Sap BW Int 11
Sap BW Int 11
Sap BW Int 11
BW maintains a saved version of that object but does not make it available for u
se when an InfoObject, InfoCube or ODS object is created. Once the object is act
ivated, BW creates an active version that is available for use.
5) What is the maximum number of key fields that you can have in an ODS object?
6) State the specific advantage of LO extraction over LIS extraction?
The load performance of LO extraction is better than that of LIS. In LIS 2 table
s are used for delta management that is cumbersome. In LO only 1 delta queue is
used for delta management.
7) State the importance of 0REQUID?
0REQUID is the InfoObject for Request id. OREQUID enables BW to distinguish betw
een different data records.
8) Can you add programs in the scheduler?
Yes. It can be done through event handling.
9) What is the importance of the table ROIDOCPRMS?
This is an IDOC parameter source system. Hence the table contains the details of
the data transfer like the source system of the data, data packet size, maximum
number of lines in a data packet, etc. The size of the data packet can be chang
ed through the control parameters option on SBIW i.e., the contents of this tabl
e can be changed.
10) Mention the importance of
start routine
in update rules?
A user exit that can be executed before the update rule starts to allow more com
plex computations for a key figure
or a characteristic is a Start routine. It has no return value. Its purpose is t
o execute preliminary calculations and finally store them in a global data struc
ture. This structure or table in the other routines can be assessed.
1) When does a programmer use IDOC data transfer?
For communication between logical systems like SAP R/3, R/2 and non-SAP systems
using ALE and for communication between an SAP R/3 system and a non-SAP system I
DOC data transfer is used. An IDOC is a data container for data exchange between
SAP systems or between SAP systems and external systems based on an EDI interfa
ce in BW. A limited file size of 1000 bytes is supported by IDOC.
2) What is the partitioning characteristic in CO-PA used for?
The characteristics are easier parallel search and load of data.
3) State the advantage of BW reporting on CO-PA data compared with directly runn
ing the queries on CO-PA?
The one which has a better performance advantage over reporting in R/3 is BW. Fo
r a huge amount of data, the R/3 reporting tool is at a very serious disadvantag
e because R/3 is modeled as an OLTP system and is good only for transaction proc
essing rather than analytical processing.
1) What is the common method of finding the tables used in any R/3 extraction?
By using the transaction LISTSCHEMA we can navigate the tables.
2) What are the differences between table view and InfoSet query?
An InfoSet Query is a query using flat tables.
3) How is data loaded from one InfoCube to another InfoCube?
Through DataMarts data can be loaded from one InfoCube to another InfoCube.
4) State the significance of setup tables in LO extractions?
It adds to the Selection Criteria to the LO extraction.
5) What are difference between extract structure and DataSource?
In Datasource, the data is defined from different source system, where as in ex
tract structure it contains the replicated data of datasource n where in we can
define extract rules and transfer rules .The Extract Structure is a record layou
t of InfoObjects. Extract Structure is created on SAP BW system.
6) What is referential integrity mechanism?
Referential integrity is the property that guarantees the values from one colum
n depends on values from another column. Hence this property is enforced through
integrity constraints.