the publication of this report, Australia, Israel and Japan appointed
experts to follow the Safety Investigation, in accordance with standards and
recommended practices in ICAO Annex 13, since some of the victims came from
these countries.
The BEAs Safety Investigation, whose sole objective is to prevent accidents and
incidents, will include the collection and analysis of data, a statement of conclusions,
including the determination of the causes and/or contributing factors and, where
appropriate, the issuing of Safety Recommendations.

D-AIPX - 24 mars 2015

1.1 History of Flight
Note: the following elements are based on the flight recorders, as well as on recordings of radio
communications. The main points in the history of the flight below are referenced by the numbers on
figure 1, page 10.

On Tuesday 24 March 2015, the Airbus A320-211 registered D-AIPX operated by

Germanwings was programmed to undertake scheduled flight 4U9525 between
Barcelona (Spain) and Dsseldorf (Germany), with the callsign GWI18G. Six crew
members (2 flight crew and 4 cabin crew) and 144 passengers were on board. The
same crew had made the outbound flight, taking off from Dsseldorf at 6 h 01, and
landing in Barcelona at 7 h 57.
The takeoff from Barcelona took place at 9 h 00 from runway 07R. The co-pilot was
Pilot Flying (PF).
At 9 h 02 min 54, autopilot n2 was engaged in CLIMB and NAV mode; autothrust
had been engaged about a minute earlier.
At 9 h 12 min 15, during the climb, the buzzer to request access to the cockpit
sounded for one second. Noises similar to the cockpit door opening and then closing
were recorded, following which a flight attendant was present in the cockpit. The
three crew members then started a conversation about how the stop at Barcelona
had gone.
At 9 h 15 min 53, noises like those of the opening then the closing of the cockpit door
were recorded.
The flight attendant left the cockpit. Following that, some discussions took place
between the co-pilot and the Captain about managing the delay that resulted from
late departure from Barcelona. At 9 h 27 min 20, the aeroplane levelled off at a cruise
altitude of 38,000 ft (FL380) (point on figure 1). The flight crew was then in contact
with the Marseille en-route control centre on the 133.330 MHz frequency.
At 9 h 29 min 40, the flight crew was transferred to the 127.180 MHz frequency of the
Marseille control centre.
At 9 h 30 min 00 (point), the Captain read back the controllers clearance allowing
him to fly direct to the IRMAR point: Direct IRMAR Merci Germanwings one eight Golf.
This was the last communication between the flight crew and ATC.
At 9 h 30 min 08, the Captain told the co-pilot that he was leaving the cockpit and
asked him to take over radio communications, which the co-pilot read back.
At 9 h 30 min 11, the heading started to decrease and stabilised about a minute later
around 23, which is consistent with a route towards the IRMAR point.
At 9 h 30 min 13, noises of a pilots seat movements were recorded.

D-AIPX - 24 mars 2015

At 9 h 30 min 24 (point), noises of the opening then, three seconds later, the closing
of the cockpit door were recorded. The Captain was then out of the cockpit.
At 9 h 30 min 53 (point), the selected altitude on the FCU changed in one second
from 38,000 ft to 100 ft (2). One second later, the autopilot changed to OPEN DES (3)
mode and autothrust changed to THR IDLE mode. The aeroplane started to descend
and both engines rpm decreased.
At 9 h 31 min 37, noises of a pilots seat movements were recorded.
At 9 h 33 min 12 (point), the speed management changed from managed mode
to selected(4) mode. A second later, the selected target speed became 308 kt while
the aeroplanes speed was 273 kt. The aeroplanes speed started to increase along
with the aeroplanes descent rate, which subsequently varied between 1,700 ft/min
and 5,000 ft/min, then was on average about 3,500 ft/min.
At 9 h 33 min 35, the selected speed decreased to 288 kt. Then, over the following
13 seconds, the value of this target speed changed six times until it reached 302 kt.
At 9 h 33 min 47 (point), the controller asked the flight crew what cruise level they
were cleared for. The aeroplane was then at an altitude of 30,000 ft in descent. There
was no answer from the co-pilot. Over the following 30 seconds, the controller tried
to contact the flight crew again on two occasions, without any answer.

This is the
minimum value
that it is possible
to select on A320.

This mode is
described in
paragraph 1.5.6.

When the speed is

said to be selected ,
the target speeds
are chosen by the
flight crew. When the
speed is said to be
managed, it is the
flight management
system (FMS) that
determines the
target speeds.

At 9 h 34 min 23, the selected speed increased up to 323 kt. The aeroplanes speed
was then 301 kt and started to increase towards the new target.
At 9 h 34 min 31 (point), the buzzer to request access to the cockpit was recorded
for one second.
At 9 h 34 min 38, the controller again tried to contact the flight crew, without any
At 9 h 34 min 47 then at 9 h 35 min 01, the Marseille control centre tried to contact
the flight crew on 133.330 MHz, without any answer. The aeroplane was then at an
altitude of 25,100 ft, in descent.
At 9 h 35 min 03 (point), the selected speed increased again to 350 kt(5).
Subsequently, and until the end of the recording:
the selected speed remained at 350 kt and the aeroplanes speed stabilised

around 345 kt;

This value is the

maximum speed that
the flight crew can
select. It corresponds
to VMO (maximum
operating speed).

the autopilot and autothrust remained engaged;

the cockpit call signal from the cabin, known as the cabin call, from the cabin

interphone, was recorded on four occasions between 9 h 35 min 04 and 9 h 39

min 27 for about three seconds;
noises similar to a person knocking on the cockpit door were recorded on six
occasions between 9 h 35 min 32 (point) and 9 h 39 min 02;
muffled voices were heard several times between 9 h 37 min 11 and 9 h 40 min
48, and at 9 h 37 min 13 a muffled voice asks for the door to be opened;

D-AIPX - 24 mars 2015

between 9 h 35 min 07 and 9 h 37 min 54, the Marseille control centre tried to

contact the flight crew on three occasions on 121.5 MHz, and on two occasions
on 127.180 MHz, without any answer;
between 9 h 38 min 38 (point) and 9 h 39 min 23, the French Air Defence system
tried to contact the flight crew on three occasions on 121.5 MHz, without any
noises similar to violent blows on the cockpit door were recorded on five occasions
between 9 h 39 min 30 (point ) and 9 h 40 min 28;
low amplitude inputs on the co-pilots sidestick were recorded between 9 h 39
min 33 and 9 h 40 min 07(6);
the flight crew of another aeroplane tried to contact the flight crew of GWI18G at
9 h 39 min 54, without any answer.

At 9 h 40 min 41 (point ), the Terrain, Terrain, Pull Up, Pull Up aural warning from
the GPWS triggered and remained active until the end of the flight.

Low amplitude
inputs on the copilots sidestick were
recorded between
9 h 39 min 33 and
9 h 40 min 07.

At 9 h 40 min 56, the Master Caution warning was recorded, then at 9 h 41 min 00 the
Master Warning triggered and remained active until the end of the flight.
At 9 h 41 min 06, the CVR recording stopped at the moment of the collision with the

D-AIPX - 24 mars 2015

Figure 1 accident flight trajectory


D-AIPX - 24 mars 2015

1.2 Injuries to Persons


Crew members





1.3 Damage to Aircraft

The aeroplane was destroyed.

1.4 Personnel Information

1.4.1 Captain
Male, aged 34, German nationality.
air transport pilots licence ATPL(A) issued on 28 January 2014;
A320 type rating revalidated on 9 July 2014;
last class 1 medical check-up performed on 31 October 2014 and valid until

12December 2015.
total: 6,763 flying hours;
on type: 3,811 flying hours, of which 259 as Captain;
in the previous 3 months: 108 hours;
in the previous month: 18 hours;
in the last 24 hours: 7 hours.
Flying career:
from March 2001 to June 2003, he undertook Air Transport pilot training at

theLufthansa Flight Training Pilot School in Bremen (Germany) and the Airline
Training Center in Phoenix (Arizona, USA)
in March 2005, he obtained his A320 type rating
from June 2005 to January 2010, he worked as a co-pilot on Airbus A320 for the
Condor Berlin airline
in April 2010, he obtained his A340 type rating, and his type rating for the A330
in February 2011
from April 2010 to May 2014, he worked as a co-pilot on Airbus A330/A340 for
on 6 May 2014, he joined Germanwings as a Captain on A320.


D-AIPX - 24 mars 2015

After joining Germanwings, he followed the operators conversion training course as

a Captain from May to September 2014. During his training and recurrent checks his
professional level was judged by his instructors and examiners to be above standard.
He passed his line check on 20 September 2014.
The last Operator Proficiency Check (OPC) was performed on 14 January 2015.
His schedule shows that he had not flown between 14 and 22 March 2015. On 23
March 2015, the day before the accident, he flew two rotations from Dsseldorf to
London-Heathrow: he took off from Dsseldorf at 6 h 09 for the first rotation and
landed at Dsseldorf at 14 h 04 following the second rotation. On the day of the
accident, he made the flight from Dsseldorf, taking off at 6 h 01, to Barcelona,
landing there at 7 h 57.
1.4.2 Co-pilot
Male, aged 27, German nationality.
private Pilots Licence PPL(A) issued on 1 March 2011;
multiple-crew Pilots Licence MPL(A) issued on 11 February 2014;
A320 type rating revalidated on 28 October 2014.
total : 919 flying hours;
on type : 540 flying hours;
in the previous 3 months : 107 hours;
in the previous month: 30 hours;
in the previous 24 hours : 3 hours.
Flying career:
between January and April 2008, he took basic pilots training entry selection

courses with Lufthansa;

on 1 September 2008, he started his basic training at the Lufthansa Flight

Training Pilot School in Bremen (Germany);

on 5 November 2008 he suspended his training for medical reasons;
on 26 August 2009 he restarted his training;
on 13 October 2010, he passed his ATPL written exam;
from 8 November 2010 to 2 March 2011, he continued his training at the Airline
Training Center in Phoenix (Arizona, USA);
from 15 June 2011 to 31 December 2013, he was under contract as a flight
attendant for Lufthansa while continuing his Air Transport pilot training;
on 2 September 2013, he joined Germanwings;
from 27 September to 23 December 2013, he took and passed his A320 type
rating at Lufthansa in Munich (Germany);
from 27 January 2014 to 21 June 2014, he undertook his operators conversion
training including his line flying under supervision at Germanwings;
on 26 June 2014, he passed his proficiency check and was appointed as a
on 28 October 2014, he passed his Operator Proficiency Check.


D-AIPX - 24 mars 2015

During his training and recurrent checks, his professional level was judged to be
above standard by his instructors and examiners.
On 9 April 2008, he obtained a class 1 medical certificate without restrictions and
valid until 9 April 2009, issued by the Lufthansa aeromedical centre.
On 9 April 2009, his class 1 medical certificate was not revalidated by the Lufthansa
aeromedical centre due to depression and the taking of medication to treat it.
On 14 July 2009, his request for renewal of his class 1 medical certificate was refused
by the Lufthansa aeromedical centre. The latter informed the LBA of this.
On 28 July 2009, he obtained a new class 1 medical certificate valid until 9 April 2010,
endorsed with the note Note the special conditions/restrictions of the waiver FRA
091/09 -REV-. His pilots licence then included the limitation ***SIC**incl. PPL***,
which means Specific regular medical examinations contact the licence issuing
authority. This limitation requires that the aeromedical examiner (AME) contact the
licence issuing authority before proceeding with a medical evaluation relating to any
extension or renewal of the medical certificate. It may relate to the medical history
that the AME must be informed of before undertaking an assessment.
From July 2009, he obtained each year a class 1 medical certificate valid for one year
that was endorsed with the note Note the special conditions/restrictions of the waiver
FRA 091/09 REV-.
The last valid class 1 medical certificate had been issued on 28 July 2014 and was
valid until 14 August 2015.
His schedule shows that he had not flown between 13 and 22 March 2015. On 23
March 2015, the day before the accident, he was in reserve from 03 h 00 and made
a ferry flight from Dsseldorf to Berlin-Tegel between 04 h 57 and 05 h 56. He then
returned to Dsseldorf at about 08 h 20 as a passenger. On the day of the accident,
he made the flight from Dsseldorf, taking off at 6 h 01, to Barcelona, landing there
at 7 h 57.

1.5 Aircraft Information

1.5.1 Airframe




Serial number




Entry into service


Airworthiness certificate

N16332 of 13/01/2014 issued by the LBA


Review T512ARC4034/2014 of 23/03/2015 valid until 11/03/2016

Utilisation since overhaul (72 h 6 hours and 3 cycles.

overhaul on 23/03/2015)
Utilisation as of 24/03/2015

58,313 hours and 46,748 cycles.


D-AIPX - 24 mars 2015

1.5.2 Engines
Manufacturer: CFM
Type: CFM56-5A1
Engine n 1

Engine n 2

Serial number



Date of installation



Total run time


and 50,720 hours and 41,961cycles

Run time since previous 6,031 hours and 4 528 cycles 9,258 hours and 6,963 cycles
since 02/04/2012
since 05/04/2011

1.5.3 Maintenance
The aeroplane flew under the Lufthansa banner from its entry into service until
January 2014, when it joined the fleet of Germanwings.
The aircraft was maintained by Germanwings and Lufthansa Technik in accordance
with the Germanwings maintenance programme approved by the LBA. Its
maintenance checks were up to date.
The last line maintenance performed on the aircraft took place on 23 March 2015 at
Dssel-dorf Airport. The operation involved checking the oil levels of and visually
inspecting the wheels and landing gear.
During the event flight, some of the equipment was not in working order. The
aeroplane could still fly with some acceptable deferred defects:
the Cabin ready light had been absent since 6 March 2015, in accordance with

the Minimum Equipment List (MEL);

the lighting of the logo on the right side of the aeroplane had not been working

since 18 March 2015, in accordance with MEL;

play had been found at the level of the fasteners on the left-hand door of the

nose gear since 23 March 2015;

ignition B on the right engine on starting had not been working since 24 March
2015, in accordance with MEL.
On 24 March 2015, during the stop in Barcelona, before the accident flight, the Captain
contacted the Germanwings maintenance service in Cologne about a problem
concerning flushing of the front toilets on the aeroplane (7). The correspondent on
the telephone advised resetting the system circuit breaker located at the rear of the
aeroplane. Since the disembarkation of the passengers had not finished, the Captain
said he would carry out this operation as soon as possible and would contact the
service again if the problem persisted. No other calls were recorded.
D check type scheduled maintenance was planned for April 2015.

During the flight
between Dsseldorf
and Barcelona,
the crew had
already informed
maintenance via an
ACARS message.


D-AIPX - 24 mars 2015

1.5.4 Cockpit door locking system

Note: the following descriptions apply to D-AIPX and are based on information supplied
by Airbus and Germanwings as of the date of the publication of this report.
A door separates the cockpit and passenger cabin. Its core consists of a composite
sandwich type structure made of prepreg sheets covering a honeycomb core. The
outer prepreg sheets are designed to ensure bullet-proofing. A door escape hatch is
pre-cut on its lower part. The latter can only be used from the cockpit. It is used in
emergencies when the door is stuck. Unlike the cockpit door which opens towards
the inside of the cockpit, the door escape hatch can only be opened in the opposite
Three electrically-controlled locks are used to lock the door as soon as it is closed.
A rotating handle system on the door is used to mechanically unlock it from the

Figure 2 - cockpit access door

The cockpit door locking system (CDLS) is used to electrically control the locking and
unlocking of the door.
Its main components are:
A keypad with 12 keys (numbers 0 to 9, * and #) located on the side wall of

the control screen of the passenger compartment used by the cabin crew (the
Forward Attendant Panel - FAP), in the passenger compartment. The keyboard
also has two LEDs (green and red).
A three-position switch, located in the cockpit on the centre pedestal (see figures
3 and 5). A return spring keeps the switch in the NORM position. Manual input is
used to select the UNLOCK or LOCK position. There is also an indicator next to the
switch, labelled OPEN and FAULT.


D-AIPX - 24 mars 2015

A control unit (CKPT DOOR CONT) located on the top panel of the cockpit. Two

pressure sensors are installed on this display to measure the pressure in the
cockpit and monitor any sudden change. It also has LEDs that light up in case of
malfunctions involving the three door locks or the system computer.
A buzzer, located in the cockpit on the top panel, which sends an acoustic signal.

Figure 3 - cockpit door locking system

In the cockpit, the crew has two touchscreens located in front of the sidesticks. These
screens retransmit the video from three cameras(8) filming:
the access door to the cockpit;
the left front main door of the aeroplane;
the right front main door of the aeroplane.

Each crew member

can select the camera
they want to display
on their screen.

Figure 4 - surveillance cameras and monitor


D-AIPX - 24 mars 2015

The cockpit door locking system parameters can be set by each airline and for each
To request access to the cockpit from the passenger compartment, the normal onedigit access code followed by # must be entered on the keypad. A one-second
acoustic signal from the buzzer sounds in the cockpit to warn the crew that someone
wishes to enter. The pilots can then consult their monitoring screen.
The flight crew then moves the three-position switch:

Figure 5 - door control switch

If they pull and maintain the switch in the UNLOCK position, the door unlocks.

The acoustic signal stops. The green LED lights up continuously on the keypad
to indicate the door has been unlocked. The door must then be pushed in order
to open it. A magnet in the cockpit is used to keep the door in the open position.
If the flight crew moves the switch to the LOCK position, the door is kept locked.
The acoustic signal stops. The red LED lights up continuously on the keypad to
indicate locking is voluntary. Any interaction with the keypad is then disabled
for 5 minutes (until the extinction of the red LED) (9). At any time, the crew in the
cockpit may cancel this locking by placing the switch in the UNLOCK position.
The door then immediately unlocks.
In the absence of any input on the switch, the door remains locked. No LEDs light
up on the keypad. The acoustic signal stops after one second.

Any new selection
of the LOCK position
re-starts a 5-minute
de-activation window.

In case of emergency (suspected flight crew incapacitation, for example), a threedigit

code followed by # can be dialled on the digital keypad. The acoustic signal then
sounds continuously in the cockpit for 15 seconds and the green LED on the keypad
starts to flash.
If the flight crew does not respond during these 15 seconds, the door unlocks for 5
seconds. The green LED lights up continuously to indicate the door has been unlocked
and the acoustic signal stops. The door only needs to be pushed in order to open it.
After these five seconds have elapsed, the door locks again.
If the flight crew toggles the switch during those 15 seconds, the acoustic signal
stops and the system reacts according to the command (UNLOCK/LOCK).


D-AIPX - 24 mars 2015

Note 1: Toggling the switch is not necessarily correlated with a request to access the cockpit. At any
time, the crew can select the LOCK or UNLOCK position. The LOCK position overrides and resets any
previous selection.
Note 2: In case of a power failure in this system, the access door to the cockpit is unlocked but remains

When the door is open, the OPEN indicator lights up continuously. If an emergency
procedure is initiated (three-digit code followed by #), the OPEN LED starts to flash.
1.5.5 Communication from the passenger cabin to the cockpit
Intercoms are present in the passenger compartment to allow the pilots and the
flight attend-ants to communicate during the flight.
Each crew member can select the intercom they wish to contact. To get in touch with
the cockpit, the CAPT key must be selected (figure 6).
When the CAPT key is selected:
the ATT LED flashes on the three audio control panels (ACP) present in the cockpit;
an acoustic signal, the cabin call, lasting three seconds, sounds in the cockpit (it

is inhibited during the take-off and landing phases);

the message CAPTAIN is displayed on the monitor of the cabin crew (AIP

At-tendant Indication Panel) when the CAPT key has been selected.

Figure 6 - intercom and communication system


D-AIPX - 24 mars 2015


The automatic pilot on the Airbus A320 is equipped with a descent mode called
OPEN DESCENT. This mode ensures the aeroplane guidance in the vertical plane.
When active, the autopilot acts on the attitude of the aircraft to reach and maintain
the target speed while the auto thrust, if engaged, commands idle.
The target speed is said to be managed when calculated automatically by the
flight management system or selected when selected manually by the crew via the
dedicated selector knob located on the FCU control panel (figure 7).

Figure 7 - FCU control panel

To engage this mode, the pilot must select an altitude below the current altitude
and pull the altitude selector knob. During the descent, the modes displayed on the
Flight Mode Annunciator (FMA) on the PFD screens were similar to the illustration

Figure 8 - FMA in OP DES mode

1.6 Meteorological Information

The information supplied by Mto France shows that in cruise at flight level FL380,
the aeroplane was flying in clear skies above some scattered cirrus type clouds whose
peaks were located at about 32,000 ft. The wind from the southwest was at about 40
At the site of the accident, a few altocumulus clouds were observed above the
high terrain, which could locally cover the highest south-facing peaks. There was
no convection phenomenon and the southeast wind was weak. The visibility was
greater than 10 km. The ground was covered in snow above 2,000 m altitude on the
south-facing slopes, and above 1,700 m on the north-facing slopes.


D-AIPX - 24 mars 2015

During the descent, the aircraft passed through a fine layer of scattered cirrus then
some altocumulus whose base was at an altitude above 15, 000 ft. The rest of the
descent was performed outside of any clouds in visual flight conditions with visibility
greater than 10 km.

1.7 Telecommunications
During the climb towards its cruise altitude, the flight crew was in contact with the
Barcelona en-route control centre. It then contacted the F1 sector (West region)
at Marseille en-route control centre on the 133.330 MHz frequency and continued
its climb towards flight level FL380. After its transfer to sector B3 (East region) on
127.180 MHz, the flight crew read back the clearance from ATC by saying Direct
IRMAR Merci Germanwings one eight Golf. They did not re-contact ATC before the end
of the flight.
The Marseille control centre tried on several occasions without success to establish
contact with the aeroplane by using various frequencies: 127.180 MHz (sector B3
frequency and coupled with 132.490 MHz and 132.385 MHz) and the 121.500 MHz
(emergency frequency) and by asking another aircraft to establish a radio relay on
127.180 MHz and 121.500 MHz.
Taking into account the loss of radio and radar contact, the DETRESFA emergency
phase was triggered at 9 h 40.

1.8 Flight Recorders

1.8.1 Type of equipment
The aircraft was equipped with two flight recorders in accordance with the currently
applicable regulations:
manufacturer: Loral;
model: F1000;
type number: S800-3000-00 (Germanwings source: nameplate absent from the

serial number: 246 (Germanwings source: nameplate absent from the recorder).
It is a data recorder with a memory card with a recording capacity of at least 25
hours. The decoding document supplied for this aircraft provides information on
approximately 600 parameters.
Manufacturer: L3COM;
Model: FA2100;
Type number: 2100-1020-02;
Serial number: 00235;

This recorder is equipped with a memory card and has a recording capacity of at least
2 hours in standard quality and 30 minutes in high quality.


D-AIPX - 24 mars 2015

1.8.2 Opening and readout operations

CVR opening and readout
The CVR was sent to the BEA on 25 March 2015 under judicial seal.

Figure 9 - cockpit voice recorder (CVR) D-AIPX

Given the significant damage to the CVR, the memory card was extracted from the
protected module, visually inspected and tested electrically. Reading the data on the
manufacturers official equipment made it possible to obtain six audio tracks:
four tracks lasting 31 minutes and 3 seconds:
1 track including radio communications and the co-pilots microphone signal;
1 track including radio communications and the Captains microphone signal;
1 track including the radio communications and the signal from the headset

microphone of the jump seat;

1 track including the signal from the cockpit area microphone in high-quality.
two tracks lasting 2 hours and 4 minutes:
1 track including the first 3 mixed tracks;
1 track including the signal from the cockpit area microphone in standard-

Audio data contained in the recordings was from the event flight. Part of the previous
flight is also recorded on the two-hour tracks.
A sound of breathing is recorded both on the co-pilot track and on that of the
Captain throughout the accident flight. This breathing, though present on both
tracks, corresponds to one persons breathing. It can be heard several times while the
Captain was talking (he was not making any breathing sound then) and is no longer
heard when the co-pilot (10) was eating (which requires moving the microphone away
or removing the headset). The sound of this breathing was therefore attributed to
the co-pilot.

The copilot had
his meal during the
climb around 9 h 15.


D-AIPX - 24 mars 2015

FDR opening and readout

The FDR was sent to the BEA on 2 April 2015 under judicial seal.
It showed significant mechanical and thermal damage. All of the equipment was
covered in soot. After removing the protected module from the recorder casing, the
memory card was removed from the protected module.

Figure 10 - Flight data recorder (FDR) - D-AIPX

Reading out the FDR with the manufacturers official equipment resulted in a file with
39 Mb of flight data, including the event flight.
1.8.3 Synchronization of recordings
The CVR recordings were synchronized with the radio-communications from the
Marseille control centre, the time at the control centre being used as a reference.
The FDR recordings then were synchronized with those of the CVR using the radio
communications with the control centre, the triggering of the GPWS alarms and the
Master Warning parameter.
1.8.4 Previous Flight
All of the data from the previous flight, from Dsseldorf to Barcelona, was recorded
on the FDR. The recordings from the CVR included the last 50 minutes of this flight.
Synchronization of these recordings and the radio communications with the Bordeaux
en-route control centre with which the crew was in contact, was performed based on
the same principle as for the accident flight.
On the previous flight, the following facts can be noted:
at 7 h 19 min 59, noises like those of the cockpit door opening then closing were

recorded and corresponded to when the Captain left the cockpit; the aeroplane
was then at cruise speed at flight level FL370 (37,000 ft);
at 7 h 20 min 29, the flight was transferred to the Bordeaux en-route control
centre and the crew was instructed to descend to flight level FL350 (35,000 ft), an
instruction read back by the co-pilot;
at 7 h 20 min 32, the aircraft was put into a descent to flight level FL350 , selected
a few seconds earlier;


D-AIPX - 24 mars 2015

at 7 h 20 min 50, the selected altitude decreased to 100 ft for three seconds and

then increased to the maximum value of 49,000 ft and stabilized again at 35,000ft;
at 7 h 21 min 10, the Bordeaux control centre gave the crew the instruction to
continue the descent to flight level FL210;
at 7 h 21 min 16, the selected altitude was 21,000 ft;
from 7 h 22 min 27, the selected altitude was 100 feet most of the time and
changed several times until it stabilized at 25,000 ft at 7 h 24 min 13;
at 7 h 24 min 15, the buzzer to request access to the cockpit was recorded;
at 7 h 24 min 29 noises like those of the unlocking of the cockpit door then its
opening was recorded and corresponded to the Captains return to the cockpit.

The following graphs were extracted from the FDR and illustrate the variations in
selected altitude.

Figure 11 - descent during the previous flight

1.8.5 Work carried out on the Quick Access Recorder (QAR)

The aeroplane was equipped with the following QAR:

manufacturer: Teledyne;
model: WQAR;
type number: 2243800-362;
serial number: RA00815.

This equipment records the same data as the FDR on a Compact Flash card and on an
SD card. The data is then used by the airline specifically for its flight analysis program.


D-AIPX - 24 mars 2015

The QAR was brought to the BEA on 29 March 2015 under judicial seal. It had suffered
significant mechanical damage. The compact flash card and the SD card containing
the flight data were extracted from the computer. X-ray analysis of the memory
components from the two cards showed that their damaged condition made it
impossible to retrieve recorded data.
The FDR was found and its data analysed four days later.

1.9 Wreckage and Impact Information

The accident site was located in mountainous terrain, in the municipality of
PradsHaute-Blone (04) 1,550 m above sea level (11). The wreckage was fragmented
with a large amount of debris spread over an area of 4 hectares in a sloping rocky
ravine. The largest parts of the aeroplane were about 3 to 4 metres long.
On the lower part of the site, about 20 m above the ravine, is an area where the
vegetation had been torn up, tree trunks were uprooted, tree branches were broken
and the ground churned up. Parts from the aeroplanes wings and fuselage were
found in this area. Apart from this area and the final debris field, no other contact
with the environment was observed around the accident site.

The geographical
coordinates of
the accident site
are: 441647.2N
/ 0062619.1E.

On site, elements belonging to various parts of the aeroplane were identified. One of
the en-gines was broken into many pieces in the main ravine. The debris of the other
engine, con-centrated in a small area, was found in the main west ravine.
The auxiliary power unit (APU) was located in the upper part of the site dozens of
metres from the part of the rear fuselage to which the vertical stabilizer is attached.
One of main landing gears was found near this part of the fuselage.
Parts from the cockpit (access door to the cockpit, sidestick, security camera) were
also found in the upper part of the site.
The lower part of the site had a strong smell of kerosene.
The CVR, QAR and FDR were found respectively on 24/03/2015, 28/03/2015 and
02/04/2015 and were immediately transported to the BEA for readout.
Note: the front of the FDR was found separated from the rest of the recorder in which the crash module
was located.


D-AIPX - 24 mars 2015

Figure 12 general view of the accident site

Figure 13 - contact area with vegetation

1.10 Survival Aspects

The violence of the collision with the terrain caused the immediate death of all the
aircrafts occupants.


D-AIPX - 24 mars 2015

1.11 Organizational and Management Information

Germanwings GmbH (GWI) was set up in 2002. It is a subsidiary of Lufthansa Group,
which has owned 100% of its shares since January 2009. The Air Operators Certificate
(AOC) in its most recent revision was issued by the LBA on 20 October 2014. It is valid
until 10 August 2015.
GWI operates 62 Airbus (43 A319 and 19 A320) and undertakes flights from Germany
bound for many countries in Europe. Germanwings employs about 780 flight crew
and 972 cabin crew.
Management of flight crew is undertaken by the Lufthansa Group management
board. At the end of their training at Lufthansa (Lufthansa Flight Training School), the
management board decides where to allocate the personnel, between the groups
operators: Lufthansa, SWISS, Austrian Airlines, or Germanwings.

1.12 Additional Information

1.12.1 Testimony
All of the eyewitnesses who were close to the accident site stated that they had seen
the aeroplane in continuous descent, in straight flight and with the wings horizontal.
1.12.2 Previous Events
A search undertaken in the ICAO and BEA databases since 1980 brought to light the
existence of six public transport accidents whose conclusions show that they were
caused by intentional manuvres by one of the flight crew members, or mean that
it is not possible to rule out the hypothesis of intentional manoeuvres by one of the
crew members that was intended to lead to the loss of the aircraft and its occupants.


D-AIPX - 24 mars 2015




State of








North Atlantic







Silk Air





Royal Air










The aeroplane was in cruise at flight level FL380 when the co-pilot left
the cockpit to go to the toilet, leaving the Captain alone. On three
occasions, different altitudes were selected to order a descent to the
ground with autopilot. The CVR showed several aural warnings, as well
as noises of repeated knocking and calls, corresponding to attempts to
get into in the cockpit.
The aeroplane was in cruise at flight level FL330 with a flight crew
consisting of a Captain, a duty co-pilot and a relief co-pilot. The duty copilot left the cockpit, and the relief co-pilot took his place in the right seat.
Eight minutes later, the Captain left the cockpit in turn, leaving the relief
co-pilot alone. The autopilot was then disengaged and nose-down inputs
were recorded on the FDR. The aeroplane descended. The engines
were shut down. The Captain returned to the cockpit and tried to take
back control of the aeroplane. The Captain repeatedly asked the co-pilot
to help him to pitch up the aeroplane (pull with me) but the latter
continued to command the elevator to pitch nose down. The aeroplane
regained altitude before descending again. It collided with the surface of
the ocean. The reasons that led the co-pilot to take these actions could
not be determined.
The pilot, the only person on board, deliberately flew the aeroplane into
the ground by crashing at Gaborone airport. The validity of his licence
had been revoked for medical reasons.
While the aircraft was in cruise at 35,000 ft, the flight recorders stopped
recording one after the other. The aeroplane suddenly started to
descend. No Mayday message was transmitted before or during the
descent. The aircraft crashed into a river. The safety investigation was
not able to identify any technical problem that would make it possible to
explain the accident.
The Captain disengaged the autopilot and deliberately directed the
aircraft towards the ground. The co-pilot was in the cockpit but was not
able to counter the Captains actions.
After having disengaged the autopilot on final approach at a height of
164 ft, the pilot pushed the control column forward and set the thrust
levers on idle. He then moved the thrust levers of engines 2 and 3 to the
reverse idle position. While the aircrafts attitude decreased, the co-pilot
tried to pull on the control column. The co-pilot was unable to raise the
nose of the aeroplane because the Captain was pushing forward on the
control column with both hands. The aircraft crashed into the sea 510 m
short of the runway. The investigation showed that the pilots actions
resulted from a mental problem. He was suffering from schizophrenia.

1.12.3 EASA Safety Information Bulletin

EASA issued, on 27 March 2015, a Safety Information Bulletin (SIB n201504 (12))
relating to authorised persons in the cockpit. This bulletin recommends operators to
re-assess the safety and security risks associated with flight crew members leaving
the flight crew compartment due to operational or physiological needs during noncritical phases of flight. Based on this assessment, operators are recommended to
implement procedures requiring at least two authorised persons to be in the flight
crew compartment at all times, or other equivalent mitigating measures to address
risks identified by the operators revised assessment.

See http://


D-AIPX - 24 mars 2015

On the basis of the initial facts gathered during the investigation, the following
findings have been made:
The aeroplane had a valid Certificate of Airworthiness.
The aeroplanes maintenance documentation did not mention any system failures

that were incompatible with the flight as planned.

The flight crew possessed the licences and ratings required to perform the flight.
The co-pilot obtained his class 1 medical certificate without restrictions in April
2008, valid for one year.
An episode of depression and the taking of medication to treat it delayed the
renewal of the copilots class 1 medical certificate between April and July 2009.
From July 2009, the co-pilots medical certificate was endorsed with the note
Note the special conditions/restrictions of the waiver FRA 091/09 -REV-. His pilots
licence had been endorsed with the note ***SIC**incl. PPL***.
The Captains and co-pilots training files show that their professional level was
above standard.
The aeroplane took off from Barcelona bound for Dsseldorf on 24 March 2015 at
9 h 00, with flight number 4U9525, and callsign GWI18G.
The autopilot and autothrust were engaged during the climb.
The Captain left the cockpit at the beginning of the cruise at FL380.
The selected altitude changed from 38,000 ft to 100 ft while the co-pilot was
alone in the cockpit. The aeroplane then started a continuous and controlled
descent on autopilot.
Several altitude selections towards 100 ft were recorded during descent on the
flight that preceded the accident flight, while the co-pilot was alone in the cockpit.
During the descent of the accident flight, the Marseille control centre called
the flight crew on eleven occasions on three different frequencies, without any
answer being transmitted.
The French military defence system tried to contact flight GWI18G on three
occasions during the descent, without any answer.
The buzzer to request access to the cockpit sounded once during the descent, 4
min 7 s after the Captain had left.
The interphone sounded in the cockpit, 4 min 40 s after the Captain had lef.
Three other calls on the interphone sounded in the cockpit.
None of the calls using the interphone elicited any answer.
An input on the right sidestick was recorded for about 30 seconds on the FDR 1
min 33 s before the impact, not enough to disengage the autopilot.
The autopilot and autothrust remained engaged until the end of the CVR and the
FDR recordings.
The sound of breathing was recorded on the CVR until a few seconds before the
end of the flight.
Before the collision with the terrain, warnings from the GPWS, Master Caution
and Master Warning sounded.
The aeroplane collided with the terrain at 9 h 41 min 06.


D-AIPX - 24 mars 2015


The initial information from the investigation shows that, during the cruise phase,
the co-pilot was alone in the cockpit. He then intentionally modified the autopilot
instructions to order the aeroplane to descend until it collided with the terrain. He
did not open the cockpit door during the descent, despite requests for access made
via the keypad, the cabin interphone and knocks on the door.
The Safety Investigation is ongoing, based in particular on a detailed analysis of
information on the flight crew, as well as on information from the flight recorders
and radio communications.
The investigation will also study the systemic failings that may have led to this
accident or to similar events, with two main investigative orientations:
Medical aspects: the investigation will seek to understand the current balance

between medical confidentiality and flight safety. It will specifically aim to explain
how and why pilots can be in a cockpit with the intention of causing the loss of
the aircraft and its occupants, despite the existenceof:
regulations setting mandatory medical criteria for flight crews, especially in the

areas of psychiatry, psychology and behavioural problems;

recruitment policies, as well as the initial and recurrent training processes
within airlines.
Cockpit security: the investigation will seek to understand the compromises that

were made between the requirements of security, specifically those that followed
the attacks on 11 September 2001, and the requirements of flight safety. In this
context, the investigation will include a focus on cockpit door locking systems
and cockpit access and exit procedures.


D-AIPX - 24 mars 2015

Bureau dEnqutes et dAnalyses

pour la scurit de laviation civile

10 rue de Paris
Zone Sud - Btiment 153
Aroport du Bourget
93352 Le Bourget Cedex - France
T : +33 1 49 92 72 00 - F : +33 1 49 92 72 03

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