Course Curricula of BSC Horticulture
Course Curricula of BSC Horticulture
Course Curricula of BSC Horticulture
Degree Programme
I. Fruit Science
S. No.
Course Code
Course Title
Cr. Hrs.
HPH 100
HPH 200
HPH 201
HPH 202
HPH 203
HPH 204
HPH 205
HPG 100
HPG 101
HPG 200
Fundamentals of Horticulture
Plant Propagation and Nursery Management
Tropical and Subtropical Fruits
Temperate Fruits
Orchard Management
Plantation Crops
Weed Management in Horticultural Crops
Principles of Genetics and Cytogenetics
Principles of Plant Breeding
Breeding of Fruit and Plantation Crops
3 (2+1)
2 (1+1)
3 (2+1)
2 (1+1)
2 (1+1)
3 (2+1)
2 (1+1)
3 (2+1)
3 (2+1)
3 (2+1)
26 (16+10)
3 (2+1)
3 (2+1)
3 (2+1)
HPV 200
HPM 200
HPV 201
HPV 203
HPV 204
HPV 202
3 (2+1)
2 (1+1)
2 (1+1)
16 (10+6)
HPT 100
HPT 101
HPT 102
2 (1+1)
3 (1+2)
3 (2+1)
8 (4+4)
HPF 100
HPF 101
HPF 102
HPF 103
Ornamental Horticulture
Breeding and Seed Production of Ornamental
Principles of Landscape Gardening
Commercial Floriculture
3 (2+1)
3 (2+1)
1 (0+1)
3 (2+1)
10 (6+4)
V. Plant Protection
S. No.
HNS 100
HNS 101
HNE 100
HNS 102
HNE 101
HNW 100
HNO 100
2 (1+1)
2 (1+1)
3 (2+1)
2 (1+1)
2 (1+1)
2 (1+1)
3 (2+1)
16 (9+7)
3 (2+1)
3 (2+1)
2 (1+1)
2 (2+0)
2 (2+0)
2 (1+1)
HBS 100
HBB 100
HBP 100
HME 100
HMB 100
HMC 100
HMC 101
HPH 101
HBE 100
HBM 100
VIII. Others
HPA 100
HPM 100
HPA 101
HWE 100
Introductory Agro-forestry
Medicinal and Aromatic Crops
Introduction to Major Field Crops
Physical Education /NSS /NCC
Grand Total
2 (1+1)
2 (1+1)
2 (1+1)
2 (1+1)
22 (14+8)
2 (1+1)
3 (2+1)
2 (1+1)
1 (0+1)
8 (4+4)
Cr. Hrs.
1+1 (NC)
0+1 (NC)
21 (13+8)
+ 3 (NC)
Semester II
HPH 201
HPV 200
HPG 101
HNS 101
HPT 100
HNW 100
HPH 200
HNE 100
HPH 101
22 (13+9)
Semester III
HPI 100
HPI 101
HPV 203
HPI 103
HPI 201
HNE 101
HPH 202
HPH 205
HPF 103
22 (13+9)
Semester IV
S. No.
Course Code
HNS 102
HPM 200
HPF 100
HPH 204
HPI 110
HPG 200
HPH 203
HPI 104
Cr. Hrs.
20 (12+8)
Semester V
HNO 100
HPA 101
HPM 100
HPA 100
HPV 201
HPI 202
HMC 100
HPV 204
Organic Farming
Introduction to Major Field Crops
Medicinal and Aromatic crops
Introductory Agroforestry
Breeding of Vegetable, tuber and Spice Crops
Diseases of Vegetable, Ornamentals and Spice Crops
Fundamentals of Extension Education
Potato & Tuber Crops
20 (12+8)
Semester VI
HPI 111
HPI 203
HPT 102
HPV 202
HPF 101
HPT 101
HMB 100
HMC 101
Insect Pests of Vegetable, Ornamental and Spice
Post harvest Management of Horticultural Crops
Seed production of Vegetable, tuber and Spice Crops
Breeding and Seed Production of Ornamental Plants
Processing of Horticultural Crops
Horti-Business Management
Communication Skills & Entrepreneurship
20 (12+8)
HWE 101
HWE 102
HWE 103
Experiential learning (Professional Package - I)
Experiential learning (Professional Package - II)
RHWEP & Placement in industries
(Professional Package III)
1. Fundamentals of Horticulture (HPH 100)
3 (2+1)
Economic importance and classification of horticultural crops and their culture and nutritive
value, area and production, exports and imports, fruit and vegetable zones of India and of
different states, nursery management practices, soil and climate, vegetable gardens, nutrition
and kitchen garden and other types of gardens principles, planning and layout, management
of orchards, planting systems and planting densities. Production and practices for fruit,
vegetable and floriculture crops, nursery techniques and their management. Principles and
methods of pruning and training of fruit crops, types and use of growth regulators in
horticulture, water management, weed management, fertility management in horticultural
crops, cropping systems, intercropping, multi-tier cropping, mulching, bearing habits, factors
influencing the fruitfulness and unfruitfulness. Rejuvenation of old orchards, top working,
frame working, principles of organic farming.
Practical: Features of orchard, planning and layout of orchard, tools and implements, layout
of nutrition garden, preparation of nursery beds for sowing of vegetable seeds, digging of pits
for fruit plants, planting systems, training and pruning of orchard trees, preparation of
fertilizer mixtures and field application, preparation and application of growth regulators,
layout of different irrigation systems, identification and management of nutritional disorder
in fruits and vegetables, assessment of bearing habits, maturity standards, harvesting,
grading, packaging and storage.
Propagation: Need and potentialities for plant multiplication, sexual and asexual methods of
propagation, advantages and disadvantages. Seed dormancy (scarification & stratification)
internal and external factors, nursery techniques, apomixes mono-embrony, polyembrony,
chimera & bud sport. Propagation Structures: Mist chamber, humidifiers, greenhouses,
glasshouses, cold frames, hot beds, poly-houses, nursery (tools and implements), use of
growth regulators in seed and vegetative propagation, methods and techniques of cutting,
layering, grafting and budding physiological & biochemical basis of rooting, factors
influencing rooting of cuttings and layering, graft in compatibility. Anatomical studies of bud
union, selection and maintenance of mother trees, collection of scion wood stick, scion-stock
relationship, and their influences, bud wood certification, techniques of propagation through
specialized organs, corm, runners, suckers. Micrografting, hardening of plants in nurseries.
Nursery registration act. Insect/pest/disease control in nursery.
Practical: Media for propagation of plants in nursery beds, pot and mist chamber. Preparation
of nursery beds and sowing of seeds. Raising of rootstock. Seed treatments for breaking
dormancy and inducing vigorous seedling growth. Preparation of plant material for potting.
Hardening plants in the nursery. Practicing different types of cuttings, layering, graftings and
buddings including opacity and grafting, etc. Use of mist chamber in propagation and
hardening of plants. Preparation of plant growth regulators for seed germination and
vegetative propagation. Visit to a tissue culture laboratory. Digging, labelling and packing of
fruit plants. Maintenance of nursery records. Use of different types of nursery tools and
implements for general nursery and virus tested plant material in the nursery. Cost of
establishment of a mist chamber, greenhouse, glasshouse, polyhouse and their maintenance.
Top grafting, bridge grafting and nursery management. Nutrient and plant protection
applications during nursery.
Classification of temperate fruits, detailed study of areas, production, varieties, climate and
soil requirements, propagation, planting density, cropping systems, after care training and
pruning, self incompatibility and pollinisers, use of growth regulators, nutrient and weed
management, harvesting, post-harvest handling and storage of apple, pear, peach, plum,
apricot, cherry, persimmon, strawberry, kiwi, Queens land nut (Mecademia nut), almond,
walnut, pecan nut, hazel nut and chest nut. Re- plant problem, rejuvenation and special
production problems like pre-mature leaf fall, physiological disorders, important insect
pests and diseases and their control measures.
Practical: Nursery management practices, description and identification of varieties of above
crops, manuring and fertilization, planting systems, preparation and use of growth regulators,
training and pruning in apple, pear, plum, peach and nut crops. Visit to private orchards to
diagnose maladies. Working out economics for apple, pear, plum, apricot and peach.
Orchard management, importance, objectives, merits and demerits, clean cultivation, sod
culture, Sod mulch, herbicides and inorganic and organic mulches. Tropical, sub-tropical and
temperate horticultural systems, competitive and complimentary effect of root and shoot
systems. Biological efficiency of cropping systems in horticulture, systems of irrigation. Soil
management in relation to nutrient and water uptake and their effect on soil environment,
moisture, organisms and soil properties. Integrated nutrient and pest management. Utilization
of resources constraints in existing systems. Crop model and crop regulation in relation to
cropping systems.
Practical: Layout of different systems of orchard soil management, clean, inter, cover and
mixed cropping, fillers. Use of mulch materials, organic and inorganic, moisture
conservation, weed control. Layout of various irrigation systems.
History and development, scope and importance, area and production, export and import
potential, role in national and state economy, uses, industrial importance, by-products
utilization, soil and climate, varieties, propagation: principles and practices of seed,
vegetative and micro-propagation, planting systems and method, gap filling, systems of
cultivation, mulching, shade regulation, weed and water management, training, pruning and
handling, nutrition, foliar feeding, role of growth regulators, soil management, liming
practices, tipping practices, top working, physiological disorders, harvesting, post-harvest
handling and processing, packaging and marketing, yield and economics of coconut, arecanut,
oil palm, palmyrah palm, cacao, cashew nut, coffee, tea and rubber.
Practical: Description and identification of coconut varieties, selection of coconut and
arecanut mother palm and seed nut, planting of seed nuts in nursery, layout and planting of
coconut, arecanut, oil palm, cashew nut, cacao gardens, manuring, irrigation; mulching,
raising masonry nursery for palm, nursery management in cacao. Description and
identification of species and varieties in coffee, harvesting, grading, pulping, fermenting,
washing, drying and packing of coffee, seed berry collection, seed extraction, treatment and
sowing of coffee, epicotyl, softwood, grafting and top working in cashew, working out the
economics and project preparation for coconut, arecanut, oil palm, cashew nut, cacao, etc.
Mother plant selection, preparation of cuttings and rooting of tea under specialized structure,
training, centering, pruning, tipping and harvesting of tea.
2 (1+1)
Historical background of genetics, theories and hypothesis. Physical basis of heredity, cell
reproduction, mitosis, meiosis and its significance. Gametogenesis and syngamy in plants.
Mendelian geneticsMendels principles of heredity, deviation from Mendelian inheritance,
pleiotropy, threshold characters, co-dominance, penetrance and expressivity. Chromosome
theory of inheritance, gene interaction. Modification of monohybrid and dihybrid rations.
Multiple alleles, quantitative inheritance linkage and crossing over, sex linked inheritance and
characters. Cytoplasmic inheritance and maternal effects. Chemical basis of heredity,
structure of DNA and its replication. Evidence to prove DNA and RNA as genetic material.
Mutations and their classification. Chromosomal aberrations, changes in chromosome
structure and number.
Practical: Study of fixatives and stains. Squash and smear techniques. Demonstrations of
permanent slides and cell division, illustration in plant cells, pollen fertility and viability,
determination of gametes, Solving problems of monohybrid, dihybrid, and test cross ratios
using chi-square test, gene interactions, estimation of linkages using three point test cross
from F2 data and construction of linkage maps. Genetic variation in man.
3 (2+1)
Plant breeding as a dynamic science, genetic basis of Plant Breeding classical, quantitative
and molecular, Plant Breeding in India limitations, major achievements, goal setting for
future. Sexual reproduction (cross and self pollination), asexual reproduction, pollination
control mechanism (incompatibility and sterility and implications of reproductive systems on
population structure). Genetic components of polygenic variation and breeding strategies,
selection as a basis of crop breeding. Hybridization and selection goals of hybridization,
selection of plants; population developed by hybridization simple crosses, bulk crosses and
complex crosses. General and special breeding techniques. Heterosis concepts, estimation
and its genetic basis.
Practical: Breeding objectives and techniques in major field crop plants. Floral biology its
measurement, emasculation, crossing and selfing techniques in major crops. Determination of
mode of reproduction in crop plants, handling of breeding material and maintenance of
experimental records in self and cross pollinated crops. Demonstration of hybrid variation and
production techniques.
3 (2+1)
3 (2+1)
Area, production, economic importance and export potential of tropical and sub-tropical
vegetable crops. Description of varieties and hybrid, climate and soil requirements, seed rate,
preparation of field, nursery practices; transplanting of vegetable crops and planting for
directly sown/transplanted vegetable crops. Spacing, planting systems, water and weed
management; nutrient management and deficiencies, use of chemicals and growth regulators.
Cropping systems, harvest, yield and seed production. Economic of cultivation of tropical and
sub-tropical vegetable crops; post-harvest handling and storage. Marketing of tomato, brinjal,
chillies, okra, amaranthus, cluster beans, cowpea, lab-lab, snap bean, cucurbits, moringa,
curry leaf, portulaca and basella.
Practical: Identification and description of tropical and sub-tropical vegetable crops; nursery
practices and transplanting, preparation of field and sowing/planting for direct sown and
planted vegetable crops. Herbicide use in vegetable culture; top dressing of fertilizers and
intercultural; use of growth regulators; identification of nutrient deficiencies. Physiological
disorder. Harvest indices and maturity standards, post-harvest handling and storage,
marketing, seed extraction (cost of cultivation for tropical and sub-tropical vegetable crops),
project preparation for commercial cultivation.
3 (2+1)
History, scope and importance, area and production, uses, export potential and role in national
economy. Classification, soil and climate, propagation-seed, vegetative and micropropagation
systems and methods of planting. Nutritional management, irrigation practices, weed control,
mulching and cover cropping. Training and pruning practices, role of growth regulators,
shade crops and shade regulation. Harvesting, post-harvest technology, packaging, storage,
value added products, methods of extraction of essential oil and oleoresins. Economics of
cultivation, role of Spice Board and Pepper Export Promotion Council, institutions and
research centers in R&D. Crops: Cardamom, pepper, ginger, turmeric, clove, nutmeg,
cinnamon, all spice, curry leaf, coriander, fenugreek, fennel, cumin, dill, celery, bishops
weed, saffron, vanilla, thyme and rosemary.
Practical: Identification of varieties: propagation, seed treatment sowing; layout, planting;
hoeing and earthing up; manuring and use of weedicides, training and pruning; fixing
maturity standards, harvesting, curing, processing, grading and extraction of essential oils and
oleoresins. Visit to commercial plantations.
3 (2+1)
Centres of origin, plant bio-diversity and its conservation. Models of reproduction, pollination
systems and genetics of important vegetable, tuber and spice crops. Self-incompatibility and
male sterility, its classification and application in crop improvement. Principles of breeding
self-pollinated crops, pure line selection, mass selection, heterosis breeding, hybridization,
pedigree method, mass pedigree method, bulk method, modified bulk method, single seed
descent method and back cross method. Polyploidy breeding. Mutation breeding. Principles
of breeding cross pollinated crops, mass selection, recurrent selection, heterosis breeding,
synthetics and composits. Application of biotechnology in crop improvement. Crops:
Solanaceous vegetables, cole crops, cucurbits, bulb crops, root crops, leafy vegetables, okra,
leguminous crops.
Practical: Floral biology and pollination mechanism in self and cross pollinated vegetables,
tuber crops and spices. Working out phenotypic and genotypic heritability, genetic advance.
Preparation and uses of chemical and physical mutagens. Polyploidy breeding and
chromosomal studies. Techniques of F1 hybrid seed production. Maintenance of breeding
Introduction and history of seed industry in India. Definition of seed. Differences between
grain and seed. Importance and scope of vegetable seed production in India. Principles of
vegetable seed production. Role of temperature, humidity and light in vegetable seed
production. Methods of seed production of cole crops, root vegetables, solanaceous
vegetables, cucurbits, leafy vegetables, bulb crops, leguminous vegetables and exotic
vegetables. Seed germination and purity analysis. Field and seed standards. Seed drying and
extraction. Seed legislation.
Practical: Study of seed structure, colour size, shape and texture. Field inspection of seed
crops. Practices in rouging. Harvesting and seed extraction. Germination and purity analysis.
Methods of seed production in cole crops, root vegetables, bulb crops, solanaceous
vegetables, cucurbits, leafy vegetables, leguminous vegetables and exotic vegetables. Seed
processing machines. Visit to seed production units.
Importance of cool season vegetable crops in nutrition and national economy. Area,
production, export potential, description of varieties and hybrids, origin, climate and soil,
production technologies, seed production, post-harvest technology. Marketing of cabbage,
cauliflower, knol-khol, sprouting broccoli, Brussels sprout, lettuce, palak, Chinese cabbage,
spinach, garlic, onion, leek, radish, carrot, turnip, beet root, peas, broad beans, rhubarb,
asparagus, globe artichoke etc.
Practical: Identification and description of varieties/hybrids; propagation methods, nursery
management; preparation of field, sowing/transplanting; identification of physiological and
nutritional disorders and their corrections; post-harvest handling; cost of cultivation and field
visits to commercial farms.
2 (1+1)
Origin, area, production, economic importance and export potential of potato and tropical,
sub-tropical and temperate tuber crops; description of varieties and hybrids. Climate and soil
requirement, season; seed rate; preparation of field; planting practices; spacing; water,
nutrient and weed management; nutrient deficiencies. Use of chemicals and growth
regulators; cropping systems. Harvesting practices, yield; seed production, economics of
cultivation. Post-harvest handling and storage, field and seed standards, marketing. Crops to
be covered potato, tapioca, sweet potato, arrow root, cassava, colocasia, xanthosoma,
amorphophallus, dioscorea, Jerusalem artichoke, horse radish and other under exploited tuber
Practical: Identification and description of potato and tropical, sub-tropical and temperate
tuber crops; planting systems and practices; field preparation and sowing/planting. Top
dressing of fertilizers and interculture and use of herbicides and growth regulators;
identification of nutrient deficiencies, physiological disorders; harvest indices and maturity
standards, post-harvest handling and storage, marketing. Seed collection, working out cost of
cultivation, project preparation of commercial cultivation.
2 (1+1)
Food and its function, physico-chemical properties of foods, food preparation techniques,
nutrition, relation of nutrition of good health. Characteristics of well and malnourished
population. Energy, definition, determination of energy requirements, food energy, total
energy needs of the body. Carbohydrates: classification, properties, functions, source,
requirements, digestion, absorption and utilization. Protein, classification, properties,
functions, sources, requirements, digestion, absorption, essential and non-essential amino
acids, quality of proteins, PER/NPR/NPU, supplementary value of proteins and deficiency.
Lipids classification, properties, functions, sources, requirements, digestion, absorption and
utilization, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, deficiency, rancidity, refining of fats.
Mineral nutrition: macro and micro-minerals (Ca, Fe and P), function, utilization,
requirements, sources, effects of deficiency. Vitamins: functions, sources, effects of
deficiency, requirements of water soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. Balanced diet:
recommended dietary allowances for various age groups, assessment of nutritional status of
the population.
Practical: Methods of measuring food ingredients, effect of cooking on volume and weight,
determination of percentage of edible portion. Browning reactions of fruits and vegetables.
Microscopic examination of starches, estimation of energy, value proteins and fats of foods.
Planning diet for various age groups.
3 (1+2)
Importance and scope of fruit and vegetable preservation industry in India, food pipe line,
losses in post-harvest operations, unit operations in food processing. Principles and guidelines
for the location of processing units. Principles and methods of preservation by heat
pasteurization, canning, bottling etc. Methods of preparation of juices, squashes, syrups,
cordials and fermented beverages. Jam, jelly and marmalade. Preservation by sugar and
chemicals, candies, crystallized fruits, preserves chemical preservatives, preservation with
salt and vinegar, pickling, chutneys and sauces, tomato and mushrooms, freezing preservation
etc. Processing of plantation crops, products, spoilage in processed foods, quality control of
processed products, Govt. policy on import and export of processed fruits. Food laws.
Practical: Equipment used in food processing units. Physico-chemical analysis of fruits and
vegetables. Canning of fruits and vegetables, preparation of squash, RTS, cordial, syrup, jam,
jelly, marmalade, candies, preserves, chutneys, sauces, pickles (hot and sweet). Dehydration
of fruits and vegetables tomato product dehydration, refrigeration and freezing, cut-out
analysis of processed foods. Processing of plantation crops. Visit to processing units.
3 (2+1)
3 (2+1)
Practical: Principles and elements of landscape design, plant material for landscaping,
symbols, tools and implements used in landscape design, layout of formal gardens, informal
gardens, special type of gardens (bog garden, sunken garden, terrace garden, rock garden) and
designing of conservatory and lathe house. Landscape design for specific areas.
4. Commercial Floriculture (HPF 103)
(Sections: Plant Pathology, Entomology & Nematology)
1. Fundamentals of Plant Pathology (HPI 100)
3 (2+1)
Introduction to the science of phytopathology, its objectives, scope and historical background.
Classification of plant diseases, symptoms, signs, and related terminology. Parasitic causes of
plant diseases (fungi, bacteria, viruses, phytoplasma, protozoa, algae and flowering parasitic
plants), their characteristics and classification. Non-parasitic causes of plant diseases.
Infection process. Survival and dispersal of plant pathogens. Plant disease epidemiology,
forecasting and disease assessment. Principles and methods of plant disease management.
Integrated plant disease management.
Practical: Familiarity with general plant pathological laboratory and field equipments. Study
of disease symptoms and signs and host parasite relationship. Identification and isolation of
plant pathogens. Koch's postulates. Preparation of fungicidal solutions, slurries, pastes and
their applications.
Introduction to mushrooms fungi nutritional value, edible and poisonous types, edible
mushrooms, Pleurotus, Volvariella and Agaricus, medicinal value of mushrooms, genetic
improvement of mushroom, preparation of culture, mother spawn production, multiplication
of spawn, cultivation techniques, harvesting, packing and storage; problems in cultivation
diseases, pest and nematodes weed moulds and their management strategies. Economics of
cultivation, post harvest technologies. Equipment and sterilization techniques for culture
media, isolation of mother culture, and span preparation and maintenance of mushroom beds
of oyster mushroom, Volvariella and Agaricus. Processing and preservations of mushrooms,
economics of spawn and mushroom production and mushroom recipes.
3. Diseases of Fruits, Plantation and Medicinal & Aromatic Crops (HPI 201)
3 (2+1)
3 (2+1)
3 (2+1)
2 (1+1)
7. Insect Pests of Fruit, Plantation, Medicinal and Aromatic Crops (HPI 104)
3 (2+1)
3 (2+1)
Economic importance of insects in vegetable, ornamental and spice crops -ecology and pest
management with reference to these crops. Pest surveillance in important vegetable,
ornamental and spice crops. Distribution, host range, bio-ecology, injury, integrated
management of important insect-pests affecting vegetable, ornamental and spice crops.
Important storage insect-pests of vegetable, ornamental and spice crops, their host range,
bioecology, injury and integrated management. Insectpests of processed vegetables and
ornamental crops, their host range, bio-ecology, injury and integrated management.
Insecticidal residue problems in vegetables and ornamental crops, tolerance limits etc.
Practical: Study of symptoms, damage, collection, identification, preservation, assessment of
damage/population of important insect-pests affecting vegetable, ornamental and spice crops
in field and during storage.
Composition of earths crust, soil as a natural body - major components. Eluviations and
illuviation formation of various soils. Problem soils: salt soils, permeable, flooded, sandy soil
properties. Physical parameters; texture definition, methods of textural analysis, stocks
law, assumption, limitations, textural classes, use of textural triangle; absolute specific
gravity, definition, apparent specific gravity/bulk density factors influencing, field bulk
density. Relation between BD (bulk density), AD practical problems. Pore space definition,
factors affecting capillary and non-capillary porosity, soil colour definition, its significance,
colour variable, value hue and chroma. Munsell colour chart, factors influencing, parent
material, soil moisture, organic matter, soil structure, definition, classification, clay prism like
structure, factors influencing genesis of soil structure, soilconsistency, plasticity, Atterbergs
constants. Soil air, air capacity, composition, factors influencing, amount of air space, soil air
renewal, soil temperature, sources and distribution of heat, factors influencing, measurement,
chemical properties, soil colloids, organic, humus, inorganic, secondary silicate, clay, hydrous
oxides. Ion exchange, cation-anion importance, soil organic matter decomposition, pH and
nutrient availability, soil buffering capacity, soil water, forms, hygroscopic, capillary and
gravitational, soil moisture constants, hygroscopic coefficient, wilting point, field capacity,
moisture equivalent, maximum water holding capacity, energy concepts, PF scale,
measurement, gravimetric electric and tensiometer methods pressure plate and pressure
membrane apparatus Neutron probe soil water movement classification aerial
photography satellite of soil features their interpretation; soil orders; land capability
classification; soil of different eco-systems and their properties, management of problem
soils soils environmental quality. Irrigation water quality, determination of quality
parameters, empirical equation management of irrigation water.
Practical: Collection and preparation of soil samples, estimation of moisture, EC, pH and
bulk density. Textural analysis of soil by Robinsons pipette method, chemical analysis of soil
Fe2O3, P, K, Ca, Mg and S, total N, organic carbon and cation exchange capacity.
2 (1+1)
Introduction to soil fertility and productivity- factors affecting. Essential plant nutrient
elements- functions, deficiency systems, transformations and availability. Acid, calcareous
and salt affected soil-characteristics and management. Role of microorganisms in organic
matter- decomposition humus formation. Importance of C:N ratio and pH in plant nutrition.
Integrated plant nutrient management. Soil fertility evaluation methods, critical limits of plant
nutrient elements and hunger signs. NPK fertilizers: composition and application
methodology, luxury consumption, nutrient interactions, deficiency symptoms, visual
Practical: Analysis of soil for organic matter, available N,P,K and Micronutrients and
interpretations. Gypsum requirement of saline and alkali soils. Lime requirement of acid soils.
3 (2+1)
Environment: introduction, definition and importance. Components of environmentinteractions with organisms. Global and Indian environment - past and present status.
Environmental pollution and pollutants. Air, water, food, soil, noise pollution - sources,
causes and types. Smog, acid rain, global warming, ozone hole, eutrophication, sewage and
hazardous waste management. Impact of different pollutions on humans, organisms and
environment. Introduction to biological magnification of toxins. Deforestation - forms and
causes, relation to environment. Prevention and control of pollution - technological and
sociological measures and solutions - Indian and global efforts. India, international and
voluntary agencies for environmental conservation - mandates and activities. International
conferences, conventions and summits - major achievements. Environmental policy and
legislation in India. Introduction to environmental impact assessment. Causes of
environmental degradation - socio-economic factors. Human population growth and lifestyle.
Practical: Visit to local areas - river/forest/ grassland/catchment etc. to document component
of ecosystem. Study of common plants, insects, birds and animals. Visit to industries to study
pollution abatement techniques.
2 (1+1)
Methods of soil and plant sampling and processing for analysis. Quantification of minerals
and their abundance. Soil structure and aggregate analysis. Theories and concepts of soil
moisture estimation gravimetric, tensiometric, gypsum block, neutron probe and pressure
methods. Characterization of hydraulic mobility diffusion and mass flow. Renewal of gases
in soil and their abundance. Methods of estimation of oxygen diffusion rate and redox
potential. Soil fertility evaluation methods. Use of radio tracer techniques in soil fertility
evaluation. Soil micro-organisms and their importance. Saline, alkali, acid, waterlogged and
sandy soils, their appraisal and management. Chemical and mineral composition of
horticultural crops. Leaf analysis standards, index tissue, interpretation of leaf analysis values.
Principles of working of pH meter, electrical conductivity meter, spectrophotometer, flame
photometer and atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Quality of irrigation water.
Practical: Collection and preparation of soil and plant samples for analysis. Determination of
water holding capacity and hydraulic conductivity of soil. Estimation of moisture content in
soils and plants. Determination of pH, electrical conductivity, sodium adsorption ratio and
exchangeable sodium percentage of soils. Enumeration of soil microbes. Estimation of
available macro and micronutrient elements in soils and their contents in plants. Irrigation
water quality analysis.
2 (1+1)
Basic concepts of various forms of energy, unit and dimensions of force, energy and power,
calculations with realistic examples. IC Engines: Basic principles of operation of
compression, ignition and spark ignition engines, two stroke and four stroke engines, cooling
and lubrication system, power transmission system, broad understanding of performance and
efficiency, tractors, power tillers and their types and uses. Electric motors: types, construction
and performance comparison. Tillage: objectives, method of ploughing. Primary tillage
implements: construction and function of indigenous ploughs, improved indigenous ploughs,
mould board ploughs, disc and rotary ploughs. Secondary tillage implements: construction
and function of tillers, harrows, levelers, ridgers and bund formers. Sowing and transplanting
equipment: seed drills, potato planters, seedling transplanter. Grafting, pruning and training
tools and equipment. Inter-culture equipment: sweep. Junior hoe, weeders, long handle
weeders. Crop harvesting equipments: potato diggers, fruit pluckers, tapioca puller and hoists.
Practical: Calculation on force, power and energy. IC engines showing the components of
dismantled engines and motors. Primary and secondary tillage implements, hitching,
adjustments and operations. Spraying equipment, calibration and operation. Plant protection
equipment, calculation of dilution ratio and operation.
Importance of water, water resources in India. Area of different crops under irrigation,
function of water for plant growth, effect of moisture stress on crop growth. Available and
unavailable soil moisture distribution of soil moisture water budgeting rooting
characteristics moisture extraction pattern. Water requirement of horticultural crops
lysimeter studies Plant water potential climatological approach use of pan evaporimeter
factor for crop growth stages critical stages of crop growth for irrigation. Irrigation
scheduling different approaches methods of irrigation surface and sub-surface
pressurized methods viz., sprinkler and drip irrigation, their suitability, merits and limitations,
fertigation, economic use of irrigation water. Water management problem, soils quality of
irrigation water, irrigation management practices for different soils and crops. Layout of
different irrigation systems, drip, sprinkler. Layout of underground pipeline system.
Practical: Measurements of irrigation water by using water measuring devices, use of
common formula in irrigation practices, practicing of land leveling and land shaping
implements, layout for different methods of irrigation. Estimation of soil moisture constants
and soil moisture by using different, methods and instruments, scheduling of irrigation,
different approaches, practicing use of instruments, estimation of irrigation efficiency and
water requirements of horticultural crops, irrigation planning and scheduling, soil moisture
conservation practices.
2 (1+1)
3 (2+ 1)
Basic concepts: Variable statistics, types and sources of data, classification and tabulation of
Data,construction of frequency distribution, tables, graphic representation of data, simple,
multiple component and percentage, bar diagram, pie diagram, histogram, frequency polygon
and frequency curve average and measures of location, mean, mode, median, geometric
mean, harmonic mean, percentiles and quadrilles, for raw and grouped data. Dispersion:
Range, standard deviation, variance, coefficient of variation for raw and grouped data.
Probability: Basic concept, additive and multiplicative laws. Theoretical distributions,
binominal, poison and normal distributions, sampling, basic concepts, sampling vs. complete
enumeration parameter and statistic, sampling methods, simple random sampling and
stratified random sampling. Tests of Significance: Basic concepts, tests for equality of means,
and independent and paired t-tests, chi-square test for application of attributes and test for
goodness of fit of mendelian ratios. Correlation: Scatter diagram, correlation co-efficient and
its properties, regression, fitting of simple linear regression, test of significance of correlation
and regression coefficient. Experimental Designs: Basic concepts, completely randomized
design, randomized block design, latin square designs, factorial experiments, basic concepts,
analysis of factorial experiments up to 3 factors split plot design, strip plot design, long
term experiments, plot size, guard rows. Computer application: Introduction to computers and
personal computers, operating system, DOS and Windows 95, introduction to programming
languages, BASIC language, concepts, basic and programming techniques, MS Office, Win
Word, Excel, Power Point, introduction to Multi-Media and its application. VISUAL BASICconcepts, basic and programming techniques, introduction to Internet.
Practical: Construction of frequency distribution table and its graphical representation,
histogram, frequency polygon, frequency curve, bar chart, simple, multiple, component and
percentage bar charts, pie chart, mean, mode for row and grouped data, percentiles, quadrille,
and median for row and grouped data, coefficient of variation, t test for independent, will
equal and unequal variants, paired t test, chi-square test for contingency tables and
theoretical ratios, correlation and linear regression. Studies on computer components BASIC
language, VISUAL BASIC, programming techniques, MS Office, Excel, Power Point.
Water Relations in Plants: Role of water in plant metabolism, osmosis inhibition, diffusion,
water potential and its components, measurement of water potential in plants, absorption of
water, mechanism of absorption and ascent of sap. Stomata: Structure, distribution,
classification, mechanism of opening and closing of stomata. Osmotic pressure, guttation,
stem bleeding; transpiration methods and mechanism and factors affecting transpiration.
Drought: Different types of stresses; water, heat and cold tolerance; mechanism of tolerance.
Plant Nutrition: Essentiality, mechanism of absorption and its role in plant metabolism.
Photosynthesis, structure and function of chloroplast, dark and light reactions, cyclic and noncyclic electron transfer, CO2 fixation C3, C4 and CA metabolism, advantages of C4
pathway. Photorespiration and its implications, factors affecting photosynthesis.
Phytohormones, physiological role in controlling plant processes. Environmental stimuli for
plant development.
Practical: Measurement of water potential, osmosis, root pressure, structure of the stomata,
distribution, opening and closing of the stomata, measurement, transpiration and calculation
of transpirational pull demonstration. Importance of light and chlorophyll in photosynthesis,
pigment identification in horticultural crops and studying the enzyme activity of catalase,
estimation of phenols, studying plant movements, root initiation in cuttings.
Nature and scope of economics, definition and concepts, divisions of economics, economic
systems, approaches to the study of economics. Consumption theory of consumer
behaviour, laws of consumption, classification of goods. Wants their characteristics and
classification, utility and its measurement, cardinal and ordinal, law of diminishing marginal
utility, law of equi-marginal utility, indifference curve and its properties, consumer
equilibrium. Theory of demand, demand schedule and curve, market demand. Price, income
and cross elasticities, Engils law of family expenditure consumers surplus. Theory of
firm, factors of production land and its characteristics, labour and division of labour,
theories of population. Capital and its characteristics classification and capital formation.
Enterprises forms of business organization merits and demerits. Laws or return law of
diminishing marginal return cost concepts. Law of supply supply schedule and curve
elasticities. Market equilibrium, distribution theories of rent, wage, interest and profit. Price
determination and forecasting under various market structures.
2 (1+1)
(NC) 2 (1+1)
2(1+ 1)
1. Introductory Agroforestry (HPA 100)
2 (1+1)
3 (2+1)
History, scope, opportunities and constraints in the cultivation and maintenance of medicinal
and aromatic plants in India. Importance, origin, distribution, area, production, climatic and
soil requirements, propagation and nursery techniques, planting and after care, cultural
practices, training and pruning, nutritional and water requirements. Plant protection,
harvesting and processing of under mentioned important medicinal and aromatic plants.
Study of chemical composition of a few important medicinal and aromatic plants, extraction,
use and economics of drugs and essential oils in medicinal and aromatic plants. Therapeutic
and pharmaceutical uses of important species. Medicinal Plants: Betelvine, periwinkle,
Rauvolfia, Dioscorea, Isabgol, Ammi majus, Belladonna, Cinchona, Pyrethrum and other
species relevant to local conditions. Aromatic Plants: Citronella grass, khus grass, flag (baje),
lavender, geranium, patchouli, bursera, enthe, musk, Ocimum and other species relevant to
the local conditions.
Practical: Collection of medicinal and aromatic plants from their natural habitat and study
their morphological description, nursery techniques, harvesting, curing and processing
techniques and extraction essential oils.
2 (1+1)
Classification and distribution of field crops, definitions and concept of multiple cropping,
mixed cropping, intercropping, relay and alley cropping, cultural practices for raising major
cereals, pulses, oil seeds and fodder crops, green manuering, crop rotation.
Practical: Identification of crop plants, seeds and weeds. Preparation of cropping scheme.
Application of herbicides in field crops.
(NC) 1(0+1)
Horticultural Work Experience (HWE 101, HWE 102 & HWE 103)
40 (10+30)
The students will spend two full semesters working with State Department of
Horticulture; Horticulture based industries, commercial horticulture farms, plantation
industries etc. to gain first hand information and hands-on-training in the chosen area of
Professional Packages
Nomenclature of Courses
The following symbols are allotted for numbering of course of B.Sc. Horticulture:
First Letter
College of Horticulture
Second Letter
Basic Science
Plant Science
Third Letter
Chemistry, Communication
Vegetable Science
Organic Farming